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Szarzec, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Research Papers in Economics and Finance
Poznań University of Economics and Business
We have the pleasure of presenting to you the next issue of our journal “Research Papers in Economics and Finance” (REF), published by the Faculty of Economics at Poznań University of Economics and Business. Bearing in mind the highest level of our publications, we publish only the manuscripts which have passed at least two reviews under the “peer review” procedure, after initial verification by the Editorial Committee. The articles published within REF are available online in English and through open access. REF is a quarterly journal, with the fourth issue this year containing five papers.
Research Papers in Economics and Finance; 2018, 2, 4; 5-6
Pojawia się w:
Research Papers in Economics and Finance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Accessibility of spaces for learning – learning about accessibility
Dostępność przestrzeni nauki – nauka o dostępności
Bonenberg, Agata
Linowiecka, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
Poznań University of Technology
visual identification
space availability
Politechnika Poznańska
identyfikacja wizualna
dostępność przestrzeni
The purpose of the presented research is to identify problems with the orientation and accessibility of the fragment of the "Warta" Campus at Poznan University of Technology and the building of the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Management Engineering (WAWIZ). The new, almost zero-energy building designed by Prof. Sławomir Rosolski meets ecological and pro-environmental requirements to the highest degree and combines them with the perfection of the building's architectural form. The scope of the ergonomic research conducted concerns access to the Warta Campus from the nearest public transportation stop, the route to the WAWIZ building running through the campus, and the first floor of the building. The scope of the research and accompanying workshops also had an awareness-raising (socio-educational) character, ending with a discussion, and were preceded by design classes, where methods were discussed. The results of the accessibility study allowed the identification of the four most significant measures to eliminate existing limitations. The research focused on architectural accessibility only.
Celem przedstawionych badań jest identyfikacja problemów z orientacją i dostępnością fragmentu Kampusu „Warta” Politechniki Poznańskiej oraz budynku Wydziału Architektury i Wydziału Inżynierii Zarządzania (WAWIZ). Nowy, prawie zero energetyczny obiekt autorstwa Prof. Sławomira Rosolskiego spełnia w najwyższym stopniu wymagania ekologiczne i pro-środowiskowe oraz łączy je z doskonałością formy architektonicznej budynku. Zakres przeprowadzonych badań ergonomicznych dotyczy dojścia do Kampusu Warta z najbliższego przystanku komunikacji miejskiej, drogi do budynku WAWIZ przebiegającej w kampusie oraz parteru budynku, w odniesieniu do dostępności architektonicznej. Zakres przeprowadzonych badań i towarzyszących warsztatów miał charakter uświadamiający (społeczno-edukacyjny) zakończony dyskusją, a poprzedziły je zajęcia projektowe, gdzie omówiono metody prowadzenia eksperymentu. Wyniki badań dostępności pozwoliły na identyfikację czterech najistotniejszych działań eliminujących istniejące utrudnienia.
Przestrzeń i Forma; 2023, 55; 431--446
Pojawia się w:
Przestrzeń i Forma
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lis, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Research Papers in Economics and Finance
Department of Business Activity and Economic Policy
Poznań University of Economics and Business
Dear Readers, We are pleased to present the next issue of the Research Papers in Economics and Finance published by the University of Economics and Business in Poznan, Poland. We have selected five articles from different parts of Europe. This issue opens with a great paper, which received three excellent reviews, written by Mihaela Simionescu from the Institute for Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy entitled “Bayesian combined forecasts and Monte Carlo simulations to improve inflation rate predictions in Romania”. The author has proved, using empirical data for Romania, that the Bayesian combined forecasts using experts’ predictions as priors, when the shrinkage parameter tends to infinity, improved the accuracy of the predictions based on individual models. The second paper entitled “Risk management system references in construction” has been written by four authors: Volodymyr Tkachenko, Maryna Klymchuk, Tetiana Ilina from Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture and Iryna Tkachenko from the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service in Kyiv, Ukraine. In this paper the authors examine the basic methods of risk management in construction: avoidance of risk, localisation, dissipation and compensation. Formalised functional structuring of risk management in construction was proposed, allowing for the implementation of management functions at two levels – executive and coordinating, with the help of a special structural component in the enterprise management system or a specialised unit in the organisational structure. The next paper concerns “Information demand of foreign labour market from the point of view of Chinese students”. This paper has been written by Anna Pilarczyk and Tomasz Naprawski from the University of Szczecin, Poland. The authors have used the companies’ and students’ surveys which identified the main problems facing employers (like a small number of applicants or lack of expertise and experience) and foreign employees (like organisational problems or formal requirements in a foreign country) during the job application process. The proposed information-logistics engine was designed as a core for the software architecture of target-oriented application, in which the user requirements are not clear but have the highest priority. The fourth paper has been created by Joanna Ratajczak from the University of Economics and Business in Poznan, Poland, and concerns “Recruitment and motivation of Generation Z in the face of the employee's market”. The study involved 390 students in Leszno, Poland. The author has proved that despite the low level of unemployment and the problem of finding people willing to work in Leszno in 2018, employers did not fully respond to the expectations of young people. The employee market in the opinion of the employees themselves, especially in smaller towns, where a low unemployment rate is observed, does not translate into improved employment conditions. The last paper entitled “Statutory regulations and corporate governance standards in cooperative banks” has been written by Mikołaj Jalinik from Bialystok University of Technology, Poland and Krzysztof Łukaszuk from the Cooperative Bank in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland. According to the authors’ research, although the regulations of the European Parliament duplicate the solutions already existing on the domestic legal grounds in some areas, they are part of the general policy and practice of developing financial sector regulations, unifying requirements for financial institutions and raising standards in the area of corporate governance. In the case of cooperative banks, doubts arise as to whether, being entities different from commercial banks, implementing solutions (including those of the European Parliament) under pressure from the regulator, the results obtained will prove to be adequate to the specificity of the entities covered by it. Yours faithfully, dr hab. Piotr Lis, prof. UEP - Editor in Chief
Research Papers in Economics and Finance; 2020, 4, 1; 5-6
Pojawia się w:
Research Papers in Economics and Finance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Woźniak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Poznań University of Economics and Business
Research Papers in Economics and Finance
10thEnvironmental PhD Candidates’ Conference “Economy. Technology. Society.”
Dear Readers, I have the pleasure of presenting to you the second issue of the research journal entitled “Research Papers in Economics and Finance” (REF), published by the Faculty of Economics at Poznań University of Economics and Business.  The first and the second paper were presented during the 10thEnvironmental PhD Candidates’ Conference “Economy. Technology. Society.” (GTS), organised by the Heads of Doctoral Studies together with the PhD Council of the Poznań University of Economics and Business. Five research papers were published in this issue of the journal. The first one focuses on changes in the employment structure caused by the development of automation technologies. The second article presents the role of the social responsibility of the state in shaping the reputation of the largest donors of official development assistance. The third article describes the theoretical background of motivation and market statistics of distressed investments on global mergers and the acquisitions market. Another article focuses onthe efficiency of the R&D sector in the European Union countries. The final article presents the interactions between tax sheltering and other instruments of fiscal policy in Nigeria. Yours faithfully, Katarzyna Woźniak, M.Sc. – Chair of the PhD Council PUEB  
Research Papers in Economics and Finance; 2019, 3, 2; 5-6
Pojawia się w:
Research Papers in Economics and Finance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Apple consumers preferences on the example of the Poznan University of Life Sciences students
Zróżnicowanie preferencji konsumentów jabłek na przykładzie studentów Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu
Kierczyńska, S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
food consumption
skin colour
plant cultivar
fruit size
fruit firmness
consumer preference
Poznan University of Life Sciences
odmiany jabłek
The aim of this paper was to present the preferences of apple consumers (students) concerned on the functional and sensory apples’ quality features: the apple cultivar and taste, skin colour, fruit size and fruit firmness. The survey data were collected in the years 2009 and 2011 among 265 and 208 students of the Poznan University of Life Sciences. The respondents completed the survey questionnaires in presence of the researcher. The respondents could choose no more than three of the listed apple cultivars. Further- more the respondents could choose one answer from each list of the preferable apples quality features (taste, skin colour, fruit size and firmness of flesh). The most preferred apple cultivars were: Lobo, Jonagold, Szampion, Golden Delicious and Cortland. The percentage of students whose did not know the name of the apple cultivar they consumed was high and it amounted to 17% in 2009 and 24% in 2011. Students preferred sweet-winy taste of apples, the red colour of fruit skin, with blush, the fruits of medium size and tough. The colour of apple skin was the least important quality feature - it did not matter for more than 1/3 of respondents, mainly males. The differences between males and females students appeared in taste of apple fruits and firmness of flesh. The sour taste of apples was preferred by relatively more males than females and for bigger percentage of males the taste of fruits was not important. More females preferred sweet and very sweet apples and tough.
Celem pracy było przedstawienie preferencji konsumentów jabłek (studentów) w zakresie funkcjonalnych oraz sensorycznych cech jakościowych jabłek, takich jak: odmiana oraz smak, kolor skórki, wielkość owocu i twardość miąższu. Podstawą analizy były wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród studentów Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu w dwóch okresach: w 2009 roku (265 ankiet) oraz w 2011 roku (208 ankiet). Respondenci wypełniali ankietę w obecności osoby przeprowadzającej badanie. Studenci mogli wybrać maksymalnie trzy spośród wymienionych odmian jabłek lub jedną z odpowiedzi: „Nie wiem”, „Nie ma znaczenia”, „Nie jadam jabłek”, „Inne” i wpisać swoją propozycję. Ponadto respondenci mogli wybrać jedną odpowiedź z każdej listy dotyczącej preferencji w zakresie cech jakościowych jabłek (smaku, koloru skórki, wielkości owocu i twardości miąższu). Ulubionymi odmianami jabłek były: Lobo, Jona-gold, Szampion, Golden Delicious i Cortland. Odsetek studentów, którzy nie znali nazwy ulubionych odmian jabłek był wysoki i wynosił 17% w 2009 roku oraz 24% w 2011 roku. Większość studentów preferowała słodko-winny smak jabłek, owoce koloru czerwonego, z rumieńcem, średniej wielkości oraz twarde. Cechą, która nie miała znaczenia dla relatywnie największego odsetka ankietowanych (ponad 1/3 ankietowanych), był kolor skórki. Różnice w preferencjach pomiędzy mężczyznami a kobietami pojawiły się w przypadku smaku jabłek oraz twardości miąższu. Kwaśny smak jabłek preferowało relatywnie więcej badanych mężczyzn, a dla większości z nich smak nie miał znaczenia. Więcej kobiet lubiło jabłka słodkie, bardzo słodkie oraz twarde.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2013, 30, 4
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Facing the Work of Art. Memories of My Student Years
Skubiszewski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
University of Poznań – art history
University of Poitiers – art history
methodology of art history
art history around 1950
The present essay includes the author’s memories of his university studies and the intellectual formation that he received as a student of art history at the University of Poznań in 1949-1954. His first professor who opened to him the door to art history and exerted on him a strong intellectual influence, was Szczęsny Dettloff, a disciple of Heinrich Wölfflin in Munich and Max Dvořák in Vienna. Dettloff taught his students that the foundation of studying art in history is the study of the form of an individual artwork He believed that without a proper analysis of form it is impossible to construct appropriate series of the works of art and specify their position in the culture of the times of their origin. Similar sensitivity to form and the understanding of its significance for the art historian’s work were represented by two other professors important for the author, both educated by Dettloff already before World War II: Gwido Chmarzyński and Zdzisław Kępiński. When in 1957-1968 the author was a postgraduate student in the Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale at the University of Poitiers (CÉSCM), it turned out that the local methodological tradition was similar to what he had learned in Poznań before. The CÉSCM was founded as a multidisciplinary institute for the study of the Middle Ages, combining history, art history, literary history, and the history of ideas. It was important that one of them could shed light on an object studied by another, but each of them, including art history, kept its material and methodological identity. In the French tradition, art history had an “autonomous” status, focusing on artistic creation as a special sphere of human activity. That idea influenced also quite strongly the study of medieval architecture, originated in the early 19th century by Arcisse de Caumont, and continued until today by many generations of French scholars. What is characteristic of their research is meticulous analysis of form, articulated with a precise, detailed, and comprehensive specialist vocabulary. The lectures of French scholars on medieval architecture, which the author attended in Paris and Poitiers, taught him precision in the analysis of the artwork’s structure and its components, as well as responsibility for every single statement made on art. For a young art historian who did not specialize in architecture but in representational arts, that French experience was a lesson of methodological rigor necessary in the intellectual pursuits of the humanities scholar.
Artium Quaestiones; 2019, 30; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Artium Quaestiones
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Franciszek Wlodarski (1889-1944)
Maligranda, Lech
Piotrowski, Walerian
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne
Franciszek Włodarski, history of mathematics in Poland, biographies, Poznań University, analytic geometry, projective geometry, geometric constructions, patent
Franciszek Włodarski, historia matematyki w Polsce, biografie, Uniwersytet Poznański, geometria analityczna, geometria rzutowa, konstrukcje geometryczne, patent
Franciszek Włodarski był polskim matematykiem zajmującym się głównie geometrią analityczną i rzutową. W 1911 roku obronił pracę doktorską na Uniwersytecie Fryburskim w Szwajcarii. Opublikował siedem prac naukowych i dwa podręczniki, jeden z geometrii analitycznej, drugi zaś o konstrukcjach geometrycznych. Przetłumaczył także na język polski książkę Federiga Enriquesa dotyczącą geometrii rzutowej i z tego powodu jest wymieniony w Tysiącu lat polskiej mysli matematycznej [5, str. 243].Zainteresowalismy się Włodarskim ze względu na wyrazy uznania dotyczące jego tłumaczenia książki Enriquesa, pracę na Uniwersytecie Poznańskim w latach 1919–1929 i sprzeczne informacje odnśsnie doroku jego śmierci oraz brak zdjęcia we wszelkich opisach dotyczących jego osoby. Dotarliśmy do jego rodziny i dzięki temu byliśmy w stanie zweryfikować istniejące dane oraz uzupełnić brakujące informacje.Przedstawiamy więc koleje życia oraz dorobek naukowy Franciszka Włodarskiego łącznie z wynalazkiem opatentowanym w czterech krajach w latach 1929–1930.
Franciszek Włodarski was a Polish mathematician working mainly in analytic geometry and projective geometry. In 1911 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "Projective geometry on the sphere in the vector calculus" at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. He published seven scholarly papers and two textbooks, one in analytic geometry, the other one in geometric constructions. He also translated in 1917, from Italian into Polish, the book "Lectures on Projective Geometry" by Federigo Enriques, and this is why he is mentioned in "Tysiąc lat polskiej myśli matematycznej" J. Dianni i A. Wachułka(1963) p. 243. We took interest in Włodarski because of the praise concerning his translation of Enriques's book, his work at the University of Poznań in the years 1919--1929 as well as contradictory information regarding his death year and lack of a photograph in any descriptions concerning his person. We reached his family and, thanks to this, were able complete the missing information. So we present the course of life and the scientific output of Franciszek Włodarski, including an invention patented in the years 1929-1930 in four countries.
Antiquitates Mathematicae; 2017, 11
Pojawia się w:
Antiquitates Mathematicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Some comments on the life and publications of Jerzy K. Baksalary (1944-2005)
Baksalary, Oskar
Styan, George
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Ekonometrii
The Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
The August Cieszkowski Agricultural University in Poznań
authorship matrix
generalized inverses of matrices
history of mathematics and statistics in Poland
linear statistical models
matrix equations and inequalities
matrix partial orderings
rank of a matrix product
Tadeusz Kotarbiński Pedagogical University in Zielona Góra
Zielona Góra University
Following some biographical information on Jerzy K. Baksalary (1944-2005) and some comments by Tadeusz Caliński, Oskar Maria Baksalary, and Image Editors-in-Chief: Bryan L. Shader and Hans Joachim Werner, this article continues with personal remarks on the life and publications of Jerzy K. Baksalary by Anita Dobek, R. William Farebrother, Jürgen Groß, Jan Hauke, Radosław Kala, Erkki Liski, Xiaoji Liu, Augustyn Markiewicz, Thomas Mathew, Wiesław Migdałek, Friedrich Pukelsheim, Tarmo Pukkila, Simo Puntanen, C. Radhakrishna Rao, Dietrich von Rosen, George P.H. Styan, Tomasz Szulc, Yongge Tian, Götz Trenkler, Frank Uhlig, Júlia Volaufová, Haruo Yanai, and Fuzhen Zhang. These remarks are followed by a detailed list of Jerzy Baksalary's publications prepared by the editors of this article.
Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics; 2008, 28, 1; 5-64
Pojawia się w:
Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edward Taylor – Outstanding Economist and Educator
Edward Taylor – wybitny ekonomista i dydaktyk
Oleksyn, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
professor Edward Taylor
outstanding Polish economists
Poznań Economics University
Austrian School of Economics
profesor Edward Taylor
wybitni polscy ekonomiści
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
austriacka szkoła ekonomiczna
Purpose: The aim of this article is to reflect on the phenomenon of creativity, activity, output, extensive knowledge and interests of the Polish Scot, Edward Taylor – an outstanding economist and educator in the 20th century. I wish to draw attention to where his contribution was seen as the greatest and to the challenges that he indicated, particularly in the field of the theory and practice of economics. The aim is also to establish what thoughts of his have stood the test of time, which thoughts and convictions of his are still important and valid today, which may be an inspiration for contemporary Polish scientists, educators, students, and a wide range of readers who are interested in problematic economics, management, and political science issues. A brief description of the scientific output of professor E. Taylor is presented, as well as his opinions on the subject of the Polish economy and academic teaching, along with his non-professional interests, passions of life and interest in all facets of life. He could have been included in the liberal school of thought; in terms of a wide range of issues, his views were confluent with those of the most outstanding representatives of the Austrian School of Economics, albeit he didn’t belong to it. Design/methodology/approach: The following research techniques were used in the article: comparative analysis of literature (not only economic), deduction, induction, synthesis. Originality/value: Relatively original content: liberal thought in interwar Poland struggled to break through totalitarian ideologies, which had some supporters here, and also through nationalism and clericalism. After nearly a hundred years, at the turn of the second and third decades of the 21st century, things were generally similar. The reason for this is mainly the economic infantilism of a large part of society, susceptible to populist demagogy and the giving away of money by the current power. Teaching economics is objectively difficult for a variety of reasons. And then and now it does not generally produce good results. It means negative social and political consequences. Taylor’s diagnosis and counteractions were correct. They are worth getting to know better and continuing. Findings: The article shows the versatility of Taylor, who was not only an outstanding economist, educator, organizer of science, publisher and editor of a long scientific series, but also a man deeply involved in many different fields. He was a co-founder of the Polish Economic Society. He was a reformer of the Polish treasury. He fought against inflation and supported the development of the maritime economy. He was strongly involved in the development of cooperatives and territorial self-government. In each of these areas, he brought new ideas, values and solutions. His phenomenal interdisciplinarity and activity is shown. The values: promoted by Taylor are worth promoting today. They are: knowledge, truth, independent thinking, responsibility, creativity, patriotism, commitment.
Cel: refleksja and fenomenem kreatywności, aktywności, osiąganych wyników, rozległości wiedzy i zainteresowań polskiego Szkota Edwarda Taylora – wybitnego dwudziestowiecznego ekonomisty i dydaktyka. Uwagę zwrócono na obszary, gdzie jego wkład jest najważniejszy, na wyzwania, które wskazywał i podejmował – szczególnie w zakresie teorii i praktyki ekonomii oraz dydaktyki. Celem jest również ogląd aktualności myśli, przekonań i pragmatyk ich wagi i inspiracji dla współczesnych naukowców, dydaktyków, studentów oraz ogółu ludzi zainteresowanych ekonomią. Interesujące są nie tylko jego naukowe przekonania i dokonania, lecz także poglądy na tematy stanu międzywojennej polskiej ekonomii i akademickiego nauczania; działania związane z praktyką gospodarczą w okresie międzywojennym. W artykule ukazano jego pasje pozazawodowe i fascynacje życiem jako takim. Techniki badawcze: analiza porównawcza literatury (nie tylko ekonomicznej), dedukcji, indukcji, syntezy. Treści oryginalne: myśl liberalna w Polsce międzywojennej z trudem się przebijała przez mające swoich zwolenników ideologie totalitarne czy nacjonalizm i klerykalizm, tu i ówdzie faszyzujący. Po blisko stu latach, na przełomie drugiej i trzeciej dekady XXI wieku, mamy do czynienia z podobną sytuacją, której istotną przyczyną jest infantylizm ekonomiczny znacznej części społeczeństwa, podatnego na populistyczną demagogię i rozdawnictwo pieniędzy na rzecz dużych grup wyborców. Nauczanie ekonomii jest obiektywnie trudne, z różnych powodów. I wtedy i teraz nie daje na ogół dobrych rezultatów, co rodzi złe skutki społeczne i polityczne. Diagnoza i sposoby przeciwdziałania Taylora były właściwe. Warto je poznać bliżej i kontynuować. Wyniki: artykuł pokazuje wszechstronność Taylora, nie tylko wybitnego ekonomisty, dydaktyka, organizatora nauki, wydawcy i redaktora naczelnego długiej serii naukowych publikacji ekonomicznych, lecz także człowieka głęboko zaangażowanego i aktywnego na wielu polach (współzałożyciela Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego, reformatora polskiej skarbowości, zwalczającego inflację, wspierającego gospodarkę morską i rozwijającego spółdzielczość, aktywnego działacza w zakresie samorządności terytorialnej; kreatora nowych idei, wartości i rozwiązań). Artykuł pokazuje jego wyjątkową interdyscyplinarność i aktywność. Wartości: promowane przez Taylora, tj. wiedza, prawda, niezależne myślenie, odpowiedzialność, kreatywność, patriotyzm, zaangażowanie, są godne upowszechniania także dzisiaj.
Problemy Zarządzania; 2020, 2/2020 (88); 69-84
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Professor Andrzej Marek Wyrwa (1955–2022), director of The Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica
Linetty, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków
Andrzej Marek Wyrwa
Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Ostrów Lednicki
Cistercian Order
The date 17 November 2022 marked the death of Prof. Andrzej Marek Wyrwa, a historian and archaeologist, a long-standing professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, and Director of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica. Born on 22 March 1955 in Krzyż Wielkopolski, he graduated in history (1978) and archaeology (1981) from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Bonded with his alma mater in his scholarly activity, where he worked uninterruptedly as of 1984, he was conferred doctoral degree in 1985, postdoctoral degree in 1996, and became professor in 2004. Having headed the ’Łekno’ Archaeological Expedition in 1982–2008, he conducted excavations at Ł3 archaeological site at Łekno near Wągrowiec which resulted in a spectacular discovery of pre-Romanesque rotunda relics dating back to the Early- -Piast monarchy, of a stronghold, and of a Cistercian monastery founded in 1153. In many aspects that research into the whole settlement complex around Łekno was trailblazing, extensive, and interdisciplinary. Having become Director of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica in 2008, over the 14 years of his contribution to that institution he implemented crucial projects enabling its operation. In 2013, he extended the archaeological reserves at Ostrów Lednicki, Giecz, and Grzybowo. He also extended the Dziekanowice seat of the Museum making the dream of generations of Polish scholars and museologists come true: to have Ostrów Lednicki’s Piasts’ heritage proudly manifested. Not so long ago, since on 7 October 2022, together with Prof. Wyrwa we happily celebrated the launch of the new Museum building. Furthermore, his academic legacy contains over 625 academic studies, works for general public, and pieces of feature writing.
Muzealnictwo; 2023, 64; 30-35
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Our Professor Sylwester Dworacki
Nasz profesor Sylwester Dworacki
Danielewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
history of classical studies in Poland
Adam Mickiewicz University
Sylwester Dworacki
The author presents the profile and scholarly achievements of Professor Sylwester Dworacki, a distinguished classicist from the University of Poznań, to celebrate his 70th birthday.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2021, 31, 1; 7-28
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metapopulation studies on Helix pomatia L. in the environs of the Morasko campus, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Bloszyk, J.
Kalinowski, T.
Jankowiak, A.
Rybska, E.
Napierala, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. Wydział Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska. Stowarzyszenie Malakologów Polskich
Helix pomatia
Roman snail
animal population
local population
Morasko campus
Poznan city
Adam Mickiewicz University
Folia Malacologica; 2012, 20, 1
Pojawia się w:
Folia Malacologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cephalopods (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the palaeontological collection of the Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University
Konwerski, S.
Bloszyk, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. Wydział Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska. Stowarzyszenie Malakologów Polskich
paleontological collection
Faculty of Biology
Adam Mickiewicz University
Poznan city
Folia Malacologica; 2012, 20, 1
Pojawia się w:
Folia Malacologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A comparative analysis of dynamics of stem growth and phenological stages of Rubus species in cultivation
Kluza-Wieloch, M.
Maciejewska-Rutkowska, I.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
comparative analysis
growth dynamics
stem growth
phenological stage
plant cultivation
Dendrological Garden of University of Life Sciences in Poznan
In recent years extensive attention has been given to the Rubus genus, but knowledge on the ecology of most of its species, including rhythmic development, is still insuffi cient. Such data may have practical applications, since blackberry species are economically important. The goal of the study was to analyse phenology and growth rate of vegetative and generative stems in 10 Rubus species of different systematic affi nity (belonging to two subspecies and three sections), growing in the Dendrological Garden of the Poznań University of Life Sciences. Some habitat factors were also taken into consideration. Field investigations were carried out for three growing seasons. The plants were evaluated for phenology twice a week, while the length of their stems was measured once a week. Diff erences were observed in the seasonal rhythm of individual species. Weather factors distinctly infl uenced the course of development phases in all the Rubus species. Drought during the growing season caused fl owering disorders, withering of fruit, earlier autumn leaf coloration, and fall of leaves. Rubus idaeus and R. fabrimontanus ripened all of their fruits each year of observations and seemed to be the most adapted for fruit production. Rubus fabrimontanus, R. kuleszae and R. praecox were the most vigorous species with reference to shoot growth. This study revealed that only some species were fully acclimated to the conditions of the Dendrological Garden, since they successfully completed their entire fl owering and fruiting cycles.
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Botanika-Steciana; 2013, 17
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Botanika-Steciana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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