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Agrofizyka dla srodowiska i bezpiecznej produkcji biologicznej
Agrophysics for the environment and safety biological production
Glinski, J
Konstankiewicz, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
struktura organizacyjna
Lublin konferencja
badania naukowe
ochrona srodowiska
erozja wodna
erozja gleb
gleby orne
gleby mineralne
struktura gleb
woda glebowa
mapy glebowe
Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Agrophysics
organization structure
Lublin conference
scientific research
environment protection
water erosion
soil erosion
arable soil
mineral soil
soil structure
soil water
soil map
Agrophysics is a science dealing with physical properties and processes affecting plant production. The main topics of agrophysical investigations are mass ( water, air, plant nutrients) and energy (light, heat) exchange in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and way their regulation to reach biomass of high quantity and quality. Agrophisical investigations can be presented in the form of a tree - parameter system of classification. the term "Agrophysics" similarly to "Agrochemistry" "Agrobiology" "Agromelioration""Agroclimatology" or "Agroecology" has been fully accepted as an agricultural specialization. Agrophysics research are developed by meny scientific institutes but only the Instituí of Agrophysics in Lublin (Poland) is the strongest unit for a complex investigations in the field of agrophysics.AC The Institute of Agrophysics (IA PAN) is one of the institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, It was founded by Professor Bohdan Dobrzański in 1968 in Lublin who was the first and long-term director of the Institute (till 1980). The staff of the Institute consists of 100 workers including 68 scientific representing various specializations: physics, physicochemistry, soil science, agricultural engineering, mechanics, mathematics, electronics, geography and biology. These scientists have ery high qualifications achieved during long trainings in domestic and foreign centres. They were employed as postgraduate students and got their scientific degree on agrophysics. The Institute uses it's own building covering a surface of about 5 000 m2 situated in Lublin-Felin. The scientific structure of the Institute consists of six departments: 1. Hydrolherrnophysics of Soil Hnvironment and Agricultural Materials. 2. Aeration and Gas Exchange of Soil Environment and Agricultural Materials. 3. Mechanics of Agricultural Materials. 4. Physicochemistry of Agricultural Materials. 5. Agrophysical Bases of Soil Environment Management. 6. Physical Bases of the Evaluation and Improvement of Plant Materials, The Institute is a coordinator of agrophysical investigations in Poland and cooperates with meny scientific institutions over the world. The agrophysicial investigations carried out by the Institute and under its coordination allow us to deepen our fundamental knowledge about the physical and physicochemical properties and processes concerning agricultural materials. They also have introduced new elements to environmental protection which are significant to the economy. The results from these investigations may be used to: decrease soil physical degradation caused by erosion, soil crusting, sealing, compaction and structure destruction; increase the efficiency of water and fertilizer use; improve the technology of harvesting, storing and processing of plant materials to decrease quantitative ad qualitative losses of these materials; improve plant breading through formulation of physical properties of plants. The development of a theoretical basis in the field of agrophysics is of great importance for many agricultural specialization, e.g., soil science, soil technology, land reclamation, agricultural engineering, agroclimatology, agrochemistry, plant breeding and plant technology.
Acta Agrophysica; 1999, 20; 1-69
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Agroekologiczne aspekty warunkow tlenowych gleb ornych
Agroecological aspects of aeration status of arable soils.
Glinski, J
Stepniewski, W.
Stepniewska, Z.
Ostrowski, J.
Wlodarczyk, T.
Brzezinska, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Europa Centralna
agroekologia zob.ekologia rolnicza
ekologia rolnicza
gleby orne
rozwoj roslin
warunki tlenowe
stres oksydacyjny
woda glebowa
potencjal wodny
Central Europe
arable soil
plant development
oxygen condition
oxidative stress
soil water
water potential
Monografia zawiera 41 rysunków i 18 tabel. Przedstawia ona różne aspekty agroekologicznej roli tlenu w glebach ornych. Jest oparta o przegląd 73 pozycji literatury oraz własne osiągnięcia autorów tej monografii. Problematyka monografii dotyczy: Uwarunkowań stanu natlenienia gleb; Wskaźników natlenienia gleb; Wpływu stanu natlenienia na procesy glebowe i na rośliny; Przestrzennej charakterystyki właściwości oksydoredukcyjnych gleb ornych Polski; Przykładów kompleksowej charakterystyki aeracyjnych właściwości niektórych gleb ornych Europy Centralnej; Nowych aspektów standaryzacji glebowych parametrów natlenienia oraz miejsca stanu aeracji gleb w oksygenologii; Znaczenia wskaźników odporności gleb na redukcję t3oo • t400 dla praktyki rolniczej i melioracyjnej; Propozycji dalszych badań nt. agroekologicznych aspektów natlenienia gleb.
The monograph contains 41 figures and 19 tables. It presents various aspects of agroecological role of oxygen in arable soils.It is based on the review of 73 papers and own experiencesof authors of this monograph. There are discussed: - Conditions of soil oxygenation - Oxygen indices of soil - Influence of soil oxygen status on soil processes and plant - Spatial characteristics of oxydoreduction properties of Polish arable soil - Example of the complex characterisation of oxygen properties of some arable soils in cental Europe A new aspect concerning presentation of oxygenation soil parameters in their standarized form and the place of soil aeration status in oxygenology was introduced. The role of soil resistance to reduction processe expressed by t300 and t400 indicates in agriculture and environment practices was shown. A need of further investigations on the agroecological conditions of soil oxygen conditions was proposed.
Acta Agrophysica; 2000, 32; 1-87
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Retencja wodna mad Polski
Water retention of Polish alluvial soils
Witkowska-Walczak, B
Walczak, R.T.
Slawinski, C.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
gleby orne
woda glebowa
potencjal wodny gleby
wilgotnosc gleby
alluvial soil
arable soil
soil water
soil condition
water potential
soil moisture
W pracy przedstawiono charakterystyki potencjał wody glebowej-wilgotność mad Polski. Stwierdzono, że największe ilości wody retencjonowane są w madach średnich i ciężkich oraz, madach lekkich i średnich, a najkorzystniejsze stosunki wodno-powietrzne panują w madach lekkich i średnich.
n this paper the water potential-moisture characteristics of Polish alluvial soils are prestented. It was stated, that the biggest amount of water is retained in alluvial soils belonged to the group of medium weight and haevy as well as light and medium weight alluvial soils. The most comfortable water-air conditions are in light and medium weight alluvial soils.
Acta Agrophysica; 2000, 38; 267-280
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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