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Wyszukujesz frazę ""Zabytki archeologiczne"" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

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Przyczynek do identyfikacji średniowiecznej aparatury destylacyjnej w Polsce
An introduction to identification of mediaeval distilling-apparatus in Poland
Szymański, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
zabytki archeologiczne
technologia destylacji
archaeological artefacts
distilling technology
Although alembics, erstwhile distilling-apparatus, are deeply rooted in Polish traditional culture, they have not been yet analysed separately. Ceramic and glass alembics, rarely being discovered during excavations within Poland, are also seldom published. Therefore using Western European studies seems to be necessary to amend that state of being. The case study on distilling-apparatus from France and Great Britain, which was used in the article, has been compiled by S. Moorhouse and N. Thomas. They presented morphologic traits of the devices: vaporizer – distilling-base or cucurbit used for heating the raw material, and alembic – a still-head with collecting-channel and spout. The authors also described industrial, kitchen and alchemical use of the devices. Based on the morphological traits, 3 types of ceramic and glass alembics were established, and presented in the article. Article uses findings already published, focuses on preliminary issues and is an attempt on introducing the reader to the matter of former distilling-apparatus. Amongst sources published in Poland one should distinguish graphics from Marcin Siennik’s Herbarz, to iest ziół tutecznych y zamorskich opisanie, Polish 16th century herbarium, fragments of pottery distilling-base from the knight’s stronghold from Mymoń, Podkarpackie Voivodeship and alembic from castle in Puck, Pomeranian Voivodeship. The latter, although ceramic, represents advanced type of distilling-apparatus with an external cooling system – removable pipe, placed in the barrel with water. Amongst instalations associated with alembics, one should mention special furnaces (athanors), ember dispensers and receivers for distillate. Another fact worth mentioning is that distilling-apparatus could be luted with a special alchemical clay, recipe of which is known from Renaissance herbarium by Marcin Siennik. Alchemical utensils were frequently placed in a separate room, especially in pharmacies and distilleries. Distilling-apparatus, artefacts heretofore neglected in Poland, could help in development of studies in the history of chemistry and complement an image of cultural space in pre-industrial Central Europe.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica; 2015, 30; 207-223
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
System ochrony zabytków archeologicznych. Pomiędzy teorią a praktyką konserwatorską
Archeological monuments protection system. Between theory and conservation practice
Krawczewska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Lubelska. Polski Komitet Narodowy Międzynarodowej Rady Ochrony Zabytków
zabytki archeologiczne
system ochrony zabytków
konserwacja zabytków archeologicznych
konserwatorstwo archeologiczne
urząd ochrony zabytków
system ochrony zabytków archeologicznych
archeological conservatorship
archeological monuments protection system
monuments protection office
Początki konserwatorstwa archeologicznego w Polsce to przede wszystkim proces identyfikacji zasobu zabytków i jego inwentaryzacja, będące fundamentalnym wyznacznikiem skutecznej ochrony pozostałości dawnej kultury materialnej człowieka. W ostatnim czasie pojawienie się w obszarze nauki nieinwazyjnych metod badań i ich wykorzystywanie w archeologii polskiej spowodowało, że dotychczas przeprowadzana inwentaryzacja źródeł archeologicznych powiązana ze żmudnymi standardowymi badaniami terenowymi, może być szybko i spektakularnie wykonywana. O ile potrzeba dzisiaj stosowania nowoczesnych technik badawczych jest niepodważalna i niezbędna w każdej dyscyplinie naukowej, to za nie mniej ważne uważa się niepoprzestawanie wyłącznie na etapie pozyskiwania danych, które przyczyniają się do tworzenia bazy obiektów archeologicznych podlegających ochronie, ale nie przynoszą spodziewanej odpowiedzi na postawione pytanie: jak je chronić? Podczas zabiegów konserwatorskich inwentaryzacji zabytków archeologicznych rodzą się kolejne pytania: gdzie i jakie są czasowe oraz materialne granice ochrony dziedzictwa archeologicznego? Różnorodność zarejestrowanych przykładów reliktów form terenowych począwszy od śladów dawnej orki, poprzez negatywy historycznych obiektów architektury po linie okopów wojennych czy sporządzone wykazy nowożytnych przedmiotów pozyskanych w toku poszukiwań zabytków wymagają od konserwatora podjęcia właściwych decyzji, które nierzadko wzbudzają skrajne reakcje. Czy zatem ochrona zabytków archeologicznych jest sprawnie wypełniana? Konserwatorstwo archeologiczne winno być postrzegane jako złożony proces składający się z trzech elementów: „inwentaryzacji, ochrony, zarządzania”, gdzie zarządzanie jest rozumiane pod pojęciem długotrwałych programów konserwatorskich opracowanych dla określonych grup zabytków archeologicznych. Obowiązująca w naszym kraju Ustawa z dnia 23 lipca 2003 r. o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami umożliwia zastosowanie szeregu efektywnych działań, jednakże aktualny system ochrony zabytków jest nadal skoncentrowany na „inwentaryzacji” i „ochronie”, a trzeci element „zarządzanie” jest wciąż niezwykle trudny w realizacji.
The beginnings of archaeological conservatorship in Poland were primarily the process of identification of historical sites and their inventory, which is a fundamental determinant of effective protection of remnants of ancient human material culture. The recent emergence of non-invasive research methods in the field of science and their use in Polish archaeology has meant that the hitherto inventory of archaeological sources associated with tedious standard field surveys can be carried out quickly and spectacularly. While the need for modern research techniques is indisputable and necessary in every scientific discipline, it is no less important not to stop at the stage of data acquisition, which contributes to the creation of a database of archaeological sites to be protected, but does not provide the expected answer to the question: how to protect them? The following questions arise during the conservation of inventories of archaeological sites: where and what are the temporal and material limits of the protection of archaeological heritage? The variety of registered examples of relics of terrain forms from the traces of former ploughing, through the negatives of historical architectural objects to the lines of war trenches or lists of modern objects acquired in the course of searching for monuments require the conservator to make the right decisions, which not infrequently arouse extreme reactions. So is the protection of archaeological monuments being carried out efficiently? Archaeological conservation should be viewed as a complex process consisting of three elements: "inventory, protection, management", where management is understood in terms of long-term conservation programs developed for specific groups of archaeological monuments. The Act of 23 July 2003 on Monuments Protection and Care in force in our country enables the application of a number of effective measures, however, the current system of monuments protection is still focused on "inventory" and "protection", and the third element "management" is still extremely difficult to implement.
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego; 2021, 12; 25--34
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagadkowe znalezisko z wczesnośredniowiecznego cmentarzyska w Lubieniu. Z problematyki konserwacji zabytków archeologicznych
An intriguing find from an Early Medieval cemetery in Lubień. Issues of conservation of archaeological relics
Kurasiński, T.
Rychter, M.R.
Skóra, K.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Konserwatorów Zabytków
zabytki archeologiczne
archaeological relics
Middle Ages
Do Pracowni Konserwacji Zabytków Metalowych Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego przekazywane są do konserwacji oraz analiz różnorodne zabytki odnalezione podczas badań archeologicznych. Jednym z takich zabytków był przedmiot pochodzący z wczesnośredniowiecznego cmentarzyska w Lubieniu określony jako okładzina pochewki noża. Po dogłębnej analizie oraz różnorodnych badaniach okazało się, że był to zupełnie inny przedmiot niż pierwotnie przypuszczano, a mianowicie rzadko spotykane we wczesnym Średniowieczu na ziemiach polskich krzesiwko ażurowe. Wśród produktów korozji znajdował się również srebrny denar krzyżowy z 4. ćwierci XI w. Okazuje się, że podczas wnikliwej obserwacji oraz interwencji konserwatorskiej zmienia się także dotychczasowy stan badań oraz pozyskuje się nową wiedzę na temat depozytów grobowych.
The Laboratory of Conservation of Metal Objects at the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Łódź receives various relics discovered during archaeological excavations for conservation and analysis. One of such items was an object found in an early-medieval cemetery in Lubień, and described as covering of a knife scabbard. After a thorough analysis and various tests, it turned out that it was an entirely different object than had been originally assumed, namely an openwork strike-a-light rarely encountered in Polish territories during the Early Medieval period. Among corrosion products there was a silver cross denarius from the 4th quarter of the 11th c. It appears that in the process of careful observation and conservation intervention the current state of research can change as well and new knowledge can be acquired concerning burial deposits.
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie; 2013, 33; 54-57
Pojawia się w:
Wiadomości Konserwatorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relikty pradziejowego górnictwa w rejonie Gór Świętokrzyskich w kontekście eksploatacji złóż krzemienia pasiastego. Problematyka prawno-konserwatorska
Relics of primeval mining in the region of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains in the context of exploitation of striped flint deposits. Legal & conservation issues
Sabaciński, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
relikty górnictwa
pradziejowe górnictwo
Góry Świętokrzyskie
krzemień pasiasty
Krajowa Ewidencja Zabytków Archeologicznych
nielegalne wykopaliska
zabytki archeologiczne
prawo geologiczne i górnicze
„polski diament"
morze jurajskie
Lista Pomników Historii
kamienie ozdobne
koncesja na wydobycie
Striped flint is a unique mineral occurring only in a few communes bordering the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. In the Neolithic Age and in the early Bronze Age, intense primeval settlement developed in the region in connection with the use of this raw material. Within the area of its outcrop, numerous mines, production and dwelling settlements were built and functioned with varying intensity for hundreds of years. A unique complex of striped flint mines and related excavation and processing infrastructure was established in Krzemionki, where around four thousand mine shafts with various constructions and of various widths and depths as well as relics of flint production workshops, shaft protection structures and waste heaps have survived till now. It is the best preserved and biggest mining complex from the early Stone Age in the world, and currently has historic monument status. Krzemionki and other primeval archaeological sites connected with the excavation and utilisation of striped flint have been endangered by destruction due to the illegal exploitation of flint over the last few years. Striped flint has become an extremely fashionable and desirable type of material for the production of souvenirs, decorations and jewellery, and the demand for it is still growing. This article presents the legal possibilities to control the illegal acquisition of striped flint in connection with applicable provisions of Mining and Geological Law and its legal status as a mineral.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2010, 1-4; 255-262
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rejestr i ewidencja zabytków nieruchomych oraz ruchomych w działaniach Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa
The role and tasks of the Monument Record and Register Department in the organisational structure of National Heritage Board of Poland
Szałygin, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
rejestr zabytków
zabytki nieruchome
zabytki ruchome
zabytki archeologiczne
ewidencja zasobu zabytkowego
karta zielona
karta biała
karta adresowa
ewidencja parków
karta cmentarza
teczka urbanistyczna
karta zabytków sztuki i rzemiosła artystycznego
karta ewidencyjna ruchomych zabytków techniki
bazy danych
weryfikacja rejestru zabytków
The National Heritage Board of Poland continues directly the activity of the first institution dealing with the collection, elaboration and popularisation of knowledge on historical monuments in Poland – the Centre for Documentation of Monuments, which was established in 1962. The organisational structure of the institution evolved, but among its priority tasks there were still documentation-related works: collection, elaboration and making available of the record of monuments in the form of record documentation and legal documentation of all registered monuments. The department which has carried out these tasks in a virtually unaltered manner is the current Monument Record and Register Department. The current tasks of the Department include also the elaboration of documentation standards, preparation of the record, keeping of the register of monuments and training of conservation services in this respect. Currently we are also supervising the performance of the monument register verification project – the description of the resource of monuments in Poland. These activities make it possible to provide successive generations with knowledge on the material culture of our ancestors, on authentic, transformed or defunct objects, complexes of objects and the cultural landscape. Our documentations are used in scientific studies and research works and constitute a basis for conservation projects. They are used for restoring the destroyed and defunct objects that constitute a significant element of national heritage. The Monument Record and Register Department collects, elaborates and provides access to knowledge on monuments in Poland in a continuous manner (under various names). MRRD collects duplicates of the documentation of monuments forming a part of the collection of the national record of monuments, which is elaborated for the needs of voivodeship conservators and by voivodeship conservators of monuments, that are sent to NHBP. The record as a form of documentation dates back to the middle of the 18th century and its legal grounds were established in 1928. The following record documentations are kept in the Monument Record and Register Department (amount as at 31.12.2011): • record cards of monuments of architecture and historic buildings (138,304 items, including 104,420 white cards and 33,884 green cards), • address cards of monuments (650,000), • records of historic greens (9,249), • record cards of cemeteries (25,367), • town planning files (1,274), • cards of movable monuments (371,876), • record cards of movable monuments of technology (9,710). Other forms of record documentation being used currently are the communal record of monuments and record lists of monuments. The regular updating of the list of shortages is one of the elements of the keeping of the central record of monuments in the activity of MRRD. Many activities concerning the documentation of monuments are performed in accordance with the well-established tradition. The challenging process that is necessary to carry out is the digitalisation of collections of the record. The central register of monuments has been kept as a primary form of monument protection since 1962. The Department maintains a uniform database system, which is understood as a specially developed kind of software (Multiarch). The database of objects entered into the register of monuments that is kept in NHBP is the only database in Poland that encompasses all legally protected non-movable and movable monuments. The verification of the register of nonmovable movements is an important task co-ordinated by the Monument Record and Register Department, which has been carried out by Local Divisions of NHBP since the end of 2008. Long-term plans of verification of the register of monuments apply to movable monuments, too. In practice, the performance of the main aforementioned tasks is often connected with additional activities, part of which is a consequence of the employees’ own initiative, knowledge and commitment as well as identification with the 50-year tradition and achievements of NHBP’s predecessors.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2012, 1-2; 117-158
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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