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Zlodzenie Hornsundu i wód przyległych (Spitsbergen) w sezonie zimowym 2011-2012
Ice conditions in Hornsund and adjacent waters (Spitsbergen) during winter season 2011-2012
Kruszewski, G.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
temperatura powietrza
air temperature
W pracy przedstawiono zróżnicowanie warunków meteorologicznych jakie występuje latem w rejonie Bellsundu. Analizą objęto okres od 23 czerwca do 1 września 2011 roku. Długość serii pomiarowej wynika z terminu rozpoczęcia i zakończenia Wyprawy UMCS na Spitsbergen. W pracy przeanalizowano zmienność temperatury powietrza oraz kierunku i prędkości wiatru na stacjach Calypsobyen i Akseloya. W badanym czasie na stacji Akseloya dominuje wiatr NE, a subdominuje wiatr z SW, natomiast na stacji Calypsobyen odpowiednio wiatry z ENE i NW. Na obu stacjach średnie prędkości wiatru są zbliżone. Przy wszystkich kierunkach wiatru, poza sektorem SW, temperatura powietrza na stacji Akseloya jest wyższa niż na Calypsobyen. Największe różnice temperatury występują przy wiatrach z ESE (4,3 deg). Występowanie wyraźnego ocieplenia na stacji Akseloya przy wiatrach z sektora E – SSE wiązać należy ze zjawiskami fenowymi.
The paper presents a variation of meteorological conditions that are observed during summer in the region of Bellsund. The analysis covered the period from 21 June to 1 September 2011. The length of the measurement series results from the date of commencement and completion of UMCS Expedition to Spitsbergen. The paper examines the variability of air temperature and wind direction and speed at the Calypsobyen and Akseloya stations. In the analyzed period, NE wind dominates at the Akseloya station and SW wind sub-dominates there whereas at the Calypsobyen station winds from ENE and NW respectively. The average wind speeds at both stations are similar. For all wind directions, outside the SW sector, the air temperature at the Akseloya station is higher than at the Calypsobyen station. The largest temperature differences occur when winds from ESE (4.3 deg) are observed. The presence of visible warming at the Akseloya station during winds from the E-SSE sector should be associated with the phenomenon of foehn winds.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2013, 23; 169-179
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zmian temperatury powierzchni oceanu na Morzu Norweskim na temperaturę powietrza na Svalbardzie i Jan Mayen (1982-2002)
The influence of the changes in sea surface temperature of the Norwegian Sea on the air temperature at Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1982-2002)
Kruszewski, G.
Marsz, A. A.
Zblewski, S.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
temperatury powietrza
temperatury powierzchni oceanu
Morze Norweskie
air temperature
sea surface temperature
Norwegian Sea
This work deals with correlations between SST in the Norwegian Sea and air temperature at selected stations located in the Atlantic sector of Arctic (Bjornoya, Hornsund, Svalbard-Lufthavn, Ny Alesund and Jan Mayen). The southern and central parts of the Norwegian Sea show the strongest correlation with the air temperature at the above mentioned stations, whereas the northern parts of this sea show weaker correlation. Apart from synchronic correlations (occurring in the same months) asynchronic correlations have been found. The latter are generally much stronger than the synchronic ones. The predominant influence on the changes in air temperature at the stations have the winter SST (JFMA) in the central part of the Norwegian Sea (grid 2° x 2°, 67°N, 010°E). These winter SST show quite strong correlations with monthly air temperature at Bjornoya, Hornsund, Svalbard-Lufthavn and Jan Mayen in July, August and September. At Ny Alesund station the period with statistically significant correlation between the air temperature and the winter SST is limited to September. The strongest correlation can be observed in August (see Table 4). The observed correlations result from modification in atmospheric circulation, caused by increased heat volume in the Norwegian Sea. Such modification is reflected in the increased frequency of occurrence of meridional atmospheric circulation, which is accompanied by the increase in the frequency of air advection from the S to this sector of Arctica. Some correlations which show more significant time shift have also been observed (see Table 5). Winter SST indicate positive correlations with air temperature observed at Bjornoya and Horn-sund in August and September the following year and at Svalbard-Lufthavn in September. At Ny Alesund station the coefficients of correlation with the air temperature in the following year are increased but they do not reach the statistically significant level. Another period with statistically significant correlations is November and December the following year; significant correlations with winter SST occur at Bjornoya (r = 0.71) and all stations located on Spitsbergen (r = 0.57). The correlations of SST with air temperature observed at Jan Mayen the following year are different, i.e. the presence of strong correlations is limited to summer season - July, August and September (r ~ 0.6). The correlations with winter SST occurring in November and December the following year is connected with warm masses carried to this region together with waters with the West Spitsbergen Current. Correlations between SST and air temperature present in summer and at the end of summer the following year may probably be influenced by the modification of atmospheric circulation. The only significant correlation with summer (July and August) SST indicates the temperature of February the following year at stations located on Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen. These correlations are negative (r ~ -0.55 - -0.50). The reason for occurrence of such correlations is not clear. The changeability of winter SST in the central part of the Norwegian Sea explains from 20% (Hornsund) to 32% (Bjornoya) of changeability in annual air temperature at the above mentioned stations in the same year and from 34% (Jan Mayen) to 41% (Hornsund) of changeability in annual air temperature in the following year. The increased level of explanation of changeability in air temperature the following year influenced by winter SST is connected with the delayed flowing of the Atlantic waters to high latitudes carried with the Norwegian Current and the West Spitsbergen Current.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2003, 13; 59-78
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność temperatury powierzchni morza w rejonie Spitsbergenu (1982-2002) jako przejaw współcześnie zachodzących zmian klimatycznych
Changeability in sea surface temperature in the region of Spitsbergen (1982-2002) reflecting climatic changes observed at present
Kruszewski, G.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
temperatury powierzchni morza
zmiany klimatyczne
temperatury powietrza
sea surface temperature
climatic changes
air temperature
This work has analysed changeability in water surface temperature in sea areas in the direct vicinity of West Spitsbergen. (Fig. 1). The analysis made use of SST (Sea Surface Temperature) from Reynolds?s data, covering mean monthly values of grids 1 x 1° from the period 1982-2002 (21 years). The changes in SST have been examined both monthly and yearly in 48 grids originating from the region 76-80°N, 006-020°E. A noticeable increase in water temperature was noted in the entire analysed area. The highest positive annual trends in water temperature were noted in the region 77-78°N, 006-007°E located west of Spitsbergen. In this area the mean yearly trends in SST values exceed +0.11°C/year and are highly statistically relevant (p<0.001). The values of trend noted in the areas in the direct vicinity of SW coast of Spitsbergen are +0.07°C to +0.08°C/year (at the latitudes 76-78°N). Farther north the values of the trend are remarkably lower, yet they are still highly statistically relevant. At 80°N the SST trend ranges from +0.006°C to +0.013°C and grows when moving west. At 79°N the observed trend of mean yearly value of SST is within the range from +0.04°C (010°E) to +0.07°C/year (006°E). This indicates that the mean yearly temperature of water in the region west of Spitsbergen has increased by more than 2.5°C over the period of the last 21 years and in coastal waters SW of Spitsbergen by about 1.5°C to 1.7°C. The lowest increase in SST was noted in waters at 80°N, where it did not exceed 0.3°C within 21 years. The increase in water temperature is distributed unevenly in time - since 1995 the rate of the increase has been rapidly growing (see Fig. 2). The changes in yearly SST values, as the analysis indicated, are influenced by the changes in temperature noted mainly in the period from September to February. This proves that the heat sources carried by the West Spitsbergen Current are increasing and that the summer warming of waters is becoming more and more significant. Interannual changeability in SST in the remaining months proves to be relatively low, in extreme cases being zero (water completely frozen). It can be observed especially at 80°N. The yearly changeability in values of SST in waters around SE coasts of Spitsbergen (Storfjorden) is mainly influenced by the temperature of waters in autumn (August ? October), which means that the influence of the summer warming of waters on the yearly SST value in this area has increased.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2004, 14; 79-86
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ zmian temperatury wód w głównym nurcie Prądu Zachodniospitsbergeńskiego na temperaturę powietrza na Spitsbergenie Zachodnim (1982-2002)
The influence of the changes in sea surface temperature in the West Spitsbergen Current on the air temperature at West Spitsbergen (1982-2002)
Kruszewski, G.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
temperatura powierzchni oceanu
Prąd Zachodniospitsbergeński
temperatura powietrza
air temperature
West Spitsbergen Current
sea surface temperature
Praca omawia związki temperatury powietrza na trzech stacjach Spitsbergenu Zachodniego z temperaturą wody powierzchniowej na akwenach położonych po zachodniej stronie wyspy - w nurcie Prądu Zachodniospitsbergeńskiego. Przeprowadzona analiza korelacji ciągów temperatury wody i powietrza wykazała istnienie między nimi istotnych statystycznie związków. Najwyższe współczynniki korelacji (osiągające nawet wartość +0.80) występują w okresie jesieni - między wartościami temperatury powietrza i wody z tego samego miesiąca. Związki pomiędzy roczną temperaturą powietrza a miesięcznymi wartościami temperatury wody są tylko nieznacznie słabsze. W niektórych przypadkach zmiany miesięcznej temperatury powierzchni wody objaśniają ponad 40% zmienności rocznej temperatury powietrza na Spitsbergenie.
This work deals with correlations between SST in the West Spitsbergen Current and air temperature at Spitsbergen (Hornsund, Svalbard-Lufthavn and Ny Alesund). The strongest correlations SST with air temperature have been found in the southern part of the West Spitsbergen Current. In grid [76, 14] synchronic correlations (SST & air temperature in the same month) are strongest and most frequent, occurring in fall and winter months at all three stations (table 1). Correlations in summer months are strong only with closest station at Hornsund (r = 0.67 in July), and decrease with distance to the station. Synchronic correlations between monthly air temperature and SST in next two grids are less frequent and weaker. In [77, 10] grid statistically significant synchronic correlations are limited to fall and winter months and in [78, 06] grid occur in November only (see table 2 & 3). Correlations between monthly SST and annual air temperature are strongest for October, November and December in [76, 14] grid, and coefficients of correlation are very close for all three stations and months (0.62 < r < 0.70) - see Fig. 5. Interesting correlation occur between SST in April and May and annual air temperature values at Spitsbergen, especially strong at Ny Alesund and SST in May in [77, 10] grid (r = 0.66). The changeability of SST in this area in May explains from 31% (Hornsund) to 41% (Ny Alesund) of changeability in annual air temperature at Spitsbergen.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2005, 15; 53-63
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany składowej strefowej prędkości wiatru (U-wind) w rejonie Spitsbergenu Zachodniego (1981-2005)
The changes of zonal wind speed component (U-wind) at the West Spitsbergen area (1981-2005)
Kruszewski, G.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
składowa strefowa prędkości wiatru (U-wind)
temperatura powietrza
W Spitsbergen
air temperature
Praca charakteryzuje składową strefową prędkości wiatru (oznaczenie U-wind) w trzech gridach położonych na zachód od Spitsbergenu Zachodniego. W rejonie tym, przy ogólnej dominacji cyrkulacji wschodniej, dwukrotnie większe jej natężenie obserwujemy w części południowej. Tam też U-wind charakteryzuje się największą zmiennością roczną. Analiza przebiegów miesięcznych także wykazuje większą stabilność wartości U-wind na północy. Cyrkulacja wschodnia wyraźnie nasila się w miesiącach zimowych; zachodnia przeważa latem, a jej natężenie i okres dominacji rosną wraz z szerokością geograficzną.
The study presents variability of zonal wind speed (U-wind) in three grids 2.5x2.5° situated in the vicinity of the western coast of Spitsbergen. Gridded surface data from NCEP Reanalysis Derived data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA from their Web site at were used for statistical analysis. In Spitsbergen area negative values of U-wind are typical but the eastern air-flow is two times stronger in the south (-1.58 m/s in grid [75, 10]) than in the north (-0.78 m/s in grid [80, 10]) - see fig. 2. The biggest changeability in annual values of U-wind is also observed in the south. The maximum of the eastern air-flow can be observed in winter months, the minimum in summer, when positive values of U-wind occur. Westerly circulation prevails in June (grid [75, 10]); June and July [77.5, 10] and from May to September in the north [80, 10]. Significant decreasing (-0.05 m/s by year) trend in annual U-wind values was found in the north. Decreasing trends were observed in monthly U-wind values in February, March and May in [80, 10] and in March and May in [77.5, 10] grids. The only significant increasing trend (+0.1 m/s by year) was noted in September in the [75, 10] grid. Correlations between U-wind and zonal westerly circulation index W values for Spitsbergen area (given by Niedźwiedź 1997) are strong for all grids and seasons, but the strongest was noted in summer (r = +0.81) in grid [75, 10]. Some relations between U-wind and monthly air temperature in Svalbard-Lufthavn and Ny Alesund were noticed too. The strongest negative correlations were found in July, April and August.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2006, 16; 107-114
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany składowej strefowej prędkości wiatru (U-wind) na wschód od Svalbardu (1981-2005)
The changes of zonal wind speed component (U-wind) east of Svalbard area (1981-2005)
Kruszewski, G.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
składowa strefowa prędkości wiatru (U-wind)
temperatura powietrza
zonal wind speed component (U-wind)
air temperature
Praca charakteryzuje składową strefową prędkości wiatru w trzech gridach usytuowanych po wschodniej stronie Svalbardu oraz jej związki z temperaturą powietrza na stacjach zachodniego wybrzeża Spits-bergenu. W rejonie położonym na wschód od archipelagu obserwuje się dominację cyrkulacji wschodniej, której natężenie wyraźnie wzrasta przy przemieszczaniu się na południe. W przebiegu rocznym stwierdzono nasilanie się cyrkulacji wschodniej w miesiącach zimowych i osłabianie latem, przy czym zmienność wartości U-wind w mie-siącach chłodnej pory roku jest największa. Przewaga cyrkulacji zachodniej zaznacza się latem przez okres od jednego (na 75°N) do pięciu miesięcy (na 80°N), a jej natężenie rośnie wraz z szerokością geograficzną.
The study presents variability of zonal wind speed (U-wind) in three grids 2.5x2.5° situated in the vicinity of the eastern coast of Svalbard in period 1981–2005. Gridded surface data from NCEP Reanalysis Derived data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA from their Web site at were used for statistical analysis. In analysed area negative values of U-wind are typical. Annual average eastern air-flow is much stronger in the south (–1.54 m/s in grid [75, 30]) than in north (–0.31 m/s in grid [80, 30]) – see fig. 1 and 2. The biggest interannual changeability of U-wind values is also observed in lower latitudes. Significant decreasing trends were found in annual U-wind values in grid points [80, 30] (–0.05 m/s by year) and [77.5, 30] (–0.04 m/s by year). During the year eastern air-flow reach the maximum in winter months. In summer time easterly circulation is weaker. Positive U-wind values (western air-flow) prevails in July (grid [75, 30]); June, July and August (grid [77.5, 30]) and from May to September in grid [80, 30]. Intensity of western air-flow increase with latitude too. The biggest changeability in monthly U-wind values in all grid points was observed in February. Decreasing trends in monthly U-wind values were found in [80, 30] grid in February (–0.13 m/s by year) and in [77.5, 30] grid in March and May (–0.11 and –0.08 m/s by year). Correlations between U-wind and zonal westerly circulation index W values for Spitsbergen area (given by Niedźwiedź, 2006) are strong for all grids and seasons, but the strongest were noted in grid [75, 30] – linear correlation coefficient from r = +0.75 (winter) to r = +0.87 (summer) – see fig. 5. Some relations between U-wind and monthly air temperature in Svalbard-Lufthavn and Ny Alesund were noticed too (fig. 6). The strongest negative correlations were found in July, May and April.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2007, 17; 77-85
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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