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Art history and its dialogue with the wider public: promotion and raising the awareness of cultural heritage
Dolšina, Marjana
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
art history, art heritage, public use, dialogue, audience
The paper is based on the results of the project All This Painting hasn’t Gone to Waste, 2011, which deals with early 16th century sacral wall paintings in southern Slovenia. It tries to resolve out some dilemmas in communication with the wider public and presents main objectives in regard to awareness-rising and promotion of art heritage, for example encouragement of insti-tutions and individual experts for more intensive study and/or conservation-restoration work.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2013, 4, 1; 221-227
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Codification of International Law
Winiarski, Bohdan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
public international law
history of codification of public international law
political determinants of codification of public international law
The paper is an English translation of O kodyfikacji prawa międzynarodowego by Bohdan Winiarski, published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1930. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration” devoted to the achievements of the late Professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2019, 10; 259-277
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Professor Julius F. Leo – Scientist, Municipal Manager, Politician, and His Economic and Political Views
Profesor Juliusz Leo – naukowiec, samorządowiec, polityk oraz jego poglądy ekonomiczne i polityczne
Pociecha, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
historia Polski
konserwatyści krakowscy
historia finansów publicznych
historia statystyki polskiej
history of Poland
Cracow conservatives
history of public finance
history of Polish statistics
Przedmiotem artykułu jest przedstawienie drogi życiowej Juliusza Leo, jego osiągnięć naukowych w dziedzinie finansów publicznych, zasług w zakresie administracji samorządowej, a także jego poglądów i kariery politycznej. Leo był wybitną osobistością Krakowa początku XX wieku, pierwszym prezesem założonego w Krakowie w 1912 roku Polskiego Towarzystwa Statystycznego. Był on wybitnym prawnikiem i ekonomistą, zajmował się problemami finansów publicznych, był profesorem nauki skarbowości i prawa skarbowego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. W czasie studiów i wyjazdów zagranicznych zapoznał się z zagadnieniami statystyki gospodarczej. Duża część jego aktywności publicznej związana była z działalnością samorządową, gdyż od 1893 roku był radnym Krakowa, od roku 1901 wiceprezydentem miasta, a od 1904 roku aż do śmierci prezydentem. Wprowadził szereg ważnych reform w zarządzaniu miastem. Dziełem J. Leo było znaczne poszerzenie granic miasta, stąd nazwany został „ojcem wielkiego Krakowa”. Juliusz Leo był ważnym politykiem galicyjskim, przywódcą neokonserwatystów krakowskich. W 1901 roku został wybrany do Sejmu Galicyjskiego, a w roku 1904 do parlamentu austriackiego. Jego poglądy polityczne ewoluowały od konserwatyzmu do liberalizmu. W 1912 roku został przewodniczącym Koła Polskiego w parlamencie austriackim. W chwili wybuchu I wojny światowej poparł tworzenie przez Józefa Piłsudskiego Legionów Polskich. Stanął też na czele Naczelnego Komitetu Narodowego. Nie dożył chwili odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości – zmarł w lutym 1918 roku.
The subject of the paper is the representation of the life and work of Julius F. Leo, his achievements and scientific opinions in the area of public finance, merits in the field of municipal administration as well as his views and political career. J. F. Leo was one of the outstanding personalities of Cracow in the early 20th century. He was the first President of the Polish Statistical Association founded in Cracow in 1912. He was a prominent lawyer and economist of his time, he worked on problems of public finances as a Professor of tax law and treasury sciences at the Jagiellonian University. During his studies and trips abroad he became acquainted with the issues of economic statistics, the validity of which, he had a great understanding for. A large part of his public activity was associated with the activities of the municipality. Since 1893 he was a councilor of Cracow, in 1901 he became the Vice‑Mayor and then in 1904 (until his death) the Mayor of Cracow. During his time in office he introduced a number of important reforms in the management of the city. J. F. Leo’s life’s work was a significant widening of the city limits, hence he was named “the father of the great Cracow”. Julius F. Leo was an important politician, the leader of the Galician neo‑conservatives. In 1901 he was elected to the Galician Sejm and in the year of 1904 to the Austrian Parliament. His political views have evolved from conservatism to liberalism. In 1912 he became the President of the Polish Circle in the Austrian Parliament. At the outbreak of the First World War he supported creation of Polish Legions by Józef Piłsudski. He was also the head of the Supreme National Committee. However, he did not live long enough to experience the moment of Poland regaining its independence, he died in February 1918.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2020, 1, 346; 85-95
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Erich Wernicke — a Close Collaborator of Emil von Behring. His Life and Work in Posen (Poznan)
Erich Wernicke — bliski współpracownik Emila von Behringa. Życie i praca w Poznaniu
Schulte, Erika
Grzybowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Historii Filozofii i Medycyny
Erich Wernicke
history of immunology
history of hygiene
history o f city Poznan
history o f public health
historia immunologii
historia higieny
historia Poznania
historia zdrowia publicznego
Erich Wernicke was a close collaborator and friend of Emil von Behring. Their co-work is well described. The details o f his 20 years stay in Poznan are, however, much less known. Wernicke was a famous hygienist and immunologist. His stay in Poznan was characterized by transferring hygienic basic science which developed in the beginnings o f the 20th century in the daily life o f people for example on the field o f clean water and disinfection. From 1899 he was the chair o f the Hygiene Institute of Posen (Poznan) and from 1905 until 1908 he was rector o f the Royal Academy o f Posen (Poznan). His expertise helped to establish in Poznan a modern water supply system and water hygiene.
Erich Wernicke był bliskim współpracownikiem i przyjacielem Emila von Behringa. Ich współpraca jest dobrze znana. Jednak szczegóły jego dwudziestoletniego pobytu w Poznaniu nie zostały dotychczas dokładnie zbadane i przeanalizowane. Wernicke był słynnym znawcą higieny i immunologiem. Podczas swojego pobytu w Poznaniu pomagał w stosowaniu zdobyczy nauk podstawowych z zakresu higieny i mikrobiologii w urządzeniach użyteczności publicznej, np. przy oczyszczaniu wody oraz jej dezynfekcji. Od 1899 roku był kierownikiem Instytutu Higieny w Poznaniu. W latach 1905-1908 pełnił funkcję rektora Akademii Królewskiej w Poznaniu. Jego doświadczenia pomogły wprowadzić w tym mieście nowoczesny system dostarczania wody i jej odkażania.
Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny; 2012, 75/1; 74-83
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The concept of public safety and order in the social and the humanities sciences
Brakoniecki, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
public safety
public order
security science
Public safety and public order are a main welfare desirable by man and the entire community, in every epoch and every longitude, parallely has become the constant object of doctrinal inquiries. The specificity of each area of science and many other fields of science, their qualities and the desirable elements made the definition of these values, depending on the discipline of science, which adopted a different shape. Security and public order in the legal sciences are mostly expressed in the matter of substantive administrative law and subsequently also in constitutional law and substantive criminal law. The importance of this issue is evidenced by the creation of a new discipline – the Security Science, dedicated to this subject, by the resolution of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles of 28th January 2011, which discusses the title issue in a multi-threaded and multifaceted manner. The specificity of security, its subjective perception and the state of reality, forces the concept to be analyzed also from the perspective of psychology, sociology and philosophy. On the other hand, for a deeper investigation of this phenomenon, the origin of its development and the formulation of future trends, it is important to examine this phenomenon by the historical instruments.
Journal of Modern Science; 2018, 38, 3; 221-236
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Terminological and historical backgrounds of the criminal law development: from the private law sector to the public law sector
Schneiderová, Anna
Jáger, Róbert
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
criminal law
private law
public law
The paper describes the development of criminal law as the originally private law sector and points to changes that ultimately have changed the nature of criminal law so that it is now considered to be a public law sector. Criminal law during the period of the high and late Middle Ages on the territory of Slovakia had the character of a public law sector. Recovery after committing the crime was left to the injured person or his family. The relationship between the injured (or his survivors) and the perpetrator was largely private in nature. The state originally did not interfere or interfere only at a minimum with this relationship. Only in the course of time has this element of a largely private legal relationship been also given a public-law element, only in the age of Modern Times the criminal-law relations had the character of public law. This article describes the changes that have occurred in the course of time in the area of criminal law, the ways of punishment, and the changes which have led to the transformation of criminal law into the public law sector
Journal of Modern Science; 2018, 38, 3; 295-304
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Public libraries for children in Poland 1918-1939 – assumptions and reality
Lewandowicz-Nosal, Grażyna
Kisilowska, Małgarzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
Public libraries
libraries for children
The article attempts to reconstruct the assumptions and ideas that influenced the creation and organization of public libraries for children in the interwar period in Poland. On the basis of press articles and archival materials, two models of child reader support were described (Łódź model – creation of book rental, and Warsaw model – creation of readers), as well as foreign models (French and American) used by the founders of these institutions, taken over by the emerging Polish libraries. In the final part, there is a reference to war and just a post-war history of children’s libraries. The names of the creators of the idea of children’s librarianship in the Second Polish Republic were recalled (among others, Helena Radlińska, Jan Augustyniak, Maria Gutry, Jadwiga Filipkowska-Szemplińska and others)
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi; 2019, Tom specjalny: Dla Niepodległej / Special Issue: For an Independent Poland; 53-72
Pojawia się w:
Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Statistics of Poland – the First Yearbook of Polish Lands: Authors and Content
Statystyka Polski – pierwszy rocznik statystyczny ziem polskich, jego autorzy i zawartość
Pociecha, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
historia Polski
historia statystyki polskiej
statystyka publiczna
history of Poland
history of Polish statistics
public statistics
Początek XX wieku to czas rozwoju statystyki publicznej w krajach europejskich. Ze względu na brak własnego państwa nie było możliwości publikowania rocznika statystycznego ziem polskich. W tym kontekście w 1912 roku w Krakowie powstało Polskie Towarzystwo Statystyczne, którego jednym z głównych zadań było scalanie informacji statystycznej rozproszonej w publikacjach urzędów statystycznych państw zaborczych i wydawanie własnych prac na kształt roczników statystycznych ziem i ludności polskiej. Do wybuchu I wojny światowej PTS zdołało przygotować publikację Statystyka Polski, wydrukowaną w 1915 roku, której głównymi autorami byli A. Krzyżanowski oraz K. W. Kumaniecki. W przedsięwzięcie to zaangażowanych było wiele osób stanowiących ówczesną elitę intelektualną kraju. Ciekawy jest zakres terytorialny Statystyki Polski. Obejmuje on terytorium pierwszej Rzeczypospolitej oraz obszar Górnego Śląska i południowych Mazur, na którym mieszkała ludność polska. Praca ta zadziwia obfitością prezentowanych danych statystycznych, których uzyskanie nawet w dzisiejszych czasach jest trudne i pracochłonne. Znaczenie Statystyki Polski polega też na tym, że dała argumenty delegacji polskiej w trakcie rozmów dotyczących kształtu terytorialnego odrodzonego państwa polskiego, prowadzonych na konferencji pokojowej w Wersalu.
The beginning of the twentieth century is a time of the development of official statistics in European countries. Due to the lack of its own independent state, it was not possible to publish a Yearbook of Poland at the time. In this context, the Polish Statistical Association (PSA) was founded in Cracow in 1912. One of its main tasks was to merge statistical information on Polish lands dispersed among statistical offices of Russia, Germany and Austria and to issue its own statistical yearbooks for Polish lands and their population. Before the beginning of World War I, the PSA was able to prepare the publication Statistics of Poland, printed in 1915, whose main authors were: A. Krzyżanowski and K. W. Kumaniecki. Many people from the intellectual elite of the country were involved in the project. The territorial scope of Statistics of Poland is interesting. It covers the territory of the first Polish Republic and the area of Upper Silesia and the southern Masuria, where Poles were the majority. Statistical data contained in Statistics of Poland amaze by their abundance even today. The importance of Statistics of Poland is that it gave arguments for the Polish delegation in the conduct of the discussions on the shape of the territory of reborn Poland in 1918 carried out at the peace conference in Versailles.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2018, 5, 338; 229-245
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ornella Labriola: the loneliness of an irreducible memory
Selvaggio, Maria Antonietta
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
political identity
private life
public life
relation with the past
This paper aims at analyzing the particular case concerning Ornella Labriola (1908-1991), who lived between Italy and Soviet Union. She was a guest of the famous hotel “Lux” in Moscow, the dwelling place of international Communism during the years of Stalinism. In that place, happened her love story with Giuseppe Rimola (1905-1938), delegate of Italian young communists in the Kjm (the Young Communist International). He was arrested and condemned to death as ”people’s enemy” in the gyre concerning he terror of Stalinism. During all her life, Ornella Labriola only desired to show people the truth about the death of her own partner, also to rescue the sense of her own existence and choices. The biographical approach of our research permits to emphasize witness’s feelings, believes, values and auto-reflexivity. Labriola was interviewed a year before her death. Her narration is focused on her relationship with ideology, with the revolutionary time when she grew, with the political treat as it was perceived during the thirties and forties; but also she talked about her love relation with her partner in a cultural context in which it was normal to sacrifice own private life on the altar of revolutionary necessities.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2017, 15; 91-121
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The institutional archive of the Maritime University of Szczecin
Zalewska, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
public records
record management
institutional archive
archive material
history of higher education in Western Pomerania
The archives of higher education institutions in Poland are a very important link in the national archive network. Their role arises from the tasks they perform in the creation of the national archive resource. These archives, in addition to serving their basic function, carry out additional tasks in the process of the collection and proper protection of historical resources. The purpose of this article is to present the role performed by the institution’s archive of the Maritime University of Szczecin. Among other things, this article discusses office and archival regulation, which is mandatory in the organizational unit and is characterized by the archive of MU.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2015, 42 (114); 140-144
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Notes on Bio-History: Michel Foucault and the Political Economy of Health
Uwagi o biohistorii: Michel Foucault i ekonomia polityczna zdrowia
Chiaramonte, Xenia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
medycyna społeczna
Michel Foucault
zdrowie publiczne
pandemia COVID-19
social medicine
public health
COVID-19 pandemics
In October 1974, Foucault gave three lectures in Rio de Janeiro on the archeology of the cure. This piece will comment on the first two, published a few years later in France with the original titles: Crise de la médicine ou crise de l’antimédicine? and La naissance de la médicine sociale. Bio-history is the term Michel Foucault initially uses – in the second lecture – to refer to the effect of the strong medical intervention at the biological level that started in the eighteenth century and has left a trace that is still visible in our society. It is on this occasion that Foucault introduces the concept, or rather the prefix “bio-” in his analysis, and it is here – as my reflections intend to demonstrate – that we may trace the original meaning of a term that today seems rather abused and find a valuable analytical framework for a cogent approach to the relationship between medicine and power dynamics.
W październiku 1974 roku Foucault wygłosił w Rio de Janeiro trzy wykłady na temat archeologii leczenia. W niniejszej pracy skomentowane zostaną dwa pierwsze, opublikowane kilka lat później we Francji pod oryginalnymi tytułami: Crise de la médicine ou crise de l’antimédicine? oraz La naissance de la médicine sociale. Biohistoria to termin, którego Michel Foucault używa początkowo – w drugim wykładzie – w odniesieniu do skutków silnej interwencji medycznej na poziomie biologicznym, która rozpoczęła się w XVIII wieku i pozostawiła ślad, który jest nadal widoczny w naszym społeczeństwie. To właśnie przy tej okazji Foucault wprowadza do swojej analizy pojęcie, a raczej przedrostek „bio-”, i to właśnie tutaj – jak zostanie pokazane w niniejszej pracy – możemy prześledzić pierwotne znaczenie terminu, który dziś wydaje się raczej nadużywany, jak też znaleźć wartościowe ramy analityczne dla przemyślanego podejścia do badań nad relacją pomiędzy medycyną a dynamiką władzy.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica; 2021, 96; 111-123
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Healthcare Financing Sources in Central Europe
Źródła finansowania systemów ochrony zdrowia w Europie Centralnej
Mikucki, Maciej
Piotrowska, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
economic history
health care financing
health expenditure
public health insurance
historia ekonomiczna
finansowanie służby zdrowia
służba zdrowia
publiczne ubezpieczenia zdrowotne
Purpose: The objective of the paper is to review historical developments and the current setup of healthcare financing models in Central Europe. Methodology: A systematic narrative approach has been taken with the research emphasis on a critical literature review and analyses of healthcare spending statistical data. Findings: A comparison between different models currently in place seems to suggest the existence of patterns leading to improved quality of the healthcare service proposition that is critically impacted by a financing model. Implications: The findings have practical implications since different results have been achieved in countries choosing different models but starting from practically the same point. That realisation should serve as a foundation for further work on this subject, potentially leading to adjustments to financing models chosen by some countries. Value: The paper offers a comparative analysis of the healthcare system financing evolution in four Central European Countries and an overview of their current state. JEL: H51, I11, I13, I15, I18, N34 Acknowledgements This research received no funds. Suggested Citation: Mikucki, M. & Piotrowska, E. (2020). Healthcare Financing Sources in Central Europe. Problemy Zarządzania (Management Issues), 18(3), 29–48.
Cel: wiodącym celem artykułu jest prezentacja zarówno historycznej ewolucji systemów, jak i bieżącego stanu finansowania opieki zdrowotnej w krajach Europy Środkowej. Metodologia: w badaniu przyjęto systematyczne podejście narracyjne, koncentrujące się na krytycznym przeglądzie literatury oraz analizie wydatków związanych ze służbą zdrowia. Wyniki: porównanie różnych funkcjonujących obecnie modeli prowadzi do konkluzji, że sposób finansowania opieki zdrowotnej może mieć wpływ na dostępność i jakość obsługi pacjenta. Implikacje: wnioski mają praktyczne zastosowania, analiza wskazuje bowiem, że w różnych krajach osiągnięto rozbieżne rezultaty na skutek wyboru różnych modeli, pomimo porównywalnego punktu startowego. Ta konstatacja stanowi podstawę do dalszej analizy, która z kolei może prowadzić do propozycji zmian systemowych w finansowaniu ochrony zdrowia w analizowanych krajach. Wartość: praca wnosi analizę porównawczą systemów finansowania ochrony zdrowia w krajach Europy Centralnej oraz przegląd obecnie funkcjonujących rozwiązań. JEL: H51, I11, I13, I15, I18, N34 Acknowledgements This research received no funds. Suggested Citation: Mikucki, M. & Piotrowska, E. (2020). Healthcare Financing Sources in Central Europe. Problemy Zarządzania (Management Issues), 18(3), 29–48.
Problemy Zarządzania; 2020, 3/2020 (89); 29-48
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lithuanian Politics of History in 1990–2018. Legal Solutions
Volkonovski, Jaroslav
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
Lithuanian politics of history
historical memory
public holidays
days of remembrance
nation’s historical memory
Commission for the National Historical Memory
The following article provides an insight into Lithuanian public holidays and days of remembrance in the period 1990–2018, established on the basis of national legislative acts, including legal acts and stenographic records drafted up during the sittings of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Both the Seimas and the president of Lithuania have made subsequent decisions on drafting the list of public holidays and days of remembrance, enabling to determine the most important dates and events that have laid the groundwork for Lithuania’s historical memory. The list of public holidays displays a clear pro-state and religious tendency while that of days of remembrance seems to be marked by clear anti-Soviet sentiment, tilting towards promoting a pro-Western system of values. Before adopting the relevant legal acts, members of the Lithuanian parliament held a discussion, under which two additional holidays commemorating the Constitution of May 3, 1791 and the Mutual Pledge of the Two Nations of October 20, 1791 were officially put on the list. Also, attention should be drawn both to the relevance and consistency of the list of public holidays and days of remembrance as the document is subject to constant updates. Endeavours to adopt legislation to commemorate the nation’s historical memory appeared unsuccessful while, given the 100th anniversary of Lithuania’s independence on February 16, 2018, all related efforts were forwarded to the relevant institutions; in consequence, a parliamentary committee was eventually convened on June 20, 2017. Nonetheless, too little time has passed since then to properly evaluate the works performed by the aforementioned body and the validity of all its decisions taken so far.
Institute of National Remembrance Review; 2019, 1; 165-217
Pojawia się w:
Institute of National Remembrance Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company:” the American Performance of Shakespeare and the White-Washing of Political Geography
Meyer, John M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Shakespeare in performance
Early Modern history
African American
Public Theatre
American Shakespeare Center
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
The paper examines the spatial overlap between the disenfranchisement of African Americans and the performance of William Shakespeare’s plays in the United States. In America, William Shakespeare seems to function as a prelapsarian poet, one who wrote before the institutionalization of colonial slavery, and he is therefore a poet able to symbolically function as a ‘public good’ that trumps America’s past associations with slavery. Instead, the modern American performance of Shakespeare emphasizes an idealized strain of human nature: especially when Americans perform Shakespeare outdoors, we tend to imagine ourselves in a primeval woodland, a setting without a history. Therefore, his plays are often performed without controversy—and (bizarrely) on or near sites specifically tied to the enslavement or disenfranchisement of people with African ancestry. New York City’s popular outdoor Shakespeare theater, the Delacorte, is situated just south of the site of Seneca Village, an African American community displaced for the construction of Central Park; Alabama Shakespeare Festival takes place on a former plantation; the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, Virginia makes frequent use of a hotel dedicated to a Confederate general; the University of Texas’ Shakespeare at Winedale festival is performed in a barn built with supports carved by slave labor; the Oregon Shakespeare Festival takes place within a state unique for its founding laws dedicated to white supremacy. A historiographical examination of the Texas site reveals how the process of erasure can occur within a ‘progressive’ context, while a survey of Shakespearean performance sites in New York, Alabama, Virginia, and Oregon shows the strength of the unexpected connection between the performance of Shakespeare in America and the subjugation of Black persons, and it raises questions about the unique and utopian assumptions of Shakespearean performance in the United States.
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance; 2022, 26, 41; 119-146
Pojawia się w:
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Death penalty in Poland. Relict or possible threat
Ochwat, Maria
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
death penalty
death penalty in Poland
history of death penalty in Poland
supporters and opponents of death penalty
public international law vs. death penalty
For centuries, the death penalty has been a subject of interest not only to lawyers, political scientists, philosophers or psychologists, but also to representatives of various types of organizations, including non-governmental organizations and politicians. The death penalty is the merciless murder of a human being, committed premeditatedly by the state in the name of justice. It is a violation of the right to life guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is the most cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. A mistake cannot be eliminated, which is all the more dangerous because the death penalty is an irreversible punishment. The death penalty was and still is sometimes treated as a political tool, used to eliminate inconvenient opponents. In Poland, the last execution was carried out in 1988, followed by a moratorium on the adjudication and execution of the death penalty, and finally amended legislation. Today Poland is a member of the Council of Europe and the European Union, which strictly oppose the death penalty. However, there is no shortage of voices, both among politicians and the public, to reinstate the death penalty for the most serious crimes. This article presents the history of the death penalty in Poland and selected contemporary views, on the possibility of reinstating the death penalty in Polish criminal law.
Reality of Politics; 2023, 26; 58-75
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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