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The place of the “quantitative signature symbols” in the classification of the cartographic presentation methods
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Oddział Kartograficzny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
cartographic presentation methods
quantitative data
The authors of the article pay their attention to the lack of a generally accepted classification of the cartographic presentation methods. The classification, which was described in the Ratajski’s handbook (1989) in the mostly extensive way, is commonly used in the Polish literature. According to the authors, it would be appropriate to modify one of the types of symbols (quantitative ones) as an independent method of data presentation at the quantitative level, in addition to the method of diagram, choropleth, dot method and isoline one.
Polish Cartographical Review; 2017, 49, 2; 59-66
Pojawia się w:
Polish Cartographical Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effectiveness of cartographic presentation methods applied within small-scale thematic maps in the press and on the Internet
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Data publikacji:
Oddział Kartograficzny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
cartographic presentation
readability of map
Internet maps
press maps
map graphic
The author discuss effectiveness of cartographic presentations. The article includes opinions of cartographers regarding effectiveness, readability and efficiency of a map. It reminds the principles of map graphic design in order to verify them using examples of small-scale thematic maps. The following questions have been asked: Is the map effective? Why is the map effective? How do cartographic presentation methods affect effectiveness of the cartographic message? What else can influence effectiveness of a map? Each graphic presentation should be effective, as its purpose is to complete written word, draw the recipients’ attention, make text more readable, expose the most important information. Such a significant role of graphics results in the fact that graphic presentations (maps, diagrams) require proper preparation. Users need to have a chance to understand the graphics language in order to draw correct conclusions about the presented phenomenon. Graphics should demonstrate the most important elements, some tendencies, and directions of changes. It should generalize and present a given subject from a slightly different perspective. There are numerous examples of well-edited and poorly edited small-scale thematic maps. They include maps, which are impossible to interpret correctly. They are burdened with methodological defects and they cannot fulfill their task. Cartography practice indicates that the principles related to graphic design of cartographic presentation are frequently omitted during the process of developing small-scale thematic maps used – among others – in the press and on the Internet. The purpose of such presentations is to quickly interpret them. On such maps editors’ problems with the selection of an appropriate symbol and graphic variable (fig. 1A, 9B) are visible. Sometimes they use symbols which are not sufficiently distinguishable nor demonstrative (fig. 11), it does not increase their readability. Sometime authors try too hard to reflect presented phenomenon and therefore the map becomes more difficult to interpret (fig. 4A,B). The lack of graphic sense resulting in the lack of graphic balance and aesthetics constitutes a weak point of numerous cartographic presentations (fig. 13). Effectiveness of cartographic presentations consists of knowledge and skills of the map editor, as well as the recipients’ perception capabilities and their readiness to read and interpret maps. The qualifications of the map editor should include methodological qualifications supported by the knowledge of the principles for cartographic symbol design, as well as relevant technical qualifications, which allow to properly use the tools to edit a map. Maps facilitate the understanding of texts they accompany and they present relationships between phenomenon better than texts, appealing to the senses.
Polish Cartographical Review; 2015, 47, 1; 5-17
Pojawia się w:
Polish Cartographical Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kartogram i kartodiagram jako przykład łączenia metod prezentacji kartograficznej
Choropleth map and diagram map as an example of combining cartographic presentation methods
Dębowska, A.
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
metody prezentacji kartograficznej
kartogram diagramiczny
mapa anamorficzna
charakter danych
odniesienie danych
cartographic presentation methods
choropleth map
diagram map
choropleth map basing on diagram
character of data
W artykule omówiono różne aspekty łączenia dwóch metod prezentacji - kartogramu i kartodiagramu na jednej mapie. Zwrócono uwagę na dopasowanie graficzne obu metod oraz na charakter i odniesienie przedstawianych w ten sposób danych. Pokazano przykłady takich połączeń, od najprostszych zastosowań po skomplikowane ujęcia anamorficzne.
Presentation of data on maps requires appropriate graphic methods to make the presented information logical and clear for map users. Depending on the range of information cartographers decide to use one, two or several presentation methods on a single map. A common combination is of a choropleth map with a diagram map. A choropleth map consists of area units (geometrical or administrative) designated with a color scale, a method for map background, while a diagram map consists of scaled diagrams appearing 'on top'. Because of this the two methods match and do not interfere graphically. Thus more data can be presented on a single map. It is important that data is logically selected and thematically linked, to create a new quality -communicate new information. Let us look at a combination of a choropleth map and a diagram map in relation to data selection. Considering possible combinations of two types of data (relative and absolute) with two methods of presentation, four types of combinations can be distinguished. (fig- 2). Type A is the most common and most correct according to cartographic methodology. Type B is also quite common. Type C seems incorrect because of a choropleth presentation of absolute data, which is contrary to theoretical recommendations of cartographic methodology. The last type is against the rules of cartographic methodology and is not used. When analyzing a combination of a choropleth map and a diagram map on a single map it is worth having a look not only at the character of data but also at what it relates to. In the case of a choropleth map data al-ways relates to area units. In diagrams data can relate to points, lines as well as area. Therefore the following types of graphic solutions can be determined (fig. 10). Type I is definitely the most common combination. Both methods relate to the same area units, which significantly facilitates map reading and interpretation. Many maps of Type II can be found in atlases, especially in maps thematically linked to population and industry, where data is related to points (diagrams) and area (choropleth). In such cases choropleth map is used to present various markers in relation to whole area unit: voivodship, countries, eta, while a diagram map presents e.g. cities or industrial centers. Type III is used when there is a need to show movement against the background of a choropleth map. Often the presented topic is so broad that it requires several graphic techniques simultaneously. They can be various types of diagrams (various shapes and colors), a complex choropleth map (two choropleth maps superimposed), various signatures and other methods of presentation (isolines, dots, ranges). Browsing through maps one can easily find ones with simultaneous use of several choropleth maps and diagram maps. There also exist some more complex combinations, which result in a single 'new' method of presentation, such as choropleth maps basing on a diagram or cartograms. Map authors combine the choropleth method with a diagram method to present a certain group of topics. This combination is often used to present socio-economic issues, because they require quantitative or ordering methods, of which a choropleth map and a diagram map are the most popular. While selecting data for cartographic presentation it should be remembered that using two or more sets of data on a single map has to be justified. Data shown on a single map has to be complimentary, self-explanatory and selected correctly from the point of cartographic methodology and graphic design. Any attempt to make an exhaustive and clear presentation of a particular problem on a map requires some graphic techniques involving a combination of cartographic methods. Clarity of such presentation depends on data selection, graphic design and perception of map user. Presented analysis does not conclude the topic of research, rather it opens the door towards a broader view of the potential of combining various cartographic methods.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2010, T. 42, nr 4, 4; 305-320
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efektywność metod prezentacji stosowanych na małoskalowych mapach tematycznych w prasie i Internecie
Effectiveness of cartographic presentation methods applied within small-scale thematic maps in the press and on the Internet
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
prezentacja kartograficzna
cartographic presentation
Artykuł jest poświęcony efektywności prezentacji kartograficznej. Przytoczono poglądy kartografów dotyczące czytelności i sprawności mapy. Przypomniano zasady graficznego projektowania map. Podjęto próbę ich weryfikacji na przykładach małoskalowych map tematycznych. Każda prezentacja graficzna powinna być efektywna, ponieważ jej zadaniem jest uzupełnienie słowa pisanego, przyciągnięcie uwagi odbiorcy, uczytelnienie przekazu tekstowego, wyeksponowanie najważniejszych informacji. Tak ważna rola grafiki sprawia, że prezentacja graficzna (mapa, diagram, wykres) wymaga należytego przygotowania. Użytkownik musi mieć możliwość zrozumienia języka grafiki, aby poprawnie wnioskować o przedstawianych zjawiskach. Istnieją liczne przykłady dobrze i źle zredagowanych małoskalowych map tematycznych. Praktyka kartograficzna pokazuje, że zasady związane z graficznym projektowaniem prezentacji kartograficznych zbyt często nie są respektowane podczas opracowywania małoskalowych map tematycznych zamieszczanych w prasie i Internecie. Na efektywność prezentacji kartograficznej składają się wiedza i umiejętności redaktora mapy oraz możliwości percepcyjne odbiorcy i jego przygotowanie do czytania i interpretacji map. Mapa ułatwia zrozumienie tekstu, któremu towarzyszy, lepiej niż tekst pokazuje przestrzenne zróżnicowanie zjawisk, przemawia do zmysłów.
The author discuss effectiveness of cartographic presentations. The article includes opinions of cartographers regarding effectiveness, readability and efficiency of a map. It reminds the principles of map graphic design in order to verify them using examples of small-scale thematic maps. The following questions have been asked: Is the map effective? Why is the map effective? How do cartographic presentation methods affect effectiveness of the cartographic message? What else can influence effectiveness of a map? Each graphic presentation should be effective, as its purpose is to complete written word, draw the recipients’ attention, make text more readable, expose the most important information. Such a significant role of graphics results in the fact that graphic presentations (maps, diagrams) require proper preparation. Users need to have a chance to understand the graphics language in order to draw correct conclusions about the presented phenomenon. Graphics should demonstrate the most important elements, some tendencies, and directions of changes. It should generalize and present a given subject from a slightly different perspective. There are numerous examples of well-edited and poorly edited small-scale thematic maps. They include maps, which are impossible to interpret correctly. They are burdened with methodological defects and they cannot fulfill their task. Cartography practice indicates that the principles related to graphic design of cartographic presentation are frequently omitted during the process of developing small-scale thematic maps used – among others – in the press and on the Internet. The purpose of such presentations is to quickly interpret them. On such maps editors’ problems with the selection of an appropriate symbol and graphic variable (fig. 1A, 9B) are visible. Sometimes they use symbols which are not sufficiently distinguishable nor demonstrative (fig. 11), it does not increase their readability. Sometime authors try too hard to reflect presented phenomenon and therefore the map becomes more difficult to interpret (fig. 4A,B). The lack of graphic sense resulting in the lack of graphic balance and aesthetics constitutes a weak point of numerous cartographic presentations (fig. 13). Effectiveness of cartographic presentations consists of knowledge and skills of the map editor, as well readiness to read and interpret maps. The qualifications of the map editor should include methodological qualifications supported by the knowledge of the principles for cartographic symbol design, as well as relevant technical qualifications, which allow to properly use the tools to edit a map. Maps facilitate the understanding of texts they accompany and they present relationships between phenomenon better than texts, appealing to the senses.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2015, T. 47, nr 1, 1; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Możliwości opracowania map w programie MapInfo Professional 10.5 z wykorzystaniem wybranych metod prezentacji kartograficznej
Map Elaboration in MapInfo Professional 10.5 Using Selected Methods of Cartographic Presentation
Dębowska, A.
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
metoda prezentacji kartograficznej
forma prezentacji kartograficznej
metoda kropkowa
metoda izolinii
metoda sygnaturowa
metoda chorochromatyczna
metoda zasięgów
cartographic presentation method
cartographic presentation form
dot method
isoline method
signature method
qualitative background method
ranges method
W artykule zanalizowano i oceniono możliwości opracowania map z zastosowaniem wybranych form prezentacji kartograficznej w jednym z programów typu GIS - MapInfo Professional. Kolejno omówiono opracowane w programie mapy kropkowe, izoliniowe, sygnaturowe, chorochromatyczne oraz mapy zasięgów. Podjęto próbę zweryfikowania poprawności rozwiązań metodycznych zastosowanych w programie i opisanych w podręcznikach użytkownika programu MapInfo.
There is no doubt that the use of GIS type programs is widespread. Almost any computer literate person who wants to experiment with the possibilities of the program is able to make an attempt to create a map or another graphic presentation. In the previous issue of Polish Cartographical Review, choropleth and proportional symbol presentation possibilities of the MapInfo Professional 10.5 program were evaluated. This article discusses and evaluates the remaining methods of cartographic presentation: the dot method, the isoline method, the signature method, the qualitative background method and the ranges method from the point of view of their cartographical correctness. Attempts to create maps in MapInfo have shown that proposed solutions are not fully correct and adequate. Relatively low general evaluation of the program results from its numerous mistakes and missing sections of instructions which often hinder the process of proper map elaboration instead of facilitating it. Despite the fact that MapInfo Professional contains a lot of useful functions, it is not fully developed and sometimes can even mislead the program user. Nevertheless it seems to have considerable potential to become a useful tool in editing correct maps. In order to do it, however, it should comply with the rules of cartography. Although GIS-type programs are supposed to present cartographic data adequately, it should be remembered that in many instances their default automatic options are insufficient. Possibility of creating a software which would allow a non-professional user (with no cartographic skills) to make a correct map is an issue to be considered.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2013, T. 45, nr 4, 4; 317-333
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internetowy Atlas metod kartograficznych
Internet Atlas of cartographic methods
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Nowacki, T.
Opach, T.
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
ilościowe metody prezentacji
atlas metod kartograficznych
metoda izolinii
metoda kropkowa
sygnatury ilościowe
quantitative methods of presentation
Atlas of cartographic methods
choropleth map
diagram map
isoline map
dot map
quantitative symbols
W artykule przedstawiono internetowy Atlas metod kartograficznych, skierowany do tych, którzy chcą poznać podstawowe zasady redagowania map statystycznych. Autorzy podjęli się analizy pięciu ilościowych metod prezentacji kartograficznej, próbując przedstawić użytkownikowi najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z ich stosowaniem i interpretacją.
The free and all accessible Atlas of cartographic methods has been available on the Internet at www. since May 2012. The atlas was elaborated by the staff of the Department of Cartography of Warsaw University in 2010-2012. Growth of computer technologies has made it possible for everyone to author a map - especially a statistical one. Thus has appeared the need to prepare and make accessible to wider public a more elaborate guide than just a handbook or a set of instructions on how to run the program. The Atlas has been made to cater to the needs of those interested in learning basic rules of statistical map editing, so - of geography students, experts in spatial economy and environmental protection, surveyors. It is educational in character and aimed at showing quantitative methods and forms of cartographic presentation and focusing attention on map interpretation. It presents five quantitative forms and methods of presentation: diagram map, choropleth map, isoline map, dot map and quantitative symbols. The Atlas of cartographic methods is composed of two main parts (Fig. 1). The first part contains three 'chapters' of texts while the second - maps along with short commentaries. The first chapter is an elaboration entitled 'From the history of presentation forms and methods' and is illustrated with old maps. The second one - 'From data to map' - describes the process of editing a statistical map. It deals with data features and the possibilities of their transformation to fulfill the requirements of a specific presentation: - method of data reference (to points, area or line), data character (absolute, relative), method of showing data (continuous, discrete). The third chapter is entitled 'Methods step by step'. Its aim is to acquaint users with basic characteristics of the five forms of cartographic presentation. The second part of the atlas - 'Maps' - is a dynamic internet application and interactive environment for generating atlas full scale drawings. The application was programmed in PHP and is linked to MySQL database. The application's interface design was aimed to support the demonstrativeness of the Atlas - available functions have been limited to a minimum. The GUS (Central Statistical Office) Bank of Local Data resources ( served as material for elaborating maps in the Atlas. For elaborating a part of the Atlas full scale drawings an earlier prepared group of raster images was used. They were put on the server and shown in accordance with the parameters selected by the user. The remaining full scale drawings were created in a more complex way. Here applications programmed in PHP play an essential part. They process spatial and attribute data and display an automatically created map together with legend. The internet Atlas of cartographic methods can be treated as the first stage of a wider elaboration including all basic forms and methods of presentation.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2012, T. 44, nr 2, 2; 105-119
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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