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Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Tomasz z Akwinu
Summa theologiae
istnienie Boga
istota Boga
The „second way” in the famous third article of Summa theologiae most closelycorresponds to all of Thomas’s own investigation into the existence of God. Onseveral occasions, when referring to its conclusion („there is a first effective cause”),Aquinas adds that the first cause is its own esse. The attributes of God are the consequencesof His structure as the esse itself. The first is that God is a one-elementbeing, in which existence is the only ontic material, and it has the nature of an act.It follows that existence is identified with an essence of God, His nature, life andall that God can be predicted („divinity” – deitas). God is understood to be thecause of all other beings, and He is not caused. This is what we call „subsistence”(ipsum subsistens). God’s immutability and eternity are simple consequences of Hissubsistent existence. God’s infinity and omnipresence are the derivative attributesof His existence. The whole group of such attributes can be recognized as theconsequences of his structure of the subsistent act of existence.The second group of attributes of God is the attributes which manifest theexistence of being. As such, they concern every being. However, the existence ofGod has absolute character as well as its attributes which manifest the existence.In relation to God, Thomas mentions here such attributes as the good, the truth, theunity, but there is no doubt that we can attribute to God the rest of transcendentals:reality, distinctiveness and beauty. Aquinas – basing here on metaphysical principleof proportionality of cause and effect – sees the source of perfection in God. Fromthis perspective we can talk about the personal nature of God, that is, His reasoning,freedom and love. Also, Thomas does not reject the existential perspective. Withinits framework, he solved the paradox of the omnipotence of God (can God createsomething more perfect than Himself?). Aquinas associates the concept of God’somnipotence with existence and states that it consists in the possibility of creatingevery being that can exist. This means that God does not contribute contradictoryontological internal structures.Thus, we can say that Thomas Aquinas in Summa theologiae outlines a coherentand quite complete conception of the essence of God, which is built within hisexistential theory of existence.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2017, 55, 2; 53-74
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Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
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Biblioteka Nauki
Tomistyczna «La Révolution Sexuelle» O. Adriano Olivy OP
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Adriano Oliva
Tomasz z Akwinu
Thomas Aquinas
In the Dominican reputable publishing ‘Cerf’ was published a book of father Adriano Oliva OP. The aim of this book is ‘pastoral’ reinterpretation of traditional teaching of the Church about second marriage of people who are divorced (les divorces remariés) and homosexual couples (les couples homosexuels). A. Oliva is basing his suggestions on texts of St. Thomas Aquinas. Father Oliva his considerations about marriage begins (p. 7) from quotation from Thomas’ Summa contra Gentiles where Thomas says that between husband and wife there is occured amicitia maxima (the largest friendship). The sign of amicitia maxima is not only sex life (actus carnalis copulae) but also the co- -existence in the household (domestica conversationis consortium). The analysis of ontological structure of marriage broadly is unanimous with the text of Aquinas but the consequences formulated from it are contradictory with his moral teaching about marriage and family. According to father Oliva the method of reinterpretation of Thomas’ teaching consists in separating one sentence from wider context and ‘commissioning’ its justifying conclusions. These conclusions are absolutely contradictory with Thomas Aquinas’ views which are voiced expressis verbis. Father Oliva uses this method also in respect of homosexsuality. The sentence quoted above about marriage’s friendship as the biggest friendship between people is in Thomas’ text one of the arguments for inseparably (indivisibilitas) of marriage and it is taken from chapter on the topic. Father Oliva takes a sentence from the text of the inseparably of marriage and in his book this inseparably is weakened in some way. Father Oliva used a statement of Thomas Aquinas’ – if a nature of some man is corrupted (natura corrupta), for this man it will be connaturale this what is contra nature (contra naturam). Thomas gives as examples cannibalism, bestiality and homosexuality. On the basis of that father Oliva writes that homosexuality being incompatible with the generally understood nature is natural for homosexual people because of their individual nature. Dominican scholar as if he had forgotten that the ‘individual nature is the result of corruption (corruptio). The way out of corruption is either repair or destruction the nature. Meanwhile father Oliva proposes the third way: the acceptance of corruption. In Thomas’ works we will not find basis for that acceptance. The book of Adriano Oliva, rather proclaimed in its views, are complete misunderstanding in the sense that it completely inaccurately selected basis for the proclaimed views. St. Thomas’ views are not good to justify to let to the Church’s sacraments divorces remariés and institutional acceptance of homosexual couples
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2016, 54, 1; 223-247
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Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Komentarz Tomasza z Akwinu do Liber de causis – odyseja tekstów i koncepcji przez kultury, epoki i szkoły filozoficzne
Le commentaire de Thomas d’Aquin à Liber de causis – odyssée de textes et de conceptions à travers les cultures, les époques et les écoles philosophiques
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
Thomas d'Aquin
Liber de causis, à savoir Le Livre des Causes c’est une suite d’extraits d’Éléments de théologie de Proclos commentés par un auteur arabe anonyme. Traduit du latin par Gérard de Crémone avant l’an 1187 ce texte était jusqu'à la parution en 1272 de son commentaire effectué par Thomas d’Aquin, attribué à Aristote. Le texte en version arabe a paru probablement à Toledo au début du XIIe siècle ou peut-être encore plus tôt à « l’époque des traductions » initiée par le calife abbasside al-Mamun, fondateur de la « Maison de la sagesse » à Bagdad (vers 830). Pourtant ce n’est pas ça ce qui est le plus important – la grande « carrière » de ce texte résultait du fait que l’on avait attribué à Aristote même. Dans ce fait il n’y aurait rien de spécial si on ne savait pas que le véritable auteur des idées contenues dans Liber de causis – Proclos (412–485) était l’un des plus éminents philosophes néoplatoniciens, disciple de Plutarque, réformateur de l’Académie de Platon, bref quelqu’un se situant presque aux antipodes du Lycée d’Aristote. La genèse de Liber de causis et de son commentaire Thomasien influence le texte. En effet, la philosophie que nous découvrons dans ce texte est extraordinaire. Dans la première couche, celle de Proclos, nous retrouvons le classique néoplatonisme grec, polythéiste et radicalement païen, mais considérablement émoussé par le choix approprié de thèses de Stoichéosis theologiké et le commentaire arabe écrit dans un ésprit monothéiste et créationniste. C’est ce texte néoplatonicien que commente par le suite Thomas d’Aquin – le plus célèbre partisan de l’école d’Aristote au Moyen Age, à qui la doctrine contenue dans Liber de causis devrait être extrêmement étrangère. Thomas ne le dissimule pas en exposant dans l’introduction ses constatations concernant l’attribution de Liber de causis. Néanmoins, il trouve dans le Livre des questions qui l’intéressent. L’une des questions qui intéressent Aquinate est sûrement la problématique d’esse – de l’existence. Aquinate interprète esse du Livre des causes dans l’esprit de sa propre métaphysique ce qui nous apporte la couche suivante du texte – philosophique. Il est pourtant très rare que l’on puisse en un seul texte passer par plusieurs sphères de la pensée et de la langue ainsi que quelques frontières qui les séparent. Nous pouvons aussi examiner comment la problématique qui nous intéresse se transformait depuis la classique version grecque dans Stoichéiosis theologiké de Proclos, à travers les transformations d’un auteur arabe anonyme dans Liber de causis, jusqu'à la version de Thomas d’Aquin dans son commentaire latin. Nous avons aussi « chemin faisant » deux, peut-être trois traductions de l’œuvre de Proclos : du grec à l’arabe (il n’est pas exclu que « entre » elles il existait aussi une version syrienne) et ensuite une traduction de l’arabe au latin (et une version polonaise du latin).
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2021, 10; 115-126
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Swoistość sfery afektywnej w ujęciu Tomasza z Akwinu
Specifity of the sphere of affections in Thomas’s Aquinas account
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
św. Tomasz z Akwinu
władze pożądawcze człowieka
Thomas Aquinas
appetitive power
Love-dilectio, which is the proper love of rational beings, is related in Thomas’s Aquinas texts to the problem of acts of will, which are analogical to feelings. Thomas call them affectiones. In this way, he distinguishes them from feelings – passiones – which are reactions of sensitive appetite to the image of sensitive good or evil. Affections are reactions of the will to the good or privation of the good, i.e. evil, intellectually grasped. However, in accordance with basic thesis of Thomas’s anthoplogy concerning spiritual and corporeal unity (both functional and structural) of personal human being, affectiones usually accompany passiones and – as it might seem – they carry with senses, or senses make the will follow the perceived good. Affections – in Thomas’s Aquinas – are simpler than feelings just like the will is simper appetitive power than senstivie appetite.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2012, 1; 123-148
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Problem pojęcia natury w pismach Tomasza z Akwinu
Problem of the Concept of Nature in Thomas Aquinas’s Texts
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
prawo naturalne
Thomas Aquinas
natural law
The term “nature” in the Middle Ages was used (not to say: overused) commonly to denote a lot of things, often mutually exclusive. The source of this confusion seems, at least in the thirteenth century, the “educational” heritage of Boethius, from whom the divisions of nature and the Aristotle’s metaphysics were taught. They were studied diligently at the beginning of this century. Analyzing the views of nature in the texts of Saint. Thomas, it’s hard not to get the impression that Aquinas is not talking much about it. Not only does he not incorporate the concept of nature into his existential metaphysics, but he does not even do anything to sort out the terminological confusion that Aristotle and Boethius have introduced to the problems of nature. Calling „natural” the things that are mutually exclusive is causing trouble to himself. In the Treatise of Man he recognizes reason and the freedom resulting from it as the most important distinguishing features of a human being. As far as the freedom derives from rationality, obviously state of slave is totally unnatural. However, in the Treatise on Marriage, Thomas writes about slavery as a punishment imposing for original sin, which has been prescribed by law, but comes from natural law, as something determined from the determining.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 193-211
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura bytu w Summa contra Gentiles Tomasza z Akwinu
Structure of being in Summa contra Gentiles by Thomas Aquinas
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
Thomas Aquinas
The answer to the question what being means for Thomas Aquinas in his Summa contra Gentiles is: a composition of existence and essence. Such definition refers in a way (analogously) even to God because Thomas Aquinas says that in the case of God essence is existence, thus expressing the one-elementality and simplicity of His structure. All other beings are composed of existence as an act and essence as potency. Therefore, existence and essence are being’s principles and their relation is like that of act and potency. Existence makes being exist and essence determines what it is. The concept of being according to St. Thomas Aquinas is usually rightly associated with Aristotle’s metaphysics. Thomas Aquinas adopted from Aristotle the concept of act and potency but his view on the structure of being was different than that of the philosopher, who considered form and matter as being’s principles. Together they constituted being understood as what something is. In this structure, form was the act shaping it and matter was potency being shaped. Their effects were limited to determining the identity of being, that is, whether or not it is. Thomas Aquinas recognized that the first principle of being must be the factor that makes being real and only then can one speak of its identity. That is why he proclaimed that the basic structure of being is: existence as the cause of the reality of being and essence as the cause of its identity. Thomas’ proposal is thus different metaphysics than Aristotle’s “first philosophy.” Therefore, Thomism is not Aristotelianism. Composition of form and matter applies to the essence of material beings, determining what they are, i.e. their identity. Thus, one can say that form is an essential act, and matter is essential potency. Therefore, it can be further stated that Aristotle’s metaphysics is a theory of being as essence while Thomas Aquinas’ metaphysics would be the theory of existing being. Thus, it is right to call Stagirite’s approach essentialism in contrast to Thomas’ existential metaphysics
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2017, 6; 99-119
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Istnienie pierwszym aktem bytu
Existence as the first act of being
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Thomas Aquinas
Étienne Gilson
Tomasz z Akwinu
From the perspective of existential Thomism, and following Aristotle’s philosophy of being (metaphysics) as the nucleus and keystone of the whole philosophy, seeking there the most important claims of St. Thomas, the article asks the three following questions: 1) What is the novum of Thomistic metaphysics? 2) What was Thomas’ way of thinking that led him to formulate the thesis that existence is the act of being? 3) Would anyone else have discovered the uniqueness of existence if Thomas Aquinas had not done it? The answers to these questions were formulated in reference to Gilson’s views and his concept of the history of philosophy and to the study of the concept of being in the texts of Thomas Aquinas and the historical sources of that concept. 1) Thomas proposed a new understanding of the structure of being, in which existence is the act that makes essence real and constitutes being’s potency, together making a real individual being. Thus, Thomas formulated a new existential theory of being, overcoming the limitations of Aristotle’s theory, and consistently explaining the issue related to esse (a problem that Avicenna and his followers - Parisian theologians of the 13th century could not solve). 2) Thomas Aquinas - with the help of Avicenna’s metaphysics - outdistances Aristotle’s essentialism, perceiving being as composed of existence and essence. Then, examining thoroughly the proposition of the Arab philosopher, he sees there inconsistency of attributing the position of accident to existence. According to Avicenna the element of being considered as the cause of the reality of being became - at the same time, as the accident - an unimportant component of essence. That is why Thomas Aquinas recognized that existence is the act of everything that makes essence, which transcended Avicenna’s theory, and thus he formulated his own existential version of the metaphysics of being. 3) It seems that nobody else but Thomas Aquinas would have put up a thesis that existence is the first act of being. And what would have been if Thomas Aquinas had not done it? It is hard to say as we have no historical data to let us discuss it. Similarly, it is impossible to answer this question even assuming Gilson’s thesis that the detailed claims of a given philosophy are the conclusion of the set of principles adopted at the beginning because Thomas did not have such a set of principles as at the starting point he modified the principles of Aristotle and Avicenna. Would someone else have made the same modifications, thus creating a “Thomistic” set of principles? The history of philosophy analyzes the things that actually happened and left their mark; it has no interest in things that did not take place and leave any trace. This could be an area for historical and philosophical fantasy, if it ever exists, but we try to stay in the field of the history of philosophy.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2017, 6; 13-25
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Problem źródeł Tomaszowej koncepcji esse jako aktu bytu
The Problem of Sources of Thomas’ Concept of esse as the Act of Being
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
metafizyka egzystencjalna
Thomas Aquinas
existential metaphysics
While expressing his innovative theory of existence (esse) as an act of being in many his texts Thomas Aqunas recalls different historical sources to support his thesis: Aristotle’s views, Arabic philosophers’ depictions, mainly of Avicenna, Boethius’ distinction entia quo od entia quod and some theses of Liber de causis. In earlier subject literature, mainly Gilson’s influence (in Poland it was under Krąpiec’s influence) adopted a view about religious inspirations of Thomas’ thesis and that the only philosophical way to his thesis is an analysis of Avicenna’s depictions which are contained mainly in work De ente et essentia. Every other Thomas’recalls should be treated as some earlier ploy for a protection against possible reservations. The first statement which arises during the analysis of historical sources which Thomas refer to expressing his theory of existence (esse) as an act of being is ascertaining that reasoning is a crucial argument to accept esse as an act of being. It should be emphasized that in his theory of esse Thomas Aquinas does not refer to argument of Revelation. The result is that Thomas expressed this thesis only in a philosophical area within the analysis of structure of real being. The attitudes which are recalled sometimes are used by Thomas Aquinas as a background or context by which he states his view. Recalled statements sometimes are a reference to the authority. It seems that the erudition recalled by Thomas in a matter which is interesting for us appears in a different aspects. That is why it should be make a fuss of that the issue of existence (esse) did not appear with Thomas Aquinas’ metaphysics or Avicenna’s metaphysics. It seems that it was on the contrary: the issue of existence (esse) was worrying Plato and earlier philosophers, Aristotle, and Neoplatonists, Boethius and Arabic philosophers. So Thomas’ thesis about existence (esse) as an act of being is a result of the analysis of the issue which is existed in the history of philosophy
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2016, 5; 173-187
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Problem of affectiones in the Texts of Thomas Aquinas
Problem affectiones w tekstach Tomasza z Akwinu
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
uczucia (passiones)
władze pożądawcze człowieka
Thomas Aquinas
passions (passiones)
appetitive faculties of man
Z miłością-dilectio, czyli miłością właściwą dla bytów rozumnych, wiązać się będzie w tekstach Tomasza z Akwinu ciekawy i rzadko podejmowany przez tomistów temat aktów woli analogicznych do uczuć, które Tomasz zazwyczaj nazywa affectiones. W ten sposób odróżnia je od uczuć – passiones – które stanowią zareagowanie pożądania zmysłowego na ujęcie w poznaniu zmysłowym takiegoż samego, czyli zmysło-wego, dobra lub zła. Affectiones są reakcjami woli na dobro lub jego brak, czyli zło, ujęte intelektualnie. Jednakże, zgodnie z podstawowymi tezami Tomaszowej antropologii, dotyczącymi duchowo-cielesnej jedności osobowego bytu ludzkiego, tak strukturalnej jak i funkcjonalnej, affectiones zazwyczaj to-warzyszą passiones i – jak się wydaje – albo to one pociągają za sobą zmysły, albo też zmysły skłaniają wolę do skierowania się ku postrzeganemu przez nie dobru. Same affectones są prostsze od uczuć, tak jak wola jest prostszą władzą pożądawczą od appetitus sensitivus – pożądania zmysłowego. Zasługą Akwinaty jest zwrócenie uwagi na różnorodność aktów woli. Miłość-dilectio stanowi simplex motus voluntatis, ale funkcjonując na sposób miłości, wyzwala wszystkie właściwe zareagowania podyktowane stosunkiem pożądania do pożądanego dobra. Pragniemy naszego dobra, gdy jest nieobecne, radujemy się, gdy je posiadamy i smucimy, gdy zostanie utracone. W przypadku człowieka to przeżywanie ma również swój aspekt organiczny. Nie jest on jednak oddzielony od całości ludzkiego compositum. Wola wpływa na uczucia, pociąga je za sobą, wprzęgając w swoje cele. Może być też odwrotnie: wola ulega uczuciom, dążąc swoją mocą do wskazywanych przez nie celów. Wszystkie te trzy sytuacje Tomasz określa mianem affectiones. Oczywiście miano to dotyczy w nich ich wolitywnego komponentu.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2022, 11; 181-192
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Franciszek von Tessen-Węsierski (1869–1947) i jego tomistyczna teoria cudu
Francis von Tessen-Węsierski (1869-1947) and His Thomistic Theory of Miracle
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Franciszek von Tessen-Węsierski
Tomasz z Akwinu
teoria cudu
Francis von Tessen-Węsierski
Thomas Aquinas
theory of miracle
Francis von Tessen-Węsierski was born on 22nd December in 1869. He came from the old noble Kashubian family who settled in the Eastern Pomerania (mainly in the area of Słupsk), in the Front Pomerania and in Ruggia. Francis’ father, Joseph, studied in Berlin where he later took up. In Berlin Francis completed his Matura (23rd March 1890) and after that he studied at the Theological Faculty of the University of Wrocław. He finished his Bachelor’s degree in 1894 and at the same year was ordained a priest. In the next year he earned a Habilitation and became a so called private docent (Privatdozent). Initially he taught the history of the Church and philosophy and also apologetics since 1897. In 1899 he was nominated an assistant professor of apologetics, next, in 1900 he was appointed a lecturer in pro-pedeutics of philosophy and apologetics; on 15 March the same year he obtained a Doctorate for the entirety of the academic work. In the same year he was offered to take the chair of the Dogmatics at the Theological Faculty of the Jagiellonian University. However, the prince-bishop, cardinal Jan Puzyna denied a canonical mission to Tessen- Węsierski on the basis of the insufficient knowledge of the Polish language by the candidate. Thus von Tessen-Węsierski stayed at the Theological Faculty of the University of Wrocław as an assistant professor, a lecturer of apologetics and propedeutics of philosophy. In 1933 when Adolf Hitler gained the power in Germany von Tessen-Węsierski was dismissed from the faculty for the lack of his “racial purity”. As a pensioner he lived in Szczecin. Nothing is known about his life during the war, nevertheless, it was noted that when the city was incorporated to Poland he was the first priest of Polish origin who stayed in Szczecin, and he died there on 7th January 1947. Theory of miracle is formulated by Tessen-Węsierski within the frame of apologetics, which is a theological discipline, however with regard to its goal-defense of religion- it significantly relies on philosophical argumentation in the process of explaining rationality of religion and related facts. Path to explanation of the phenomenon of miracle is- as Tessen- Węsierski claims- a carefully prepared definition. He starts his work from the cognitive and subjective analysis of miracle, what he calls a psychology of miracle. We may speak of miracle when something, some event or phenomenon, makes an impression on an observer. Source of that impression is comparison of that phenomenon to non-miracle facts. In the consequence it arises the need for explaining the cause of miracles. Following St. Thomas Aquinas Tessen- Węsierski links the phenomenon of miracle with astonishment (admiration). It- astonishment- takes place when we recognize the conditions (causes) and circumstances and we expect results which supposed to be derived from the given conditions and circumstances. But what happens is entirely different. It must have appeared the unknown cause (causa oculta), which influenced that usual natural process (result). Epistemological and psychological aspect of miracle leads us to metaphysics (ontology) of miracle, because finally it comes down to inquiry (inquisitio) on what caused the fact astonishing to us. In this point we need to turn to God’s Revelation, for only in its light we are able to explain that what transcends our nature. Theological competency is hence needed to cross from the negati-ve criterion: result could not have appeared if had been caused by the natural cause, to the statement that the result has its supernatural source. Tessen-Węsierski says that the proper perspective for that what is supernatural (Übernatürlichen/ supernaturale), is that what is natural. He reminds that Thomas Aquinas claims that in case of miraculous phenomena we deal with four factors: 1) intervention of God, 2) trespassing the natural order of things and 3) the result that differs from hitherto. Thus the main issue becomes the problem of God who is the principle of both: of that what is natural, as the Creator of beings, and of that what is supernatural when God exceeds with His power (Kraft) the order indicated by the act of creation. In solving this problem Tessen-Węsierski introduces a demarcation line between the nature and supernaturality. Thus, according to him, natural is that what derives from the God’s act of creation and that what is a certain order of existence and a mode of functioning of created beings. Supernatural is hence that what derives from God but exceeds the natural order of created things. Accordingly, the greatest supernatural thing takes place when human nature is adopted into the unity of the Divine Person in Jesus Christ, the unity called the hypostatic union. Further great “supernatural thing” (der supranaturalen Dinge) is vocation of man to cognize the Divine Essence and in general to community with God. What serves this purpose is grace and everything what accompanies (for example sacraments), and that is what constitutes further “supernatural thing”. Finally, supernatural fact is present in concrete, individual activity of God in some individual case. The latter one includes miracles- the subject of our interest- and private revelations.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2022, 11; 261-276
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Epistemologiczne i etyczne aspekty teorii relacji osobowych w Elementarzu metafizyki Mieczysława Gogacza
Epistemic and Ethical Aspects of Theory of Personal Relations in The Primer of Metaphysics of Mieczysław Gogacz
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Mieczysław Gogacz
Tomasz z Akwinu
teoria relacji osobowych
własności transcendentalne
Thomas Aquinas
theory of personal relations
transcendental properties
Profesor Mieczysław Gogacz uważa, że własności transcendentalne, przejawiające akt istnienia bytu, są podstawą jedynych realnych relacji, które byt osobowy nawiązuje z innymi bytami. Można więc powiedzieć – korzystając ze znanej formuły Leibniza – że transcendentalia są oknami i drzwiami bytu, gdy „okna” uznamy za poznawanie, a „drzwi” – za działanie. Sposobem, w jaki się to dokonuje są relacje istnieniowe, czyli takie relacje, które według Autora Elementarza metafizyki są wyznaczane przez własności transcendentalne: miłość budująca się na realności (res), wiara wyznaczana przez własność prawdy (verum) oraz nadzieja, której fundamentem jest transcendentalna własność dobra (bonum). To ujęcie ma swoje konsekwencje przede wszystkim w antropologii filozoficznej, którą Gogacz uważa za metafizykę człowieka, ale także w teorii poznania i w etyce, na co chcielibyśmy zwrócić uwagę w tym artykule.
Professor Mieczysław Gogacz says that transcendental properties, through which we observe act of existence of being, serve as a fundament of the sole real relations which a personal being initiates towards other beings. Hence, we may conclude that—following the famous Leibniz’s formula—that transcendentals are the windows and door of being, while as „windows” we understand cognition and activities as „door”. This pattern is, as Gogacz claims, accomplished through existential relations, which are indicated by, in other words derive from, transcendental properties such as: love which is built on reality (res), faith built on property of truth (verum) and hope whose fundament we find in transcendental property of good (bonum). Presented approach has its consequences, for the most part in anthropological philosophy understood by Gogacz as metaphysics of man and in theory of knowledge and ethics, to what issue we would like to turn attention in this paper.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2022, 13, 1; 53-64
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Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja istnienia w ujęciu Mieczysława Gogacza. Przyczynek do dziejów formowania się tomizmu konsekwentnego
The Conception of Existence According to Mieczyslaw Gogacz. A Contribution to the History of Consequential Thomism’s Formation
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
Mieczysław Gogacz
Mieczysław Krąpiec
tomizm egzystencjalny
tomizm konsekwentny
akt istnienia
Thomas Aquinas
Existential Thomism
Consequential Thomism
act of being
The concept of existence (esse) as an act of making realistic and actual individual being describes the basic feature of Consequential Thomism which refers to all possible philosophical analysis from the topic of existence (esse), because existence (esse) is the first and initiating principle of being. Professor Gogacz claims that the beginning of the modification of depictions the issue of esse in the context of Existential Thomism is published in book Istnieć i poznawać in 1969. Theses of this book also are found in the script about philosophy of being (1973) entitled Ważniejsze zagadnienia metafizyki. The most mature formula of Consequential Thomism is in the Elementarz metafizyki (1987). Some topics were developed in details in the articles that also are in the following books: Historia filozofii w poszukiwaniu realizmu (2011) and W kierunku tomizmu konsekwentnego (2012). The analysis of these texts allows to separate ten topics connected with the problem of esse: 1) act of existence’s characteristic, 2) types of acts of existence, 3) making realistic and actual as an act of existence’s ‘action’, 4) the issue of Ipsum Esse Subsistens, 5) the problem of not independent being (accident) of act of being (ipsum esse), 6) the issue of transcendentals, 7) the knowledge of the existence (esse), 8) the issue of creatio esse and conservatio esse 9) the order of thesis in metaphysics, 10) the historical and philosophical aspects of the modification of Thomism which led to its consistent version. In Istnieć i poznawać M. Gogacz represents an Existential Thomism and he is influenced by thought of M. A. Krąpiec. Elementarz metafizyki is the most mature version of Consequential Thomism. According it Consequential Thomism is characterized by: 1) Recognition of statements of Avicenna’s philosophy and taking them out from Existential Thomism; 2) Understanding of existence (esse) as a created principle which initiate an individual being; 3) The experience essential principles in verbum cordis; 4) Application the essential order of causes and results with consistent notice of pluralism; 5) Distinguishing the relationship connected with esse and the relationship connected with essentia and joining the experience of ipsum esse with relationship connected with esse and joining experience of unity of esse-principles with essential relationship; 6) Using the depiction of essence (essentia) permeated by existence (esse), what should be understanding as a subsistentia, in the issue of person.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2016, 5; 45-72
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Własności istnieniowe bytu w interpretacji tomizmu konsekwentnego
Existential Properties in the Interpretation of Consequent Thomism
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
realność (res)
odrębność (aliquid)
jedność (unum)
prawda (verum)
dobro (bonum)
piękno (pulchrum)
Thomas Aquinas
reality (res)
separateness (aliquid)
unity (unum)
truth (verum)
good (bonum)
beauty (pulchrum)
The problem of properties of being as being as such, has been undertaken in metaphysics almost from the beginning of its cultivation. The stages of this story are marked by figures such as Aristotle, Avicenna, Philip Chancellor, Albert the Great, and Thomas Aquinas, followed by Duns Scotus, Peter Olivi, Francis Suárez, Thomas Campanella and others. We are interested in the Thomistic theory of transcendentals, however, as far as Thomas Aquinas did not write a separate treatise on transcendentals, neither did he elaborate the entire concept in his writings, this theory is more the work of Thomists than Aquinas himself. Therefore, it seems reasonable to pay attention to his antagonists (like Duns Scotus) and followers (like Suarez) who have influenced the Thomist vision of the transcendentals. The philosophical theory of transcendentals, since they constitute the most important properties of being, depends directly on the concept of existence itself. Otherwise, it will be formulated in essentialist metaphysics (eg in traditional Thomism), differently in different versions of transcendentalizing Thomism, and still different in existential Thomism, where transcendentals are directly related to the existence of being. The basis of the transcendental accounts, at least in existential Thomism, are the statements of Aquinas himself, scattered throughout his various writings, although the starting point is usually the text from the Quaestione disputate de veritate, where Aquinas most broadly formulates the general concept of existential property. Starting from the Aristotelian definition of being, Thomas writes that certain concepts can be applied to being, but they do not add anything new to the concept, but point only to a modus entis. These modi entis are also referred to as modi essendi (“the mode of existence”) or even aliquid in ente (“something in being”). In the following passages Aquinas says that they are “interchangeable” with being. In this way, he wants to emphasize that we are dealing with various aspects of being as being, and not with additional, more detailed beings, qualifications. They can be certain “measures”, “ways” or “determinants” of being, or existence (modi entis or modi essendi) or “consequences”, “consequences” (consequentiae) in relation to themselves (in se) or in relation to to something else (ad aliud). Interesting are the views on the philosophy of cognition from the perspective of the transcendental property of truth (Tomasz Pawlikowski), on ethics from the perspective of transcendental good (Artur Andrzejuk), and on the aesthetics from the perspective of the property of beauty (Piotr Jaroszyński). Research on reality, separateness and unity seems to be more difficult, because in the history of philosophy no specific philosophical disciplines have been associated with them, but their problems are dispersed in various philosophical directions and also have a different (though sometimes fundamental) function in them. Tadeusz Klimski and Jan Kiełbasa’s works can be an example of dealing with such an issue.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 131-157
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem istnienia w "Komentarzu" Tomasza z Akwinu do "Liber de causis"
The Problem of Being in Thomas Aquinas Commentary on "Liber de causis"
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
neoplatonizm klasyczny
neoplatonizm chrześcijański
Liber de causis
Tomasz z Akwinu
Komentarz do Liber de causis
Ipsum esse subsistens
classical neoplatonism
christian neoplatonism
Thomas Aquinas
Commentary on Liber de causis esse
The first of these ‘layers’ is hellenistic Neoplatonism of Proclus which is specifically deepened in Aquinas expositio by referring to ‘Stoichéiosis Theologiké’. The second ‘layer’ is monotheistic and creationist neoplatonism of the author of The Book which is sometimes corrected by Thomas Aquinas through depictions of Pseudo-Dionysius. The third and clearly separated doctrinal ‘layer’ of lecture is veritas rerum in which should be seek Aquinas’ views. In this perspective it is easier to unravel terminological difficulties which are in Thomas Aquinas’ text. It seems that many technical terms, such as esse, essentia, existentia, even substantia and ens should be ‘read’ in the ‘layer’ perspective which they located in. The article analyze first of the issue of esse. If we consider this ‘layered’ construction Commentary of Thomas Aquinas recognizing that in veritatis rerum there are the Aquinas own views, without difficulty we will find in it the most important thesis of his own metaphysics: about being as an arrangement from esse, about the esse and essentia, about essentia as an arrangement form and some type of potency, about God as a Ipsum Esse Subsistens, about creation as a giving esse.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2015, 4; 39-61
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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