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Duszpasterstwo wojskowe na obszarze diecezji warmińskiej w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku
Military Chaplaincy in the Diocese of Warmia in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
prussian army
diocese of warmia
military chaplaincy
military chaplains
east prussia
nineteenth century
The historiography of the Diocese of Warmia has so far lacked a study on military chaplaincy in the first half of the nineteenth century. In order to investigate this issue, an analysis of the documentation stored at the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin has been conducted. The results of the study demonstrated that the Catholic military chaplaincy began to recover after the Napoleonic campaign of 1806–1807. In 1810, Catholic priests performed regular ministerial service in four cities. However, in 18 garrisons services were not performed. As a result, soldiers could receive their sacraments in Catholic churches only if they obtained passes. The first legal solutions of 1811 did not provide for the existence of a Catholic chaplaincy during peacetime. Some significant changes occurred in 1832. In the absence of a military chaplain, a clergyman working in a civil parish was to take over his function. By the end of that year, priests from Warmia served regularly in garrisons in Braniewo, Elblag, Klaipeda, Konigsberg, Malbork and Tilsit. Another 15 garrisons were to receive a chaplain. Some of them served in several garrisons. The issue of financing military chaplains remained unresolved for quite a long time. In February 1835, the Minister of War, Job von Witzleben, informed that chaplains recruited from the diocesan clergy received allowances, reimbursement for travel expenses and four thalers for their chaplaincy. However, some military places of worship suffered from a shortage of liturgical equipment.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2020, 85, 2; 157-174
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza i erygowanie parafii katolickiej w Ełku na początku XX wieku
Genesis and foundation of the Catholic parish in Lyck/Ełk at the beginning of the 19th century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Catholic Church in the diaspora
Church building
East Prussia
Germany in the 19th century
In 1852, a meeting of Catholics from Lyck/Ełk and the surrounding areas was convened. The representatives of the Bishop of Warmia and of the St. Adalbert Association also participated in it. A decision was made to tax the local community in order to create a pastoral institution in the town. The first priest of Ełk was Nikolaus Rochon, who was nominated on 22 May 1853. Then a property in the suburbs of Ełk was bought, where a presbytery was organised and a chapel was built. It was consecrated on 15 October 1854. In mid 1880s, it was decided that a new plot of land should be bought in order to build a church. The construction work on the plot of land was commenced in 1892. Finally, a Neogothic church was constructed. It was dedicated to St. Adalbert and the Transfiguration of Jesus by Edward Herrmann, the suffragan bishop of the Warmia Diocese. A catholic parish with full rights was founded on 31 March 1903. The priest of Ełk, Josef Langkau, celebrated Catholic services in Prawdziska and other places. In 1905 a priest, Konrad Majewski, was nominated in the village. The functioning of the pastoral institution in Ełk depended on the financial help of Church associations and organisations, particularly the St. Adalbert Association and the St. Boniface Association, which operated in the Warmia Diocese area under the name of the Saint Boniface and Adalbert Association.
Studia Elbląskie; 2015, 16; 7-22
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przygotowania do odbudowy ewangelickich budynków kościelnych w Prusach Wschodnich w czasie pierwszej wojny światowej
Preparations for the Reconstruction of Evangelical Church Buildings in East Prussia During the First World War
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
sacral architecture
financing the reconstruction
Germany in the first half of the 20th century
Evangelical associations
Military operations during the First World War resulted in material damage to Evangelical parish buildings in East Prussia. 26 temples and 26 rectories were destroyed, along with numerous residential, school and farm buildings. During the war, they were being rebuilt. This process was preceded by preparations that were to serve the introduction of legal and organizational solutions related primarily to the adaptation of temporary places of liturgical celebrations, the collection of the capital necessary to carry out the construction or the development of architectural designs. The state treasury, the local Church and believers not only from East Prussia, but also from the whole country, contributed to the financing of this reconstruction. The Church associations and organizations, in particular the Gustav Adolf Union, also contributed to this venture.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2018, 83, 3; 143-158
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prabuckie czasy księdza Carla Stalinskiego
Prabuty times of the priest Carl Stalinski
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
West Prussia
Germany in the 19th century
the Catholic Church in diaspora
religious buildings
Carl Stalinski
Carl Stalinski (1835 – 1911) was the priest of Prabuty/Riesenburg in the years 1867 – 1890. An initiative of building a church was taken at that time. The works started on 21st June 1876 and the foundation stone was laid on 4th October 1876. The investment was planned to be finished by 1st November 1877. Its cost was estimated to be 57 000 marks. The new church was blessed on 1st January 1878 and consecrated on 22nd May 1878. It was built probably on the basis of the modified project of the Neogothic church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Efferen near Cologne. The tabernacle, the altar rail, the pulpit and the sidealtars were made by Heinrich Splieth the father from Elbląg/Elbing. The bells were ordered from Friedrich Schulz, a bell maker form Chełmno/Culm. In 1879, 897 Catholics lived in the parish area; in 1883 there were 1009, and in 1888 – 1351. The Sacred Heart of Jesus was particularly worshipped in this place. A private Catholic school in Prabuty was founded on 16th August 1869. At first, it had 12 pupils, but in 1872 there were already 25, and in 1883 – 45. The parish was supported by religious associations and organisations, particularly the Boniface and Adalbert Association in Frombork. The salary of the parish priest in 1880 was 1204.63 marks per year, and in 1888 – 2106 marks.
Studia Elbląskie; 2014, 15; 75-87
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funding of Catholic clergy in the Klaipeda Region between 1923 and 1939
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
Klaipėda Region
Free Prelature of Klaipeda
Dioecese of Warmia
Catholic clergy
Germany in the first half of the 20th century
W 1923 r. w Okręgu Kłajpedy znajdowały się następujące katolickie parafie: Kłajpeda, Robkojen, Szyłokarczma i parafia misyjna w Wischwill. W 1932 r. utworzono jeszcze samodzielną placówkę duszpasterską w Pogegen. Ze względu na ich niski status materialny, nie były w stanie zapewnić pracującym w nim duszpasterzom należnego wynagrodzenia. Pensje otrzymywali oni z budżetu Okręgu Kłajpedy. O ich godziwe uposażenie troszczyła się diecezja warmińska, której podlegały parafie Nadniemna do czasu ogłoszenia bulli Piusa XI Lituanorum gente z 4 kwietnia 1926 r. Mimo zmiany przynależności politycznej tego regionu wsparcie finansowe na rzecz pruskiego duchowieństwa katolickiego gwarantowała również Republika Weimarska, która zabiegała o krzewienie niemieckości w Okręgu Kłajpedy
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2019, 306, 4; 762-779
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budowa kościoła ewangelickiego w Barczewie w XIX wieku
The construction of an Evangelical church in Barczewo in the 19th century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
Georg Gustav Erbkam
Kościół ewangelicki
Prusy w XIX wieku
Evangelical church
Prussia in the 19th century
In 1823, the evangelicals in Barczewo received an oratory for the celebration of liturgical services. Soon it became apparent that it was too small to accommodate the increasing number of congregants. In 1834, the royal court devised plans to reconstruct this structure. Two years later, a Franciscan church was planned to be built to house the Evangelical church. However, the Bishop of Warmia did not approve of this project. In 1844, the state authorities in Berlin recognised the need to erect the Evangelical church in Barczewo, but no construction work was undertaken at that time. At the synod in 1862, it was proposed to build in this place a “Church of Gratitude” (Dankeskirche) for the miraculous rescue of the Prussian ruler in Baden-Baden. Probably in January 1868, the state treasury filed the case of the Barczewo parish, questioning its right to donate due to royal patronage. At the same time, the parish priest Fr. Otto Hass promoted a fund raising campaign for the construction of a church in the whole Prussian state, asking for a donation of one thaler. By November 1871 more than 5000 thalers had been collected. The church was probably built on the basis of Georg Gustav Erbkam’s project. Its dedication took place on September 28, 1871.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2016, 291, 1; 55-69
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza budowy kościoła katolickiego w Kwidzynie w XIX wieku
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
diecezja chełmińska
diecezja warmińska
Prusy w XIX w.
budownictwo sakralne
diaspora katolicka
Chelmno diocese
the diocese of Warmia
Catholic diaspora
construction sacral
Prussia in the nineteenth century
Already on May 24, 1801. solicited the bishop of Chelmno on the erection of the parish and build a church in Kwidzyn, previously the Masses were celebrated in the choir of the Evangelical Cathedral. Also was considered adaptation of premises Kwidzyn castle for purposes of worship, then the local riding school. The army, in turn, were offered transfer Catholics one of the stables, which the Prussian king agreed in 1811. Construction works did not start at these objects.Also, the so-called adaptation plans of Polish chapel, or part of the Evangelical Cathedral ended in failure. State authorities proposed to turn the assignment of Kwidzyn Catholic parish in Tychnowach. Bishops of Warmia were skeptical about these proposals, fearing, among others, a significant expansion of the church in this village. After deciding on the construction of the temple in Kwidzyn, Catholics started collecting funds for this purpose. Efforts were made to acquire the inheritance of Ignatius von Piechowski wife or post benedictine capital in Chelmno. Was also seen the possibility of separating revenue parish Zwierznie. Rebounds on the construction project was carried out in a number of dioceses. Among the particularly generous donors should indicate bishop of Warmia Josephus Ambrosius Geritz. The building permit was obtained in 1840. The church, designed by Augustus Soller was built in the years 1847–1858. Consecration took place on 26 September 1858.
Bereits am 24. Mai 1801 gab es Bemühungen beim Kulmer Bischof, in Kwidzyn (Marienwerder) eine Gemeinde zu gründen und eine Kirche zu bauen.Früher wurden nämlich die heiligen Messen im Presbyterium der evangelischen Kathedrale gehalten. Es wurde auch in Erwägung gezogen, Räume der Burg von Kwidzyn oder die städtische Reitbahn für kultische Zwecke umzubauen. Das Militär schlug vor, den Katholiken einen seiner Pferdeställe zur Verfügung zu stellen, wozu der preußische König 1811 seine Einwilligung gab. Die Renovierungs- und Bauarbeiten an den genannten Objekten wurden jedoch nicht aufgenommen. Auch die Pläne für den Umbau der sog. polnischen Kapelle oder eines Teils der evangelischen Kathedrale endeten mit einem Fiasko. Die staatlichen Behörden schlugen wiederum vor, die Katholiken von Kwidzyn der Kirchengemeinde in Tychnowy (Tiefenau) zuzuordnen. Die ermländischen Bischöfe standen diesen Vorschlägen skeptisch gegenüber, weil sie u.a. den beträchtlichen Ausbau der Kirche in diesem Dorf scheuten. Nachdem die Entscheidung über den Bau des Gotteshauses in Kwidzyn gefallen war, begann die Sammlung von Geldern für diesen Zweck. Man bemühte sich, die Erbschaft der Ehefrau von Ignatius von Piechowski zu gewinnen oder auch Kapital von den Benediktinerinnen in Chełmno (Kulm). Ebenso wurde eine Möglichkeit gesehen, gemeindliche Einkünfte aus Zwierzno abzuführen. Die Sammlung für diese Bauinvestition wurde in vielen Diözesen durchgeführt. Zu den besonders großzügigen Stiftern gehörte der ermländische Bischof Joseph Ambrosius Geritz. Die Baugenehmigung wurde 1840 erteilt, und in den Jahren 1847-1858 wurde die Kirche nach Plänen von August Soller erbaut. Ihre Einweihung fand am 26. September 1858 statt.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2015, 287, 1; 61-77
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewangelicy a zobowiązania materialne względem parafii katolickich na obszarze historycznej Warmii w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
Kościół ewangelicki
Kościół katolicki
miasta warmińskie
Prusy w XIX wieku
Evangelical Church
the Catholic Church
the city of Warmia
Prussia in the nineteenth century
the tithe
In the first half of the nineteenth century maintained in areas of historical Warmia principle of territorial affiliation of the parish, or assignment to a parish people who inhabited it. It also affected the inhabitants of another religion, as long as members of the Church did not have a minority in a given place of the parish. This applied mainly to the evangelicals, who passed providing for the Catholic Church. Records of commitments material terms of the churches of this denomination also came to the decrees of erectile evangelical parish. Individual towns of Warmia participated in the financing creational implemented Catholic parishes, and also aided Catholic schools, based on the taxation of citizens regardless of their confession. Catholic clergy levying tithes from evangelical population. Thanks to the intervention of state authorities, in the late twenties of the nineteenth century, most Protestant landowners accused the habit of offering so-called small Christmas carols for Catholic priests and church workers.
In der ersten Hälfte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts in den Bereichen der historischen Warmia Prinzip der territorialen Zugehörigkeit der Gemeinde beibehalten, oder die Zuordnung zu einer Gemeinde Menschen, die es bewohnt. Es wirkte sich auch auf die Bewohner einer anderen Religion, solange die Mitglieder der Kirche nicht eine Minderheit in einem bestimmten Ort der Gemeinde hatte. Dies galt vor allem auf die Evangelikalen, die für die katholische Kirche bestanden bietet. Aufzeichnungen über die Verpflichtungen materieller Hinsicht von den Kirchen dieser Bezeichnung kam auch zu den Dekreten der erektilen evangelischen Kirchspiel. Einzelne Städte von Ermland nahmen an der Finanzierung Budowalnych katholischen Gemeinden umgesetzt werden, und auch die katholischen Schulen geholfen, auf der Grundlage der Besteuerung der Bürger unabhängig von ihrer Konfession. Katholischen Klerus Zehnte von evangelischen Bevölkerung zu erheben. Dank der Intervention der staatlichen Behörden, in den späten zwanziger Jahren des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, die meisten protestantischen Grundbesitzer beschuldigt die Gewohnheit bieten so genannte kleine Weihnachtslieder für katholische Priester und kirchliche Mitarbeiter.
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2015, 289, 3; 433-448
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biskupa Anastazego Sedlaga plany przeniesienia siedziby rządców diecezji chełmińskiej z Pelplina do Chełmna
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
biskup Anastazy Sedlag
diecezja chełmińska
translokacja siedziby biskupiej
Prusy w XIX w.
Bishop Anastazy Sedlag
Bishopric of Culm
translocation of the bishop seat
Prussia in the 19th century
In 1836, the Bishop of Culm, Anastazy Sedlag, suggested to the Prussian authorities that the bishop seat be moved from Pelplin to Culm. The translocation was also meant to include diocese institutions in Pelplin. On the basis of his calculations, one can find that the creation of a diocese capital in Culm would cost 14,850 thalers less than the completion of construction and adaptation works in Pelplin. It should be noted that the translocation expenses amounted to 62,750 thalers. The twelve-year period of Pelplin functioning as the seat of bishops did not influence its economic growth. Priests employed in the diocese administration experienced numerous difficulties in access to food products and means of transport. The ministry of religious affairs, education and medicine rejected the above mentioned Bishop Sedlag`s plans. The decision was supported by the argument of the amount of capital invested in the adjustment of the infrastructure of Pelplin to the needs of diocese institutions. Besides, diocese construction funds had been almost used up by that time. However, a decision was made to create a post office in Pelplin, as well as to reconstruct selected stretches of roads.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2015, 22; 163-176
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obraz Chin w piśmiennictwie Augustyna Zmarzłego SVD (1898-1966)
Image of China in the Literature of Augustyn Zmarzły SVD (1898-1966)
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
Chiny w pierwszej połowie XX w.
misje w Chinach
kultura Chin
China in the first half of the twentieth century
missions in China
Chinese culture
Society of the Divine Word
In 1924, in Mödling near Vienna, Augustyn Zmarzły was ordained a priest as a member of Society of the Divine Word. That same year, he went as a missionary to China where he worked for 25 years. During this time, he wrote many articles that were published in many magazines mainly in Poland, in Germany, and the United States. These articles focused on a wide range of issues, from Chinese history, customs, and culture, to ethnographic research. In the pages of the magazine “Nasz Misjonarz”, issued by Polish Divine World Missionaries in the interwar period, he published more than 120 letters. In Rev. Zmarzły’s texts he touched on current political events from the Far East.
W 1924 r. Augustyn Zmarzły otrzymał święcenia kapłańskie w Mödling koło Wiednia jako członek Zgromadzenia Słowa Bożego. Tego roku wyjechał jako misjonarz do Chin, w których pracował przez 25 lat. W czasie swojego pobytu w Państwie Środka napisał wiele artykułów, które publikowano na łamach czasopism wychodzących w Polsce, a także w Niemczech i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Dotyczyły one szerokiejproblematyki, począwszy od historii Chin, tamtejszych zwyczajów i kultury, po badania etnograficzne. Jedynie na łamach czasopisma „Nasz Misjonarz”, wydawanego przez polskich werbistów w okresie międzywojennym, opublikował ponad 120 listów. W swoich tekstach poruszał bieżące wydarzenia polityczne z Dalekiego Wschodu.
Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego; 2020, 40, 2; 185-202
Pojawia się w:
Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza budowy kościoła katolickiego w Pasymiu w drugiej połowie XIX wieku
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Teologiczno-Pastoralny im. św. bpa Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
budownictwo sakralne diaspora
diecezja warmińska
Prusy w XIX wieku
Stowarzyszenie św. Bonifacego i Wojciecha
religious buildings
the Diocese of Warmia
Prussia in the 19th century Pasym
the Boniface and Adalbert Association
Catholics have settled in the north part of the Szczytno district since the beginning of the 19th century. In the 1860s, the number of Catholics who lived in Pasym and surrounding areas was 500. The first Catholic religious service in the town was conducted in 1862 by the parish priest of Purda Wielka, Joseph Osinski. In 1868, Rudolph Steffen was appointed for the vicar of Pasym. He celebrated Masses in a small oratory. A year later, it was decided that funds would be raised for the construction of a church, whose area would be sufficient for the increasing number of the Catholic population. In 1873, sketches of the church were prepared by Matthias Toffel, a master builder. Most of the foundations were laid that year. A year later, walls were erected for the height of 10 feet. The foundation stone was blessed on 28th September 1874. With the agreement of the diocese authorities, the church was blessed by Rudolph Steffen on 8th December 1876. The church was dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on 22nd June 1884 by the Bishop of Warmia, Filip Krementz. The costs of the construction amounted to 75,000 marks. It was financed by voluntary contributions collected in the whole area of Germany, as well as from the funds of Church organisations, particularly the Boniface and Adalbert Association. However, the construction debt had to be paid for many years afterwards.
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej; 2016, 23; 95-112
Pojawia się w:
Resovia Sacra : Studia Teologiczno-Filozoficzne Diecezji Rzeszowskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z badań nad duchowieństwem warmińskim w udzielnej prałaturze kłajpedzkiej w latach 1926–1939
Research on Ermland clergy in the free prelature of Klaipeda in the years 1926 – 1939
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
duchowieństwo warmińskie
Niemcy w pierwszej połowie XX wieku
Okręg Kłajpedy
udzielna prałatura kłajpedzka
Ermland clergy
Germany in the first half of the 20th century
the Klaipeda Region
free prelature of Klaipeda
Po konferencji wersalskiej wyłączono Okręg Kłajpedy spod jurysdykcji Republiki Weimarskiej. W marcu 1924 r. Liga Narodów zaaprobowała przekazanie tego obszaru na rzecz Litwy jako jej suwerennej części na prawach autonomii. Do ogłoszenia bulli Piusa XI Lithuanorum gente z 4 kwietnia 1926 r. Okręg Kłajpedy znajdował się w granicach diecezji warmińskiej. Bulla sankcjonowała ustanowienie udzielnej prałatury kłajpedzkiej na jego obszarze, na czele której ustanowiono biskupa rezydującego w Telszach na Litwie. Początkowo pracowało w niej sześciu warmińskich księży: ks. Albert Dannelautzki, będący kłajpedzkim proboszczem oraz dziekanem, ks. Josef Rohwetter i ks. Paul Wermter pełniący urząd wikariuszy w tej parafii, ks. proboszcz Franz Schacht z Szyłokarczmy, ks. proboszcz Richard Rischewski z Robkojen oraz proboszcz misyjny ks. Leo Olszewski z Wischwill. W Okręgu Kłajpedy rosła liczba ludności litewskiej, w związku z czym, zaczęto zatrudniać w nim księży tej narodowości. Wśród duchowieństwa prałatury kłajpedzkiej ważną rolę odgrywał jej dziekan ks. kanonik Albert Dannelautzki. Cieszył się on poważaniem władz państwowych, a także rządu niemieckiego. W 1934 r. Okręg Kłajpedy wydalił liczną grupę niemieckich urzędników, za proniemieckie przekonania. Wśród nich znalazł się ks. Leo Olschewski z Wischwill. W 1938 r. pracowało w prałaturze kłajpedzkiej 11 katolickich księży, z których aż 9 było Litwinami.
After the conference of Versailles, the Klaipeda region (Memel Territory, Memelland) was excluded from the jurisdiction of the Weimar Republic. In March 1924, the League of Nations proposed that this area should be given to Lithuania as a sovereign and autonomous territory within the country. Until Pope Pius XI’s bull of 4 April 1926 Lithuanorum gente was issued, the Memel Territory was located within the Diocese of Ermland (Warmia). Thebull sanctioned the establishing of the free prelature of Klaipeda (Memel) in its area. The prelature was headed by the bishop residing in Telšiai, Lithuania. At first, six priests from Ermland worked there: Rev. Albert Dannelautzki, who was the parish priest and dean of Klaipeda, Rev. Josef Rohwetter and Rev. Paul Wermter, who were vicars of the parish, parish priest Rev. Franz Schacht of Šilutė, parish priest Rev. Richard Rischewski of Robkojen,parish priest Rev. Leo Olschewski of Wischwill. The Lithuanian population in the Klaipeda region was increasing, so priests of this nationality were employed in the area. Among the clergy of the Klaipeda prelature, its dean, canon priest Albert Dannelautzki played an important role. He was respected by the state authorities and by the German government. In 1934, a numerous group of German officials was expelled from the Klaipeda Region for, among other reasons, pro-German views. The group included Rev. Leo Olschewski of Wischwill. In 1938, 11 Catholic priests worked at the Klaipeda prelature, 9 of whom were Lithuanian.
Studia Elbląskie; 2018, 19; 119-133
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieje katolickiej placówki duszpasterskiej w Morągu w XIX wieku
The history of the Catholic pastoral institution in Morąg in the 19th Century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
East Prussia
Germany in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century
The Diocese of Warmia
The Bishopric of Culm
Religious buildings
The funding of a parish
The Catholic Church in diaspora
The first Catholic Mass in Morąg was celebrated on 17th October 1869 by the priest Anton Gerigk. Since then, he celebrated religious services in that place four times a year. One of the places of worship was an inn called “Gasthof zur Ostbahn”. The priest August Blank from Miłakowo made efforts to buy real property that would be the basis for the building of a mission station in the town. Catholic services in Morąg were resumed in 1884 (after a 4 years’ break) by the priest Anton Malies from Pasłęk. The permission to build a chapel and a presbytery was obtained on 29th October 1888. The investment was launched in 1892, but, due to the lack of funds, the plans to build the presbytery were temporarily abandoned. The architectural plans were created by Otto, head of the planning and building office from Chojnice. The foundation stone of the new temple in Morąg was laid on 3rd August 1892, and the dedication of the church to Saint Joseph took place on 4th October 1893. In 1899, the building of a presbytery was commenced in the town. Stephan von Lipinski was appointed as the first priest in Morąg. The parish was founded on 25th November 1903. The said pastoral institution was supported financially by, among others, the Boniface Association in Paderborn.
Studia Elbląskie; 2013, 14; 85-94
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bezławki versus Święta Lipka, czyli rzecz o budowie wiejskiego domu dla konfirmantów na pograniczu historycznej Warmii w XIX wieku
Bezławki versus Święta Lipka, concerning the building of a rural house for the confirmed on the border of historical Warmia in the 19th century .
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Północny im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego w Olsztynie
dom dla konfirmantów
Kościół ewangelicki na Mazurach
Niemcy w XIX wieku
relacje interkonfesyjne
Święta Lipka
Gustawa Adolfa
house for the confirmed
the Evangelical Church in Masuria
Germany in the 19th century
inter-confessional relationships
Gustavus Adolphus Union
In 1855 Fr. Otto Hartmann Dobgan took the initiative of establishing a house for the confirmed in Bezławki. In his view, such a centre would counterbalance the proselytism of the Catholic priests in Święta Lipka. They took the children from poor Evangelical families who were then preparing for their First Holy Communion. A small house in Bezławki, intended for the confirmed, was purchased on 1 October, 1856. It was designated for use a month later. At first, eight pupils lived there free of charge while preparing for their confirmation. A decision was quickly made to build a new facility. The dedication of the foundational stone was scheduled for 19 April, 1857. In October of that year the work was completed. The consecration of the building took place on 26 June, 1858. This investment was supported by evangelical organizations, especially the Gustavus Adolphus Union, who co-funded the activities of the house. Its caretakers included the Schwarz family, the teacher of Thal and Haases. The centre survived until World War II
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie; 2017, 295, 1; 79-94
Pojawia się w:
Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budowa kościoła ewangelickiego w Rogiedlach na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
The building of the Evangelical church in Regerteln/Rogiedle in the late 19th and early 20th century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Kościół ewangelicki (unijny)
Niemcy w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX wieku
Prusy Wschodnie
św. Wojciech
Związek Gustawa Adolfa
Evangelical United Church
Germany in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century
St. Adalbert
W latach dziewięćdziesiątych XIX wieku nabożeństwa ewangelickie w Rogiedlach sprawowano w tamtejszej szkole. Szansę na zmianę tej sytuacji upatrywano w ustanowieniu duszpasterza w tej miejscowości, którym został w 1894 r. ks. Carl Richard Hilbrandt. Wówczas powzięto zamiar wybudowania świątyni w Rogiedlach. W 1897 r. obchodzono 900. rocznicę męczeńskiej śmierci św. Wojciecha Apostoła Prus. Z tego względu budowa wspomnianego obiektu sakralnego miała stać się trwałą pamiątką tego jubileuszu, jednakże nie udało się wówczas zrealizować opisywanego przedsięwzięcia. Projekt świątyni na 236 miejsc siedzących opracował powiatowy inspektor budowlany Klehmet. Prace budowlane, które zainicjowano w pierwszym półroczu 1900 r., zlecono budowniczemu Ebelingowi. Poświęcenie kościoła odbyło się już 13 grudnia 1900 r. w obecności władz kościelnych i państwowych prowincji wschodniopruskiej. Znaczną część kosztów budowlanych sfinansował Związek Gustawa Adolfa, wspierający ewangelickie placówki duszpasterskie położone na obszarach diaspory.
In the 1890s, Evangelical services in Regerteln/Rogiedle were celebrated at the local school. The appointment of a priest, Rev Carl Richard Hilbrandt, in 1894, was viewed as an opportunity to change this situation. At that time, it was planned that a church in Rogiedle would be built. In 1897, the 900th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Adalbert, the Apostle of Prussia, was celebrated. Considering this, the construction of the said building would become a lasting remembrance of this anniversary. However, it was not possible to implement the project at that time. The project of a temple with 236 seats was prepared by Klehmet, the district construction inspector. Ebeling, a builder, was commissioned to perform the construction works commenced in the first half of 1900. The church was blessed on 13 December 1900, in the presence of Church authorities and state authorities of the East Prussia province. A large part of the construction expenses was covered by the Gustav-AdolfVerein, which supported Evangelical religious institutions situated in the diaspora areas.
Studia Elbląskie; 2017, 18; 89-100
Pojawia się w:
Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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