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Caring for the Person and the Human Family as a Priority for the State and the Church
Borutka, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Caring for the person and the human family is one of the most important tasks for the State and the Church. In contrast to the activities of the civil society, the work of the Church in this area is called a specific work, because it requires the use of so-called poor means, i.e. peaceful means. From the very beginning, the teaching of the Church has stood and stands on the ground of Christian personalism. The Church looks at marriage and family in the same spirit. It views the family as the basic and irreplaceable community. It is the family that offers the most effective tools for the humanization and personalization of society. Any social and family policy should serve this end. The Church should follow a similar policy. However, the pastoral concern of the Church is not limited only to Christian families. It should manifest itself in relation to all families and especially those who face difficult or abnormal situations.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2020, 10, 1; 235-251
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
From humanitarian to development aid. A case study of the activities of the Aid to the Church in Need Pontifical Foundation.
Boguszewski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
humanitarian help
pastoral help
South Sudan
development help
The description of the mission and activities of the international NGO organization Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) should be seen as an example of humanitarian, pastoral and development aid. The presented data gives a picture of the needs, but also shows that behind each of the projects there are specific stories of disadvantaged people. Reflecting on the activities and specific projects of the ACN Foundation allows us to conclude that one organization, even with an international reach, is not able to solve all the world’s problems, but it can certainly show the world a picture of needs in many of its regions. The study is part of the research into the areas of humanitarian aid, religious problems in the world, the impact of the papal aid organization on the development of social and religious life, volunteering and the integral development of local communities. The source data used in this text is the Foundation’s internal 2019 data. Two selected countries, Lebanon and South Sudan are representative countries supported by ACN. The selected aid projects illustrate the scale of the aid and can be used to draw a picture of the needs. This example of ACN activities contributes to further research into the state of aid, the identification of aid needs and aid effectiveness in different regions of the world. The presented data may also inspire even greater solidarity between nations in mutual aid and may inspire other aid organizations to increase their involvement in aid in the indicated regions.
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2019, 5, 4; 117-133
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Political Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Concept of Christian Solidarity as a Path to Peace and Development
Koncepcja chrześcijańskiej solidarności drogą do pokoju i rozwoju
Duda, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
Throughout the centuries and in modern times the Church in her teaching has interpreted and continues to interpret the events and phenomena occurring in the world in the light of God’s Revelation. The question of solidarity is not new and was already grounded in law in ancient times. The concept of Christian solidarity both among people and among nations presented here is every person’s duty arising from the Bible. Its implementation on an international and interpersonal level has a positive impact on the lives of individuals and societies. The Church’s vision of Christian solidarity helps us to see a person, a people or a nation not as an instrument but as a neighbour in need of support. The solidarity proposed by the Popes is a path to peace and development. According to them, world peace is impossible if the people responsible for it do not recognize that interdependence in itself requires that the politics of the blocs be done away with, all forms of economic, military or political imperialism be abandoned, while mutual distrust be transformed into cooperation.
Kościół w ciągu wieków i w czasach współczesnych w swoim nauczaniu interpretował i nadal interpretuje wydarzenia izjawiska zachodzące w świecie w świetle Objawienia Bożego. Kwestia solidarności nie jest nowa i już w starożytności miała podłoże prawne. Przedstawiona koncepcja chrześcijańskiej solidarności zarówno między ludźmi, jak i między narodami jest obowiązkiem każdej osoby wynikającym z Biblii. Jej realizacja na płaszczyźnie międzynarodowej i międzyludzkiej pozytywnie wpływa na życie jednostek i społeczeństw. Nakreślona przez Kościół wizja solidarności chrześcijańskiej pomaga nam dostrzec osobę, lud czy naród nie jako narzędzie, ale jako bliźniego potrzebującego wsparcia. Proponowana przez papieży solidarność jest drogą do pokoju, a zarazem do rozwoju. Według nich pokój światowy bowiem jest nie do osiągnięcia, jeżeli ludzie za niego odpowiedzialni nie uznają, że współzależność sama w sobie wymaga przezwyciężenia polityki bloków, porzucenia wszelkiej formy imperializmu ekonomicznego, militarnego czy politycznego, a także przekształcenia wzajemnej nieufności we współpracę.
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny; 2020, 28, 1; 261-281
Pojawia się w:
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reform of the Vatican media, a difficult search for a new path
Gęsiak, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Dario Edoardo Viganò
Pope Francis
Roman Curia
technological development
Vatican Radio
Rapid technological changes, which are mainly the result of the progress in computer technology, in the last decades of the twentieth century, have touched every area of life and have enforced numerous innovations. Modern ways of communication and exchange of information, especially the development of social media, have led to a significant and complex transformation of the traditional media. Practically all media companies around the world, in order to maintain their position on the market, have had to make decisive modifications of their ways of working. On one hand they remained available to the users of traditional media, but on the other hand, they look for effective ways of reaching all those who are using only new ways. Similarly, the Vatican media could not remain indifferent to the issues mentioned above. For several years the Vatican has initiated a process of preparation for a general reform of its media institutions. However, these works have accelerated at a great rate during the pontificate of Pope Francis.The reform of the Vatican media is not an easy task. It concerns several independent institutions. Each one of them has their own history and way of announcing the Gospel. The widespread computerization, especially the development of the internet and social media, has also forced the Vatican to reflect on new ways of communicating. Among many questions, the most important were about the effectiveness of evangelization through the media, the ways of spreading the Pope’s message around the world to as many faithful as possible, and about the costs of necessary investments that would allow further, dynamic development and effective functioning of the Vatican media.After the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the problems of the reform of the Roman Curia and the necessary savings were raised again during the discussions of the cardinals on the congregations preceding conclave. It became clear that the structural changes in the Vatican would be one of the challenges which would face the next successor of St. Peter. As from the very start of his pontificate, Pope Francis emphasized the necessity of the deep reform of the Roman Curia. The evaluation of the entire media structure of the Vatican was one of the first reforms to be tackled.The reform of the Vatican media has already begun. In the Apostolic Letter as a Motu Proprio, published on June 27, 2015, Francis set up the new Vatican dicastery: The Secretariat for Communication. The plan of changes in the Vatican media prepares for the possibility of any difficulties and turbulences. A four‑year restructuring process was planned. The year 2015 was dedicated to the creation, elaboration and consolidation of the new Vatican media structure. And it really happened. During the next year, 2016, a common administration for the two major institutions which depended on the new dicastery: the Vatican Radio and the Vatican Television Center, was established. During the year 2017 a similar restructuring process is expected in the next four Vatican media institutions: the Vatican Printing Press, the Photo Service, “L’Osservatore Romano” and the Vatican Publishing House. The process of restructuring of the Vatican media is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. Many details of these changes are raising many questions and concerns, especially among the employees of existing media entities. However, the real questions concern the effectiveness of the new system.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2017, 7, 2
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Religion versus Sustainable Development. The Problem of Human Eco-development in the Teachings of John Paul II and Benedict XVI
Religia a rozwój zrównoważony. Problematyka ekorozwoju człowieka w nauczaniu papieży Jana Pawła II i Benedykta XVI
Niechwiej, A
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
social teaching of the Church
John Paul II
Benedict XVI
sustainable development
społeczna nauka Kościoła
Jan Paweł II
Benedykt XVI
rozwój zrównoważony
The problem of sustainable human development, in terms both of individual people and societies, represents an integral part of the Christian anthropology and Catholic doctrine. The Magisterium of the Catholic Church has expressed its view on this issue on many occasions. This topic was also commented on by two popes – John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Eight encyclicals have been analysed by the analytical-critical method. Those written by John Paul II are Redemptor Hominis, Laborem Exercens, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Centesimus Annus and Evangelium Vitae, whereas those created by Benedict XVI are Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi and Caritas in Veritate. The popes’ manifestos were to a large extent universal messages addressed to the whole mankind. Their main theses, which were formulated in the context of sustainable development, are: – Man is not only the master, but also a part of the creation. That is why he is responsible for and has to take care of animate and inanimate world. – One should rather be than possess. – The human progress is something desirable. The lack of equal division of natural resources and their wasteful exploitation are among the main reasons behind disproportions in the steady development of societies. – Ecology of man, understood as a set of actions undertaken to improve the natural and moral structure of societies, should be prioritized as one of the activities aimed at facilitating sustainable development. – In the era of quickly progressing globalisation ethics should have primacy over technology. – It is necessary to respect each person’s dignity and life from their conception until their natural death as a way of building the civilisation of love. – In the globalised world people should follow the logic of love for another human being and the whole creation and they should work for the common good. – Globalisation as such morally neutral. It is as man who gives it an ethical (bad or good) meaning by his actions.
Zagadnienie zrównoważonego rozwoju człowieka, w kategoriach jednostek i społeczeństw, stanowi integralną cześć antropologii chrześcijańskiej i doktryny katolickiej. Magisterium Kościoła Katolickiego wypowiadało się wielokrotnie na ten temat. Problematykę tę podejmowali także papieże Jan Paweł II i Benedykt XVI. Metodą analityczno-krytyczną zbadano pięć encyklik papieża-Polaka: Redemptor Hominis, Laborem Exercens, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Centesimus Annus, Evangelium Vitae oraz trzy encykliki Benedykta XVI: Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi, Caritas in Veritate. Orędzia papieskie były w dużej mierze przekazami uniwersalnymi, skierowanymi do całej ludzkości. Oto ich główne tezy, sformułowane w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju: – człowiek jest panem, ale i częścią stworzenia, zatem spoczywa na nim odpowiedzialność i troska o przyrodę ożywioną i nieożywioną; – należy bardziej być niż mieć; – postęp ludzkości jest czymś pożądanym, brak sprawiedliwego podziału dóbr naturalnych i rabunkowa gospodarka nimi są jednymi z głównych przyczyn dysproporcji w zrównoważonym rozwoju społeczeństw; – ekologia człowieka jako działań podejmowanych na rzecz poprawy naturalnej i moralnej struktury społeczeństw, winna być priorytetem w działaniach na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju; – w dobie postępującej szybko globalizacji etyka powinna mieć prymat nad techniką; – konieczne jest poszanowanie godności i życia każdego człowieka od poczęcia do naturalnej śmierci, w duchu budowania cywilizacji miłości; – ludzie w zglobalizowanym świecie muszą posługiwać się logiką miłości bliźniego i stworzenia oraz pracować dla dobra wspólnego; – globalizacja jako taka jest moralnie neutralna, to człowiek swymi działaniami nadaje jej zabarwienie etyczne: dobre lub złe.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2015, 10, 1; 31-40
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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