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Grzyby ektomykoryzowe w obiegu węgla w ekosystemach leśnych
Ectomycorrhizal fungi and carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems
Kałucka, I.
Jagodziński, A.M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
ekosystemy lesne
obieg wegla
materia organiczna
grzyby ektomikoryzowe
biomasa lesna
carbon sequestration
carbon flux
organic matter
soil carbon
ecm fungi
forest biomass
In boreal and temperate forests fungi play a particularly important role, since most trees form a symbiotic relationship with many species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, providing them with assimilates in exchange for minerals. Mycorrhiza is considered one of the most significant factors affecting functioning of forest ecosystems, and in particular the processes of carbon cycling and storage. ECM fungi are involved both directly through carbon accumulation in the mycelial system, and indirectly through their influence on tree biomass production and organic matter decomposition. The amount of carbon transferred to ECM fungi usually varies from 10 to 25 or even 50% of the host's net photosynthesis, thus they are a group of organisms that significantly affect carbon flow into the soil. Most of that carbon is built into the mycelial system and its structures (fungal parts of ECM roots, extramatrical hyphae and rhizomorphs, sporocarps, etc.). Carbon allocation to the underground part of trees, and thus to ECM roots, changes with stand age and stand development phase. The biomass of active ECM roots and mycelium usually reaches its maximum in young stands, in the canopy closure phase; frequently, this is also true for the standing biomass of fruit bodies. A large share of ECM sporocarps in the forest carbon budget and high levels of ECM vegetative mycelium respiration are considered to be among the main pathways for the release of CO&sub2. from forest soil, indicating a significant role of ECM fungi in fast carbon flow via forest ecosystems. On the other hand, dead ECM fine roots and extramatrical mycelia are a very rich and important pool of sequestered carbon in the soil.
Sylwan; 2013, 157, 11; 817-830
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ekologiczne konsekwencje hodowli drzew w różnym zagęszczeniu III. Stabilność drzewostanu, fitoklimat i różnorodność biologiczna
Ecological consequences of silviculture at variable stand densities. III. Stand stability, phytoclimate and biodiversity
Jagodziński, A.M.
Oleksyn, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
wiezba drzew
zageszczenie poczatkowe
roznorodnosc biologiczna
ekologia lasu
stabilnosc drzewostanu
zageszczenie roslin
stand density
tree competition
forest ecology
stand stability
The main goal of this review was to characterize ecological consequences of growing trees at variable stand densities. We analyzed the influence of stand density on its mechanical and biological stability, diversity and biomass of understory plants and microclimate conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity, light, etc.). Higher stand density results in higher susceptibility to wind and snow damage, due to changes in height to diameter ratio (tree slenderness). The mechanical stability of stands may be promoted by silvicultural activities such as light thinning applied before growth stagnation. In addition, the reduction of stand density during stand development may increase biomass allocation to coarse roots that stabilize trees in the soil. High tree density may increase stand susceptibility to pathogens and insects and thus increase tree mortality. Trees growing at higher density (with higher intraspecific competition) may allocate less assimilates for defense against herbivorous insects and pathogens. The effect of tree density on stability of multi−species stands is inconclusive, since such studies were only occasionally undertaken. Since tree density influences light conditions (mainly before canopy closure), there is a negative relationship between stand density and herbaceous species diversity and biomass. Based on the published data, we summarized consequences of silviculture at different stand densities and proposed future directions of research needed to fill the gaps in current knowledge. Understanding the long−term ecological consequences of variable stand densities is essential for development of sustainable and stable forest ecosystems.
Sylwan; 2009, 153, 04; 219-230
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ekologiczne konsekwencje hodowli drzew w różnym zagęszczeniu I. Wzrost i rozwój drzewostanu
Ecological consequences of silviculture at variable stand densities. I. Stand growth and development
Jagodziński, A.M.
Oleksyn, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
wzrost drzewostanu
wiezba drzew
zageszczenie poczatkowe
zageszczenie roslin
rozwoj drzewostanu
stand density
tree competition
tree biometry
stand growth and development
The main goal of this review was to characterize ecological consequences of growing trees at variable stand densities. We found that the majority of studies were focused on biometry, productivity and mortality of trees, and wood quality and its economic value, while the influence of stand density on biomass allocation, abiotic and biotic factors, chemistry of different tree organs, diversity and biomass of understory plants, ecophysiology of trees and microclimate conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity, light conditions, etc.) were only occasionally addressed. Stand growth and development trajectories are clearly modified by stand density, however the strength of influence depends on the phase of stand development. Lower seedling densities in nursery conditions lead to increases in their height and diameter, thus influencing seedling quality used in afforestation. The positive influence of higher density on diameter and height of trees in younger stages of stand development may be a result of higher probability of seedlings being planted in more favorable microhabitats, improvement of microclimate conditions, earlier crown closure that reduces interspecific competition for nutrient and water resources. Moreover, stand density clearly influences branch diameter and length, and thus knot size. Higher stand density results in earlier crown closure and higher tree mortality, leading to vertical and horizontal changes in stand structure (DBH, height and crown dimensions of trees). In the denser stands slender and flexible trees with small, narrow crowns dominate, and most of the trees belong to the 3rd class according to Kraft' classification of tree social positions in the stand. The influence of stand density on stand structure may lead to changes in biomass partitioning and thus merchantable wood production and nutrient retention in particular tree organs.
Sylwan; 2009, 153, 02; 75-85
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Biblioteka Nauki
Udział węgla w związkach obronnych przed czynnikami biotycznymi u roślin drzewiastych
Share of carbon in defense compounds against biotic factors in woody plants
Karolewski, P.
Jagodziński, A.M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
obrona chemiczna
substancje obronne
zawartosc wegla
carbon concentration
defense compounds
woody plants
biotic factors
In addition to physical defenses, chemical defenses are the most effective way to protect plants from adverse biotic factors (phytophagous insects, other herbivores and pathogenic fungi). This requires extra effort from plants to produce secondary defense metabolites at the expense of production of primary metabolites directly linked to the growth and development of plants. There are three main groups of defensive compounds (alkaloids, phenolic compounds and terpenoids). All defensive compounds are rich in carbon. Depending on the chemical formula, carbon makes up from about 40% to over 85% of the molecular weight of various defense compounds. It is not possible to calculate the total carbon mass accumulation in all defense compounds. In this paper we discuss the content of defensive compounds and carbon with respect to defense strategy of plants, functional groups of woody species (coniferous and deciduous trees), tree species, tree biomass components (leaves, branches, bark, roots, etc.) and many other internal (age of trees, age of leaves, stage of development, origin, etc.) as well as external factors, related to soil and climatic conditions.
Sylwan; 2013, 157, 11; 831-841
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ekologiczne konsekwencje hodowli drzew w różnym zagęszczeniu II. Produkcja i alokacja biomasy, retencja biogenów
Ecological consequences of silviculture at variable stand densities. II. Biomass production and allocation, nutrient retention
Jagodziński, A.M.
Oleksyn, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
wiezba drzew
zageszczenie poczatkowe
skladniki pokarmowe
ekologia lasu
zageszczenie roslin
dostepnosc skladnikow pokarmowych
wymiana gazowa
alokacja biomasy
stand density
tree competition
forest ecology
biomass allocation
nutrient retention
The main goal of this review was to characterize ecological consequences of growing trees at variable stand densities. Increasing stand density results in rising competition among trees in their below− and above− ground parts, leads to changes in stand structure (DBH, height, crown width and length, crown ratio, tree slenderness, branch diameters and length) and thus modifies biomass partitioning and may influence stand productivity. Trees grown at higher density compete more intensely for limited resources such as space, light, water and nutrients, than in those grown at wider spacing. In general, total tree biomass accumulation is higher in more dense stands and in less dense stands a higher proportion of biomass is allocated to coarse roots. Moreover, stand density may alter foliage distribution within the crowns. For stands grown at higher tree density, leaf area index (LAI) may increase and thus influence stand productivity, however LAI is closely related to light requirements and succession status of the species. Because stand density may simultaneously modify macro− and micronutrient concentration in different tree tissues and biomass partitioning, it may lead to distinct changes in the nutrient balance of the forest ecosystem. For example, a considerable pool of stand mineral elements (including carbon) is allocated to roots that are not subjected to traditional stand management. Therefore, manipulation of stand density leading to higher biomass allocation to roots may increase carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems.
Sylwan; 2009, 153, 03; 147-157
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zmiany roślinności rezerwatu przyrody Mszar Bogdaniec
Changes in vegetation of the Mszar Bogdaniec nature reserve
Dyderski, M.K.
Jagodziński, A.M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
rezerwaty przyrody
rezerwat Mszar Bogdaniec
zbiorowiska roslinne
zbiorowiska lesne
zbiorowiska torfowe
zmiany gatunkowe
transitional bog
Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis
vegetation dynamics
Changes of vegetation in forests and wetlands require continuous monitoring and evaluation. Due to the lack of in-depth knowledge, it is still very challenging to predict and record vegetation changes. This study attempts to evaluate changes in forest and transitional bog vegetation over 14 years in the Mszar Bogdaniec nature reserve (West Poland; 21.98 ha). We described the current vegetation using 50 phytosociological relevés conducted in 2012 and 2013. Moreover, we calculated and compared ecological indices describing ecological traits of the vegetation in two different times. We also used Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) to assess changes in floral composition. Most of the studied vegetation traits did not change significantly during the last 14 years. Statistically significant changes occured in the proportion of mosses and cover of the herb layer, both of which increased, as well as species richness in forest plant communities, and the cover of species from Scheuchzerio-Caricetea class in peat bog plant communities, both of which decreased. The current state of the vegetation is a result of former human activity such as drainage and planting monoculture tree stands. The observed changes during the last 14 years were fluctuations rather than direct changes. Encroachment of the woody species into transitional bog is a fluctuation, which may be secondary succession in the long-term.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2016, 77, 2
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Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena zgodności rozkładów empirycznych pierśnic drzewostanów bukowych różnych klas wieku z wybranymi rozkładami teoretycznymi
Goodness of fit evaluation of the breast height diameter distributions of beech stands differing in age with selected theoretical distributions
Jagiełło, R.
Beker, C.
Jagodziński, A.M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany bukowe
klasy wieku
buk zwyczajny
Fagus sylvatica
piersnice drzew
rozklad empiryczny
rozklad teoretyczny
ocena zgodnosci
diameter distribution
finite mixture distribution
beech stand
fagus sylvatica
Modelling is one of the basic activities in the field of biological sciences. The main purpose of modelling is to illustrate relationships and phenomena of biological objects (and traits describing them) and present reality as close as it is possible with expected range of error. In the paper we presented results of approximation of the selected theoretical distributions, i.e. singular (normal, log−normal, gamma, two− and three−parameter Weibull, Johnsons SB) and finite mixture (normal, log−normal, gamma and Weibull) to tree diameter distributions in beech stands (Fagus sylvatica L.). The main aim of the study was to evaluate goodness of fit of selected distributions, prove legitimacy of using mixture distributions in even−aged, single−species beech stands and find the best distribution of model diameter distribution in a whole production cycle of this kind of stands. The study was conducted in 32 sample plots located in north−western Poland in stands at the age between 9 and 140. For the evaluation χ² test, a modified error index (e) and a root mean square error (RMSE) were used. We found that the RMSE and e are related in most cases with stand density. Mean values of used indicators show that finite mixture distributions are better in comparison to singular distributions. The best fitted distributions were Johnsons SB and mixture of gamma ones. Range of error index expressed with number of trees per hectare ranges 16.5−32.8% and 7.7−27.0% for this distributions, respectively. Conversely the worst results were obtained by fitting two−parameter Weibull distribution both in singular and mixture. Future diameter distribution model based on the probability distribution should be based on Johnson SB or 3−parameter Weibull distribution from singular ones or gamma from finite mixture. In case of age class apportionment unequivocal the best result were obtained with Johnson SB and partially with mixture gamma distributions.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 02; 107-119
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zawartość węgla w biomasie pospolitych gatunków krzewów podszycia leśnego
Carbon concentration in the biomass of common species of understory shrubs
Jagodziński, A.M.
Jarosiewicz, G.
Karolewski, P.
Oleksyn, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
pietro lesne
krzewy lesne
leszczyna pospolita
Corylus avellana
czeremcha zwyczajna
Prunus padus
czeremcha amerykanska
Prunus serotina
kruszyna pospolita
Frangula alnus
bez czarny
Sambucus nigra
deren swidwa
Cornus sanguinea
jarzab pospolity
Sorbus aucuparia
zawartosc wegla
carbon concentration
biomass components
Experimental data on carbon concentration in woody plant species biomass are very scarce and value of 50% of dry biomass is widely accepted in carbon storage modeling. On the other hand, some studies have proved that the carbon concentration in woody species biomass is variable and depends on the component. Thus, the main goal of the study was to determine carbon concentration in biomass of 7 understory shrub species (basing on 282 individuals): Corylus avellana, Prunus padus, P. serotina, Frangula alnus, Sambucus nigra, Cornus sanguinea and Sorbus aucuparia as well as to analyze variability of carbon concentration among shrub species and biomass components. Carbon concentration was analyzed for leaves, fruits, branches, stemwood, stembark, coarse and fine roots. Our study revealed that the mean carbon concentration in biomass of all species studied was 47.7%. We found statistically significant differences in carbon concentration among the shrub species studied in all biomass components. The mean value for particular species was as follows: Prunus serotina – 47.5%, P. padus – 47.6%, Frangula alnus – 47.7%, Sambucus nigra – 47.7%, Corylus avellana – 47.8%, Cornus sanguinea – 47.8% and Sorbus aucuparia – 47.8%. Additionally, we found statistically significant differences in carbon concentration among biomass components within the species studied. The mean carbon concentration in fruit biomass was 46.2%, in fine roots – 47.0%, in leaves – 47.2%, in coarse roots – 47.7%, in branches – 47.9%, in stemwood – 48.5% and in stembark – 48.6%. The variability of carbon concentration in fruit, branches and leaves biomass was higher than in the remaining biomass components. The variability of carbon concentration in biomass of woody species should be considered in carbon storage modeling in forest ecosystems.
Sylwan; 2012, 156, 09; 650-662
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Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza dendroklimatologiczna przyrostów radialnych inwazyjnych Acer negundo L. oraz Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall z doliny Warty
Dendroclimatological analysis of radial increments of invasive Acer negundo L. and Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall from the Warta river valley
Zajdler, M.
Tyborski, J.
Dyderski, M.K.
Jagodziński, A.M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
gatunki inwazyjne
klon jesionolistny
Acer negundo
jesion pensylwanski
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
przyrost drzew
przyrosty radialne
analiza dendroklimatyczna
dolina Warty
riparian habitats
alien trees
radial growth
Invasive tree species are one of the most important threats to the riparian ecosystems. We aimed to check (1) whether invasive tree species have wider annual radial increments than native species and (2) which climatic factors (describing annual variability of air temperature and precipitations) influence radial growth of the investigated species. The study was conducted in the Warta river valley in Poznań (W Poland). Detrended chronologies were built using 28 cores bored from Acer negundo and 20 from Fraxinus pennsylvanica. Mean annual radial increment of A. negundo was of 3.91 ±0.19 mm and of F. pennsylvanica – 2.76 ±0.08 mm. Radial growth of A. negundo was significantly correlated to precipitation in June of the increment year and temperature in November of the year before the increment. In turn, radial growth of F. pennsylvanica was significantly correlated to precipitation in April and temperature in May and June of the increment year. These factors explained 44 and 55% of variance in radial increments widths of A. negundo and F. pennsylvanica, respectively. Annual radial growth of the alien species studied were higher than in case of native riparian species. Thus, studied invasive species constitute a serious threat for the analysed riparian ecosystems. Obtained results may be helpful for predicting their spread under projected climate change scenarios.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 07; 547-554
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ocena introdukcji Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch na siedlisku grądu w Nadleśnictwie Czerniejewo
Assessment of Carya ovata (Mill.) K.Koch introduction to the potential oak-hornbeam forest habitat in the Czerniejewo Forest District
Paź, S.
Czapiewska, N.
Dyderski, M.K.
Jagodziński, A.M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
ekosystemy lesne
gatunki obce
orzesznik pieciolistkowy
Carya ovata
zmiany struktury drzewostanu
siedliska gradowe
Nadlesnictwo Czerniejewo
species richness
light availability
tree stand structure
Alien tree species, due to their longevity, manifest their invasive potential after several decades from introduction. For the high threat to biodiversity, there is a need to analyze the risk of introduction connected with numerous alien tree species introduced in the various forest ecosystems. We aimed to assess the productivity potential and effect of alien Carya ovata on understory vegetation. Our study was conducted in the oldest (122 years old) tree stand of C. ovata in Poland, located in the Czerniejewo Forest District (western Poland). We analyzed C. ovata tree stand features and vegetation traits within the forest community and compared with natural vegetation – oak−hornbeam forest. We found that C. ovata trees had lower dimensions and standing volume than oaks (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) growing in the neighborhood. We also did not find the impact of C. ovata stands on understory vegetation species composition and light availability. Because of the low impact on forest floor vegetation and lack of spread we concluded that C. ovata cannot be classified as an invasive species. Moreover, its introduction was not successful in terms of tree stand productivity.
Sylwan; 2018, 162, 01; 41-48
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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