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The Policy of the Communist Party and Komsomol Concerning Informal Youth Associations In Ukraine (1986–1988)
Soroka, Svitlana
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)
informal youth associations
youth policy
Soviet regime
political opposition
The main objective of this paper is to analyze the Communist Party and Komsomol policy concerning informal youth associations in Soviet Ukraine. The author paid considerable attention to the factors that caused the emergence of informal associations’ phenomenon. It is shown that if up to the first half of the 1980s state structures preferred repressive methods of influence on informal youth associations, then from the mid-1980s onwards the policy of party-state leadership changed using the principle of cooperation according to a differentiated approach to associations. This led to a decrease in destructive activities of certain associations and overcoming tensions between the informal youth and public structures. However, in general, the authorities failed to establish constructive cooperation with informal youth associations. Informal organizations became politicized, opposition informal associations formed and consolidated in the second half of 1988. Their authority among the youth was growing amid the decay of official youth structures.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2018, 32; 370-391
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The position of historical science of the Ukrainian SSR in the conditions of communist ideology in the years of Khrushchev’s «thaw» and the unfolding of Brezhnev’s «stagnation»
Kindrachuk, Nadia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
historical science
scientific research
communist ideology
Soviet totalitarian regime
intellectual resistance
national past of Ukraine
Ukrainian scientists
The article shows the complete subordination of historical science in the Ukrainian SSR to the ideology of the Soviet state. The concept of the historical development of the Ukrainian people during the 60s and 70s of the 20th century was determined not by scientists, but by party-communist ideologues. The concept of the rapprochement of nations, the creation of a «new historical community of Soviet people» and the condemnation of the ideology of «bourgeois nationalism» came to the fore. When researching the history of the Ukrainian SSR, scientists were tasked with not focusing on national differences and promoting the «exceptional» role of the Russian people in the life of Ukrainians in every possible way.
Reality of Politics; 2023, 23; 34-48
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Cultural Role and Political Implications of Poland’s 1947 Shakespeare Festival
Kujawińska Courtney, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Communist regime
World War 2
Marxist ideology
Soviet culture
Shakespeare in Poland
Cold War
Emerging from the atrocities of war, and still hoping to avert the results of the Yalta conference during which the countries of Central and South–Eastern Europe, including Poland, were “handed over” to Stalin, Poland’s 1947 Shakespeare theatre festival was a sign of courage and defiance. At the Festival 23 productions of 9 Shakespeare’s dramas were staged by theatres in 11 towns, with its finale in Warsaw. My paper will show that the Festival was an attempt to demonstrate both Polish cultural links with Europe, and to subvert Marxist ideology and Soviet culture.
Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture; 2017, 7; 183-193
Pojawia się w:
Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ukrainian Language in Educational Institutions of the USSR: 1960s–1970s
Kindrachuk, Nadia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Ukrainian language
educational institutions
educational space
Ukrainian intelligentsia
totalitarian regime
Soviet power
This article examines the position of the Ukrainian language in educational institutions of the USSR during the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century. It is shown that the Soviet government actively implemented the policy of Russification, the aim of which was the complete destruction of the national-educational space of Ukrainians. Numerous decisions and resolutions of the country’s top party leadership have laid a solid foundation for the introduction of Russian as the language of interethnic communication. In the field of education, the ideologues of communism tried to shift the emphasis from the national characteristics of Ukrainians to the “common” for all – the Soviet ones. Oppression of the native language has caused alarm among the Ukrainian public. Realizing that the Ukrainian language is the basis for the preservation and development of the Ukrainian nation, the Ukrainian intelligentsia led the movement to protect it. Disagreeing with Russification, Ukrainians used all possible forms of protest against it at the time. It came to the formation of open opposition to Khrushchev’s educational reform. Many letters were received by various levels of government, newspapers, and magazines from various publishers, whose authors were concerned about the unequal position of the Russian and Ukrainian languages and expressed their indignation at the functioning of a large number of Russian-language educational institutions. Ukrainians were encouraged to spread the Ukrainian language and take care of its further development, thus seeking to preserve their own national identity. And the Ukrainian language continued to live and develop in the thick of the masses.
Historia i Polityka; 2022, 42 (49); 151-162
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ethnodemographic policy of the CPSU – CPU of the 1960’s – 1970’s: on the example of the Ukrainian ethnic group
Kindrachuk, Nadia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Ukrainian ethnic group
indigenous people
ethno-demographic policy
Soviet power
totalitarian regime
The article analyzes the ethno-demographic policy of the CPSU – CPU of the 60’s – 70’s of the twentieth century, which was guided by the priority of national unity of the entire Soviet people and neglected the value of the Ukrainian ethnic group and its national development. The state command-administrative system under the slogans of “proletarian internationalism”, “prosperity and rapprochement of nations in the USSR”, “formation of a new historical community – the Soviet people” pursued a policy of assimilation of the titular nation of the Ukrainian SSR. Demographic, economic and social processes that took place in the society of that time, especially decreased in some regions of the republic the number of indigenous peoples. The correlation of macro-processes (intra-republican and inter-republican migration) with internal micro-processes in Ukraine (enhanced russification, interethnic marriages, etc.) promoted assimilation, depopulation of Ukrainians and threatened their national future. The paper finds that in the conflict of unfavorable circumstances resulting from the Soviet assimilation policy, the number of the Ukrainian nation in the USSR slowed down, difficult, but did not grow in both quantitative and qualitative terms.
Reality of Politics; 2022, 21; 61-75
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Colour Revolutions in the Post-Soviet Space: Illusion and Reality of the Post-Soviet Civil Disobedience
Rewolucje kolorowe w przestrzeni post-sowieckiej: iluzja i rzeczywistość post-sowieckiego obywatelskiego nieposłuszeństwa
Kozłowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
the Colour Revolutions
Civil disobedience
regime change
the post-Soviet space
Rewolucje Kolorowe
nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie
zmiana reżimu przestrzeń postsowiecka
The political events that took place at the end of 2003 in Georgia, in 2004 in Ukraine and in 2005 in Kyrgyzstan are popularly called the Rose, Orange and Tulip Revolution or collectively: the Colour Revolutions in the post-Soviet space. At first glance the term "revolution" may seem appropriate. The Colour Revolutions have resulted in the regime change in all the three states. However, from a decade-long perspective one may notice that the revolutionary changes in the political systems of Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan did not actually take place. The post-revolutionary reality: the Russian-Georgian war and criminal charges against the revolutionary Georgian President Micheil Saakashvili, the infamous ending to the political career of the revolutionary leader Victor Yushchenko just four year after the Orange Revolution and the spectacular collapse of the Victor Yanukovych regime, which led to a hybrid warfare with Russia, or Kyrgyzstan's permanent political instability following the revolutionary events of 2005 require yet another insight into what has happened in Tbilisi, Kiev, and Bishkek. Without an in-depth analysis of the events, it is impossible to understand the fundamental social and political dynamics of the ongoing and future changes in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus or Central Asia. The re-evaluation of the Colour Revolutions is not only of historical importance, though. It is also a universal lesson concerning the most important challenge that all the democratic social movements active in the authoritarian or post-authoritarian states have to face: how to manage large-scale civil disobedience protests of a disappointed society while the ruling governments do not follow democratic rules and the international community does not fully comprehend the significance of the ongoing changes.
Wydarzenia polityczne, które miały miejsce pod koniec 2003 roku w Gruzji, na Ukrainie w 2004 roku i w 2005 roku w Kirgistanie są popularnie zwany Rose, Orange i Tulip Revolution lub zbiorowo: kolor rewolucje w przestrzeni poradzieckiej. Na pierwszy rzut oka określenie "rewolucja" może wydawać się odpowiednie. Rewolucje kolorystyczne spowodowały zmianę reżimu we wszystkich trzech stanach. Jednak z perspektywy dziesięcioletniej można zauważyć, że rewolucyjne zmiany w systemach politycznych Gruzji, Ukrainy i Kirgistanu w rzeczywistości nie miały miejsca. Post-rewolucyjny rzeczywistość: wojna rosyjsko-gruzińska i oskarżenia przeciwko rewolucyjnym prezydentem Gruzji Micheilem Saakaszwilim, niesławny zakończenie kariery politycznej rewolucyjnego lider Wiktor Juszczenko tylko czterech lat po pomarańczowej rewolucji i spektakularnego upadku Wiktora Janukowycza reżim, który doprowadził do hybrydycznej wojny z Rosją, lub ciągła niestabilność Kirgistanu po wydarzeniach rewolucyjnych z 2005 r. wymagają jeszcze innego wglądu w to, co wydarzyło się w Tbilisi, Kijowie i Biszkeku. Bez dogłębnej analizy wydarzeń niemożliwe jest zrozumienie podstawowej społecznej i politycznej dynamiki obecnych i przyszłych zmian w Europie Wschodniej, na Kaukazie lub w Azji Środkowej. Ponowna ocena Color Revolutions ma jednak nie tylko historyczne znaczenie. Jest to także uniwersalna lekcja dotycząca najważniejszym wyzwaniem, że wszystkie demokratyczne ruchy społeczne działające w autorytarnych lub post-autorytarnych członkowskie muszą stawić czoła: jak zarządzać dużą skalę protesty obywatelskie nieposłuszeństwo o zawiedzionego społeczeństwa, podczas gdy rządy rządzące nie przestrzegają zasady demokratyczne i społeczność międzynarodowa nie rozumieją w pełni znaczenia zachodzących zmian.
Studia z Polityki Publicznej; 2016, 3, 4(12); 135-151
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Polityki Publicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Religious activity and expression of national identity of Ukrainians during the introduction of the new Soviet ritual: 1960’s–1970’s
Религиозная деятельность и выражение национальной идентичности украинцев в период введения новой советской обрядности: 1960–1970-е гг.
Kindrachuk, Nadia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
religious customs and traditions
national consciousness
totalitarian regime
Soviet power
new Soviet ritualism
религиозные обычаи и традиции
национальное сознание
тоталитарный режим
советская власть
новая советская обрядность
The party ideologues of the Soviet totalitarian state artificially developed and actively introduced into the life of the titular nation of the Ukrainian SSR a new Soviet ritualism, the main goal of which was to raise from every Ukrainian a Russified citizen of the Soviet type without national identity and religious beliefs, with a Russian consciousness, mentality and language. The article proves that the ancient church and religious traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people continued to be a part of the everyday culture of Ukrainians. The religious activity of representatives of the Ukrainian ethnic group was especially observed during the celebration of Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and other church holidays. And although the number of adherents of religious rites in the republic was different – from less in the East to more in the West, Christian values, despite atheism, continued to be the basis of the spiritual life of the absolute majority of Ukrainians.
Партийные идеологи советского тоталитарного государства искусственно разрабатывали и активно внедряли в жизнь титульной нации УССР новую советскую обрядность, главной целью которой было воспитать из каждого украинца русифицированного человека советского типа без национальной идентичности. и религиозных убеждений, с русским сознанием, менталитетом и языком. В статье доказано, что исконные церковно-религиозные традиции и обычаи украинского народа продолжали оставаться частью повседневной культуры украинцев. Религиозная деятельность представителей украинского этноса особенно наблюдалась во время празднования Рождества, Крещения, Пасхи и других церковных праздников. И хотя количество приверженцев религиозных обрядов в республике было разным – от меньшего на Востоке до большего на Западе, христианские ценности, вопреки атеизации, продолжали оставаться основой духовной жизни абсолютного большинства украинцев.
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia; 2023, 3(38); 286-302
Pojawia się w:
Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Oppression of Ukrainian National Identity by the Soviet Mass Media: Political and Ideological Censorship 60’s and 70’s of the Twentieth Century
Kindrachuk, Nadia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
Ukrainian ethnic environment
national consciousness
the mass media
political censorship
the Soviet power
the totalitarian regime
the communist propaganda
an ideological oppression
This article covers the oppression of Ukrainian national identity by the Soviet mass media, which served as an ideological tool of the communist government on the way of total russification and denationalization of Ukrainians over the 60’s and 70’s of the 20th century; censorship is being studied as one of the methods of state supervision over the control of the release of the mass media in order to restrict the dissemination of the ideas and information that were recognized by the then authorities as “undesirable” or “ideologically harmful”. The destructive role of the mass media in the narrowing of the national worldview of Ukrainians, the prohibition of the Ukrainian word, and the leveling of the national aspect in the Ukrainian ethnic environment in the defined period are highlighted.
Historia i Polityka; 2019, 28 (35); 103-110
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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