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Wpływ zmian temperatury powierzchni oceanu na Morzu Norweskim na temperaturę powietrza na Svalbardzie i Jan Mayen (1982-2002)
The influence of the changes in sea surface temperature of the Norwegian Sea on the air temperature at Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1982-2002)
Kruszewski, G.
Marsz, A. A.
Zblewski, S.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
temperatury powietrza
temperatury powierzchni oceanu
Morze Norweskie
air temperature
sea surface temperature
Norwegian Sea
This work deals with correlations between SST in the Norwegian Sea and air temperature at selected stations located in the Atlantic sector of Arctic (Bjornoya, Hornsund, Svalbard-Lufthavn, Ny Alesund and Jan Mayen). The southern and central parts of the Norwegian Sea show the strongest correlation with the air temperature at the above mentioned stations, whereas the northern parts of this sea show weaker correlation. Apart from synchronic correlations (occurring in the same months) asynchronic correlations have been found. The latter are generally much stronger than the synchronic ones. The predominant influence on the changes in air temperature at the stations have the winter SST (JFMA) in the central part of the Norwegian Sea (grid 2° x 2°, 67°N, 010°E). These winter SST show quite strong correlations with monthly air temperature at Bjornoya, Hornsund, Svalbard-Lufthavn and Jan Mayen in July, August and September. At Ny Alesund station the period with statistically significant correlation between the air temperature and the winter SST is limited to September. The strongest correlation can be observed in August (see Table 4). The observed correlations result from modification in atmospheric circulation, caused by increased heat volume in the Norwegian Sea. Such modification is reflected in the increased frequency of occurrence of meridional atmospheric circulation, which is accompanied by the increase in the frequency of air advection from the S to this sector of Arctica. Some correlations which show more significant time shift have also been observed (see Table 5). Winter SST indicate positive correlations with air temperature observed at Bjornoya and Horn-sund in August and September the following year and at Svalbard-Lufthavn in September. At Ny Alesund station the coefficients of correlation with the air temperature in the following year are increased but they do not reach the statistically significant level. Another period with statistically significant correlations is November and December the following year; significant correlations with winter SST occur at Bjornoya (r = 0.71) and all stations located on Spitsbergen (r = 0.57). The correlations of SST with air temperature observed at Jan Mayen the following year are different, i.e. the presence of strong correlations is limited to summer season - July, August and September (r ~ 0.6). The correlations with winter SST occurring in November and December the following year is connected with warm masses carried to this region together with waters with the West Spitsbergen Current. Correlations between SST and air temperature present in summer and at the end of summer the following year may probably be influenced by the modification of atmospheric circulation. The only significant correlation with summer (July and August) SST indicates the temperature of February the following year at stations located on Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen. These correlations are negative (r ~ -0.55 - -0.50). The reason for occurrence of such correlations is not clear. The changeability of winter SST in the central part of the Norwegian Sea explains from 20% (Hornsund) to 32% (Bjornoya) of changeability in annual air temperature at the above mentioned stations in the same year and from 34% (Jan Mayen) to 41% (Hornsund) of changeability in annual air temperature in the following year. The increased level of explanation of changeability in air temperature the following year influenced by winter SST is connected with the delayed flowing of the Atlantic waters to high latitudes carried with the Norwegian Current and the West Spitsbergen Current.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2003, 13; 59-78
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozkład przestrzenny oraz skala ocieplenia Arktyki Atlantyckiej w 30-leciu 1980-2009 i jej porównanie z 'wielkim ociepleniem Arktyki' lat 30. XX wieku
Spatial distribution and the scale of the Atlantic Arctic warming in a 30-year period from 1980 to 2009 and its comparison with the 'great warming of the Arctic' in the 30-ties of the 20th century
Marsz, A. A.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
temperatura powietrza
trendy temperatury
ocieplenie Arktyki Atlantyckiej
air temperature
temperature trends
Atlantic Arctic warming
Praca analizuje procesy zmian temperatury powietrza w Arktyce Atlantyckiej, jakie zachodziły w czasie współczesnego ocieplenia Arktyki (1980-2009). Przeprowadzono analizę trendów rocznych i sezonowych, obliczono również roczne i sezonowe różnice temperatury między średnimi z lat 2007-2009, a średnimi z lat 1980-1982. Analiza wykazała silne, wykazujące znaczne zróżnicowanie regionalne, wzrosty temperatury rocznej i sezonowej. Najsilniejszy wzrost w badanym okresie następował w okresie jesieni i zimy. Najsilniejsze trendy temperatury powietrza jesienią (> 0.15°Crok-1) występują w rejonie północo-zachodniej części Morza Karskiego oraz w rejonie Spitsbergenu. Zimą wartości najsilniejszych trendów przesuwają się ku zachodowi w rejon Spitsbergenu, a same trendy ulegają wzmocnieniu (>0.2°Crok-1). W okresie lata wartości trendów są niewielkie (+0.04-0.06°Crok-1), ale nad obszarami morskimi są statystycznie istotne. W okresie wiosny, poza pojedynczymi stacjami, trendów statystycznie istotnych brak. Nad obszarami lądowymi Eurazji, za wyjątkiem Półwyspu Skandynawskiego, trendy temperatury we wszystkich sezonach (porach roku) są słabe i przeważnie nieistotne. Znacznie silniejsze, i na ogół statystycznie istotne, trendy temperatury (poza okresem wiosny) występują nad obszarami morskimi, zwłaszcza tymi, do których jest swobodny dopływ wód atlantyckich. Zmiany rozkładu przestrzennego trendów i ich wartości w okresie jesiennym i zimowym wskazują, że wzrost temperatury powietrza jest powiązany ze strumieniami ciepła z oceanu do atmosfery. Porównanie sezonowego rozkładu trendów temperatury powietrza w czasie współczesnego ocieplenia z podobnym rozkładem trendów, jaki zaznaczał się w czasie 'ocieplenia Arktyki lat 30. XX wieku', wykazało, że na obszarze Arktyki Atlantyckiej w obu fazach ocieplenia Arktyki rozkład ten jest taki sam. Nie znajduje potwierdzenia na obszarze Arktyki Atlantyckiej wielokrotnie formułowana w literaturze przedmiotu teza, że w czasie obecnego ocieplenia Arktyki najsilniejsze trendy występują wiosną. Podobnie regionalny rozkład zmian temperatury powietrza zachodzący w czasie współczesnego ocieplenia jest taki sam, jak ten, który wystąpił w Arktyce Atlantyckiej w czasie ocieplenia Arktyki 'lat 30. XX wieku'. Najsilniejsze ocieplenie w obu fazach wzrostu temperatury w Arktyce Atlantyckiej wystąpiło nad tym samym obszarem, w którym w czasie ochłodzenia Arktyki w latach 60. XX wieku wystąpiło najsilniejsze ochłodzenie. Bezwzględna skala zmian temperatury i jej rozkład regionalny, jaka nastąpiła w latach 1980-2009 na obszarze Arktyki Atlantyckiej jest niemal taka sama, jak w czasie fazy ocieplenia 'lat 30. XX wieku'. Pozwala to twierdzić, że między oboma fazami ocieplenia tej części Arktyki brak jest różnic.
This work examines processes of changes in air temperature in the Arctic Atlantic which occurred during the contemporary Arctic warming (1980-2009, Fig. 1 and 2). An analysis of annual and seasonal trends has been carried out, as well as, calculations of the annual and seasonal temperature differences between the average of the years 2007, 2008 and 2009, and the average temperatures of the years 1980, 1981 and 1982. The analysis indicated strong, but showing considerable regional variation, increases in annual temperature and seasonal temperature (see Fig. 4 A2, B2, C2,D2 and 5B). The strongest increase in air temperature over the examined period was observed during the autumn and winter (Fig. 4 C2 and D2). The strongest trends of air temperature in autumn (> 0.15°Cyear-1) occur in the north-western part of the Kara Sea (between Franz Josef Land and Northern Land) and in the region of Spitsbergen (see Fig. 4 C1). In winter the strongest trends are moving westward into the region of Spitsbergen (Fig. 4 D1) and the same trends are strengthening (>0.2°Cyear-1). During summer the values of trends are small (+0.04-0.06°Cyear-1) but above the sea area these trends are statistically significant (Fig. 4 B1). In the spring, apart from individual stations, statistically significant trends are not noted (Fig. 4 A1). Over land areas of Eurasia, with the exception of the Scandinavian Peninsula, the temperature trends in all seasons (seasons of the year) are weak and mostly insignificant. Much stronger, and generally statistically significant, trends in temperature (apart from spring) occur over the sea areas, especially those where the Atlantic waters flow freely. Changes in the spatial distribution of trends and their values in the autumn and winter periods indicate that the increase in air temperature is correlated with heat flows from the ocean to the atmosphere. Comparison of seasonal distribution of temperature trends during the contemporary warming trend with a similar distribution, which was observed during the 'Arctic warming in the 30-ties 'of the twentieth century', indicated that the distribution is the same in the Arctic Atlantic in both phases of the Arctic warming. There is no proof of the thesis, so popular in literature, that trends are strongest in the contemporary Arctic warming in spring. Similarly, the regional distribution of air temperature changes occurring during the contemporary warming is the same as that which occurred in the Atlantic Arctic during the Arctic warming 'in the 30-ties of the twentieth century' (see Fig. 6). The Arctic in the 60-ties of the twentieth century experienced the strongest cooling (Fig. 7). The absolute scale of temperature changes and its regional distribution, which occurred in the years 1980-2009 in the Atlantic Arctic, is almost the same as during the warming phase 'of the 30-ties of the twentieth century'. This allows to state that there is no difference between those two phases of warming in this part of the Arctic.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2011, 21; 91-114
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zmian temperatury wód w Bramie Farero-Szetlandzkiej na temperaturę powietrza w Arktyce (1950-2005)
The influence of changes of the water temperature in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel on the air temperature in Arctic (1950-2005)
Marsz, A. A.
Przybylak, R.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
temperatura powierzchni oceanu
temperatura powietrza
Brama Farero-Szetlandzka
Prąd Norweski
sea surface temperature
air temperature
Faeroe-Shetland Channel
Norwegian Current
Praca analizuje związki między wskaźnikiem charakteryzującym zasoby ciepła w wodach atlantyckich wprowadzanych do Prądu Norweskiego, a dalej przez Prąd Zachodniospitsbergeński i Prąd Nordkapski do Arktyki, a roczną temperaturą powietrza w Arktyce. Analizę związków przeprowadzono dla Arktyki jako całości oraz jej sektorów: atlantyckiego, syberyjskiego, pacyficznego kanadyjskiego i sektora Morza Baffina. Wykazano istnienie silnie rozciągniętych w czasie (od 0 do 9 lat opóźnienia) związków z temperaturą powietrza w całej Arktyce, potwierdzających istotny statystycznie wpływ zmian zasobów ciepła w wodach na zmiany temperatury powietrza w Arktyce. Związki regionalne wykazują silne zróżnicowanie - na wzrost zasobów ciepła niemal natychmiastowo reaguje temperatura powietrza w Arktyce Atlantyckiej, z 2-6 letnim opóźnieniem temperatura powietrza w Arktyce Kanadyjskiej. Związki z temperaturą powietrza w sektorach syberyjskim i pacyficznym nie przekraczają progu istotności statystycznej. Zmiany temperatury powietrza w sektorze Morza Baffina wyprzedzają w czasie zmiany zasobów ciepła w wodach atlantyckich wprowadzanych następnie do Arktyki. To ostatnie może stanowić przyczynę okresowości w przebiegu temperatury powietrza w niektórych częściach Arktyki i strefy umiarkowanej.
Styszyńska (2005, 2007) has shown the existence of clear statistical relationships between heat contents in the waters of the Atlantic flowing towards the Arctic via the Norwegian, West Spitsbergen, and North Cape currents and the air temperature in Spitsbergen, Jan Mayen and Hopen between the years 1982 and 2002. These relationships extend in time: following rises in the heat content of the waters of the Norwegian Current, an increase in air temperature follows in the same year and the following year. Heat contents in the Atlantic waters flowing towards the Arctic are assessed according to the average sea surface temperature (SST) in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel (grid 62°N, 004°W) from January to April. These values are used to calculate a determining indicator such as FS1-42L, established as the average of two successive years: data from one year (k) and the year preceding it (k-1). The aim of this work is to investigate whether there are relationships between FS1-42L and the air temperature in both the whole of the Arctic and in individual Arctic sectors and, if so, what the character of these relationships is. The data analysed were a set of yearly air temperatures for the whole of the Arctic and for particular Arctic sectors (fig. 2) according to Przybylak (2007), as well as a set of monthly SST values including values calculated for the FS1-42L indicator (NOAA NCDC ERSST v.1; Smith and Reynolds, 2002). The primary methodology employed was Cross-Correlation Function Analysis. The FS1-42L was established as a first value, with the yearly air temperature used as a lagged value. The analysis was carried out for a 55-year period, from 1951 to 2005. The analysis showed that, taken as a whole, relationships between heat contents leading to the Arctic and air temperature over the whole of the Arctic (calculated from averages of individual sectors) were not particularly significant, though there was marked significance in these relationships from year 0 (fig. 3) to year +9 (fig. 4). The strongest relationships were those from the same year for which the FS1-42L was dated, after which relationships grew gradually weaker, until they finally disappeared in the tenth year. In the Atlantic sector of the Arctic the relationship was strong and almost immediate (fig 5). In the Siberian (fig. 6) and Pacific (fig. 7) sectors there was an absence of statistically significant relationships, and any that did exist were weak, with varying degrees of ?echo? in air temperature reactions. Air temperature in the Canadian sector (fig. 8) reacted to increases in heat contents with a delay of 2 to 6 years, with the strongest relations from FS1-42L being noted with a 5-year delay. The situation in Baffin Bay was entirely different, with air temperature changes preceding changes in the heat contents of the waters of the Faeroe-Shetland Channel by 1 to 6 years. The maximum strengths of these relations were -5 and -4 per year (fig. 9). Analysis of the reasons for these regional variations in the influence of FS1-42L on air temperature allows us to conclude that a major role is played by the bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean. Atlantic waters sinking beneath Arctic Surface Water (ASW) contribute to changes in the temperature of Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW). Independent of the routes taken by the processes, the influence of AIW on the air temperatures in the Siberian and Pacific sectors is limited, with these sectors being isolated by wide shelves from the Arctic Ocean. In the Canadian sector, which is separated by narrow shelves from deep-water parts of the Arctic Ocean and is situated a relatively short distance from the Atlantic sector, the influence of heat contents on the ASW is apparent, with a certain delay. Changes in the air temperature of the Baffin Bay sector are related to the variable activity of the Labrador Current, bringing cold waters to the North from the Gulf Stream delta. The force of strong cooling waters from the Labrador Current, with the appropriate delay, result in a lessening of the heat contents in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Because of the fact that there is a strong positive correlation between the yearly air temperatures of the Canadian and Baffin Bay sectors, a chain of dependencies emerges: air temperature in the American sectors of the Arctic the flow of Atlantic waters FS1-42L air temperature in the Atlantic Arctic sector Ž air temperature in the Canadian sector should generate quasi-periodic (> 10 years) air temperature courses.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2007, 17; 45-59
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola cyrkulacji atmosferycznej i zmian temperatury powierzchni morza w kształtowaniu zmienności temperatury powietrza na stacjach zachodniego wybrzeża Półwyspu Antarktycznego
Role of the atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature changes in the formation of air temperature variability at the stations western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula
Marsz, A. A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
Półwysep Antarktyczny
roczna temperatura powietrza
temperatura powierzchni morza
wiatr geostroficzny
Antarctic Peninsula
annual air temperature
sea surface temperature
geostrophic wind
Praca omawia przyczyny spadku temperatury powietrza obserwowanego po roku 2000 na stacjach północnego krańca Półwyspu Antarktycznego oraz osłabienia tempa wzrostu temperatury na stacjach środkowej i południowej części Półwyspu. Analiza przyczyn zachodzących zmian temperatury powietrza wskazuje, że czynnikiem odpowiedzialnym za spadki temperatury jest silny spadek temperatury powierzchni morza (dalej SST – sea surface temperature) na wodach Oceanu Południowego rozpościerających się na NW od Półwyspu Antarktycznego. Zarówno zmiany SST, jak i zmienność południkowych, ujemnych (z sektora północnego) składowych wiatru geostroficznego, które objaśniają łącznie około 60% wariancji rocznej temperatury powietrza na stacjach omawianego obszaru, zachodzą pod wpływem czynników naturalnych.
The paper presents the results of research into the role of changes in SST and atmospheric circulation variability in the formation of annual air temperature at the station the South Shetland Islands and the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Four stations have been chosen for the analysis: Bellingshausen, Esperanza, Faraday / Vernadsky and Rothera. In this region (Fig. 2) these stations have the longest and most complete series of temperature measurements. After an analysis, annual average values of SST anomalies of the sea area extending from the N and NW of the area in question (variable SSTA20; see Fig. 2) and the average annual values of zonal and meridional components of geostrophic wind at the level of 1000 hPa (four points marked in Fig. 2) have been chosen as factors influencing the temperature variations at these stations. Regression analysis showed that SST variability and variability of meridional components of geostrophic wind of the points 60°S, 60°W and 65°S, 70°W have a strong, statistically significant influence on the variability of annual air temperature at the analyzed stations . Variability of zonal components of geostrophic wind does not play a significant role in shaping the temperature variation. The variability of meridional component of geostrophic wind and SST anomalies explain a total of about 60% of the observed variance of annual air temperature at the studied stations throughout the observation period (Table 2). The cause of the collapse of the strong positive trend of temperature after 2000, which occurred at these stations, is the occurrence of a sharp fall in SST in the analyzed sea area (Fig. 5). As a result, the South Shetland Islands and northern edge of the Antarctic Peninsula after 2000 began to cool, and the positive trend at stations in central and southern part of the Antarctic Peninsula became much weaker (Fig. 1). The analysis shows that the variation of meridional components of geostrophic wind and SST variability controlling temperature changes at the stations of west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula are a sign of natural processes. They are directly (SST anomalies) or indirectly (meridional components of geostrophic wind) the result of oceanic processes. This observed variability in temperature in the north of the region and the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, including a strong positive trend observed in the years 1951-2000 and its subsequent collapse in the years 2000-2012, must be regarded as a manifestation of natural variability.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2013, 23; 21-42
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oceanic control of the warming processes in the Arctic - a different point of view for the reasons of changes in the Arctic climate
Kontrola oceaniczna procesów ocieplenia Arktyki - odmienny punkt spojrzenia na przyczyny zmian klimatu w Arktyce
Marsz, A. A.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
delta Golfsztromu
temperatura powietrza
temperatura powierzchni wody
czynniki naturalne
Gulf Stream delta
air temperature
natural factors
The paper describes the strong correlation between the sea surface temperature (SST) in the region of the Gulf Stream delta and anomalies in surface air temperature (SAT) in the Arctic over the period 1880-2007. This correlation results from the transfer of a variable amount of heat from the Atlantic tropics into the Arctic through oceanic circulation (AMO – Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation). Reaction of sea ice is the main mechanism controlling the heat content in water carried to the Arctic and influencing the SAT. Sea ice may either increase or limit the heat flow from the ocean to the atmosphere. The genesis of the ‘Great warming of the Arctic’ in the 1930s and ‘40s is the same as that of the present day. Both may be considered to be attributable to natural processes and are not demonstrably associated in any way with a supposed ‘Global greenhouse effect’. Changes in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere could only explain 9% of variations in the SAT in the Arctic.
Praca wykazuje istnienie silnych związków między temperaturą powierzchni morza (SST) w rejonie delty Golfsztromu a przebiegiem anomalii temperatury powietrza w Arktyce (1880-2007). Związki te wynikają z transportu przez cyrkulację oceaniczną (AMO – Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) zmiennych ilości ciepła z rejonu atlantyckich tropików do Arktyki. Głównym mechanizmem regulującym wpływ zasobów ciepła w wodach wnoszonych do Arktyki na temperaturę powietrza jest reakcja lodów morskich, zwiększająca lub ograniczająca strumienie ciepła z oceanu do atmosfery. Geneza wielkiego ocieplenia Arktyki w latach 30-40. XX wieku i współczesnego ocieplenia Arktyki jest taka sama. Oba epizody ocieplenia Arktyki stanowią rezultat działania procesów naturalnych i nie są związane z dzia-łaniem efektu cieplarnianego. Zmiany koncentracji CO2 w atmosferze objaśniają około 9% wariancji SAT w Arktyce.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2009, 19; 7-31
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany pokrywy lodów morskich Arktyki na przełomie XX i XXI wieku i ich związek z cyrkulacją atmosferyczną
Changes in the sea ice cover in the Arctic at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries and their correlation with the atmospheric circulation
Marsz, A. A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
cyrkulacja atmosferyczna
dipol arktyczny
lody morskie
dryf lodów
temperatura powietrza
atmospheric circulation
Arctic Dipole
sea ice
drifting ice
air temperature
W pracy dokonano analizy wpływu cyrkulacji atmosferycznej na obserwowane w ostatnich latach XX i pierwszych latach XXI wieku zmiany powierzchni lodów morskich w Arktyce oraz zmian temperatury powietrza w sektorze wschodniosyberyjskim i pacyficznym Arktyki. Wprowadzono nowy wskaźnik charakteryzu-jący cyrkulację atmosferyczną w basenie Morza Arktycznego – zmodyfikowany dipol arktyczny (zDA), będący miesięczną różnicą ciśnienia między rejonem Morza Beauforta a rejonem Tajmyru. Występowanie dodatnich faz zDA porządkuje i przyspiesza dryf lodów z mórz Wschodniosyberyjskiego, Czukockiego i zachodniej części Morza Beauforta oraz centralnych części Morza Arktycznego w kierunku Cieśniny Frama. Po roku 1999 gwałtownie wzrosła częstość występowania ekstremalnie dodatnich faz zDA, wydłużył się również czas ich występowania. W latach 1979-2007 zmiany charakteru cyrkulacji atmosferycznej opisanej przez zDA objaśniają ~42% zmienności rocz-nej powierzchni lodów w Arktyce i 46% zmienności powierzchni zlodzonej we wrześniu, czyli miesiącu, w którym zaznacza się minimum rozwoju lodów morskich. We wschodnich sektorach Arktyki działanie zDA pociąga za sobą wzrost częstości i intensywności adwekcji z południa, co powoduje również wzrost temperatury powietrza. Oszacowano, że gwałtowny wzrost wartości zDA, jaki nastąpił w roku 2007 wymusił, wraz ze zmniejszeniem się powierzchni lodów morskich, wzrost temperatury powietrza na stacjach wybrzeża Morza Czukockiego o ~1.3°C, na Morzu Beauforta o ~1.5°C. Taki stan wskazuje, że obecnie obserwowany gwałtowny spadek powierzchni lodów morskich w Arktyce nie stanowi rezultatu działania efektu cieplarnianego, lecz wzrost temperatury powietrza i spadek powierzchni lodów stanowi rezultat zachodzących zmian w cyrkulacji atmosferycznej nad Arktyką.
The observed, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, rapid decrease both in sea ice extent and its area in the Arctic raise a question regarding the real spectrum of reasons influencing this process. A number of works indicate that the increase in the air temperature in the Arctic resulting from the greenhouse effect, is not responsible for the decrease in sea ice cover but the reduction of the ice cover is one of the main causes of the increase in temperature. The aim of this article is to analyse the influence of atmospheric circulation on the process of reduction of the sea ice cover area in the Arctic in the same period. The break of the so far observed correlations between the AO and air temperature (see Overland and Wang 2005, Graversen 2006, Maslanik et al. 2007) indicates that the reason for the decrease in sea ice area should be searched in the activity of other circulation patterns than AO. Starting with the Wu, Wang and Walsh notion of the Arctic Dipole and carrying out simulation of the directions and rate of the drifting ice, a conclusion can be drawn that a simple index being a modification of the ‘Arctic Dipole’ formulated by Wu et al. 2006 (notation zDA) can be used to describe the maximum effectiveness of the transport of ice from the Arctic and the ‘cleaning’ of the Pacific Arctic from ice (the East Siberian, Chukcha and Beaufort seas). This index can be calculated as a standardised difference between SLP between the Beaufort Sea centre and the Tajmyr centre (see Fig. 4). The presence of strong positive phases of zDA (see Fig. 5) is followed by a rapid increase in the export of ice from the Arctic and results in the decrease in the amount of many-year ice in the structure of the Arctic sea ice cover. The ice is then moved away from the coast of east Siberia and Alaska and equally fast moves along the great circle, along the Transarctic Current reaching the Fram Strait at the end. The presence of strong negative phase of zDA (see Fig. 5B) and the neutral phase (see Fig. 5C) creates favourable conditions for the increase in many-year ice in the sea ice cover and restricts the export of ice from the Arctic. In the period between 1949-2007 a gradual increase in time with the extreme positive phases of zDA (zDA . 1 .n) is observed, and the especially strong increase in the frequency of occurrence of extremely positive phases of zDA is noted in the years of the 21st century (see Fig. 6 and 7). The coefficient of correlation between sea ice extent in the Arctic in August and the number of months in a year with anomalously positive phases of zDA is equal –0.62 (p < 0.001, n = 27; 1979-2007). The same correlation with the annual ice area in the Arctic equals (–0.50, p < 0.008). The analysis of correlation of monthly differences in pressure (non-standardized) between the centre of the Beaufort Sea and the centre of the Tajmyr (notation DP) and the ice area in the Arctic indicates that statistically significant correlations occur if the periods they are averaged for, are longer (see Table 1). The condition is that the averaged period DP started earlier than the averaged sea ice area. The analysis of regression shows that in order to obtain a good model describing minimal (September) or mean annual sea ice extent in the Arctic the DP values from March, when the sea ice extent is the largest, should be taken into consideration as one of the independent variables. This gives explanation of the situation that for longer reduction of sea ice area during the summer season, atmospheric circulation favourable for ice export must appear with great advance (equations [1] and [2]). Changes in DP in the years 1979-2007 explain 42% of variances of mean annual sea ice area and 46% of minimal variances (September) in ice area in the Arctic. As the changes in sea ice area are controlled by the auto-regression process, the occurrence of the increased frequency of extremely positive zDA phases in the following years starting from 1988 (see Fig. 7), especially intensive in the years 2003, 2005 and 2007 resulted in the extreme record of minima of sea ice area, not noted before. The atmospheric circulation described with zDA index forces the flow of air from the south to the Beaufort, Chukcha, East Siberian and Laptev seas (see Fig. 5A and Fig. 14). This direction of advection should lead to the increase in surface air temperature (SAT) over the coasts of the above mentioned sea areas. Strong increases in annual SAT can be observed at the stations located on the coasts of the above mentioned seas. The monthly distribution of SAT values indicates especially strong increases in the months from the end of summer and autumn (see Fig. 10-12). The analysis of correlations between DP and monthly SAT at the stations located in that part of the Arctic (see Table 2) indicates the presence of generally weak correlations between the monthly values of DP and SAT. During winter season at the stations located in the western part of the analysed region (Laptev Sea: Kotielyj Island, Mys Shalaurov) the correlations are negative which means that with the increase in differences of pressure between the region of the Beauforf Sea and the region of the Tajmyr (increase zDA) SAT decreases there (in January these correlations are statistically significant). This state can be explained as resulting from advection of air cooled to a great extent over the Siberia. Positive correlations between SAT and DP can be observed at the remaining stations in December, January and February, i.e. in the period when the short wave radiation is scarce, almost null or null and the solid/fast ice reaches the coast line. There is no other explanation of this phenomenon then as the effect of advectional increase in temperature. Similar positive correlations between DP (and in this way also zDA) and the air temperature are observed over the entire analysed region in the summer months and at the beginning of autumn (July-September). At a number of stations in particular months these correlations are statistically not significant, reaching their maximum value at Vrangel Island (in August; r = +0.6; see Fig. 13). As the analysis indicates the summer and early autumn correlations are the direct effect of advection as well as indirect effect of zDA resulting in the area in the coastal waters free from ice. The increase in zDA is accompanied by the visible increase in SST in the summer and early autumn months, which consequently results in the increase in SAT in October. If the correlations between monthly temperature and DP are statistically significant then it is possible to carry out the analysis of regression. This analysis indicates that in the year 2007 in which zDA reached in the period from April to September extremely high values (see Fig.14), the increase in SAT which is influenced by atmospheric circulation, can be estimated as +0.9°C at Vrangel Island and +1.5°C in relation to mean many-year value at Barrow station. Thus, the influence of the atmospheric circulation defined by the zDA index in the Pacific sector of the Arctic indicates synergy – results both in the decrease in the sea ice area as well as in the increase in air temperature. Large restriction of sea ice area over summer season in these sea areas intensifies, in turn, the increase in SAT. The carried out analysis indicates that the observed changes in the area and age structure of the sea ice in the Arctic at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries and during the first years of the 21st century are mainly connected with the activity of natural processes. The role of the greenhouse effect controlling the changes in sea ice cover of the Arctic, as the analysis shows, has been overestimated.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2008, 18; 7-33
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ cyrkulacji środkowotroposferycznej na temperaturę powietrza w północnej Kanadzie i na Alasce
The influence of the mid-tropospheric atmospheric circulation on the air temperature in Northern Canada and Alaska
Marsz, A. A.
Styszyńska, A.
Zblewski, S.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
Arktyka Kanadyjska
Zatoka Baffina
cyrkulacja atmosferyczna
makrotypy Wangengejma-Girsa
Canadian Arctic
Baffin Bay
air temperature
Wangengejm-Girs macro-types
atmospheric circulation
Praca omawia wpływ zmian frekwencji „pacyficzno-amerykańskich” makrotypów cyrkulacji środkowotroposferycznej Wangengejma-Girsa na kształtowanie się temperatury powietrza na obszarze północnej Kanady i Alaski (> 60°N). Związki te analizowano w przekrojach miesięcznych i rocznych, w latach 1986-2010. Stwierdzono występowanie na ogół słabych związków, wykazujących dodatkowo wyraźne zróżnicowanie sezo-nowe i regionalne. Te na ogół słabe w przekrojach miesięcznych związki wynikają z niewielkiego zróżnicowania kierunków adwekcji stowarzyszonych z występowaniem poszczególnych makrotypów. Na obszarze leżącym na E od 125°W dla każdego z występujących makrotypów charakterystyczna jest dominacja napływów z północy. Związki temperatury rocznej z cyrkulacją środkowotroposferyczną różnicują się w zależności od rozmiarów zmian temperatury. W badanym okresie na obszarze położonym na W od 125°W temperatura roczna nie wykazuje statystycznie istotnego trendu (+0,022(š0,020)°Cźrok-1), a na E od tej długości występuje silny i istotny trend (+0,135(š0,025)°Cźrok-1). Na całym obszarze zmiany temperatury rocznej objaśnia zmienność frekwencji makro-typu Z w styczniu, przy czym na obszarze na W od 125°W objaśnienie to jest niewielkie (~31% zmienności), na E od 125°W zmienność frekwencji tego makrotypu objaśnia ~49% rocznej wariancji temperatury rocznej. W rów-naniu regresji wielokrotnej, której zmiennymi niezależnymi są frekwencje makrotypu Z w styczniu oraz makrotypu M1 w lipcu i wrześniu, zmienność frekwencji wymienionych makrotypów objaśnia 69% wariancji temperatury rocznej, jaka występuje na wschód od 125°W. Analiza wykazuje, że wzrost temperatury na całym obszarze jest związany z ujemnym trendem występującym we frekwencji makrotypu Z w styczniu i zastępowaniem go przez makrotyp M2, a na środkowej i wschodniej części obszaru dodatkowo z dodatnim trendem frekwencji makrotypu M1 w lipcu i wrześniu. Spadek frekwencji makrotypu Z w styczniu nie jest monotoniczny, gwałtowny spadek frekwencji tego makrotypu zaznaczył się w latach 1995-1996. Spadkowi frekwencji tego makrotypu odpowiada wzrost temperatury powietrza na wschód od 125°W o 2 deg. Najbardziej prawdopodobną przyczyną tej zmiany cyrkulacji środkowotroposfe-rycznej jest występujący w tym samym czasie spadek powierzchni lodów morskich na Zatoce Baffina. Ogólnie, zmiany temperatury rocznej na obszarze Alaski i północnej Kanady w latach 1986-2010 są niemal całkowicie objaśnione przez zachodzące w tym samym czasie zmiany cyrkulacji środkowotroposferycznej.
The paper discusses the influence of the frequency of "Pacific-American" Wangengejma-Girs macro-types of mid-tropospheric circulation on the air temperature in the area of northern Canada and Alaska (> 60°N). These correlations were analyzed monthly and annually, the period of analysis covered the years of 1986-2010. Generally weak correlations were found which also showed clear seasonal and regional variations. Generally weak links between the monthly frequency of macro-types and the air temperature result from a slight variation in directions of advection above the described area associated with the occurrence of the particular macro-types. In the area located to the E of 125°W the dominance of the inflows from the north is characteristic for each of the observed macro-types. Relationships of annual temperature with the mid-tropospheric circulation vary depending on the temperature changes in the analyzed area. In the area located W of 125° annual temperature during the examined period does not show a statistically significant trend (0.022 (š 0.020)°Cź year-1), E of this longitude there is a strong and significant trend (0.135 (š 0.025)°Cźyear-1). Changeability in the frequency of the macro-type Z in January explains the changes in the annual temperature in the entire area but in the area W of 125°W the explanation is small (~31% of the variation), in the area E of 125°W the changeability in the frequency of that macro-type explains ~49% of the annual variation of annual temperature. In the multiple regression equation where the frequencies of the macro-type Z in January and the macro-type M1 in July and September are the independent variables, the variability of frequency of the said macro-types explains 69% of the annual temperature variation which is observed east of 125°W. The analysis shows that the temperature rise in the whole area is associated with a negative trend in the frequency of the macro-type Z in January and its replacement by the macro-type M2, and in the central and eastern part of the area it is also associated with the positive trend in the frequency of the macro-type M1 in July and September. The decrease in the frequency of the macro-type Z in January is not monotonic, the sudden drop in the frequency of this macro-type was observed in 1995-1996. The decrease in the frequency of this macro-type is accompanied by the visible increase in the air temperature by 2 degrees E of 125° at the same time. The most likely cause of this change in the mid-tropospheric circulation is, the observed at the same time, decrease in sea ice in the Baffin Bay. Generally, the changes in the annual tempe-rature in the region of Alaska and Northern Canada in the years 1986-2010 are almost entirely explained by the changes in the mid-tropospheric circulation observed at the same time.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2012, 22; 117-151
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany zlodzenia Morza Karskiego w latach 1979-2015. Podejście systemowe
Changes of sea ice extent on the Kara Sea in the years 1979-2015. System approach
Styszyńska, A.
Marsz, A. A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
pokrywa lodowa
zmiany powierzchni lodów
temperatura powietrza
temperatura wody powierzchniowej
Morze Karskie
Atlantyk Północny
ice cover
changes in sea-ice extent
air temperature
sea surface temperature
Kara Sea
North Atlantic
Praca omawia zmiany powierzchni lodów na Morzu Karskim i mechanizmy tych zmian. Scharakteryzowano przebieg zmian zlodzenia, ustalając momenty skokowego zmniejszenia się letniej powierzchni lodów. Rozpatrzono wpływ cyrkulacji atmosferycznej, zmian temperatury powietrza i zmian zasobów ciepła w wodach na zmiany zlodzonej tego morza. Analizy wykazały, że wszystkie zmienne opisujące zarówno stan zlodzenia jak i stan elementów klimatycznych są ze sobą wzajemnie powiązane przez różnego rodzaju sprzężenia zwrotne. W rezultacie tworzy się rekurentny system, w którym zmiany powierzchni lodów, wpływając na przebieg innych elementów systemu (temperaturę powietrza, temperaturę wody powierzchniowej) w znacznej części same sterują swoim rozwojem. Zmiennością całego tego systemu sterują zmiany intensywności cyrkulacji termohalinowej (THC) na Atlantyku Północnym, dostarczając do niego zmienne ilości energii (ciepła). Reakcja systemu zlodzenia Morza Karskiego na zmiany natężenia THC następuje z 6.letnim opóźnieniem.
The work discusses the changes in the ice extent on the Kara Sea in the years 1979-2015, i.e. in the period for which there are reliable satellite data. The analysis is based on the average monthly ice extent taken from the database AANII (RF, St. Peterburg). 95% of the variance of average annual ice extent explains the variability of the average of ice extent in ‘warm' season (July-October). Examination of features of auto-regressive course of changes in ice extent shows that the extent of the melting ice area between June and July (marked in the text RZ07-06) can reliably predict the ice extent on the Kara Sea in August, September, October and November as well as the average ice extent in a given year. Thus the changes in ice extent can be treated as a result of changes occurring within the system. Analysis of the relationship of changes in ice extent and variable RZ07-06 with the features of atmospheric circulation showed that only changes in atmospheric circulation in the Fram Strait (Dipole Fram Strait; variable DCF03-08) have a statistically significant impact on changes in ice extent on the Kara Sea and variable RZ07-06. The analysis shows no significant correlation with changes in ice extent or AO (Arctic Oscillation), or NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation). Variable RZ07-06 and variable DCF03-08 are strongly correlated and their changes follow the same pattern. Analysis of the relationship of changes in ice extent and variable RZ07-06 with changes in air temperature (the SAT) showed the presence of strong relationships. These correlations differ significantly depending on the region; they are much stronger with changes in air temperature in the north than in the south of the Kara Sea. Temperature of cold period (average temperature from November to April over the Kara Sea, marked 6ST11-04) has a significant effect on the thickness of the winter ice and in this way the thickness of ice in the next melting season becomes part of the "memory" (retention) of past temperature conditions. The thickness of the winter ice has an impact on the value of the variable RZ07-06 and on changes in ice extent during the next ‘warm’ season. As a result, 6ST11-04 explains 62% of the observed variance of the annual ice extent on the Kara Sea. SAT variability in the warm period over the Kara Sea (the average of the period July-October, marked 6ST07-10) explains 73% of the variance of annual ice extent. SAT variability of the N part of the Kara Sea (Ostrov Vize, Ostrov Golomjannyj), which explains 72-73% of the variance ice extent during this period, has particularly strong impact on changes in ice extent during warm period. These stations are located in the area where the transformed Atlantic Waters import heat to the Kara Sea. Analysis of the impact of changes in sea surface temperature (SST) variability on sea ice extent indicated that changes in SST are the strongest factor that has influence on ice extent. The variability of annual SST explains 82% of the variance of annual ice extent and 58% of the variance of the variable RZ07-06. Further analysis showed that the SAT period of warm and annual SAT on the Kara Sea are functions of the annual SST (water warmer than the air) but also ice extent. On the other hand, it turns out that the SST is in part a function of ice extent. All variables describing the ice extent and its changes as well as variables describing the nature of the elements of hydro-climatic conditions affecting the changes in ice extent (atmospheric circulation, SAT, SST) are strongly and highly significantly related (Table 9) and change in the same pattern. In this way, the existence of recursion system is detected where the changes in ice extent eventually have influence on ‘each other’ with some time shift. The occurrence of recursion in the system results in very strong autocorrelation in the course of inter-annual changes in ice extent. Despite the presence of recursion, factors most influencing change in ice extent, i.e. the variability in SST (83% of variance explanations) and variability in SAT were found by means of multiple regression analysis and analysis of variance. Their combined impact explains 89% of the variance of the annual ice extent on the Kara Sea and 85% of the variance of ice extent in the warm period. The same rhythm of changes suggests that the system is controlled by an external factor coming from outside the system. The analyses have shown that this factor is the variability in the intensity of the thermohaline circulation (referred to as THC) on the North Atlantic, characterized by a variable marked by DG3L acronym. Correlation between the THC signal and the ice extent and hydro-climatic variables are stretched over long periods of time (Table 10). The system responds to changes in the intensity of THC with a six-year delay, the source comes from the tropical North Atlantic. Variable amounts of heat (energy) supplied to the Arctic by ocean circulation change heat resources in the waters and in SST. This factor changes the ice extent and sizes of heat flux from the ocean to the atmosphere and the nature of the atmospheric circulation, as well as the value of the RZ07-06 variable, which determines the rate of ice melting during the ‘warm’ season. A six-year delay in response of the Kara Sea ice extent to the THC signal, compared to the known values of DG3L index to the year 2016, allows the approximate estimates of changes in ice extent of this sea by the year 2023. In the years 2017 to 2020 a further rapid decrease in ice extent will be observed during the ‘warm' period (July-October), in this period in the years 2020-2023 ice free conditions on the Kara Sea will prevail. Ice free navigation will continue from the last decade of June to the last decade of October in the years 2020-2023. Since the THC variability includes the longterm, 70-year component of periodicity, it allows to assume that by the year 2030 the conditions of navigation in the Kara Sea will be good, although winter ice cover will reappear.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2016, 26; 109-156
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozmiary i przebieg współczesnego ocieplenia Arktyki w rejonie mórz Barentsa i Karskiego
Dimension and course of the present warming of the Arctic in the region of the Barents and Kara seas
Marsz, A. A.
Styszyńska, A.
Zblewski, S.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
współczesne ocieplenie
temperatura powietrza
trendy temperatury powietrza
temperatura powierzchni morza
wody atlantyckie
delta Golfsztromu
Morze Barentsa
Morze Karskie
present warming
air temperature
sea surface temperature
Atlantic waters
Gulf Stream
Barents Sea
Kara sea
Celem pracy była analiza rozmiarów i przebiegu współczesnego (1980-2007) ocieplenia wschod-niej części Arktyki Atlantyckiej w rejonie mórz Barentsa i Karskiego. Stwierdzono, że w tym okresie ocieplenie posiadało charakter pulsacyjny, składało się z kolejnych, coraz silniejszych wzrostów temperatury powietrza, oddzielanych od siebie okresami ochłodzeń. Poszczególnym fazom ocieplenia odpowiadają wzrosty transportu ciepłych wód atlantyckich do Morza Barentsa i wzrosty temperatury powierzchni morza (SST). Najwyraźniejsze fazy ocieplenia wystąpiły w latach 1988-1990 i 2002-2007. Najsilniejsze wzrosty temperatury zaznaczyły się w za-chodniej i północno-zachodniej części obszaru, najsłabsze na południowych wybrzeżach mórz Barentsa i Karskiego. Wzrost rocznej temperatury powietrza między okresami 1980-1982 a 2005-2007 może być szacowany na około 5°C w północo-zachodniej części obszaru (N i NW część Morza Barentsa) do około 1.5°C na południowo-wschod-nich wybrzeżach Morza Barentsa i południowo-zachodnich wybrzeżach Morza Karskiego. Analiza trendów wyka-zała, że statystycznie istotne trendy roczne występują jedynie na północnych i zachodnich skrajach badanego obszaru. W trendach sezonowych największą liczbę statystycznie istotnych trendów na poszczególnych stacjach obserwuje się latem. Średnie obszarowe trendy są jednakowe jesienią, zimą i wiosną (+0.065°Cźrok-1), wyraźnie niższe latem (+0.044°Cźrok-1), istotne statystycznie od wiosny do jesieni, nieistotne zimą. Analiza trendów mie-sięcznych wykazuje, że obraz, jaki daje analiza trendów sezonowych wiosny (III-V), lata (VI-VIII), jesieni (IX-XI) i zimy (XII-II) nie daje rzeczywistego obrazu rozkładu zmian temperatury w czasie. Wartości trendów miesięcznych rozłożone są skrajnie nierównomiernie, w okresie od listopada do stycznia oraz w kwietniu średnie wartości tren-dów na omawianym obszarze są większe od 0.1°Cźrok-1, w pozostałych miesiącach zawierają się w granicach od +0.020 (luty) do +0.052°Cźrok-1 (sierpień). Główną przyczyną obserwowanych zmian temperatury powietrza w rejonie obu mórz jest wzrost zasobów ciepła w wodach atlantyckich transportowanych do Arktyki z tropików i subtropików przez cyrkulację oceaniczną. Wzrost zasobów ciepła w wodach kierowanych z delty Golfsztromu na północ prowadzi z 1-4 letnim opóźnieniem do wzrostu SST i spadku powierzchni lodów na Morzu Barentsa, w mniejszym stopniu na Morzu Karskim. Oba czynniki (zmiany SST i zmiany powierzchni lodów) regulują następnie temperaturę powietrza, głównie poprzez wpływ na rozmiary strumieni ciepła z powierzchni morza do atmosfery. Znaczny wpływ na modyfikowanie zmian temperatury powietrza w stosunku do zmian wymuszanych przez zmiany SST ma regionalna cyrkulacja atmosferyczna, natomiast hemisferyczna (Oscylacja Arktyczna) i makroregionalna (NAO) mody cyrkulacyjne wywierają w rozpatrywanym okresie znikomy wpływ na zmiany temperatury powietrza, zmiany SST i zmiany powierzchni lodów morskich na morzach Barentsa i Karskim.
The aim of this work is the analysis of the dimensions and the course of contemporary (1980-2007) warming of the east part of the Atlantic Arctic in the region of the Barents and Kara seas (fig. 1, tab. 1). It has been noted that the warming in that period had pulsating character, was made up of consecutive stronger and stronger increases in air temperature, separated from each other by cooling periods (fig. 4, 6-7). The increase in the transport of warm Atlantic waters into the Barents Sea and the increase in SST (sea surface temperature) of this sea correspond to the subsequent phases of warming. The most significant phases of warming were noted in the years 1988-1990 and 2002-2007 (fig. 4). The strongest increases in temperature were marked in the west and north- west part of this region and the weakest in the south coast of the Barents and Kara seas (fig. 6-7). The annual increase in air temperature between the periods 1980-1982 and 2005-2007 may be estimated as about 5°C in the north-west part of this region (N and NW part of the Barents Sea) and as 1.5°C in the south-east coast of the Barents Sea and south – west coast of the Kara Sea (fig. 8). The analysis of trends indicated that the statistically significant annual trends are only observed in the north and west parts of the examined region (fig. 9-10). The greatest number of statistically significant trends in seasonal trends at the observed stations was noted in summer (table 2). The mean regional trends are equal in autumn, winter and spring (+0.065°Cźyear-1), significantly lower in summer (+0.044°Cźyear-1), statistically significant from spring to autumn and not significant in winter. The analysis of monthly trends indicated that the picture obtained from the analysis of seasonal trends (spring – III-V, summer – VI-VIII, autumn – IX-XI, winter – XII-II) does not reflect the real picture of the distribution of changes in temperature in time. The values of monthly trends are distributed in an extremely uneven way, in the period from November to January and in April the mean values of trends in the examined region are larger than 0.1°C year-1 and in the remaining months can be found within the limits from +0.020 (February) to +0.052°C year-1 (August) - see table 3. The main reason for the observed changes in air temperature in the region of both seas can be attributed to the increase in heat resources in the Atlantic waters transported to the Arctic from the tropics and sub-tropics with the oceanic circulation. The increase in heat resources in the waters imported north from the Gulf Stream, leads to the increase, delayed by 1-4 year in SST and to the decrease in the sea ice cover of the Barents Sea and, to a lesser extent, of the Kara Sea (tab. 4-6, fig. 13 and 15). Both factors (changes in SST and changes in sea ice extent) further control the air temperature mainly via the influence on the size of flow from the sea surface to the atmosphere. Great influence on the modification of changes in air temperature in relation to changes forced by changes in SST has the regional atmospheric circulation, whereas the hemispherical (AO) and macro-regional (NAO) circulation modes have little influence on the changes in air temperature, on changes in SST and on changes in sea ice extent of the Barents and Kara seas.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2008, 18; 35-67
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O "arktycznych" i "atlantyckich" mechanizmach sterujących zmiennością temperatury powietrza na obszarze Europy i północo-zachodniej Azji
On "Arctic" and "Atlantic" mechanisms controlling the changeability in air temperature in the region of Europe and NW Asia
Marsz, A. A.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
zmiany temperatury powietrza
zmiany temperatury wody powierzchniowej
Oscylacja Eurazjatycka
Arktyka Atlantycka
NW Azja
Atlantyk Północny
NW Asia
changes in pressure
changes in air temperature
Praca omawia wpływ zmian ciśnienia atmosferycznego w Arktyce Atlantyckiej (dalej AA) na kształtowanie zmienności temperatury powietrza na obszarze Europy (na N od 40°N) i NW Azji (do 120°E). Wpływ zmian ciśnienia w AA na temperaturę powietrza zaznacza się we wszystkich, z wyjątkiem czerwca, miesiącach roku, tworząc charakterystyczny cykl z maksimum siły oddziaływania zimą. Zimowe (01-03) zmiany ciśnienia w AA objaśniają od kilkunastu do ponad 60% zmienności temperatury rocznej (z maksimum na obszarze wokół-bałtyckim; 1951-2000). W pracy analizuje się współdziałanie zmian ciśnienia w Arktyce Atlantyckiej ze zmianami ciśnienia w Wyżu Syberyjskim w kształtowaniu zmienności temperatury powietrza na obszarze Europy i NW Azji. Dyskutuje się również kwestie związków zmian ciśnienia w AA z NAO, AO oraz frekwencją makrotypów cyrkulacji środkowotroposferycznej wg klasyfikacji Wangengejma-Girsa. Wyniki analiz wykazują, że o zimowych zmianach ciśnienia w AA decyduje wcześniejszy rozkład zasobów ciepła w wodach Atlantyku Północnego.
The research on relations between climatic elements of Europe and the Arctic has indicated that there are significant correlations between changes in atmospheric pressure in the Atlantic part of the Arctic and air temperature in northern Europe and NW Asia. The strongest correlations are observed between changes in pressure over relatively small area of the Atlantic part of the Arctic (72.5 - 80.0°N, 10.0 - 25.0°E), in addition, the point over which changes in pressure explain most of changes in air temperature is located 75.0°N, 015.0°E. Pressure at this point is further referred as P[75,15] with an index denoting a month (e.g. P[75,15]03 denotes mean pressure in March and P[75,15]01-03 defines mean pressure at this point from the period January till March). Over the Atlantic part of the Arctic within the pressure area there is no marked climatic centre which could be regarded as the centre of atmospheric activity. The research made use of monthly series of SLP values (reanalysis: set NOAA.NCEP-NCAR. CDAS-1.MONTHLY.Intrinsic.MSL.pressure) and the values of monthly air temperature from 211 stations (Fig. 1). The observational period common for both elements covers 50 years, i.e. the period from January 1951 to December 2000. The character of correlations between P[75,15] and air temperature in the following months, from June to May, and their spatial distribution have been presented by isocorrelates maps (Fig. 2). Changes in the strength of correlations between P[75,15] and the temperature over Europe and NW Asia form a clear annual cycle interrupted in June. In June the correlations between P[75,15] and air temperature became very weak and not significant over the most of the area and not continuous in space. During the months after June these correlations got stronger and stronger reaching their maximum during cold season (from November to April). This maximum is located in the region adjacent to the Baltic Sea, where annual and winter (01-03) changes in P[75,15] explain from more than 60% to 50% of annual temperature variances (Fig. 3) The strongest correlation between P[75,15] and air temperature in Siberia is located N of Baikal, where winter (01-03) changes in P[75,15] explain 43-45% of annual temperature variances. At the end of the cold season a visible delay of the decrease in the strength of correlation is observed in the region of Siberia in relation to the European region (in Europe after March, in Siberia after April). Variability in winter and annual values of pressure at 75°N, 015°E also indicates relatively strong correlations with the changeability in temperature of the warmest month in the year in the west and central region of Europe. The annual variability in P[75,15] explains from 40% to 30% changeability of maximum temperature in the region extending from the Atlantic coast of France to central Germany. This belt extends farther east towards the Baltic Sea. The latter correlation has not been explained in this work. The analysis of correlations of changes in pressure at 75°N, 15°E with NAO indicates to the occurrence of statistically significant correlations during months of cold season in the year (October - March, May and June; Tab. 2). Similar analysis of correlations of changes in P[75,15] with AO index (Arctic Oscillation) shows strong and highly statistically significant correlations in all months of the year with maximum falling in January and February. Annual changes in P[75,15], i.e. in pressure at one point explain 73% annual changeability in AO index (r = 0.86) and the winter changeability in (December - March) P[75,15] explains 78% of winter changeability in AO index (r = 0.88) which is the first vector EOF of pressure field (1000 hPa) covering the area from 20°N to the North Pole (90°N), that is the most area of the Northern Hemisphere. This analysis shows that the changes in pressure at the point 75°N, 15°E result in intensification of cyclogenesis over west and central part of the North Atlantic and the consequent long waves (waves of W type following Wangengejm-Girs classification) cause that anticyclones formed over the Atlantic will direct towards Fram Strait through the region of Iceland. The above process has nothing or almost nothing to do with the form of changeability in polar strato-spheric eddy, as assumed by Tomphson and Wallace (1998, 2000, Thompson, Wallace, Hegerl 2000) to be essential for the Arctic Oscillation functioning. Occurrence of correlations between P[75,15] and air temperature over vast areas from 10°W to 130°E suggests that also changes in pressure in the Siberian High are engaged in this process. Theanalysis shows that in a yearly process, changes in pressure in the Atlantic part of the Arctic and in the Siberian High occur in opposite phases (see Tab.1). Barometric gradient between the Atlantic part of the Arctic and the Siberian High becomes extremely strong during the cold season of the year contributing to "pumping" air from eastern Europe to the far end of the Siberia. During the summer season the gradient becomes very weak as the about-turn takes place. The cooperation of changes in pressure in the Atlantic part of the Arctic and pressure in region located farther Baikal -- Mongolia results in very strong oscillation which partly can be identified with Euro-Asian Oscillation (Monahan et al. 2000). During winter season interannual changes in pressure in the Siberian High are relatively small and explain 10.4% variances of barometric gradient between P[75,15] and point 45°N, 110°E (the region of the centre of the Siberian High), whereas the interannual changes in P[75,15] explain 77.5% of variances in this gradient. This means that in the cold season of the year the intensity of air transfer from the west towards Asian land depends on variability in pressure in the Atlantic part of the Arctic. Because in the months of the cold season of the year NAO is the strongest and significantly correlated with changes in P[75,15] therefore, a two-element, with the same phase "conveyor belt" is formed, which during positive phases of NAO transfers the air from over the Atlantic to Europe (NAO) and then towards and into the Siberia (Euro-Asian Oscillation). P[75,15] during cold season months of the year (01-03) indicates statistically significant negative trend (-0.153 hPa/year; p < 0.006) which enables to state that the observed, over the years 1951-2000, increase in air temperature in the Siberia can be, in great extent, attributed to the activity of the above described circulation mechanism. The analysis of reasons for interannual changes in P[75,15] has indicated that there are strong and significant correlations between variability in P[75,15] and the earlier variability in the thermal conditions of the Atlantic Ocean. A very important role in this relation plays thermal condition of three sea areas, i.e. waters of the subtropical region of central part of the North Atlantic (characterized by SST anomalies in grid 34°N, 40°W from August and September), waters of the middle latitudes zone of the central part of the North Atlantic (characterized by SST anomalies from August and September in grid 54°N, 30°W) and waters of the North Atlantic Current from the approach to the Farero-Shetland Passage (characterized by SST anomalies from January and April in grid 60°N, 10°W). Thermal state of these three sea water areas (see formulas [1] and [2]) explains 58% changeability in P[75,15] which will be observed in the following winter (DJFM). The cause of the described correlation is attributed to the fact that the earlier thermal state of the above mentioned sea areas controls the occurrence of long waves, of W and E Wangengejm-Girs type during the following winter. Further, these waves influence the occurrence of low cyclones over the Atlantic part of the Arctic during winter resulting in adequate changes in mean monthly pressure. As a result, it can be stated that the interannual variability in air temperature over vast areas of Europe and over NW Asia is influenced by the processes observed over the North Atlantic and the Atlantic part of the Arctic. The research covers years 1971-2003 (ano-malies in SST taken from 1970-2002) due to the fact that the data have been not only accessible and reliable but also homogeneous with respect to climatological data of SST (CACSST data set (Reynolds and Roberts 1987, Reynolds 1988) and SST OI v.1. (Reynolds et al. 2002).
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2006, 16; 47-89
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
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Biblioteka Nauki
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