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“Accompanying Migrants” as a Touchstone of the Realisation of the Synodal Church Idea. A Canonist’s Remarks
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
kairós of synodality
mission of synodal Church
Pope Francis
“accompanying migrants”
rights of (Christian) migrants
the “millennial” path of the Church’s renewal
the postulate of the Church law renewal
ecumenical context
“Synodality is a style, it is walking together, and it is what the Lord expects of the Church in the third millennium” (Francis). The specific motto and wording of this study in the quoted “programme” thought of Pope Francis, articulated in the Address to Members of the International Theological Commission (2019). The Pope expresses appreciation for the extensive work of the Commission crowned with the “theological clarification” of the mentioned idea, and above all by demonstrating the importance in the perception of the mission of the Church today. If, in the opinion of the Holy Father, factual and competent expert argumentation, step by step, reveals the truth that “a synodal Church is a Church of participation and co-responsibility,” such a determination cannot remain without impact on the praxis of undertaking the most serious pastoral challenges of the present time — on various levels of realization: local, regional, and universal, including ecumenical commitment. This applies in its entirety to the creation of strategies and specific actions of the Church towards the growing phenomenon of human mobility, especially in its forms that manifest themselves as dramatic and devastating to families and individuals. What we mean here is the Church’s multi-track postulate — or more precisely: communion, synodal — efficiency (with its determinants: dynamics, efficiency, effectiveness), for which in 2016 Francis coined the term: “accompanying migrants”. Consequently, in recent years there have been a number of normative and operational activities of the present successor of St. Peter, which in our time — rightly called: “the era of migration” (Francis) — set a new trend of clothing/embellishing the aforementioned critical area of salus animarum with synodal accents. As it is showed in the study, a canonist, with the horizon of the principle of ius sequitur vitam before his eyes, cannot remain passive towards the pressing challenges delineated here. Indeed, within the orbit of the study of canon law a weighty question appears — what conclusions of a canonical nature stem from the “millennium” project of the realization of the Synodal Church Idea.
Ecumeny and Law; 2021, 9, 2; 7-40
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tomasz Gałkowski CP, Ogólne zasady prawa w prawie kanonicznym [General Principles of Law in the Canon Law] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, 2020, 221 pp.
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Tomasz Gałkowski CP, Ogólne zasady prawa w prawie kanonicznym [General Principles of Law in the Canon Law] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, 2020, 221 pp.
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2021, 7, 2; 1-3
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Responsible Procreation—Co-Responsibility of Spouses. From Adequate Anthropology to the Legal Anthropology of Matrimony
Procréation responsable – coresponsabilité des époux De l’anthropologie adéquate à l’anthropologie juridique du mariage
Procreazione responsabile – coresponsabilità degli sposi Dall’antropologia adeguata all’antropologia giuridica del matrimonio
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
institution of matrimony
theological doctrine de matrimonio
adequate anthropology
legal anthropology of matrimony
responsible procreation
co-responsibility of spouses
institution du mariage
doctrine théologique de matrimonio
anthropologie adéquate
anthropologie juridique du mariage
procréation responsable
des époux
istituzione del matrimonio
dottrina teologica del matrimonio
antropologia giuridica del matrimonio
procreazione responsabile
corresponsabilità degli sposi
This study successfully verifies the thesis that both eponymous anthropological criteria (responsible procreation and co-responsibility of spouses), referring to the nature of personae humanae, have an invaluable epistemological value in the matrimonial law. Opening a wider horizon of cognition and interpretation, they become indispensable in the accurate/reliable deciding of cases concerning the invalidity of marriage. The subsequent stages of the discourse proposed here, step by step from the general guidelines of adequate anthropology to the detailed assumptions of the legal anthropology of matrimony, have very clearly confirmed the words of John Paul II that “[…] an authentically juridical consideration of marriage requires a metaphysical vision of the human person and of the conjugal relationship” (Address to the Roman Rota, 2004).
Cette étude vérifie la thèse selon laquelle les deux critères anthropologiques parus dans l’intitulé (procréation responsable, coresponsabilité des époux), se référant à la nature de personae humanae, ont une valeur épistémologique inestimable en droit du mariage. En effet, ouvrant un horizon cognitif et interprétatif plus large, ces deux critères sont désormais indispensables à l’évaluation exacte / fiable / correcte des juges en cas de nullité du mariage. Etape par étape, le discours proposé ici à partir des lignes directrices générales d’une anthropologie adéquate jusqu’aux hypothèses détaillées de l’anthropologie juridique du mariage, confirme clairement les propos de Jean-Paul II, selon qui « [...] une analyse véritablement juridique du mariage doit être fondée sur une vision métaphysique de l’homme et du lien conjugal » (Discours à la Rota romaine, 2004).
Il presente studio verifica la tesi che entrambi i criteri antropologici inclusi nel titolo (procreazione responsabile, corresponsabilità degli sposi), riferiti alla natura di personae humanae, hanno un valore epistemologico inestimabile nel diritto matrimoniale. Questo perché aprendo un orizzonte cognitivo e interpretativo più ampio, sono oggi indispensabili nella valutazione giuridica corretta / attendibile nei casi di nullità di matrimonio. Le parti successive del discorso qui proposto – passo dopo passo – dagli orientamenti generali di un’antropologia adeguata agli assunti dettagliati dell’antropologia giuridica del matrimonio, hanno chiaramente confermato le parole di Giovanni Paolo II che «[...] un’analisi veramente giuridica del matrimonio deve essere basata su una visione metafisica dell’uomo e del vincolo matrimoniale» (Discorso alla Rota Romana, 2004).
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2020, 6; 37-55
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Synodality — Participation — Co-Responsibility. Remarks on the Determinants of the Aggiornamento of the Church Law
Sinodalità – partecipazione – responsabilità condivisa Osservazioni sulle determinanti dell’aggiornamento del diritto ecclesiastico
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
communio principle
aggiornamento of Church law
principio di communio
aggiornamento del diritto ecclesiastico
In the communio Ecclesiae reality, of a unitarian, charismatic, and institutiona structure, the crucial concepts of participation and co-responsibility are firmly anchored in the juridical and canonical discourse. This is the way in which the horizon of the subject matter reveals itself, the study of which — from the point of view of the title triad: synodality — participation — co-responsibility — will never lose its relevance. What is, at the same time, important is the idea of “synodality,” which is adequately recognized as the sacra potestas of a sacramental origin (ontological aspect), which gains the dynamism of libertas sacra (existential and dynamic aspect) through the charisms of the Holy Spirit, thus leading to the inseparability of its personal and synodal aspects. Therefore, in the attempt to illuminate the determinant of the aggiornamento of the Church law in this study, it was appropriate, on the one hand, to consistently refer to the essence of the idea of the communio hierarchica, according to which Christ makes selected servants participate in his authority by means of an office, the exercise of which always remains a diaconia in the community of faith. On the other hand, in reference to the contemporary understanding of communio fidelium, the axis of scientific reflection was to be the communion-creative phenomenon of charisms — gifts of the Holy Spirit that awaken in the People of God synodal co-responsibility for the good of the entire Church community. In both cases — without losing sight of the obvious truth that, in the sacramental structure of the Church (communio), both hierarchical and charismatic gifts converge in the service of the bishop, who updates — according to the logic of the Vaticanum II aggiormamento and the ecclesiological principles of the Council: collegiality, the title synodality and subsidiarity — the fullness of Christ’s service: as Prophet, Priest, and King.
Nella realtà della communio Ecclesiae, che si caratterizza per una struttura carismatica e istituzionale unitaria, i concetti di partecipazione e di responsabilità condivisa — essenziali nel discorso giuridico e canonico, sono fortemente ancorati. Si svela così l’orizzonte della questione, il cui studio — nei termini della triade apparsa nel titolo: sinodalità — partecipazione — responsabilità condivisa — non perderà mai la sua rilevanza. È importante sottolineare che l’idea di “sinodalità” — adeguatamente riconosciuta come sacra potestas di origine sacramentale (aspetto ontologico), guadagnando il dinamismo di libertas sacra grazie ai carismi dello Spirito Santo (aspetto esistenziale e dinamico) —conduce all’inseparabilità dei suoi aspetti: personale e sinodale. Pertanto, nel tentativo compiuto in questo studio di illuminare le determinanti dell’ “aggiornamento” del diritto ecclesiastico, è stato opportuno, da un lato, riferirsi sistematicamente all’essenza dell’idea di communio hierarchica, secondo la quale Cristo rende i servi eletti partecipi del suo potere mediante un ufficio il cui adempimento resta sempre una diaconia nella comunità di fede; d’altra parte, in riferimento alla concezione contemporanea di communio fidelium — asse della riflessione scientifica dovrebbe essere il fenomeno dei carismi collegato con la comunione e la creazione — questi doni dello Spirito Santo, suscitando la responsabilità condivisa e sinodale per il bene dell’intera comunità ecclesiale nel popolo sacerdotale. In entrambi i casi — senza perdere di vista l’ovvia verità che nella struttura sacramentale della Chiesa (communio) sia i doni gerarchici che quelli carismatici coincidono nel ministero del vescovo che attua — secondo la logica dell’aggiormamento esposta dal Vaticano II e dei principi ecclesiologici conciliari: la collegialità, la sinodalità e la sussidiarietà — la pienezza del ministero di Cristo: Profeta, Sacerdote e Re.
Ecumeny and Law; 2019, 7; 95-114
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Person” in CIC and CCEO Matrimonial Law. On the Idea of Vetera et Nova Harmonization in the Church Doctrine and Jurisprudence
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Karola Wojtyła’s/ John Paul II’s personalism
legal anthropology of matrimony
the Code Matrimonial Law (CIC and CCEO)
personalistic concepts of canonical matrimony
the conciliar postulate of “harmonization”
serious confrontation with the subject: “Person” in the Code of Matrimonial Law (CIC and CCEO), is an—invariably relevant—challenge that the study of canon law and jurisprudence have to face. The argument for the validity of this conclusion is provided by the famous John Paul II’s thesis, proclaimed in the Familiaris Consortio exhortation (1981) and the famous 1997 Address to the Roman Rota, which can be summarized in the following words: the foundation and structural principle of interpersonal (ethical and legal!) relationships in marriage is matrimonial love. This axiom—still insufficiently present in the thoughts of canonists and church judges—reflects the deepest truth, of which “prophetically” the author of the monumental works Love and Responsibility and The Acting Person gave testimony; the truth that not elsewhere, but in the conciliar spiritually person-centric vision of matrimonial community (communio/consortium), a hermeneutic key should be sought for an adequate and complete understanding of the structure of marriage, harmoniously integrating its two personal and institutional dimensions.Karol Wojtyła’s/John Paul II’s brilliant thought deserved to be confronted with the premises that prove the hypothesis that the mere declarative identification in the expressed judgments/concepts with the idea of a personalistic aggiornamento (“programmed” especially in numbers 47–52 of the Council’s Constitution Gaudium et Spes) does not yet guarantee the adequacy and completeness of the canonistic approaches to the “truth of matrimony.” This is both in the sphere of theological exposure in accordance with the Magisterium (in the light of the “Image of God”) and at the praxis level: the interpretation and application of the normative records in the nodal canons of CIC and CCEO. The first part of the study is dedicated to illustrating such a state of affairs – in various proposals of doctrine and jurisprudence: from a concept that is completely misguided and destined to fail in advance; through a concept that, because of its extremely conservative approach to the need for vetera et nova harmonisation, has not stood the test of time, to concepts, indeed, universally acknowledged in the study of canon law, whose authors (or their adherents), after all, should be suggested to implement certain necessary corrections: bigger or smaller. In the second part, the research contemplation focuses on the conclusions of the realization of the conciliar postulate of “harmonization” in presenting a person-centric vision of matrimony. These synthetic remarks constitute an attempt to show the basis for an adequate interpretation of the formula adopted by the two codes announced in the title: “a partnership of the whole of life”.
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2021, 7, 2; 1-33
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Digital Environment as a Space of the Evangelization Activity: New Dimension of the Obligations Arising from the Prescripts of can. 822 CIC
Środowisko cyfrowe jako przestrzeń działalności ewangelizacyjnej. Nowy wymiar obowiązków wynikających z przepisów kan. 822 KPK
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
“znaki czasu”
komunikacja i społeczność w “erze cyfrowej”
prawne elementy przepowiadania Słowa
zadania pasterzy-prawodawców kościelnych
porządkowanie i interpretacja „nowej przestrzeni życiowej”
optymalizacja misji ewangelizacyjnej Kościoła
“signs of the times,”
communication and community in the “digital age”
” legal elements of the ministry of the Word
tasks of church pastors-legislators
introducting order to and interpretation of the “new living space”
optimizing the Church’s evangelizing mission
Contemporary papal enunciations are characterized by the assertive―active and optimistic, yet risk-conscious and non-critical―ecclesial approach to the opportunities/challenges of the “digital age.” If we follow these indications, imbued with the concern for the effectiveness of the evangelizing mission in the new socio-(technological-)cultural realities/contexts, and at the same time bear in mind the rule that the Church’s legal practice must take into account the current conditions of human existence—it becomes clear that this authoritatively outlined horizon of the “signs of the times” poses a challenge to theological sciences, including the canonical doctrine. As far as the latter is concerned, leaving aside the often urgent need for legislative changes/adjustments (given the peculiarities of the various regions of the world—above all at the level of particular law), the role of experts in presenting a renewed, adequate hic et nunc interpretation of certain nodal canons of the Code of Canon Law remains invaluable. We may argue that such include the prescripts of can. 822. Hence, this article attempts a two-stage delimitation of the problem meritum—according to the research steps announced in the title: (1) The digital environment as an indispensable space of the evangelization activity; (2) The new dimension of the obligations of the Church’s Pastors imposed by the prescripts of can. 822 §§ 1–3.
Współczesne enuncjacje papieskie cechuje asertywne – aktywne i tchnące optymizmem, choć świadome zagrożeń i niebezkrytyczne – eklezjalne podejście do szans/wyzwań „ery cyfrowej”. Jeśli podążyć tropem owych wskazań, nabrzmiałych troską o skuteczność misji ewangelizacyjnej w nowych realiach/kontekstach społeczno-(technologiczno-)kulturowych, i jednocześnie mieć na względzie regułę, że w praktyce prawnej Kościoła należy uwzględniać aktualne uwarunkowania ludzkiej egzystencji – to staje się jasne, że ów autorytatywnie nakreślony horyzont „znaków czasu” stawia wyzwanie naukom teologicznym, w tym kanonistyce. Co się zaś tyczy tej ostatniej – abstrahując od pilnej niejednokrotnie potrzeby dokonania zmian/dostosowań legislacyjnych (zważywszy na specyfikę różnych regionów świata – przede wszystkim na poziomie prawa partykularnego), nieoceniona pozostaje służebna rola ekspertów prezentowania odnowionej, adekwatnej hic et nunc interpretacji niektórych węzłowych kanonów Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego. Można postawić tezę, że do takich należą przepisy can. 822. Stąd też podjęcie w niniejszym artykule próby dwuetapowego zakreślenia problemowego meritum – wedle zaanonsowanych w tytule kroków badawczych: (1) Środowisko cyfrowe jako nieodzowna przestrzeń działalności ewangelizacyjnej; (2) Nowy wymiar obowiązków pasterzy Kościoła nałożonych przez przepisy can. 822 §§ 1-3.
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2023, 9, 1; 1-25
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Love Builds Communion between Persons (UUS, n. 21): Christological-Ecclesiological Key to Confirm the Identity of Marriages of Baptised Non-Catholics
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
canonical matrimonial law
the mystery of communion
sacrament of matrimony
the mission of the “domestic Church
the eo ipso sacramentum principle
marriage of baptised non-Catholics
The words derived from the Ut unum sint encyclical as well as the fruits of the newest research by theologians (among others the members of the International Theological Commission) on the meaning of the Catechism formula of Christian Marriage: “the Sacrament of Faith in the Service of Communion” — became an inspiration to attempt to verify the assumptions confirming the sacramental Identity of Marriages of Baptised Non-Catholics. The author assumes that the today’s challenge for the study of canon law should be to explore more the subject matter of the “the mystery of communion” (UUS, n. 5) in all the complexity of its detailed issues, including the development of relevant conclusions in the canonical (lawmaking) and canonical-pastoral (application of the law) spheres. This is in the name of the rule that church legislation, especially in clarifying key/systemic issues — and among such is the issue of the universality of Bellarmine’s principle of eo ipso sacramentum — is always based on the widely adopted theological foundations.
Ecumeny and Law; 2022, 10, 2; 29-57
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pillars of the System of ius matrimoniale canonicum According to Remigiusz Sobański
Filary systemu ius matrimoniale canonicum w ujęciu Remigiusza Sobańskiego
Piliers du système du ius matrimoniale canonicum vus par Remigiusz Sobański
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Remigiusz Sobański
metodologia prawa kanonicznego
sakrament małżeństwa
zgoda małżeńska
zasada nierozerwalności małżeńskiej
favor matrimonii
ius connubii
zasada eo ipso sacramentum
favor fidei
methodology of the canon law
sacrament of matrimony
matrimonial consent
principle of matrimonial indissolubility
principle eo ipso sacramentum
méthodologie du droit canonique
consentement matrimonial
principe d’indissolubilité matrimoniale
principe eo ipso sacramentum
favor fide
sacrement du mariage
“The Gaudium et spes Constitution does not approach [matrimony] a priori—as the Casti connubii Encyclical did—but, instead, it analyzes the reality of matrimony as it is reflected in the Christian consciousness shaped by the teaching of the Church.” This characteristic sentence, derived from Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne [Silesian Studies in History and Theology] (1968), which debuted at that time on the market of theological periodicals, shows in itself the epistemological sensitivity and sharp methodical sense of the Author and the Executive Editor of the periodical. This study adopts a hypothesis, which suggests that in this and similar lines of the famous article from 1969—perfectly set in the current of the conciliar aggiornamento—a key to understanding the phenomenon and scientific format of the work of Rev. Professor Remigiusz Sobański (1930–2010) appeared. Positive verification of this hypothesis is not in doubt: the experience of half a century of work as a scientist and person with real-life experience (a judge and officials in the Katowice Tribunal) and the related fact that he has become an undisputed authority in the field of canonical matrimonial law, resulted in the Author’s exposition of the systemic principles of the codified ius matrimoniale (CIC 1983). This finding makes it necessary to reflect, with sharpened attention, on the title area “Pillars of the system of ius matrimoniale canonicum according to Remigiusz Sobański” in the following order: (1) “the principle of matrimonial indissolubility” (irrevocabilis consensus personalis—vinculum indissolubile), (2) “the principle [that] shapes from within all the canonical norms on marriage” (favor matrimonii), (3) “the principle of the right to marriage” (ius connubii), (4) “sacrament— one of the structural elements of the Church” (sacramentum matrimoni; principles: eo ipso sacramentum and favor fidei).
“Konstytucja Gaudium et spes nie podchodzi [do małżeństwa] a priori – jak to czyniła jeszcze encyklika Casti connubii, lecz analizuje rzeczywistość małżeńską tak, jak ona przedstawia się w świadomości chrześcijańskiej uformowanej przez naukę Kościoła.” To charakterystyczne zdanie, wyjęte z debiutujących podówczas na rynku periodyków teologicznych Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne (1968), już samo w sobie zdradza wrażliwość epistemologiczną i wyostrzony zmysł metodyczny twórcy i redaktora naczelnego czasopisma. W niniejszym opracowaniu przyjęto hipotezę, że w tym i podobnych wersach głośnego artykułu z 1969 roku – znakomicie osadzonych w nurcie soborowego aggiornamento – objawił się klucz do zrozumienia fenomenu i naukowego formatu twórczości Księdza Profesora Remigiusza Sobańskiego (1930-2010). Pozytywna weryfikacja tej hipotezy nie budzi wątpliwości: półwiecze pracy naukowca i bogata praktyka (sędziego i oficjała w trybunale katowickim) oraz związany z tym fakt, że stał się on niekwestionowanym autorytetem w dziedzinie kanonicznego prawa małżeńskiego, zaowocowały autorską ekspozycję zasad systemowych skodyfikowanego ius matrimoniale (CIC 1983). Ustalenie to każe z wyostrzoną uwagą reflektować tytułowy obszar filarów systemu ius matrimoniale canonicum według R. Sobański, w następującej kolejności: (1) “zasada nierozerwalności małżeńskiej” (irrevocabilis consensus personalis – vinculum indissolubile), (2) “ zasada, [która] inspiruje wszystkie przepisy kanoniczne dotyczące małżeństwa”(favor matrimonii), (3) “zasada prawa do małżeństwa” (ius connubii), (4) “sakrament – jeden z elementów strukturalnych Kościoła” (sacramentum matrimoni; zasady: eo ipso sacramentum i favor fidei).
« La Constitution Gaudium et Spes n’aborde pas [le mariage] a priori – comme le faisait encore l’encyclique Casti Connubii – mais analyse la réalité du mariage telle qu’elle se présente dans la conscience chrétienne formée par l’enseignement de l’Église. » Cette phrase caractéristique, extraite de la revue théologique Silesian Historical-Theological Studies (1968), qui a fait en ce temps-là ses débuts sur le marché, trahit déjà à elle seule la sensibilité épistémologique et le sens méthodologique aigu du fondateur et rédacteur en chef de la revue. La présente étude adopte l’hypothèse que c’est dans cette phrase et dans les phrases similaires du célèbre article de 1969 – bien intégrées dans le courant de l’aggiornamento conciliaire – qu’a été révélée la clé de la compréhension du phénomène et du format scientifique de l’œuvre du Révérend Professeur Remigiusz Sobański (1930–2010). La vérification positive de cette hypothèse ne soulève aucun doute : un demi-siècle de travail académique, une riche pratique (juge et fonctionnaire au tribunal de Katowice) ainsi que le fait connexe qu’il est devenu une autorité incontestable dans le domaine du droit canonique du mariage, ont abouti à l’exposition par l’auteur des principes systémiques du ius matrimoniale codifié (CIC 1983). Cette constatation rend nécessaire une réflexion approfondie sur les titres des piliers du système du ius matrimoniale canonicum selon R. Sobanski, dans l’ordre suivant : (1) « le principe de l’indissolubilité conjugale » (irrevocabilis consensus personalis – vinculum indissolubile), (2) « le principe [qui] inspire toute la législation canonique sur le mariage » (favor matrimonii), (3) « le principe du droit au mariage » (ius connubii), (4) « le sacrement – un des éléments structuraux de l’Église » (sacramentum matrimoni ; principes: eo ipso sacramentum et favor fidei).
Philosophy and Canon Law; 2022, 8, 2; 1-26
Pojawia się w:
Philosophy and Canon Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Fides—Sacramentum Matrimonii Relationship in the Post-Synodal Era (2015—). A New Concept of Response to Doctrinal Impulses
Pastwa, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Synod of Bishops
International Theological Commission
Pope Benedict XVI
relationship between faith and sacraments
sacrament of marriage
sacramentality of marriages of “baptized non-believers”
W 2020 roku Międzynarodowa Komisja Teologiczna wydała ważny dokument: “La reciprocità tra fede e sacramenti nell’economia sacramentale”.Dokument ten jest prezentacją 6-letnich prac eksperckich nad zgłębieniem relacji między wiarą a sakramentami. Oferowane tu oryginalne teologiczne uzasadnienie szczególnej roli wiary w ważności i owocności każdego sakramentu kulminuje niejako skupieniem uwagi na „obszarze” newralgicznym eklezjalnie (Ecclesia domestica) – co zapowiadają już wstępne deklaracje, zamieszczone pod „krzyczącym” podtytułem: “Fede e sacramenti: una reciprocità in crisi”. Mowa o poważnej naukowej propozycji dalszej reintegracji doktryny de sacramento matrimonii, z węzłowym ujęciem problematyki sakramentalnej godności małżeństwa – studium mocno wyczekiwane, bo wpisane w kontekst dwóch pamiętnych zgromadzeń Synodu Biskupów z lat 2014 i 2015. Przyjęcie hipotezy o zasadności tytułowej cezury (2015-), wyznaczającej “erę posynodalną”, dyktowało autorowi niniejszego opracowania – konsekwentnie – dogłębne zbadanie: jak Międzynarodowa Komisja Teologiczna zrealizowała in concreto synodalne apele biskupów z 2014 roku – apel pierwszy (z Instrumentum laboris della III Assemblea Generale Straordinaria del Sinodo dei Vescovi): “si indica la necessità di approfondire la questione del rapporto tra fede e sacramento del matrimonio”; i apel późniejszy (z Relatio Synodi della III Assemblea Generale Straordinaria del Sinodo dei Vescovi): “andrebbe considerata la possibilità di dare rilevanza al ruolo della fede dei nubendi in ordine alla validità del sacramento del matrimonio, tenendo fermo che tra battezzati tutti i matrimoni validi sono sacramento”. W uwagach końcowych autor nie uchylił się od próby odpowiedzi na nurtujące kanonistę pytanie: czy można przyjąć, że efektem 6-letnich prac Komisji jest – ważne dla kanonistyki i przede wszystkim pomocne dla jednolitego orzecznictwa – wyjaśnienie questio dubia: “ochrzczonych niewierzących” a sakrament małżeństwa?
In 2020 the International Theological Commission published an important document: The Reciprocity Between Faith and Sacraments in the Sacramental Economy. The document is a presentation of six years of expert work on exploring the relationship between faith and the sacraments. The original theological justification, offered here, of the specific role of faith in the validity and fruitfulness of each sacrament culminates, in some ways, in a focus on an ecclesiastically sensitive “area” (Ecclesia domestica) — which is already foreshadowed by the initial declarations under the “emphatic” subtitle: Faith and the Sacraments: A Reciprocity in Crisis. What is addressed here is a serious scholarly proposal for further reintegration of the doctrine of de sacramento matrimonii, with a nodal understanding of the issue of the sacramental dignity of marriage — a study strongly awaited since it is set in the context of the two memorable assemblies of the Synod of Bishops, of 2014 and 2015.Adopting the hypothesis of justifiability of the title demarcation line (2015—), marking the “post-synodal era,” bestowed upon the author of this study — consequently — a need to comprehensively examine how the International Theological Commission implemented in concreto the synodal appeals of bishops in 2014 — the first appeal (from Instrumentum laboris of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops): “there is a need to deepen the question of the relationship between faith and the Sacrament of Matrimony”; and a later appeal (from Relatio Synodi of the Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops): “it is necessary to consider the possibility of giving importance to the faith of the nupturients in ascertaining the validity of the Sacrament of Marriage, all the while maintaining that the marriage of two baptized Christians is always a sacrament.” In the concluding remarks the author answers the question that preoccupies the canonist: Can it be assumed that the result of the Commission’s six-year long work is — important for the canonical doctrine and, above all, helpful for the consistent jurisprudence — a clarification of the questio dubia: “baptized non-believers” and the sacrament of marriage?
Ecumeny and Law; 2023, 11, 1; 7-31
Pojawia się w:
Ecumeny and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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