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Los rodziny Antoniego Mysakowskiego w pierwszym roku Wielkiej Wojny
The history of the family of Antoni Mysakowski in the first year of the Great War
Garbacz, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Wielka Wojna
I wojna światowa
Antoni Mysakowski
Janina Mysakowska
Franciszek Stachnik
Eugenia Dominiowa
Huta Krzeszowska
the Great War
World War I
the Lublin Land
For the author of this publication, the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of World War I became an opportunity to look at its first dozen moths in the south of the Lublin Land in the context of both military activities and the fate of civilians on the example of the family of the exiled Antoni Mysakowski, an organist from Huta Krzeszowska. The article was written on the basis of available publications referring to military activities in that area as well as unpublished family archives from early 20th century. The sources comprise the letters and documents confirming the imprisonment of Antoni Mysakowski by Russians in 1914 and his exile to Siberia, as well as parts of the diary of his daughter Janina, containing, among others, short reports from the front and its back-up in the territory of the southern Lublin Land – the places where she stayed with her family at that time. As the registers of births, marriages and deaths specify, the family of Antoni Mysakowski was connected with the Lublin Land from at least the 18th century, initially with the region of Chełm and Krasnystaw. Jan Mysakowski, the grandfather of the author of the diary, came with his family to Huta Krzeszowska which, at that time, was located in the district of Biłgoraj, around 1880. Their son, Antoni, spent many years in Huta with his wife, Stanisława nee Nowakowska. In 1894, their daughter, Janina, was born there. When the war broke out, Janina Mysakowska stayed in the area of Zwierzyniec and Szczebrzeszyn. When she stayed in the forester’s lodge in Nowiny near Nielisz, she found herself in the area of fights between the Austrian 4th Army of General Moritz von Auffenberg and the Russian 5th Army of General Pavel von Plehve. At that time, between 26 August and 2 September 1914, there was a great battle, referred to as the Battle of Komarów. Janina recollects the fights of 28 August. At that time, Eugenia Dominiowa nee Aleksiewicz (1872-1917), the wife of a clerk employed with a local sugar factory lived in Klemensów, where ordinate Zamoyski had his residence. In her diary, she described the military activities in Klemensów and in other places in the southern Lublin Land. Parts of that diary were published in 1938 in “Teka Zamojska”. Antoni Mysakowski’s family, staying in the area of Szczebrzeszyn, did not know his fate or the fate of other inhabitants of Huta Krzeszowska after the Austrians had marched into the area. It was only after her return home in 1914, when the Austro-Hungarian army was forced behind the San, that Janina got to know that her father had accepted the Austrians’ proposal to take over the post of a head of the village and, as a result, he was arrested by Russians. Janina described briefly the situation in Huta, where Russian troops were deployed permanently, she mentioned the fights by the San river which lasted over three weeks, until the Russians had crossed the river. At that time, the situation of Antoni Mysakowski, which was subject to military jurisdiction, was dramatic. After the proceedings conducted in April 1915 in the Dęblin Fortress, he was brought to the prison in Lublin, from where he was to be exiled. Some of the letters addressed to him, as well as the notes of his daughter Janina, were written in that period. After his departure, Antoni lost contact with his closest family remaining in the Lublin Land – his ailing parents, his wife, exhausted with pregnancy and labour, and all his children, of which one died when he was in prison. In May and June 1915, there were fierce fights in the region of Nisko between the Austro-Hungarian and Russian forces. Janina recollects them in some parts of her diary written in Huta Krzeszowska. The Austrian-German forces which, at the beginning of May 1915 began their offensive in Galicia and managed to break off the Russian front near Gorlice, forced the Tsar’s forces to withdraw from the territory of the Kingdom of Poland. In the territories which the Russian army was leaving, the evacuation of civilians began. During the evacuation, which comprised the inhabitants of eastern provinces, not only the state property, Russian offices and officials with their family were taken away. There were cases of mass expelling of people from villages and towns and destroying everything that could not be taken to Russia. The expelled civilians were exiled to Russia. Janina writes about it in her diary. The following pages of the diary describe the war-time experiences of the family, written from the end of June 1915 during the stay at the forester’s lodge in Nowiny near Nielisz. For the second time, Janina had to spend dramatic days under the rain of gun and cannon bullets. She writes about the fights of enemy armies, in this case, from the position of Austro-Hungarian and German armies fighting with Russian forces. The offensive of the allied forces under the command of General Mackensen ended at the end of July and resulted in defeating the Third Russian Army in the territories to the south of Lublin. Another stop during the wartime journey of Janina Mysakowska and her family was a village Zawadki near Susiec, where, among others, her grandfather, Jan Nowakowski, stayed. The author of the diary gives a brief account of the news from the front. Some of the information was brought by Austrian soldiers, who were still deployed in Zawadki as late as in September 1915. At the end of August, those exiled to Russia began to return, among others, to Huta Krzeszowska and other places near Biłgoraj. They were those who stayed behind the Bug River, in Volhynia, that is, the closest to the area they lived in. More people began to return as late as in mid-September, mainly those from the Lublin Land and those who were relatively close to the home country. Those who were taken far into Russia either died of hunger and epidemics or returned later, since they had to travel longer distances. In October 1915, after wandering during the war for several months, Janina with her family returned to Huta Krzeszowska. In 1918, the mother, Stanisława, died after a long illness and, two years later, a chronic disease resulted in the death of the author of the diary. Antoni Mysakowski, expelled to Siberia, settled in a small village Prospichina near Achinsk. As his situation was dramatic, he was helped by one of the organizations active in Russia – the Central Citizens’ Committee. His return to the homeland became possible as late as in September 1923. After that, he lived for 25 years, since he died in 1948 in Biłgoraj. He was buried in a local parish cemetery, near the place where, years before, his wife and daughter, the author of the diary, had been buried. The family of Antoni Mysakowski was one of hundreds Polish families which experienced trauma during the Great War. Presenting their history in the light of the war-time events was possible mainly thanks to preserved family documents and the recollections of Jadwiga, one of Antoni’s younger daughters, who died a short time ago.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2015, 1; 43-75
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienne losy starego cmentarza w Biłgoraju
Changing history of the old cemetery in Biłgoraj
Garbacz, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
domniemane grodzisko
stary cmentarz
cmentarz przykościelny
nekropolia podmiejska
kamienne nagrobki
józefowski ośrodek kamieniarski
Lublin region
old cemetery
supposed hill fort
church cemetery
suburban necropolis
Józefów stoneworking centre
Zabytkowe cmentarze są świadectwem dziedziczonej z pokolenia na pokolenie pamięci o przodkach. Niestety, część z nich została w XX w. zdewastowana i ograbiona z wielu elementów kamiennej architektury nagrobnej. Do tej grupy założeń należy stary cmentarz w Biłgoraju, w województwie lubelskim, założony przed końcem XVIII w. Jego użytkowanie zakończono około 1880 r., ale prawne zamknięcie nastąpiło dopiero w 1959 r. W ciągu kilkudziesięciu lat pozbawiony opieki cmentarz uległ tak daleko posuniętej degradacji, że w 1982 r. zarejestrowano tylko trzy nieuszkodzone wolno stojące nagrobki kamienne; pozostałe przetrwały jedynie we fragmentach. Zniszczeniu uległa też część drzewostanu. W 1977 r. cmentarz został wpisany do rejestru zabytków, dziesięć lat później powstało założenie projektowe lapidarium. Próby ratowania biłgorajskiego cmentarza zbiegły się z czasem ogólnej dyskusji na temat stanu zachowania nekropolii w Polsce i szybko postępującego ich niszczenia, zarówno przez wandali, jak i wskutek decyzji władz administracyjnych, nakazujących likwidację tych już nieużytkowanych. Na przykładzie biłgorajskiego założenia autor starał się pokazać wieloletni proces powojennej destrukcji jednej z tych nekropolii, które bez uszczerbku przetrwały czasy okupacji hitlerowskiej.
Old cemeteries are evidence of the memory about ancestors inherited throughout generations. Sadly, in the 20th century, some of them were devastated and robbed of many elements of stone tomb architecture. In this group is the old cemetery in Biłgoraj, Lublin Voivodeship, established in the late 18th century. Its use was discontinued ca. 1880. However, it was not legally closed until 1959. Within several decades, without care, the cemetery fell into such advanced degradation that in 1982 only three undamaged, free-standing tombstones were registered; others survived only in fragments. Some of the trees were destroyed as well. In 1977, the cemetery was entered into the register of historic sites; ten years later, the design of a lapidarium was created. Attempts to save the Biłgoraj cemetery coincided with general discussion on the state of conservation of necropolises in Poland and their quickly advancing degradation, both by vandals and as a result of decisions made by administrative authorities who order liquidation of the disused ones. On the example of the Biłgoraj complex, the author attempted to illustrate the years-long process of post-war destruction of one of these necropolises, which survived the period of Nazi occupation without harm.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2016, 2; 219-257
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kapliczki przydrożne z Nadrzecza. Studium historyczno-społeczne
The wayside shrines of the Nadrzecze village. A historical and sociological study
Garbacz, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
kapliczki przydrożne
kapliczki kłodowe
Chrystus Frasobliwy
Stefan Alwin
Fundacja „Kresy 2000”
Alicja i Stefan Szmidtowie
Jerzy Duda-Gracz
Lubelskie region
wayside shrines
log shrines
Pensive Christ
the “Borderlands 2000” (“Kresy 2000”) Foundation
Alicja and Stefan Szmidt
Nadrzecze – nieduża wieś położona w powiecie biłgorajskim – zainteresowało autora artykułu za sprawą fotografii z czasów II wojny światowej, przechowywanych w jego rodzinnym archiwum, a przedstawiających proces zbierania, suszenia i transportu ziół z suszarni w Nadrzeczu i Rapach Dylańskich do hurtowni „Społem” w Biłgoraju. Wśród tych zdjęć jedno przedstawiało starą drewnianą kapliczkę kłodową. Jego autorem, a także wielu innych zdjęć przedstawiających nieistniejący już pejzaż drewnianej wsi Nadrzecze, był poznański przyrodnik Stefan Alwin. Odkrywając historię tej i kolejnych nadrzeczańskich kapliczek, autor opisuje dramatyczne okoliczności ich budowy i urządzania w trakcie zaborów oraz późniejsze zabiegi o ich przetrwanie. Los kapliczek kłodowych splótł się z losem powojennych osiedleńców wsi Nadrzecze, wśród których w latach 90. XX w. znaleźli się aktorzy warszawskiego Teatru Polskiego i założyciele Fundacji „Kresy 2000”, Alicja i Stefan Szmidtowie. To za ich sprawą zabytkowe kapliczki kłodowe zostały uratowane przed zniszczeniem, a jedna z nich znalazła schronienie w nowo wybudowanej kaplicy, w której też znalazły miejsce obrazy Jerzego Dudy-Gracza z cyklu przedstawiającego Drogę Krzyżową.
Nadrzecze – a small village located in the Biłgoraj district – has attracted the interest of the author of the article through a series of WWII-era photographs from his family archive, depicting the process of harvesting and drying of herbs and the transportation thereof from the drying plants in Nadrzecze and Rapy Dylańskie to the “Społem” wholesale outlet in Biłgoraj. One of these pictures showed an old shrine made of a hollowed-out wooden log. The author of this picture – as well as of many others portraying the landscape of the wooden village of Nadrzecze from the past – was Stefan Alwin, a naturalist from Poznań. In exploring the history of this and many other wayside shrines of Nadrzecze, the author describes the dramatic circumstances surrounding their construction during the period of the Partitions of Poland as well as the subsequent efforts to ensure their survival. Their fate became intertwined with that of the post-war settlers who came to live in Nadrzecze, among whom were Alicja and Stefan Szmidt, the actors from the Polish Theatre in Warsaw and the founders of the “Borderlands 2000” Foundation. It is due to their efforts that the old log shrines have been saved from oblivion, with one of them being relocated to a newly-built chapel, standing today among a cycle of paintings by Jerzy Duda-Gracz depicting the Way of the Cross.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2018, 1; 99-125
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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