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Against Relativism. The Importance of Truth in the Ethics of St. John Paul II
Probucka, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Axiological relativism
Moral good
St. John Paul II
The main aim of the paper is the analysis and critique of axiological relativism, typical of contemporary Western culture. Its supporters deny the objective status of moral norms and values. Axiological relativism leads to moral indifference based on blurring the difference between good and evil, and negating the belief that human action may be morally better or worse. I present the anti‑relativistic position of St. John Paul II, particularly in relation to the truth, understood as a cognitive and moral value. According to the Pope, a civilization based on the belief of the relative nature of good and evil leads to widespread hypocrisy and is destined to a slow decline.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2016, 6, 1
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A New Evangelization in the life of the family and the church
Świecarz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Familiaris consortio
Lumen Gentium
New evangelization
St. John Paul II
The Church is at all times guiding the truth and credibility of the Gospel. Reflecting on the role of the New Evangelization in the family, it is worth stopping at the concept and meaning of the family. The family is holy, as St. John Paul II is a place where life is properly protected and can develop. The family is a community of people who aspires to eternal life. In Christian terms, the family is a community of parents and children built on the relationship of man and woman. As the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Lumen Gentium emphasizes, the family is referred to as the home church. This is where the functions of the Church are fulfilled: priesthood, royal and prophetic.
World Scientific News; 2018, 104; 423-433
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Attitude towards John Paul II and References Made to His Person by the Polish Parliamentary Parties from 2005 till 2019 – with Particular Emphasis on the Polish People’s Party, the Law and Justice, the Democratic Left Alliance, and the Civic Platform
Stosunek i odwoływanie się do osoby papieża Jana Pawła II polskich partii parlamentarnych w latach 2005–2019 ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej i Platformę Obywatelską
Kubicki, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish parliamentary parties
21st century
Pope St. John Paul II
papież św. Jan Paweł II
polskie partie parlamentarne
XXI wiek
The purpose of the article is to determine what is the contemporary attitude of the most important Polish parliamentary parties to John Paul II, which was done by examining the frequency of referring to and commemorating the person of the pope by individual political parties. In order to achieve the established objective, the activity of individual clubs, circles, MPs and senators in the Polish parliament was analyzed. Furthermore, the analysis of program documents and press organs of Polish political parties was carried out. Studies have shown that the greatest contribution to the commemoration and promotion of a deceased pope in Poland is made by the Law and Justice. The Polish People’s Party also refers to John Paul II in public, but rarely does it in official program documents. Occasionally, and more rarely recently, the pope is also referred to by the Civic Platform. In contrast, politicians from the Democratic Left Alliance usually do not refer to John Paul II, but they respect him as a great Pole and spiritual leader.
Celem artykułu jest określenie współczesnego stosunku najważniejszych polskich partii parlamentarnych do Jana Pawła II, co zostało dokonane poprzez zbadanie częstotliwości odwoływania się do osoby papieża i upamiętniania go przez poszczególne ugrupowania polityczne. W celu realizacji założonego celu dokonano analizy aktywności poszczególnych klubów, kół, posłów i senatorów w polskim parlamencie oraz analizy dokumentów programowych i organów prasowych polskich partii politycznych. Badania wykazały, że największy wkład w upamiętnianie i propagowanie w Polsce osoby zmarłego papieża wnosi Prawo i Sprawiedliwość. Do Jana Pawła II odwołuje się na forum publicznym również Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, ale rzadko robi to w oficjalnych dokumentach programowych. Okazjonalnie, a ostatnio coraz rzadziej, papieża przywołuje też Platforma Obywatelska. Natomiast politycy Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej zazwyczaj nie odwołują się do Jana Pawła II, ale szanują go jako wielkiego Polaka i przywódcę duchowego.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2020, 68; 99-120
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A partire da Cristo, Redentore dell’uomo. Sant’Agostino e il Beato Giovanni Paolo II - alcuni punti di riferimento
Jaśkiewicz, Sylwester
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Christ the Redeemer
St. Augustine
Pope John Paul II
In Jesus Christ, the human person finds greatness, dignity and worth of humanity. This article reflects on the doctrine of the great African bishop, St. Augustine of Hippo and Pope John Paul II. It discusses the truth about Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of humankind. The concept of redemption as represented by the bishop of Hippo is in essence sacerdotal and sacrificial as it is ultimately expressed by the sacrifice of the Cross. The Cross of Jesus Christ manifests the great and merciful willingness of God towards the fallen human person who is the slave of sin. The triple victory of Christ: over sin, death and Satan, restores the human person to life in the communion with God.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2012, 2, 1
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Theology of Primacy in the Ecclessiological and Ecumenical Thoughts of Cardinal Stanisław Nagy
Żmudziński, Marek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
St. Peter
Bishop of Rome
John Paul II
The article presents the achievements of Cardinal Stanisław Nagy in the field of ecclesiology, including the ecumenical context. The main problem is the primacy of the Bishop of Rome as executing the supreme office in the Catholic Church. The article presents the apologetic argumentation concerning the Church’s credibility, called via primatus. It describes the ministry of primacy as the function given to St. Peter the Apostle and his successors, conferred upon him by Jesus Christ, with the purpose of ensuring the unity and permanence of the Church. The article also addresses the problem of the ecumenical quest, where the pope is the most difficult obstacle in the process of unifying Christianity. The last part of the article presents the praxeological aspect of the ministry of primacy in John Paul II’s pontificate.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2018, 65, 9 English Online Version; 99-116
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Role of Religious Songs in the Public Speeches of John Paul II during his 1st Pilgrimage to Poland
Rola pieśni i piosenki religijnej w publicznych wystąpieniach Jana Pawła II podczas I pielgrzymki do Polski
Jankosz, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
pieśń religijna
piosenka religijna
Jan Paweł II
I pielgrzymka do Polski
religious song
John Paul II
1st Pilgrimage to Poland
The aim of this article is to examine the functions and circumstances of religious hymns and songs that accompanied the papal speeches during John Paul II’s 1st pilgrimage to Poland. The paper is not about the musical setting of the liturgy, or the songs sung, for example, while waiting for the start of a meeting with the Pope, but about those songs that were performed during his speeches, sometimes interrupting, and sometimes complementing them. The research question is: what role did religious songs play in John Paul II’s public speeches during his first pilgrimage to Poland in June 1979? In order to answer this question I analyzed available video ( and audio materials from that pilgrimage. Three homilies were used as research material: the homily delivered in Warsaw at Plac Zwycięstwa on 2 June 1979 and the homily given in Częstochowa on 6 June 1979, during the Mass for pilgrims from Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa Basin, in addition to the homily delivered in Auschwitz-Birkenau on 7 June 1979. This is followed by the speech delivered at Lech Hill in Gniezno on 3 June 1979, the speech addressed to young people gathered at the Krakow Skałka on 8 June 1979, and, finally, conversations with young people gathered under the window at Franciszkańska 3 in Krakow.
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie funkcji oraz okoliczności śpiewania pieśni i piosenek religijnych towarzyszących papieskim wystąpieniom podczas I pielgrzymki do Polski. Nie chodzi przy tym o muzyczną oprawę liturgii czy pieśni śpiewane np. podczas oczekiwania na rozpoczęcie spotkania z papieżem, ale o te, które były wykonywane w czasie tych wystąpień, czasami je przerywając, czasami uzupełniając. Pytanie badawcze brzmi: jaką rolę odgrywały pieśni i piosenki religijne w publicznych wystąpieniach Jana Pawła II podczas I pielgrzymki do Polski w czerwcu 1979 r.? Aby na nie odpowiedzieć, przeanalizowane zostały dostępne materiały wideo ( z tej pielgrzymki. Jako materiał badawczy posłużyły trzy homilie: homilia wygłoszona w Warszawie na pl. Zwycięstwa 2 czerwca 1979 r., homilia wygłoszona w Częstochowie 6 czerwca 1979 r. podczas mszy św. dla pielgrzymów z Górnego Śląska i Zagłębia Dąbrowskiego oraz homilia wygłoszona w Oświęcimiu 7 czerwca 1979 r., a także przemówienie na Wzgórzu Lecha w Gnieźnie z 3 czerwca 1979 r., przemówienie skierowane do młodzieży zebranej na krakowskiej Skałce z 8 czerwca 1979 r. i wreszcie rozmowy z młodymi zgromadzonymi pod oknem na ul. Franciszkańskiej 3.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2021, 32, 1; 59-68
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The John Paul II Association of Polish Writers in Chicago: a Report on the Activities in the Years 2006-2013
Panasiuk, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
Polish literature abroad
Polish poetry
American poetry
21st century
The John Paul II Association of Polish Writers in Chicago
During his two-year stay in America Cyprian Norwid wrote one of the most beautiful hymns of longing: “ For the country where a piece of bread Is picked up from the ground with respect Due to a heavens’ gift... I am longing, my Lord...". The Polish Writers Association of John Pope II (PWA) was founded on 9th July 2006. Maciej Andrzej Zarębski, a guest from Poland and honarary member of the Board of PWA, was present at the first official meeting of the Association. Members of the Board of PWA in Chicago in the years 2006-2013 The Board of the Polish Writers Association was formed for the term of 2006-2010 and Alina Szymczyk was elected President of the Association, Elżbieta Chojnowska – Vice-President and Władysław Panasiuk – Secretary. Later, Janusz Kopeć and Andrzej Chojnowski were added to the Board as new members. Since February 2010 to March 2012 the PWA was directed by the President –Alina Szymczyk, the Vice-President – Andrzej Chojnowski, the Secretary – Robert Paweł Redliński, the Members – Janusz Kliś and Jan Kamiński, and the Man of Trust – Józef Maciasz Broda. Since 18th January 2012 to the election of 21st March 2012 the Board consisted of the following persons: President – Alina Szymczyk, Vice-President – Andrzej Chojnowski, Secretary – Anna Konarska, the Members: Janusz Kliś, Jan Kamiński, Man of Trust – Józef Maciasz Broda. On 21st March 2012 an election meeting took place and a new board was created: President – Alina Szymczyk, Vice-President – Andrzej Chojnowski, Secretary – Barbara Żukrowska, Financial Secretary – Maria Mili Purymska, Man of Trust – Józef Maciasz Broda, President of the Control Committee – Jan Żółtek, Delegate of ZKP (Związek Klubów Polskich, the Polish Clubs Alliance) – Robert Paweł Redliński. Members of the Polish Writers Association On 23rd June 2013 the John Paul II Polish Writers Association included the following members (names given in the alphabetical order; if not written otherwise - the country of residence is the United States of America): 1) Antoni Bosak, 2) Andrzej Chojnowski, 3) Leonard Gogiel, 4) Elżbieta Idziak, 5) Janusz Kliś, 6) Anna Marzena Konarska, 7) Józef Maciasz Broda, 8) Henryk Musa, 9) Wadysław Janusz Obara (Poland), 10) Elżbieta Oliwkiewicz-Alen, 11) Bogusław Pacer, 12) Eleonora Przybyło-Trzpit, 13) Maria Mili Purymska, 14) Katarzyna Murawska, 15) Robert Paweł Redliński, 16) Anna Waluś Sikoń, 17) Marianna Maja Soroborska, 18) Ewa Sporna, 19) Grzegorz Stefanek, 20) Alina Szymczyk, 21) Izabela Trzaska-Przybylska, 22) Jan Żółtek, 23) Barbara Żubrowska. Natalia Poneta Piekarska and Maciej Andrzej Zarębski are the honorary members of the John Paul II Polish Writers Association. The Jesuits – spiritual guardians of the John Paul II Polish Writers Association Father Władysław Gryzło SJ became a spiritual guardian of the PWA when it was founded, i.e. in 2006. At the beginning he attended the literary meetings of the poets as a convivial guest. A little later Father Tadeusz Kukułka SJ replaced him as a mentor of the PWA, but shortly afterwards he was called back to join his congregation in Krakow. His replacement was Father Superior Stanisław Czarnecki SJ; at present the spiritual guardian of the Association is Father Jerzy Karpiński SJ. Secular poets and their spiritual guardians meet, become friends and then have to part when the mentors are transferred to other posts by their religious authorities, but a close connection between the Polish Chicago poets and the Jesuit Society is maintained. Activities of the John Paul II Polish Writers Association – poetry meetings Although the location of the Association was the building of the Polish Club Alliance, most meetings took place in the Jesuit Center in Chicago. At the beginning the group consisted only of nine persons, but new members were joining in and were added to the list. They represented various levels of the art of writing. On the one hand, among the members there were experienced writers, but on the other – there were many who were just beginners. The main aim of the Association has been to help all the writers, particularly those that are starting their careers. Evenings of poetry reading, organized by the Association, were getting considerable coverage in local media in Chicago. Many people came to the literary meetings, among them journalists working for the press as well as those working for radio and television, professional writers, people involved in culture and art. From the beginning the Association supported new writers, providing similar promotion for them regardless of their origin and previous work. The first poetry volumes were published which brought joy and satisfaction to their authors. Press reviews and interviews in local radio stations were helpful to the writers to reach their readers. Now only a few poets write for their own circles, whereas the members of the PWA write for the whole world making use of the Internet. It is an ambitious challenge, but the number of the readers is growing constantly, and, in fact, no one knows their exact number. The main force behind the organization has always been Alina Szymczyk, the other authors were only helping her. There were meetings with such writers as, for instance, Krystyna Nowobilska who spent the best years of her life in Syberia. Each month there are meetings organized for new poets and writers both the local ones from Chicago, as well as outsiders. (Teresa Kaczorowska, Natalia Piekarska-Poneta). Not all the members of the PWA are writers and poets and not all the poems meet the requirements for publication, but still the PWA has published and has helped to promote many new names. For some time now the PWA has been organizing workshops conducted by Wladyslaw Panasiuk. Poetry needs patience and time and is not an easy task. Alina Szymczyk, President of the Association, has organized two workshops led by Agnieszka Janik from Wrocław. All this has been done for the benefit of the writers as writing requires constant education and improvement of its skills. The Jesuit Center in Chicago regularly hosts such events as Poets’ Spring and Poets’ Fall which provide occasions for finding true poetic talents. It also has to be mentioned that the PWA has been supported by the local actors, radio announcers and television. Since 2009 the WPA has its own internet site ( where you can find the catalogue of the achievements of all the members as well as the news about the activities of the Association. Joint publications of the PWA The WPA has been publishing literary almanacs since 2006. The first publication of this kind was devoted to the patron of the Association – John Paul II. Every year the Regional Society in Zagnansk, the publishing house of Maciej Zarębski who is a traveler, a writer and a regionalist, issues one volume of poetry which includes some members of the WPA among its contributors. (see: bibliography). (...).
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 3(3); 161-166
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Gift of Reason: St. Irenaeus and John Paul II in Dialogue
Dar rozumu: Święty Ireneusz i Jan Paweł II w dialogu
Francois, Jacob
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
John Paul II
Karol Wojtyla
St. Irenaeus of Lyon
theology of the body
Jan Paweł II
Karol Wojtyła
Ireneusz z Lyonu
teologia ciała
Księga Rodzaju
St. Irenaeus as a western figure has a different exegetical account of Genesis which provides some of the foundational principles for his theological concepts of the ‘new Adam’ and recapitulation. The western theological tradition has instead taken the approach handed down by St. Augustine which is seen in St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. This article will describe the difficulties of Irenaeus’s view while also showing the faults of the Augustinian position as shown in John Paul II while comparing the fruit of both in order to develop a synthesis that can encapsulate the fruit of both positions.
Święty Ireneusz jako postać teologii zachodniej wyróżnia się swoistą egzegezą Księgi Rodzaju, która wyznaczyła fundamenty dla jego teologicznych koncepcji „nowego Adama” i rekapitulacji. Zachodnia tradycja teologiczna przyjęła zamiast tego podejście przekazaneprzez św. Augustyna, które widać w teologii ciała św. Jana Pawła II. W niniejszym artykule opisuję trudności poglądu Ireneusza, jednocześnie ukazując wady stanowiska Augustyna rozwijanego przez Jana Pawła II, i porównuję owoce obu koncepcji w celuwypracowania ich syntezy.
Teologia w Polsce; 2022, 16, 1; 153-172
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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