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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Diocese of Wigry
bishopʼs nomination
Bishop Jan Klemens Gołaszewski
Jan Klements Gołaszewski was born on 23 November 1748 in Kowalewszczyzna in Podole, in a noble family. He was ordained to the priest-hood in 1772 at the St. Vincent de Paul Missionary Fathers Congregation in Warsaw. After leaving the congregation he was a parish priest in Pawłowice, and then in his native parish in Waniewo. In the years 1798-1800 he was the vicar in spiritualibus in the Podlasie area. He was one of the close co-operators of the first bishop of the diocese of Wigry Michał Franciszek Karpowicz, who appointed Rev. Gołaszewski as a vicar general and judicial vicar. After the death of Bishop Karpowicz he was put up by the Prussian administration as a candidate for the position of the bishop of Wigry. The Prussian authorities also considered the translation of Bishop Józef Miaskowski from Warsaw to Wigry. Finally, the King of Prussia approved the election of Gołaszewski for the bishop of the diocese of Wigry in spring 1804. The information process and official procedures involved in receiving the Holy Seeʼs approval of the nomi-nation and consecration of a priest entailed the necessity of substantial pay-ments, which Gołaszewski was unable to make. His preconization took place on 26 June 1806. Napoleonʼs campaign and the unstable political situation became a direct reason for the postponing of the episcopal consecration of the nominee. It finally took place on 5 March 1809 in Warsaw (in the times of the Duchy of Warsaw). Bishop Gołaszewski died on 8 March 1820.
Studia Ełckie; 2016, 18, 3; 225 - 234
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza budowy kościoła katolickiego w Kwidzynie w XIX wieku
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
diecezja chełmińska
diecezja warmińska
Prusy w XIX w.
budownictwo sakralne
diaspora katolicka
Chelmno diocese
the diocese of Warmia
Catholic diaspora
construction sacral
Prussia in the nineteenth century
Already on May 24, 1801. solicited the bishop of Chelmno on the erection of the parish and build a church in Kwidzyn, previously the Masses were celebrated in the choir of the Evangelical Cathedral. Also was considered adaptation of premises Kwidzyn castle for purposes of worship, then the local riding school. The army, in turn, were offered transfer Catholics one of the stables, which the Prussian king agreed in 1811. Construction works did not start at these objects.Also, the so-called adaptation plans of Polish chapel, or part of the Evangelical Cathedral ended in failure. State authorities proposed to turn the assignment of Kwidzyn Catholic parish in Tychnowach. Bishops of Warmia were skeptical about these proposals, fearing, among others, a significant expansion of the church in this village. After deciding on the construction of the temple in Kwidzyn, Catholics started collecting funds for this purpose. Efforts were made to acquire the inheritance of Ignatius von Piechowski wife or post benedictine capital in Chelmno. Was also seen the possibility of separating revenue parish Zwierznie. Rebounds on the construction project was carried out in a number of dioceses. Among the particularly generous donors should indicate bishop of Warmia Josephus Ambrosius Geritz. The building permit was obtained in 1840. The church, designed by Augustus Soller was built in the years 1847–1858. Consecration took place on 26 September 1858.
Bereits am 24. Mai 1801 gab es Bemühungen beim Kulmer Bischof, in Kwidzyn (Marienwerder) eine Gemeinde zu gründen und eine Kirche zu bauen.Früher wurden nämlich die heiligen Messen im Presbyterium der evangelischen Kathedrale gehalten. Es wurde auch in Erwägung gezogen, Räume der Burg von Kwidzyn oder die städtische Reitbahn für kultische Zwecke umzubauen. Das Militär schlug vor, den Katholiken einen seiner Pferdeställe zur Verfügung zu stellen, wozu der preußische König 1811 seine Einwilligung gab. Die Renovierungs- und Bauarbeiten an den genannten Objekten wurden jedoch nicht aufgenommen. Auch die Pläne für den Umbau der sog. polnischen Kapelle oder eines Teils der evangelischen Kathedrale endeten mit einem Fiasko. Die staatlichen Behörden schlugen wiederum vor, die Katholiken von Kwidzyn der Kirchengemeinde in Tychnowy (Tiefenau) zuzuordnen. Die ermländischen Bischöfe standen diesen Vorschlägen skeptisch gegenüber, weil sie u.a. den beträchtlichen Ausbau der Kirche in diesem Dorf scheuten. Nachdem die Entscheidung über den Bau des Gotteshauses in Kwidzyn gefallen war, begann die Sammlung von Geldern für diesen Zweck. Man bemühte sich, die Erbschaft der Ehefrau von Ignatius von Piechowski zu gewinnen oder auch Kapital von den Benediktinerinnen in Chełmno (Kulm). Ebenso wurde eine Möglichkeit gesehen, gemeindliche Einkünfte aus Zwierzno abzuführen. Die Sammlung für diese Bauinvestition wurde in vielen Diözesen durchgeführt. Zu den besonders großzügigen Stiftern gehörte der ermländische Bischof Joseph Ambrosius Geritz. Die Baugenehmigung wurde 1840 erteilt, und in den Jahren 1847-1858 wurde die Kirche nach Plänen von August Soller erbaut. Ihre Einweihung fand am 26. September 1858 statt.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2015, 287, 1; 61-77
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duszpasterstwo wojskowe na obszarze diecezji warmińskiej w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku
Military Chaplaincy in the Diocese of Warmia in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
prussian army
diocese of warmia
military chaplaincy
military chaplains
east prussia
nineteenth century
The historiography of the Diocese of Warmia has so far lacked a study on military chaplaincy in the first half of the nineteenth century. In order to investigate this issue, an analysis of the documentation stored at the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin has been conducted. The results of the study demonstrated that the Catholic military chaplaincy began to recover after the Napoleonic campaign of 1806–1807. In 1810, Catholic priests performed regular ministerial service in four cities. However, in 18 garrisons services were not performed. As a result, soldiers could receive their sacraments in Catholic churches only if they obtained passes. The first legal solutions of 1811 did not provide for the existence of a Catholic chaplaincy during peacetime. Some significant changes occurred in 1832. In the absence of a military chaplain, a clergyman working in a civil parish was to take over his function. By the end of that year, priests from Warmia served regularly in garrisons in Braniewo, Elblag, Klaipeda, Konigsberg, Malbork and Tilsit. Another 15 garrisons were to receive a chaplain. Some of them served in several garrisons. The issue of financing military chaplains remained unresolved for quite a long time. In February 1835, the Minister of War, Job von Witzleben, informed that chaplains recruited from the diocesan clergy received allowances, reimbursement for travel expenses and four thalers for their chaplaincy. However, some military places of worship suffered from a shortage of liturgical equipment.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2020, 85, 2; 157-174
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pertraktacje na temat statusu Kościoła katolickiego w Okręgu Kłajpedy w latach 1923–1926
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Diocese of Warmia
Klaipeda Region (Memelland)
free prelature of Klaipeda
diecezja warmińska
Okręg Kłajpedy
udzielna prałatura kłajpedzka
After the Lithuanians seized the Klaipeda District in 1923, the legal status of the Catholic Church in this area gained a political character. The negotiations between the Holy See, Germany and Lithuania concerned the establishment of a delegacy subordinate to the Warmian bishop or a separate diocese with the German bishop at its head, or even the erection of an apostolic vicariate in this region. Ultimately, Pope Pius XI by his bull Lituanorum gente of 4 April 1926 created a separate Klaipeda’s prelature with the bishop of Telsche.
Od zajęcia przez Litwinów Okręgu Kłajpedy w 1923 r. status prawny Kościoła katolickiego na tym obszarze zyskał charakter polityczny. Pertraktacje między Stolicą Apostolską, Niemcami i Litwą dotyczyły utworzenia delegatury podległej biskupowi warmińskiemu bądź odrębnej diecezji z biskupem niemieckim na jej czele, a nawet erygowania wikariatu apostolskiego w tym regionie. Ostatecznie Pius XI w bulli „Lituanorum gente” z 4 IV 1926 r. utworzył udzielną prałaturę kłajpedzką z biskupem telszańskim na czele.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2019, 51, 3
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedwojenne dzieje katolickiej parafii w Olsztynku
Pre-war history of the Catholic parish in Olsztynek
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Diocese of Warmia
Bishopric of Culm
religious buildings
the funding of a parish
Catholic Church in diaspora
Catholic Church in Masuria
Until the middle of the 19th century, the Catholic population of Olsztynek and its surrounding areas belonged to the Culm diocese. As a result of the decree of the Holy See of 1859, this area was incorporated into the Warmia diocese. The development of ministry was initiated in 1866 by the rector of Gryźliny. A ministry institution was established in Olsztynek in 1868. The first priest responsible for the religious life of the Catholics in this area was Julius Albrecht. After his death in 1878, there was no Catholic priest in Olsztynek for more than 5 years, due to the Kulturkampf. Olsztynek was given the rights of a mission parish in 1870. One of the main problems of the local community was the venue. The services were held in a chapel whose size did not correspond to the increasing number of Catholics. Therefore, in 1885 it was decided that a church should be built. Thanks to the initiative and consistent attitude of the priest Paul Jedzink, sufficient funds were collected to start the building works. The foundation stone of the new temple was laid on 10th November 1886, and the consecration took place on 26th September 1888. For a few years, building debts were paid. Olsztynek was given the rights of an ordinary parish in 1895. During the World War I, the church bells were requisitioned. The church was also damaged as a result of an artillery attack, but necessary repairs were made after the war. The roof was covered with copper sheet and new bells were cast. The number of parishioners increased constantly, from 520 in 1868 to 1637 in 1938. In the area of the parish, numerous associations and religious organisations were active. In order to carry out the building investments, there were endeavours to obtain funds from outside the parish, most of all from the Saint Boniface and Adalbert Association.
Studia Elbląskie; 2012, 13; 55-67
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parafia Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Iławie w XIX i I poł. XX w.
The parish of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Iława in 19th and the rst half of the 20th century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
diecezja chełmińska
diecezja warmińska
Kościół katolicki
Prusy Wschodnie
Prusy Zachodnie
Stowarzyszenie świętych Bonifacego i Wojciecha
the Catholic Church
the Diocese of Culm
the Diocese of Warmia
East Prussia
the Sts. Boniface and Adalbert Association
West Prussia
Kamień węgielny pod nowy obiekt sakralny w Iławie został położony 27 czerwca 1858 r., a jego poświęcenie – 31 maja 1860 r. Iławską placówkę duszpasterską podniesiono do rangi parai 24 grudnia 1860 r. Dwa lata później erygowano we wspomnianej miejscowości prywatną szkołę katolicką. Dom paraalny wybudowano w latach 1866‒1867. Kościół w stylu modernistycznym wzniesiono w latach 1931‒1933. W 1861 r. mieszkało w Iławie 241 katolików, natomiast w 1879 r. do parai należało 840 osób. Na początku lat trzydziestych XX w. w parai mieszkało 2,4 tys. katolików. W 1877 r. kapitał erekcyjny parai wynosił 4 531,61 marek, natomiast tzw. kapitał proboszczowski – 11 506,30 marek.
In the middle of the 19th century, a large part of the soldiers deployed in Iława came from Catholic regions of Germany. Catholic services for them were celebrated by a military chaplain. From 1856, the rector of Radomno celebrated Masses in Iława eight times a year in a rented room. The foundation stone of the new religious building was laid on 27th June 1858, and it was consecrated on 31st May 1860. The pastoral institution in Iława, which belonged to the Bishopric of Culm, was upgraded to a parish on 24th December 1860. Two years later, in the said town, a Catholic school was erected, which initially educated 33 children. The new parish house was built in the years 1866‒1867. Projects of a new temple were created in July 1914, but the First World War made it impossible to carry out the investment. The plans of building a new church were reconsidered in the second half of the 1920s. The church in the modernist style was erected in the years 1931‒1933. In 1861, 241 Catholics lived in Iława, whereas in 1879, 940 people belonged to the said parish. In 1902, the number of worshippers increased to 1534, and at the beginning of the 1930s, 2400 Catholics lived in the parish. In 1877, the foundation capital of the parish amounted to 4 531.61 marks, and the so-called rector’s capital – 11 506.30 marks.
Studia Gdańskie; 2012, 31; 195-207
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gdańskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budowa domu katechetycznego w Ełku w latach trzydziestych XX wieku
The building of a catechetic house in Ełk in the 1930s
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
diecezja warmińska
dom katechetyczny
Niemcy w latach trzydziestych XX wieku
biskup Maksymilian Kaller
Diocese of Warmia
Ełk (Lyck)
catechetical house
Germany in the 1930s
Bishop Maximilian Kaller
Dzieci wyznania katolickiego, które zamieszkiwały rozległy teren ełckiej parafii, potrzebowały odpowiedniej edukacji religijnej, dlatego miejscowy proboszcz Karol Fox postanowił, że zostanie zbudowany dom katechetyczny. Początkowo planowano zaadaptować na ten cel wystawioną na sprzedaż bursę oficerską. Zdecydowano jednak ostatecznie, że powstanie nowy obiekt. Wyznaczono działkę położoną obok starego domu parafialnego (w pobliżu obecnej ulicy Jana Kilińskiego w Ełku). Wsparcie finansowe przedsięwzięcia zadeklarowało Stowarzyszenie św. Bonifacego w Paderborn. Zarząd Główny tej organizacji podjął pod koniec 1932 r. decyzję, że. projekt architektoniczny domu katechetycznego miałby przygotować Max Sonnen. Realizację projektu zlecono Wilhelmowi Baumewerdowi. Rozpoczęcie budowy zaplanowano na lipiec 1933 roku, a zakończenie - na koniec lutego 1934. Dom katechetyczny został poświęcony 3 marca 1934 roku przez biskupa warmińskiego Maksymiliana Kallera. Sesje katechetyczne dla dzieci przygotowujących się do I Komunii św. miały się odbywać tam dwa razy w roku; odpowiedzialne za nie były siostry zakonne. Działania militarne podczas II wojny światowej położyły kres funkcjonowaniu tej placówki.
Catholic children who lived in the vast area of the Ełk (Lyck) parish needed proper religious education, so the local parish priest Karol Fox decided that a catechetical house would be built. At first, there were plans to adapt an officers’ mess, which was put up for sale, for this purpose. However, it was decided that a special facility would be built. A plot of land located next to the old parish house (near the present Jana Kilińskiego Street in Ełk) was obtained.Financial support of the project was declared by, among others, the Boniface Association in Paderborn. The General Government of this organisation decided at the end of 1932 that the architectural design of the catechetical house would be prepared by Max Sonnen. The implementation of the project was commissioned to Wilhelm Baumewerd. The beginning of the construction works was planned for July 1933 and the completion – for the end of February 1934. The catechetical house was blessed on 3 March 1934 by Bishop Maximilian Kaller. Catechetical sessions for children preparing for the First Holy Communion were supposedto take place there twice a year; nuns were responsible for them. Military operations during World War II put an end to the functioning of this institution.
Studia Elbląskie; 2016, 17; 79-91
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parafia katolicka w Ostródzie w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX wieku
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Catholic diaspora
Bishopric of Culm
Diocese of Warmia
religious buildings
church buildings
East Prussia
West Prussia
diaspora katolicka
diecezja chełmińska
diecezja warmińska
budownictwo sakralne
budownictwo kościelne
Prusy Wschodnie
Prusy Zachodnie
The first Mass since the Reformation times was celebrated in Ostróda in 1834. From that time, the rector from Grabowo came to the said town twice a year with pastoral services. Considering the increasing number of worshippers, the authorities of the Bishopric of Culm decided to appoint a permanent priest in Ostróda; this function was assigned to Stephan Keller on 27th September 1853. On 31 May 1855, he founded a private Catholic school, which was given the status of a public school on 2nd October 1860. One of the greatest tasks which awaited the priest of Ostróda was the building of a temple. The project was prepared by Vinzenz Statz, an architect. The foundation stone of the new temple was laid on 28th August 1856. The consecration of the new church took place on 20th December 1857. In 1859, a plot of land was bought; it was meant to be a Catholic cemetery. A full-fledged Catholic parish was founded in Ostróda on 10th February 1860. Eight years later, a presbytery was built, with apartments for the rector and the organist. With regard to the increasing number of worshippers, the temple was extended in 1912-1913. In that time, the nave was elongated by two more spans. A chancel with annexes, pinnacles topping the gables and a tower were built. The project of the works was developed by an architect from Königsberg – Fritz Heitmann. The temple was consecrated on 1st June 1923 by the bishop of Warmia Augustyn Bludau to honour the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. From December 1922, the parish of Ostróda was connected to the Diocese of Warmia. In 1868, 1143 Catholics belonged to the said institution, in 1900 – 2 105, and in 1938 – 2 780. In the area of the parish, numerous organisations and associations were active, including the Saint Cecilia Association and the Fraternity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The 19th century construction of the church together with a parish house and a stable cost 13, 454 thalers, and the 19th century extension of the religious building – over 100,000 marks. The parish was financially supported by the Saint Boniface and Adalbert Association in Pelplin.
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne; 2012, 31, 2
Pojawia się w:
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza budowy kościoła katolickiego w Pasymiu w drugiej połowie XIX wieku
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
budownictwo sakralne diaspora
diecezja warmińska
Prusy w XIX wieku
Stowarzyszenie św. Bonifacego i Wojciecha
religious buildings
the Diocese of Warmia
Prussia in the 19th century Pasym
the Boniface and Adalbert Association
Catholics have settled in the north part of the Szczytno district since the beginning of the 19th century. In the 1860s, the number of Catholics who lived in Pasym and surrounding areas was 500. The first Catholic religious service in the town was conducted in 1862 by the parish priest of Purda Wielka, Joseph Osinski. In 1868, Rudolph Steffen was appointed for the vicar of Pasym. He celebrated Masses in a small oratory. A year later, it was decided that funds would be raised for the construction of a church, whose area would be sufficient for the increasing number of the Catholic population. In 1873, sketches of the church were prepared by Matthias Toffel, a master builder. Most of the foundations were laid that year. A year later, walls were erected for the height of 10 feet. The foundation stone was blessed on 28th September 1874. With the agreement of the diocese authorities, the church was blessed by Rudolph Steffen on 8th December 1876. The church was dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on 22nd June 1884 by the Bishop of Warmia, Filip Krementz. The costs of the construction amounted to 75,000 marks. It was financed by voluntary contributions collected in the whole area of Germany, as well as from the funds of Church organisations, particularly the Boniface and Adalbert Association. However, the construction debt had to be paid for many years afterwards.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2016, 23; 95-112
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieje katolickiej placówki duszpasterskiej w Morągu w XIX wieku
The history of the Catholic pastoral institution in Morąg in the 19th Century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
East Prussia
Germany in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century
The Diocese of Warmia
The Bishopric of Culm
Religious buildings
The funding of a parish
The Catholic Church in diaspora
The first Catholic Mass in Morąg was celebrated on 17th October 1869 by the priest Anton Gerigk. Since then, he celebrated religious services in that place four times a year. One of the places of worship was an inn called “Gasthof zur Ostbahn”. The priest August Blank from Miłakowo made efforts to buy real property that would be the basis for the building of a mission station in the town. Catholic services in Morąg were resumed in 1884 (after a 4 years’ break) by the priest Anton Malies from Pasłęk. The permission to build a chapel and a presbytery was obtained on 29th October 1888. The investment was launched in 1892, but, due to the lack of funds, the plans to build the presbytery were temporarily abandoned. The architectural plans were created by Otto, head of the planning and building office from Chojnice. The foundation stone of the new temple in Morąg was laid on 3rd August 1892, and the dedication of the church to Saint Joseph took place on 4th October 1893. In 1899, the building of a presbytery was commenced in the town. Stephan von Lipinski was appointed as the first priest in Morąg. The parish was founded on 25th November 1903. The said pastoral institution was supported financially by, among others, the Boniface Association in Paderborn.
Studia Elbląskie; 2013, 14; 85-94
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10

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