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Objective and Subjective Effectiveness of Students in the Context of Their Activity Level
Jach, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
students’ activity
emerging adulthood
career capital
signalling theory
evolutionally psychology
Within recent years the percentage of students in relation to the total population of young adults has been increasing in Poland. In search of the psychological consequences of this situation a study has been conducted on the relation between the level of activity of students and both the objective and subjective indicators of their effectiveness and the level of autotelism/calculation of the initiated activities. The study in question has been performed among a group of 473 students of the University of Silesia, and the results thereof indicate differences between the non-active, averagely active and above-averagely active students in the scope of grade point averages, the amount of granted scholarships, subjectively perceived attractiveness for colleagues as well as for the potential employer, the level of identity integration and the position in group hierarchy. The theoretical concept for analyses is constituted by the concept of emerging adulthood, the evolutionary approach and the concept of career capital.
The New Educational Review; 2014, 35; 265-276
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kubaj, Grygorij
Iedinak, Genadij
Halamandzhuk, Lesia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej. Katedra Kultury Fizycznej
motivation, physical activity, physical education, students of medical college.
Kubaj G. V., Iedinak G. A., Halamandzhuk L. L. The effectiveness of the experimental content of physical education in improving morphofunctional indexes of students of Medical College. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(9):797-804. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI  The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 02.09.2016. Revised 24.09.2016. Accepted: 24.09.2016.  THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EXPERIMENTAL CONTENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN IMPROVING MORPHOFUNCTIONAL INDEXES OF STUDENTS OF MEDICAL COLLEGE G.V. Kubaj, Prykarpattya National Vasyl Stefanyk University, Ukraine G.A. Iedinak, Lviv State University of Physical Culture, UkraineL.L. Halamandzhuk, Kamyanets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Ukraine Summary. The effectiveness of the content of physical education of students of medical college has been studied for one academic year through their involvement into systematic physical activity. One of the results of resolving this problem was students’ improvement in morphofunctional indexes. The developed organizational and methodological principles were the basis of the proposed content through the involvement of students of medical college for physical activity during physical education classes. Each position included a set of rules that were performed in a certain sequence during the formation of the content of physical education and its implementation in classes. Proposed development has provided 21 girls and 19 boys significantly better results in solving problems within a year than 58 girls and 35 boys who used the content of physical education that was formed and implemented without specified experimental factor.Key words: motivation, physical activity, physical education, students of medical college.
Journal of Education, Health and Sport; 2016, 6, 9
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education, Health and Sport
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessing the level of well-being in individuals practicing sport
Ocena poziomu samopoczucia osób uprawiających sport
Pieniążek, Magdalena
Mańko, Grzegorz
Sosulska, Angelika
Jaszczur-Nowicki, Jarosław
Lozinska, Irina
Jarząbek, Beata
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie
students’ physical activity
regular training
mental health
aktywność fizyczna studentów
regularny trening
zdrowie psychiczne
Background and aim: There is an increasing body of evidence that physical exercise may have a positive effect on people’s mental condition and well-being. Numerous study results indicate that physical activity helps in the treatment of depression and anxiety. This allows for a conclusion that sport – to a great extent – influences not only people’s physical aspects, but also their psyche. Sedentary lifestyle, time pressure and stress that accompanies people at an increasingly younger age contribute both to higher incidence of numerous civilisation diseases and to problems with mental health. The purpose of the study was to verify whether individuals practicing sports manifest better well-being than non-training individuals. Methods: A general interview was conducted with 80 students (40 individuals practicing sports and 40 individuals not practicing sports at all), whereupon they were requested to complete the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale questionnaire. Results: The individuals practicing sport exhibit greater well-being than the subjects from the control group. It was also demonstrated that the males in the study group exhibit greater wellbeing than the females from the same group However, no findings were made that longer duration of a single training session, its frequency or the time when a given person started practicing sport had any influence on his/her well-being. Conclusions: Practicing sports has a positive influence on people’s well-being. Physical activity should be promoted from as early an age as possible to minimise the risk of numerous diseases in the future, including those affecting mental health.
Wstęp: Istnieje coraz więcej dowodów na to, że ćwiczenia fizyczne mogą w pozytywny sposób wpłynąć na stan psychiczny i samopoczucie ludzi. Wiele wyników badań wskazuje na to, że aktywność fizyczna jest pomocna w przypadku leczenia depresji czy niepokoju. Pozwala to stwierdzić, że sport w dużym stopniu wpływa nie tylko na aspekt fizyczny człowieka ale również na jego psychikę. Siedzący tryb życia, presja czasu oraz stres towarzyszący ludziom w coraz młodszym wieku przyczynia się do wzrostu występowania wielu chorób cywilizacyjnych ale także problemów ze zdrowiem psychicznym. Badanie miało na celu sprawdzenie, czy osoby uprawiające sport będą cechowały się lepszym samopoczuciem od osób nietrenujących. Analizie poddano także czas trwania treningu, jego częstotliwość oraz czas, od kiedy dana osoba rozpoczęła uprawianie sportu. Metody: Wywiad ogólny został przeprowadzony z 80 studentami (40 osób uprawiających sport i 40 nietrenujących) następnie zostali oni poproszeni o wypełnienie kwestionariusza Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale. Wyniki: Osoby uprawiające sport cechują się lepszym samopoczuciem niż osoby z grupy kontrolnej. Wykazano także, że mężczyźni w grupie badanej charakteryzują się lepszym samopoczuciem niż kobiety z tej samej grupy. Wyniki te są istotne statystycznie. Nie stwierdzono natomiast, aby dłuższy czas pojedynczego treningu, jego częstotliwość oraz czas rozpoczęcia uprawiania sportu miał wpływ na samopoczucie. Wnioski: Analiza zebranego materiału pozwoliła na stwierdzenie, że uprawianie sportu wpływa pozytywnie na samopoczucie. Ogólny czas trwania treningu nie wykazał związku z samopoczuciem, jednak należy podkreślić, że najkrótszy przedział czasowy treningu wynosi 1 rok. Aktywność fizyczna powinna być promowana od najmłodszych lat, aby w przyszłości zniwelować ryzyko wystąpienia wielu chorób, w tym związanych ze zdrowiem psychicznym.
Medical Rehabilitation; 2020, 24(2); 15-19
Pojawia się w:
Medical Rehabilitation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interaction of subjects of the educational process of primary school: results of experimental research
Fomin, Kateryna
Budnyk, Olena
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
educational dialogue
teacher training
primary school
communicative activity of students
educational innovations
Inthis the essence of the problem of organizing interaction of the subjects of the educational process. A review of scientific sources on the research problem is done. Based on empirical research, the results of studying the readiness of primary school teachers to organize interaction in the classroom are presented. The analysis of the survey, in which Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine) teachers participated, was carried out. The subject of the study was to determine the concept of "dialogic interaction", the use of this method in primary school, as well as teachers' difficulties in organizing interactive learning in the classroom: insufficient methodological support, the gap between theoretical knowledge and challenges of school practice. 48.2% of teachers use interaction every day or at each lesson to intensify students' learning activities, to stimulate their cognitive interests, to establish cooperation and co-creation. There are also respondents who do not practice or use this technique very rarely. It was found that some respondents (almost 55%) will have difficulty in organizing interactive interaction in the educational process; 25% - indicated some difficulties using these methods in primary school, 20% - have no difficulty organizing an educational dialogue with students in class.
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy; 2020, 1; 29-39
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mandrazhy, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój w Warszawie
Students’ research activity
intellectual property
copyright protection
the rule of law
działalność badawcza studentów
własność intelektualna
ochrona praw autorskich
The article is dedicated to the revelation of important of study of the basis of law and on a few concrete examples based on mathematical material it has been shown the importance the validity of the legal questions raised.
Artykuł poświęcony jest znaczeniu nauki prawa własności intelektualnej i praw autorskich w nauczaniu i działalności badawczej studentów. Dla podkreślenia tematu ukazano problem na kilku konkretnych przykładach opartych na materiale matematycznym, co ukazuje znaczenie ważności podnoszonych kwestii prawnych.
International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS); 2017, 1(1); 203-220
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physical activity of Polish and Turkish university students as assessed by IPAQ
Bednarek, Justyna
Pomykała, Sylwia
Bigosińska, Monika
Szyguła, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
physical activity
Purpose: We examine physical activity levels of Polish and Turkish students to determine cross-cultural and gender differences in exercise habits. Methods: Our study assessed 50 students from Adnan Menderes University in Aydin, Turkey and 50 students from the University of Physical Education in Krakow, Poland. Physical activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ; short form). Results were expressed in MET-minutes/week (Metabolic Equivalent of Task). Results: More than half of the students (52%) engaged in moderate physical activity in the week prior to the survey, while a quarter of the students (37%) engaged in vigorous physical activity. Low levels of physical activity were reported by 11% of the students. Total physical activity per week, expressed in MET-minutes/week, was significantly higher for Polish students (5,953.51 MET) than for Turkish students (3,095.45 MET). Moderate physical activity was higher among Turkish students while vigorous physical activity was higher among Polish students. Physical activity contrasts were further exemplified between genders. Polish women engaged in significantly more (p < 0.05) total physical activity than Turkish women. Total physical activity, high-level physical activity, and moderate-level physical activity differences were not significant (p > 0.05) between Polish and Turkish men. Conclusion: Polish university students engage in more physical activity than students from Turkey. Men were more physically active in both countries. More than half of Turkish students do not meet minimum weekly physical activity the World Health Organization recommends for preserving health.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2016, 16, 4; 13-22
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physical activity of students from selected countries. Studies review.
Bergier, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
International Physical Activity Questionnaire
Physical activity
Purpose: The aim of the presented study was the comparison of physical activity of students from selected countries. The key of paper selection was to find various kinds of students groups from different countries and different cultures. The author compared results of students’ physical activity.Materials and methods: The paper compare the previously published papers aboutphysical activity of students from selected countries. All respondents were examined using as an instrument the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), a standardized questionnaire which enables the investigation and comparison of activity of various population groups.Results: Analysis of results of the study showed a great differentiation among students from individual countries. In each examined group of students, males proved to be the most active gender; however, among countries characterized by the highest physical activity, the results obtained by females were sometimes higher than those concerning males from countries characterized by lower activity. The study showed that the most active students are Americans and Czechs, whereas students from Croatia and South Africa show low physical activity.Conclusions: The conducted analyses demonstrated that in each country in the study the level of total activity is higher among males than females. The differences in the results of the summary MET value in males remained within the range 2,800 – 6,500 MET, while in females - within the range 1,700 – 5,900 MET. Male students were usually characterized by a high level of physical activity, whereas female students by a moderate level. Among Polish students, similar to their contemporaries from other countries, the level of total physical activity was higher among males than females. Polish students were most often characterized by a moderate level of physical activity.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2015, 5, 2; 169-173
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social activity of academic youth. Report on the research of students from the Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
Cieślikowska, Magdalena
Smalej, Olga
Wrochna, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój w Warszawie
social activity
social activity of youth
In today's world, social activity is an extremely important element in the process of building a civil society and social capital. Moreover, apart from activities for the common good, this aspect is a key element of personal development, allowing even to gain highly-valued experience in the labor market. Considering the age, lifestyle and educational capital of university students. it can be assumed that this group may be characterized by a high level of activity in the social field. However, numerous analyz-es carried out by research institutions indicate a low level of this activity among the university students. The article is an attempt to verify the above thesis based on studies carried out among students of the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. In the assumption, the article points to: diagnosis of the tendency of students to undertake social activities; assessment of the values that determine pro-social and "pro-civil" attitudes, which constitute a barrier to the development of this field; and draws attention to the activi-ties that prevail, and which become marginalized.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences; 2019, 9(1); 399-413
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Study of nursing students physical activity levels
Baj-Korpak, J.
Korpak, F.
Shpakou, A.
Pauliuts, V.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu
physical activity
Background: Numerous connections between physical activity (PA) and health clearly indicate that nowadays conscious and purposeful PA is essential. Aim of the study: To determine PA levels reported by University nursing students and to indicate the dominant activity areas. Material and methods: A diagnostic survey which included the International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Short Form (IPAQ) was used to examine 419 students of nursing. Results: The reported total PA of the students under investigation was 3443.9 MET-min/week. Walking activities were the dominant area of PA (mean = 1557.6 MET-min/week), whereas vigorous activities were the least common. Compared to women, men accumulated higher values of MET-min/week in the area of total PA and its components, with the exception of vigorous activities. Significant differences in PA were only shown when place of residence was factored in. Conclusions: The IPAQ showed that one in four participants demonstrated high levels of PA. More than one-third of the respondents did not meet the criteria for moderate or high activity levels, thus exhibiting low levels of PA. The participants from urban areas were more active than those from rural areas. Out of the three areas of PA (vigorous, moderate and walking), walking was the most dominate activity.
Medical Science Pulse; 2020, 14, 4; 11-17
Pojawia się w:
Medical Science Pulse
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The physical activity level declared by students from Belarus
Poziom deklarowanej aktywności fizycznej studentów z Białorusi
Baj-Korpak, J.
Shpakou, A.
Szepeluk, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
physical activity
Background. Numerous connections of physical activity with biological indicators and various diseases justify its place in the multifaceted theory of health, thus making it a health measure. The aim of the study was to learn about the physical activity declared by students at Belarusian universities – to determine its level and dominant areas. Material and methods. 739 people studying in Brest, Minsk, and Grodno (Belarus) were surveyed with the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Results. The total physical activity of the surveyed students amounted to 4840.5 metabolic equivalent of task (MET) min/week (median), which proves their significant involvement in the broadly understood physical culture. The dominant area of their physical activity proved to be work-related effort (median=1700.6 MET-min/week), while the lowest activity of the respondents was related to sport and recreation. The surveyed men showed higher MET-min/week rates in total physical activity and its components compared with women except for housework. In each of the analyzed variables (gender, Body Mass Index (BMI), selfassessment of physical fitness, and declared amount of spare time), there were statistically significant differences in the physical activity level of the surveyed students. Conclusions. The surveyed men proved to be more active than women in all domains of physical activity except for housework. Respondents with a BMI indicating overweight were more active than those with a normal BMI or those who were underweight. High self-esteem and declaration of lacking spare time are associated with high values of the MET-min/week index.
Wprowadzenie. Liczne powiązania aktywności fizycznej ze wskaźnikami biologicznymi i różnymi jednostkami chorobowymi uzasadniają jej miejsce w wieloaspektowej teorii zdrowia, tym samym czynią ją swego rodzaju miernikiem zdrowia. Celem prezentowanej pracy było poznanie deklarowanej przez studentów białoruskich uczelni aktywności fizycznej – określenie jej poziomu oraz wskazanie dominujących obszarów. Materiał i metody. Sondażem diagnostycznym z wykorzystaniem długiej wersji Międzynarodowego Kwestionariusza Aktywności Fizycznej (IPAQ) objęto 739 osób studiujących w Brześciu, Mińsku i Grodnie (Białoruś). Wyniki. Wielkość deklarowanej całkowitej aktywności fizycznej badanych studentów wy- niosła 4840,5 MET-min./tydzień (mediana), co świadczy o ich znacznym zaangażowaniu w szeroko pojętą kulturę fizyczną. Dominującym obszarem aktywności fizycznej okazały się wysiłki związane z pracą (mediana=1700,6 MET-min./tydzień), najniższą aktywność ankietowanych odnotowano w obrębie wysiłków o związanych ze sportem i rekreacją. Badani mężczyźni w porównaniu do badanych kobiet prezentowali wyższe wskaźniki MET-min./ tydzień w obszarze całkowitej aktywności fizycznej i jej składowych, z wyjątkiem wysiłków związanych z pracami domowymi. W każdej z analizowanych zmiennych (płeć, BMI, samoocena sprawności fizycznej, deklarowana ilość wolnego czasu) wystąpiło istotne statystycznie zróżnicowanie poziomu aktywności fizycznej badanych studentów. Wnioski. Badani mężczyźni okazali się być aktywniejsi od kobiet we wszystkich domenach aktywności fizycznej oprócz prac domowych. Ankietowani z BMI wskazującym na nadwagę byli bardziej aktywni niż osoby z BMI w normie lub osoby z niedowagą. Wysoka samoocena i deklaracja nieposiadania wolnego czasu przez badaną młodzież wiąże się z wysokimi wartościami wskaźnika MET-min./tydzień.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2021, 15, 2; 122-130
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physical activity of physiotherapy students at the Medical University of Warsaw
Aktywność fizyczna studentów kierunku fizjoterapia Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego
Boguszewski, D.
Ochal, A.
Adamczyk, J.
Jasiński, P.
Szymańska, A.
Obszyńska-Litwiniec, A.
Białoszewski, D.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
physical activity
Background. Regular physical activity allows maintenance of physical fitness at an optimal level and also contributes to greater care for other elements of a healthy lifestyle. The promotion of physical activity should be one of the tasks of health professionals, including physiotherapists. The aim of this study was to assess physical activity levels of physiotherapy students. Material and methods. This study involved 853 students (634 women and 219 men) of the Faculty of Physiotherapy of the Medical University of Warsaw (444 first-year students and 409 second-year students). The research tools were the International Physical Activity Questionnaire – short version (IPAQ-SF) and the author’s own survey to obtain information on the type of physical activity and reasons for taking it up or not. Results. Men had significantly higher levels of physical activity than women (p<0.001). The physical activity levels of second-year female students were higher than those of first-year female students (p=0.026). Among men, there was no significant difference between first and second-year students. Conclusions. More than half of those surveyed do not engage in any physical activity outside of curriculum activities. The results obtained in this study may form the basis for continuing research with the participation of various groups of subjects and using more advanced technologies and research tools.
Wprowadzenie. Regularna aktywność fizyczna pozwala na utrzymanie wydolności fizycznej na optymalnym poziomie, a ponadto przyczynia się do większej dbałości o inne elementy zdrowego stylu życia. Propagowanie aktywności fizycznej powinno być jednym z zadań pracowników służby zdrowia, w tym fizjoterapeutów. Celem badania była ocena poziomu aktywności fizycznej studentów fizjoterapii. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 853 studentów (634 kobiet i 219 mężczyzn) kierunku fizjoterapia Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego (444 studentów pierwszego roku oraz 409 studentów drugiego roku). Narzędziami badawczymi były Międzynarodowy Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej – wersja krótka (IPAQ-SF) oraz autorska ankieta służąca uzyskaniu informacji dotyczącej rodzaju aktywności fizycznej oraz motywów jej podejmowania lub niepodejmowania. Wyniki. Mężczyźni charakteryzowali się istotnie wyższym poziomem aktywności fizycznej niż kobiety (p<0,001). Poziom aktywności fizycznej studentek drugiego roku był wyższy niż u studentek pierwszego roku (p=0,026). Wśród mężczyzn nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic między studentami pierwszego i drugiego roku. Wnioski. Ponad połowa badanych nie podejmuje żadnej aktywności fizycznej poza zajęciami programowymi. Uzyskane w niniejszej pracy wyniki mogą stanowić podstawę kontynuowania badań z udziałem różnych grup badanych oraz z wykorzystaniem bardziej zaawansowanych technologii i narzędzi badawczych.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2021, 15, 1; 48-53
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Need for Popularity and Facebook Usage Among Czech and Polish Young Adults
Brosch, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
activity on Facebook
Czech students
Polish students
The goal of this study was to determine the preferences concerning Facebook usage by university students in Poland and the Czech Republic regarding their gender and nationality. This study aimed also to discover the relation between the need to be popular on Facebook and three key factors: the number of Facebook friends, activity on Facebook and perceived enjoyment during this activity. To get necessary data, multiple research tools were developed – a questionnaire consisting of four sections and a 12-item questionnaire measuring the level of the need for popularity. Results show that there is no significant differences in the background of Facebook usage between Polish and Czech students. However, there is a statistically significant correlation between the need for popularity and two factors: the number of friends (r = .501) and the level of perceived enjoyment in using Facebook (r = .401). The results suggest that participants feel pleasure while undertaking different actions on Facebook and treat Facebook as a way to increase their perceived popularity.
The New Educational Review; 2017, 50; 109-119
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected factors differentiating the forms of physical activity taken up or expected by the students of PSW in Biała Podlaska
Stępień, Ewa
Bergier, Barbara
Niźnikowska, Ewelina
Bergier, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)
physical activity
In view of new civilizational challenges of the 21st century, health promotion and education encouraging active participation in physical recreation, which should be implemented at all levels of education, within family, peer environment and local environment, become issues of particular importance. The research was carried out in the summer of 2013 and included 572 students of John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska (PSW), of such degree courses as Tourism and Recreation, Public Health, Nursing, Rescue Medicine and Computer Science. The method used in the research was a diagnostic survey based on International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The aim of the study was to get to know the differentiation between the forms of recreational physical activity taken up and expected by the students of PWS and their gender, BMI and self-assessment of physical fitness. Basing on the results of the analysis it was concluded that the abovementioned independent variables have significant impact on the forms of physical activity chosen and expected by the surveyed. Studies of the literature on the subject and the results of our previous research entitle us to conclude that university students, who in the near future will constitute the intellectual elite of the country, should be aware of the influence of physical activity on general health, the importance of healthy lifestyle and their role in promoting healthy attitudes. However, the research showed that the students are not ready to perform such tasks, therefore the actions preparing them to lead a healthy lifestyle need to be intensified.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2015, 10, 2; 87-94
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A physical activity assessment of Wroclaw Medical University students with IPAQ – long questionnaire: a cross sectional study
Gaweł-Dąbrowska, Dagmara
Einhorn, Jakub
Połtyn-Zaradna, Katarzyna
Zatońska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
physical activity
Medical University
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2016, 1; 12-18
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variations in physical activity of male and female students from the Ukraine in health-promoting life style
Bergier, Józef
Bergier, Barbara
Tsos, Anatolii
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
students from ukraine
physical activity
sports-recreational activity
Introduction. A large-scale research was performed concerning issues relating to physical activity as an important factor in a healthy lifestyle and involved observing the differences among males and females as future elites of the Ukraine. Objective. The objective of the research is to assess the physical activity of students from the Ukraine, considering such factors as: gender, leisure time, time spent sitting, sports performed or intended to be performed, and the BMI. Materials and method. The extended version of the IPAQ, supplemented with 3 original questions by the authors, was applied to a 2,125-strong student group from 12 majors of the University of Luck, Ukraine. Results. Students from Ukraine portrayed a positive picture of physical activity with significantly higher values in male students of both total activity and its fields, i.e. sports activity and work (studying). The male students performed better in their fitness (condition) self-assessment and the amount of time spent sitting, whereas the female students had better BMI results. Both genders differed considerably in their choice of sport-recreational activities. Conclusions. Females more than males demonstrated lower indices of participation in physical activity, which did not permit the formulation of a positive assessment of their lifestyle. A positive phenomenon is the normal BMI and trace values of overweight in women, exactly the reverse to males.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2017, 24, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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