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Aktualne problemy dotyczące postępowania diagnostycznego oraz leczenia operacyjnego chorych na raka piersi – przegląd wybranych zagadnień klinicznych
Current problems in diagnostic management and surgical treatment of breast cancer patients – a review of selected clinical issues
Nowikiewicz, Tomasz
Śrutek, Ewa
Zegarski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
breast cancer
diagnosis and treatment
lymphatic system imaging methods
sentinel lymph node biopsy
surgical treatment
biopsja węzła wartowniczego
diagnostyka i leczenie
leczenie operacyjne
metody obrazowania układu chłonnego
rak piersi
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women in Poland and other developed countries. It refers especially to those in peri- and postmenopausal age. Poland is characterized by a dynamic increase in the number of new cases of breast cancer. Namely, in 2010, the number of new diagnosed cases was more than 30% higher than 10 years before. As suggested by epidemiological forecasts for Poland, the trend is expected to be maintained. Surgical treatment is the main prerequisite for a permanent and positive outcome of breast cancer treatment. The percentage of surgeries performed in Poland has increased significantly in recent years from 77% in 2004 to 90% in 2010. The most important prognostic factor affecting longterm treatment outcomes in cancer patients is the clinical grading of the disease. Early detection of breast cancer, preferably at the asymptomatic stage, may significantly determine both the selection of available treatment options and the final treatment outcome. The objective of this study was to discuss current problems related to preoperative diagnostics and surgical treatment of breast cancer patients. Issues concerning mammography screening program were subjected to analysis. The part concerning surgical treatment features new trends regarding procedures of conservative treatment of breast cancer. It is also important to emphasize the necessity of the use of conclusions from the Z0011 trial and personalized oncoplastic surgery techniques in everyday clinical practice.
Rak piersi jest najczęstszym nowotworem złośliwym u kobiet żyjących w Polsce i innych krajach rozwiniętych; dotyczy to zwłaszcza chorych w wieku około- i pomenopauzalnym. W polskiej populacji dynamicznie rośnie liczba nowych przypadków raka piersi: w 2010 roku stwierdzono ponad 30% więcej zachorowań niż 10 lat wcześniej. Według prognoz epidemiologicznych należy spodziewać się utrzymania tej tendencji w naszym kraju. Podstawowy warunek mogący pozwolić na uzyskanie trwałego wyleczenia to zastosowanie leczenia operacyjnego. Odsetek jego wykorzystania w Polsce wyraźnie wzrósł w ostatnich kilkunastu latach – z 77% w roku 2004 do 90% w roku 2010. Najważniejszym czynnikiem mającym wpływ na odległe wyniki leczenia pacjentów z nowotworami złośliwymi jest stopień zaawansowania klinicznego choroby. Wczesne wykrycie raka piersi, optymalnie w stadium bezobjawowym, może w decydujący sposób wpłynąć zarówno na wybór dostępnych metod leczenia, jak i na jego wynik. W pracy omówiono najistotniejsze aktualne problemy diagnostyki przedoperacyjnej i leczenia operacyjnego chorych na raka piersi. Analizie poddano zagadnienia związane z programem wczesnego wykrywania choroby. W części poświęconej leczeniu chirurgicznemu przedstawiono nowe trendy związane z procedurami leczenia oszczędzającego. Podkreślono konieczność wykorzystania w codziennej praktyce klinicznej wniosków z badania Z0011 i technik chirurgii onkoplastycznej.
Current Gynecologic Oncology; 2015, 13, 1; 11-19
Pojawia się w:
Current Gynecologic Oncology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems concerning patients’ qualification for surgical procedures allowing for evaluation of the condition of axillary fossa lymph nodes in the radical treatment of breast cancer
Nowikiewicz, Tomasz
Śrutek, Ewa
Zegarski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
breast cancer
conserving treatment
axillary lymphadenectomy
sentinel lymph node biopsy
surgical treatment
The presence of metastases in the lymph nodes of the axillary fossa is the most important prognostic factor in patients with breast cancer. The surgical treatment option required for evaluation of the condition of the axillary lymph nodes depends on the results of a preoperative physical examination of the patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate the correctness of breast cancer patients’ qualification to surgical procedures allowing for evaluation of the condition of the axillary lymph nodes. Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of a group of 963 patients with a diagnosed malignancy of the breast, treated surgically in the period from 01 Jan 2011 to 29 Feb 2012. Depending on the result of evaluation of the axillary lymph node clinical condition, the patients underwent sentinel lymph node biopsy or elective axillary lymphadenectomy. Results. In 27.4% of patients subjected to excision of the sentinel lymph node, metastatic lesions were found in the lymph nodes removed during the procedure. In most cases (98.1%) that concerned the lymph nodes of the lower part of the axilla. In 17.4% of patients, metastases were located also in the middle or upper part (9%). In the group of patients primarily qualified to lymphadenectomy, the metastatic lesions in the axillary lymph nodes were diagnosed in 67.2% of patients. They were most commonly located in the lower part of the axillary fossa (in 96.7% of cases), and in 68.8% of patients in the middle or upper part (35.8%). Conclusions. Biopsy of the sentinel lymph node in patients with clinically advanced breast cancer is an effective and safe method of evaluation of the condition of the axillary fossa lymph nodes. A high rate of false positive results concerning the clinical stage of the disease requires changing the rules of patients’ qualification to elective axillary lymphadenectomy.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2015, 87, 6; 290-294
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Current guidelines on the diagnosis and management of lobular carcinoma in situ
Aktualne zalecenia dotyczące diagnostyki i leczenia chorych z rozpoznaniem raka zrazikowego piersi in situ
Śrutek, Ewa
Nowikiewicz, Tomasz
Zegarski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
diagnosis and treatment
lobular breast cancer in situ
surgical treatment
Lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast is classified as non-invasive malignant tumor of the breast. Its diagnosis is a marker for an increased risk of developing other histological types of breast cancer. Lobular carcinoma in situ is usually asymptomatic, with no characteristic radiological features. The diagnosis is often accidental while diagnosing lesions found on screening mammography. The most important clinical issue associated with the diagnosis of lobular carcinoma in situ is the possible risk of concurrent breast cancer of another histological type. According to the current standards of managing patients with lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast, surgical biopsy of the mass is most commonly recommended. Specific principles of therapy depend on the circumstances surrounding the diagnostic process. The complete diagnosis requires histopathological study of tissue specimens from paraffin blocks. It is necessary to determine the histological subtype of the identified tumor as different subtypes present significant differences as to the course of the disease (classic lobular carcinoma in situ, pleomorphic, florid or comedo with necrosis ones). Contrary to the classic lobular carcinoma in situ, other subtypes are characterized by significantly higher risk of coexisting infiltrating breast cancer. In such cases, it is necessary to perform surgical excision of the tumor. Diagnosis of LCIS does not require surgical treatment (possible active surveillance of the patient).
Rak zrazikowy gruczołu piersiowego in situ należy do postaci nieinwazyjnych nowotworów złośliwych o tej lokalizacji narządowej. Jego zdiagnozowanie jest markerem zwiększonego ryzyka rozwoju w przyszłości innych typów histologicznych raka piersi. Zrazikowy rak piersi in situ to najczęściej guz bezobjawowy, nieposiadający charakterystycznych cech radiologicznych. Do jego wykrycia dochodzi zwykle przypadkowo, w trakcie diagnostyki zmian uwidocznionych podczas skriningu mammograficznego. Najbardziej istotnym problemem klinicznym związanym ze zdiagnozowaniem tego nowotworu jest ryzyko współistnienia zmiany z innym rodzajem histologicznym raka piersi. Zgodnie z aktualnymi standardami leczenia chorych ze zrazikowym rakiem piersi in situ zalecana jest najczęściej biopsja chirurgiczna zmiany. Szczegółowe zasady postępowania terapeutycznego zależą od okoliczności zdiagnozowania guza. Rozpoznanie choroby wymaga oceny histopatologicznej preparatów tkankowych, pochodzących z bloków parafinowych. Niezbędne jest określenie podtypu histologicznego wykrytej zmiany, które wykazują znaczne różnice dotyczące przebiegu choroby (postać klasyczna, podtyp pleomorficzny, podtyp w stadium rozkwitu bądź podtyp comedo z martwicą). W odróżnieniu do typu klasycznego zrazikowego raka piersi in situ, pozostałe postaci cechuje istotnie wyższe ryzyko współistnienia form raka naciekającego piersi. W przypadku ich stwierdzenia konieczne jest operacyjne wycięcie zmiany. Wykrycie postaci klasycznej raka zrazikowego gruczołu piersiowego in situ nie wiąże się z taką koniecznością (możliwość aktywnego nadzoru chorych).
Current Gynecologic Oncology; 2017, 15, 1; 87-90
Pojawia się w:
Current Gynecologic Oncology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Overtreatment in surgery – does it concern also the patients with ductal breast carcinoma in situ
Nowikiewicz, Tomasz
Zegarski, Wojciech
Głowacka-Mrotek, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
surgical treatment
breast cancer
ductal carcinoma in situ
Overtreatment means treatment that goes beyond current standards, and patients with any disease can be overtreated. Overtreatment is also given to patients with cancer, including those who need surgery. Overtreatment is closely related to the problem of overdiagnosis. In patients with cancer, unnecessary surgery may cause complications and generates unnecessary costs. The size of the problem of unnecessary surgery in patients with cancer can best be shown among patients with the most common cancers, which dedicated screening programs. Breast cancer patients, particularly those with pre-invasive types of the tumor, who typically have ductal carcinoma in situ (80%), are likely to undergo unnecessary surgery. We describe the most common clinical problems caused by overtreating patients with ductal carcinoma in situ.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2018, 90, 1; 47-51
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nadmierne leczenie („overtreatment”) w chirurgii – czy dotyczy również pacjentów z rakiem przewodowym piersi in situ?
Nowikiewicz, Tomasz
Zegarski, Wojciech
Głowacka-Mrotek, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
nadmierne leczenie
leczenie chirurgiczne
rak piersi
rak przewodowy in situ
Pojęcie nadmiernego leczenia oznaczające stosowanie u chorych leczenia wykraczającego poza obowiązujące standardy terapeutyczne, może dotyczyć każdej formy opieki zdrowotnej. Zjawisko to jest spotykane również w onkologii, obejmując także pacjentów z nowotworami złośliwymi wymagających leczenia operacyjnego. Jest ono bezpośrednio związane z problemem nadrozpoznawalności Oprócz istotnego aspektu finansowego (generowanie wymiernych kosztów), możliwe do uniknięcia leczenie operacyjne chorych powoduje także wystąpienie chorobowości związanej z niepożądanymi następstwami wykonanych procedur chirurgicznych. Wymieniony problem kliniczny jest najbardziej widoczny w grupie pacjentów z najczęstszymi przyczynami zachorowań na nowotwory złośliwe, zdiagnozowanymi najczęściej w trakcie badań przesiewowych. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza pacjentów z rakiem piersi, w szczególności z rakiem przedinwazyjnym. W tej grupie zachorowań, rak przewodowy in situ (ductal carcinoma in situ – DCIS) stanowi około 80 % przypadków. W prezentowanej pracy omówiono najczęściej spotykane problemy kliniczne związane z istnieniem zjawiska nadmiernego leczenia w przypadku tej grupy chorych.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2018, 90, 1; 47-51
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Clinical Significance of Van Nuys Prognostic Index As A Qualification Criterion to Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Patients Diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
Nowikiewicz, Tomasz
Wiśniewska, Magdalena
Wiśniewski, Michał
Zegarski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
breast cancer
ductal carcinoma in situ
sentinel lymph node biosy
Van Nuys Prognostic Index
surgical treatment
Diagnose of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) requires, at least in a part of cases, assessment of auxiliary lymph nodes. The aim of the study was to analyze clinical value of Van Nuys Prognostic Index (VNPI) as the important criterion for qualification of DCIS patients to sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB). Material and methods. Analysis included patients diagnosed with DCIS and qualified to SLNB, operated in years 2004-2013. We performed a statistical analysis to assess correlation between VNPI value and positive pathological verification of excised sentinel lymph node (SLN). The influence of other clinical factors on presence of metastases in SLN was also determined. Results. 3,6% of DCIS patients were diagnosed with metastases in SLN. Metastases were diagnosed in 6.7% patients with VNPI > 10 points vs 3.4% in patients with VNPI < 10 points. In 75% of patients with metastatic SLN the value of VNPI was at least 10 points. In premenopausal patients metastases in SLN were diagnosed in 8.1% of cases vs 1.4% in postmenopausal patients. In patients diagnosed with cancer of the other breast metastases in SLN were found in 6.3% of cases vs 3.2% in one-sided cancer. Patients with multifocal cancer were over twice as often diagnosed with metastases in SLN (5% vs 2%). There was no correlation found between VNPI value and positive pathological verification of SLN. No differences between prevalence of SLN metastases depending on selected clinical features were found. Conclusions. Recommendation of VNPI as the criterion of qualification to SLNB starting with 10 points could be more favourable in patients with DCIS. Deciding on SLNB in DCIS patients, we should also take into consideration other clinical features.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2014, 86, 10; 479-485
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of the effects of mammography screening program on cancer progression and implemented treatment in patients with breast cancer
Nowikiewicz, Tomasz
Zegarski, Wojciech
Piątkowska, Magdalena
Klag, Michał
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
brest cancer
conserving treatment
mammography screening
The primary goal of mammography screening is to decrease mortality in patients with breast cancer. The aim of the study was evaluation of the screening program results on course of implemented therapy and its results in breast carcinoma patients. Material and methods. Evidence includes data on the group of 1818 patients with breast cancer that were subject to surgical treatment at the Clinic of Breast Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery of the Oncology Center in Bydgoszcz (558 patients hospitalized from January 2006 to December 2006 and 1260 patients treated from January 2011 to June 2012). Analysis included type of diagnostic procedure implemented before surgical treatment, as well as grade of cancer progression, results of pathology tests done on specimens and type of surgical procedure. Additionally, the screening group (tumor diagnosed based on screening mammography) and symptomatic group (cancer diagnosed otherwise that within the screening program) were identified. Results. In 2006, in 28.4% of patients included in the study, primary tumor was discover in screening process (vs 61.5% in 2011-2012). In the first period, 35.7% of changes did not exceed 2 cm - cT1 (vs 48.3% in 2011-2012), while the percentage of cT4 was 9.9% (vs 4.7% in 2011-2012). In 2006, 30.8% of patients were treated in the grade I of clinical progression (vs 44.2% in 2011-2012), 53.4% in the grade II, 14% in grade III and 0.2% in grade IV (vs 45.7%, 9.7%, and 0.4%, respectively). In 45.5% (2006) and 39.9% (in 2011-2012) of patients, metastases were found in axillary lymph nodes. Differences were similar both in screening and symptomatic group. In 2006, in 12.4% of surgical patients breast conserving therapy (BCT) was implemented (vs 49.8% in 2011-2012). In the screening group, it was applied in 15.2% of patients (in 2006) and in 63% (in 2011- 2012), while in symptomatic group the percentages were 11.8% and 41%, respectively. Conclusions. In both periods of analysis, significant differences were observed as to implementation of breast cancer screening program, as well as to grade of clinical and pathological progression of the cancer. Observable increase of screening tests allowed for significantly more frequent implementation of breast conserving surgical procedures.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2013, 85, 4; 204-209
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena jakości życia kobiet leczonych metodą BCT z procedurą węzła wartowniczego z powodu raka piersi
Głowacka, Iwona
Zegarski, Wojciech
Hagner, Wojciech
Nowacka, Krystyna
Nowikiewicz, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
Ocena jakości
leczonych metodą
procedurą węzła wartowniczego
życia kobiet
Summary. Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common tumor among women in Poland. About 5000 women die every year because of breast cancer. The purpose of research was to determine the influence of BCT with sentinel lymph node biopsy on the change in quality of life in patients undergoing this procedure. Materials and methods: The study involved 50 women (median age – 50.2 years) undergoing BCT with sentinel lymph node biopsy for breast cancer in the Department of Breast Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery, Centre for Oncology, Bydgoszcz, Poland. The assessment was carried out in patients in clinical stages I and II. Standard QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23 questionnaires were used. The same participants filled in the QLQ-C30 and QLQ-BR23 questionnaires before (Group A1) and six weeks after the procedure (Group A2). Results: Quality of life measured with the use of EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC-BR 23 scales was higher in women before the procedure with respect to role functioning and global quality of life assessment (p < 0.05). There was an improvement in emotional functioning, feeling sick and unwell, and mental functioning after the procedure (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were noted in physical functioning, cognitive functioning, social functioning, or sexual functioning before and after the procedure (p > 0.05).
Polskie Forum Psychologiczne; 2015, XX, 2; 261-272
Pojawia się w:
Polskie Forum Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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