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„Idem sacra cano...”. Poeta i prynceps w Fasti Owidiusza
„Idem sacra cano...”. The Poet and Princeps in Ovids Fasti
Zarzycka-Stańczak, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kalendarz rzymski
Roman calendar
We have recently witnessed an increase in the interest of Ovid's Fasti (Calendar). Despite that there is still a discrepancy in the understanding of the passages concerning the princeps. In the light of his poetry in exile they were regarded as panegyric, whereas the poet himself here and there refers clearly to his erotic writing. Augustus was fully aware about treating his actions as a kind of breakthrough, and he instrumentally treated the national calendar and the events, especially political, that were mentioned in it. Addressing his work as his own commentary to the princeps, Ovid seems to be unveiling his manipulations as regards the time, the place and the worship. He keeps an ironical distance towards the Augustan ideology which is manifested also in using many times the metaphor and phraseology approved by the official poets - Virgil and Horace. It is therefore a „foreign speech,” sometimes exposed in a hyperbolical or humorous manner. The poet does not leave his earlier ludic attitude, and declares loyalty to Venery, the hitherto patroness, despite the new theme: „ideam sacra cano.” Similarly, he perceives the person of the princeps. In the Fasti first of all the tone of an ironist sounds, the one who seemingly glories „nomina et titulos principis.” This tone of the work may be revealed by such reading that does not stop on the surface of its literal understanding.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2002, 50, 3; 5-26
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mythological Components in Roman Paganism Tradition
Elementy mitologiczne w tradycji pogaństwa rzymskiego
Roma, Andrianna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
religia rzymska
bóstwa rzymskie
kalendarz rzymski
sacra privata
sacra publica
Roman religion
Roman deities
Roman calendar
The culture of ancient Rome is impressive with its uniqueness, so scholars have always been interested in it. In ancient societies religious component always plays a great role, so studying it becomes key in understanding the depth of human feelings. The ancient perception of the world is clearly represented in mythology, the first type of human consciousness, whose reflections manifest itself in all the following stages of human development. The article seeks to identify the mythological components in Roman paganism tradition that facilitates deep understanding of the religion of ancient Rome. At the same time, the cornerstone of the study is the relationship between the religious and the human—what role in the process of social and cultural transformations the religious component played, how deeply mythological components intertwined with religious doctrine, what was the nature of the relationship of the Romans with their gods, and how the features of mentality transformed universal human aspirations as seen by the ancient Romans. A comprehensive analysis of this issue opens up further prospects for research, which can be considered a broader layer of the culture of ancient Rome.
Kultura starożytnego Rzymu jest w urzekający sposób wyjątkowa, dlatego uczeni od zawsze się nią interesowali. W starożytnych społeczeństwach komponent religijny zawsze odgrywał wielką rolę, dlatego jego badanie staje się kluczem do zrozumienia głębi ludzkich uczuć. Starożytna percepcja świata jest wyraźnie widoczna w mitologii, która jest przejawem ludzkiej świadomości, a której odbicie przejawia się we wszystkich kolejnych etapach rozwoju człowieka. Artykuł ma na celu wskazanie komponentów mitologicznych w tradycji pogaństwa rzymskiego ułatwiających dogłębne zrozumienie religii starożytnego Rzymu. Jednocześnie fundamentem badań jest relacja między tym, co religijne, a tym, co ludzkie – jaką rolę w procesie przemian społecznych i kulturowych odgrywał komponent religijny, jak głęboko komponenty mitologiczne splatały się z doktryną religijną, jaki był charakter relacji Rzymian z ich bogami, jak według starożytnych Rzymian cechy mentalności wpływały na uniwersalne dążenia człowieka. Wszechstronna analiza tego zagadnienia otwiera dalsze perspektywy badawcze, które można uznać za szerszą warstwę kultury starożytnego Rzymu.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2021, 12, 2; 85-94
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posoborowa odnowa kalendarza liturgicznego i jej recepcja w diecezji kieleckiej
The Post-Conciliar Restoration of the Liturgical Calendar and Its Reception in the Kielce Diocese
Kowalski, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kalendarz Rzymski
kalendarz partykularny
rok liturgiczny
Roman Calendar
particularistic calendar
liturgical year
Sobór Watykański II podkreśla w swoim nauczaniu, że liturgia Kościoła sprawowana w ciągu roku liturgicznego jest upamiętnieniem zbawczego działa dokonanego przez Chrystusa. Aby to zbawcze działanie Syna Bożego miało swój pełny obraz, Ojcowie Soborowi postulują między innymi reformę kalendarza liturgicznego. Ta z kolei jest ściśle związana z nowym wydaniem Mszału Rzymskiego oraz Liturgii Godzin. Układ nowych ksiąg liturgicznych i teksty w nich zawarte dają możliwość pełniejszego ukazania całego misterium paschalnego Chrystusa, w którym skupia się sens istnienia i działalności Kościoła. Kolejne etapy reformy kalendarza liturgicznego, dokonują się dzięki działalności powołanych do wypełnienia tego zadania komisji – zarówno na szczeblu Stolicy Apostolskiej, jak i diecezji. Artykuł zawiera uwagi ogólne dotyczące kształtowania się Kalendarza Rzymskiego oraz postulaty Vaticanum II dotyczące aktualizacji i reformy kalendarza. W kolejnej części ukazana została realizacja tychże postulatów w dokumentach posoborowych. Na bazie tekstów zachowanych w Archiwum Diecezji Kieleckiej ukazana została recepcja wskazań dotyczących zagadnienia kalendarza partykularnego w diecezji kieleckiej.
The Second Vatican Council in its teaching emphasises that Liturgy of the Church celebrated in the sequence of the liturgical year, is a commemoration of the saving work accomplished by Christ. To this saving work of the Son of God able to express themselves fully Council Fathers postulate, among other things, reform of liturgical calendar. This reform, in turn, is closely related to the new edition of “Roman Missal” and “Liturgy of the Hours.” The arrangement of new liturgical books and texts included in them, make it possible to clarify the specific whole Paschal Mystery of Christ which focuses on the meaning of existence and activity of the Church. Successive stages of the liturgical reform, taking place by the activities set up for the task committee – both at the Holy See and the diocese. The above text contains general remarks concerning developing of Roman Calendar, and the demands of Second Vatican Council concerning the update and the reform of the Calendar. In the next part has been displayed a realization of these demands in the post-conciliar documents. On the basis of the texts preserved in the Archives of the Diocese of Kielce has been shown reception of indications which concern the issue of the particularistic calendar in the Kielce diocese.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2015, 62, 8; 19-39
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posoborowa reforma Kalendarza Rzymskiego. Wybrane kwestie redakcyjne
Post-conciliar Reform of the Roman Calendar. Selected Editorial Issues
La riforma postconciliare del Calendario romano
Konecki, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kalendarz Rzymski
rok liturgiczny
Roman Calendar
liturgical year
Il Concilio Vaticano II nella Costituzione sulla liturgia dispone che si proceda alla riforma dell’Anno liturgico, il che comporta la previa riforma del calendario. Infatti nel 1969, prima di procedere alla pubblicazione del nuovo Breviario e del nuovo Messale, Paolo VI promulgò il Calendario romano generale, riformato in applicazione ai decreti del Vaticano II. Per questo il gruppo di studio, a cui venne demandato il compito della sua revisione, fu posto all’inizio di tutta l’organizzazione tecnica del «Consilium» contrassegnato col n. 1. Le linee programmatiche per la revisione del Calendario sono consegnate nel capitolo V della Costituzione. L’autore del artico ci parla di alcuni criteri che hanno guidato il lavoro della revisione del nuovo Calendario. Per Temporale il nuovo Calendario romano mette in luce più viva il mistero pasquale di Cristo. Invece Sanctorale è stato organizzato secondo i seguenti criteri: i cambiamenti di data, l’universalità della Chiesa e quindi della sua santità e l’eliminazione delle feste di devozione.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2009, 1; 193-205
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Christian Influence on the Roman Calendar. Comments in the Margins of C. Th. 9.35.4 = C. 3.12.5 (a. 380)1/ Wpływ chrześciaństwa na kalendarz rzymski. Uwagi na marginesie C. Th. 9.35.4 = C. 3.12.5 (a. 380)
Wiewiorowski, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
prawo rzymskie
konstytucje cesarskie
C. Th. 9,35,4 = C. 3,12,5 (a. 380)
polityka historyczna
Roman calendar
Roman law
imperial constitutions
politics of memory
The text analyses Christianisation of the Roman calendar in the light or the Roman imperial constitutions in the 4th century. The author first of all underlines that only humans recognise religious feasts despite that human perception of time is not that remote from the apperception of time in the case of other animals and that the belief in the supernatural/religion and rituals belong to human universals, the roots of which, together with the judiciary, are to be sought in the evolutionary past of the genus Homo. Furthermore, the author deduces that the first direct Christian influence on the Roman official calendar was probably C. Th. 9,35,4 = C. 3,12,5 (a. 380), prohibiting all investigation of criminal cases by means of torture during the forty days which anticipate the Paschal season, contesting the opinion that dies solis were regarded as dies dominicus (Christian Sunday) already in C. Th. 2,8,1 and C. 3,12,2 (a. 321). Finally, on the margin of the Polish debate concerning the limitation of legal trade during Sundays, when Constantinian roots of dies dominicus were quoted frequently and with great conviction, the limitations of politics of memory are underlined.
Tekst analizuje zagadnienie wpływu chrześcijaństwa na rzymski kalendarz sądowy w IV w. w świetle późnorzymskich konstytucji cesarskich. Autor wskazuje na wstępie, że pomimo wspólnego z innymi zwierzętami poczucia czasu, głębokich ewolucyjnych korzeni religijności oraz wymiaru sprawiedliwości, człowiek jest jedyną istotą, która wyróżnia dni świąteczne. Następnie podziela i uzasadnia pogląd, że pierwszym pewnym przykładem wpływu chrystianizmu na rzymski kalendarz urzędowy jest konstytucja C. Th. 9,35,4 = C. 3,12,5 (a. 380), która zakazywała prowadzenia postępowań karnych z użyciem tortur w okresie czterdziestu dni poprzedzających Wielkanoc, kwestionując opinie o utożsamieniu dies solis z dies dominicus (chrześcijańską niedzielą) już w momencie wydania C. Th. 2,8,1 i C. 3,12,2 w 321 r. Na marginesie polskiej dyskusji o ustawowym ograniczeniu handlu w niedziele, w której teza ta prezentowana jest bezkrytycznie, wskazuje na koniec na ograniczenia tzw. polityki historycznej.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2019, 4; 213-233
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reformy rzymskiego kalendarza – uwagi do badań nad prawem rzymskim
Reforms of the Roman calendar – remarks on studies of Roman law
Kosior, Wojciech Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
Roman law
This article discusses the problem of reforms that affected the Roman calendar from its formal establishment up to the time of its formation to what we now know. The need to analyze that matter arose on the occasion of studies on the importance of age in Roman law and precise determination whether 1 year always meant 365 days.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2019, 17, 3; 51-66
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie uroczystości kultowych w życiu społecznym armii rzymskiej okresu pryncypatu w świetle Feriale duranum
The social importance of cult ceremonies for the Roman military during the principate in the light of Feriale duranum
Dziurdzik, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
armia rzymska
religia wojskowa
kalendarz sakralny
czas wolny
grupy społeczne
Roman army
military religion
sacral calendar
social groups
The aim of the present paper is to thoroughly reconstruct the meaning of the official cult ceremonies for the social life of the Roman Imperial army. Crucial to the analysis is the evidence produced by the Feriale Duranum, a papyrus document dating to the reign of Severus Alexander, but supported also by other sources. The matter of loyalty to the state and ruler is characteristic of most military ceremonies. Hierarchy and social order are emphasised as well, all four being values important for the military ideology. Participation in the same rites influenced the morale and esprit de corps not only in a particular unit, but also within the whole army. Therefore one can view the rites as an expression of a military identity, serving also to distinguish the soldiers as a separate social group. The official holidays were also of importance for the private life of a soldier, being one of few occasions when exemption from work and free time were granted. This made such ceremonies a welcome break from camp routine. As such, the official military religious rites were vital for the social life of both individual soldiers and military communities, be it units or even the whole army.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 63; 273-286
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eucharystyczno-paschalna tożsamość roku liturgicznego
The Eucharistic-Paschal Identity of the Liturgical Year
Rutkowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Misterium paschalne
anamneza roku liturgicznego
cykl roku liturgicznego
okresy liturgiczne
Ogólne wprowadzenie do Mszału rzymskiego
Kalendarz liturgiczny
mariologia liturgiczna
Paschal mystery
anamnesis of the liturgical year
cycle of the liturgical year
liturgical seasons
General Instruction of the Roman Missal
liturgical calendar
liturgical Mariology
The issue of the Eucharistic-Paschal identity of the liturgical year is first of all concerned with the focusing and propagating role of the Easter Triduum in the liturgical year, the message about the mystery of the Lord’s Birth, the message of Mariology and hagiology in the liturgical year and with the cycle of the liturgical year. (1) The focusing and propagating role of the Easter Triduum touches the very foundations of the identity of the liturgical year. This means that the Easter Triduum concentrates on itself the periods, celebrations, feasts, remembrances and ordinary days of the liturgical year. However, at the same time the seasons, celebrations and feasts, remembrances, and ordinary days propagate the mystery of Redemption in the cycle of the liturgical year. This role is rendered by the terms contained in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, like: making the mysteries of Redemption present, or the cycle of the year. It seems that in the perspective of the liturgical year first of all celebrations like: the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, of Christ’s Most Holy Body and Blood, of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Jesus Christ King of the Universe, etc. receive their identity. (2) The mystery of the Lord’s Birth in the whole of the liturgical year is referred to first of all by the celebrations, feasts and remembrances of Blessed Virgin Mary. For many of them the celebrations of the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary or of the Annunciation of the Lord become a kind of bridge to the mystery of the Lord’s Birth, or indeed to the Easter Triduum. This especially concerns the remembrances connected with the spirituality of religious orders or the appearances of Blessed Virgin Mary. Among celebrations, feasts and remembrances of the Lord’s Saints the feast of the Holy Archangels, the celebration and remembrance of St Joseph, the feast of the Saint Evangelists, the Doctors of the Church, order-founders, and others, based on their spirituality and teaching, refer to the Lord’s Birth. (3) In the transmission of the Eucharistic-Paschal Mariology and hagiology attention should be first of all paid to the remembrance of Our Lady of the Sorrows, Our Lady the Queen, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, the feast of the Mother of the Church, as well as to feasts and remembrances of the Saints who were particularly connected to the Paschal Mystery. The proper perspective is also given to Mariology and hagiology by the celebration of the Ascension of Our Lord and of Pentecost. With respect to other groups of Saints, the adequate context may be noticed by the celebrations, feasts and remembrances of the Worshippers of the Holy Eucharist, the Founders of charities, the Mystics of the Lord’s Passion, the Martyrs, the Educationists, the Missionaries, the Worshippers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Kings. It is celebrations, feasts and remembrances of Saints that join experiencing the mystery of the Lord’s Birth and the Paschal Mystery. (4) The cycle of the liturgical year is not only a chronological cycle, but also a Paschal one. The cycle is first of all the succession of the Easter Triduum, experiencing the mystery of the Lord’s Birth, and respective periods of deepening and preparation. The mutual succession of celebrations, feasts, and remembrances is first of all concerned with the Paschal mystery, with the Lord’s birth, with Blessed Virgin Mary and with the Apostles. Particular celebrations, feasts and remembrances enrich the cycle of the liturgical year and in a peculiar way reach to the depth of the past of the work of Salvation, and at the same time they look ahead of this work. They reach the creation of the world, go beyond the time of the world, and at the same time they look ahead of eschatology.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2010, 1; 227-240
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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