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Analysis of diabetic patients hospitalizations in Poland by gender, age and place of residence
Gorynski, P.
Moskalewicz, B.
Seroka, W.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
inpatient diabetes mellitus
length of hospital stay
choroby czlowieka
Background. There are few updated data on rates of hospital mortality of diabetic patients and length of their hospital stay on a country level. To determine such rates we provided analysis using claims data from a Nationwide General Hospital Morbidity Study carried out by the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene (NIPH- NIH) in Warsaw from 2010 to 2018. Objective. The aim of the study was to analyze the nine years changes of in-hospital morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients and length of hospital stay using a comparative approach by gender, age and place of residence. Material and methods. The data on all patients from general hospitals in Poland treated because of diabetes were taken from a nationwide database, kept since 1979 by the Department for Monitoring and Analyses of Population Health of NIPH-NIH. This database contains information gathered under the Statistical Research Program of Public Statistics. Hospitalization rates were used to evaluate the ‘hospitalized’ incidence of diabetes (number of hospitalization cases due to diabetes per year by the analyzed unit of population). In-hospital mortality was calculated as the percentage of deceased patients out of all patients hospitalized due to diabetes. Results. The number of cases and hospitalization rates of diabetic patients was rapidly declining by 18.8% for type 2 (E11) and 23.7% for type 1 (E10) diabetes. The downward tendency in the scope of hospitalization affected mainly older women and rural residents. Hospital mortality due to diabetes rose up dangerously to 3.77% exceeding the rates recorded eight years earlier. Conclusions. The recent reduction in hospitalization rates of people with diabetes in Poland may be associated with an unexpected increase in hospital mortality.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2022, 73, 1; 99-108
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Responsiveness to the hospital patient needs in Poland
Gromulska, L.
Gorynski, P.
Supranowicz, P.
Wysocki, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
health care
ABSTRACT Background. The health system responsiveness, defined as non-medical aspect of treatment relating to the protection of the patients’ legitimate rights, is the intrinsic goal of the WHO strategy for 21st century. Objective. To describe the patients’ opinions on treatment they received in hospital, namely: admission to hospital, the role of patient in hospital treatment, course of treatment, medical workforce attitude, hospital environment, contact with family and friends, and the efficacy of hospital treatment in respect to responsiveness to patient’s needs and expectations (dignity, autonomy, confidentiality, communication, prompt attention, social support, basic amenities and choice of provider). Material and methods. The data were collected in 2012 from 998 former patients of the randomly selected 73 hospital in Poland. Results. Dignity: Over 80% of patients experienced kindness, empathy, care and gentleness, and over 90% of them had the sense of security in hospital, met with friendliness during the admission to hospital and never encountered inappropriate comments from medical staff. Autonomy: About 80% of patients accepted the active role of patients in hospital, they perceived they had influence on procedures related to hospitalization and course of treatment, and they felt medical staff responded to their requests and concerns. Over 90 % of them had opportunity to communicate their concerns to medical staff and to discuss the course of treatment. On the other hand, the explanation of the reason for the refusal to meet their requests was given to only 23 % of the patients interested. Confidentiality: 70-80 % of patients declared the respect for privacy and confidentiality during collecting the health information and during medical examinations, and were not examined in presence of other people. Nevertheless, only 23% of patients examined so were asked of their consent. Communication: About 90% of patients declared they trusted their physician, received from him explanation regarding the course of treatment and information about further treatment after discharge from hospital, but physicians devoted the time and attention to only 70% of them. Prompt attention: Over 90% of patients perceived simplicity of the formalities of admission to hospital, and short waiting for treatment and additional tests in hospital (but only 50% received explanation of reason if they waited long). Nevertheless, 10% of them % of them perceived they waited for admission to hospital too long, and over 20% for admission to a ward as long. Social support: The unlimited direct and phone contact with family and friends was declared by 96% of patients. Basic amenities: The high percentage of patients assessed positively the marking in hospital (97%) and cleanliness of linen (89%), followed by the general indoor appearance room in which patient stayed, lack of noise (70-80%), hospital meals, furniture (60-70%), availability of personal hygienic articles (50-60%), cleanliness of hospital room, toilet, showers and bathtubs, and availability of soap (40-50%). Choice of provider: Only 41% of patients declared that they had influence on choice of the hospital. Conclusion. Responsiveness of Polish hospital patient needs is similar to that of the OECD countries of the lowest health system responsiveness. Compared to the Central European countries, the responsiveness in Polish hospitals is lower than that of Czech Republic and only slightly higher of those of Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary.
Wprowadzenie. Wrażliwość systemu opieki zdrowotnej na potrzeby pacjenta, definiowana jako niemedyczny aspekt leczenia odnoszący się do ochrony praw należnych pacjentom, stanowi samoistny cel strategii Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia na 21-szy wiek. Cel badań. Zebranie i przedstawienie opinii pacjentów o leczeniu, które zapewniono im w szpitalu, mianowicie: przyjęcie do szpitala, rola pacjenta w czasie leczenia szpitalnego, przebieg leczenia, postawa personelu medycznego, środowisko szpitalne, kontakt z rodziną i znajomymi oraz skuteczność leczenia szpitalnego, w odniesieniu do wrażliwości na potrzeby i oczekiwania pacjenta (godność, autonomia, poufność, komunikacja, niezwłoczna pomoc, wsparcie społeczne i wybór szpitala). Materiał i metody. Dane zebrano od 998 byłych pacjentów z losowo wybranych 73 szpitali w Polsce. Wyniki. Szacunek: Ponad 80% pacjentów dostrzegało życzliwość, współczucie, troskę i delikatność, a ponad 90% miało poczucie bezpieczeństwa, spotkało się z uprzejmością podczas przyjęcia do szpitala i nie spotkało się z niewłaściwymi uwagami ze strony personelu medycznego. Autonomia: Około 80% pacjentów akceptowało aktywną rolę pacjenta w szpitalu, postrzegało, że mają wpływ na działania związane z pobytem w szpitalu i przebiegiem leczenia i reagowanie przez personel medyczny na ich prośby i wątpliwości. Ponad 90 % miało możliwość przekazywania personelowi medycznemu swoich wątpliwości i omawiać przebieg leczenia z lekarzem. Z drugiej strony, wyjaśnienie powodów odmowy spełnienia ich próśb przekazało tylko 23% zainteresowanych pacjentów. Poufność: Chociaż 70-80% pacjentów deklarowało respektowanie prywatności i poufności w czasie zbierania informacji o zdrowiu i w czasie badań medycznych, a także nie byli oni badani w obecności innych osób, jednakże o zgodę proszono tylko 23% pacjentów badanych w ten sposób. Komunikacja: Prawie 90% pacjentów odczuwało zaufanie do lekarza, otrzymywało od niego wyjaśnienia o przebiegu leczenia i informacje o dalszym leczeniu po wypisaniu ze szpitala, ale lekarz poświęcał swój czas i uwagę tylko 70% z nich. Szybka pomoc: Chociaż ponad 90% pacjentów postrzegało łatwość załatwiania formalności związanych z przyjęciem do szpitala i czas czekania na zabiegi i dodatkowe badania postrzegało jako krótki (ale jeśli długo czekali, to tylko 50% otrzymywało wyjaśnienia o przyczynie), jednakże prawie 10% czekających na przyjęcie do szpitala i ponad 20% czekających na przyjęcie na oddział postrzegało czas oczekiwania jako długi. Wsparcie społeczne: Brak ograniczeń w kontaktowaniu się z rodziną i znajomymi poprzez wizyty i rozmowy deklarowało 96% pacjentów. Podstawowe udogodnienia: Wysoki odsetek pacjentów ocenił pozytywnie oznakowania w szpitalu (97%) i czystość pościeli (89%), a w następnej kolejności: wygląd wnętrza szpitala, salę w której przebywa pacjent, brak hałasu (70-80%), posiłki, mebli (60-70%), zapewnienie papieru toaletowego, ręczników papierowych i suszarek do rąk (50-60%), czystość sali szpitalnej, toalet, pryszniców i wanien oraz dostępność mydła (40- 50%). Wybór usługodawcy: 41% pacjentów zadeklarowało, że mieli możliwość wyboru szpitala. Wnioski. Wrażliwość na potrzeby pacjentów szpitalnych w Polsce jest podobna do notowanej w państwach OECD o najniższej wrażliwości systemu zdrowia. W porównaniu do państw Europy Środkowej wrażliwość jest niższa niż w Republice Czeskiej i tylko nieco wyższa niż w Słowenii, na Słowacji i na Węgrzech.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2014, 65, 2
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analyses of hospitalization of diabetes mellitus patients in Poland by gender, age and place of residence
Gajewska, M.
Gebska-Kuczerowska, A.
Gorynski, P.
Wysocki, M.J.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Aim. The purpose of this study was to analyze the hospitalization of diabetes mellitus patients in Polish hospitals in 2005-2009. Materials and Methods. Data was taken from a nationwide database, kept at the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw. Data gathered for this work related to patients whose main cause of hospitalization was diabetes. Results. In the period of five years the number of diabetes-caused hospitalizations increased by nearly 22% – from 172.2 per 100 thousand in 2005 to 209.9 per 100 thousand in 2009. Hospital treatment covered mainly patients suffering from type 2 diabetes (116.4 per 100 thousand in 2009), as well as type 1 diabetes (87.6 per 100 thousand in 2009). Patients under 39 years of age were more often hospitalized because of type 1 diabetes, whereas in the older age groups patients were more often treated in hospitals for type 2 diabetes. Generally, in both types of the disease, older patients required hospitalizations more often than the younger ones. Cardiovascular diseases were the most reported co-morbidity in both types of the disease. In 2005-2009 the hospital mortality rate decreased with regard to both types of diabetes and an average length of hospital stay decreased by one day, reaching 8.1 days in 2009. Conclusion. It must be emphasized that the growing epidemic of diabetes and its complications are an important challenge to society. The percentage of people hospitalized due to diabetes is increasing every year and consumes significant resources dedicated to health care. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of diabetes are imperative, as well as reducing the disparities in access to medical care (ambulatory and stationary) for town and country residences.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2013, 20, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variations in experience of social support and physical health among adult residents of Poland in urban versus rural areas
Moskalewicz, B.
Gorynski, P.
Stokwiszewski, T.
Moskalewicz, J.
Kiejna, A.
Wojtyniak, B.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
Background. A study reveals – against to common beliefs–less support between rural area residents in comparison to town-dwellers and significantly higher support for healthy, not for poor health research participants. Objectives. The aim of our paper was comparing support from spouse/partner, relatives, friends and strangers among people with good and ill physical health. A next purpose was to find differences of social support and experience of social undermining in urban and rural residential settings. Material and methods. The study “Epidemiology of Mental Disorders and Access to Mental Health Care, EZOP – Poland” was carried out on random sample of 24 000 of Poland residents and a 50,4% response rate, 10 081 computer-assisted personal interviews. Of those respondents, 4 000 constituted a sub-sample asked to complete the social networks and support section of the questionnaire. Data were analyzed by age, gender, residential setting and marital status for statistically significant differences in the percentage of functional and structural social support being reported, using the chi-squared test with a significance level of 0.05 used to reject the null hypothesis (H₀= lack of relationship between variables). Results. A majority of respondents maintain that in difficult life situations, family and a close network of friends and acquaintances make it possible to openly discuss problems and obtain help. However, respondents who rate their health as “poor” or “very poor” significantly less often than healthy individuals experience support coming from their relatives, friends, or strangers. In comparison to urban areas, the extent of social support in rural areas is significantly limited. The rural setting offers less support and even less opportunities for interaction with relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers. Negative social factors– low levels of trust, isolation from friends and family, lack of a social life, lack of a helpful neighborhood – are conditions significantly more often found in the countryside than in urban areas. Conclusions. Results obtained from the EZOP study shows that amount of social support received is higher in urban areas and among those who enjoy better physical health.
Wprowadzenie. Praca odkrywa niezgodną z powszechnymi przekonaniami prawdę, że wieś jest mniej przyjaznym środowiskiem dla swoich mieszkańców niż miasto, a chorzy ludzie, najbardziej potrzebujący wsparcia, otrzymują go znacząco mniej niż zdrowi. Cel. Celem niniejszej pracy jest porównanie wsparcia, jakie uzyskują osoby w dobrym i złym stanie zdrowia ze strony współmałżonka (partnera), rodziny, przyjaciół i obcych. Kolejnym celem jest ocena różnicy w uzyskiwanym wsparciu, a także przejawach zaprzeczenia wsparcia przez mieszkańców miast i wsi. Materiał i metody. Badanie „Epidemiologia zaburzeń psychiatrycznych i dostęp do psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej – EZOP Polska” zostało zrealizowane na próbie losowej 24 tysięcy mieszkańców Polski. Przy 50,4% poziomie realizacji wywiadów przeprowadzono 10 081 wywiadów indywidualnych wspomaganych komputerowo. Następnie wyodrębniono 4 000 respondentów, którzy odpowiedzieli na pytania o relacje społeczne i wsparcie społeczne. W analizie uwzględniono podział według wieku, płci, środowiska zamieszkania i stanu cywilnego. Ustalono istotne statystycznie różnice w uzyskiwanym wsparciu strukturalnym i funkcjonalnym przy zastosowaniu testu chi-kwadrat, zakładając poziom ufności 0,05 do odrzucenia hipotezy zerowej (H0 = brak związku między zmiennymi). Wyniki. Większość respondentów utrzymuje, że rodzina oraz krąg bliskich przyjaciół i znajomych - w trudnych sytuacjach życiowych - stwarza warunki do otwartego omówienia problemu i otrzymania pomocy. Niemniej respondenci, którzy oceniają swoje zdrowie jako „złe” i „bardzo złe” istotnie rzadziej doświadczają wsparcia, niż osoby zdrowe. Zakres wsparcia społecznego na terenach wiejskich jest znacząco ograniczony w porównaniu ze wsparciem wśród mieszkańców miast. W środowisku wiejskim stwierdzamy mniej wsparcia, a nawet mniej możliwości spotkania z członkami rodziny, przyjaciółmi, znajomymi lub obcymi. Również na wsi istotnie częściej niż na terenach zurbanizowanych obserwujemy działanie takich negatywnych czynników jak niski poziom zaufania społecznego, izolację wobec rodziny i przyjaciół, brak życia towarzyskiego, oraz brak pomocnego sąsiedztwa. Wnioski. Wyniki badania EZOP wskazują, że zakres otrzymywanego wsparcia społecznego jest istotnie wyższy w środowiskach miejskich, oraz wśród osób cieszących się lepszym zdrowiem fizycznym.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2019, 70, 4
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adult-onset Still’s disease in Poland – a nationwide population-based study
Bogdan, M.
Osuch, A.
Samel-Kowalik, P.
Goryński, P.
Tyszko, P.
Kanecki, K.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2021, 28, 2; 250-254
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Congenital cytomegalovirus infections in Poland - a national hospital register-based study
Kanecki, K.
Nitsch-Osuch, A.
Goryński, P.
Bogdan, M.
Barańska, A.
Tyszko, P.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2020, 27, 4; 574-578
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Paget disease of bone among hospitalized patients in Poland
Kanecki, K.
Nitsch-Osuch, A.
Goryński, P.
Bogdan, M.
Tarka, P.
Tyszko, P.Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Paget’s disease of bone
rural population
urban population
risk factors
Introduction. Paget’s disease (PDB) is a focal disorder of bone remodeling that occurs commonly in older people with decreasing prevalence reported in European countries. This disease is most often asymptomatic, but it can cause a variety of medical complications resulting in considerable morbidity and reduced quality of life. There is little information regarding the epidemiology of PDB in Poland. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first large epidemiological analysis of this disease in Poland. Objective. The aim of this study was to analyze factors that may be related to the PDB epidemiology among hospitalized patients in Poland. Materials and method. The analysis was conducted on the basis of population-based administrative data, taken from a Polish hospital morbidity study carried out by the National Institute of Public Health between January 2008 – December 2014. Results. Analyzed data covered 662 hospitalization records. The final study sample comprised 94 (41.8%) male and 131 (58.2%) female patients with first-time hospitalizations for PDB, with a significant predominance of females (P<0.02), and the predominance of patients living in urban (73%) than in rural areas (27%), P<0.001. The average age of the sample was 56.8 years (CI: 54.3–59.3; SD 18.8; range 1–93 years). The number of PDB cases hospitalized in Poland significantly decreased during the analyzed period of time. Conclusions: PDB is a rare disease with decreasing trends observed among hospitalized patients in Poland. The study results may suggest the existence of environmental risk factors for the development of PDB.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2018, 25, 1; 182-185
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Takayasu’s arteritis: a rare disease in Poland
Kanecki, K.
Nitsch-Osuch, A.
Tyszko, P.Z.
Goryński, P.
Smolarczyk, R.
Suchta, K.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
pulseless disease
granulomatous arteritis
rural regions
urban regions
Introduction. Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) is a rare and potentially life-threatening granulomatous large-vessel vasculitis that involves mostly in the aorta and its proximal branches, and occurs most commonly in young females. This study measures the incidence and prevalence of TA, and assesses the gender distribution and territorial differences in the occurrences of this disease in Poland over a five-year period. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evaluation of this rare disease in Poland based on a hospital morbidity database. Materials and method. Analyses were performed with population-based administrative data obtained from a national hospital morbidity study carried out between January 2011 – December 2015 by the Polish National Institute of Public Health. Yearly incidence rates and prevalence of TA were calculated using the number of TA patients and corresponding census data for the overall Polish population. Results. Data included 660 hospitalization records. The final study sample comprised 177 patients: 154 female (87%) and 23 male (13%) with first-time hospitalization for TA. The mean age was 45.4years (95% CI: 42.9–47.8; SD 16.8; range 4–81 years), median 47. The incidence rate of TA was estimated at 0.92 per million per year (95% CI: 0.68–1.16). Five-year TA prevalence was estimated to be 4,6 per million. Incidence rates of TA did not vary significantly between more urban and more rural regions. Conclusions. The incidence of TA in Poland was similar or lower to data reported by other European countries. The study provides epidemiological data on TA in Poland that may be useful while comparing it with other geographical regions.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2018, 25, 3; 469-472
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Asbestosis hospitalizations in Poland (2006–2016): results from the National Hospital Discharge Registry
Kanecki, K.
Kosińska, I.
Tyszko, P.Z.
Nitsch-Osuch, A.
Goryński, P.
Zieliński, G.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
public health
environmental health
lung disease
occupational exposure
Introduction and objective. Occupational asbestos exposure is one of the major public health issues. Although asbestos use in Poland has decreased, asbestosis continues to remain an important health concern in the area of occupational medicine. The aim of the study is to perform a descriptive analysis of hospitalization cases in patients suffering from asbestosis in Poland. Materials and method. The authors used hospital discharge records to conduct a retrospective, population-based study. To estimate the asbestosis hospitalization rate, data from the Nationwide General Hospital Morbidity Study conducted by the National Institute of Public Health were used. Events were defined as in-patient hospital discharges during 2006–2016. 1,101 hospitalization records of 764 patients were included in the study. Results. In the study group of first-time hospitalized patients, the mean and median ages were 68.1 and 69 years, respectively; CI: 67.3–68.9; SD: 11.1, min-max:16–99 years. In this group, significant gender differences were observed (560 males vs. 204 female; P<0.001). No statistical differences were observed regarding the place of residence. During the observation period, 61 in-hospital deaths were reported (8% of all patients), 40 of whom (5.2 % of all patients) took place during the first-time hospitalizations. Asbestosis hospitalizations were mainly clustered in the south-western region, whereas the highest hospitalization rates were clustered in several areas of Poland. Conclusions. The authors believe this study to be the first evaluation of asbestosis in Poland made on the basis of the hospital morbidity database. The data presented may be helpful in comparative studies on the epidemiology of asbestosis across European countries.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2020, 27, 2; 284-289
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Congenital herpes simplex virus infection among hospitalized infants in Poland
Rząd, M.
Nitsch-Osuch, A.
Tyszko, P.Z.
Goryński, P.
Bogdan, M.
Lewtak, K.
Kanecki, K.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2021, 28, 4; 612-616
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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