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Can round ligament of the liver patch decrease the rate and the grade of postoperative pancreatic fistula?
Mech, Katarzyna
Wysocki, Łukasz
Guzel, Tomasz
Słodowski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
pancreatic fistula
round ligament of the liver
pancreatic resections
The most serious complication after pancreatic surgical procedures is still a postoperative pancreatic fistula. In clinical practice there are various methods to prevent the formation of pancreatic fistula, but none of them is fully efficient. Recently, the role of grafting the round ligament of the liver on the pancreas is emphasized as a promising procedure which reduces the severity and shortens the healing time of postoperative pancreatic fistula. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of grafting a round ligament patch on the pancreatic stump or the area of the pancreatic anastomosis on the severity and healing of pancreatic fistula after surgical treatment of the pancreas (alternatively on prevention of pancreatic fistula formation). Material and methods. The retrospective study covered patients operated due to pancreatic tumors in the Department of General, Gastrointestinal and Oncologic Surgery of the WUM. Pancreatic fistula was diagnosed according to the definition developed by the ISGPS (International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery). Results. 10 patients with pancreatic tumors of different location were operated. The round ligament was grafted on the pancreatic stump, the area of the pancreatic anastomosis or on the site of the local tumor removal. Pancreatic fistula developed in 9 patients, including grade A pancreatic fistula in 5 patients, grade B fistula in 3 patients, and grade C fistula in 1 patient. Distant complications occurred in one patient. None of the patients required a reoperation and no deaths were reported. The average hospital stay was 22.4 days. The hospital stay of patients with grade A fistula was shorter than in case of patients with grade B and C fistula. Conclusions. Grafting of the round ligament of the liver on the pancreatic stump did not prevent the development pancreatic fistula. Grade A pancreatic fistula developed most often. Grade C fistula developed in 1 patient and was complicated by intraabdominal abscesses and sepsis. Although the patient did not require a repeated surgery, but only a continuation of conservative treatment on an outpatient basis. Patients with grade B fistula required prolonged drainage and in the end were supervised by the surgical polyclinic.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2016, 88, 2; 63-67
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Use of hydraulic model in real water loss reduction and water distribution network operational cost lowering
Wykorzystanie modelu hydraulicznego w redukcji rzeczywistych strat wody oraz redukcja kosztów eksploatacji sieci wodociągowej
Zajkowski, Artur
Wysocki, Łukasz
Tuz, Piotr
Bartkowska, Izabela
Kruszyński, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
hydraulic modelling
water loss
cost of exploitation
loss reduction
modelowanie hydrauliczne
strata wody
koszt eksploatacji
redukcja strat
Most of the small water companies supplying a small number of consumers with water are struggling with the extremely tight budget, often making any large-scale modernisation impossible. In effect network managed by these companies is often very leaky and unreliable. One possible and cheap way of leakage reduction is the reduction of average pressure in the network. Thanks to new computing technologies, the device selection process for pressure reduction is accurate and easy to do. This study uses the hydraulic model to select required pressure reducing valves and correct locations accurately and adequately approximate the resulting absolute water loss reduction thanks to this approach.
Większość małych przedsiębiorstw wodociągowych boryka się z problemami budżetowymi. Mogą mieć one wiele źródeł – obłsuga niewielkiej ilości odbiorców, wysoki poziom strat, konieczność zakupu wody z zewnętrznych źródeł. Czynniki te sprawiają, że wymagane nakłady na modernizacje sieci niejednokrotnie przewyższają możliwości finansowe przedsiębiorstwa. Jednym ze sposobów redukcji rzeczywistych strat wody jest obniżenie średniego ciśnienia w sieci. Dzięki nowym metodom obliczeniowym i symulacjom komputerowym dobór urządzeń redukujących ciśnienie i wybór lokalizacji ich montażu są znacznie ułatwione. W pracy skupiono się na ocenie możliwości wykorzystania modelowania komputerowego podczas wdrażania systemu zarządzania ciśnieniem w sieci wodociągowej.
Ekonomia i Środowisko; 2022, 2; 186--202
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Środowisko
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A review of methods for preventing pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy
Mech, Katarzyna
Wysocki, Łukasz
Guzel, Tomasz
Makiewicz, Marcin
Nyckowski, Paweł
Słodkowski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Pancreatic fistula is one of the most severe complications after pancreatic surgeries. The risk of pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy is up to 60%. Effective methods to prevent pancreatic fistula are still sought. A unified definition of pancreatic fistula, which was introduced in 2005 by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS), has allowed for an easier diagnosis and determination of fistula severity, as well as for a reliable inter-centre comparison of data. Furthermore, a number of publications point out the risk factors of pancreatic fistula, which may be classified into: patient-related risk factors, such as MBI, gender, smoking tobacco or pancreatic structure; and surgery-related risk factors, such as blood loss, prolonged surgery and non-underpinning of the major pancreatic duct. The analysis of risk factors and the use of different methods for the prevention of pancreatic fistula, including novel surgical techniques, may reduce both, the formation and severity of fistula. This will in turn lead to reduced secondary complications and mortality, as well as shorter hospital stay. We present a literature review on different strategies used to prevent pancreatic fistula. It seems, however, that multicenter, prospective, randomised studies in two large groups of patients after pancreatectomy are necessary to establish clear recommendations for the preventive management.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2018, 90, 2; 38-44
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Anarcho-Capitalist Case Against the State as a Challenge to the Minarchist Libertarians
Anarchokapitalistyczna argumentacja przeciwko państwu jako wyzwanie dla minarchistycznych libertarian
Dominiak, Łukasz
Wysocki, Igor
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prawa własności
property rights
The present paper formulates the principled anarcho-capitalist case against the state and investigates the possible minarchist replies thereto. It identifies three and only three logically available (general) ways of undermining the anarcho-capitalist case and argues that none of them works for minarchism (although they might work for other political philosophies) due to the premises from which this theory starts. The sketch of the analysis presented in the paper suggests that minarchist research program falls short of theoretical soundness or even of logical validity (albeit not necessarily of a political appeal).
Artykuł przedstawia fundamentalny anarchokapitalistyczny argument przeciw państwu i rozważa minarchistyczne odpowiedzi na tak sformułowaną krytykę tej instytucji. Identyfikuje trzy i tylko trzy logicznie możliwe sposoby podważenia anarchokapitalistycznej argumentacji, dowodząc, że w związku z przesłankami, z których wychodzi teoria minarchistyczna, żaden z tych sposobów nie jest jej dostępny (co nie oznacza, że nie jest on dostępny filozofiom politycznym wychodzącym z innych przesłanek). Zarys analizy przedstawiony w artykule sugeruje, iż minarchistyczny program badawczy jest nieprzekonujący teoretycznie, a nawet wątpliwy logicznie (pomimo swej możliwej atrakcyjności politycznej).
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2022, 70, 2; 53-69
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Libertarianism, Defense of Property, and Absolute Rights
Dominiak, Łukasz
Wysocki, Igor
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
defense of property
necessary defense
gentleness principle
absolute rights
obrona własności
obrona konieczna
uprawnienia absolutne
The present paper argues that libertarians (e.g. Murray Rothbard, Stephan Kinsella) who subscribe to the proportionality principle while embracing the view that to have a right to property is to have a right to defend it run into what we call the Property Defense Dilemma. For if the only way to defend property is to defend it disproportionately, then a private property right – contrary to what these thinkers claim – is not accompanied by a right to defend it. The most plausible way out of the dilemma – the present paper argues – is to conceive of private property rights as only weakly absolute, to use Matthew H. Kramer’s illuminating distinction. On the other hand, libertarians who as Walter Block would like to escape the dilemma by replacing the proportionality standard with the gentleness principle run into other sorts of problems (moral implausibility, incoherence) which also shows that it is the libertarian view on rights as infinitely stringent side constraints that calls for revision and attenuation.
Autorzy artykułu argumentują, że libertarianie (tacy jak Murray Rothbard, Stephan Kinsella), którzy jednocześnie podpisują się pod zasadą proporcjonalności w obronie własności prywatnej oraz pod poglądem, iż posiadanie prawa własności prywatnej oznacza posiadanie prawa do jej obrony, popadają tym samym w dylemat polegający na tym, iż jeżeli jedynym sposobem obrony prawa własności prywatnej jest jego nieproporcjonalna obrona, to to własności tej - wbrew temu, co ów pogląd głosi - nie towarzyszy prawo do jej obrony. Najlepiej uzasadnionym sposobem wyjścia z tego dylematu jest osłabienie peremptoryjności praw własności prywatnej, czyli skonceptualizowanie tychże praw jako absolutnych jedynie w słabym sensie tego słowa (korzystając z dystynkcji zaproponowanej przez Matthew H. Kramera). Z kolei libertarianie, którzy tak jak Walter Block chcieliby wybrnąć z rzeczonego dylematu poprzez zastąpienie zasady proporcjonalności zasadą delikatności, popadają w innego rodzaju problemy (nieintuicyjność moralną czy ogólną niekoherencję), co jest tylko kolejnym argumentem na rzecz tezy, iż osłabienie wymogów praw własności prywatnej jest najlepiej uzasadnionym sposobem przezwyciężenia rozważanego tu dylematu.
Analiza i Egzystencja; 2023, 61; 5-26
Pojawia się w:
Analiza i Egzystencja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Health Hazards in Combat Division in the State Fire Service as Assessed by Officers of the Lubelskie Voivodeship
Zagrożenia zdrowotne w podziale bojowym w Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w ocenie funkcjonariuszy województwa lubelskiego
Dudziński, Łukasz
Wysocki, Dominik
Czyżewski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej im. Józefa Tuliszkowskiego
accident at work
rescue activities
firefighting activities
State Fire Service
health hazards
wypadek przy pracy
działania ratowniczo-gaśnicze
Państwowa Straż Pożarna
zagrożenie zdrowotne
Purpose: The aim of the study is to analyse health threats and occupational risk based on the assessment of the State Fire Service (SFS) officers depending on the nature of the service performed in the combat division (commander, rescuer, driver). Material and methods: The questionnaire survey which was carried out included 181 officers serving in SFS units across the Lubelskie Voivodeship. An original questionnaire consisting of 16 questions was used as a research tool. The opening questions concerned the age and service experience of the respondents. The remaining questions with a 5-point Likert scale, a point-rating scale and single-choice questions (YES/NO) referred to how the officers assess health threats in their service and the risk level for individual professional duties. Results: 50.8% of the respondents served as SFS rescuers, 32.1% as commanders, and 17.1% as drivers. One incident of damage to the skeletal system in the year before the survey was reported by 30 (16.6%) firefighters (including 19 rescuers). 26 (14.4%) firefighters (12 commanders) declared from 2 to 4 injuries. None of the firefighters declared more than 15 skeletal injuries per year. It was shown that firefighting activities were associated with the highest risk of health hazards – they concerned 20 (11.1%) firefighters. Sports activities were characterised by a high risk of injury, which was confirmed by 14 (7.7%) firefighters in the survey. 31 (17.1%) firefighters (14 rescuers, 12 commanders and 5 drivers) experienced stress reactions 2-4 times a year, while 6 (3.3%) officers (3 rescuers, 3 drivers) declared them to happen more than 15 times a year. Conclusions: The analysis showed that health risks of firefighters occupying various positions in the combat division is at a similar level. Numerous health risks in the form of bodily injuries occur as a consequence of sports activities. At the same time participation in operational readiness inspections and training classes is considered as posing the least risk. The use of personal protective equipment and proper protection of the rescuers’ respiratory system have an impact on reducing the health risk during the service.
Cel: Celem pracy jest analiza zagrożeń zdrowotnych oraz ryzyka zawodowego w ocenie funkcjonariuszy Państwowej Straży Pożarnej w zależności od charakteru pełnionej służby w podziale bojowym (dowódca, ratownik, kierowca). Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe, którym objęto 181 funkcjonariuszy pełniących służbę w jednostkach PSP województwa lubelskiego. Narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz ankiety składający się z 16 pytań. Metryczka dotyczyła wieku i stażu służby ankietowanych. Pozostałe pytania z pięciostopniową skalą Likerta, punktową skalą oceny oraz pytania jednokrotnego wyboru (TAK/NIE) dotyczyły tego, jak funkcjonariusze oceniają zagrożenia zdrowotne w służbie oraz poziom ryzyka dla poszczególnych obowiązków służbowych. Wyniki: 50,8% wszystkich respondentów stanowili ratownicy PSP, 32,1% – dowódcy, natomiast 17,1% – kierowcy. Jednokrotne uszkodzenia w układzie kostno-szkieletowym w ciągu roku poprzedzającego badanie zgłosiło 30 strażaków, czyli 16,6% respondentów (w tym 19 ratowników). Od 2 do 4 urazów zadeklarowało 26 strażaków, tj. 14,4% respondentów (w tym 12 dowódców). Powyżej 15 uszkodzeń w układzie kostno-szkieletowym rocznie nie deklarował żaden funkcjonariusz. Wykazano, że działania gaśnicze były obciążone największym ryzykiem wystąpienia zagrożeń zdrowotnych – dotyczyły 20 strażaków (11,1% ankietowanych). Zajęcia sportowe cechowały się dużym ryzykiem kontuzji, co potwierdziło w ankiecie 14 strażaków (7,7% badanych). Reakcje na stres pojawiły się u 31 strażaków (17,1% ankietowanych, w tym 14 ratowników, 12 dowódców i 5 kierowców) z częstotliwością od 2 do 4 razy w roku, natomiast ich wystąpienie powyżej 15 razy w ciągu roku deklarowało 6 funkcjonariuszy (3,3% ankietowanych, w tym 3 ratowników i 3 kierowców). Wnioski: Jak wykazała analiza, zagrożenie zdrowotne strażaków zajmujących różne stanowiska w podziale bojowym kształtuje się na podobnym poziomie. Liczne zagrożenia dla zdrowia w postaci obrażeń ciała występują podczas zajęć sportowych, natomiast jako najmniej ryzykowne aktywności uznano udział w inspekcjach gotowości operacyjnej i zajęcia szkoleniowe. Na zmniejszenie ryzyka zagrożenia zdrowotnego podczas służby ma wpływ stosowanie środków ochrony indywidualnej oraz właściwe zabezpieczenie ratowników w zakresie ochrony dróg oddechowych.
Safety and Fire Technology; 2020, 56, 2; 110--125
Pojawia się w:
Safety and Fire Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A novel model of acellular dermal matrix plug for anal fistula treatment. Report of a case and surgical consideration based on first utility in Poland
Bobkiewicz, Adam
Krokowicz, Łukasz
Borejsza-Wysocki, Maciej
Banasiewicz, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
anal fistula
biomaterial plug
plug implantation
Anal fistula (AF) is a pathological connection between anus and skin in its surroundings. The main reason for the formation of anal fistula is a bacterial infection of the glands within the anal crypts. One of the modern techniques for the treatment of fistulas that do not interfere with the sphincters consists in implantation of a plug made from collagen material. We are presenting the first Polish experience with a new model of biomaterial plug for the treatment of anal fistula. We also point out key elements of the procedure (both preoperative and intraoperative) associated with this method. In the authors’ opinion, the method is simple, safe and reproducible. Innovative shape of the plug minimizes the risk of its migration and rotation. It also perfectly blends with and adapts to the course and shape of the fistula canal, allowing it to become incorporated and overgrown with tissue in the fistula canal. The relatively short operation time, minor postoperative pain and faster convalescence are with no doubt additional advantages of the method. Long-term observation involving more patients is essential for evaluation of the efficacy of the treatment of fistulas with the new type of plug.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2017, 89, 4; 52-55
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ileal pouch anal anastomosis leak after restorative proctocolectomy without protective stoma successfully treated with endoscopic vacuum therapy
Borejsza-Wysocki, Maciej
Bobkiewicz, Adam
Kościński, Tomasz
Banasiewicz, Tomasz
Krokowicz, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
anastomotic leakage
Endoscopic vacuum therapy
negative pressure wound therapy
restorative proctocolectomy
Aim An ileal pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA) leak is one of the most severe complication after restorative proctocoletomy (RPC). We present a rare case of a successful management of IPAA leak after RPC without defunctionig stoma with the utility of endoscopic vacuum therapy. Methods A 57-year-old male with a ileal pouch anal anastomosis leak after RPC due to ulcerative colitis with presacral abscess was qualified for endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT). The abscess of the left buttock was drained and secured with suction drain (redon drain). Due to the lack of defunctioning stoma, a system for contain and divert fecal matter was placed within afferent limb of the J-pouch and EVT was placed directly within IPAA dehiscence. EVT was changed every third day. Results The patient underwent a total of five EVT sessions. Improvement of patient’s general condition characterized with lack of pelvic pain, fever and reduction of inflammatory markers was achieved. Locally, anastomosis dehiscence was healed with prominent reduction in the defect’s dimension, contraction and revascularization. Based on imaging studies no chronic presacral sinus or any other perianal disturbances were revealed at the time of five months follow up. Conclusions EVT is a promising method for management of IPAA leak. Although, it remains extremely difficult, EVT may serve as a method of choice in early pouch-related septic complications after RPC performed without defunctioning stoma
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2020, 92, 4; 58-62
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Calcifiying Fibrous Pseudotumor of the Small Bowel Mesentery – Case Report
Paszkiewicz, Izabela
Iżycka-Świeszewska, Ewa
Wysocki, Tomasz
Dobosz, Łukasz
Dobosz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
calcifiying fibrous pseudotumor
calcifiying fibrous tumor
Calcifiyng fibrous pseudotumor (CFPT) is a benign mesenchymal tumor diagnosed in children and young adults, located in the subcutaneous tissue of the trunk and limbs. Its intraabdominal localization is a unique rarity. The Authors of the study presented a case of a 48-year old female patient with an accidentally diagnosed small bowel mesentery tumor during surgery
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2014, 86, 6; 293-296
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Iatrogenic Bile Duct Injury. A Significant Surgical Problem. Assessment of Treatment Outcomes in the Departments Own Material
Bobkiewicz, Adam
Krokowicz, łukasz
Banasiewicz, Tomasz
Kościński, Tomasz
Borejsza-Wysocki, Maciej
Ledwosiński, Witold
Drews, Michał
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
iatrogenic bile duct injuries
Iatrogenic bile duct injuries (BDI) are still a challenging diagnostic and therapeutic problem. With the introduction of the laparoscopic technique for the treatment of cholecystolithiasis, the incidence of iatrogenic BDI increased. The aim of the study was a retrospective analysis of 69 patients treated at the department due to iatrogenic BDI in the years 2004-2014. Material and methods. In this paper, we presented the results of a retrospective analysis of 69 patients treated at the Department due to iatrogenic BDI in the years 2004-2014. The data were analysed in terms of age, sex, type of biliary injury, clinical symptoms, the type of repair surgery, the time between the primary surgery and the BDI management, postoperative complications and duration of hospital stay. Results. 82.6% of BDI occurred during laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 8.7% occurred during open cholecystectomy, whereas 6 cases of BDI resulted from surgeries conducted for other indications. In order to assess the degree of BDI, Bismuth and Neuhaus classifications were used (for open and laparoscopic cholecystectomy respectively). 84.1% of patients with confirmed BDI, were transferred to the Department from other hospitals. The average time between the primary surgery and reoperation was 6.2 days (SD 4). The most common clinical symptom was biliary fistula observed in 78.3% of patients. In 28 patients, unsuccessful attempts to manage BDI were made prior to the admission to the Department in other centres. The repair procedure was mainly conducted by laparotomy (82.6%) and by the endoscopic approach (15.9%). Hepaticojejunostomy was the most common type of reconstruction following BDI (34.7%). Conclusions. The increase in the rate of iatrogenic bile duct injury remains a challenging surgical problem. The management of BDI should be multidisciplinary treatment. Referring patients with both suspected and confirmed iatrogenic BDI to tertiary centres allows more effective treatment to be implemented.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2014, 86, 12; 576-583
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the Results of Surgical Treatment of Zenker’S Diverticulum in Own Material
Bobkiewicz, Adam
Banasiewicz, Tomasz
Krokowicz, Łukasz
Dryjas, Andrzej
Wykrętowicz, Mateusz
Katulska, Katarzyna
Borejsza-Wysocki, Maciej
Malinger, Stanisław
Drews, Michał
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Zenker diverticulum
Zenker diverticulum (ZD) is the most common type of diverticula of the esophagus. Most often refers to men with a peak incidence in the seventh and eighth decade of life. In the majority diverticula remains asymptomatic and in patients with symptomatic course of the disease symptoms are often nonspecific. Aim of the study was to present the authors’ own experience in surgical treatment of Zenker diverticulum. Material and methods. In this paper we present an analysis of 31 patients with confirmed ZD treated surgically at the Clinic in 2004-2014. Patients were analyzed in terms of age, gender, clinical symptoms, diverticulum size, type of surgery, the time to return to the oral intake, hospital stay and perioperative complications. Results. 22 men and 9 women were enrolled it this study. The mean age of the patients was 64.8 (SD, 10.7; in the range of 28 to 82 years). 29 patients (93.5%) underwent resection of the diverticulum, while diverticulopexy was performed in two patients. In 25 (80.6%) cases stapler device was used, while in 4 (12.9%) resection was performed manually. The average size of resected diverticulum was 4.9 cm (SD, 1.5). Following the surgery in four patients (12.9%) complications were present. The average operating time was 118.7 minutes (SD, 42.2, in the range of 50 to 240 minutes). The mean length of hospital stay was 9.3 (SD, 3.3). Conclusions. Surgical treatment of ZD is associated with high effectiveness and low recurrence rate. Despite the advantages of endoscopic techniques, surgical treatment is characterized by one- stage procedure. The use of mechanical suture (stapler) significantly improves the operation, although on the basis of our own analysis there was no superiority revealed over hand sewn. Unquestionable adventage of classical technique is the opportunity to histopathological evaluation of resected diverticulum what is impossible to achieve in endoscopic techniques.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2015, 87, 3; 109-115
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Surgical methods of treatment of intestinal passage disturbances with the characteristics of constipation in patients with intestinal stoma based on own experience
Krokowicz, Łukasz
Sławek, Sylwia
Ledwosiński, Witold
Bobkiewicz, Adam
Borejsza-Wysocki, Maciej
Kuczyńska, Barbara
Szmyt, Krzysztof
Paszkowski, Jacek
Drews, Michał
Banasiewicz, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
end colostomy
loop colostomy
parastomal hernia
Stoma is an intestinal fistula created in emergency or by elective indications, and it is done to drain out the digestive tract content. In some patients there is a disturbance passage of gastric contents through the stoma, which may take the form of chronic constipation or even periodic subileus that will sooner or later require surgical treatment. The aim of the study was the assessment of the causes and method of treatment of constipation in patients with intestinal stoma. Material and methods. A total of 331 patients with stoma followed by Ostomy and Proctology Outpatient Clinic were included in the study in the years 2011-2014. The study included 146 women and 185 men and the average age was 61.3 ± 12.7 years. Within the entire froup, 273 patients had the end stoma performed whereas in 58 patients the loop stoma was created. The highest percentage of patients were the ones with diverticulosis and colorectal cancer, i.e. 132 and 114 patients respectively. A stoma was created in 35 patients due to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in 23 patients because of cancer, in 14 as a result of injuries and in 13 due to rectovaginal fistula. Results. Out of the entire group subject to study (331 patients) 93 patients (28.1%) suffered from constipation. 50 patients with constipation required surgical intervention. The most common indication for surgical treatment was the parastomal hernia (36 patients, 72%), other indications were the narrowing of the stoma (5 patients, 10%), its collapse (6 patients, 12%) or prolapse (3 patients, 6%). Parastomal hernia was responsible for 84% of constipation within the stoma and 86.1% were treated with laparotomy (31 out of 36 patients). Other causes of constipation were the stomal stenoses (5 patients), collapse of the stoma (6 patients) and stomal prolapse (3 patients). All patients were treated surgically with a good final result. Conclusions. Constipation associated with dysfunction of the stoma in most cases should be treated surgically. Parastomal hernia is the most common cause of constipation in the stoma. Treatment should be performed in due time because of the possibility of developing complications, especially dangerous one is a strangulated parastomal hernia and ischemia of stoma.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2015, 87, 4; 160-165
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie neoadiuwantowej chemioterapii w leczeniu zaawansowanego raka jajnika u chorych geriatrycznych
The role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the management of advanced ovarian cancer ingeriatric patients
Kojs-Pasińska, Ewelina
Cybulska-Stopa, Bożena
Koper, Krzysztof
Dziobek, Konrad
Dziechciowski, Marek
Chamier-Ciemińska, Agnieszka
Streb, Joanna
Wysocki, Piotr J.
Wicherek, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
chemioterapia neoadiuwantowa
chore w podeszłym wieku
geriatria onkologiczna
pierwotny zabieg cytoredukcyjny
rak jajnika
It is increasingly common for ovarian cancer to affect older women, with over half of all cases involving patients aged 65 years and older. Unfortunately, elderly patients with ovarian malignancy tend to be treated less aggressively than younger patients, with less extensive surgery and less intensive chemotherapy regimens. This is due to a variety of factors, such as overall medical fitness and the function of specific organs. Moreover, multiple morbidities are typical for geriatric patients and affect their eligibility for certain forms of cancer therapy as well as their treatment outcomes, which are commonly less satisfactory than in younger patients. Additionally, for fear of complications, treating physicians sometimes limit the extent of the necessary surgery, or adjust chemotherapy doses, even though such a course of management tends to be largely misguided. One available management option is neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by a surgical treatment known as interval debulking surgery. This type of combination therapy is associated with fewer postoperative complications, thus increasing the patient’s chances of receiving a full course of adjuvant treatment. The decision to begin treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy tends to restrict later surgical therapy; however, under certain circumstances, this therapy can be a valid therapeutic option and, in fact, facilitate surgery. Prior to initiating therapy in elderly patients, their eligibility for combination therapy must be evaluated and the geriatric assessment of their performance and condition must be considered during the course of interdisciplinary preoperative management.
Rak jajnika coraz częściej dotyka kobiety starsze, a ponad połowa zachorowań występuje u pacjentek w wieku powyżej 65 lat. Niestety starsze chore z rozpoznaniem raka jajnika częściej otrzymują mniej agresywne leczenie onkologiczne niż chore młodsze – mowa tu nie tylko o ograniczeniu zakresu zabiegów chirurgicznych, lecz także o mniej intensywnej chemioterapii. Wynika to z wielu czynników, takich jak stopień sprawności i wydolności poszczególnych narządów oraz często znaczna liczba schorzeń współistniejących. Wielochorobowość jest typowa dla osób w podeszłym wieku, co wpływa na kwalifikację do leczenia onkologicznego i na jego wyniki w tej grupie chorych. Wyniki terapii raka jajnika u pacjentek geriatrycznych są jeszcze bardziej niezadowalające niż u pacjentek młodszych. Ograniczenie leczenia chirurgicznego, opóźnienie kolejnych cykli lub redukcja dawek chemioterapii nierzadko są nieuzasadnione i wynikają z obawy przed wystąpieniem powikłań. Opcją postępowania może być wdrożenie w tej grupie chemioterapii neoadiuwantowej z następowym zabiegiem operacyjnym. Ten rodzaj leczenia skojarzonego jest związany z  mniejszą liczbą powikłań pooperacyjnych, co może zwiększać prawdopodobieństwo otrzymania pełnego leczenia adiuwantowego. Decyzja o rozpoczęciu postępowania od chemioterapii neoadiuwantowej niejako przesądza również o ograniczeniu zakresu późniejszego zabiegu chirurgicznego, ale w pewnych okolicznościach można ten fakt wykorzystać w planie terapeutycznym i dzięki chemioterapii neoadiuwantowej umożliwić leczenie chirurgiczne. Rozpoczynając terapię u osób starszych, należy uwzględnić ocenę geriatryczną ich stanu zdrowia w procesie interdyscyplinarnej kwalifikacji do leczenia skojarzonego.
Current Gynecologic Oncology; 2016, 14, 4; 212-221
Pojawia się w:
Current Gynecologic Oncology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The influence of rifaximin on diverticulitis rate and quality of life in patients with diverticulosis
Banasiewicz, Tomasz
Francuzik, Wojciech
Bobkiewicz, Adam
Krokowicz, Łukasz
Borejsza-Wysocki, Maciej
Paszkowski, Jacek
Studniarek, Adam
Krokowicz, Piotr
Grochowalski, Marcin
Zastawna, Kinga
Szczepkowski, Marek
Lorenc, Zbigniew
Drews, Michał
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
Diverticulosis, its associated symptoms and complications are one of the most common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in more economically developed countries. Presence of diverticuli and their clinical consequences can be divided into four categories: 1) diverticulosis, i.e. an asymptomatic presence of diverticuli that are usually found by accident 2) symptomatic uncomplicated diverticulosis 3) diverticulitis (acute uncomplicated diverticulitis) 4) complications of diverticulitis (conditions requiring hospital stay). The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyze the efficacy of rifaximin in preventing diverticulitis in patients visiting proctology clinics. The diagnostic criterium for diverticulosis was confirmation by colonoscopy, barium enema or CT colography (virtual colonoscopy) as well as history of at least one documented episode of diverticulosis. History of diverticulosis was evaluated based on medical records, clinical symptoms, elevated level of CRP (>5.0) and/or diagnostic imaging (ultrasound, CT). After setting strict exclusion criteria, 248 patients were qualified for the study out of 686, and they were later divided into two groups: control group (group I – 145 patients) and studied group (group II – 103 patients receiving rifaximin prophylaxis). Diverticulitis rate was comparable in both groups over a period of 6 months before study (p = 0.1306) and 6 months of treatment (p=0.3044). Between the 6th and 12th month of treatment, a significantly lower rate of diverticulitis was noted in the group receiving rifaximin compared to control group (p<0.0001). Patients receiving rifaximin reported higher quality of life (which was assessed using the VAS scale) compared to control group after 12 months. The results confirmed the efficacy of riaximin in prevention of diverticulitis, even in the scheme of repeated courses every 3 months. Not only did application of rifaximin lower the rate of diverticulitis and its complications in patients after an episode of diverticulitis, but also it improved the patients’ quality of life. It seems that diverticulitis prophylaxis based on rifaximin can be economically efficient, however, it requires further research.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2017, 89, 1; 22-31
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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