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The paradoxes of PrEP: rejection, reluctancy, and novel gay identities in biomedical HIV prevention in Serbia
Milosavljević, Zoran
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich
gay men
HIV status
HIV prevention
This article explores the different ways in which gay men in Serbia perceive PrEP as a novel method of HIV prevention. In the article, I draw on data from my research on PrEP use among thirty gay men in Belgrade. The use of PrEP is still very low amongst gay communities in Serbia due to their rejection of PrEP and due to the stigma around PrEP use. In Serbia, the social significance of PrEP relates to HIV status disclosure on gay social/dating media. Paradoxically, on gay dating sites, the signifier “PrEP” blurs the line between HIV positive gay men – who have achieved undetectable HIV status through a potent ARV therapy – and those HIV negative gay men who use PrEP as a preventative tool against HIV transmission. In the article, I will argue that a new form of gay identity has emerged on gay dating apps in Serbia – “undetectable, on PrEP”. This new identity emerges from confusion in HIV risk assessment. The use of PrEP has been seen as a marker to denote someone’s HIV negative status and to protect them from HIV transmission. However, some gay men with an undetectable HIV status would like to be regarded as HIV negative even though they are not, and thus they use the signifier “on PrEP” to highlight their desire to claim an HIV negative status. PrEP has many symbolic valences: from HIV status disclosure to assumed promiscuity. As I will argue, while the health paradigm is of utmost importance for Serbian gay men, internalized stigma additionally drives the low uptake of PrEP amongst gay communities in Serbia, thus contributing to the confusion regarding PrEP use and the overall approach to HIV prevention. This article finds that those respondents who accept PrEP without stigma or confusion regarding their HIV status are also more willing and ready to recommend using PrEP to other gay men.
InterAlia: Pismo poświęcone studiom queer; 2021, 16; 33-50
Pojawia się w:
InterAlia: Pismo poświęcone studiom queer
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Quantum Leap" 2.0 or the Western gaze on Russian homophobia
Wiedlack, Maria Katharina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
‘the West’
western media
leveraged pedagogy
Quantum Leap 2.0 or the Western gaze on Russian homophobiaThis paper analyzes recent discourses about Russian homophobia within Anglophone media. It argues that western liberal media, supranational institutions such as the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), and gay rights activists create discourses that center gay issues in the midst of an East-West oppositionality. Such a binary construction creates the image of a just, democratic and homophile West in opposition to an undemocratic, unjust, homophobic East, dominated by Russia. It attaches the notions of progress, equality and freedom not only to a homo-tolerant or homo-inclusive legislation and society, but actually binds all these aspects to the global territory of Western nations. Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, on the other hand, become attached to the notion of homophobia, hence backwardness, and anti-modern conservatism. The key figures and visual representations of all these discourses, that simultaneously signify western homo-tolerant progress as well as Russian anti-gay backwardness are white young gay men, who became victims of anti-gay violence. In using images of frightened, beaten or otherwise harmed young white men, liberal media, supranational institutions, and gay rights activists render the gay subject not only as vulnerable, and without agency, but also as globally uniform and carrier of western insignia. In this way, gays are symbolized by western signs, and become symbols themselves, standing in for western progress, modernity and development. Somehow paradoxically, such a focus on gay men allows for ignorance towards lesbians, transgender, intersex and other queers as well as the troubling nationalism, homophobia and racism within Western, Anglophone countries, such as the USA or the UK. Moreover, it allows for what Kulpa calls “leveraged pedagogy,” a condemnation or reprimand of Russian policies, from a point of moral and ethical (western) superiority. „Zagubiony w czasie” 2.0 albo zachodnie spojrzenie na rosyjską homofobięPrzedmiotem niniejszej analizy są dyskursy o rosyjskiej homofobii obecne we współczesnych mediach anglojęzycznych. Autorka stwierdza, że zachodnie liberalne media, aktywiści gejowscy oraz organizacje ponadnarodowe, takie jak Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka, budują dyskurs umieszczający kwestię gejowską w centrum opozycji Wschód-Zachód. Taka binarna konstrukcja tworzy obraz praworządnego, demokratycznego i przyjaznego homoseksualistom Zachodu przeciwstawionego niedemokratycznemu, niesprawiedliwemu i homofobicznemu Wschodowi, zdominowanemu przez Rosję. Łączy ona idee postępu, równości i wolności nie tylko z tolerancyjnym i włączającym prawodawstwem, ale wiąże te aspekty z samym terytorium państw zachodnich. Z drugiej strony Rosja, Europa Wschodnia i Eurazja zostają skojarzone z ideami homofobii, zacofania i antynowoczesnego konserwatyzmu. Kluczowymi postaciami i reprezentacją wizualną tych dyskursów, która ukazuje zarówno zachodni tolerancyjny dla homoseksualizmu postęp, jak i rosyjskie antygejowskie zacofanie, stają się młodzi biali mężczyźni, którzy padli ofiarą homofobicznej przemocy. Wykorzystując obrazy przerażonych, pobitych, czy w inny sposób skrzywdzonych młodych białych mężczyzn, liberalne media, instytucje międzynarodowe i aktywiści gejowscy nie tylko przedstawiają gejów jako bezbronnych i pozbawionych sprawczości, ale również jako jednolitą grupę nosicieli zachodnich wartości. W ten sposób utożsamieni z symbolami Zachodu geje sami stają się symbolami zachodniego postępu, nowoczesności i rozwoju. Paradoksalnie, skupienie się na homoseksualnych mężczyznach pozwala lekceważyć lesbijki, osoby transpłciowe, interseksualne czy w inny sposób nieheteronormatywne. Pozwala również przemilczeć kłopotliwy nacjonalizm, homofobię i rasizm w państwach anglojęzycznego Zachodu, takich jak USA i Wielka Brytania. Umożliwia ono wreszcie potępianie przez Zachód rosyjskiej polityki z pozycji moralnej i etycznej wyższości, które Robert Kulpa określa mianem „pedagogiki nacisku”.
Adeptus; 2018, 11
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Meaning of Coming Out: From Self-Affirmation to Full Disclosure
Guittar, Nicholas A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Coming Out
Sexual Identity
Gay and Lesbian Studies
Qualitative researchers have begun to analyze narratives of individuals’ experiences with coming out in order to explore the social influences that affect these processes. However, most studies on coming out are based on the assumption that “coming out” has a singular shared meaning. The present study is centered on challenging this very assumption by taking a constructivist grounded theory approach to exploring the meaning of coming out for 30 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) individuals via open-ended interviews. Coming out does not have a universal meaning among LGBQ persons; rather, it varies on the basis of individuals’ experiences, social environment, and personal beliefs and values. All 30 participants in the current study agree that coming out is a transformative process and an important element in identity formation and maintenance, thus challenging the notion that coming out is no longer a relevant concept. For some participants coming out is more of a personal journey of self-affirmation, while for others it is about the sharing of their sexuality with others – and oftentimes a combination of these two characteristics. Implications for future research on coming out are included.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2013, 9, 3; 168-187
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Narrative Approaches as a Supplementary Source of Knowledge on Marginalized Groups
Follesø, Reidun
Hanssen, Jorid Krane
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Narrative approaches
Youth in care
Youth in gay and lesbian families
This article reflects upon two different research projects that involve narratives from youth in care and youth growing up in families with gay and lesbian parents. We argue that these narrative approaches may offer a supplementary source of knowledge on marginalized groups that often seem hard to reach. The first method involves the participant and researcher collaborating to convert an oral narrative into a written one. In the second, the participants write an autobiographical narrative by themselves, covering themes specified by a researcher. The article is structured so that we first look at the processes of co-creating narratives and collecting autobiographical testimonies. We then introduce the two different methodological approaches by referring to empirical examples. Finally we reflect on the methodological and ethical challenges that occurred during this research.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2010, 6, 2; 126-136
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Dynamite Scrupulously Packed”: A Revaluation of Henry Blake Fuller’s Bertram Cope’s Year
Clausson, Nils
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich
Henry Blake Fuller
Bertram Cope’s Year
gay canon
comedy of manners
The essay proposes a reinterpretation and revaluation of Henry Blake Fuller’s 1919 novel Bertram Cope’s Year and argues that it deserves permanent currency within the canon of gay fiction. My reinterpretation and revaluation of it is based on the premise that readings of it over the past 50 years (since Edmund Wilson’s 1970 essay on Henry Blake Fuller’s fiction in the New Yorker) have failed to understand its representation of homosexuality. Criticism of the novel has been based on post-Stonewall assumptions of what a 'gay novel’ should be and what cultural work is should perform. The post-Stonewall paradigm of the gay novel is that it is a coming-of-age story, a Bildungsroman, focused on a protagonist who, through a process of self-discovery, arrives at an acceptance and affirmation of his sexual identity. The prototype is Edmund White’s A Boy’s Own Story, with E. M. Forster’s Maurice a precursor. To appreciate Bertram Cope’s Year, we must, I argue, abandon post-Stonewall presuppositions of what we should expect from a gay novel. Bertram Cope’s Year is not a coming-of-age novel. Rather it is a comic novel formed from Fuller’s successful fusion and subversion of the romantic comedy, the comedy of manners, and the campus novel. Bertram Cope is a comic hero who ultimately triumphs over the efforts of a college town, presided over the matchmaking socialite Medora Phillips, to marry him to one of the three young ladies in her circle. He is rescued from this unwanted marriage by his boyfriend, who arrives to save him from the unwanted marriage. Fuller successfully exploits the conventions of the comic novel to tell a story that anticipates one of the aspirations of the gay liberation movement half a century later. As such, it deserves permanent currency.
InterAlia: Pismo poświęcone studiom queer; 2021, 16; 155-175
Pojawia się w:
InterAlia: Pismo poświęcone studiom queer
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Identifying with the Role of “Other”: “The Pink Triangle Experiment” Revisited
Milman, Noriko
Rabow, Jerome
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
experiential learning
gay and lesbian
identity management
self and society
social oppression
The present study examines the impact of a politically-charged symbol on the everyday interactions of student-participants. Autoethnographic data gathered by undergraduate students donning a pink triangle pin indicates that participants often became identified with a gay/lesbian identity and were subsequently “othered.” Students’ testimonies highlight how the othering process prompted greater understanding of the struggles of gay men and lesbians, as well as other historically disenfranchised groups. Finally, their writings indicate that the experiment served as an exercise in self-reflection and in some cases, produced sentiments of self-empowerment.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2006, 2, 2; 61-74
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Disgust as a form of legitimization of perversion in „Lovetown” by Michał Witkowski
Wstręt jako legitymizowanie perwersji w „Lubiewie bez cenzury” Michała Witkowskiego
Wróblewski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature of the 21st century
gay and lesbian literature
cathartic disgustand perversion
Sigmund Freud
Michał Witkowski (b. 1975)
This article examines the relationship of disgust and perversion in Lovetown (Lubiewo bez cenzury) by Michał Witkowski. An overview of the reception of the book reveals that reviewers and critics have focused mainly on Witkowski’s portrayal of the LGBT community, the structure of the novel (dubbed the ‘queer Decameron’), and the textual (meta) creation of the writer’s voice, but it ignored his handling of disgust and perversion. Central to this reading of Lovetown, which draws on Sigmund Freud’s analyses of disgust and perversion, is the observation that the narrator interlards his lingo with neutral, ‘objective’ explanations of the main characters’ deviant behaviours. This glossary, written for the general reader, tends, in effect, to legitimize deviance. An in-depth analysis of the writer’s handling of the categories of the disgusting, the perverse and the sacred leads to the conclusion that Lovetown exemplifi es a cathartic-therapeutic narrative in which disgust becomes a tool of self-fulfi llment.
Ruch Literacki; 2018, 3; 305-322
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jewish Perspectives on Homosexuality
Żydowskie spojrzenie na homoseksualizm
Homolka, Walter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Judaism and homosexuality
same-sex marriage
gay rabbis
lesbian rabbis
marital law
judaizm i homoseksualizm
małżeństwa jednopłciowe
prawo małżeńskie
W tym eseju zamierzam przedstawić przegląd różnych opinii na temat homoseksualizmu istniejących w judaizmie. Chcę pokazać rezultaty długiego procesu kształtowania się poglądów na tę kwestię. Większość członków społeczności żydowskiej oraz większość obywateli izraelskich akceptuje dziś akty homoseksualne i związki partnerskie. Osoby homoseksualne wyświęcane są na rabinów, a pary osób tej samej płci mają możliwość uświęcenia wspólnego życia.
Teologia i moralność; 2020, 15, 1(27); 89-108
Pojawia się w:
Teologia i moralność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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