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Benedykt XVI doktorem honoris causa Akademii Muzycznej i Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Tyrała, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Benedict XVI
sacred music
honoris causa doctorate
Caste Gandolfo
theology of music
way of noble beauty
Benedykt XVI
muzyka kościelna
doktorat honoris causa
Castel Gandolfo
teologia muzyki
droga szlachetnego piękna
On the day of 4th July 2015 in Castel Gandolfo, His Holiness Benedict XVI, Pope-Emeritus, received the Degree honoris causa from the Pontifical John Paul II University in Cracow and the Cracow Academy of Music. On 20th April 2015 the Senate of the Pontifical John Paul II University in Cracow, upon hearing the reviews, conferred on Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI the Degree of Doctor honoris causa. In the justification we can read that the honorary doctorate has been awarded for: proving great respect to the musical tradition of the Church and remarkable sensitivity to the dialogue between music and faith; long-years demonstrating, from all his clerical posts, a special concern for the noble beauty of sacred music and its proper place in the celebration of the sacred liturgical rites of the Church; emphasising in his teaching the meaning of via pulchritudinis – the way of beauty which may become the way to get to know and worship God by the modern man; brave testifying, with his life, service, teaching and scientific work, the Truth which gives strength to the Christian faith in the times of spiritual turmoil caused by liberalism, post-modernism and relativism, as well as tireless endeavor to restore the spiritual dimension in Europe; giving wholehearted support for the actions aiming at transforming the Pontifical John Paul II Academy of Theology in Cracow into the Pontifical John Paul II University. On 22 April 2015 the Senate of the Cracow Academy of Music passed the resolution to have been submitted by the Faculty Council for Artistic Creativity, Interpretation and Music Education, and on hearing the excerpts from the reviews, granted the Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI the honoris causa degree. The appointed lauadator was Professor Stanisław Krawczyński. In the justification of the Senate resolution it is written that the honorary doctorate has been granted in recognition of the following merits: exhibiting by his example the model of moral and civil demeanour in the deeply religious and humanistic dimension; referring in his teaching to the highest values invariably present in human life and artistic activity; cherishing music and indicating its special role as an integral part of the solemn liturgy of Catholic Church accompanying man in the act of professing faith. The retired Pontiff Benedict XVI thanked once again for the recognition granted by conferring upon him honoris causa doctorate. He said: I am especially happy that this recognition has deepened my relationship with Poland, with Cracow, with the mother country of our great Saint John Paul II without whom I could not imagine my spiritual and theological way. Through his living example he showed to us, as well, how to combine the joy of exquisite sacred music with the duty of common participation in liturgy, how to combine exalted delight with humble simplicity of celebrating faith. Then, when reminding the history of the revival of sacred music he accented his peculiar love for the music of Mozart. My memory still bears this indelible recollection of the first chords of Mozart’s Coronation Mass which sounded as if heaven opened and when one might feel very deeply the presence of the Lord. It seems also worth mentioning how he described certain tension between participatio actuosa and the position of sacred music in the modern liturgy, particularly this solemn accompanied with a choir and orchestra. The Pope’s questions raised in this context were masterly: What is music really? Whence does it come and toward what does it tend? I think there should be posited three ‘loci’ from which music arises. And the questions were followed by a truly prophetic vision of the place of music in today’s liturgy. Thus amongst the specified three “loci” from which music originates, the first is the experience of love, the second is the experience of sadness, death, pain and the abyss of existence, and the third one is the encounter with the divine, which from the beginning is part of what defines man. About the first origin of music the Pope-Emeritus said: When men were seized by love, another dimension of being burst within them, another greatness and another breadth of reality. And it also led them to express themselves in new ways. Poetry, song and music in general were all born from this being affected, from this unfolding of a new dimension of life. When analysing the second origin of music the honoris causa laureate stated that it also opens up, in the opposite way, new dimensions of reality which can no longer find an answer in mere speeches. The most extended interpretation presented by the Pope-Emeritus concerned the third reality in which  the totally-other and totally-great arouses in man new ways of expressing himself. Perhaps we can say that actually in the other two areas – love and death – the mystery of the divine touches us and, in this sense, it is being touched by God which together constitutes the origin of music. It is touching when we discern that, for instance as regards Psalms, people do not confine to mere singing, but refer to all instruments: and the hidden music of creation is aroused with its mysterious language. Along with the Psalter in which we can find the two motifs of love and death, we can reach the very source of the music of the God’s Church. We can say that the quality of music depends on the purity and greatness of one’s encounter with the divine, with their experience of love and of pain. The more pure and true that experience is, the more pure and great will be the music from which it was born and developed. What the Pope-Emeritus said in the ensuing part of his doctorate speech – I am truly convinced – was the manifestation of profound wisdom and experience of sanctity of the Pope who does not only knows what liturgy and music in are but who is also a true apostle in this field. The magnificent and pure Western music has developed as an answer to the encounter with God who embodies Himself in liturgy in the person of Jesus Christ. This music is for me the expression of Christian truth. Wherever such an answer is developed we encounter the truth, with the true Creator of the world. Because of this the great sacred music is a reality of theological rank and of permanent significance for the faith of all Christianity, even if it is not at all necessary that it be done always and everywhere. On the other hand, such music cannot disappear from the liturgy and its presence can be a special way of participation in the sacred celebration, in the mystery of faith. In the final part of his lecture the Pope-Emeritus referred once more to Saint John Paul II, finishing with the rhetorical question: We do not know what will be the future of sacred music, but one thing is clear: wherever the encounter with the Living God, who in Christ comes close to us really occurs, there is born anew and there again grows the answer, the beauty of which arises out of truth itself. Showing again the great respect for both universities he emphasised and indicated their future prospects: The activities of both Universities which confer on me the honoris causa doctorates have greatly contributed to sacred music so that this tremendous gift of the music derived from the Christian tradition would still be living and so that the creative power of faith would not falter in the future. For all this I wish to thank you profusely, not only for the honour which you bestow upon me, but also for the entire work you do in the service of the beauty of faith. For the Intercollegiate Institute of Sacred Music in Cracow, for the faculty members and students of this institute which initiated the entire event and which integrates both universities by running the mutual sacred music studies, these were the encouraging words to make us work even harder so as to serve the beauty of music. The closing sentence expressed by the Pope in Polish was especially touching:  May the Lord bless you all!
Dnia 4 lipca 2015 roku Jego Świątobliwość Benedykt XVI, emerytowany papież, otrzymał w Castel Gandolfo godność doktora honoris causa dwóch krakowskich uczelni: Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie i Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie. 20 kwietnia 2015 roku Senat Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie po wysłuchaniu recenzji nadał stopień doktora honoris causa papieżowi emerytowi Benedyktowi XVI. W uzasadnieniu zostało zapisane, że doktorat zostaje przyznany za: „wielki szacunek dla tradycji muzycznej Kościoła oraz niezwykłą wrażliwość na dialog muzyki z wiarą; okazywanie, przez wiele lat na wszystkich stanowiskach, jakie piastował, szczególnej troski o szlachetne piękno muzyki kościelnej i jej właściwe miejsce w sprawowaniu świętych obrzędów liturgicznych Kościoła; podkreślenie w swoim nauczania znaczenia via pulchritudinis – drogi piękna, która może stać się drogą poznania i wielbienia Boga dla współczesnego człowieka; odważne dawanie swoim życiem, posługą, nauczaniem i pracą naukową świadectwa Prawdzie, która umacnia wiarę chrześcijańską w czasach duchowego zamętu spowodowanego przez liberalizm, postmodernizm i relatywizm oraz niestrudzone dążenie do przywrócenia Europie jej duchowego wymiaru; za życzliwe wsparcie działań uczelni zmierzających do przekształcenia Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie”.22 kwietnia 2015 roku Senat Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie przyjął uchwałę Rady Wydziału Twórczości, Interpretacji i Edukacji Muzycznej, a po wysłuchaniu wyjątków z recenzji nadał stopień doktora honoris causa papieżowi emerytowi Benedyktowi XVI. Wyznaczył też Senat na laudatora prof. Stanisława Krawczyńskiego. W uzasadnieniu uchwały Senatu Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie zapisano, że tytuł zostaje nadany za: „wskazanie swoim przykładem wzorców postawy moralnej i obywatelskiej w wymiarze głęboko religijnym i humanistycznym; nauczanie, w którym odnosi się do wartości najwyższych, niezmiennie obecnych w ludzkim życiu i twórczości; umiłowanie muzyki i wskazanie jej szczególnej roli jako integralnej części uroczystej liturgii Kościoła katolickiego towarzyszącej człowiekowi w akcie wyznania wiary”.Papież emeryt Benedykt XVI podziękował raz jeszcze za uznanie, z jakim się spotkał w sprawie nadania mu doktoratów honoris causa. Papież powiedział: „cieszę się przede wszystkim, że w ten sposób jeszcze bardziej pogłębił się mój związek z Polską, z Krakowem, z ojczyzną naszego wielkiego świętego Jana Pawła II. Bez niego bowiem trudno sobie nawet wyobrazić moją drogę duchową i teologiczną. Swoim żywym przykładem ukazał on nam również, jak mogą się ze sobą łączyć radość wielkiej muzyki sakralnej i zadanie wspólnego uczestnictwa w liturgii, podniosła radość i pokorna prostota celebracji wiary”. Następnie, przypominając historię odnowy muzyki kościelnej, zwrócił uwagę na szczególne umiłowanie przez siebie muzyki Mozarta. „Na trwałe, na przykład, wpisało się w moją pamięć, że skoro tylko zabrzmiały pierwsze nuty Mszy koronacyjnej Mozarta, to jakby otwierało się niebo i można było bardzo głęboko odczuć obecność Pana”. Ważne wydaje się stwierdzenie dotyczące pewnego napięcia na linii participatio actuosa i miejsca muzyki kościelnej w dzisiejszej liturgii, zwłaszcza tej uroczystej z chórem i orkiestrą. Genialne wręcz stało się postawione w tym także kontekście pytanie papieża emeryta: „Czym właściwie jest muzyka? Skąd pochodzi i do czego zmierza? Myślę, że można wskazać trzy «miejsca», z których wypływa muzyka”. I tu nastąpiła prawdziwie prorocza wizja dotycząca miejsca muzyki w dzisiejszej liturgii. Wymieniając więc owe trzy „miejsca”, z których wypływa muzyka, papież mówił, że pierwszym jej źródłem jest doświadczenie miłości, drugim źródłem muzyki jest doświadczenie smutku, dotknięcie śmiercią, bólem i otchłaniami istnienia, trzecim miejscem pochodzenia muzyki jest spotkanie z tym, co Boże, od początku w jakiejś mierze definiującym to, co ludzkie. Dla Międzyuczelnianego Instytutu Muzyki Kościelnej w Krakowie, dla pedagogów i studentów jednostki, która inspirowała całe wydarzenie i łączy obie uczelnie wspólnie prowadzonym kierunkiem studiów muzyka kościelna, to słowa mobilizujące do dalszej wytężonej pracy w służbie pięknu wiary. Wzruszające były także słowa wypowiedziane przez papieża w języku polskim: „Niech Pan was błogosławi!”.
Pro Musica Sacra; 2015, 13
Pojawia się w:
Pro Musica Sacra
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wychowanie i formacja na przykładzie federacji Pueri Cantores
Tyrała, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Pueri Cantores
Rev. Ferdinand Maillet
sacred music
choral music
Christian values
Memorandum on The Identification and the Essence of Pueri Cantores
ks. Ferdynand Maillet
muzyka kościelna
muzyka chóralna
chrześcijańskie wartości
Memorandum O identyfikacji i istocie Pueri Cantores
Education and formation are the two key words of tremendous importance in the activity of the International Federation of Pueri Cantores. Learning the Christian values and deepening faith both derive from the identity of and identification with the group which Pueri Cantores is. Creative education, commonly associated with musical formation of young people, is a peculiar quality characterizing this church movement. The Pueri Cantores actions performed in many countries of the world, counting today almost 40, prove the growing effectiveness and popularity of this Federation. And such is are the aims which were officially approved by its Presidents in the document ratified in Paris last year.The history of the Pueri Cantores community has featured a great number of excellent tutors and educators. Their remarkable activities are certified by their living pupils, acting and developing worldwide. Amongst these magnificent pillars of the Federation was Siegfried Koesler, deceased two years ago, a great friend of the Polish Federation of Pueri Cantores and of the main celebrator of today’s anniversary. The entire international community of Pueri Cantores Presidents, Correspondents and Guests shall meet on 24–26 October 2014 in Würzburg so as to commemorate this great and good teacher. At the funeral service of Siegfried Koesler at Würzburg cemetery on 5 December 2012 I said on behalf of the International Federation of Pueri Cantores: „Thank you fory your shiny example. You were for us a living sign of God’s presence amongst us. Your thoughts and deeds shall remain in us for they have stayed alive in our hearts. You will live in us. Your remarkably good manners, culture and life, permeated with God’s presence, will always be an inspiration and encouragement for us in our aiming at ideals, to which you were invariably faithful” (R. Tyrała, The 10th Letter of President of FIPC, Kraków 2014. Archives of the International Federation of Pueri Cantores in Rome). It is a matter of undeniable certainty that the modern world, the modern Church and we ourselves need such authentic educators and authorities.May the conclusion of these few thoughts on educating through music, as exemplified by the Federation of Pueri Cantores, be the words expressed by the man who, like anyone else, knows how to run a choir, and educate and form young people: „I believe, working with a choir in respect of human activity belongs to a hierarchy of values. Because man as such is a value himself. And this man, whether a child or an adult singing in our choir, whom God provided with abilities to sing and with musical sensitivity, and whom He entrusted to us, choirmasters so we would educate, tutor and form, is truly worth a trial” (A. Zając, Chór kościelny – środowiskiem edukacyjnym, wychowawczym i formacyjnym. Sacred Choir – An Educational, Tutorial and Formative Environment, w: Pro Musica Sacra, t. III, Kraków 2006, p. 80).
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne; 2014, 33, 2
Pojawia się w:
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tyrała, Robert
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Polskich Muzyków Kościelnych
soborowa odnowa muzyki kościelnej
regulamin budowy remontu i sprowadzania z zagranicy organów z 2007 roku
archidiecezja krakowska
Pipe organ
the Revival of sacred music after Vatican Council II
The 2007 Cracow Archdiocese Guidelines for Construction Renovation and Import of Pipe Organs
Drawing on the musical tradition of the Church, the Vatican Council II stated that: “In the Latin Church the pipe organ is to be held in high esteem, for it is the traditional musical instrument which adds a wonderful splendor to the Church’s ceremonies and powerfully lifts up man’s mind to God and to higher things” (CSL 120). The instruction Musicam Sacram specified this even more explicitly: “Musical instruments can be very useful in sacred celebrations, whether they accompany the singing or whether they are played as solo instruments” (MS 62). The instruction of 1987, regarding concerts in churches, reaffirmed the conciliar stipulation that the proper church instrument is a pipe organ: “It is of considerable importance that in all churches, and especially those of some importance, there should be trained musicians and instruments of good quality. Care should be given to the maintenance of organs and respect shown towards their historical character both in form and tone” (no. 7). Thereby the Church’s stance on the matter of sacred music is rigid. On 18 March 2007 Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz signed The Cracow Archdiocese Guidelines for Construction, Renovation and Import of Instruments of 2007. The document is divided into the following chapters: General rules, Construction of new organs, Reconstruction and renovation of existing organs, Transfer of organs, Post-renovation quality acceptance, Final stipulations. In the years 1997-2015, in the Cracow Archdiocese there were constructed 15 new pipe organs, 40 instruments were imported from abroad, 70 were renovated and restored. Currently, we are carrying out the renovation and reconstruction of pipe organs in 17 churches of the Archdiocese34, including the two new instruments in two leading sanctuaries: of the Divine Mercy and of John Paul II. It is possible thanks to the dedicated work of the members of the Archdiocesan Commission for Church Music and to the approbation of the Church Administrators.
Musica Ecclesiastica; 2016, 11; 77-83
Pojawia się w:
Musica Ecclesiastica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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