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Obsada godności Muftiego Muzułmańskiego Związku Religijnego a zasady Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Filling In The Post Of Mufti Of The Muslim Religious Union And Principles Of The Constitution Of The Republic Of Poland
Borecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Muslim Religious Union
Constitution of the Republic of Poland
autonomy and independence of religious associations
religious freedom
There is a dispute in the Muslim Religious Union in Poland over the appointment of Mufti. A schism in this religious community has been going on since 2016. This situation is a source of challenges for state authorities – religious administrationand courts – as regards the application of numerous principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997. These principles include: the autonomy and independence of religious associations in their scope, legalism, legal certainty and the trust of citizens in the state and the law created by it. The legal status of the Union is based on anachronistic legal acts: the Act of 21 April 1936 on the relationship between the State and the Muslim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland and the statute approved by the Council of Ministers by way of a decree of 26 August 1936. In practice, the Muslim Religious Union applies an internal statute of 2009. The authorities of the religious administration and courts try to maintain neutrality and not to interfere in the internal dispute in the Muslim Religious Union. This is in line with the standards resulting from the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights and the constitutional principle of autonomy and independence of religious associations. However, there is legal uncertainty. Hence it is urgent to repeal the 1936 law and statute. This may be done either by a decision of the Constitutional Tribunal or by the adoption of a new law based on the Muslim Religious Union’s agreement with the Council of Ministers. However, the revision of the legislation concerning the Muslim Religious Union requires compliance with Article 25 (5) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, i.e. the agreement of the Council of Ministers with the Muslim Religious Union. The latter may sabotage any project that foresees the limitation of its competence. The government has limited scope for influence on the Mufti. In conclusion, one may be under the impression that the ruling functions of the state in the Muslim Religious Union have already been paralysed.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2018, 1 (21); 9-29
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcja stabilizacyjna Konkordatu polskiego z 1993 r. wobec Kościoła katolickiego i innych związków wyznaniowych
The Stabilising Function Of The Polish Concordat Of 1993 With Regard To The Catholic Church And Other Religious Denominations
Borecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the Catholic Church
state-church relations
the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
the Convention on the Law of Treaties
The stabilising function is one of the main intended functions of the concordats. It consists in striving to ensure the immutability (stability) of legal norms resulting from the provisions of this type of treaties, and consequently to ensure the relative immutability of legal (and factual) states created or shaped under the concordat government. The Concordat petrifies a model of relations between the state and the Catholic Church. In fact, it protects a certain system of social, political and, to some extent, economic relations. This function in the Polish legal system is guaranteed in particular by the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997 (Article 25(3) and (5)) and the provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. The Concordat of 1993 is therefore legally difficult to denounce. The Treaty provides a differentiated implementation of the stabilising function. Individual norms of this act, to varying degrees, implement its stabilising function. It seems that it is most fully implemented through detailed standards of an absolutely binding nature. The second category of concordat norms from the point of view of the implementation of the stabilising function should include norms whose implementation depends on a later agreement between the Church and the relevant state authorities. As a third category, one should mention regulations which, when formulating legal norms, refer to canon law or state law. The last group consists of norms, the implementation of which depends, in fact, on a unilateral decision of the state authorities. The degree to which a stabilising function is carried out by the provisions of the Concordat also depends on the level of detail. The Concordat of 1993 is not a full concordat and therefore provides limited stability in the financial and property affairs of the Catholic Church and clergy. In practice, however, the 1993 Treaty, combined with the political strength of the Church, has ensured relatively good legal stability for the Church, although it has not yet been fully implemented and has seen some obvious violations. In many aspects, however, there has been an improvement in the legal position of the Church.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2019, 1, 25; 9-31
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasada współdziałania państwa i związków wyznaniowych w prawie polskim
The principle of cooperation between the state and religious associations in Polish law
Borecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
cooperation between the state and the Church
the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
Catholic social teaching
social assistance
The principle of cooperation between the state and religious associations gives a positive meaning to the relations of these entities. However, if it is improperly implemented, it risks giving the state a religious character, or the political instrumentalization of religious communities. The principle of cooperation “blurs” the separation of church and state. The cooperation between these entities should be optional, and its goals should be as precise as possible. The principle of cooperation, therefore, deserves relative, not indisputable acceptance.In Polish law, the principle of cooperation between the state and religious associations has both Catholic and secular roots. It became a constitutional and concordat requirement in the sphere of religious relations. At the same time, the Constitution of 1997 and the Concordat of 1993/1998 set out in very general terms the goals of obligatory cooperation between the state and religious associations (the Church). In ordinary legislation, the principle of cooperation between the state and religious associations is articulated primarily in the Act of May 17, 1989 on Guarantees of Freedom of Conscience and Religion, in Individual Religious Acts of 1989–1997, and in the legislation on social welfare and combating social pathologies (alcoholism). The statutory wording is often general and declarative. Detailed legal guarantees for the implementation of the title rule in the aforementioned acts are infrequent. Since 1990, the Church Fund has been such a financial and legal guarantee. All in all, its implementation depends to a large extent on the possibilities and will of the partners of the potential cooperation.The correct implementation of the principle of cooperation between the state and religious associations (the Church) is still a challenge in the sphere of religious relations in contemporary Poland.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2022, 4 (40); 85-109
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obsada godności Muftiego Muzułmańskiego Związku Religijnego a zasady Konstytucji RP
Borecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Muzułmański Związek Religijny
Konstytucja RP
autonomia i niezależność związków wyznaniowych
wolność religijna
Muslim Religious Union
Constitution of the Republic of Poland
autonomy and independence of religious associations
religious freedom
Celem podjętych badań była analiza obsady godności Muftiego Muzułmańskiego Związku Religijnego w świetle zasad Konstytucji RP, istniejących przepisów oraz orzecznictwa sądów cywilnych i administracyjnych. Przy wykorzystaniu metody dogmatycznej z uwzględnieniem wykładni językowej i funkcjonalnej, podjęto próbę ustalenia sposobu obsady urzędu Muftiego oraz jego statusu prawnego w Muzułmańskim Związku Religijnym. Otrzymane wyniki pozwoliły na sformułowanie krytycznej oceny. W Muzułmańskim Związku Religijnym trwa spór o obsadę urzędu Muftiego. Pilną koniecznością jest uchylenie ustawy z 21 kwietnia 1936 r. o stosunku Państwa do Muzułmańskiego Związku Religijnego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz statutu zatwierdzonego przez Radę Ministrów w drodze rozporządzenia z 26 sierpnia 1936 r. Może to nastąpić w drodze orzeczenia Trybunału Konstytucyjnego albo w wyniku uchwalenia nowej ustawy na podstawie umowy Muzułmańskiego Związku Religijnego z Radą Ministrów.
The purpose of the undertaken research was to analyze the filling in the post of Mufti of the Muslim Religious Union in relation to the principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, existing acts and jurisdiction of civil and administrative courts. Using the dogmatic method with emphasis on language and functional interpretation, an attempt was made to determine the method of the filling of the Mufti office and his legal situation in the Muslim Religious Union. The obtained results allowed for the formulation of a critical evaluation. In the Muslim Religious Union there is a dispute over the establishment of the Mufti office. It is urgent to repeal the Act of April 21, 1936, on the relationship of the State to the Muslim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland and the statute approved by the Council of Ministers by way of an ordinance of August 26, 1936. This can be done either by a Constitutional Court decision or by passing a new law on the basis of the Muslim Religious Union Agreement with the Council of Ministers.
Studia Prawnicze; 2018, 1 (213); 7-28
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Relations of the Polish State and the Jewish Religious Communities in the Republic of Poland Act of February 20, 1997 in light of the 1997 Constitution of Republic of Poland
Borecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
gminy wyznaniowe żydowskie
Konstytucja RP
ustawy wyznaniowe
równouprawnienie związków wyznaniowych
Jewish religious communities
the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
legislation concerning religions
equal rights for Churches and religious unions
Ustawa z 20 lutego 1997 r. o stosunku Państwa do gmin wyznaniowych żydowskich w RP była najbardziej sporną indywidualną ustawą wyznaniową uchwaloną po 1989 r. Prace legislacyjne nad tym aktem trwały w latach 1992-1997. Ta ustawa jest najbardziej korzystną regulacją normatywną dotycząca wyznawców judaizmu spośród dotychczas obowiązujących na ziemiach polskich. Szczegółowa analiza rzeczonego aktu ujawnia jednak pewną ambiwalencję ustawodawcy polskiego. Porównanie z innymi indywidualnymi ustawami wyznaniowymi z lat 1989-1997 pozwala na sformułowanie tezy, że w szeregu swoich postanowieniach ustawa jest niezgodna z postanowieniami Konstytucji RP z 2 kwietnia 1997 r. Zachodzi, co wielce prawdopodobne, wtórna niekonstytucyjność jej postanowień. Wiele spośród nich wydaje się kolidować zwłaszcza z zasadą równouprawnienia kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych, zasadą poszanowania przez państwo ich autonomii, zasadą poprawnej legislacji, zasadą zaufania obywateli do państwa i stanowionego przezeń prawa, a nawet wolnością sumienia i religii. Rażące jest zwłaszcza wprowadzenie kryterium obywatelstwa polskiego jako przesłanki członkostwa w żydowskich gminach wyznaniowych. Gorsze jest także w pewnych aspektach unormowanie tzw. postępowania regulacyjnego. Można również mówić, że w ustawie z 20 lutego 1997 r. prawodawca dopuścił się istotnych przemilczeń w porównaniu z innymi ustawami wyznaniowymi. Nie uznał zwłaszcza następstwa prawnego współczesnych żydowskich gmin wyznaniowych po ich przedwojennych poprzedniczkach. Należy stwierdzić, że ustawa z 20 lutego 1997 r. o stosunku Państwa do gmin wyznaniowych żydowskich w RP po upływie ćwierćwiecza od jej ustanowienia domaga się kompleksowej nowelizacji.
Ustawa z 20 lutego 1997 r. o stosunku Państwa do gmin wyznaniowych żydowskich w RP (the Relations of the Polish State and the Jewish Religious Communities in the Republic of Poland Act of February 20, 1997) is the Polish legislative act concerning religions which has raised the most controversy since 1989. The work to draft the Act was carried out in 1992-1997. It is the most favorable of all the legislative acts previously in force in Poland for the followers of Judaism. However, on examination, we may observe a certain amount of ambivalence in the approach the Polish legislator has taken. Some of the provisions in this Act have turned out to be unconstitutional with respect to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997 and are most likely marked by a secondary degree of unconstitutionality. A comparison with other Polish legislation concerning Churches and religious unions passed in 1989-1997 suggests that in a number of its provisions, the 1997 Act regulating the Polish State’s relations with Jewish Religious Communities is inconsistent with the provisions of the Polish Constitution of 1997. A number of them appear to infringe the principle of equal rights for all the Churches and other religious unions, the principle of the State’s recognition and respect of their autonomy, the principle of good legislation, the principle of citizens’ trust in the State and the laws it enacts, and even freedom of conscience and religion. The introduction of the criterion of Polish citizenship as a condition for membership of a Jewish religious community registered in Poland is a particularly glaring example of legislative malpractice. Some aspects of the 1997 Act appear to be defective as regards its provisions for regulatory proceedings. Another defect the 1997 Act has been accused of is that the legislator made significant omissions in comparison with other legislation concerning Churches and religious unions. In particular, it did not recognize the legal succession of contemporary Jewish religious communities to their pre-war predecessors. 25 years after its adoption, the 1997 Act on the relations of the Polish State with the Jewish Religious Communities in the Republic of Poland requires comprehensive amendment.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2022, 22, 3; 79-105
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autonomia kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych we współczesnym prawie polskim
The autonomy of churches and other religious organizations in contemporary Polish law
Borecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
freedom of conscience and religion
churches and other religious organizations
the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
wolność sumienia i wyznania
kościoły i inne związki wyznaniowe
Konstytucja RP
prawo wyznaniowe
relacje państwo - kościół
autonomia kościoła
Kościół katolicki
relacje państwo-kościół
stosunki państwo–kościół
związki wyznaniowe
Autonomia związków wyznaniowych, czyli ich zdolność do tworzenia i rządzenia się własnym prawem wewnętrznym (prawem kościelnym), jest istotnym przejawem kolektywnej wolności sumienia i wyznania. Jest to zarazem jedna z podstawowych cech systemu rozdziału państwa i wspólnot religijnych. Konstytucja RP z 2 kwietnia z 1997 r. w szerokim zakresie gwarantuje autonomię wspólnotom religijnym. Jej art. 25 ust. 3 stanowi, że stosunki między państwem a kościołami i innymi związkami wyznaniowych są kształtowane na zasadach poszanowania ich autonomii oraz wzajemnej niezależności w swoim zakresie, a także współdziałania dla dobra człowieka i dobra wspólnego. Autor opracowania dokonuje w nim analizy i interpretacji zasady poszanowania autonomii związków wyznaniowych w swoim zakresie, odwołując się przy tym do wypowiedzi doktryny prawa oraz treści ustawodawstwa wyznaniowego.
The autonomy of religious organizations, or their capacity to lay down and be governed their own internal law (church law), is an ample indication of the collective freedom of conscience and denomination. This autonomy also typifies the system of separation between the state and religious communities. The 2 April 1997 Constitution of the Republic of Poland confers on religious communities the right to enjoy substantial autonomy. Its Article 25(3) reads that the relationship between the state and churches and other religious organizations are based on the principle of respect for their autonomy and the mutual independence of each in its own sphere, as well as on the principle of cooperation for the individual and common good. The author of this study analyses and interprets the aforesaid principle, referring to the doctrine of law and ecclesiastical legislation.
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego; 2012, 15; 85-109
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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