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Creative Thinking in Qualitative Research and Analysis
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Grounded Theory
Qualitative Research
I would like to present the possibility of broadening the traditional methodological and technical skills of researcher and analyst, but also the intellectual capacity of the researcher associated with combining data, categorizing, linking categories, as well as the interpretation of the causes and consequences of the emergence of certain social phenomena. Some methodologies, methods, and research techniques are more conducive to creative conceptual and interpretive solutions. Therefore, I describe the serendipity phenomenon in such methodologies as grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenological research, and contemplative inquiry. The problem of intuition in qualitative research will be also described in the paper. There will be presented also some suggestions how to be creative in qualitative research. From the review of issues of creativity in qualitative research we can derive the following conclusions: Creativity in qualitative research depends on the strength of a priori conceptualization and stiffness of the adapted methods of research and analysis. If the methodology is more flexible (as the methodology of grounded theory), the researcher can get to phenomena that he/she has not realized and which are still scantily explored in his/her field of expertise. The phenomenological and contemplative approaches allow the use of the investigator’s feelings and experience as they appear in the studied phenomena, which usually does not take place in objectifying and positivistic research. The investigator may therefore consciously use these methodologies and approaches that foster creativity. The researchers can improve their skills in thinking and creative action by doing some methodical exercises (journal writing, writing poetry as a summary of the collected data, the use of art as representation of the phenomenon, the use of meditation, observation of the body feelings, humor, etc.).
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2019, 15, 3; 6-25
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Problem of Symbolic Interaction and of Constructing Self
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
symbolic interaction
non – verbal communication
In the article we make an analysis of a thesis that verbal symbolic interaction is a necessary condition of constructing self. The main concepts used in the paper are: symbolic interaction, self and corporality. The aforementioned thesis and the concept of symbolic interaction originate from G.H Mead, who set the trend of thinking about interaction in human society in sociology and social psychology. This influence is noticeable up to this day. Symbolic interaction as a tool of understanding others actions and informing partners about our intensions is clearly visible in “languagecentred” and anthropocentrically oriented analyses of interactions as well as in the concentration on linguistic conditions of creating a self. Self is understood as an interpreted concept of a person but mainly in a process of social perception of a human by others occurring in interactions based on verbal language. In the article we want to develop a thesis about “nonlinguistic” possibilities of constructing interactions and self. The aforementioned thesis has been many times elaborated so far together with critical analyses of G. H. Mead (Irvin, 2004, Sanders, 1993, 1999, 2003; Myers, 1999, 2003). We want to integrate these elaborations, including our empirical experiences from a research on “The Social World of Pet’s Owners’ (research done in 2001-2005) on theoretical level and concentrate more on corporality and emotions issues and their relations to symbolic interaction and self. G.H. Mead’s views on this topic are analysed with regard to their methodological consistency and adequacy. In the article there is another thesis proposed, that interactions between animals also have meanings and, sometimes, symbolic nature, or sometimes, non symbolic one, and not necessarily related to use of a verbal language. The creation of self is connected with issues of corporality that includes: 1. nonverbal communication, 2. a relation of bodies in physical space, 3. the so called “kinesthetic empathy”, 4. emotions connected with body, mind and self processes. These elements of corporality may be the basis for taking the role of other. Researches and analyses of many sociologists (beginning from Ch. H. Cooley) show that self is often pre-verbal and that exclusion of an individual from her/his surroundings takes place also with the aid of the body and emotions tightly connected with functioning of self. The analysis of interactions between humans and animals provides us with much methodological and theoretical inspiration. Those researches and analyses obviously face a problem of “anthropomorphization of human behaviour”, which is of frequent occurrence both among researchers and ordinary people. New sociological sub-discipline called the sociology of human - non-human animals relationships adds a lot of new threads to the abovementioned deliberations on conditions of constructing self.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2005, 1, 1; 68-89
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walking in the City as an Experienced Practice
Spacerowanie po mieście
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
badania kontemplacyjne
chodzenie po mieście
socjologia ciała
socjologia emocji
contemplative studies
walking in the city
sociology of body
sociology of emotions
The paper is a contemplative explication of the walking process. What are the essential features of walking, and how do those who stroll around the city experience walking? We used contemplative research methods and explication of the phenomenon of walking. The research is based on self-observation and self-reporting about the thoughts, body feelings, and emotions that emerge during walks. In the paper, we describe the features of the phenomenon of walking. First, we investigate the minding process generated by walking in the city. Then, we elaborate on the pathic dimension of walking (especially the mood), body feelings (lived body), lived relations, and reflections on life and self that are a consequence of walking.
Artykuł jest kontemplacyjną eksplikacją procesu spacerowania. Jakie są istotne cechy spacerowania i w jaki sposób osoby spacerujące po mieście tego doświadczają? W opracowaniu wykorzystano kontemplacyjne metody badawcze i dokonano eksplikacji fenomenu chodzenia. Badania opierają się na autooobserwacjach i autoopisach myśli, odczuć ciała i emocji, które pojawiały się podczas spacerów u uczestników projektu badawczego. W artykule opisano cechy zjawiska spacerowania. Najpierw przeanalizowano proces myślenia generowany przez chodzenie po mieście. Następnie omówiono patyczny (ang. pathic) wymiar chodzenia (zwłaszcza nastrój), odczucia cielesne, doświadczanie relacji z innymi oraz refleksje nad życiem i sobą, które są konsekwencją chodzenia/spacerowania.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2023, 19, 4; 170-201
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Empathy! So What?
Empatia! I co z tego?
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
wojna w Ukrainie
interakcjonizm symboliczny
badania kontemplacyjne
war in Ukraine
symbolic interactionism
contemplative research
The paper deals with the concept of empathy applied in the contemplative experiment to understand the suffering of the victims of the war in Ukraine. I discuss the concept of empathy in the phenomenological perspective and symbolic interactionists’ view. I needed this discussion to frame the conclusions from the contemplative experiment I did with my students. I used the contemplative methods of research. The students did self-observations and self-reports on their lived experiences while observing photos of the victims and refugees from Ukraine. Breathing exercises (pranayama) were practiced between different self-observations to clean the minds and release tensions. At the end of the experiment, the students were also asked about the empathy deficit in contemporary society, and provided comments on it. Finally, I concluded how empathy is evoked and embodied, and I answered the question about whether it is possible to be empathetic toward people in a totally different and traumatic situation. I end with the statement that empathy is a direct reaction to the condition of the suffering of other people. However, it is also socially-framed. I conclude that it could be socially-developed to cope with an empathy deficit.
Artykuł dotyczy koncepcji empatii zastosowanej w eksperymencie kontemplacyjnym w celu zrozumienia cierpienia ofiar wojny w Ukrainie. Omówiono w nim koncepcję empatii w odniesieniu do perspektywy fenomenologicznej i symbolicznego interakcjonizmu. Dyskusja ta była autorowi potrzebna do osiągnięcia pewnej ramy interpretacyjnej wniosków z eksperymentu kontemplacyjnego, który przeprowadził ze studentami. W eksperymencie zastosowano kontemplacyjne metody badawcze. Studenci wykonywali autoobserwacje i autoraportowanie swoich przeżyć podczas oglądania zdjęć ofiar wojny i uchodźców z Ukrainy. Ćwiczenia oddechowe (pranajama) były praktykowane pomiędzy różnymi autoobserwacjami, aby oczyścić umysły i uwolnić napięcia. Na koniec eksperymentu studenci zostali również zapytani o deficyt empatii we współczesnym społeczeństwie i przedstawili swoje wnioski na ten temat. Na koniec podsumowano, w jaki sposób empatia jest wywoływana i ucieleśniana oraz odpowiedziano na pytanie, czy można być empatycznym wobec osób znajdujących się w zupełnie innej i w dodatku traumatycznej sytuacji. Artykuł kończy się stwierdzeniem, że empatia jest bezpośrednią reakcją na stan cierpienia innych ludzi. Jednak jest ona również ramowana społecznie. Autor stwierdza, że empatię można społecznie rozwijać, aby poradzić sobie z aktualnie występującym deficytem empatii.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2022, 18, 4; 194-233
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Problem of Ontological Insecurity. What Can We Learn from Sociology Today? Some Zen Buddhist Inspirations
Problem ontologicznej niepewności. Czego możemy się nauczyć od socjologii dzisiaj? Inspiracje buddyzmem zen
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
sztuka życia
buddyzm zen
niepewność ontologiczna
chciwe instytucje
art of living
Zen Buddhism
ontological insecurity
greedy institutions
Can we learn about the art of living from sociology? Sociology teaches us that we are the part of a broader group called society. We are taught that society should be first described in order to be understood and/or explained, and that the cognitive function is the most important part in understanding the role sociology should play in a democratic and modern society. Is this understanding (cognition) enough? What more can we get to better our quality of life and live a wholesome life from studying sociology or society using a sociological perspective? Is sociology a tool for the art of living or is it just a play of the “sophisticated”? In this paper, we analyze the sociology from the philosophy of Zen Buddhism to show the connection between the work of mind and the sociological concepts that are used to analyze “society.” Moreover, we analyze the approaches of George H. Mead, Robert Merton, and especially and separately Anthony Giddens that created, very important for our considerations, the concept of “ontological security.” We also reconstruct the structural conditions of the art of living and happiness, analyzing the concept of greedy institutions by Lewis Coser. We analytically connect the structural conditions of work in contemporary greedy institutions (working on projects) with the loss of ontological security. We analyze the displacement of the meaning of work, career, autonomy, time structure, identity, privacy and happiness, and finally the sociology. We try to use a Buddhist inspiration to analyze issues of suffering and, associated with it, so called ontological insecurity and the welfare of the individual and/or society.
Czy możemy nauczyć się sztuki życia z socjologii? Socjologia uczy nas, że jesteśmy częścią szerszej grupy zwanej społeczeństwem. Nauczono nas, że społeczeństwo powinno być najpierw opisane, aby mogło być zrozumiane i/lub wyjaśnione, a funkcja poznawcza jest najważniejszą częścią zrozumienia roli, jaką powinna odgrywać socjologia w demokratycznym i nowoczesnym społeczeństwie. Czy to zrozumienie (poznanie) jest wystarczające? Co jeszcze może możemy uzyskać od socjologii, by ulepszyć jakość naszego życia? Czy socjologia jest narzędziem sztuki życia, czy jest grą „wyrafinowanych” naukowców? W niniejszym artykule analizujemy socjologię z punktu widzenia filozofii buddyzmu zen, aby pokazać związek pomiędzy pracą umysłu a koncepcjami socjologicznymi, które są używane do analizy „społeczeństwa”. Ponadto analizujemy podejścia George’a H. Meada, Roberta Mertona, a zwłaszcza i osobno Anthony’ego Giddensa, który stworzył bardzo ważne dla naszych rozważań pojęcie „bezpieczeństwa ontologicznego”. Odtworzymy również strukturalne warunki sztuki życia i szczęścia, analizując koncepcję tak zwanych chciwych instytucji Lewisa Cosera. Analitycznie połączymy strukturalne warunki pracy we współczesnych chciwych instytucjach (szczególnie tych pracujących nad projektami) z utratą bezpieczeństwa ontologicznego. Analizujemy przesunięcie znaczenia pracy, kariery, autonomii, struktury czasu, tożsamości, prywatności i szczęścia, i wreszcie socjologii. Staramy się używać inspiracji buddyjskich do analizowania problemów cierpienia i związanych z nimi: ontologicznej niepewności oraz dobrostanu jednostki i/lub społeczeństwa.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2018, 14, 2; 50-83
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Janesick, Valerie J. 2015. "Contemplative Qualitative Inquiry: Practicing the Zen of Research". Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2017, 13, 2; 146-149
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Triangulation and Dealing with The Realness of Qualitative Research
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Field research
Qualitative methods
Writing of ethnography
Ethnographic description
Definition of reality
Tribal rules
Generalized other
This paper provides a sociologists’ reflection of a sociologist on qualitative field research. Reflections will include some methodological and epistemological considerations that are connected with field work, while building the realness of the description and conclusions, i.e. constructing the quality of qualitative research. The intellectual process of doing research will be characterized by analysis of: description of investigated reality (tales of the field), analytical process, usage of commonsense research procedures (so called triangulation procedures), which are used in the field by the researcher and during analysis or writing a research report to adequately “re – present” researched reality. The three above mentioned stages of representation of reality are interwoven to create one complex intellectual process, which is called “field research”. The quality of qualitative research is the intellectual process where some procedures are used to create the accountability of research conclusions.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2008, 4, 3; 7-28
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teaching Visual Grounded Theory
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Visual grounded theory
Visual sociology
Qualitative data analysis
Visual processes
Teaching qualitative methods
Qualitative sociology
The paper is based on personal 20-years experience of teaching methodology of grounded theory and qualitative methods. In the following paper I would like to show the usefulness of visual analysis in teaching methodology of grounded theory. A very important tool is to use pictures and a sequencing of pictures, which give a comparative insight into empirical data and teaches the comparative method that is so important to generate theory (Glaser 1965; Glaser, Strauss, 1967; Glaser 1978). Students can learn how to compare and find patterns in empirical instances, which have visual character. Some of the sequences show stages of action and the sequence that all together is a linear representation of activity. Sequence of pictures helps to build the pattern that is conceptual understanding of the phenomena being studied. In other case, the sequences of pictures given to students are not planned. They are almost accidentally created and force students to find patterns by means of the comparative analysis. We should always know what had happened before a picture was taken as well as afterwards, it is similar to sequences analysis in textual data (Silverman 2007). We should always be aware of the context of analyzed activity. Students are also encouraged to make a theoretical sampling and saturate categories using data from photos and other visual data. This helps them to proceed with the research from empirical incidents to conceptually elaborated properties of categories and finally to the definition of category and formulating the hypotheses. In this way they learn visual grounded theory that is using the visual images for generating categories, properties and hypotheses and also for presenting results of analysis in the final report.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2009, 5, 3; 64-92
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pets of Konrad Lorenz. Theorizing in the social world of pet owners
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Sociology of human animals – non-human animals relationships
Symbolic interaction
Social world
This article explores the personal account titled Man meets dog ([1949] 2002) by an outstanding ethologist Konrad Lorenz who is one of the key theoreticians of the social world of pet owners. His lines of argumentation and categories of pet perception within this social world may be reconstructed from his personal recollections. The concepts of the social world and arena are the key notions that integrate the current analysis. The arena is also formed in the course of the inner conversation and is often going together with the outer disputes of a social world . It might seem that Konrad Lorenz as a scientist and ethologist should avoid using anthropomorphic categories. However, as he shares the same space (including private space) and communicates with domestic animals, the author tends to anthropomorphise their behaviour, even though formally he opposes or even despises the idea, applying a disdainful term of “sentimental anthropomorphisation” to people who do so. Additionally, the article addresses the biographic context of the ethologist’s life and his writings together with the activities of the Second World War as well as his collaboration with the Nazi government. Konrad Lorenz represents the socalled “cult of nature” approach which, in the opinion of his opponents, has a lot in common with the Nazi doctrine (Sax 1997).
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2007, 3, 1; 110-127
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Book Review: "Yoga Body. The Origins Of Modern Posture Practice" by Marc Singleton. Oxford University Press, 2010
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2011, 7, 3; 97-101
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symbolic Interactionism in Poland. Inspirations and Development
Konecki, Krzysztof T.
Kacperczyk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Symbolic Interactionism
History of Sociology
Polish Researchers
Grounded Theory
Polish Sociology
Qualitative Methods
Qualitative Sociology
Sociological Theory
In the paper, we present the development of symbolic interactionism (SI) in Poland by tracing and discussing its beginnings, as well as the influence the Chicago School had on the reception of SI in Polish sociology. Furthermore, we differentiate between two trends in the development of SI in Poland. One is connected with the early theoretical elaborations of the SI orientation and translations of classical books representing this perspective; another is linked with empirical work underpinned by SI concepts and the grounded theory approach in empirical research and data analysis. Stressing the importance of translations of classical texts of SI in its reception in Poland, we emphasize the role of field research and applications of SI concepts in sociological investigations that we shortly characterize.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2020, 16, 4; 8-34
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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