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Zagadnienie pracy w programach nauki religii w szkołach średnich i zawodowych w latach trzydziestych XX wieku na tle wychowania państwowego
The Concept of Work in Programmes of Religious Education in Secondary and Vocational Schools in the 1930s of the 20th c. Against a Backdrop of the Contemporary Social Education
Ceglarek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego
praca, szkoła średnia, szkoła zawodowa, program, religia, wychowanie państwowe
work, secondary school, vocational school, programme, religious education, social education
Polish pedagogical thought of the interwar period pointed out the importance of forming the citizens’ attitude towards the state.. Cultivation of pro-state attitudes was closely related to the propagation of work ethos. Those educational actions were also undertaken in schools, among others, in the course of religious education. The concept of work was presented in such a way as to show the pupils the value of work, evoke positive attitudes towards their chosen professions, encourage them to work honestly and responsibly, to form a mature personality expressed by the quality of their performed work. All those actions were aimed at strengthening the power and welfare of the state. For that reason, work was perceived in the categories of a patriotic duty. In a way, it was similar to what we call work patriotism in our society these days
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe; 2015, 36, 4; 41-52
Pojawia się w:
Seminare. Poszukiwania naukowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka programów nauczania religii w szkole powszechnej i gimnazjum ogólnokształcącym na łamach „Miesięcznika Katechetycznego i Wychowawczego” w latach 1932-1939
The issues of school curricula of religious education in common and middle schools as presented in The Catechetic and Pedagogical Monthly in the years 1932-1939
Ceglarek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Religious Education curriculum
common school
middle school
The Catechetic and Pedagogical Monthly
Program nauki religii
szkoła powszechna
Miesięcznik Katechetyczny i Wychowawczy
The educational changes launched in Poland in 1932 included the establishment of new types of schools, such as seven-year common schools and four-year middle schools. Therefore, there was a need for school curricula that would correspond to the new educational system. The National Board of Education first prepared the preliminary drafts and subsequently passed the school curricula. The Catechetic and Pedagogical Monthly analyzed them over the span of the 1930s. Not only the analyses and their results were published in the magazine, but also the contents of the curricula. That is why in pre-war Poland this Catholic periodical became one of the most important information sources on school curricula of religious education. Moreover, it was a source from which successive syllabuses were derived.
The educational changes launched in Poland in 1932 included the establishment of new types of schools, such as seven-year common schools and four-year middle schools. Therefore, there was a need for school curricula that would correspond to the new educational system. The National Board of Education first prepared the preliminary drafts and subsequently passed the school curricula. The Catechetic and Pedagogical Monthly analyzed them over the span of the 1930s. Not only the analyses and their results were published in the magazine, but also the contents of the curricula. That is why in pre-war Poland this Catholic periodical became one of the most important information sources on school curricula of religious education. Moreover, it was a source from which successive syllabuses were derived.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2017, 31; 217-240
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Edukacja religijna w liceach zawodowych w kontekście innowacyjnych zmian w szkolnictwie zawodowym w okresie międzywojennym w Polsce
The Religious Education at The Vocational Secondary Schools in The Context of Changes in The Vocational Education in The Interwar Period in Poland
Ceglarek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Spraw Społecznych
the religious education
the vocational secondary school
the teaching program of religion
the ethos of work
The subject of the article is the issue of the youth religious education at vocational secondary schools after the school reform which was carried out in Poland after 1932. There are two main lines considered in this article, namely; transfer of the truths of faith and moral and religious upbringing. The first one is connected with passing on the dogmatic and ethical contents, and the other one is connected with the religious formation. In this way the teaching program of religion shows students theoretical and practical hints which influence the quality of the Christian life. It does not only concern shaping the Catholic worldview and motivating to practice the faith, but also upbringing to fulfilling jobs with the respect of law and the Christian values.
Labor et Educatio; 2017, 5; 73-88
Pojawia się w:
Labor et Educatio
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
History of the Congresses of Teaching Priests in the Kingdom of Poland (1906–1917)
Historia zjazdów księży katechetów w Królestwie Polskim (1906–1917)
Ceglarek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
school prefect
teaching priest
religious education
Kingdom of Poland
prefekt szkolny
nauczanie religii
Królestwo Polskie
Przedmiotem artykułu jest problematyka zjazdów katechetycznych prefektów szkolnych w Królestwie Polskim, które odbywały się w Częstochowie i w Warszawie w latach 1906–1917. Całość zagadnienia ujęto w sposób sumaryczny, prezentując je w dwóch aspektach: organizacyjnym (przygotowania i przebieg) i merytorycznym (referaty, dyskusje, postulaty). Dzięki temu przedstawiono nie tylko historię zjazdów katechetycznych w zaborze rosyjskim, lecz także ich dorobek związany z teorią i praktyką katechetyczną tego okresu w tak ważnych obszarach, jak: programy i podręczniki do nauki religii, kwalifikacje i kompetencje zawodowe prefektów szkolnych, duszpasterstwo katechetyczne dzieci i młodzieży oraz tworzenie struktur stowarzyszenia katechetów polskich.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2022, 41; 201-223
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Programming Religious Education in Secondary Schools at Catechetical Congresses in the Kingdom of Poland in the First Decade of the Twentieth Century
Programowanie nauczania religii w szkołach średnich na zjazdach katechetycznych w Królestwie Polskim w pierwszej dekadzie XX wieku
Ceglarek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
religious education curriculum
catechetical congress
school prefect
religious teaching
Kingdom of Poland
program nauczania religii
zjazd katechetyczny
prefekt szkolny
nauczanie religii
Królestwo Polskie
The subject of the article is the issue of developing a uniform religious education curriculum for secondary schools in the Kingdom of Poland. These activities were shown in connection with catechetical congresses of school prefects in the first decade of the 20th century in the Russian partition. These meetings became an opportunity to exchange ideas on the concepts of future religious education curricula and an attempt to develop a common version of the curriculum for the entire Kingdom of Poland. The main sources that were researched are materials from catechetical congresses of school prefects from that period, as well as framework and detailed curricula defining the content of religious teaching addressed to junior high school students.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest problematyka tworzenia jednolitego programu nauki religii dla szkół średnich w Królestwie Polskim. Działania te zostały ukazane w powiązaniu ze zjazdami katechetycznymi prefektów szkolnych w pierwszej dekadzie XX wieku w zaborze rosyjskim. Spotkania te stały się w tym czasie okazją do wymiany myśli na temat koncepcji przyszłych programów nauczania religii i próbą stworzenia wspólnej wersji programowej dla całego Królestwa Polskiego. Głównymi źródłami, które zostały przebadane, są materiały ze zjazdów katechetycznych prefektów szkolnych z tego okresu oraz programy ramowe i szczegółowe definiujące treści nauczania religijnego adresowanego do uczniów szkół gimnazjalnych.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2023, 43; 223-250
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Katecheza młodzieży w służbie wychowaniu do szacunku do osób starszych według podręczników z serii Drogi świadków Chrystusa
Youth catechesis in the upbringing full of respect towards elderly people according to the handbook “The ways of Christ’s witnesses” serie
La catechesi dei giovani nel servizio dell’educazione al rispetto per gli anziani secondo libri di serie Vie dei testimoni del Cristo
Ceglarek, Roman
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
osoby starsze
podręczniki do nauki religii
szkoła ponadgimnazjalna
elderly people
religion manuals
high school
la catechesi
gli anziani
il rispetto
i libri di testo per l’educazione religiosa
i giovani
le scuole medie e superiori
Coraz częściej podejmuje się inicjatywy, których celem jest zwrócenie społeczeństwu uwagi na starszą część populacji. W ten nurt wpisuje się także działalność katechetyczna Kościoła. Na katechezie podejmuje się bowiem problematykę starości i tak formuje uczniów, by szanowali osoby starsze, otoczyli je należną troską, a także zrozumieli i zaakceptowali ich sytuację życiową oraz potrzeby. Pomocą w realizacji tych zadań służą podręczniki do nauki religii, między innymi podręczniki z serii Drogi świadków Chrystusa. Podkreślają one istotną rolę starszej generacji w rodzinie i społeczeństwie i wzywają młodzież do odpowiedniego ich traktowania w duchu humanizmu i chrześcijańskiej miłości.
More and more frequently initiatives aiming at paying society attention to the older people have been taken up. Church catechetical activity also writes itself into this course. During catechesis the old age issues are dealt with and pupils are educated this way so that they respect elderly people, take care of them properly as well as understand and accept their life conditions and needs. Textbooks for teaching religion, e. g. books like "The ways of Christ's witnesses" series, play supportive role in the realization of mentioned tasks. These handbooks underline the crucial way of elderly people generation in family and society calling the youth to proper treating them in the spirit of humanism and christian love.
Più spesso si impegna nelle iniziative che richiamano l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica alla parte più anziana della popolazione. Questa tendenza è presente anche nell’attività catechistica della Chiesa. La catechesi prende, infatti, i problemi della vecchiaia, e forma gli studenti così che loro possano rispettare gli anziani, dargli le dovute cure e comprendere ed accettare la loro situazione di vita e le loro esigenze. A tal scopo aiutano libri per l’insegnamento della religione, tra gli altri quelli di Vie dei testimoni del Cristo. Essi sottolineano il ruolo importante degli anziani nella famiglia e nella società e invitano i giovani di appropriarsi il loro trattamento nello spirito dell’umanesimo e dell’amore cristiano.
Studia Katechetyczne; 2014, 10; 213-229
Pojawia się w:
Studia Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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