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The extent and volcanic structures of the Quaternary Andahua Group, Andes, southern Peru
Gałaś, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
lava dome
pyroclastic cone
minor volcanic centres
Andahua group
Peruvian Andes
The Quaternary Andahua volcanic group in southern Peru has been studied by present author since 2003. The Andahua Group stretches out at intervals within an area, which is 110 km long and 110 km wide. Seven regions bearing centres of volcanic eruptions have been distinguished: the Valley of the Volcanoes, Antapuna, Rio Molloco, Laguna Parihuana, Rio Colca Valley, Jaran, and Huambo. The Valley of the Volcanoes, where the Andahua Group was identified for the first time, contains the biggest variety of volcanic landforms. The valley is covered by a nearly 60 km long, continuous cover of lava flows. 165 individual eruption centres of the Andahua Group were distinguished including apparent pyroclastic cones, 50–300 m high, and usually smaller lava domes and fissure vents. Domes, eruptive vents and lava craters greatly outnumber pyroclastic cones. Most commonly, lava flows start from lava domes or craters. Small domes are often aligned along their feeding fissures. Lava domes and pyroclastic cones of the Andahua Group are aligned mainly along N–S and WNW–ESE trending fault systems. Projection points of the analysed Andahua lavas on the TAS diagram concentrate in the lower part of the trachyandesite field, entering also the basaltic trachyandesite or trachyte/trachydacite fields.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2011, 81, No 1; 1-19
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On a New Species of Euglyphid Testate Amoeba, Scutiglypha cabrolae, from the Licancabur Caldera Lake, Central Andes
DE SMET, Willem H.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Testate amoebae, Euglyphida, Scutiglypha sp. n., Licancabur, Andes
A new testate amoeba Scutiglypha cabrolae sp. n. is described from a small lake located in the caldera of Licancabur volcano, central Andes, at 5916 m above sea level. Its morphology was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The main characteristics of the new species are: thick-set ovate test, length/width ratio 1.4; relatively small size, mean length × width: 69 × 48 μm; 3–4 rows of apertural plates, apertural plates of first row lozenge-shaped, oral margin with median tooth and (5)–6 lateral toothlets; body-plates scutiform, broad, with weakly crenulated oral and aboral margin.
Acta Protozoologica; 2009, 48, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Protozoologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia científica de Los Andes. Don Ignacio Domeyko (1802-1889)
Ryn, Zdzisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review; 2000, 1; 151-169
Pojawia się w:
Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Asceza w doświadczeniu duchowym Teresy z Lisieux oraz Teresy z Los Andes
Ascesis in the Spiritual Experience of Therese of Lisieux and Teresa de Los Andes
Hadryś, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
The Servant of God John Paul II beatified and canonized Juanita, or Teresa of Jesus ‘of Los Andes’ (Chile) and declared Therese of the Child Jesus Doctor of the Church. The two Carmelites lived almost concurrently and were called to eternity at a young age. They shared not only a Carmelite vocation but also a deep spiritual life. The latter defines the aim of the article: to show the place and character of ascesis in the spiritual experience of each of the two, and to bring out relevant similarities and differences. The results of the study are presented in three aspects: motivations of the ascetic effort, inner overcoming of oneself, and external practices of mortification. Both saints practiced ascesis only on account of Christ, and as demonstrated in the article, all their other motivations issued from their love for Christ, and confirmed and developed this love.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2010, 24; 175-190
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fault network in Rio Colca valley between Maca and Pinchollo, Central Andes, southern Peru
Żaba, J.
Małolepszy, Z.
Gaidzik, K.
Ciesielczuk, J.
Paulo, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
structural geology
fault activity
Rio Colca Valley
southern Peru
The network of faults and joints within the Mesozoic, Miocene and Pleistocene–Holocene formations was studied in the Rio Colca valley, in the Pinchollo–Lari–Maca area (Central Andes, southern Peru). A complex, multi-phase development of these structures was revealed. The results show that the structural framework of the Rio Colca valley consists of WNW–ESE and NE–SW faults, and a few W–E faults. The strike of the most common fault sets is approximately parallel (longitudinal) or perpendicular (transverse) to the W–E oriented strike of stratification surfaces in the Mesozoic sedimentary series and the W–E fold macro-structures, developed in these strata. Diagonal faults and joints are less common, although at some localities they are numerous. The recurrence of major fault systems throughout the Mesozoic and Miocene series and the Pleistocene–Holocene (mainly colluvial) deposits is proof of recent, tectonic activity in the study area. The recent faulting has led to the development of a system of distinct, primary fault scarps, tectonic grabens and horsts, as well as open fissures, which are well marked in the surface morphology, and in many cases have not yet been eroded.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2012, 82, 3; 279--290
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cierpienie na drodze do zjednoczenia z Bogiem Teresy z Los Andes w świetle jej Dziennika i Listów
Suffering on the Wav to Unity with God of Teresa de Los Andes in the Light of Her Diary and Letters
Hadryś, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Vereinigung mit Gott
Juanita Fernandes Solar, im Kloster Teresa von Jesus genannt, erreichte schon ais Jungendliche die Hohe des mystischen Lebens. Das Leiden war eine grundlegende Dimension ihres geistigen, zur Vereinigung mit Gott fuhrenden Weges. In dem Artikel wird dieser Aspekt ihres geistigen Lebens, seine Rolle und sein Wert auf der Grundlage der Analyse des Tagebuches und der Schriften der Heiligen Teresa gezeigt. Die durchgefiihrten Untersuchungen zeigen, daB das von der Heiligen erlebte Leiden einen positiven, vieldimensionalen EinfluB auf ihr geistiges Leben und seine Entwicklung hatte. Teresa de Los Andes sah das Leiden ais eine groBe Gnade und ais ein Zeichen einer besonderen Gottesliebe, woraus folgte, daB sie sich in der Erfahrung des Kreuzes von Christus geliebt fühlte. Sie war sich dessen bewuflt, daB das Leiden eine besondere Gnade und gleichzeitig eine Chance fur die geistige Entwicklung darstellt. Dies zeigt sich im Leben der Heiligen, wo das Leiden zur Entwicklung der theologalen Tugenden beitrug. Das Leiden vereinigte Teresa mit dem leidenden Christus, sowohl wàhrend der mystischen Erfahrungen, ais auch im tàglichen Leben. Teresa de Los Andes verband mit ihrer grenzenlosen Hingabe an den Heiland auch die Nachstenliebe, die ihren Ausdruck insbesondere im Unterstiitzen der Sünder, Priester und derer, die ihr am nàchsten waren, mit ihren Opfem fand. Die besondere Verbindung der Liebe zu Gott und der Nachstenliebe fand ihren Ausdruck darin, daB sich Teresa fìir die Sünder ganzlich dem Christus selbst aufopferte. Die Heilige war ebenso tief davon überzeugt, daB sie, indem sie leidet, den Willen Gottes ihr gegeniiber erfiillt. Die besondere Gegenwartigkeit des Leidens in ihrem Leben half ihr nicht nur auf dem Weg zur Vereinigung mit Gott, sondem enthiillte auch ihren inneren Zustand. Diese Verifizierung ihres geistigen Lebens bewies, daB die heilige Teresa de Los Andes tatsàchlich auBerst tief in Christus verwurzelt war und die in ihrem Leben auftretenden mystischen Phanomene authentisch waren.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2008, 22; 133-150
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walory krajobrazowe Andów i ich wykorzystanie w turystyce, na przykładzie Peru, Chile i Boliwii
Landscape values of the Andes and their use in tourism, an examples of Peru, Chile and Bolivia
Gębica, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
walory krajobrazowe
piętra geoekologiczne
Andy Środkowe
landscape values
geoecological vertical belts
Middle Andes
W artykule przedstawiono walory krajobrazowe Andów Środkowych. Zachodnie Andy budują w większości nieczynne stożki wulkanów o kulminacjach przekraczających 6500 m n.p.m. Kordyliera Wschodnia pokryta jest w wielu miejscach lodowcami i odwadniana przez rzeki dorzecza Amazonki i La Platy. Porastają ją wilgotne lasy górskie sięgające ponad 3000 m n.p.m., w których przetrwały ruiny budowli inkaskich. W krajobrazie płaskowyżu Altiplano (3600-4500 m n.p.m.) dominują rozległe bezodpływowe równiny pokryte przez roślinność puny. W północnym Altiplano położone jest jezioro Titicaca, natomiast na południu płaskowyżu ze względu na bardzo niskie opady występują solniska. Zachodni pas wybrzeża i przedgórza Andów zajmuje pustynia Atakama. Na terenach o wysokich walorach krajobrazowych i kulturowych utworzono liczne parki narodowe. Rozmiary ruchu turystycznego, ze względu na słabo rozwiniętą infrastrukturę, są niewspółmiernie małe w stosunku do stopnia atrakcyjności turystycznej.
The paper presents landscape values of the Middle Andes. The western Andes compose numerous inactive volcanic cones ranging over the 6500 m a.s.l. The Eastern Cordillera are covered by glaciers in many places and drained by rivers of the Amazon and La Plata drainage basins. The basins are covered by humid montane forests reaching an altitude over the 3000 m a.s.l., where the ruins of Inca buildings remain. The landscape of the Altiplano (3600-4500 m a.s.l.) is predominated by vast endorheic plains covered by grass and scrub vegetation (puna). In the northern Altiplano, the Titicaca Lake is located. In the southern Altiplano, due to very little precipitation there are playas with salt crusts .Western belt of coast and foreland of the Andes occupies the Atacama Desert. The national parks were established in the terrains of high landscape and cultural values. Due to the poor infrastructure, tourism development is very low and incomparable to the degree of tourist attractions.
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 2010, 14; 74-90
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mant’o: pinturas rupestres en un lugar de tránsito y transición en los Andes amazónicos del Cusco
Mant’o: the rock painting in the place of transit and transition in the Amazonian Andes of Cuzco’s Department
Mant’o: malowidła skalne w strefie przejściowej obszaru Andów amazońskich w departamencie Cusco
Hostnig, Rainer
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
An article which discusses the exceptional paintings of Mant’o in the Calca, province of Department Cusco, Peru. After outlining a geographical and historical context of the area and refering to the state of research into the paintings, the author presents a detailed and illustrated description of each of the six subsites of Mant’o, concluding with a synthesis concerning the distribution of motifs, iconographic and stylistic particularities and an approximation of chronology, function and meaning of the paintings.
Artykuł dotyczy wyjątkowo interesujących malowideł skalnych znajdujących się w Mant’o, w prowincji Calca, w departamencie Cusco w Peru. Po przedstawieniu kontekstu geograficznego i historycznego tytułowego stanowiska oraz zaprezentowaniu dotychczasowej literatury przedmiotu dotyczącej malowideł następuje szczegółowy opis każdego z sześciu obiektów w Mant’o. Dla lepszego zapoznania się z tematem wywody zostały bardzo szczegółowo zilustrowane. Całość kończy syntetyczne omówienie rozmieszczenia motywów, charakterystyka ikonografii i stylu. Przybliżono także chronologię powstania malowideł, jak również omówiono ich funkcję i znaczenie.
Sztuka Ameryki Łacińskiej; 2013, 3; 19-66
Pojawia się w:
Sztuka Ameryki Łacińskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La anunciadora azul de la muerte. De las creencias populares de los Andes Centrales
The Blue Announcer of Death. From the popular beliefs of the Central Andes
Błękitna zwiastunka śmierci. Z wierzeń ludowych środkowych Andów
Mąka, Mirosław
Jodłowska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
death omens
bluebottle fl y
Andean folklore
José María Arguedas
funerary beliefs
zapowiedzi śmierci
błękitna mucha
folklor Andów
wierzenia funeralne
This essay is a monographic draftattempt concerning one of the most widely known omens of disease and death throughout the native Andean cultures. Among many signs, interpreted as approaching death, the figure of bluebottle fly called in Quechan chiririnka has a key position, which extends from pre-Co- lombian times, and its popularity exceeds other similar signs of similar mea- ning. Up to this date, it retains its significance in funerary beliefs and functions in various forms of folklore, especially in songs. At the same time, it is also commonly thought to be an incarnation of human soul, what finds resemblance in folk beliefs and tales of mythic characteristics, including tropes found in in- digenous eschatology. This essay relies on ethnographic sources, and very im- portant contributions to this topic, which can be found in books and essays of José María Arguedas.
Opracowanie jest próbą szkicu monograficznego dotyczącego jednej z najpo- pularniejszych wróżb choroby i śmierci w tradycyjnych kulturach ludów an- dyjskich. Wśród wielu znaków interpretowanych jako zapowiedzi zbliżającej się śmierci, postać błękitnej muchy, zwanej w języku keczua chiririnka, należy do szczególnie ważnych, gdyż jej geneza sięga czasów prekolumbijskich, a po- pularność na terenie Andów przewyższa inne znaki o podobnej treści. Do dziś zajmuje ważne miejsce w wierzeniach funeralnych oraz funkcjonuje w różnych formach folkloru, szczególnie w pieśniach. Równocześnie mucha chiririnka bywa często uważana za inkarnację duszy ludzkiej, co znajduje odzwierciedle- nie w ludowych wierzeniach i opowieściach o charakterze mitycznym, zawie- rających wątki tradycyjnej eschatologii indiańskiej. Opracowanie wykorzystu- je źródła etnograficzne oraz bardzo istotne przyczynki do tego tematu zawarte w książkach i opowiadaniach José Marii Arguedasa.
Sztuka Ameryki Łacińskiej; 2019, 9; 69-93
Pojawia się w:
Sztuka Ameryki Łacińskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Homage to Ignacy Domeyko at the 200th anniversary of his birth
Narębski, W.
Wójcik, Z.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
chemical mineralogy
Ignacy Domeyko was born on July 31, 1802 in Niedźwiadka, Novogrodek district. After attending the Piarist College in Szczuczyn he studied at the Vilna University and got the M. Sc. degree in 1822. As member of the illegal Philomat Society was interned till 1829. In 1831 as participant of anti-Russian insurrection had to escape to Prussia, from where moved to Saxony and France. In the years 1832-1838 Domeyko was studying exact and geosciences at Sorbonne and École des Mines. Invited by the Government of Chile was teaching physico-chemical and geo-sciences in the Coquimbo College in La Serena in the years 1838-1846, carrying out large-scale geological and ethnographic field studies as well as chemical-mineralogical investigations. In the years 1846-1884 Domeyko was very active as academic teacher and in the period 1867-1883 as rector of the Chile University in Santiago, continuing research works and reforming local education system. His many-sided activity contributed significantly to economic and educational progress of Chile. In the final stage of his life (1884-1888) Domeyko, as already world-wide known scientist, could visit his homeland and other European countries, as well as Holy Land, but on the way back felt ill and on January 23, 1889 died in Santiago admired and venerated by Chileans as their apostle of science and education. The present paper deals with essential Domeyko's achievements in geosciences. Already during his stay in Paris the results of his observations on sinking of the area of East Prussia in historic times were published and Domeyko has prepared the geographic atlas of the territory of the native Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth but only its part could be printed. In Chile, apart from didactic activity, accented by edition of handbooks on mineralogy and assaying, Domeyko was carrying out large-scale geological, mining and mineralogical investigations of Andes showing predilection to chemical analyses of collected materials. As follows from the inspection of archival materials, he is the author of at least 160 analyses of various, often chemically very complicated, minerals (including meteorites) and about 60 analyses of waters. This resulted in the discovery of several new minerals which were announced in renowned European periodicals. One of them - copper arsenide - was named by W. Haidinger domeykite. Besides, several Andean fossils sent by Domeyko to France were by A. d'Orbigny and other French palaeontolo- gists named after their discoverer. Following several minor papers on regional geology, including detailed studies of volcanic phenomena, he published in 1878 in Polish a monograph on Chilean Cordilleras and ore deposits, comparing some their fragments with similar horizons in the Polish Carpathians. These and other problems treated by Domeyko in numerous publications are discussed in the present paper. Domeyko's achievements were highly appreciated by several European and American scientific societies and universities by conferring him memberships and honorary doctorates. Moreover, due to his exceptional personality and spirituality, expressed in deeply Christian virtues realized in private and social life, Domeyko is a candidate for beatification. Geoscientists of Poland, Lithuania, Chile, Belorussia, France and other countries are celebrating 200th anniversary of his birth, paying homage to this eminent citizen of the world.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2003, 73, No 1; 1-26
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aktywność uskoków w Dolinie Rio Colca w rejonie Pinchollo-Maca, Andy Środkowe, południowe Peru
Fault activity in the Rio Colca Valley in the Pinchollo-Maca Area, Central Andes, Southern Peru
Żaba, J.
Małolepszy, Z.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
analiza strukturalna
uskoki i spękania
współczesne deformacje tektoniczne
dolina Rio Colca
Andy peruwiańskie
structural analysis
faults and fractures
recent tectonic deformations
Rio Colca Valley
Peruvian Andes
Praca prezentuje wyniki badań strukturalnych sieci uskoków i spękań w utworach mezozoiku i czwartorzędu przeprowadzonych w Dolinie Rio Colca w okolicy Pinchollo-Lari-Maca (Andy Peruwiańskie). Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że Dolina Rio Colca ma założenia tektoniczne i wykorzystuje niemal wszystkie występujące na analizowanym terenie zespoły nieciągłości, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem uskoków o przebiegu WNW-ESE, NE-SW oraz rzadziej - W-E. Większość stwierdzonych uskoków przemieszcza zarówno utwory mezozoiczne i mioceńskie jak i czwartorzędowe, co świadczy o ich współczesnej aktywności. W pokrywających dużą część terenu czwartorzędowych koluwiach zaznaczają się kierunki niemal wszystkich uskoków stwierdzonych w utworach mezozoicznych. Współczesna aktywność uskoków spowodowała utworzenie się na powierzchni terenu wyraźnych pierwotnych skarp uskokowych, które nie uległy dotychczas procesom denudacyjnym.
Fault/fracture network within Mesozoic and Quaternary formations has been studied in Rio Colca Valley in Pinchollo - Lari - Maca area (Peruvian Andes). The results show structural framework of the Rio Colca Valley based on nearly all tectonic discontinuities observed in the area; mostly on WNW-ESE and NE-SW faults, and on few W-E faults. Displacements of Mesozoic, Miocene and Quaternary formations observed on nearly all faults in the study area provide evidence for recent tectonic activity. Most of the faults in the Mesozoic bedrock continue in Quaternary colluvial deposits. Recent faulting led to development of a system of distinct, primary scarps and land cracks on the surface, which have not been eroded yet.
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2008, 34, 2/1; 83-106
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Indigenous Foodways in the Andes of Peru
Huambachano, Mariaelena Anali
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Indigenous people
food justice
Allin Kawsay/Buen Vivir
Mauri Ora
food sovereignty
New Zealand
This article explores the Quechua peoples’ food systems as seen through a traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) lens and reflects on the vital role of Indigenous peoples’ knowledge for global food security. Data was collected from two Quechua communities, Choquecancha and Rosaspata, in the highlands of Peru, from March 2016 to August 2018. This data was collected via participatory action research, talking circles with femalefarmers, oral history interviews with elders, and Indigenous gatherings at chacras with community leaders and local agroecologists. Analysis of this data suggests that Quechua people’s in-depth and locally rooted knowledge concerning food security provides an Indigenous-based theoretical model of food sovereignty for the revitalization of Indigenous foodways and collective rights to food rooted in often under-recognisedaspects of their Indigeneity and TEK.
Review of International American Studies; 2019, 12, 1; 87-110
Pojawia się w:
Review of International American Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New insights into the early diversification of the Ostracoda: Tremadocian ostracods from the Cordillera Oriental, Argentina
Salas, M.J.
Vaccari, N.E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Paleobiologii PAN
early diversification
Andes Mountains
New species of ostracods from the Tremadocian in the northwest region of Argentina are described. These are among the earliest well−documented records of ostracods, which shed new light onto the early diversification of the group. The described fauna consists of seven species, five of which are new: Saltite uchuy sp. nov., Saltite kuraq sp. nov., Conchoprimitia? iglesiasi sp. nov., Orechina violetae sp. nov., and Orechina catalinae sp. nov. The fauna consists primarily of soanellids, a non−dimorphic family of palaeocopids, and of binodicopids. One factor leading to diversification of the group in this region may have been the complex configuration of the northwest basin, which had a restricted pattern of circulation. The distribution of the first ostracods is largely restricted to Gondwana and peri−Gondwana regions. Accordingly, it is possible to envision that the origin or at least an important radiation of the group was centred in this region. Both the Soanellidae and the genus Orechina would have originated in Gondwana and would have become widespread later during the Middle Ordovician. The Tremadocian fauna located in Argentina show significant affinities with fauna located in the warm−water setting of the east Gondwana, mainly in Australia and China.
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica; 2012, 57, 1
Pojawia się w:
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Temperature and humidity monitoring to identify ideal periods for liquefaction on Earth and Mars : data from the High Andes
Kereszturi, Akos
Pal, Bernardett
Gyenis, Akos
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
high mountain
Mars anaiogue
During an almost two week-long field campaign in the Atacama Desert high altitude region of Ojos del Salado volcano, tem-perature (T) and relative humidity (RH) values were monitored on the surface and <1-5 cm sized rocks, focusing on the night-time values. The aim was to identify and evaluate potential temporal characteristics of daily T and RH changes, search¬ing for ideal periods for del i quescence that has recently been proposed for Mars. Although the atmospheric pressure on Mars is much lower than on Earth, and the atmosphere is drier in general, the huge daily temperature fluctuation there could produce elevated humidity values at night-time; this aspect has thus been analysed on Earth at a desert location, where be¬cause of the high elevation night-time cooling is very strong, just like on Mars. Different nearby surface locations showed the same temporal T/RH characteristics, but evident variations were observed between different days. Strong fluctuations could be observed on 10-20 minute long temporal scales, that might influence the deli quescence process, and should be ac-counted for in future missions aiming to analyse this process on Mars. Night-time periods were favourable for deliquescence. Among the modelled Mars-relevant salts [CaCl2, Ca(ClO4)2, Mg(ClO4)2, NaCl] the longest durations of possible deliques¬cence were for CaCl2, Ca(ClO4)2 and Mg(ClO4)2, ~7-12 hours for one day. The duration for deliquescence showed some in¬crease along with the rising elevation, due to the decreasing night-time temperature. Thus despite the low humidity on Mars, the cold nights may cause elevated RH towards del i quescence. The Atacama Desert locations analysed are a useful ana¬logue of the deliquescence process on Mars. Fluctuation in RH was observed in night-time, suggesting that similar variability might be present on Mars, and that should be considered in the future, including in evaluating how fast the microscopic liquid formation progresses. Night-time slope winds expected on Mars might have a strong impact on the local T/RH conditions. A more detailed analysis in the future should focus on identifying and separating regions with and without much of the expected night-time fluctuation.
Geological Quarterly; 2020, 64, 4; 898--914
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Carbon Footprint Analysis of Cocoa Product Indonesia Using Life Cycle Assessment Methods
Indrasti, Nastiti S.
Ismayana, Andes
Yuliasi, Indah
Djatna, Taufik
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
carbon footprint
cocoa product
global warming potential
life cycle assessment
The production of cocoa beans in Indonesia into chocolate and other cocoa-derived products produces emissions that pollute the environment. This research aimed to calculate the carbon footprint of the cocoa agroindustry using the Life Cycle Assessment approach in Lampung, Indonesia. The LCA under study is within the scope of Cradle to Grave, starting from nurseries_cocoa plantations_dry cocoa beans_chocolate production_retail, and consumers with emission function units per 1 kg of product. The method refers to the ISO 14040:2006 life cycle assessment standard, with the stages of determining objectives and scope, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation of recommendations. Primary data was analyzed using Simapro Software. Secondary data was collected through a literature study. Data analysis shows the highest environmental impact after normalization resulting from four activities: packaging, transportation from industry to marketing office, and transportation from marketing office to retail. The highest environmental impact is generated by industrial activities, with a total emission of 2.57E-10 per kg of dark chocolate. In this study, GWP 100a emissions from cocoa agroforestry and agroindustry activities within the scope of the Cradle to Grave study were 7.31E+01 kg CO2-eq per kg dark chocolate. In addition, selecting the type of packaging is an indicator that must be considered. Using a combination of aluminum foil, paper, and cardboard as packaging causes the second highest emission in the packaging sub-process after transportation from industry to marketing office in industrial activities. It is the 4th highest of all activities. One of the reasons for the high emissions produced in the final product or cocoa consumed by consumers is no longer in doubt. On the basis of normalization activities, the highest environmental impacts were generated by industrial activities, with a total emission of 2.57E-10. The use of packaging in packaging and fuel activities in transportation from industry to marketing office activities, industrial activities also use quite a large amount of electrical energy, namely 421.91 kWh. Recommendations for improvement can be identified to reduce the GHG impact and increase energy efficiency. Energy-saving sustainablemethods constitute a challenge for the cocoa agroindustry because they positively impact the reduction of the global warming potential.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2023, 24, 7; 187--197
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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