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Compliance-Gaining Theory as a Method to Analyze U.S. Support of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)
Karleskint, Peter
Matusitz, Jonathan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Instytut Geografii
civil war
compliance-gaining theory
Free Syrian Army
global policy
United States
This paper examines U.S. support of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) through compliance-gaining theory. By and large, the theory describes how one party is able to get another party to comply with specific demands. The particular compliance-gaining tactics explored in this analysis are ingratiation, debt, guilt, and compromise. Thanks to these tactics, we can better understand how a rebel group like the FSA has managed to convince a superpower like the U.S. to support it, in spite of the historical implications of supporting rebel groups in the past. To make its compliance-gaining stronger, the FSA has played up ideas or concepts like oil, trust, blame, obligation, and past U.S. military interventions to collaborate with the U.S. so as to bring down the Syrian government and, by the same token, resist Russian influence in Syria.
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society; 2022, 11, 4; 29-36
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adaptation Of International Environmental Policy To The National Environmental Policy Of Ukraine Composition, Path Criteria
Kniazieva, Tetiana V.
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej
international Environmental Policy (IEP)
criteria of IEP
international regional eco-policy
international global eco-policy
international environmental safety
In the article considered conditions substantiation of criteria database: immutability legal procedures, the development of legislative support for the implementation of international environmental policy is towards the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, the advantage of economic instruments implementation of international environmental policy given incentive and motivating methods, criteria should be formalized and subject monitoring the effectiveness of their performance criteria justified solely for the purposes of international environmental policy, that is, taking into account the specifics of this activity, in other words, the criteria for the claims of uniqueness and commensuration. The international mechanism to implement environmental policy is one of the key elements and components of international environmental policy, in particular, it relies on the solution of international controversies and improving procedures for the implementation of environmental policies at the international level through the institutions and agreements, through monitoring and elements of economic mechanism oriented issues, such as considering multiple stakeholders interstate level or at the level of competence of state bodies or non-governmental or multinational businesses.
MIND Journal; 2016, 1; 1-12
Pojawia się w:
MIND Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Policy in Fact of Contemporary Global Processes
Chodubski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
social policy
global processes
In reflection summary it can be stated that social policy is both a possibility and a barrier in the development of a new corporate culture-civilization, referred to as globalization. Main forces shaping the new global reality, and the face of social policy are: technical and scientific progress, international laws and education focused on raising awareness of global change. Quick pace of civilization reveals an inability to adapt to a wide range of society the realities of the world of IT and information, and consequently the phenomenon of exclusion and widening of social pathologies. The image shaping social policy sets out the special role of participatory unit. The implementation of the project of European integration reveals a large gap between the assumptions and practice of social life. Standards of social policy remain in the realm of vision, a declaration of hope, the boundaries between the real world and virtual information and disinformation and manipulation. An important role in this regard play the media, which in its action shall submit to the effectiveness of the delivering authentic information about contemporary social realities and social policy pursued in its various structural dimensions.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2015, 44; 140-153
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New institutional framework for global climate change prevention
Новая институциональная модель предупреждения глобального изменения климата
Нова інституціональна модель попередження глобальної зміни клімату
Presse, A. C.
Data publikacji:
Dnieprowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Ołesia Honczara
зміна клімату
корпоративне управління
стале управління
глобальна економічна політика
изменение климата
корпоративное управление
устойчивое управление
глобальная экономическая политика
climate change
corporate governance
sustainable management
global economic policy
Мета дослідження – оглянути точку зору фірм, що пропонують викопне паливо, на теорію загального надбання людства (theory of global commons). Спільне надбання людства охоплює сфери і ресурси, що виходять за рамки національних юрисдикцій. Тим не менш, на даний момент їх управління здійснюється національними державами. Дизайн/Метод/Підхід. В данній статті запропоновано підхід до загального надбання людства з точки зору фірм. Результат: На сьогоднішній день компанії взаємодіють з національними державами щодо емісії вуглекислого газу і, ймовірно, міжнародних схем торгівлі квотами на емісію. Розглянута теорія пропонує перенести відповідальність національного рівня на міжнародний рівень управління, тобто на Організацію Об'єднаних Націй. Теоретичне значення дослідження: При зміщенні механізму контролю в бік палива, що надходить в економіку, більшість компаній (крім видобувних компаній) зможуть сконцентруватися на тому, на чому вони і повинні концентруватися – на задоволенні потреб своїх клієнтів. Компанії ж, що видобувають викопне паливо, будуть зобов'язані купувати права на емісію палива до того, як це паливо потрапить в економічний цикл. Даний підхід створить економічний стимул для компаній застосовувати технології з низьким або нульовим рівнем споживання викопного палива і дозволить зробити перехід від викопного палива легко планованим. Таким чином, запропонований механізм може називатися іммісійною схемою (від латинського immissio, "впускати"). Оригінальність/Цінність: Управління спільним надбанням людства на рівні національних держав є мало прийнятним, а також не відображає природу використовуваних ресурсів. Дана стаття пропонує одне з рішень проблеми глобальної зміни клімату. Перспективи подальших досліджень. Буде потрібно дослідження застосованості даної схеми до різних видів промисловості, а також у прив'язці до різних типів викопного палива. Тип статті – теоретична.
Цель исследования – рассмотреть точку зрения фирм, предлагающих ископаемое топливо, на теорию общего достояния человечества (theory of global commons). Общее достояние человечества охватывает сферы и ресурсы, выходящие за рамки национальных юрисдикций. Тем не менее, их управление осуществляется на данный момент национальными государствами. Дизайн/Метод/Подход. В данной статье предложен подход к общему достоянию человечества с точки зрения фирм. Результат: На сегодняшний день компании взаимодействуют с национальными государствами касательно их эмиссии и, вероятно, международных схем торговли квотами на эмиссию. Развиваемая теория предлагает перенести ответственность национального уровня на международный уровень управления, то есть на Организацию Объединенных Наций. Теоретическое значение исследования: При смещении механизма контроля в сторону топлива, поступающего в экономику, большинство компаний (кроме добывающих компаний) смогут сконцентрироваться на том, на чем они и должны концентрироваться – на удовлетворении потребностей своих клиентов. Компании же, добывающие ископаемое топливо, будут обязаны приобретать права на эмиссию топлива до того, как это топливо попадет в экономический цикл. Данный подход создаст экономический стимул для компаний применять технологии с низким или нулевым уровнем потребления ископаемого топлива и позволит сделать переход от ископаемого топлива легко планируемым. Таким образом, предлагаемый механизм может называться иммисионной схемой (от латинского immissio, “впускать”). Оригинальность/Ценность. Управление общим достоянием человечества на уровне национальных государств является мало применимым, а также не отображает природу используемых ресурсов. В данной статье предложено одно из решений проблемы глобального изменения климата. Перспективы дальнейших исследований. Потребуется исследование применимости данной схемы к различным видам промышленности, а также в привязке к различным типам ископаемого топлива. Тип статьи – теоретическая.
Purpose. This conceptual paper takes the firms’ perspective about practical implications of the theory of the global commons. Global commons are the areas and resources defined as those being beyond national jurisdictions. Their governance, today, however, is still coordinated largely by national states. Design/Method/Approach. This paper introduces a firm's perspective based on the global commons approach. Findings. At present, companies deal with national governments concerning their emissions and, perhaps, the international emissions trading scheme. Theory argues about the need to shift the responsibility from the national to global governmental levels, i. e. the United Nations. Theoretical implications. Given the input orientation put forward by this approach, companies – except fossil fuel extractors – would not actually have to deal with any governmental or regulatory bodies but can focus their capabilities on what they are best at: serving the needs of their customers. Fossil fuel extracting companies, in order to sell these fossil fuels, will have to purchase the amount of emission rights before they sell the fuel into the economic cycle. This approach establishes an economic incentive for companies to employ technologies with low or zero fossil fuel consumption while making the transition path predictable. The underlying concept, therefore, can also be referred to as an immissions scheme (from Latin immissio, “to let in”). Originality/Value. Governing a global common through national structures is inappropriate and does not reflect the nature of the underlying resource. This paper proposes a solution to the problem of global climate change. Further research. Further research is needed to address the effect of this strategy on different industries, and how those are affected based on the degree to which they employ fossil fuels. Paper type – сonceptual.
European Journal of Management Issues; 2018, 26, 1-2; 29-38
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Management Issues
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Institutional Causes of the Global Banking Crisis and the Emergence of Macro-Prudential Countercyclical Policy
Instytucjonalne przyczyny globalnego kryzysu bankowego i pojawienie się polityki makroostrożnościowej
Sławiński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
global banking crisis
regulation and supervision
macro-prudential policy
The recent global banking crisis was caused by an intertwined process consisting of the emergence of universal financial conglomerates, the development of global interbank money markets, and of regulatory capture leading to an excessively libertarian approach to financial regulation and supervision. All these factors produced the three main sources of risks that brought about the global banking crisis, namely, enhanced credit pro-cyclicality, banks’ interconnectedness, and their growing exposure to balance sheet losses. The experiences with unsustainable lending booms of the previous decade showed that stabilizing inflation is not sufficient to stabilize the economy. These experiences underscore that macro-prudential policy should be a second weapon in central banks’ countercyclical policy arsenal.
Niedawny światowy kryzys bankowy był efektem splotu powiązanych ze sobą przyczyn w postaci rozwinięcia się globalnych rynków pieniężnych, które stały się głównym źródłem finansowania niestabilnych boomów kredytowych, oraz powstania wielkich uniwersalnych konglomeratów finansowych, które uzyskały decydujący wpływ na kształt regulacji finansowych, doprowadzając do nadmiernej liberalizacji systemu regulacji i nadzoru bankowego. Wszystkie te czynniki stworzyły trzy główne źródła zagrożeń – w postaci zwiększonej procykliczności akcji kredytowej, rosnącej współzależności banków i rosnącego ryzyka ponoszenia przez banki strat bilansowych – które spowodowały globalny kryzys bankowy. Doświadczenia, związane z pojawieniem się w ostatniej dekadzie niestabilnych boomów kredytowych, pokazały, że stabilizowanie inflacji nie wystarczy dla stabilizowania gospodarki. Doświadczenia te wykazały, że polityka makroostrożnościowa powinna stać się drugim instrumentem polityki stabilizacyjnej banku centralnego.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2013, 295
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The concept of ‘China as a threat’ and ‘Peaceful China’ in terms of contemporary world order and hegemony of the United States
Bondarenko, Vasylisa
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
United States
containment policy
international relations
world politics
regional security
global hegemony
global governance
The relationship between the two countries has been a complex and diverse subject of investigation and contemplation. The interconnection between the two countries can be described by the following central notions, such as economic cooperation, rivalry in terms of status acquisition of global hegemonic power, particularly in the Pacific region and beyond controversy mutual suspicion over each other’s intentions. Therefore, it is clearly justified that each state has elaborated and adopted a specific manner of conduct and attitude regarding each other as a potential adversary but has meanwhile maintained an extremely strong economic partnership. It is fair to state, that the relationship between both countries has been described by multiple world leaders and academics as the world’s most significant bilateral relationship of the 21st century. Due to the fact that Chinese economy has started to develop increasingly fast and PRC has strengthened its positions on the world’s arena, the United States started to perceive the Middle Kingdom as a direct threat to the established world order in its drive for regional hegemony in East Asia now as well as future aspirant for global supremacy. Beijing, by contrast rejects these notions, and continues its assertive policies and its quest for allies.
Reality of Politics; 2021, 16; 13-23
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monetary policy of the Federal Reserve System from the perspective of exit strategies1
Nocoń, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Exit strategy
Federal reserve bank
Global financial crisis
Monetary policy normalization proces
Non-standard monetary policy
Central banks, after the experience of the global financial crisis, are now starting the implementation of the exit strategies, which are the process of normalization of monetary policy. The pace of monetary policy normalization process depends on the market reaction to central bank’s decisions and macroeconomic conditions, in which they will be implemented. The main aim of the study is to present the principles of the exit strategy of the Federal Reserve System (Fed), on the background of the changes that have occurred in the United States within the monetary policy during the global financial crisis.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2015, 21; 163-172
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contradictions in Multicultural Indigenous Policies: A Systemic Analysis of the Chilean State’s Response to Mapuche Demands
Simon, Jeanne
González - Parra, Claudio
Fenelon, James
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
social movement
social conflict
land policy
indogenous and global interest
Even though no part of the world is untouched by the global economy, the role played by the State continues to have an impact on the resistance of indigenous peoples, and Chile is no exception. At present, the Chilean government presents several contrasting faces to indigenous peoples. On the one hand, it offers multicultural public policies based in “Development with Identity”, whose formal objective is to generate economic and social development from the ground up. In contrast, in areas where the indigenous communities are in conflict with large companies over the control of natural resources, the Chilean government considers these communities to be terrorists, denying their basic legal rights. At present, there is a diversity of positions within the Mapuche movement and within Mapuche communities with respect to the Chilean State, although the media tend to emphasize only the violent conflicts. Our paper analyzes the development of the “conflict” between the Mapuche and the Chilean State due to the extractive activities of private companies from a systemic perspective, situating this conflict within the larger international political and economic system.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2009, 58, 4; 95-115
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Citizen diplomacy and human capital development in Nigeria: a contemporary discourse
Okeke, Christian Chidi
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój w Warszawie
citizen diplomacy
human capital development
foreign policy
national interest
global system
Citizen diplomacy as a key component of diplomacy is fundamental in international relations. Through it, individual citizens help realize their countries’ national interests through unofficial interactions. For Nigeria however, the worry is whether citizen diplomacy can effectively complement official diplomatic activities in the face of the low human-capital development of her citizens. United Nations Development Pro-gramme in 2019 placed Nigeria’s human-development-index value for 2018 at 0.534, positioning the country at 158 out of the 189 countries and territories surveyed. It also classified 51.4 percent of Nigerian population as being multi-dimensionally poor with an additional 16.8 percent categorized as being vulnerable to multidimensional poverty. In view of this challenge therefore, this paper examined the implication of the low human-capital development on foreign relations of Nigeria. Data was collated from secondary sources while qualitative descriptive technique was used for analysis. The paper found that Nigeria’s current human capital development trajectory is incapable of stimulating citizen diplomacy into complementing the country’s official diplomatic relations with other states. It also found that this situation accounts for the failure by Nigeria to actualize most of her foreign policy objectives. The paper therefore recommended improved investment in wellbeing of Nigerians for better outing in foreign relations.
Dyplomacja obywatelska jako kluczowy komponent dyplomacji ma znaczenie fundamentalna w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Dzięki niej poszczególni obywatele pomagają realizować interesy narodowe swoich krajów po-przez nieoficjalne interakcje. W przypadku Nigerii niepokoi jednak kwestia efektywności uzupełniania przez dyplomację obywatelską czynności dyplomatycznych ze względu na niski poziom rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego jej obywateli. Program Narodów Zjednoczonych ds. Rozwoju w roku 2019 uplasował wartość wskaźnika rozwoju społecznego Nigerii na rok 2018 na poziomie 0,534, czyli na 158 miejscu z 189 badanych krajów i terytoriów. Sklasyfikował również 51,4 procent populacji Nigerii jako biednych wielowymiarowo, a dodatkowe 16,8 procent sklasyfikowano jako narażone na wielowymiarowe ubóstwo. W związku z tym w niniejszym dokumencie przeanalizowano wpływ niskiego rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego na stosunki Nigerii z zagranicą. Dane zostały zebrane ze źródeł wtórnych, natomiast w analizie została zastosowana jakościowa technika opisowa. W artykule wskazuje się, że w Nigerii aktualnie trajektorie rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego nie są w stanie stymulować dyplomację obywatelską w zakresie uzupełniania oficjalnych relacji dyplomatycznych z innymi krajami. Zostało odnotowano, że ta sytuacja także jest przyczyną niepowodzenia Nigerii w kontekście aktualizacji celów polityki międzynarodowej Nigerii. W tym artykule zawarte są zalecenia poprawienia inwestycji w dobrostan Nigeryjczyków dla lepszych wyników w relacjach z zagranicą.
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences; 2020, 11(1); 297-314
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poland’s Economic Performance in Global and Long-term Perspective: Surprises so far and Risks in the Years Ahead
Gomułka, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
transition economies
Poland’s performance surprises
global growth trends
Polish policy risks
The paper is focused on economic and institutional developments in Poland during the last 30 years of transition from its centrally planned socialist economy to a market-based capitalist economy. The main purposes of the paper are three. One is to identify and explain the developments that were either surprising or specifically Polish. The second purpose is to note and explain the differences between the rate of growth of the Polish economy and that of the other emerging economies, in particular to explain ‘the green island’ phenomenon during the global financial crisis 2008-2009. The third purpose is to note and discuss the new risks that may prevent Poland to reduce further the development gap to technologically most advanced economies.
Central European Economic Journal; 2018, 5, 52; 109 - 117
Pojawia się w:
Central European Economic Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Redefinition of Foreign Policy of the United States since Trump’s Election: The Case of Trade War with China
Jaskuła, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Trade War
Foreign Policy
Global Economy
The main aim of this text is to present economic relations between China and the US today. The election of Donald Trump in 2016, significantly redefined American trade policy toward China. Despite the first months of his presidency, which promised an efficient, long-term cooperation between Beijing and Washington, incumbent president decided to implement severe restriction on the trade with China at the beginning of 2018. However, the announced imposition of tariffs on almost all goods coming from this country could interfere with the growth of the single states and the economy of the whole country in the future. Therefore the text is aimed to investigate the  ependency of selected states on the inflows of Chinese investments since 2010. Finally, it is necessary to examine the phenomenon of the trade war, which has begun in July 2018, and assess its impact on the growth of both countries.
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal; 2019, 23, 1; 161-182
Pojawia się w:
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Confronting Nationally Determined Contributions to IPPCs +2 °C Carbon Budgets through the Analyses of France and Wallonia Climate Policies
Paulus, Nicolas
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
global warming
carbon footprint
imported emissions
Nationally Determined Contributions
carbon budget
climate policy
A method to objectively compare and link climate policies, expressed in CO2eq, to IPCC's carbon budgets, expressed in CO2-only, is exhibited, as countries often omit to so in their Nationally Determined Contributions. Furthermore, they are usually pledging only towards territorial targets despite the fact that imported emissions are now greater in occidental countries, thus relying on the countries they are importing from to achieve their own territorial emissions reductions. This paper demonstrates that the +1.5 °C carbon budgets of France and Wallonia will be exceeded even with territorial emissions only. For the +2 °C carbon budget to be secured, France should reduce its imported emissions at least to the same extent as their projected territorial emissions. For Wallonia, this is even emphasized since it has no margin in the +2 °C carbon budget with only the territorial emissions. It should therefore legally adopt more ambitious territorial and imported emissions reduction pathways with short-term commitments.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2023, 24, 6; 214--225
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of the rise of global supply chains on the foreign trade policy
Puślecki, Zdzisław W.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
foreign trade policy
global supply chains
anti-protectionist forces
cooperating on trade policies
multilateral trade negotiations
bilateral trade policy
The main aim of the article is the indication of the impact of the rise of global supply chains on the foreign trade policy. The subject of the discussion and theoretical contribution in the undertaken research program are new tendencies in international business − the rise of global supply chains, the impact of the rise of global supply chains on the political economy of trade and countries motivations for cooperating on trade policies and the rise of global supply chains and increasing importance of bilateral agreements in the foreign trade policy. It is important to underline that a few multinational firms are responsible for a major share of world trade and for the rise of global supply chains. On the one hand, these firms should support regulatory harmonization across different Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) in order to lower trade costs. On the other hand, they might also resist harmonization – and encourage certain non-tariff measures – in order to prevent new competitors from entering markets. This may partly explain the persistence of regulatory divergence, and suggests that the political economy of regulatory convergence, especially in the conditions of the rise of global supply chains, may be more complex than is sometimes suggested
Ekonomia XXI Wieku; 2016, 3 (11); 208-227
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia XXI Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bioenergy innovations and their determinants: a negative binominal count data analysis
Brolund, J.
Lundmark, R.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Drewna
renewable energy
energy policy
data analysis
energy production
global production
The research employed a negative binominal count data model approach to analyse the determinants of bioenergy innovations with a special focus on the effect of energy and climate policies. A panel of 14 OECD countries were analysed using patent counts for the period 1978–2009 as a proxy for innovations. The policies examined were feed-in tariffs, quota obligations and different types of investment support schemes. The study found that feed-in tariffs affected innovation positively but quota obligations did not. The results regarding investment support programs were ambiguous since the dummy variable representing strong investment policies was statistically significant whereas the continuous variable for investment support schemes was not. Another finding was that electricity prices seemed to be an import-ant determinant of innovation and that the accumulated stock of knowledge in the bioenergy sector also had a positive impact on bioenergy innovation.
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty; 2014, 57, 192
Pojawia się w:
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What drives the dependence between the Chinese and global stock markets?
Qian, Lingling
Jiang, Yuexiang
Long, Huaigang
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Instytut Współczesnych Finansów
time-varying copulas
panel regression analysis
economic policy uncertainty
global financial crisis
By applying time-varying copulas and panel regression analysis, this study investigates the dependence between the Chinese and eleven international stock markets, as well as its determinants during the period 2002-2018. Our results indicate that the dependence magnitude between the Chinese stock market and major international markets varies with region. Furthermore, the dependence is negatively driven by both economic policy uncertainty differentials and interest rate differentials while positively affected by the global financial crisis and trade interdependence. Our findings are of great importance to international investors and policymakers.
Modern Finance; 2023, 1, 1; 12-16
Pojawia się w:
Modern Finance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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