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Przestępstwo nielegalnego przekroczenia granicy w ujęciu historycznym, teoretycznym i praktycznym
The Crime of Illegal Border Crossing in History, Theory and Practice
Klaus, Witold
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nielegalne przekraczanie granicy
illegal border crossing
Historical analysis of the issue of illegal crossings of national borders shows that theinstruments of criminal law reactions are more characteristic for totalitarian countriesthan democratic ones. In the case of Poland, over the course of the last few decadesa substantial change has taken place in the goal of protecting borders. Until the endof the 1980s, attempting to prevent its own citizens from leaving was the priority,while now the border controls are concentrated on stopping citizens from third-worldcountries entering.The offence stipulated in article 264 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code penalises anact involving perpetrators illegally crossing Polish borders and do so by using specifiedforms of actions in the form of deceit, violence, threats or in co-operation with otherpeople. Awareness of the perpetrator in relation to the eventual location of the bordermust be based on their knowledge in this field. Here it should refer to normalisedpatterns and the so-called good model citizen, who should possess knowledge bothrelated to cultural norms and to certain facts (e.g. the layout of Poland’s borders). Thismodel is well enough confirmed in the case of Polish citizens. But it is harder to applydirectly to foreigners, specifically those coming from another cultural background.Due to this, determining the guilt of foreigners when it comes to committing crimeson the territory of our country relies on checking and accounting for the concretepersonal facts of the perpetrator, specifically their level of familiarity with Polish legaland socio-cultural norms, while taking into consideration their education, nationalorigin, profession, etc. A lack of appropriate awareness about the perpetrator, resultingfrom a lack of proper knowledge and information, would be the same as making anerror about the factual or legal meaning of the act. The effect of such an error wouldbe an inability to assign intentional fault to the perpetrator for committing the givenact. From 1 July 2015, in agreement with article 28 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code,a person who remains in justified error about the circumstances constituting thehallmarks of a criminal act, has not committed a crime at all.The authors of the article draw attention to the most commonly occurring forms ofactivities by perpetrators from article 264 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, namely theillegal crossing of borders in co-operation with other people. This co-operation must beunderstood as various forms of collaboration between various people while committinga crime, often fulfilling various roles in this procedure. There is little to dispute the factthat responsibility for this will be assumed by an appropriate accomplice, and thereforethe agreement of several people in relation to the shared committing of a crime. Toconclude, all parties must have awareness that other people will be participating incommitting the crime, and articulate their will (intention) in the joint action. A lack ofagreement in this sense would therefore exclude any collaboration.From a procedural point of view, for an illegal border crossing to qualify as a crime,and not a misdemeanour, the fact must be proven that the accused crossed the border “in co-operation with other people”. In the opinion of the article’s authors, withoutproof of such circumstances, one cannot talk about a crime being committed at all. Perusal of court records raises objections about how this provision is being used inpractice. In none of the analysed recorded situations did border controls attempt toprove the circumstances of co-operation as a reasonable premise for accepting a groupcrossing the border. In some cases, the issue seems questionable.It is clear that the Polish state, in the name of its own interests, tries to ensure theflow of migrants is legal and controlled. But doubt from the article’s authors inspiresmaking use of the instruments of criminal law to aid this goal. Punishments, whichmight be placed upon perpetrators of illegal border crossing crimes, do not play a rolein most cases. One cannot speak about retaliation (because it is not an act which wouldarouse any social emotions and demand retaliation), nor speak about the resocialisationof perpetrators (since it is hard to treat the fact of crossing a border as violatingfundamental social values, and moreover the perpetrator is a foreigner and it is not inthe interest of the Polish state to reintroduce them to society but to expel them fromthe republic’s territory). Finally, it seems fruitless to argue about the preventative roleof punishments, since this perfectly serves the administration’s reaction (in the formof the practice of using detention and expulsion from institutions as well as a ban fromentering Poland’s territory).The position that it is not necessary to launch criminal proceedings againstthose people smuggled across the border was expressed in the so-called Declarationfrom Doha accepted in 2015, issued as a summary of the 13th UN Congress. In itsverdicts, the EU Court of Justice draws attentions to how it is inappropriate to imposepunishments on illegally-residing third world citizens that deprive their freedom solelyon the grounds that they have stayed without a valid reason in the territory of that state,contravening orders to leave that territory in a specified timeframe.In relation to the above, it is the belief of the authors that a justified recommendationwould be to withdraw from the frequently-used article 264 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, so that proceedings can be conducted in cases related to the illegal crossing ofborders.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2015, XXXVII; 191-222
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne możliwości walki ze zjawiskiem stalkingu - czy w prawie polskim konieczna jest penalizacja prześladowania?
Fight against stalking-legal options. Is there a necessity of stalking penalization in Polish law?
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przemoc wobec kobiet
polityka kryminalna
crime prevention
The article concerns the phenomenon of stalking, or emotional persecution. It also presents legal solutions concerning stalking in the countries where this type of behavior is penalized, and includes a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of criminalization of stalking in Poland. In contrast with the admiration, stalking is a behavior which a victim does not wish. Stalking is an English verb denoting a quiet human or animal tracking in order to capture or kill. In accordance to the definition of an American psychologist J. Reid Meloy, stalking is a form of malicious and repeated harassing and annoying of another person which increases his or her feeling of threat. Stalking, just like domestic violence, and mobbing are classified as so-called "emotional violence", by which we understand “interference in the psyche of another person directed against his or her emotions, resulting both immediate and delayed negative effects”. Emotional violence is never a single event. Stalking most often exhibits in such behaviors as: calls, silent calls, night calls, wandering in the vicinity of victim's home, making contact through a third party, questioning about the victim in his or her surroundings, persisting at the door / home / work, sending letters, e-mails, text messages, and gifts, placing postal orders in victim's name, tracking and following the victim, slander (distributing false information and rumors), burglary to victims house or car, stealing victim's belongings, harassing victim's family and friends, as well as attacking and assaulting them. The main problem with providing an adequate legal protection to a victim of a stalker lies in the fact that some of these behaviors are criminal, and some are not prohibited by law, nevertheless if repeated, they carry severe consequences for the victim which cannot be counteracted by means of criminal law. The tragedy of stalking victims lies in the fact that a persecutor may intimidate his victims and force them to change habits and plans, to live in constant fear. Stalker often causes huge mental suffering through actions which, under Polish law, are legally indifferent. What is also important is that actions of a stalker do not have to result from his or her wrongful intentions or desire to annoy the victim (in many law systems malicious intention of the stalker is a sine qua non for criminalization of stalking). Sometimes the persecutor acts with good intentions (the desire to win the love of a loved one), nevertheless behavior of the stalker is frightening for the victim. Results of a study taken to estimate the scale of stalking differ between countries where such studies have been conducted. This discrepancy is probably influenced by the definition assumed by researchers, research methodology, sample size and selection, but also by the different temperament of the inhabitants of these countries.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2009, XXXI; 173-208
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cudzoziemcy jako sprawcy poważnych przestępstw w Polsce – raport z badań
Foreigners as the perpetrators of serious crimes in Poland – research report
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Artykuł przedstawia fragment raportu z najnowszej analizy statystyk przestępczości cudzoziemców (obejmującej lata 2000-2012). Podstawą raportu są statystyki Komendy Głównej Policji oraz Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości. Przestępczość cudzoziemców w Polsce charakteryzuje duża dynamika. Po 1989 r. przestępczość cudzoziemców w Polsce rosła aż do roku 1997, a od 1998 następuje widoczny spadek. Do roku 2006 spadek ten jest dość gwałtowny, a później następuje stabilizacja. Analiza statystyk cudzoziemców podejrzanych o popełnienie przestępstwa i skazanych za te czyny pokazuje, że obecnie w Polsce zagrożenie przestępczością obcokrajowców jest znikome. W latach 2004-2012 udział cudzoziemców w ogóle przestępczości wynosi nieco ponad 1%. Odsetek skazań za najpoważniejsze przestępstwa pozostaje jeszcze niższy.
The article presents the fragment of the report on the latest analysis of the statistics of foreigner crime (2000-2012). The basis of the report are the statistics of the Police Headquarters and the Ministry of Justice. Foreigner crime in Poland is characterized by high dynamics. After 1989 criminality of foreigners in Poland increases until 1997, and since 1998 seriously declines. By 2006 this decline is quite rapid but later one can observe a stabilization. Analysis of the statistics of suspects and sentenced foreigners show that currently in Poland a threat of foreigner crime is insignificant. In the years 2004-2012, percentage of foreigners in the general number of suspects is just over 1%. The proportion of convictions for the most serious crimes remains even lower.
Rozprawy Społeczne; 2016, 10, 1; 44-56
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieletnie dziewczęta 10 lat później - badania katamnestyczne
Juvenile girls 10 years later – a catamnestic study
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość nieletnich
przestępczość dziewcząt
badania katamnestyczne
kariery kryminalne
juvenile girls
History of criminal studies dates back to the 1930s. However, since 1990s it has been going through a revival. Presently, it is called developmental criminology or life-course criminology. The object of the study was to trace further criminal histories of under-age girls who committed a punishable offence in 2000. Between 2003 and 2005, files of 873 under-age girls were examined . In 2010 it has been 10 years since the studied girls had a court trial. The youngest ones were 23, the oldest ones 27 – and adult women are most frequently sentenced between the age of 23 and 27. The first stage of the study was to apply to National Criminal Registry for information if the perpetrators of criminal deeds committed in 2000 broke the law within the next 10 years as adults, if they were sentenced, if so – how many times, and for what types of crimes. The second stage was to analyse the data from the Registry according to a questionnaire. The third stage was to compare the results with the data obtained previously in the study of the under-age: the crimes which had been committed as well as social and family backgrounds. Data concerning education, profession and work history are hardly present in the Reg-istry. The only information available is profession. It is impossible to obtain information how many sentenced women actually worked as adults. 7 of them (6%) declared “unemployed” so we know they were unemployed but it is unknown if they actually had any profession. Un-doubtedly more than a half of the sentenced women (52%) had no profession. Those who had a profession were cooks (9%), shop assistants (6%) and dressmakers (5%. Three persons (2,7%) were technicians (graduated from technical colleges) of economy and administration, sales, and environment protection. Most women (61%) were sentenced only once, 19 of them twice (17%). Two “record holders” were convicted 11 times during the 10 years. In the adult life, just like previously, most offences are against property. 39% are deeds of exclusively such nature, 23% are offences against property related to other types of offences (e.g. against life and health, safety in transport, documents or related to drug possession and trafficking). In total In total, 62% of crimes were against property. Second noticeable category of crimes (which was not committed by under-age girls) were crimes against transport safety (13,5%). Crimes against health and life were 13% of the overall number. Definitely more adult women than under-age girls commit crimes against document credibility (8%). There are also more punishable deeds related to drug production, trafficking and possession (7%). The study confirms legitimacy of risk factors known for a long time.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2011, XXXIII; 163-195
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Związki między wiktymizacją oraz ubóstwem i wykluczeniem społecznym
Relations of victimisation to poverty and social exclusion
Klaus, Witold
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
bieda a przestępczość
polityka kryminalna
social exclusion
Since the emergence of criminology as a science, one of the main problems taken up by criminologists was the relations between poverty and crime. Initially, the studies aimed to work out actions to prevent crime and to protect the rest of the society from the marginalized, the excluded and the poor. It was pointed out that that the group called the underclass was marked by criminal deeds of its members, alcohol abuse, family disruption, single parenting, dependence on social security, and physical abuse in families. Only until later, with the development of victimology, the other side started to be observed – the description of the underclass is true as much in the case of perpetrators as it is in the case of victims. It has been proved that poverty and marginalization are related to a higher risk of becoming a victim of a crime. In case of poverty and social exclusion, one can speak of a cause-effect relationship but undoubtedly this can work in both directions – poverty usually adds to social exclusion while social exclusion (particularly more severe, like e.g. ostracism) can lead to poverty. Already at the time of emergence of victimology it was observed that victimization does not concern all members of a society to the same degree. Some social groups become crime victims more often than others. Certain categories of people were recognized as particularly vulnerable to wrongful deeds. In 1947 Hans von Hentig drafted up the first categorisation of persons who were at an increased risk of victimization. It included particular categories of people whose psychological, physical, and behavioural features predispose them to the role of a victim. The author listed larger social groups (eg. young people or women) but also such groups which are included in the context of social exclusion today. He claimed that, among others, mentally ill, retarded, substance dependant are particularly vulnerable to victimisation because their limited perception of situation makes them an easier target to theft, con or fraud. He listed immigrants who are in cultural conflict and rejected by the majority as „aliens”, the poor, and people with emotional problems as all these weaknesses could be easily used by criminals. Other minorities faced similar problems. Social inequality touches upon them in a greater degree and this increases the risk of victimisation. Today, we speak of victimisation of minorities also in the context of prejudice-motivated crimes and the elderly are one of the most vulnerable groups. Benjamin Mendelsohn accented not individual features of victims but their behaviour in cer-tain situational context. According to the author, persons whose behaviour infringes principles of social co-existence and, as a consequence, who put themselves at risk of marginalization, are exactly those who can easily become victims. Living apart from the society and contrary to its rules after all influences the risk of victimization.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2012, XXXIV; 43-89
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępczość kobiet i dziewcząt – wybrane teorie kryminologiczne
Women and Girls Crime: Selected Criminological Theories
Woźniakowska-Fajst, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość kobiet
przestępczość dziewcząt
teorie kryminologiczne
teorie antropologiczne
teorie biochemiczne
teoria napięcia strukturalnego
teorie zróżnicowania kulturowego
teoria naznaczenia społecznego
teorie uczenia się zachowań przestępczych
teorie kontroli
teorie zintegrowane
women crime
girls crime
criminological theories
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 239-252
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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