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Edukacja międzykulturowa na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju
Intercultural Education for Sustainable Development
Rogalska-Marasińska, Aneta
Duraj-Nowakowa, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Inspiracją do powstania książki była potrzeba podzielenia się z Czytelnikiem obserwacjami oraz naukową refleksją nad współczesną wielokulturową rzeczywistością społeczną i współtworzącym ją człowiekiem. Autorka łączy prezentowaną problematykę z postulatem naprawy relacji międzyludzkich i międzykulturowych poprzez zgodę na powszechną realizację idei zrównoważonego rozwoju, którą postrzega jako niezbędny dziś cel aktywności społeczności globalnej. Sugeruje wykorzystanie edukacji międzykulturowej, dostrzegając w niej najbardziej uzasadnione narzędzie wychowawcze, aby wielokulturowa społeczność globu dokonała zmiany swoich postaw i wybrała odbudowę podstawowych środowisk życia ludzi (przyrodniczego, kulturowego, społecznego i gospodarczego) na zasadach harmonii i współbycia, z odrzuceniem narracji zysku, rabunkowej gospodarki, przymusu rywalizacji oraz niechęci wobec drugiego człowieka. Znaczącym i nowatorskim spojrzeniem na wyzwania zrównoważonego rozwoju jest odwołanie się do obszaru kultury, który jest jednym z głównych, a zarazem najczęściej pomijanych filarów koncepcji zrównoważenia.
The main reason to write the monography Intercultural Education for Sustainable Development was the need to share my observations, worries, and scientific consideration on the contemporary reality and man’s ability to create it (or only passively exist in it), with the readers. At the time of opening the work on my dissertation I have never thought that many dramatic actions and diverse problems from the near future would ensure me that I have made a right decision to undertake those issues. The present complex matters show the need to recover interpersonal and intercultural relations thanks to the common acceptance of undertaking the idea of sustainable development. I treat it as the most fundamental goal and imperative obligation of the contemporary and future global society. I perceive the category of sustainable development as a challenge placed in front of the 21st century human society which has reached the last border of its existence. The decision what future we will choose utterly belongs to us. Thus I suggest to use the intercultural education, which offers enormous possibilities and gives various instruments to help the multicultural global society to change its habits and attitudes, and choose the reconstruction of all the main fields of man’s existence, according to the idea of harmony and cooperation, instead of profit domination, plunder economy, coercion of competition, and hostility towards others. In spite of long-term contacts between nations (Herodotus’ journeys have clearly proved it), it was only just in the 20th century that people expressed their common need to educate themselves in the field of multiculturalism and intercultural challenges. Regrettably the present 21st century formula of intercultural education has reached the deadlock level, totally drained its potential, and has nothing else to offer. Round the world, especially in Europe, people experience horrifying moments of terrorist attacks emerging from religious background, participate in an intercultural speech of hate, and take polarised sides of axiological discourse. Every day culture of war and domination, instead of culture of peace and creative coexistence, becomes stronger. So in my book I express the conviction that intercultural education, which I constantly treat as an inevitable and prerequisite educational activity, needs to be profoundly updated, needs to gain new direction and course, arising from the aims and goals of sustainable development. Thus the multicultural global society instead of wasting its energy on mutual fights could be able to harness it for indispensable for the whole human race endeavour to revitalise all of the destroyed or even annihilated spheres of human existence: natural environment, culture, society, and economy. In front of enormously capacious and complex structure of relations between intercultural education and sustainable development I have narrowed my scientific interests to cultural dimension. First of all, such a decision emerged from my longstanding fascination of different cultures. Secondly, it expresses my music competences to interpret folk and ethnic music. And at last, in culture I have seen one of the main commonalities between intercultural education and sustainability. In my opinion, culture is that dimension of human existence which offers everyone, regardless of his/her identity, origin, or educational status, the possibility to express himself/herself throughout the world of symbols, to figure human inside and accepted norms and values, which shape his/her social life. Thus I have concentrated my research interests on a profound problem: How to create a sustainable society basing on intercultural education? The answer to that scientific question became my prime research goal. I wanted to verify a thesis assuming that it is still possible to reach such a state of global consciousness which will be characterized by constructive, innovative, and non-schematic actions. Thus creativity could become a real field of human acting in which local consciousness would interpenetrate the global one, and at the same time global responsibility on human future would express itself throughout obligatory, commonly accepted, and everyday undertaken practise. Those initial assumptions led me to more precise research tasks. I have decided to: a) show, that all of the four basic human environments (nature, culture, society, and economy) have been driven to such a state of imbalance that an immediate change is indispensable, b) suggest philosophical and anthropological consideration on possible changes of human habits and acting, c) explain stages of shaping the idea of sustainable development and its cultural pillar, d) present intercultural education as a chance to form young generations in the need to look for mutual understanding, e) list possibilities of in-service teacher education and training to help educators to support their students in self-development for a sustainable change, and f) help students to become new builders of a “human friendly” world thanks to their knowledge of international law and order in the topic of human rights, and to create themselves as responsible individuals and members of global society. The realization of my goals proceeded in three directions, what had the fundamental influence on the structure of my monography. I organized my ideas, conclusions, and final standpoints in three separate chapters. Each of them concentrates on one of key problems of my research. Chapter I – Diagnosis of Imbalanced World in the Light of Voices of Some Intellectuals – presents characteristics of contemporary global society done by myself according to critical conclusions formulated by some philosophers, sociologists, and politicians about liberal order and dominating neoliberal ideology. No longer the unrestrained enterprise and competitive market can be the only milestones of social order and life/education plans for each individual development. Unfortunately, the lack of real human freedom is the source of individually and commonly experienced crisis. Each person becomes more and more torn in many ways, and feels his entire lost, what generates the lack of balance in social and interpersonal relations. The practise of creating a feeble-minded consumer of goods and services, and at the same time – a worker constantly uncertain about his work and vocational future is the reason of enlarging feeling of meaninglessness of existence among many people. In addition advanced technologies and technocratic civilization make a person more and more solitude, increasing distance between him and other people, disturbing human, face-to-face contacts. A man stops to take care of his culture, and does not worry about natural environment and its ecosystems. His acting against nature leads to the loss of biodiversity. The use of pesticides and GMOs causes global ecological crises. Chapter II – The Idea of Sustainable Development in Multicultural Societies – is my own interpretation of sustainable development, which I perceive as a concept of changing wrong human habits and practices into better life in the near future. Thus my deliberations about sustainable development, its stages and formulated expectations and requirements, I precede and supplement by philosophical and anthropological perspective. I recognise the idea of sustainability as a long term project, which logically derives from humanists’ statements deeply concerned about man’s fate and future. F. Schiller presented the aesthetical concept of developing “humanity of the human-being”, and advocated joining reason and sentiment in aesthetical game to make a man to be prepared to noble and important actions. C. Levi-Strauss was interested in field research of primeval cultures, and discovered that there is a collection of universal cultural elements (mitems). They differ a lot but only in their external and cultural “coat”. If you take that coat off, the essence appears to be the same. E. Laclau argued that in the field of cultural differences we are still obliged to base on universal values, but we also need to widen and upgrade their interpretation by referring to other cultures’ understandings. The western and protestant model of cultural interpretation of values is not the only one benchmark of axiological life. Thus cultural issues have proved to be the most important elements of multicultural challenges. At last the fourth element of sustainable development – culture, emerging from different attitudes and cultural perspectives, has led to common acceptance its indispensable and equally important position. Thanks to that, now there is a chance to give a man opportunity to bring back harmony in his life in a holistic (including spiritual, symbolic, and artistic) manner. Such profound change needs intentionally planned and implemented education – education for sustainable development. It brings such an educational novelty that it needs a serious backup in the form of a new educational paradigm. So now, taking into account the whole perspective, it becomes easier to understand many international attempts to adjust school systems round the world to realize goals planned to be achieved up to 2030. Chapter III – Intercultural Challenges in Education for Sustainable Development – discusses the participation of intercultural education in school practise under the aim of preparing each student to live in accordance with the sustainable development principles. Looking for the solution what would be the best way to educate contemporary generations to make them keen and able to create a better future I penetrate three main problematic areas. First of all I present the theoretical foundation for such educational challenges which refer to humanistic axiology and hermeneutical dialogue with the Other. Secondly I try to show intricacies and complexities of different approaches to intercultural education which arise from the convictions about the construction of multicultural societies, and thus refer to educational expectations, often compliant with embedded believes and attitudes. So developing the intercultural competence becomes a significant element of educational processes. Thanks to them a man will be able to “translate” one culture into another. The third field of my research I connect with school environment as the most proper to speak about educational practise. Thinking about intercultural problems, practical, not declarative changes come out as the most desirable. Thus now, the most important educational task is to prepare teachers to help their students to develop multicultural attitudes and their will to intercultural cooperation. Teachers’ intercultural competence is a holistic competence which embraces many specific teaching skills and knowledge, known as teacher’s competences for sustainable development. They should be formed throughout the whole preparation processes, and later through teachers’ in-service development and training courses. All of those activities should finally serve a student who thanks to his/her knowledge and attitudes, will be able to realize all of the goals of sustainable development. Such endeavour demands good acquaintance of human rights and adequate laws dealing with position of children and grown-up people in various societies. Theoretical knowledge about possibilities of changing the world enables young generations to use it in practise. If they meet with obstacles, they should know how to react and how to remove them. Such conditions give hope that education for mutual understanding will foster intercultural communication and will encourage people of different races to start a joint work and to undertake efforts for sustainability. In my dissertation I wanted to present the idea of sustainable development as a sophisticated model of complex social life, a new paradigm which is more and more clearly emerging from a contemporary social chaos. Its meaning, importance, and strength depend on its principal premises. Sustainable development is not an another, postmodern ideology overlapping and mixing with some previous, short-time ones, but it is a particular solution, a distinctive social and political doctrine, which is built on assumptions emphasising human welfare. That is why sustainable development has a chance to become an absolutely unique human life project raising mankind to the highlands of its existence, bringing back chances to dream, and giving people possibilities of making plans and realizing them. In addition, the paradigm for sustainable development is very much opened and capacious to culturally various interpretations of different challenges. Thanks to that possibility the realization of chosen aims of sustainable development may easily correspond with local cultural contexts and perspectives favouring appearing multiple, different, and culturally diverse interpretations, ideas, and solutions. Translation: Aneta Rogalska-Marasińska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Humanizm – Dialog – Tożsamość. Edukacja europejska na tle wyzwań globalnych
Humanism – Dialog – Identity. European Education on the Background of Global Challenges
Rogalska-Marasińska, Aneta
Duraj-Nowakowa, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Niniejszą książkę można traktować jako pewną propozycję, podpowiedź wyboru podjęcia drogi ku przemianie, ku przywróceniu zasad naturalnego funkcjonowania człowieka w strukturach, które są jego udziałem. W koniecznym dziś światowym i międzykulturowym wymiarze aktywności ludzkiej niezbędne, zasadnicze i wręcz podstawowe jest posiadanie silnej tożsamości narodowej i kulturowej. Jedynie społeczeństwa i jednostki, które legitymizują się własną, codziennie artykułowaną tożsamością, mogą wchodzić w kreatywne relacje z „drugimi”, którzy także posiadają własne tożsamości. Wiedza o tym, kim się jest, daje możliwość otwarcia się na Innych, zaproponowania nowych jakości, tworzenia wspólnych, ciekawych i dla wszystkich uczestników wartościowych realizacji. Natomiast w sytuacji braku takiej świadomości łatwo i niepostrzeżenie można zgodzić się na uległość i uzależnienie. Jednak taka postawa przekreśla szanse na partnerstwo i szlachetny rozwój. Książka składa się z trzech rozdziałów: 1) Kształtowanie postawy humanistycznej współczesnego człowieka w oparciu o dziedzictwo kulturowe ludzkości, 2) Wdrażanie do prowadzenia dialogu i praktyki doświadczania Inności jako zadanie dla nowoczesnej edukacji, 3) Budowanie tożsamości kulturowej Polaków w obliczu szans i zagrożeń współczesnego świata. W każdej z nich Czytelnik znajdzie 5 podrozdziałów, w których autorka stara się podejmować tytułowy problem adekwatnie do swoich zainteresowań. Te, z kolei, są różnorodne. Wiążą się bezpośrednio z jej wykształceniem oraz z doświadczeniami pozaszkolnymi. Jako artysta–muzyk i pedagog proponuje realizowanie przesłania budowania wspólnej przyszłości poprzez sztukę. Stara się w różnorodny, a być może i atrakcyjny sposób przedstawić wielość form i korzyści płynących z odwoływania się do edukacji multikulturowej.
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-2 z 2

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