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Wyszukujesz frazę ": German literature" wg kryterium: Temat

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Measures of Time of Literature. Review of Rafał Pokrywka’s book titled „Współczesna powieść niemieckojęzyczna”, Universitas, Kraków 2018
Szymańska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
German-language literature
The article is a discussion of a study by Rafał Pokrywka titled Współczesna powieść niemieckojęzyczna (Kraków 2018). The author of the study analysed selected works written at the turn of the 21st century, and – in an interesting manner – developed his discussion around a progression of three dimensions of time: the past, the present, and the future, which constitute the contexts for reading individual narratives. The interpretations of German, Austrian, and Swiss novels, both these which exist as Polish translations and these which have not yet been translated, are accompanied by cultural and sociological contexts, while the (re)definitions of the words used in the title of Pokrywka’s volume presented in the introduction enable one to place this original overview in the context of modern studies on the most recent literature.
Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze; 2019, 8; 395-403
Pojawia się w:
Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The “Po-ethical Turn” in Post-War Austrian Literature Through Ilse Aichinger’s Texts
Iacovella, Matteo
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
Ilse Aichinger
ethical turn
postwar German literature
literary politics
The publications of the short story “Das vierte Tor” (“The Fourth Gate”, 1945) and the novel Die größere Hoffnung(The Greater Hope, 1948) by Ilse Aichinger mark the beginning of post-war Austrian literature. Like several of her contemporaries, including Paul Celan, Ingeborg Bachmann and Milo Dor, Aichinger was part of a generation of survivors of the atrocities of war and National Socialism. After 1945, the “old guard” of poets incited the young generation to find a new voice within post-war German-speaking literature and set new standards in the literary field. The reading of Ilse Aichinger’s texts, which were first published in the immediate post-war period, is thus not merely a literary matter. Rather, it is a way to reach the core of post-war culture within the German-speaking world, especially in the Austrian context, where the tradition of language skepticism and Sprachkritik has always been linked to political and ethical issues. To reflect upon literature and cultural production in the context of Austria’s problematic denazification means to focus not on a “message,” but instead on a “poethics” as a new form of commitment. This was not only an individual effort by authors, but the expression of a collective act of will in which individual instances and political strategies (not all controlled by the authors themselves) played a role in the cultural field(s) during Cold War years. The paper also discusses the fundamental role played by literary magazines as an important instrument of cultural renewal, as well as by their actors, gate-keepers, and financial and political influencers in the post-war context.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2020, 10; 125-136
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A toy as a medium of Holocaust remembrance: The case of “Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear” by Tomi Ungerer
Zabawka jako medium pamięci o Holocauście na przykładzie picturebooka „Otto. Autobiografia pluszowego misia” Tomiego Ungerera
Slany, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Children’s literature
20th-century German literature
Holocaust remembrance
picture book
post-humanist narrative
non-human (auto)biography
Jean-Thomas “Tomi” Ungerer (b. 1931)
In post-humanist studies of identity, otherness and exclusion – conducted within the de-anthropocentrism of the humanities – questions arise about the condition of non-human subjects (animals, plants, things) that gain the cultural and social status of Others. As non-human entities, they have a socializing value, cement interpersonal relations, attract people to certain places. They have performative, integrative and co-creating abilities. The posthumanistic “turn towards things” opens the room for the construction of their social (auto) biographies, a development which already has been taking place in contemporary children’s literature. The problem of the creation of (auto)biographies of non-human subjects is presented in this article on the example of the picture book Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear by Tomi Ungerer. The artist gives the non-anthropomorphized plush toy the status of a non-human subject and an active actor of social life as a medium of unoffi cial memory of the Holocaust. Ungerer consciously and innovatively uses the key determinants of the posthuman discourse, including intimate childhood experiences.
Ruch Literacki; 2018, 4; 441-456
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Es ist eine grosse Seligkeit – so allein – so ganz und gar allein mit seinen Träumen zu sein“ – Paul Scheerbart und seine geistige Flucht in den Orient
‘Itʼs a great pleasure – to be so alone – so completely alone with his dreams’: Paul Scheerbart and his spiritual refuge at the orient
Matuszewska, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Paul Scheerbart
deutschsprachige Literatur
German-speaking literature
literatura niemieckojęzyczna
Der Beitrag ist Paul Scheerbarts Orientdarstellungen in drei ausgewählten Werken gewidmet: "Der Tod der Barmekiden. Arabischer Haremsroman" (1897), "Tarub. Bagdads berühmte Köchin. Arabischer Kulturroman" (1897) und "Machtspässe. Arabische Novellen" (1904). Weil der Autor den Nahen Osten nie besucht hat, stützte er sich bei seinen Beschreibungen auf mehrere Quellen, die er dann beliebig umgestaltet hat. Leidenschaft, Sehnsucht nach höheren Werten, Brutalität, Rachsucht und Kämpfe um die Macht, die mit Blutbädern enden, verflechten sich mit märchenhaften Szenerien und sagenhaften Wesen, um den Rezipienten von dem Gedanken abzulenken, dass das alte Bagdad für Berlin, das Jahr 897 für 1897 und Aschas Probleme für jene von Scheerbart stehen könnten. Dichter-, Welt- und Rebellenmacht – in diesen drei Worten drückt sich das Wesen des Scheerbartschen Orients aus.
'The article was dedicated to presentations of the Orient in three selected works by Paul Scheerbart: 'The death of the Barmakids. Arab Harem novel' (1897), 'Tarub. Baghdad's famous female cook. Arab culture novel' (1897) and 'Jests about power. Arab novellas' (1904). As the author has never visited the Middle East, he draws from several sources, which he then transforms as he wishes. Passion, longing for higher values, brutality, revenge and fighting for the power ending with bloodbaths intertwine with the fairytale sceneries and legendary beings, to distract the recipient from the thought that the old Baghdad is Berlin, the year 897 – 1897 and Ascha’s problems could be the problems of Scheerbart. Power of poets, world and rebels – the essence of Scheerbart’s Orient is expressed in these words.
Artykuł poświęcony jest wizjom Orientu w trzech wybranych utworach Paula Scheerbarta: „Śmierć Barmakidów. Arabska powieść haremowa” (1897), „Tarub. Sławna kucharka z Bagdadu. Arabska powieść kulturowa” (1897) oraz „Żarty o władzy. Nowele arabskie” (1904). Ponieważ autor nigdy nie odwiedził Bliskiego Wschodu, odwoływał się w swoich utworach do tekstów źródłowych, które dowolnie przekształcał. Namiętność, tęsknota za wyższymi wartościami, brutalność, żądza zemsty oraz walka o władzę, która kończy się rzezią, przeplatają się z baśniowymi sceneriami i legendarnymi istotami, aby odwieść odbiorcę od myśli, że Bagdad równie dobrze mógłby być Berlinem, rok 897 – rokiem 1897, a problemy Aschy – problemami samego Scheerbarta.
Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia; 2017, 26; 43-62
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lack of Post-GDR Literature in Polish Cultural Reality. An Attempt Discuss the Issue
Jaśkiewicz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
post-GDR literature
GDR novels
Christa Wolf
Hermann Kant
Thomas Brussig
German literature after 1989
, reception of GDR literature in Poland
literatura post-NRD
powieści o NRD
literatura niemiecka po 1989
recepcja literatury NRD w Polsce
Literatura niemieckojęzyczna jest obecna w polskiej rzeczywistości literackiej od dawna z różną intensywnością. Obecność taką stymulują i umożliwiają tłumaczenia tekstów na język polski, bo wówczas dostępne są one szerokiej publiczności, przede wszystkim tej, która nie posługuje się językiem niemieckim. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została nieobecność literatury postenerdowskiej, tzn. tej literatury, która powstawała już po upadku NRD i zjednoczeniu Niemiec i charakteryzowała się przede wszystkim skupieniem na sprawach byłej NRD, jej idealizacji czy krytycznej obserwacji aż po nostalgiczne wspomnienia z dzieciństwa i młodości. Autor konstatuje, że po roku 1989 literatura taka jest dość skąpo reprezentowana na polskim rynku wydawniczym, mimo że tłumacze i wydawcy zadbali w ostatnim ćwierćwieczu, by literatura niemieckojęzyczna docierała do polskiego czytelnika. Jednakże opisywany tu nurt literacki jest rzeczywiście mało reprezentatywny w polskiej w przestrzeni wydawniczej. W artykule zostaje podjęta próba wskazania tekstów, które zasługują na to, by w całości być dostępnymi w polskiej wersji językowej. Chodzi tu o autorów takich jak: Christa Wolf, Hermann Kant i Thomas Brussig. Cała trójka reprezentuje różny rodzaj pisarstwa, różne pokolenia, zaangażowanie oraz estetykę. Co jest dla nich wspólne w kontekście nieobecności w polskich przekładach, to fakt, że swoimi książkami (Wolf – Was bleibt, Kant – Der Abspann, Brussig – Helden wie wir) wykreowali pewne wydarzenia, postawy i dyskusje. I dla lepszego i pełniejszego zrozumienia specyfiki dzisiejszych Niemiec Wschodnich przez Polaków poznanie także tych aspektów ma ogromne znaczenie.
German literature has been present in Polish cultural reality for a long time − although with variable popularity − due to the translations that produced Polish versions available for wider audience, including readers unfamiliar with German language. Yet, the article discusses a branch of German literature still absent in Poland – the so-called Post-GDR Literature, written after the fall of the German Democratic Republic and the German reunification. The Post-GDR Literature addresses a variety of issues related to the GDR, idealizes or critically describesits reality often perceived by writers as the reality of their childhood or youth. The author of the article takes into consideration the fact that on Polish book market after 1989 this literature is almost unavailable despite numerous efforts of translators and publishers and their initiatives aimed at popularization of German literature in Poland. Thus, the article subsequently discusses texts (Was bleibt by Christa Wolf, Der Abspannby Hermann Kant and Heldenwiewir by Thomas Brussig) significant enough to deserve unabridged Polish versions. The three writers represent different genres, aesthetics, generations and level of involvement in political activity. Nonetheless, their works all inspired crucial discussions, attitudes or events and are therefore of vital importance for Polish readers willing to fully understand the reality of Eastern Germany and the impact of its legacy on current times.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2020, 15, 10; 176-187
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How to translate culture? The select fragments of the Polish and English translations of the short story Der Sandmann by E.T.A Hoffmann
Kołodziejczyk-Mróz, Beata
Majcher, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
German Romanticism
fantasy literature
theory of fantasy literature
How to translate culture? The select fragments of the Polish and English translations of the short story Der Sandmann by E.T.A Hoffmann The article discusses the problems encountered by the translator when trying to convey the meaning of the source literary text into the target language. The analysed texts are fragments of the Polish and English translations of the short story Der Sandmann by E.T.A. Hoffmann, the leading representative of late German Romanticism, with the special attention paid to their correspondence with the source text. The analysed translations are the Polish one by Felicjan Faleński, made in 1867 and the English one by John Oxenford, made in 1844. For the purpose of analysing the text, the article employs Todorov’s theory of the fantastic for building an interpretation model of the Romantic short story Der Sandmann.
Orbis Linguarum; 2018, 52; 329-337
Pojawia się w:
Orbis Linguarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Choice of Language and the Quest for Israeli Identity in the Works of Tuvia Ruebner and Aharon Appelfeld
Ben-Horin, Michal
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Franz Kafka
Tuvia Ruebner
Aharon Appelfeld
modern Hebrew Literature
Immigration highlights the question of language and raises the dilemma of the relationship between the mother tongue and the language of the new land. For writers this question is even more crucial: should they write in the language of the place and its readers? Immigration to Israel is not exceptional, of course. What choices are open to those writers, and how are they to convey the complexities inherent in the formation of an Israeli identity? This paper focuses on two writers who demonstrate the role played by the “chosen language” in the cultural construction and deconstruction of Israeli identity. Tuvia Ruebner emigrated from Bratislava, Aharon Appelfeld from Bukovina. Ruebner shifted from German to Hebrew and back to German; Appelfeld wrote only in Hebrew. In both cases, their arrival in Israel enabled them to survive. However, the loss of their families in Europe continued to haunt them. Inspired by Walter Benjamin’s concept of ‘translation’ and responding to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s concept of ‘minor literature’, the paper shows how their work conveys a multilayered interrelation between national and foreign languages, and between images of exile and homeland, past, present and future – all of which shed light on contemporary issues of Israeli identity.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2018, 2 (47); 414-423
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Europe without Nations. Robert Menasse’s Contribution to the Shaping of European Union’s Future in the Novel Die Hauptstadt
Europa bez narodów. Roberta Menasse wkład w kształtowanie przyszłości Unii Europejskiej w powieści Die Hauptstadt
Jaśkiewicz, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Robert Menasse
European Union
Europe of Regions
novel about Europe
talking about Europe
German-language literature
21st-century Austrian novels
Unia Europejska
Europa Regionów
powieść o Europie
debata o Europie
literatura niemieckojęzyczna
powieść austriacka XXI wieku
Discussions on the condition of Europe and on the European idea among intellectuals, especially German-speaking writers, have a long and rich history. Goethe and Schiller already spoke about in the 18th century and Novalis in the 19th century, the latter pointing to the European cultural community. After the experiences of the First and Second World Wars, of the cruelty and barbarity of warfare, of dehumanization and mass murder, the discussions on the essence of Europe revived. Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi and Heinrich Mann suggested the creation of a European Community which, although far from today’s European Union, in theory was supposed to serve as a protection against the repetition of nationalism and wars. In 1992 the European Union was founded on the groundwork of the EEC. Austrian-born Robert Menasse is another German-language writer who actively defends the European Union by proclaiming radical views, namely the departure from the nations and the creation of the Republic of Europe. His 2017 novel Die Hauptstadt (The Capital), awarded the Deutscher Buchpreis (German Book Prize) literary prize, is a tribute to Europe and an important contribution to the discussion on the European community and its future. Through the mouth of his alter ego in the novel, Prof. Alois Erhart, Menasse calls for the rejection of the attachment to nations and the creation of Europe of Regions. The book is basically the first European novel (about the European Union) by a German-writing author with such a progressive message. In the novel, the author, shows,  against the background of the life of EU officials in Brussels, the reality of Europe, the understanding of national and European identity and the burden of the Holocaust and the bestiality of nationalism for contemporary Europeans. The present paper discusses these views and inscribes them in the long lasting debate on Europe, indicating at the same time the progressiveness of the European idea.
Dyskusje o stanie Europy i idei europejskiej wśród intelektualistów, zwłaszcza pisarzy niemieckojęzycznych, mają swoją długą i bogatą historię. Już w XVIII wieku głos zabierali Goethe i Schiller, w XIX Novalis, który wskazywał na kulturową wspólnotę europejską. Po doświadczeniach I i II wojny światowej, okrucieństwie i barbarzyństwie działań wojennych, odczłowieczeniu i masowych mordach dyskusje nad istotą Europy odżyły. Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi czy Heinrich Mann zaproponowali wspólnotę europejską, która wprawdzie daleka była od dzisiejszej Unii Europejskiej, ale w teorii miała stanowić zabezpieczenie przed powtórką nacjonalizmów i wojen. W 1992 powstała Unia Europejska na podwalinach EWG. Pochodzący z Austrii Robert Menasse jest kolejnym pisarzem niemieckojęzycznym, który aktywnie występuje w obronie Unii Europejskiej, głosząc radykalne poglądy odejścia od narodów i stworzenia Republiki Europy. Jego powieść z 2017 roku pt. „Die Hauptstadt” [Stolica], uhonorowana nagrodą literacką Deutscher Buchpreis [Niemiecka Nagroda Książkowa], jest hołdem złożonym Europie i jednocześnie ważnym przyczynkiem w dyskusji o wspólnocie europejskiej i jej przyszłości. Ustami swego alter ego w powieści, prof. Aloisa Erharta, postuluje Menasse odrzucenie przywiązania do narodów i stworzenie Europy Regionów. Książka jest w zasadzie pierwszą powieścią europejską (o Unii Europejskiej) autora niemieckojęzycznego, w dodatku z tak postępowym przesłaniem. W powieści autor na tle życia urzędników unijnych w Brukseli ukazuje rzeczywistość europejską, pojmowanie tożsamości narodowej i europejskiej i obciążenie współczesnych Europejczyków doświadczeniem holokaustu i bestialstwa nacjonalizmów. Prezentowany artykuł omawia te poglądy i wpisuje je w anonsowaną już wielusetletnią debatę o Europie, wskazując na progresywność idei europejskiej.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2019, 14, 9; 458-471
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Rules of How Reality Works Through the Prism of Post-Postmodern Prose
Zymomria, Mykoła
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
philosophy of literature
British post-postmodern novel
Dmytro Drozdovskyi
German Romanticism
theory of the contemporary novel
The reviewer analyses the monograph Problematic-Thematic Units and Philosophical-Esthetical Parameters of the British Post-Postmodern Novel (Kyiv, 2020) written by Dmytro Drozdovskyi, a Ukrainian scholar from Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, member of The European Society for the Study of English (Bulgarian branch). In the monograph, the author has outlined the theory of the post-postmodern novel based on the analysis of the key novels of contemporary British fiction (David Mitchell, Ian McEwan, Sarah waters, Mark Haddon, etc.). The review states that the Ukrainian scholar has developed the theory proposed by Fredric Jameson regarding the post-postmodern features of Cloud Atlas and also discusses the concept of meta-modernity as one of the sections in the post-postmodern literary paradigm in the UK. Drozdovskyi argues that meta-modernism cannot be the only term that explains all the peculiarities of contemporary British fiction, which also cannot be outlined as meta-modern but as post-postmodern. The scholar provides a new theory of the novel based on the exploitation of real and unreal historical facts and imagined alternative histories and multifaceted realities. Furthermore, the reviewer pays attention to the contribution this monograph has for world literary studies spotlighting the theory of literary meta-genre patterns, as Drozdovskyi provides a theory according to which literary periods can be divided into those in which the carnival is the dominant meta-genre pattern (like postmodernism) and those that exploit the mystery as the meta-genre pattern (post-postmodernism). The reviewer analyses the key thematic units explained by Drozdovskyi as the key ones that determine the semiosphere of the contemporary British novel (post-metaphysical and post-positivist thinking of the characters, medicalisation of the humanitarian discourse, and the representation of the temporal unity of different realities). The scholar also states that the post-postmodern British novel exploits the findings of German Romanticism and Kant’s philosophy.
Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze; 2020, 9; 347-354
Pojawia się w:
Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genesis from the Spirit, or subjectivity and nature in Juliusz Słowacki
Genezis z Ducha, czyli o podmiotowości i naturze u Juliusza Słowackiego
Kutrzeba, Kacper
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature of the 19th century
literature and philosophy
discourse of modernity
German Idealism
critique of ideology
Juliusz Słowacki (1809–1849)
krytyka ideologii
rewizja romantyczna
This article presents a new approach to the interpretation of Juliusz Słowacki's Genesis from the Spirit (1844) from the perspective of the groundbreaking philosophical discourse of modernity. What it actually suggests is that the mystical Form of Słowacki's cosmic vision, believed to be an emanation of the Absolute or a vestige of Creation, has a historical and materialist core. This claim is based on a series of comparisons with passages from Hegel and the premises of the philosophy of Friedrich Schlegel. By following closely the spontaneous movement of inner tensions in Słowacki's poetic discourse this study demonstrates that it is driven his own philosophical project and less so by the discourse of mysticism.
Ruch Literacki; 2021, 5; 631-656
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conventions of Radka Denemarková’s Novel Peníze od Hitlera (Money from Hitler) along with its Reception
Holý, Jiří
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Radka Denemarková
Holocaust literature
Czech-German relations
Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s play Der Besuch der alten Dame (The Visit oft the Old Lady)
Radka Denemarková’s Peníze od Hitlera (Money from Hitler), edited in 2006, is a succesful novel. It has been perceived by critics as a significant work and traslated into ten languages. Despite this positive response, it is my belief that the novel is not an outstanding work. The construction of the text is full of stereotypes. It uses well-worn narrative procedures, conventional images and symbols as well as banal metaphors. That is why the credibility of the characters and situations presented in Peníze od Hitlera disappears very often. There is also a preexisting model of this novel, the play Der Besuch der alten Dame (1956, The Visit of the Old Lady), written by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Unlike Dürrenmat, Denemarková emphasizes the dark scenes and the melodramatic emotionality of her novel. Therefore, her work is close to conventional clichés.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2017, 12; 371-379
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanisław Przybyszewski’s Vigils
O Wigiliach Stanisława Przybyszewskiego
Matuszek-Stec, Gabriela
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature of the turn of the 19th century
Polish-German literary connections
Stanisław Przybyszewski (1868–1927)
Stanisław Przybyszewski
"Z cyklu Wigilii"
Stanisław Przybyszewski’s Vigils is a prose poem written originally in German; its publication in 1895 was followed by a revised edition in 1901. A Polish translation, by Przybyszewski himself, entitled Z cyklu Wigilii was published in 1899. This interpretation of the Vigils not only takes a closer look at its origins and history, but also analyzes the differences between the two German versions and makes a comparison of the German and Polish texts. The comparison reveals that the most flagrant and blasphemous passages have been left out of the Polish version. Moreover, the omission of the original conclusion changes the meaning of the story. The article quotes the opinions of the first readers of the Vigils, the German and Polish reviewers, and goes on to present its own interpretation of the poem. What it actually dramatizes is the failure to find a formula that would integrate the protean, irrational and entropic reality the story. In effect, the project of establishing a connection between the act of creation and transcendental knowledge through a total, mystical union of male and female, soul and soma, turns out to be an illusion.
Ruch Literacki; 2021, 2; 159-174
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wanda and Maryla – mother and daughter: Two stories of artistic talent
Wanda i Maryla – dzieje talentów artystycznych matki i córki
Zabawa, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish literature of the turn of the 19th century
women's literature
Young Poland's poetry and art
translations from the German
children’s literature
mother and daughter
Wanda Młodnicka (1850–1923)
Maryla Wolska (1873–1930)
relacja matka-córka
literatura dla dzieci
poezja przełomu XIX i XX wieku
This article portrays a pair of artistically gifted women, Wanda Młodnicka née Monné (1850–1923) and her daughter Maryla Wolska (1873–1930), each with a diverse range of interests, including painting, music, and, first and foremost, literature. Their achieve-ment (both original works and translations) achievement has been largely forgotten. This article attempts to find out what inspired the two women, to identify those points of their artistic endeavor they had in common and those that determined their individual profiles, while paying special attention to the mother-daughter relationship.
Ruch Literacki; 2021, 2; 175-194
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Literacki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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