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Effect of Municipal Sewage Sludge under Salix Plantations on Dissolved Soil Organic Carbon Pools
Wpływ osadów ściekowych na plantacjach Salix na zawartość węgla rozpuszczonego w glebie
Kalisz, B.
Lachacz, A.
Glazewski, R.
Klasa, A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
osad ściekowy
wskaźnik jakości węgla
zmiany organiczne
potencjalne utlenianie węgla
carbon management index
hot water-extractable carbon
organic amendments
potentially oxidizable carbon
Labile fractions of organic matter can rapidly respond to changes in soil and they have been suggested as sensitive indicators of soil organic matter. Two labile fractions of organic carbon in the soils amended with fresh municipal sewage sludge in two rates (equivalent of 60 kg P ha-1 and 120 kg P ha-1) were studied. Soils under studies were overgrown with Salix in Germany, Estonia and Poland. In Polish soils application of sewage sludge increased the content of both labile organic carbon fractions (KMnO4-C and HWC) for a period of one year. Estonian soils were stable and no distinct changes in labile organic carbon fractions occurred.
Labilne frakcje materii organicznej mogą być wyrazem zmian zachodzących w glebie i stanowią one wskaźniki jakości materii organicznej. Badano dwie frakcje labilnego węgla organicznego w glebach nawożonych osadem ściekowym w dwóch dawkach (będące równoważnikiem 60 kg P ha-1 i 120 kg P ha-1). Badane gleby były porośnięte gatunkami wierzby krzewiastej w Niemczech, Estonii i Polsce. W badanych glebach w Polsce zastosowanie osadów ściekowych spowodowało wzrost obu analizowanych frakcji węgla (KMnO4-C i HWC). Natomiast gleby estońskie były stabilne i nie stwierdzono zmian w labilnych frakcjach węgla organicznego.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2012, 38, 4; 87-97
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish approach to the IMO model course 1.27 on operational use of ECDIS
Weintrit, A.
Kopacz, P.
Bąk, A.
Uriasz, J.
Naus, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Forum Nawigacyjne
Manila Amendments
ECDIS model course
In consequence of the adoption of the Manila Amendments to the STCW Convention and Code, the ECDIS model course would need to be reviewed and updated. Accordingly, three Polish matitime academies/universities present common position what necessary steps should be taken to revise and update existing IMO model course on Operational Use of ECDIS. Notes and comments relate to both the current existing IMO model course 1.27 on operational use of ECDIS and its new version proposed by the United States in the document STW 43/3/1. Comments and remarks to revised draft model course 1.27 cover the following parts and topics: Course Framework, Course Outline and Timetable, Detailed Teaching Syllabus, Instructor Manual, Evaluation and Assessment, and appendices for the ECDIS Instructor: Introduction of Operational use of ECDIS, ECDIS Performance Standard references, ECDIS Carriage Requirements, STCW Manila Amendments on ECDIS, Training scenario types and scenario success, and Integrated navigation training example.
Annual of Navigation; 2012, No. 19, part 2; 155-170
Pojawia się w:
Annual of Navigation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
MET Standards for Electro-Technical Officers
Mindykowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
Maritime Education and Training (MET)
MET Standards
Electro-Technical Officers
STCW Convention
Manila Amendments to the STCW
Understanding and Proficiency (KUP)
IMO Model Course
Gdynia Maritime University (GUM)
The paper deals with one of the most important changes in the STCW 1978 as amended in 2010 Convention, from the point of view of the watchkeeping officers responsible for control, maintenance, diagnostic and repair of electrical and electronic installations on board of ships. Some reasons, why the MET Standards for Electro-Technical had to be developed and implemented are shortly analyzed and described. A legislative way towards and a short description of the minimum standards competence for ETO are presented. Next, new tools supporting ETO’s standards implementation are appointed. Finally, the future works as well as the concluding remarks concerning discussed issue are formulated and commented on.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2014, 8 no. 4; 587-590
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New measures for the acceleration of criminal proceedings in Czech criminal law
Nowe środki zmierzające do przyspieszenia postępowań karnych w prawie karnym Republiki Czeskiej
Ščerba, Filip
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
acceleration of criminal proceedings diversions in criminal proceedings agreement upon guilt and punishment
plea bargaining
amendments to the Czech Criminal Procedure Code
criminal proceedings
przyspieszenie procedur karnych zróżnicowanie procedur karnych umowa o winie i karze
ugoda obrończa
poprawki do czeskiego KPK postępowanie karne
Artykuł zajmuje się ważnym problemem czeskiego sądownictwa w sprawach karnych, polegającym na przewlekłości postępowania. Występowanie tego problemu stało się podstawą działań legislacyjnych zmierzających do wprowadzenia nowych form skróconych procedur. Poprawki do Kodeksu Postępowania Karnego Republiki Czeskiej (Akt Nr 141/1961 Coll.) zostały wprowadzone zarówno z powodu nowych rodzajów postępowań karnych przewidzianych w czeskim prawie karnym (np. warunkowe umorzenie postępowania związane z zakazem działalności), jak też z powodu środka nazwanego porozumieniem co do winy i kary w formie tzw. ugody obrończej (plea bargaining). Artykuł analizuje zalety i wady nowych rozwiązań (np. zgodność z podstawowymi zasadami czeskiego postępowania karnego), jak również problemy z ich regulacjami prawnymi i perspektywami zastosowania w praktyce. Czeskie doświadczenia z nowymi formami skrócenia procedur karnych mogą być użyteczne jako inspiracja oraz porównanie dla specjalistów zagranicznych
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2014, XCII (92); 169-183
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
ECDIS users genuine qualification in maritime industry great demand
Legieć, W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
ECDIS training
IMO Model Course
maritime industry
STCW Convention
SOLAS Convention
manila amendments to the STCW
ECDIS generic course
In this paper author summarizes present maritime industry growing preference for highly qualified officers in the field of ECDIS operation. Current ECDIS training internationally recognised requirements are described including Manila amendments and Polish approach to the IMO Model course 1.27. Various forms of training available nowadays are presented within the paper. Advantages and disadvantages of each method are identified. Author outlines the necessity of improving ECDIS trainers’ competency.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2016, 10, 4; 575-579
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Occupational Issues and Expectations of Turkish Deck Cadets
Yıldız, S.
Uğurlu, O.
Yüksekyıldız, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
maritime education and training (MET)
seafarers in Turkey
Turkish Deck Cadets
deck cadets
STCW 2010 Manila Amendments
STCW convention
International Labour Organization (ILO)
MLC 2006 convention
Seafaring is one of the world's most difficult professions. Seafarers have to face with many negative factors while they are at sea. These negative factors, makes the seafaring profession difficult to be preferred. Fatigue, stress, heavy weather conditions and lack of communication are some of these factors that affect seafarer’s occupational continuity and also make contribution to occurrence of marine accidents. Cadet is one of the seafarers who will be a navigation officer and captain in the near future. That’s why cadets have a significant role in maritime industry. Theoretical and practical training of cadets is very important. Purpose of this study was to examine deck cadets’ training conditions and difficulties they have to face with during their training period. In order to identify these difficulties, render their lives during trainings easier, and establish their expectations, questionnaire conducted with 618 deck cadets. Interviews were carried out with 3 trainers and 10 maritime companies that have substantial shares in Turkey’s maritime trade. As a result of this study identified factors that increase fatigue mostly, reduction measures have been exposed and have tried to offer solutions. This study is an advisory to improve the occupational continuity of cadets in the profession.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2016, 10, 3; 403-408
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An Overview of Chinese Seafarers' Communicative Competence in English-Chinese seafarers' Perspectives
Fan, L.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
seafarer's motivation
seafarer's perspectives
communicative competence
seafarer evaluation
english language
Manila Amendments 2010
The rapid development of technologies and the increasingly strict international shipping regulations help to explain a significant decrease in shipping losses over decades. However, the number of accidents attributable to human errors, in which communication failures represent one third, has not been reduced proportionally. Under the Manila Amendments 2010, it became a compulsory requirement for every company to ensure that seafarers can communicate effectively. Communicative competence of seafarers has been of vital significance in modern shipping. A majority of merchant ships in international voyages are manned with multicultural and multilingual crew. It is not only the multilingual but also the intercultural character of mariners that leads to miscommunication on board. Additionally, communicative competence involves psycholinguistic, strategic and pragmatic aspects. The concept of communicative competence is relatively new in the context of maritime education and training in China and there is a dearth of research dealing with Chinese seafarers' communicative competence. Through an empirical study, this paper aims to fill in the gap by investigating the current status of Chinese seafarers' communicative proficiency from linguistic, intercultural, psycholinguistic, strategic and pragmatic perspectives to understand their strengths and weaknesses in their English communication. Based on the findings of quantitative data analysis, recommendations are finally made to improve Chinese seafarers' communicative competence.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2017, 11, 4; 577-581
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coffee Grounds as a Soil Conditioner: Effects on Physical and Mechanical Properties - I. Effects on Physical Properties
Bedaiwy, M. Naguib A.
Abdel Maksoud, Y S
Saad, A F
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
coffee grounds
physical properties
soil amendments
soil conditioners
Coffee grounds (CG) improved some soil physical properties (dry density, gd; porosity, n; aggregation; hydraulic conductivity, Ks; and infiltration rate, IR). Effects on other properties were inconsistent (e.g., sorptivity, S), or unfavorable (e.g., available water, AW). gd decreased and n increased with CG. CG decreased Ks in sand. In calcareous soil, maximum increase was associated with 10% and 15% CG before and after wetting-and-drying cycles (WDC), respectively. Ks increased with CG in clay, with greatest increase attained at 10% CG. IR decreased with CG in sand. In calcareous and clayey soils, IR decreased with CG before WDC but increased after WDC where maximum increase in clay was linked to 10% CG. No solid trends of soil sorptivity, S, were identified. Before WDC, S had the order: sand > calcareous > clay. For most cases, adding CG increased total water holding capacity (WHC). However, after WDC, the increase in water content at field capacity (FC) with CG was accompanied by a greater increase in wilting point (WP) and therefore a decrease in AW. CG improved soil structure and aggregation and increased non-water-stable aggregates in calcareous and clayey soils. Mean weight diameter (MWD) indicated increase in water-stable aggregates in sand at 5% and 10% CG. In clay, MWD increased only at 5% CG. Although results did not show coherent responses with some tested properties, they, mostly, indicate some beneficial effects of CG, particularly in relation to improving aggregation and water flow.
Polish Journal of Soil Science; 2018, 51, 2
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Soil Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Current Amendments to Polish Electoral Law in the Light of European Standards
Rakowska-Trela, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
electoral law
Electoral Code
In December 2017 and January 2018, the Sejm and Senate, thanks to the votes of the deputies of ruling party Law and Justice, passed hugely controversial law amending inter alia Polish Electoral Code. Its adoption was opposed by the parliamentary opposition, by the electoral administration bodies and by many experts, however unsuccessfully. The enactment of this law destabilises the electoral system without a clear or evident need and treats the electoral code as a political instrument. Secondly, it does not provide the sufficient time for adaptation (vacatio legis), which may jeopardise free and fair local elections and the stability of the political system. Thirdly, the bill contains numerous unclear provisions and is in many parts written in a careless and contradictory way. Such amendments do not correspond with the European standards, described in the Venice Commission’s Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2018, 3 (47); 457-466
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Does the addition of soil amendments have a positive influence on landfill soils?
Vaverková, Magdalena Daria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
soil contamination, soil amendments, soil phytotoxicity, landfill
Waste disposal in landfills is one of most frequently used methods of municipal solid waste (MSW) management. Landfills disturb to a certain extent the landscape character and disposal of waste in landfils represents one of human activities that may impair natural ecosystems. Due to waste decomposition, numerous chemical, physical and biological reactions and changes occur within the landfill body that give rise to dangerous and harmful substances. One of the problems very often occurring in the landfill surrounding is soil contamination. This study is focused on the assessment of soils contamination due to the operation of sanitary MSW landfill. The aim was to determine the effect of diatomite and compost on soil phytotoxicity. Toxicity was assessed in a pot experiment with soil amendments. Soil samples (sample 1–4) for the experiment were taken from the landfill site (sample 1–3) and its surrounding (sample 4). The aim of this study was to check relation between soil amendments added to the soil sample and the amount of biomass produced by some plant species (Sinapis alba L., Hordeum vulgare L.). In this study soil amendments improved soil characteristics. The paper shows that a higher percentage of biomass weight increase was recorded in samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 with the addition of compost. As compared with the addition of diatomite, biomass weight in the samples with the added compost increased on average by 67.25%. Therefore, it can be stated that the addition of diatomite did not advance the plant growth as much as the addition of compost. The potential of using soil amendments in practice is promising. 
Polish Journal of Soil Science; 2018, 51, 2
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Soil Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mediator as a Profession Incorporated into the System of Common Courts – Civil Mediation Practice in the Light of Recent Changes
Kalisz, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
civil mediation
mediacje cywilne
The article is an attempt to examine the results of the amendments, which have been introduced to civil procedure and to mediation law since the 1st January 2016. Mediation corresponds with the nature of private law and in many other Western countries it has become a significant part of justice in civil, commercial and family matters. The examined updating was meant to: raise the social knowledge and recognition of mediation; increase the number of mediations conducted; motivate lawyers to apply it as a solution for legal disputes; raise the standards of professional court mediators and – last but not least – shorten the length of the civil proceedings. Most of the changes have been inspired by the EU directives on commercial disputes.
Artykuł jest próbą zbadania skutków zmian, które wprowadzono do postępowania cywilnego w zakresie mediacji od 1 stycznia 2016 r. Mediacja koresponduje z naturą prawa prywatnego, w wielu innych krajach zachodnich stała się znaczącą częścią wymiaru sprawiedliwości w sprawach cywilnych, handlowych i rodzinnych. Wprowadzenie zmian miało na celu: podniesienie poziomu wiedzy społecznej i uznanie mediacji, zwiększenie liczby mediacji, zmotywowanie prawników do stosowania jej jako formy rozwiązywania sporów prawnych, podniesienie standardów zawodowych mediatorów sądowych i – co równie ważne – skrócenie czasu postępowania cywilnego. Większość zmian została zainspirowana dyrektywami UE w sprawie sporów handlowych.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2018, 27, 3
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Organic soil amendments in assisted phytoremediation of heavy metals contaminated soil - basic phytotoxicity markers
Organiczne dodatki we wspomaganej fitoremediacji gleb zanieczyszczonych metalami ciężkimi - podstawowe markery fitotoksyczności
Świątek, J.
Grobelak, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Częstochowska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej
organic soil amendments
heavy metals
organiczne dodatki glebowe
metale ciężkie
Abiotic and biotic stressors induce a strong cellular response in plants, resulting in significant changes in plant cells metabolism. Knowledge in this area can help to develop very specific methods of stress decrease. For this purpose, it is necessary to find sensitive and accurate tools that will allow to estimate the level of stress in cells. The largest group of substances involved in stress response are proteins. The study of changes in the protein profile can yield the most answers concerning the different mechanisms of soil microflora tolerance and the adaptation of plants to unfavorable conditions. The knowledge of these mechanisms can significantly support the assisted phytoremediation of soils. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of abiotic factors on plant stress response in Lupinus luteus grown on soil contaminated with heavy metals and amended with organic additives. The aim of the study was to determine the level of plant stress based on tests of plant stress proteins presence and a specific peroxidase activity in plants grown on soil contaminated with heavy metals (HMs). An acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) has been used in the study to separate specific proteins fractions (metallothioneins), accompanying stress factors. The results of peroxidase activity indicated that the organic soil amendments have an impact on reducing plant stress. The lowest dose of soil amendments reduced the amount of peroxidase by almost half in roots. This proves that adequate soil supplementation helps plants to tolerate stress. The SDS-PAGE analysis suggests that in the most stressful conditions the protein profile is significantly different from control and indicates additional small protein products in the range of 7÷20 kDa indicating, in accordance with the literature, presence of metallothioneins as response to plant stress. The applied methodology confirms that organic soil amendments reduced the level of HMs plants stress after organic amendments soil application.
Abiotyczne i biotyczne czynniki stresogenne wywołują silną odpowiedź komórkową u roślin, powodując istotne zmiany w metabolizmie komórek roślinnych. Pogłębienie wiedzy w tym zakresie może przyczynić się do opracowania metod zmniejszania reakcji stresowych roślin, a tym samym może zwiększyć odporność roślin na niekorzystne warunki glebowe. Konieczne jest więc stworzenie precyzyjnych narzędzi do szacowania poziomu stresu w komórkach. Największą grupę substancji zaangażowanych w reakcję na stres u roślin stanowią białka. Badanie zmian w profilu białkowym może dostarczyć odpowiedzi dotyczących poznania mechanizmów tolerancji mikroflory glebowej i przystosowania roślin do niekorzystnych warunków. Znajomość tych mechanizmów może w znacznym stopniu wpływać korzystnie na wspomaganą fitoremediację gleb. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu czynników abiotycznych na odpowiedź stresową roślin Lupinus luteus, uprawianych na glebie zanieczyszczonej metalami ciężkimi i wzbogaconej glebowymi dodatkami organicznymi. W pracy badano poziom stresu roślinnego na podstawie testów obecności roślinnych białek stresowych i aktywności peroksydazy w roślinach uprawianych na glebie zanieczyszczonej metalami ciężkimi (HM). W badaniu wykorzystano akryloamidową elektroforezę żelową (SDS-PAGE) do rozdzielenia frakcji białek roślinnych (metalotionein), towarzyszących czynnikom stresowym. Wyniki pomiaru aktywności peroksydazy wskazują na zmniejszenie stresu roślinnego, po wprowadzeniu do gleby zanieczyszczonej metalami dodatków organicznych. Najniższa dawka zastosowanych organicznych dodatków glebowych zmniejszyła aktywność peroksydazy o połowę w tkankach korzeni roślin. Dowodzi to, że odpowiednia suplementacja gleby pomaga roślinom tolerować stres. Wyniki analizy SDS-PAGE sugerują, że w najbardziej stresujących warunkach profil białka znacząco różni się od kontroli i wskazuje na pojawienie się dodatkowych, niskocząsteczkowych produktów białkowych w zakresie 7÷20 kDa. Zgodnie z dostępną literaturą, wyniki wskazują na obecność metalotionein w odpowiedzi na ekspozycję roślin na metale ciężkie. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdzają, że wprowadzone do gleby zanieczyszczonej metalami ciężkimi dodatki organiczne, zmniejszyły wskaźniki stresu roślinnego.
Inżynieria i Ochrona Środowiska; 2018, 21, 4; 335-346
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria i Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Political System of the Republic of Turkey, Past and Present
Marszałek-Kawa, Joanna
Burak, Ahmet
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Republic of Turkey
presidential system
The first constitution of the Ottoman-Turkish Empire was adopted in 1876 – the Kânûn-ı Esâsî (Eng. Fundamental Law). In its history, Turkey has had four constitutions. They were adopted in 1921, 1924, 1961, and 1982, with the latter being presently in force. Nowadays, the creation of a new constitution is the main issue on Turkey’s political agenda. The government of Turkey and Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan want to amend the constitution, and envisage creating an executive presidential system (Tur. Başkanlık sistemi), similar to that of the Russian Federation and the United States. Critics are concerned about what Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s motivation may be. This article analyzes the historical roots of the constitution, its amendments, the presidential system in Turkey and the arguments of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) against the adoption of a presidential system. The key issues that the authors address are the changes that could be made under Turkey’s new constitution and whether all political power would be concentrated in president’s hands.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2018, 3; 95-108
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Turkey’s New System of Government: Some Observations and Considerations in Comparative-Legal Perspective
Nowy system rządów w Turcji: wybrane uwagi i rozważania w perspektywie prawno-porównawczej
Ertaş, Türker
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
relations between the three main branches
semi-presidential system
parliamentary system
presidential system
systems of government
constitutional amendments of 2017
Turkish constitutional order
Turkish Constitution of 1982
Summary On 12 December 2016, 316 deputies of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey submitted a constitutional amendment proposal which is mainly related to changing the parliamentary features of the system of government. The constitutional amendment bill was accepted by the Committee on Constitution of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey with minor changes. Hereafter, the bill was discussed and voted on in the Grand National Assembly. The Grand National Assembly passed the constitution al amendment bill by 339 of 550 votes which is not enough for coming into force but holding a referendum by the President of the Republic2. The constitutional amendment law was promulgated by the President of the Republic on 11 February 2017, and the referendum was held on 16 April 2017. According to the official results declared by the Supreme Electoral Council, 51.41% of the valid votes are in favour, while 48.59% voted for no. Hence, the amendments were approved and are subject to coming into force. This article aims to point out the newly-introduced Turkish system of government by comparing the legislative and executive relations of the relevant constitutional systems which in this case are presidential U.S.A., semi-presidential France and super-presidential Russia. The other purpose of the article is to remark the formation of the judiciary branch of the American, English, German and French constitutional systems for the comparison of the regarding constitutional amendment law provisions. In this respect, the article comprises of a comparative legal/constitutional research in terms of legislative-executive-judiciary relations.
W dniu 12 grudnia 2016 r. 316 deputowanych Wielkiego Zgromadzenia Narodowego Turcji zgłosiło wniosek dotyczący zmiany konstytucji, który był głównie związany ze zmianą parlamentarnych cech systemu rządów. Projekt ustawy zmieniającej konstytucję został zaakceptowana przez Komisję Konstytucyjną Wielkiego Zgromadzenia Narodowego Turcji z niewielkimi zmianami. Następnie projekt ustawy został poddany dyskusji i przegłosowany w Wielkim Zgromadzeniu Narodowym. Wielkie Zgromadzenie Narodowe uchwaliło projekt ustawy o zmianie konstytucji wiekszością 339 spośród 550 głosów, co było niewystarczającą wiekszością konieczną do wejścia w życie, i wiązało się z przeprowadzeniem referendum przez Prezydenta Republiki. Ustawa o zmianie konstytucji została ogłoszona przez Prezydenta Republiki 11 lutego 2017 r., a referendum odbyło się 16 kwietnia 2017 r. Zgodnie z oficjalnymi wynikami ogłoszonymi przez Najwyższą Radę Wyborczą, 51,41% ważnych głosów było za zmianami w konstytucji, podczas gdy 48,59% głosowało przeciw. W związku z tym poprawki zostały zatwierdzone i weszły w życie. Artykuł ten ma na celu ukazanie nowo wprowadzonego tureckiego systemu rządów poprzez porównanie stosunków między legislatywą a egzekutywą w systemach konstytucyjnych: prezydenckim w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki, półprezydenckim we Francji i superprezydenckim w Rosji. Innym celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na zasady powoływania członków organów władzy sądowniczej w amerykańskim, angielskim, niemieckim i francuskim systemie konstytucyjnym, w celu ich porównania z regulacjami przyjętymi w neweli konstytucyjnej. W tym zakresie artykuł zawiera porównawcze badania prawnokonstytucyjne pod kątem relacji legislatywy, egzekutywy i judykatywy.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2018, 1 (41); 11-33
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coffee grounds as a soil conditioner: effects on physical and mechanical properties - II. Effects on mechanical properties
Bedaiwy, M.N.A.
Maksoud, Y.S.A.
Saad, A.F.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
coffee grounds
mechanical properties
soil amendments
soil conditioners
Applying coffee grounds (CG) to sandy, calcareous, and clayey soils resulted in notable effects on soil expansion, cracking, cohesion, internal friction, initial stress and resistance to penetration. In sand, expansion upon saturation was greater after wetting-and-drying cycles. Highest increases were 15.71%, 16.14% and 31.86% for sandy, calcareous and clayey soils, respectively. Effect of CG on cracking was negligible in sand and very slight (<1.0%) in the calcareous soil but marked in clay (14.18% at 10% CG). In sand, cohesion (c) increased significantly with CG up to the 10% content. Cohesion increased by 2.5-folds and 4.5-folds at 5% and 10% CG, respectively. The presence of fine CG grains among larger sand particles, boosted microbial activities, and the resulting cementing and binding effects resulted in increased cohesion. For calcareous soil, cohesion rose from 0.04 kg·cm⁻² to 0.13 kg·cm⁻² as CG increased from 0% to 15%. In clay, maximum cohesion (0.20 kg·cm⁻²) was associated with the 10% CG and was highest of all soils. In sand, the angle of internal friction (φ) decreased notably as CG increased from 5% to 10% but there was no consistent pattern in any of the soils. An increase in initial stress (pi) was observed between 0% and 10% CG in sand and between 0% and 15% in calcareous soil while clay showed no particular trend. Patterns of pi were, thus, consistent with those of cohesion for all soils. Resistance to penetration increased substantially with CG in sand. The effect in calcareous and clayey soils took an opposite trend to that of sand and resistance was generally higher in calcareous soil. Overall effects of CG on resistance were desirable in all soils as far as agriculture (seedling emergence, crop growth, irrigation, etc.) is concerned.
Polish Journal of Soil Science; 2019, 52, 2; 277-294
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Soil Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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