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Military anthropology : specialisation frame
Boroch, Robert
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej
socio-cultural anthropology
organisational culture
military anthropology
This article presents the research problems addressed in military anthropology. The central research hypothesis is a theoretical-cognitive problem concerning the object of cognition of military anthropology. In this sense, the two main understandings of military anthropology, American and Russian, are shown. Military anthropology develops an interest in culture as an area of struggle, competition, and combat. The article consists of three parts. The first part explains the theoretical issues and the historical development of military anthropology. The second part presents the Russian tradition in the development of that discipline. The third part presents the Polish tradition in which military anthropology is an auxiliary science of security sciences.
Wiedza Obronna; 2021, 1; 63--73
Pojawia się w:
Wiedza Obronna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Old Order Of Captivity Of Sin And Death: A Man Before Coming Of Christ
Misztal, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
$e wordings presented by us do not belong to the most popular either in theNew Testament or in the afore-mentioned so-called authentic epistles of St. Paulthe Apostle. It does not mean, however, that they do not have those meanings.God’s word, also by their assistance, tells us about our human life. At this currentstage, we did not manage to possess this gi~ in full, which eternally stays withGod, or eternal salvation. Simultaneously, we are aware, however, that togetherwith the coming of Christ, our situation radically changed for the better. Weare not slaves anymore of such powers as sin or death. It is true that our liberationis neither complete nor final yet. We cannot go to the other extreme,however, and not to admit that we do not belong to them, that Life stays behindus, that He is already an absolute Lord now and Lord of us, ourselves and of allthis, which was created (cf. e.g. Philippians %:&2). In other words, following theApostle of nations, we could describe our current situation in the followingway. As Christians we are already in Christ (Greek: en Christô). In temporality,however, we are the successors of Adam: just as if our fates became “closed”,“programmed” in Adam. We remain beings limited by Death. We still andcontinually experience a frightening burden of its reign. Repeating the wordsof St. Paul we may reflect this aspect of our existence in temporality, reachingfor the expression “in death” as we still belong in its zone. We also “live” in itin some way. However, this is not everything. Our temporal life also has otheraspects. $us, to reflect on them, the Apostle will refer to the mystery of law /Law and to the mystery of what is material, in particular in man himself, to the mystery of thebody (Greek: sôma and sarx). As we noticed, also the last threemay be something negative, captivating a man, not least serving for his good.A man, waiting for his meeting with Christ, or already living with this meeting,is also a living being, also in a pejorative sense, in body (en sômati and en sarki).We can state the same about another of God’s gi~s, about law / Law, as well asabout order, which the Apostle reflects on by the expression “in law” / “in Law”.As we noticed, such a defined image is not unanimously negative. A manliving in a described situation has not lost his chance yet. He needs salvation andmay obtain it. When it occurs, his situation changes. $e transition is radical,although usually a given person gradually experiences it. It is o~en dividedinto their entire life. Most frequently the old order does not disappear at once.It becomes partially abolished, annihilated. It partially becomes transformed,cured. It partially influences us as well. Our temporality is such. And just as such,it constitutes time and place of salvific work of God and an integral part of theDivine economy. And it frequently outgrows our potential of understanding,reminding us at the same time about the place and role of faith, hope and love.One of the aspects of the Pauline vision of salvific work could be presentedin a great outline in this way. It is noticeable in a specific, interesting way in thewordings we come across in e.g. the so-called authentic epistles of St. Paul theApostle. $is, expressed by them, being God’s Word, refers not only to peopleliving in the Apostle’s time. It concerns people of all times. It concerns us also.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 97-114
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Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Issue Of Christian Anthropology
Kuc, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The text of Gaudium et spes has not yet become the basis for a systematic analysisfrom the point of view of Christian anthropology+>. We shall not conducta systematic analysis at the end of this article. We will only mention a fewissues that are particularly important in our opinion. 2e first issue is the veryarrangement of the first chapter of the Constitutions. It speaks firstly of thedignity of the individual, then of the human community, and only then does itmove on to the discussion of human activity in the world and the tasks of theChurch in the modern world. 2e anthropological concept of the text can beseen from the very layout of the chapters of the first part.2e idea is that the concept of the presence of the Church in the contemporaryworld, that is, the concept of the Church as a sign, that is, a modern conceptof pastoral ministry with the whole Church as a subject, depends on the rightattitude and resolution of the question of who I am and who I – man – become.2is is the basic premise of an anthropological structure, expressed in questionsabout the dignity of the person and the human community.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 13-27
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Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Brain-based Criteria of Human Death. Study of the Issue
Norkowski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
In this article I first tried to demonstrate that the theory of so-called braindeath is unsustainable from a scientific point of view. +e data that the medicalprofession provides on this subject clearly contradicts such a theory. It is impossibleto prove, on the basis of the knowledge available to this science thatpeople who are in a state of cerebral death are really dead. +e only thing thatthe doctor can say, without exceeding the limits of the discipline he represents,is that these people have a significant degree of brain damage. +is does notmean, however, that the brain is so damaged that is has ceased to perform all its functions. On the contrary, these patients usually show many symptomsof brain activity. Recognition of these sick people as dead, therefore, contradictsthe principles of the medical art.+e acceptance of the theory of so-called brain death has also given riseto many problems from the legal point of view. Recognition as a living or deceasedperson depends on the criteria for brain death, which vary from countryto country. +e law has therefore become arbitrary in such an important areaas human life and death.+e adoption of the theory of brain death on the basis of such un-robustscientific criteria has undoubtedly become possible only through the acceptanceof certain philosophical assumptions that reduce the human to his or herconsciousness. A permanent loss of consciousness was de facto considered to beevidence of human death. +is position contradicts the achievements of Christianthought in the field of philosophical anthropology, which emphasises theunity of the individual and the importance of his or her bodily aspect. Whatis even more important, however, is the fact that modern man tends to thinkin terms of moral utilitarianism. Many people believe that it is possible to sacrificethe life of a person who is seriously ill and who has no hope of improvement(in this case, a person with cerebral death syndrome) for the benefit of otherpatients. +is attitude explains the passivity of many circles and the failureto discuss such an important issue as the rightness or wrongness of the theoryof so-called brain death. It is not without significance that there is a specifictransplant lobby in individual countries, which puts moral pressure on entiresocieties to accept the removal of organs for transplantation from people whoare in a state of so-called brain death, and suppresses the discussion of moralproblems associated with it.It is necessary for the Catholic Church to develop a clear position on thismatter. +is has not yet happened. There is even a surprising lack of consensusamong various the authorities. However, some of the hierarchy of the CatholicChurch have already spoken on this matter. +ese include Cardinal Meissner,Archbishop of Cologne, who clearly rejected the theory of brain death as incompatiblewith the principles of the Church’s teaching8'. Pope John Paul IIalso wrote in the encyclical Evangelium Vitae: “Nor can we remain silent aboutthe existence of other, better camouflaged but no less dangerous forms of euthanasia.We would be dealing with them, for example, if, in order to obtain moreorgans for transplantation, we proceeded to collect these organs from donorsbefore they were declared dead according to objective and adequate criteria.”Although these words do not mention the concept of brain death, theyrefer to it indirectly. +is paper was written in order to draw attention to justsuch a moral problem hidden in the concept of so-called brain death.In conclusion, I would like to give the floor to one of the participantsin the discussion on brain death, Dr Tomoko Abe. She wrote: “It is true thatthe latest developments in science and technology have brought many benefits.At the same time, however, they have brought unprecedented confusion in philosophyand culture to our societies. Due to the destructive tendencies of thepresent day, it is becoming increasingly important to establish social standardsto protect the most vulnerable members of society, such as young children andunconscious patients who cannot defend themselves. We therefore concludethat the current diagnostic criteria for brain death should be abolished andthat a worldwide ban on transplants from people with cerebral death syndromeshould be introduced.”88Dr. Abe is not alone in a desire to overthrow the theory of so-called braindeath and to consider its criteria as non-scientific. +e same is demanded bymany other authors. +e voice of the Catholic Church in this matter is undoubtedlyone of the most important. As the greatest authority in the world in mattersof morality and human rights, it cannot fail to explain the issue of so-calledbrain death in its teaching.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 121-131
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Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“For Christ Is the End of the Law” (Rom 10:4). Topicality of Religious-Moral Principles of the Old Testament
Muszyński, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 253-262
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Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Theological Importance Of Creation In The Old Testament
Gołębiewski, Marian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
1. It is true that the concept of creation takes on theological focus in Israel quitelate. e chosen nation was primarily interested in history and its relationto God, and then asked a question about the beginning of the world. Over time,as a result of historical events, it gradually developed a lesson on creation. Babylonianslavery played a decisive role in the theological reflection on creation. 2. The Old Testament texts testify that the statement “Yahweh has made heavenand earth” corresponds to a threefold theological intention. It has at the sametime a doxological, soteriological and polemic character. e Old Testamenttaken as a whole evokes a cosmogonic fact to praise the glory of the God of Israeland emphasise His transcendence, to question the worship of nature, freeingman from the caring cosmic and agrarian forces, and to guarantee salvationfor Israel and the world, relying on the power of God, able to make all thingsnew out of love for his chosen. 3. The Old Testament shows us that the theological reflection on the creationof the world and mankind has been expressed in various forms in the historyof Israel, there is no single formula of Israel’s faith in creation, but it is alwaysabout the same faith expressed in a formulation conditioned by the currentcultural context, always with the triple theological intentions mentioned can be seen in the Old Testament writings, starting with the Jehovah andthe priestly writer, through Deutero-Isaiah and the author of the Book of Job,whose faith was later expressed in the first article of the creed: “I believe in Godthe Almighty Father, the Creator of heaven and earth.”
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 239-252
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Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Question of Anthropological Dualism in the Old Testament and Intertestamental Literature
Stachowiak, Lech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 163-190
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Combination Of Ethics And Aesthetics With Regard To The Representation Of The Body In Culture
Żukowska, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 147-159
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mystery of Man
Skawroń, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 133-146
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
To be or not to be Yuval Noah Hararis Homo Deus
Krzanowski, Roman
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
Book review: Homo Deus. A Brief History of Tomorrow. Yuval Noah Harari. Vintage, UK. 2017. p. 512.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2018, 65
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Anthropology in a Globalized World. History, Culture and Philosophy
Antropologia w zglobalizowanym świecie. Historia, Kultura i Filozofia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Edukacji Międzykulturowej i Badań nad Wsparciem Społecznym.
philosophical anthropology
cultural anthropology
historical anthropology
historical cultural anthropology
educational anthropology
antropologia filozoficzna
antropologia kulturowa
antropologia historyczna
antropologia kulturowo-historyczna antropologia edukacyjna
Today’s anthropology attempts to relate the historicity and culturality of its concepts, viewpoints, and methods to the historicity and culturality of what is under investigation. Anthropology examines the findings of the human sciences and develops a critique of itself based on historical and cultural philosophy, thereby paving the way for the investigation of new questions and issues. At the heart of these efforts lies a restlessness of mind that cannot be stilled. Research in anthropology is not limited to certain cultural contexts or single epochs. Reflections on the integral historicity and culturality of the research enable the discipline to leave behind the Euro-centricity of the human sciences and to focus on the unresolved problems of the present and the future. This aim implies skepticism toward all-encompassing and universal anthropological interpretations, such as those occasionally found in biological science, for example. Anthropology is not a single discipline. It touches on many different sciences and disciplines, including philosophy. Speaking about anthropology in the humanities and social sciences, we have to consider the following five paradigms: 1) anthropology of evolution and hominization; 2) philosophical anthropology developed in Germany; 3) historical anthropology and the history of mentalities, initiated by historians in France and taking its cue from the Annales-School; 4) the American tradition of cultural anthropology, and 5) finally historical cultural anthropology. These paradigms also provide the basis for educational anthropology.
Dzisiejsza antropologia próbuje powiązać historyczność i kulturę pojęć, poglądów i metod, którymi się zajmuje jako nauka z historycznością i kulturą przedmiotów badań. Antropologia bada odkrycia nauk humanistycznych i tworzy autokrytykę na podstawie filozofii historycznej i kulturowej, tym samym torując drogę dla badań nad powstającymi pytaniami i kwestiami. W sercu tych wysiłków leży nieposkromiony niepokój umysłu. Badania w dziedzinie antropologii nie ograniczają się do określonych kontekstów kulturowych czy pojedynczych epok. Refleksje dotyczące integralnej historyczności i kulturalności badań umożliwiają dyscyplinie odejście od eurocentryczności nauk humanistycznych i skoncentrowanie się na nierozwiązanych problemach teraźniejszości i przyszłości. Tak określony cel implikuje sceptycyzm wobec wszystkich, obejmujących cały przekrój zagadnień i powszechnych interpretacji antropologicznych, przykładowo tych spotykanych w naukach biologicznych. Antropologia nie jest dyscypliną funkcjonującą w izolacji od innych dziedzin nauki. Dotyczy zagadnień z wielu różnych nauk i dyscyplin, w tym filozofii. Mówiąc o antropologii nauk humanistycznych i społecznych należy rozważyć pięć następujących paradygmatów: 1) antropologię ewolucji i hominizacji; 2) antropologię filozoficzną opracowaną w Niemczech; 3) antropologię historyczną i historię mentalności, zapoczątkowane przez historyków we Francji i czerpiące inspiracje ze Szkoły Annales; 4) amerykańską tradycję antropologii kulturowej, 5) wreszcie antropologię historyczno- kulturową. Powyższe paradygmaty stanowią również podstawę antropologii edukacyjnej.
Multicultural Studies; 2017, 1; 13-19
Pojawia się w:
Multicultural Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Displaced Objects and Meanings. A Few Remarks on the Fang Mask, Masawa Canoes and Kachina Dolls
Kisielewski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
cultural anthropology
art history
anthropology of art
Each of the artefacts mentioned in the title is an exemplification of products of the anthropological “Other”. Each of them comes from a distinct geographical region and represents an entirely different culture. However, all of them have been connected together in the Western culture realia as a result of a particular type of displacements. The first displacement involved their physical migration – first to European museums of natural history and ethnological museums. The next one resulted in their emergence on the market of exotic “oddities” whereas yet another displacement located them within the conceptual framework delimited by the artistic discourse. This last displacement shows that it is very difficult to understand or “translate” one culture into another because the conceptual framework of the “translator” is always determined by their own culture.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2018, 2(120); 97-112
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
St Augustine’s Teaching on the Image of God in Man in the Mystery of Creation
Kołacz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Three comments on the Book of Genesis and the treatise On the Trinity enabledus to become acquainted with the Augustinian teaching on the image of Godin man in the mystery of Creation. anks to such a narrowing of the source material,we could more carefully and with greater prudence analyze the thoughtsof the Bishop of Hippo. We hope that in this way we managed to avoid the riskof superficiality and we took into account all the statements of Saint Augustineregarding the problem posed. Unfortunately, L. Krupa did not prevent himself from committing this mistakeN8. He did not take up the subject of human natureas an image of God, and completely passed over in silence the polemics of theBishop of Hippo with Gnostics, who regarded the human family as the imageof the Holy Trinity. Based on the analysis carried out, we could see that accordingto Saint Augustine’s image of God in man is to be sought in his soul, andin the strict sense, in this “part” of him, which is focused on the contemplationof eternal ideas. e essence of the image of God is expressed in the ability of thesoul to participate in God’s life. All this reflects, as Saint Augustine states, thetrue honour and dignity which man owes to his Creator. A characteristic featureof God’s image, even a basic one – in view of the Augustinian approach – is itstrinitarian character.Saint Augustine tried to seek the traces of the Holy Trinity significant task was the passion of his life. Finally, he has found the imageof the Holy Trinity in man. He tried to provide his readers with an insight intothis reality through the trinitarian analogies, the source of which he discoveredin the structure of the human soul. Considering the entirety of St. Augustine’steaching on the image of God in man in the mystery of Creation, the analogousimages of the Holy Trinity in the soul seem to be the most interesting for us.On the other hand, like Saint Augustine, however, we are aware of their greatlimitations. For what is created, even in its most beautiful representation, in comparisonwith the Creator will always be in a vulnerable and poor condition.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 83-96
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Man And Redemption
Łydka, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
What conclusions of the Pope’s doctrine are significant for our way of teachingthe treaty on Redemption?/) e lecture should include an analysis of the concrete existential situationof today’s individual, our nation and all modern humanity. Awarenessof the contemporary existential situation and contemporary conditions shouldbe both a starting point in the considerations on the Redemption, their relevanceand indispensability, as does political theology or liberation theology in theirown way, and the basis which makes it possible that lectures on Redemptionwould demonstrate its significance for today’s man and teach people effectiveconcern for specific matters of existence of Others. When talking about theeffects of Redemption, one should ask what is its significance today for human existence, for example in the burning matter of human dignity and rights, orin the field of the Church’s tasks in the world. us, both the starting point andeffects of the Redemption should be presented in a concrete way, in relationto the current socio-historical situation, based on current experience.() All teaching on the Redemption should be based on biblical sources,obviously interpreted in light of the last Council and entire Christian Tradition.Referring – to a greater extent – to the content and statements presentedin the Bible, may help to overcome the abstractness and the one-sidednessof traditional soteriological treaties, which consider Redemption only in termsof substitute compensation, the most perfect sacrifice and individualistic andethical participation in the atonement and merits of Christ.X) It is necessary to harmoniously combine – as the Pope does in his Encyclical– various aspects of the doctrine of the Redemption, o6en interpreted separatelyin earlier theological treaties. In the spirit of such a harmonious synthesis,it is necessary to demonstrate the relationship between the work of Redemptionand the work of creation, between the Incarnation and the Passover of Christ,between man’s Redemption and the Redemption of the whole world, betweenmoral liberation from sin and social liberation from all forms of oppression,the concern for eternal salvation and for authentic humanism in earthy life.Z) Among many biblical categories that provide a closer view on the mysteryof Redemption, it is especially important to present the category of love, notonly in order to overcome the narrow, legal and social approach to Redemptionin terms of satisfaction and merit, but above all because love is a preeminentcategory in the theory of Christian revelation, the attitude and action mostappropriate for God and for every human being, and the source or bond of trueand full communion between people and God.9) One should teach about the Redemption using a concrete language,and not the abstract one. When analyzing the biblical texts it is necessary to explainthat the revelation of the mystery of the Redemption took place gradually,within the framework of history, in the context of certain cultural categories,that people were redeemed from the situation of sin through concrete events,carried out by God throughout history, especially through life, death and resurrectionof Christ.e Christ who lived in a certain place and in a certain time carried outthe Redemption by restoring the broken covenant of mankind with God, andtoday He allows us to enjoy the effects of the Redemption. rough meetingand uniting with Him in faith and love, confirmed and strengthened in thesacraments, each person regains the highest dignity and the possibility of fulldevelopment. us, the teaching on Redemption using a concrete language will be thus also tantamount to emphasizing the historical, Christocentric andpersonalist character of Redemption.Y) Finally, following the biblical approach, one should refrain from confiningoneself to recognize the mystery of the Redemption in a purely objectiveand essentializing manner – which was common in earlier textbooks – fromcarrying out considerations about its essence in isolation from man and hissituation, but instead one should try to recognize this mystery in terms of itsrole in human life and humanity, its significance for specific human history, itsinfluence on human activity and human culture.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 65-74
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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