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Effect of Nitrogen Form and Dose ou Nitrates(V) Content in Selected Species of Vegetables
Wpływ dawki i formy azotu na zawartość azotanów(V) w wybranych gatunkach warzyw
Spiak, Z.
Śmiatacz, S.
Piszcz, U.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
nawożenie azotem
formy azotu
azot azotanowy(V)
termin uprawy
nitrogen fertilization
forms of nitrogen
term of cultivation
The aim of this work was the assessment of the effect of increasing doses of different forms of nitrogen nitrates(V) accumulation in lettuce and radish roots. Research was carried out on the basis of exact cultivation experiments conducted in ihe years 2003-2005 in a cold greenhouse. The two plant species were fertilized in each year of the experiment, in spring and autumn, with following doses of nitrogen 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; and 3.0 g N o pot-1, introducing nitrogen in the forms of (NH3SO4 Ca(NO3)2, NH4NO3 and CO(NH4). Investigation was conducted on light soil of slightly acid reaction, featuring the following contents of chemical elements: low-potassium, medium-phosphorus and high-magnesium. The effect of nitrogen form and dose was assessed through analysis of yield size of cultivated plants, total nitrogen and nitrates(V) content. After investigation had been finished, there was determined the content of minerał nitrogen in soils. The research proved that both lettuce and radish yields increased according to gradually increasing dose of nitrogen, up to 1.5 g M o pot-1. The most intensive yield-forming effect in the case of lettuce showed calcium saltpetre, while for radish it was ammonium saltpetre. Significantly higher yields of both plants originating from the same treatments were obtained from spring cultivation. The highest concentration of nitrate(V) nitrogen was assayed in both plants when fertilization with the highest nitrogen dose, yet it was always lettuce to contain higher amounts of this element than radish. Lower quantities of nitrates(V) in each of the examined species were recorded in the spring, while in the autumn these values were higher. Regardless the species, the highest amount of nitrates(V) were accumulated in plants fertilized with calcium and ammonium saltpetre, while the lowest quantities were obtained for application of ammonium sulfate.
Celem prezentowanej pracy była ocena wpływu stosowania wzrastających dawek różnych form azotu na gromadzenie się azotanów(V) w sałacie i korzeniach rzodkiewki. Badania realizowano poprzez ścisłe doświadczenia wegetacyjne, które prowadzono w latach 2003-2005 w hali wegetacyjnej. W każdym roku badań wiosną i w okresie jesiennym oba gatunki roślin nawożono azotem w ilości; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; i 3,0 g N o wazon-1, stosując go w postaci (NH4)2SO4, Ca(NO3)2, NH4NO3 oraz C0(MNH2). Doświadczenie założono na glebie lekkiej o odczynie słabo kwaśnym, niskiej zawartości potasu, średniej fosforu oraz wysokiej magnezu. Wpływ dawki i formy azotu oceniono analizując masę plonów uprawianych roślin, zawartość azotu ogólnego oraz azotu azotanowego(V). W glebach po zakończeniu badań określono zawartość azotu mineralnego. Wykazano, że plony zarówno sałaty, jak i rzodkiewki wzrastały w miare zwiększania dawki azotu do 1,5 g N o wazon-1. Najbardziej plonotwórczo w przypadku sałaty działala saletra wapniowa, natomiast w przypadku rzodkiewki saletra amonowa. Znacznie większe plony obu roślin z tych samych obiektów zebrano, uprawiając je w okresie wiosennym. Najwyższą koncentrację azotu azotanowego(V) oznaczono w obu roślinach wówczas, gdy nawożono je najwyższą dawką azotu, jednak zawsze większe zawartości tej formy azotu stwierdzano w sałacie niż rzodkiewce. Mniej azotanów(V) w każdym z badanych gatunków oznaczono wiosną niż jesienią. Niezależnie od gatunku, najwięcej azotanów(V) gromadziły rośliny nawożone saletrą wapniową i amonową, a najmniej, gdy w ich uprawie stosowano siarczan amonu.
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A; 2010, 17, 7; 837-846
Pojawia się w:
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of rootstock on leaf nutrient concentration and productive value of ‘Mutsu’ apple trees
Sosna, I.
Gudarowska, E.
Spiak, Z.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
Malus domestica
macro- and microelements
Various apple rootstock genotypes may affect fruit tree nutrition. The plant nutritional status has a significant impact on the growth and yield of apple trees. The experiment was conducted in 2007-2015, at the Experimental Station in Samotwór near Wrocław, south-western Poland. During the nine-year study, the impact of different rootstocks (M.26, B.7-35, B.396, ARM 18, M.9, B.491, P 16, B.146 and PB-4) on the nutritional status, growth and yield of ‘Mutsu’ apple trees was investigated. Samples of leaves were collected for the analysis of macro– and microelements in the second half of July in 2009-2011. The study showed an ambiguous influence of rootstock on leaf macro-and microelement composition. This effect differed depending on a year. The results of the average content of the analysed components showed no effect of a rootstock on P, Mg, Mn and Zn concentrations in the leaves. M.26 rootstock resulted in the lower copper level (a significant difference when compared to B.7-35, M.9, B.146 and B.491). Trees on B.491, M.26 and B.7-35 rootstocks were worse stocked in boron than apple trees on ARM-18, M.9 and B.396. In comparison with stronger growing rootstocks, trees on PB-4 were characterised by the low content of calcium. Trees on B.7-35 rootstock grew the most, while the ones grafted on PB-4 showed the weakest growth and had the smallest fruits. The highest number of root suckers was observed for trees grafted on B.7-35 and ARM 18. Until the ninth year after planting, the largest yield was obtained from trees on B.396. In the present study, this rootstock proved to be the best for the ‘Mutsu’ cultivar
Journal of Elementology; 2020, 25, 4; 1581-1593
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modification of Sulfur Content in Miscanthus x giganteus under Different Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization
Zmiany zawartości siarki w miskancie olbrzymim pod wpływem zróżnicowanego nawożenia azotem i potasem
Spiak, Z.
Piszcz, U.
Zbroszczyk, T.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
miskant olbrzymi
nawożenie N i K
zawartość siarki
okres wegetacji
Miscanthus x giganteus
nitrogen and potassium fertilizing
sulfur content
vegetation period
The purpose of the presented work was to evaluate the changes in the sulfur content in the aboveground parts of Miscanthus x giganteus under the influence of applying incrementally increasing doses of nitrogen and potassium. Field experiments were conducted using the split-plot method on light, sandy soil. Varying doses of nitrogen-based fertilizers were used: 100 kg N; 150 kg N and 200 kg N ha–1, with potassium 83 kg K and 124 kg K (100 kg and 150 kg K2O). Plant samples were taken from 2007 to 2009 during the months of June through October. Throughout the vegetation period the sulfur content in the studied Miscanthus was twice as high in the leaves as in the stems. The highest amount of sulfur was found in young plants. By the end of the vegetation period the sulfur content in the leaves fell by about 30 % and in the stems by 60 %. None of the studies found that fertilizing with nitrogen significantly modified the sulfur content in Miscanthus. However, it was determined that the sulfur content was significantly higher in the stems and leaves of the Miscanthus fertilized with higher doses of potassium. Throughout the three-year study period increasingly higher amounts of sulfur were observed in the aboveground parts of Miscanthus at all the field trial locations.
Celem prezentowanej pracy była ocena zmian zawartości siarki w częściach nadziemnych miskanta olbrzymiego pod wpływem stosowania wzrastających dawek azotu oraz potasu. Ścisłe doświadczenie polowe założono metodą split-plot, na glebie piaszczystej lekkiej. Zróżnicowane dawki nawozów azotowych wynosiły: 100 kg N; 150 kg N oraz 200 kg N ha-1, natomiast potasu 83 kg K i 124 kg K (100 kg i 150 kg K2O). Próbki roślinne pobierano w latach 2007-2009, w okresie od czerwca do października. Podczas całego okresu wegetacji miskanta stwierdzano prawie o połowę mniejsze zawartości siarki w łodygach niż w liściach. Najwięcej tego składnika zawierały rośliny młode. W miarę upływu okresu wegetacji zawartość siarki zmniejszała się w liściach o około 30 %, natomiast w łodygach o 60 %. W żadnym z lat badań nawożenie azotem nie modyfikowało istotnie zawartości S w miskancie. Stwierdzono natomiast istotny wzrost zawartości siarki w liściach i łodygach miskanta nawożonego większą dawką potasu. W kolejnych latach badań na wszystkich obiektach obserwowano w nadziemnych częściach miskanta coraz wyższą zawartość siarki.
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A; 2012, 19, 3; 213-221
Pojawia się w:
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization on Nitrates(V) Content in Maize And Buckwheat
Wpływ nawożenia fosforem i potasem na zawartość azotanów w kukurydzy i gryce
Spiak, Z.
Śmiatacz, S.
Piszcz, U.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
nawozy azotowe
nawożenie fosforem
nawożenie potasem
zawartość N-NO3
nitrogen fertilizers
phosphorus fertilization
potassium fertilization
N-NO3- maize
Investigation was carried out in the conditions of cold greenhouse in a two-year-cycle and even doses of mtrogen introduced into soil in different chemical forms provided a background for application of increasing doses of phosphorus and potassium amounting 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 g P and K o pot-1. The effect of these components was assessed by determination of yield mass of experimental plants (maize and buckwheat) as well as accumulation of nitrate(V) nitrogen in aboveground plant parts. Regarding the conditions of our investigation, increasing doses of phosphorus decided neither about maize nor buckwheat yielding, while potassium added to soil. which was at the same time provided with even doses of nitrogen, on treatments fertilized with urea did significantly decrease maize yield mass. Application of different nitrogen fertilizers, at sitnultaneous increase in phosphorus amount in soil, resulted in diversified nitrate(V) contents in maize and buckwheat. Phosphorus diminished N-NO3 content in maize fertilized with ammonium saltpetre and urea. In the case of buckwheat this effect was observed only when this plant was fertilized with urea. On the remaining objects increasing doses of phosphorus did not modify the content of this nitrogen form in experimental plants. The use of potassium did evidently decrease nitrate(V) content in buckwheat fertilized with all kinds of nitrogen fertilizers except for ammonium sulfate. As far as maize was concerned, experiments proyed that the decrease in nitrate(V) concentration as a result of higher doses of potassium fertilization occurred only when nitrogen was applied in the form of ammonium saltpetre. In plants cultivated on the remaining experimental treatments N-NO3- concentration reached similar values. A dominant form of minerał nitrogen was nitrate(V) nitrogen.
Badania prowadzono w warunkach hali wegetacyjnej w cyklu dwuletnim, na tle jednakowych dawek azotu wprowadzanego do gleby w różnych formach chemicznych stosowano wzrastające dawki fosforu i potasu w ilościach 0.5; 1.0 i 1.5 g P i K o wazon-1. Działanie tych składników oceniano, określając masę plonów roślin doświadczalnych (kukurydzy i gryki) oraz nagromadzenie azotu azotanowego(V) w ich częściach nadziemnych. W warunkach prowadzonych badań wzrastające ilości fosforu nie decydowały o plonowaniu kukurydzy i gryki, natomiast potas dodawany do gleby na tle jednakowego nawożenia azotem na obiektach nawożonych mocznikiem znacznie zmniejszał masę plonów kukurydzy. Stosowanie nawozów azotowych w różnych formach, przy jednocześnie wzrastającej ilości fosforu w podłożu, różnicowało zawartość azotanów(V) w kukurydzy i gryce. Fosfor obniżał zawartość N-NO3- w kukurydzy nawożonej saletrą amonową i mocznikiem, natomiast w gryce tylko wówczas, gdy nawożona była mocznikiem. Na pozostałych obiektach wzrastające dawki fosforu nie modyfikowały zawartości tej formy azotu w roślinach doświadczalnych. Stosowanie potasu wyraźnie zmniejszało zawartość azotanów(V) w gryce nawożonej wszystkimi nawozami azotowymi z wyjątkiem siarczanu amonu. W przypadku kukurydzy wykazano, że obniżenie koncentracji azotanów(V) w wyniku zwiększenia nawożenia potasem miało miejsce jedynie wówczas, gdy azot stosowano w postaci saletry amonowej. W roślinach uprawianych na pozostałych obiektach badawczych koncentracja N-NO3- kształtowała się na zbliżonym poziomie. W glebach po zakończeniu doświadczenia dominującą formą azotu mineralnego był azot azotanowy(V).
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A; 2010, 17, 7; 847-854
Pojawia się w:
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of salt and water stresses on growth, nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism in Cucumis sativus L. seedlings
Sacala, E
Demczuk, A.
Grzys, E.
Spiak, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
salt stress
Cucumis sativus
osmotic stress
water stress
Plants exposed to osmotic stress exhibit changes in their physiology and metabolism. In general, osmotic stress reduces water availability and causes nutritional imbalance in plants. In the present study, we compared the response of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var. Władko F-1) to ionic (100 mmol•dm-3 NaCl) and osmotic stress (10% PEG 6000). Both stress factors reduced significantly fresh and dry weight of 7-day-old cucumber seedlings. Under PEG treatment reduction of cucumber dry mass was lesser than in fresh mass, whereas under salt stress decrease in dry weight of cucumber shoots was more pronounced than in fresh mass. Salt stress caused severe decrease in nitrate concentration and activity of nitrate reductase (NR). In cotyledons nitrate content declined to 17% of the control and similar reduction in NR activity was observed. In the roots, observed changes were not so drastic but there was also strong interaction between reduction in nitrate content and NR activity. Under 10% PEG both nitrate concentration and NR activity in cucumber roots were significantly higher in comparison to control plants. In cotyledons NR activity was significantly lower than in control plants, while decrease in nitrate content was not statistically significant. Phosphate concentration did not change significantly in cucumber cotyledons but increased in roots treated both NaCl (32% increase) and PEG (53% increase). Similar tendencies were observed in acid phosphatase activity. Obtained results indicated that osmotic and salt stresses evoke differential responses, particularly in growth reduction and nitrogen metabolism in cucumber seedlings.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2008, 77, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Copper and zinc concentrations in plant and animal raw materials collected in the vicinity of the Zelazny most waste treatment tailings pond
Kolacz, R.
Spiak, Z.
Czaban, S.
Dobrzanski, Z.
Opalinski, S.
Kowalska, N.
Cwynar, P.
Kupczynski, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
biological raw materials
Żelazny Most tailings pond
The study was carried out on the Cu and Zn content of plant material (wheat grain, hay and potato tubers) and animal food products (cow’s milk, hen’s eggs and chicken meat) collected in the vicinity of the Żelazny Most waste treatment tailings pond (Lower Silesia, Poland). The samples for the study accomplished in 2016-2018 were collected from the places located in the nearest vicinity of the tailings pond (6 farms within a distance shorter than 4 km – zone I) and those located further away (6 farms within a distance from 4 to 10 km from the tailings pond – zone II). Copper and Zn concentrations were measured on a Varian Spectra AA220 Fast Sequential atomic absorption spectrophotmeter. The mean values of Cu noted in wheat grain harvested in the years under investigation ranged from 3.87 to 5.27 mg kg-1 DM, while the maximum value was 6.97 mg kg-1 DM. The highest accumulation of Cu and Zn was in hay (max. 10.10 and 99.04 mg kg-1 DM, respectively), while the lowest values were noted in milk and eggs. The zinc content of cow’s milk was found within the range from 2.64 to 4.01 mg kg-1 FM and the highest amount was 6.32 mg kg-1 FM. It was also found the mean Cu concentrations in poultry meat varied from 0.53 to 1.55 mg kg-1 FM and the maximum value was 3.50 mg kg-1 FM. No significant differences between zones I and II were observed (p≤0.05). The current results are comparable with those obtained in 2007 and 2013. With only a few exceptions, the biomonitoring studies did not show that the levels of the two metals in the biological material tested exceeded data reported in the Polish and international literature. Nowadays, there is no reason to consider the Żelazny Most tailings pond to be an toxicological threat to the natural and agricultural environment regarding Cu and Zn, but its periodic biomonitoring is necessary due to the chemical properties of these two elements and their potential effect on some environmental factors.
Journal of Elementology; 2020, 25, 4; 1423-1434
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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