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Neighbourhood Embeddedness in Six European Cities: Differences Between Types of Neighbourhoods and Immigrant Background
Schnell, Philipp
Kohlbacher, Josef
Reeger, Ursula
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
social ties
This paper analyses neighbourhood embeddedness of immigrant and non-immigrant populations in six European cities. We define neighbourhood embeddedness as an individual level concept and distinguish two main dimensions: place and network embeddedness. The neighbourhood embeddedness concept provides us with the possibility to study attitudinal and behavioural aspects of individuals related to the place of living. Using data from the ‘Generating Interethnic Tolerance and Neighbourhood Integration in European Urban Spaces’ (GEITONIES) project, we explore communalities and differences in the degree of embeddedness and its underlyingmechanisms for immigrant and non-immigrant residents across a set of different neighbourhood types. Our findings suggest that neighbourhoods are still important focal points of social life. But immigrants are characterized by higher levels of neighbourhood embeddedness than native residents which are mostly related to the strong link between perceived feelings of attachment to the people in the neighbourhood and the place as such.
Polish Sociological Review; 2013, 180, 4; 524-544
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Implications of an Individual’s Participation in Religious Organisations – Case Study
Szast, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
case study
social capital
social ties
religious groups
The article addresses the issue of the social implications of participating in religious groups, with particular emphasis on shaping the type of social capital among members of the mentioned religious groups or any group of a religious nature. It is not sufficiently represented in research work on modern sociology, especially the sociology of religious and modern lives, considering the context of the functioning of a modern man in their interpersonal space. To this end, qualitative research was carried out involving individual case studies. Various qualitative techniques were used: interviews, an analysis of document contents, photographs, biographies, observing participants in their social activities, trust, social ties (among members of the mentioned groups), the social roles of members, the implementation of social functions, participation in the common good, and the values and norms of social coexistence that guide the studied person. These imply the emergence of negative social capital, closing social capital, amoral familism and strong bonds in the norms developed by the group to which the analysed case belongs.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2023, 2(140); 126-142
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Beyond Economic and Cultural Capital: Network Correlates of Consumption Tastes and Practices
Cebula, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
social capital
cultural participation
social ties
This paper attempts to provide a picture of network effect on cultural participation by building on theoretical concepts of social capital and social networks as well as on original data collected by the author on 362 inhabitants ofWrocław. The central discussion of the study concerns the relative explanatory power of network variables (such as intensity of contacts with friends and acquaintances, or access to resources via social ties) in predicting the reported consumption tastes, practices or knowledge, net of structural factors. The findings support the hypothesis that more networked persons (particularly those having many non-kin contacts) are more likely to participate in a greater number of cultural activities and to be more “omnivorous” consumers. The article concludes with some possible directions of future research.
Polish Sociological Review; 2015, 192, 4; 455-474
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Type and Role of Social Capital in Post-Transition European Economies
Lissowska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
social capital
post-transition economies
informal institutions
social ties
Social capital is widely seen as an important factor behind economic development. It facilitates ties between businesses and reduces transaction costs. It also creates an innovation-friendly environment. But research reports also list some negative aspects of social capital, such as the creation of divisions within society and the uncontrolled emergence of various self-interest groups, and, in extreme cases, mafia-type organizations. Another problem is that the very concept of social capital has not been clearly defined in research reports, according to the author. Lissowska sets out to determine if post-socialist countries differ from other economies in the way they use social capital. She starts out by defining social capital as a partially altruistic approach of an individual toward other people. The study is based on data for 23 European countries collected during a European Social Survey in 2006. This body of data makes the author conclude that post-socialist countries have distinct features as far as social capital is concerned, such as a low level of social confidence and a tendency to maintain “close” rather than “remote” social ties. However, other countries such as Portugal, Cyprus and, less markedly, Spain, display similar features, Lissowska notes. These features may result from these countries’ totalitarian past when social ties were more difficult to establish and maintain than today. They also stem from historic cultural factors such as insufficiently developed civil-society traditions in some of these countries, poor quality of government and law enforcement, religious traditions and new social trends such as people’s drive to succeed economically.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2009, 230, 3; 1-26
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Personal networks on the labour market: who finds a job in the creative sector in Poznań?
Męczyński, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
creative sector
labour market
personal networks
social ties
The spread of urban policies based on a set of standardised ‘creative city’ strategies has been criticised on a number of counts. In Scott’s (2006: 11) view, focusing just on “creating a high-quality urban environment, rich in cultural amenities and conducive to diversity in local social life” is too limited. He points out that the relationship between the presence of creative people and the development of a city is far more complex. The research undertaken as part of the European ACRE project (Accommodating Creative Knowledge: Competitiveness of Metropolitan Regions within the Enlarged Union) has revealed that access to a diversity of creative-labour-market opportunities is vital to both attract and retain talent in the longer term. Accessible and inclusive networks of creative workers are also vital, but their importance is often overlooked. The functionality of such networks has a huge impact on the possibility of finding a new job, and can be particularly important for lowering entry barriers for newcomers in creative occupations. Here, these issues are explored on the basis of a research conducted among managers of creative firms and international creative-class migrants in Poznań (Poland). This city has recently experienced major economic restructuring and a shift from the manufacturing industry towards a more creative and knowledge-based one.
Quaestiones Geographicae; 2016, 35, 4; 133-143
Pojawia się w:
Quaestiones Geographicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Ties in Polish Families in Ireland: A Comparative Analysis Based on Own Research in the Last Decade
Więzi społeczne w polskich rodzinach w Irlandii: analiza porównawcza na podstawie badań własnych z ostatniej dekady
Szast, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
więzi społeczne
social ties
This article focuses on the concept of social ties in Polish families living in Ireland. It is not sufficiently represented in research work on economic emigration, especially post-accession emigration to Ireland, considering the context of the functioning of a modern migrant in their interpersonal space. It is important that the life of modern man is shaped by lots of interpersonal interactions in the social space, too. Yet, more important are interactions in the families from which the migrants come, in which they function or with whom they want to function. After opening the labor market to citizens of the new EU member states in 2004, Ireland hired the largest number of workers from the EU-8 countries. This approach was defined and analyzed on the basis of the group of respondents who were post-accession migrants in Ireland (N 461) in the research survey conducted in July and August of 2015 in Ireland and based on the 2016 and 2019 qualitative surveys on families in Ireland. Three research projects were analyzed. Therefore, the main subject of the article is to draw the reader’s attention to the issues of interpersonal relations and the importance of the family in the minds of the respondents, who were migrants. The research contains interesting, from the point of view of a sociologist, information on the preferences of Polish migrants in the field of shaping family relationships, the strength of family ties and the social roles performed based on these. The collected data show that there is a change in the functioning of the modern family, especially in the context of its functions, the roles of family members as well as openness to its alternative forms, but these changes are not significant enough to speak of a transformation of the nuclear family.
Niniejszy artykuł skupia uwagę czytelnika na ujęciu więzi społecznych w rodzinach polskich mieszkających w Irlandii. Problematyka ta nie jest dostatecznie reprezentowana w pracach badawczych odnośnie do emigracji zarobkowej, zwłaszcza emigracji poakcesyjnej do Irlandii, jako kontekstu funkcjonowania współczesnego migranta w przestrzeni międzyludzkiej. Istotne jest to, że życie współczesnego człowieka kształtują miliony interakcji międzyludzkich: w przestrzeni społecznej, a nade wszystko w rodzinach, z których migranci pochodzą, w których funkcjonują lub z którymi funkcjonować chcą. Po otwarciu rynku pracy dla obywateli nowych państw Unii Europejskiej w 2004 r. Irlandia przyjęła największą liczbę pracowników krajów UE-8. Podejście niniejsze zostało określone i poddane analizie na podstawie grupy respondentów, którymi byli migranci poakcesyjni w Irlandii (N 461) w badaniu ankietowym przeprowadzonym w lipcu oraz sierpniu 2015 r. w Irlandii, oraz na podstawie badań jakościowych z lat 2016 i 2019 nt. rodzin w Irlandii. Dokonano analizy trzech projektów badawczych. Głównym tematem artykułu jest zatem zwrócenie uwagi czytelnika na problematykę relacji interpersonalnych i znaczenie rodziny w świadomości badanych–migrantów. Badania zawierają interesujące, z punktu widzenia socjologa, informacje odnośnie do preferencji migrantów polskich w zakresie kształtowania relacji rodzinnych, sile więzi rodzinnych i na ich podstawie realizowanych ról społecznych. Zgromadzone dane ukazują, że następuje zmiana w zakresie funkcjonowania współczesnej rodziny, zwłaszcza w kontekście jej funkcji, ról członków, jak również otwartości na jej alternatywne formy, ale zmiany te nie są aż tak znaczące, aby mówić o transformacji rodziny nuklearnej.
Studia Polonijne; 2022, 43; 381-403
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analyzing Social Ties in Total Institutions
Wästerfors, David
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Social Ties
Residential Youth Care
Total Institutions
A common view is that an individual delinquent can be rehabilitated in a “home” in the countryside, away from his or her original urban social ties. An ironic result is new social ties with other juvenile delinquents as they spend a considerable amount of time together at a secluded institution. Drawing on ethnographic studies in residential care institutions, this article discusses two aspects to consider when analyzing social ties in such settings: the institutional prerequisites for and the everyday achievement of isolation and intimacy.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2012, 8, 2; 12-27
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of Moral Values and Norms on the Accumulation of Social Capital – Activity of Ignacy Tokarczuk, a Bishop of the Diocese of Przemyśl
Jedynak, Witold
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne i Drukarnia w Sandomierzu
moral norms
social capital
social ties
normy moralne
kapitał społeczny
więzi społeczne
Celem badań analitycznych zrealizowanych w oparciu o źródła zastane było ustalenie korelacji między aktywnością abp Ignacego Tokarczuka polegającą na recepcji wartości i norm moralnych w życiu społecznym a rozwojem kapitału społecznego w diecezji przemyskiej. Przedsięwzięcia inicjowane przez duchownego, w których szczególną uwagę zwracał na zachowywanie prawa moralnego pozytywnie wpływały na więzi społeczne, gęstość sieci powiązań oraz na wzrost zaufania społecznego. Przekonanie o przewidywalnym zachowaniu partnerów w trakcie współdziałania, a także kierowanie się uznawanymi wspólnie wartościami i normami moralnymi sprzyjało rozwojowi aktywności stowarzyszeniowej, a także dynamizowało prace zespołowe. Siły poszczególnych jednostek połączone dzięki kooperacji pozwalały z większą skutecznością realizować zadania mające na celu dobro wspólne społeczności lokalnych. Efekty współdziałania były pożyteczne zarówno dla wspólnot religijnych, jak i społeczności świeckich. Dynamicznie rozwijał się ruch budownictwa sakralnego, zwiększała się aktywność stowarzyszeniowa oraz wzrastał poziom religijności. Ożywieniu ulegała również aktywność antykomunistycznych organizacji niepodległościowych, domagających się demokratyzacji życia społecznego. Wskazywane i wdrażane przez Tokarczuka uniwersalne wartości oraz normy moralne dawały postawy aksjologiczne pod budowę społeczeństwa obywatelskiego.
The aim of this analytical study carried out on the basis of existing sources was to determine the correlation between the activity of Archbishop Ignacy Tokarczuk involving the reception of moral values and norms in social life and development of social capital in the Diocese of Przemyśl. Projects initiated by Abp. Tokarczuk, in which he put special emphasis on the observance of moral law, had a positive effect on social ties, the number of connections, and the increase of social trust. Belief in the predictable behaviour of cooperating partners, as well as adherence to moral values and norms shared by many individuals promoted the development of associational activity and made teamwork more dynamic. The powers of individuals joined in cooperation allowed for the more efficient execution of tasks aimed at the common good of local communities. Cooperation brought benefits to both religious and secular communities. The movement aimed at the construction of sacral architecture developed dynamically, and associational activity increased, as did the level of religiosity. The activity of anti-communist independence organizations, demanding the democratization of social life, was also stimulated. Universal moral values and norms emphasized and promoted by Tokarczuk created axiological foundations for the establishment of a civil society.
Studia Sandomierskie. Teologia-Filozofia-Historia; 2020, 27
Pojawia się w:
Studia Sandomierskie. Teologia-Filozofia-Historia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A closer look at the Consumer Conformity in Industry 4.0 : Purchase Intention redefined
Bliższe spojrzenie na zgodność konsumentów w Przemyśle 4.0 : nowa definicja zamierzenia zakupu
Princes, Elfindah
Manurung, Adler Haymans
So, Idris Gautama
Abdinagoro, Sri Bramantoro
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska
consumer conformity
image related concerns
purchase intention
social ties
social comparison
strategic complements
zgodność konsumencka
obawy związane z obrazem
zamiar zakupu
więzi społeczne
porównanie społeczne
strategiczne uzupełnienia
The speed of digitalization in Industry 4.0 has caused disruptions in all sectors. The digital world has driven consumer’s behavior into a conformance known as consumer conformity. Very limited research on conformity process affecting Purchase Intention have caused overlapping and inconsistent results. The researcher argues that the previous studies on the factors influencing Purchase Intention, such as brand quality, service quality, advertisements, etc. are not relevant again in the era of Industry 4.0, and it is urgent that the business leaders address this issue to increase Purchase Intention. This research uses a quantitative analysis on 470 consumers of fashion industry located in Indonesia. The result strengthens the researcher’s argument that unlike previous studies, Purchase Intention is strongly affected by social influences that are mediated by the Consumer Conformity. The Social Ties, Strategic Complements, Social Comparison and Image Related Concerns cannot directly influence Purchase Intention without the mediation of Consumer Conformity. Furthermore, due to digitalization, the Image Related Concerns with the most exposure to the online social world have the strongest effect on Consumer Conformity. Hence, strategies on marketing strategies should be centered on delivering messages to drive Image Related Concerns and have impacts on Purchase Intention using the big data available through the Internet of Things.
Szybkość cyfryzacji w Przemyśle 4.0 spowodowała zakłócenia we wszystkich sektorach. Świat cyfrowy doprowadził zachowania konsumentów do zgodności znanej jako konformizm konsumencki. Bardzo ograniczone badania dotyczące procesu zgodności wpływającego na zamiar zakupu spowodowały nakładanie się i niespójne wyniki. Badacz przekonuje, że wcześniejsze badania dotyczące czynników wpływających na zamiar zakupu, takich jak jakość marki, jakość usług, reklamy itp. Nie są ponownie istotne w erze Przemysłu 4.0 i pilne jest, aby liderzy biznesowi zajęli się tym problemem, aby zwiększyć Zamiar zakupu. W badaniu wykorzystano analizę ilościową 470 konsumentów przemysłu modowego zlokalizowanych w Indonezji. Wynik wzmacnia argument badacza, że w przeciwieństwie do poprzednich badań, na zamiar zakupu silnie wpływają wpływy społeczne, które są zapośredniczane przez zgodność konsumencką. Więzi społeczne, uzupełnienia strategiczne, porównania społeczne i problemy związane z wizerunkiem nie mogą bezpośrednio wpływać na zamiar zakupu bez pośrednictwa zgodności z wymogami konsumenta. Ponadto, ze względu na digitalizację, problemy związane z obrazem, które są najbardziej narażone na społeczny świat online, mają największy wpływ na zgodność z wymogami konsumenckimi. W związku z tym strategie dotyczące strategii marketingowych powinny koncentrować się na dostarczaniu komunikatów w celu wywołania obaw związanych z obrazem i mieć wpływ na zamiar zakupu przy użyciu dużych zbiorów danych dostępnych w Internecie przedmiotów.
Polish Journal of Management Studies; 2020, 22, 1; 401-417
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Management Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The perspective of the functioning of the convicts and their families in the local community
Perspektywa funkcjonowania osadzonych i ich rodzin w społeczności lokalnej
Kieszkowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
families of prisoners
social ties
isolation parent
family in a situation of rejection
the process of social reintegration
rodziny uwięzionych
więź społeczna
izolacja rodzica
rodzina w sytuacji
proces reintegracji społecznej
Modern family is increasingly exposed to the threat of the impact of various social phenomena, which are largely the result of the processes of political, economic change, as well as cultural phenomena, diffusion of new styles of functioning in society. Common causes of dysfunctional families are: alcohol and other drugs, behaviors associated with aggression and violence against members of a family, juvenile delinquency and adult self-destructive behavior, family breakdown, narrowed emotional relationship in the family, the pathological behavior of parents. The imprisonment of the perpetrator does not just affect the person staying in the in prison, but the entire family system, so the most appropriate definition of the concept seems to be imprisoned family.
Współczesna rodzina jest coraz bardziej narażona na zagrożenie wpływem różnych zjawisk społecznych, które w dużej mierze wynikają z procesów zmian politycznych, gospodarczych, a także zjawisk kulturowych, dyfuzji nowych stylów funkcjonowania w społeczeństwie. Najczęstszymi przyczynami konfliktów w rodzinach dysfunkcyjnych są: alkohol, środki psychoaktywne, zachowania związane z agresją i przemocą wobec członków rodziny, przestępczość nieletnich i zachowania autodestrukcyjne osób dorosłych, rozpad rodziny, zawężenie relacji emocjonalnych w rodzinie, patologiczne zachowanie rodziców. Więzienie sprawcy nie dotyczy tylko osoby przebywającej w więzieniu, ale całego systemu rodzinnego, poszczególnych członków którzy staja się też osobami uwięzionymi i uwikłanymi w trudną sytuację.
Rozprawy Społeczne; 2017, 11, 1; 25-31
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
(Missing) Bridging Ties and Social Capital? The Creation and Reproduction of Migrants’ Social Network Advantages: The Case of Ukrainian Migrants in Poland
Kindler, Marta
Wójcikowska-Baniak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
social networks
bridging ties
social capital
Ukrainian migrants
institutional embedding
The paper investigates the mechanisms behind the formation and maintenance of those migrants’ social ties which translate into a particular composition of the network and become a source of social capital. Based on a number of in-depth interviews with Ukrainian migrants in Warsaw, we find that Ukrainian migrants’ networks are based primarily on ties homogenous in regard to nationality, level of education and character of work. The institutional context of social interaction determines with whom migrants form relations and whether these ties become a source of social advancement. The studied migrants do form bridging ties with more experienced, as well as socially and legally embedded persons, mainly other migrants, receiving both instrumental and emotional support.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review; 2019, 8, 1; 95-116
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
From festival to social communion: a Nigerian experience
Duke, Emmanuel Orok
Osim, Stella E.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Naukowe Przestrzeń Społeczna i Środowisko
religious festival
social communion
familial ties
the Igbos
Festival is a performative dimension of cultural praxis that strengthens bonds of cohesion in society. Festivals are also an integral part of religious praxis. They have the potentiality of bringing its adherents and non-adherents together thus creating and sustaining social communion among them. This reality of sustaining social communion confirms an important function of religion in society with particular reference to its social integrative effects. Therefore, this article assesses how religious festival, Christmas, fosters social integration among Igbos in Nigeria. On a related note, many Igbos, see Christmas festival as unique occasion for them to visit their communities; attend meetings of their associations and/or town unions and consolidate family ties. These are opportunities for building social integrations, otherwise denoted as social communion in this research. This work makes use of critical analysis of relevant texts and questionnaire survey methods as means of gathering materials and data for this research. In view of understanding how Christmas festival aids social communion among the Igbo ethnic group, the theories of structural functionalism, social capital and social integration are being utilised as theoretical frameworks for this study. Finally, this study avers that religious festival cements social communion between the Igbos in Calabar Metropolis and their ancestral communities.
Przestrzeń Społeczna; 2020, 1, 1/2020 (19); 53-69
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzeń Społeczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Centenary of the Polish Peasant in Europe and America through the Contemporary Concept of Social Remittances
Grabowska, Izabela
Buler, Marta
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
social remittances
family practices
transnational ties
Polish peasant
This article was motivated by the centenary (2018) of the seminal sociological monograph Polish Peasant in Europe and America by Thomas and Znaniecki (1918). It shows that classics can be not only occasionally referenced but also read in-depth with the new contemporary concept of social remittances embedded in transnational ties. Reaching for the Polish Peasant in Europe and America aimed this analysis to revisit the preceding passages of migration history and to revitalise the preliminary knowledge about human moves and social change. The article is a reminder and a positioner of Thomas and Znaniecki’s monograph in their contemporary migration historical writings of Central Europe, not commonly referenced in international sociology. The methodology of the qualitative content analysis with retrospective mapping the flow of information in the illustrative cases of migrant families applied in this article, helped to analyse resistance and changes of norms, values, practices and social capital affected by international migration and bundled as social remittances.
Polish Sociological Review; 2019, 205, 1; 85-102
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mixed Embeddedness and the Dynamics of Self-Employment among Turkish Immigrants in Finland
Wahlbeck, Östen
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
mixed embeddedness
ethnic ties
social capital
Turkish immigrants
The article analyses dynamics of social capital that can explain how Turkish immigrants in Finland become self-employed and why they have established themselves within a particular economic sector. The mixed embeddedness perspective on ethnic and immigrant entrepreneurship is utilised to achieve a better understanding of these processes. The interview study indicates that immigrants are able to establish ethnic economies also in countries with relatively small and geographically dispersed immigrant populations. Immigrant entrepreneurs can mobilise transnational social capital for the establishment of businesses, but only under circumstances where transnational resources can be utilised as a local resource. To understand the dynamics of immigrants businesses requires an analysis of the embeddedness of immigrants in a simultaneously transnational and local social context.
Polish Sociological Review; 2014, 184, 4; 487-504
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Embeddedness of Social and Economic Relations in Systemic Transformation. Long-Term Evidence From the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, 1988–2003
Wilk, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
Friendship ties
social networks
status attainment
(dis)embeddedness of
economic relations in social relations
This paper intervenes in the Granovetter-Polanyi debate by reassessing the level of embeddedness of social and economic relations under conditions of systemic transition. Using panel data collected in Poland, this analysis examines this relationship for three distinct periods of transition: initial (1988–1993), advanced (1993–1998), and post-transitional (1998–2003). This paper shows that during transition from communism to capitalism economic relations tended to disembed from social relations, but this relationship remained significant; friendship ties were conductive to an individual upward mobility, economic well-being and entrepreneurial activity. In contrast to Polanyi’s argument, however, entrepreneurship-the most marketable area of individual advancement-is found to exhibit the highest degree of social–economic embeddedness. These results do not directly support either Polanyi’s or Granovetter’s arguments, however they do accord with a neo-Polanyian argument, as advanced in this paper.
Polish Sociological Review; 2009, 165, 1; 81-106
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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