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Polska w projekcie World Karst Aquifer Mapping Project (WOKAM)
Poland in World Karst Aquifer Mapping Project (WOKAM)
Różkowski, J.
Grabala, D.
Polonius, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
wody krasowe
wody podziemne
źródła krasowe
karst aquifers
karst springs
The article presents World Karst Aquifer Mapping Project (WOKAM). The goal of this project, implemented in 2012– 2015, is to establish the first karst aquifer world map, presenting karst aquifers, most important water intakes, karst springs and caves. Selection criteria of the karstic objects were discussed in the paper. Database, created on their basis covering the area of Poland, includes: 17 water intakes (extracting mainly from the Triassic carbonate aquifer of Silesian – Kraków monocline), 7 springs (including 5 vaucluses from Tatra Mountains), 23 caves (located mainly in Western Tatra Mountains and in Kraków – Wieluń Upland). There is a probability of location of individual hydrogeological objects from Poland on the world karst aquifer map considering the importance of the region.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2015, 63, 10/2; 1042--1046
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Natural and anthropogenic factors that participate in the forming of the spring and benthic invertebrates in the karst area of Cracow–Częstochowa Upland (Poland)
Różkowski, J.
Dumnicka, E.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Cracow-Częstochowa Upland
The authors have carried out their investigations at the karst carbonate massif of the Cracow–Częstochowa Upland (CCU) since the 1990s of the XX century. The Upper Jurassic aquifer, which is a Major Ground Water Basin (MGWB No 326), was delimited in this area. It is closely connected with surface waters including living biocenoses and other dependent from the state of water. At the area of the CCU exist several hundred springs. At the drainage areas of springs authors conducted interdisciplinary investigations, including hydrogeological, geochemical, geological studies performed in spring drainage areas. The communities of benthic invertebrates were determined as the biomarkers of the environmental state. In natural springs remarkable groups of species such as oligostenothermic, crenophilic or crenobiontic prevailed whereas in springs under anthropopression mainly eurybiontic species could be stated. Stygobiontic species were also found in a few springs. The study, done together with the recognition of regional land management and pollution sources, allow to estimate the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on water environment and its biotic elements within the karstic area of the CCU.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2010, 441 Hydrogeologia z. 10; 139--143
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of intrinsic vulnerability of an Upper Jurassic karst-fissured aquifer in the Jura Krakowska (southern Poland) to anthropogenic pollution using the DRASTIC method
Różkowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Silesian-Cracow Monocline
karst-fissured waters
vulnerability to pollution
This paper demonstrates the evaluation of in trinsic vulnerability of karst-fissured waters in an Upper Jurassic aquifer by applying modified DRASTIC method. The area investigated is the Jura Krakowska (South Poland) - an area of upland merokarst (or relictkarst), where the Upper Jurassic aquifer is mainly unconfined. The method applied is a combination of a simulation model of the ground water aquifer (factors: netre charge, hydraulic conductivity, ground wa ter flow velocity in the aquifer) and a geographical in formation system - GIS model (depth of ground water table, lithology of vadosezone, thickness of Upper Jurassic aquifer), and additionally a soil factor was taken into account. In the area of the Jura Krakowska, 5 classes of intrinsic vulnerability to pollution were distinguished according to the values of vulnerability factors. These classes range from extremely high to low vulnerability (IP 200-50). Based on the synthetic map of vulnerability it emerges that high vulnerability indices cover 54% of the area studied while medium and low vulnerability indices cover 46% of this area. The modified DRASTIC method presented seems to be a useful tool to evaluate the intrinsic vulnerability of karst-fis sured aquifers of "Torcal" type with a scattered system of recharge and discharge, and a thick vadosezone of variable permeability. This is consistent with the method developed with European programme COST ACTION 620. All rating methods recommended for karst have limitations, there fore the method applied is constantly updated. Many of them are particularly use ful for areas of bare karst, mountain systems of "Aliou" type and in ar eas of complete karst develop ment (holokarst).
Geological Quarterly; 2007, 51, 1; 17-26
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie się chemizmu wód gipsowej jaskini Zołuszka (Ukraina, Mołdawia)
Chemistry formation of the water in the Zoloushka gypsum cave (Ukraine, Moldova)
Andrejczuk, W.
Jóźwiak, K.
Różkowski, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
kras gipsowy
modelowanie hydrogeochemiczne
jaskinia Zołuszka
gypsum karst
hydrogeochemical modelling
Zoloushka cave
Przedstawiono środowisko hydrogeologiczne krasu gipsowego w rejonie jaskini Zołuszka (pogranicze Ukrainy i Mołdawii). Celem badań wykonanych w lipcu 2008 r. było określenie chemizmu wód jezior jaskiniowych. Stwierdzono, że kształtuje się on w środowisku hydrogeochemicznym przejściowym. W ramach modelowania geochemicznego określono specjacje składników roztworu wodnego o wielkości wskaźnika nasycenia (SI) roztworu względem wybranych faz mineralnych. Chemizm wód został zrównoważony ze stężeniami O2 i CO2 w powietrzu jaskini. Wyniki badań hydrochemicznych i modelowe obrazują hydrogeochemiczną strefowość kompleksu wodonośnego drenowanego przez kamieniołom, warunkowaną budową geologiczną, warunkami krążenia oraz mikroklimatem jaskini. Wyróżniono anomalie przestrzenne związane ze zwiększonym zasilaniem ascenzyjnym z piętra wodonośnego kredy.
The paper presents the results of the research of the Badenian gypsum karst hydrogeochemical environment in the area of the Zoloushka cave in Ukraine. The investigations were carried out in June 2008 with the main aim of determining mechanism of cave lake waters chemistry. It has been found that the chemical mechanism of these waters is formed in a transitional hydrogeochemical environment. On the basis of the results of a hydrogeochemical numerical model, some of the features such as the distribution of elements, molar concentrations and main speciation as well as saturation indices (SI) for the chosen mineral phases were calculated. The chemical mechanism of the water was balanced with concentrations of O2 and CO2 present in the air of the cave. The results of hydrogeochemical investigations and modeling show a clear hydrochemical zonation within the described hydrogeological complex drained by the quarry. This is related to the geological structure, flow conditions and the cave microclimate. Spatial anomalies connected with the increased upward flow from the Cretaceous aquifer have been distinguished.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2009, 436, z. 9/1; 9-16
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Udział wód z cieków w zasilaniu poziomu wodonośnego jury górnej na obszarze Wyżyny Krakowskiej
The part of water courses in recharge of the Upper Jurassic aquifer in Cracow Upland area
Różkowski, J.
Sadowski, S.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
infiltracja wód z cieków
Wyżyna Krakowska
infiltration from streams
Cracow Upland
W artykule przedstawiono zjawisko infiltracji wód z cieków na obszarach krasowych Wyżyny Krakowskiej na tle hydrograficznym wyżyny. Na podstawie 8 serii badań scharakteryzowano dynamikę zmian sezonowych infiltracji wód z cieków do podłoża, łącznie z podziemnymi przepływami tych wód, w wybranych cząstkowych zlewniach krasowych Dłubni i Rudawy, dopływów lewobrzeżnych Wisły. Stwierdzono powszechność zjawiska w skali regionalnej, niewielki udział w zasilaniu poziomu wodonośnego jury górnej, dynamiczny charakter infiltracji wgłębnej warunkowany zmiennością zasilania.
The paper present the problem of water infiltration from water courses into the basement in the karstic area of Cracow Upland against the background of its hydrographic system. The dynamics of seasonal changes of water infiltration from water courses into the basement were characterised based on 8 series of tests. This characterisation includes also the underground water flow in some fragmentary karstic catchment areas of the Dłubnia and Rudawa rivers, both left-bank tributaries of the Vistula River. It was found that this phenomenon was widespread on a regional scale and the dynamic character of subsurface infiltration is controlled by recharge variability. However, its contribution to the total Upper Jurassic aquifer recharge is small.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2013, 456 Hydrogeologia z. 14/2; 519--524
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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