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An Unwelcome Aspect of Life: the depiction of Old Age in Greek Vase Painting
Gorzelany, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Greek vase painting
red figure style
black figure style
Greek society
old man
old woman
Greek literature
classical Greece
The subject of old age is rarely addressed in Greek vase painting and usually appears in scenes from mythology or daily life. Older men in these representations are Homeric heroes, esteemed as kings, leaders and sages who have rendered great services to society; older people are also present in scenes of everyday life – usually as fathers or child supervisors. depending on the technique of decoration, these figures were characterised mostly through hair colour (as well as thinning hair and baldness in the case of men), a stooped and frail frame or an obese one. Besides, on red-figure and white-ground vessels it was possible to render facial wrinkles. These features apply predominantly to the images of men, because due to the social ideal of kalokagathia Athenian women were usually depicted as timelessly young. The article contains an analysis of selected depictions of the elderly in vase painting in terms of their iconography and the types of scenes in which they appear, including references to the written sources.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2014, 24, 2; 153-177
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Greek Culture and Language in the History of Central and Eastern Europe (Germany, Poland, Silesia). Woman in Greek Poetry Written by Silesians in the 17th Century
Gaj, Beata Maria
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
ancient Greek
history of Central and Eastern Europe
Silesian literature in Greek
women’s history at the beginning of modernity
The main idea of the paper is the rarely investigated holistic issue of the literary, historical and cultural influence of ancient Greece on the nations of Central and Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their statehood up until modern times. Special attention is paid to three crucial centuries: 15th, 16th and 17th when Greek was taught in Central Europe; works of this era created in this language by the Germans, the Polish and the Silesians have survived up to the present day as old prints in special collections of many libraries. However, so far not much attention has been paid to them, while some of these works, written especially in Silesia, constitute interesting examples of occasional literature, different from the more common literature found in that region of Europe, New-Latin literature. Special emphasis shall be put particularly on works by Ursinus Velius, who also willingly brought up women’s issues, using Greek language to create and pass on to posterity the ideal of Silesian woman having Venus’s beauty, the goddess of persuasion Peitho – Πείθω’s pro-nunciation, Calliope’s maturity, Themis’s mind and Minerva’s palms. The Silesian humanists published their works in Latin more often than in Polish and German, and it should be taken into consideration that the fluency and literary knowledge of Greek at that time in Europe was, using Polish historian Henryk Barycz's comparison, as prestigious as the study of nuclear physics was in the middle of the 20th century. The presented paper also addresses the historical contacts and re-lations between Greece and the aforementioned part of Europe in modern times, especially after World War II, when a number of Greek people settled in Poland, including Silesia.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 2(2); 57-66
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genethliakόn – a Religious and Humanistic Poem-Song in Commemoration of Life or Rhetorical Approbation of Poetry?
Gaj, Beata Maria
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
Greek and Roman occasional literature
Silesian literature in Latin at the beginning of modernity
history and theory of rhetoric
The main idea of this article is to present the genre called genethliakón from its origins in Antiquity to the modern times. The paper contains an analysis of several works in ancient Greek and Latin, which shows how widespread this literary genre was at that that time. This analysis contradicts the views of some scholars who claim that genethliakón evolved only in the Renaissance and the Baroque period. The motifs of birthday works are repeatedly used through the centuries, and the most important one seems to connect the birth of poetry with the tutelary deity. Modern genethliakón refers to different traditions: the Christian and the Greek of the Hellenistic era.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2014, 1(5); 45-60
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tell me a curious (hi)story. Historical content in Vitruvius’ De architectura
Kołoczek, Bartosz Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Roman erudite literature
Greek history
The article examines the significance of history–themed passages (historiae) in Vitruvius’ architectural treatise De architectura and assesses their veracity vis–à–vis their rhetorical impact. The article’s particular focus lies on Vitruvius’ reflections on history, since the sound knowledge of it—as the author claims—is vital for any competent architect. It asserts that Vitruvius tends to stretch the historical truth whenever he makes an attempt at self–promotion (as an author or an architect) or seeks to win the approval of his patron emperor Augustus, to whom he dedicated his work.
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae; 2022, 32, 1; 57-78
Pojawia się w:
Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae et Latinae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Influence of Ancient Greek Culture on Macedonian Literature of the 19th Century
Mitevski, Vitomir
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Macedonian literature
Grigor Prlichev
Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov
Greek language
The Influence of Ancient Greek Culture on Macedonian Literature of the 19th CenturyIn Macedonia under the Ottoman rule during the nineteenth century, the Macedonian people-the nation is subject to political pressure and the cultural influence of Turkey and other countries. Under the influence of propaganda leading by Athens and education politics in the area of contemporary Republic of Macedonia, some Macedonian militant intellectuals embraced, at the same time, were influenced by romanticism and the Old-Greek culture, which strongly affect their literary works. In this context, two authors are viewed as the most significant-Jordan Hadji Murad Konstantinov Džinot and Grigor Prlichev. Džinot is the author of dramatized dialogue inspired by the classic Greek mythology, at the school, where he is a teacher. On the pages of the press he announces the publication of its ancient-themed dramas, however, for unknown reasons, none of them does not appear in print. Prlichev well knew the Old-Greek and is an admirer of the works of Homer. Influenced by the poetry of Homer writes in an epic poem in the archaized Greek. Wpływ starogreckiej kultury na literaturę macedońską w XIX wiekuW ramach imperium osmańskiego, którego częścią jest Macedonia w ciągu XIX wieku, macedoński lud-naród podlega politycznej presji i wpływom kulturowym ze strony Turcji i innych państw. Pod wpływem propagandy, którą prowadzą Ateny i która wyraża się w zakładaniu swoich szkół w Macedonii, niektórzy macedońscy intelektualiści, ogarnięci w tym samym czasie wpływami romantyzmu poznają kulturę starogrecką, co silnie wpłynie na ich twórczość literacką. W tym kontekście wybijają się dwie najbardziej znaczące postaci – Jordan Hadži Konstantinov-Džinot i Grigor Prličev. Džinot jest autorem dramatyzowanych dialogów inspirowanych klasyczną, starogrecką mitologią, wystawianych w szkole, w której sam jest nauczycielem. Na łamach prasy zapowiada publikację swoich dramatów o tematyce antycznej, jednak z niewiadomych przyczyn żaden z nich nie pojawia się w druku. Prličev dobrze zna starogrecki i jest znawcą twórczości Homera. Pod wpływem poezji Homera pisze w archaizowanym języku greckim poemat epicki zatytułowany ‛Ο 'Aρματωλός (w macedońskim przekładzie Сердарот albo Мартолозот), który przynosi mu zwycięstwo w konkursie poetyckim w Atenach w 1860 roku. Jego drugie dzieło epickie zatytułowane Σκενδέρμπεης jest napisane także w duchu poezji Homera, głównie jeśli chodzi o styl (epitety i porównania) i kompozycję (opracowanie typowych dla eposu motywów tematycznych). Obydwaj są także tłumaczami, Džinot zapowiada w prasie przekład Antygony Sofoklesa, o losach przekładu nic nam nie wiadomo, a Prličev dokonuje poetyckiego przekładu Iliady Homera na wymyślony przez siebie język, który jest w istocie mieszanką języków słowiańskich, a sam autor nazywa go "ogólnosłowiańskim". Влијанието на старогрчката култура врз македонската литература во XIX–иот векВо рамките на Турската Империја од која Македонија е дел во текот на 19-иот, македонскиот народ е изложен на политичка пресија и културното влијание и на Турција и на некои соседни држави. Под влијание на пропагандата на владата во Атина која отвора свои школи во Македонија, а во исто време и зафатени од бранот на романтизам, некои македонски интелектуалци се запознаваат со старогрчката култура што ќе остави силен печат врз нивното литературно творештво. Во тој поглед се издвојуваат две најзначајни имиња – Јордан Хаџи Константинов Џинот и Григор Прличев.Џинот се јавува со драмски дијалози инспирирани од класичната старогрчка митологија кои се изведуваат на приредбите во школите во кои тој е учител, а во печатот најавува објавување на свои драми со античка тематика кои, од непознати причини, не се појавиле.Прличев е добро образован во старогрчкиот јазик и особено добар познавач  на Хомер. Под влијание на хомерската поезија, тој пишува на еден архаизиран грчки јазик епска поема под наслов ‛Ο ’Aρματωλός (во македонски превод Серадот или Мартолозот) и со неа победува на поетскиот конкурс во Атина 1860 година.Второто негово епско дело под наслов Σκενδέρμπεης исто така е напишано во духот на хомерската поезија и тоа се гледа главно во областа на стилот (епитети и споредби) и во композицијата (обработка на типични епски теми). На преведувачки план, Џинот најавува во печатот превод на трагедијата Антигона од Софокле, дело чија судбина исто така не ни е позната, а Прличев пишува препев на Хомеровата Илијада на еден посебен јазик кој претставува смеса од словенските јазици, а самиот автор го нарекува „општословенски“.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2012, 1
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Naming of Food and Drink in the Ladder of John Climacus
Popova, Tatiana G.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Ladder of John Climacus
Egyptian monasticism
Byzantine literature
Ancient Greek
Ancient Manuscripts
The article is devoted to the analysis of the names of food and drink in the Ladder of John Climacus. The material for analysis is the published text of the work (Patrologia Graeca, vol. LXXXVIII) and three unpublished ancient Greek manuscripts of the Ladder. In total, 21 words were found in the work, included in the lexical-semantic group “Food”, and 6 words included in the lexical-semantic group “Drink”. In many cases, lexemes are used in pairs (salt and oil, milk and honey, bread and water, bread and mustard). This use is obviously due to the biblical tradition, on the basis of which the author of the Ladder built his book. For the general designation of food, nouns such as βρῶμα, τροφή, τρυφή, βρῶσις, ἔδεσμα, ἑστίασις, ὄψον, τράπεζα, ἐδώδιμον are used. In a collective sense, the lexemes καρπός and ὀπώρα are used to designate fruits. For the names of vegetables (herbs) in the Ladder, lexemes such as πικρίς and λάχανον are used. Of the specific types of food in the Ladder, there are names of baked goods (ἄρτος ‘bread’ and ἄζυμον ‘unleavened bread’), grapes (βότρυς and ῥάγας), spices (ἔλαιον ‘olive oil’ and ἅλας ‘salt’), honey (μέλι) and cheese (τυρός). To designate drink, in general, in the Ladder there are the lexemes πόμα, νάμα and ποτόν. Specific drinks are called ὕδωρ ‘water’, οἶνος ‘wine’ and γάλα ‘milk’. In the lexical-semantic groups “Food” and “Drink” hyperonyms clearly prevail over hyponyms. The small amount of specific vocabulary is explained by the fact that for a monk, as he moves up the ladder of virtues, it is less and less important what food he consumes. Monks who have reached the highest degrees of spiritual life (ἰσάγγελοι, equal to the angels) no longer feel the taste of food and forget to take it; for them the most important thing is spiritual food. In the lexico-semantic groups “Food” and “Drink” in the Ladder, as in the texts of the Holy Scriptures, direct (physical) and figurative (spiritual) meanings are masterfully connected. Almost all examples of the use of these words can be viewed both in the direct and in the symbolic sense. In the highest metaphorical meaning, all lexemes included in the thematic field “Nutrition” represent a symbol of participation in God’s salvation in Christ.
Studia Ceranea; 2021, 11; 371-386
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ceranea
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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