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Poezija kao prostor intimnog i javnog
Poetry as Intimate and Public Space
Gverić Katana, Petra
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Polish poetry
new media
The article gives a brief overview of translated Polish literature in Croatia in 2017 and considers the visibility of Polish poetry in a body of literary works translated after 1990, focusing on contemporary phenomena such as poetry in new media and the place it takes in the contemporary reception.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2019, 9, 3; 59-72
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Invito alla riscoperta e alla traduzione di Mario Rapisardi
Invitation to the Rediscovery and Translation of Mario Rapisardi
La Rosa, Gabriele
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
This article is intended to constitute a first approach towards a critical, comparative, and bibliographic study of the forgotten figure of Catania-born Mario Rapisardi (1844-1912), “the Etnean poet.” A poet and polemicist, he expressed himself in the climate of Positivism during and after Italian Unification, distinguishing himself with an ethical temper that did not make him abandon the Promethean tension towards ideals. Due to these ideals, the poet came into conflict with both the academic and ecclesiastical worlds, resulting in his consequent literary isolation—but not social and human isolation, clearly demonstrated by the fact that more than 100,000 people would attend his funeral. This article is also an invitation to rediscover and translate Rapisardi’s work into Polish, as his presence is almost non-existent, given that only four short poems are translated into Polish: three published in 1921 (Disinganno, La montagna fatale, Dinanzi a un ritratto) and one in 1931 (Nox). The translations are by Jadwiga Lipińska, Józef Puzyna, Julian Ejsmond, and Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska, respectively. The article chronologically traces the Polish criticism of Rapisardi, starting from 1880 with two articles by Polish writers and literary critics Waleria Marrené-Morzkowska and Julian Adolf Święcicki, up to the present times, and is based both on studies by famous literary scholars, such as Maurycy Mann, and on articles that appeared in literary magazines, such as Przegląd Humanistyczny and Przegląd Współczesny.
Questo articolo vuole costituire un primo approccio verso uno studio critico, comparatistico e bibliografico della dimenticata figura del catanese Mario Rapisardi (1844-1912), “il vate etneo”. Poeta e polemista, egli si espresse nella temperie del Positivismo durante il periodo risorgimentale e post-risorgimentale italiano distinguendosi per la sua tempra etica che non gli fece dismettere la tensione prometeica verso gli ideali. Per essi il poeta entrò in contrasto sia col mondo accademico sia con quello ecclesiastico con il conseguente isolamento letterario, ma non sociale e umano tanto che al suo funerale presero parte oltre centomila persone. Il presente articolo è anche un invito alla riscoperta e alla traduzione in polacco dell’opera del Rapisardi - pressoché inesistente visto che risultano tradotte in polacco solo quattro brevi poesie: tre pubblicate nel 1921 (Disinganno, La montagna fatale, Dinanzi a un ritratto) e una nel 1931 (Nox). Le traduzioni sono rispettivamente di Jadwiga Lipińska, Józef Puzyna, Julian Ejsmond e Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska. L’articolo ripercorre cronologicamente la critica polacca su Rapisardi, a partire dal 1880 con gli interventi della scrittrice Waleria Marrené-Morzkowska e del traduttore Julian Adolf Święcicki, fino ai tempi odierni, e si basa sui contributi di studiosi di letteratura come Maurycy Mann, nonché su articoli apparsi su riviste letterarie come Przegląd Humanistyczny e Przegląd Współczesny.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2020, 11.2; 137-160
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motifs and themes in Emily Dickinsons poems translated by Ludmiła Marjańska
Zawadzka, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Emily Dickinson
Ludmiła Mariańska
and existence
The article is intended to demonstrate selected motifs and themes of Emily Dickinson’s work which is a separate phenomenon in the poetry of the second half of nineteenth century. The poet’s work referring to timeless sense of human existence became a challenge for the Polish poet - Ludmiła Marjańska - who had ventured to translate it and was carrying on with the task throughout the years. Ludmiła Marjańska and Emily Dickinson were connected through richness of their inner lives. Each of the poets is an extraordinary individuality. Their works prove enormous joy of life and fondness of nature. They both deal with existential matters. Emily Dickinson considered the question of the way of existence - not only her own but of each individual - and her place in the world. She expressed it in her works. This paper is a brief introduction to Emily Dickinson and Ludmiła Marjańska and an analysis of selected poems by Dickinson with a bird motif, encumbered with diversified functions. This bird is a sign of joy, hope, reflection, but it also has a self-creative function. Further part of this paper presents some oneiric space as a poetic method employed in Emily Dickinson’s poems. Sleep in the poet’s works is multifaceted. The sleep motif combines the real and eternal worlds. Poetic translations by Ludmiła Marjańska evoke the spirit of the original. The poet believed that a good translation requires adequate preparation and an intuitive approach. In her translations of Emily Dickinson’s poems, the poet attempts to reflect the sound of a given piece of work in Polish. A poem read in an original language version sounds differently, and no translation is capable of exactly reflecting its content in a foreign language, but it may bring it closer.
World Scientific News; 2019, 123; 220-233
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczenia translatorskie według Julii Hartwig
Dudka, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Julia Hartwig
French and American poetry
poezja francuska i amerykańska
W pracy zwrócono uwagę na doświadczenia związane z przekładami w dorobku artystycznym Julii Hartwig. Poetka była cenioną tłumaczką poezji francuskiej i amerykańskiej. Przekłady okazały się dla niej ważnym doświadczeniem lekturowym i formacyjnym, a także warsztatowym – powstawały równolegle do twórczości własnej, ale i ściśle wiązały się z biografią artystki. Rozproszone po różnych utworach komentarze do własnej pracy i dokonań innych tłumaczy, a także uwagi na temat istoty, znaczenia i roli przekładu przekonują, że jest to ważna część dorobku artystycznego Julii Hartwig. Przeprowadzona w artykule analiza zgromadzonych materiałów pozwoliła sformułować wnioski na temat warsztatu tłumaczki-poetki i jej stylu przekładu, który oddają takie metafory, jak: alchemia, odbicie, zwierciadło, przeprowadzka, spotkanie, rozmowa.
The article examines the role of translation in the literary output of Polish writer Julia Hartwig. An esteemed translator of French and American poetry, Hartwig treated her work in this capacity as an important element of her own artistic and readerly formation. The analyses carried out in the article show that she succeeded in finding her own individual style of translation, and that the latter can be described by means of such figures as alchemy, mirror-image, moving house, encounter and conversation.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2020, 15, 10; 125-144
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Zbiór ten nie zostanie bezużytecznym w księgarstwie ciężarem”, czyli Narodowe pieśni serbskie wybrane i przełożone przez Romana Zmorskiego
“This collection will not be a useless burden for the book trade” that is, Serbian folk Songs selected and translated by Roman Zmorski
„Ова збирка неће бити бескористан терет у књижарама” Српске народне песме које је изабрао и превео Роман Змoрски
Lis ‑Wielgosz, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
српске народне песме
усмено стваралаштво
Serbian folklore songs
folklore poetry
Чланак подсећа на збирку превода српских народних песама познату под насловом Српске народне песме коју је Роман Змoрски припремио (т.ј. превео све текстове на пољски језик) и двапут издао — 1853. и 1855. године. Колекција народног стваралаштва која се овде разматра, истовремено служи као повод за размишљање о суштини превода књижевног текста, о његовој транслацији и вредности у комуникативном контексту, а такође о улози преводиоца у процесу спајања двају аксиолошких и културних система — тзв. основног и одредишног система. У чланку се приказује преводилачка делатност у деветнаестом веку, дакле разматра се историја и традиција рецепције српског народног песништва у пољској култури. Размишљање се концентрише на превод као интеркултурни, комуникативни фе‑ номен, као намеран процес преношења текста из једног у други културни простор. Дакле, овде се истиче превод са различитих страна, он се разматра из књижевноисторијског, кул‑ турног, дијалошког, релационог аспекта. Он се приказује као културно ‑друштвена појава, као хотимичан процес ибора, стратегијске операције, ауторске (преводилачке) интерпре‑ тације и комуникације
In the article, the collection of Serbian folklore song translations, entitled Serbian Folk Songs, is regarded. The collection itself was prepared and published in 1853 and 1855 by Roman Zmorski. Located in the centre of consideration, it also becomes a pretext for a reflection on the essence of a literary text’s translation along with its communicational aspect and the role of the translator in the process of the fusion concerning two axiological systems, two cultural horizons — the initial one and the final one. Furthermore, the article serves to present a traditional translation in the nineteenth century: the reception of South Slavonic (Serbian) folklore poetry. The considerations dedicated to the translation theme and the translator’s role concentrate not on the philological is‑ sues themselves, but rather on the broadly comprehended intercultural phenomenon which means a process and the result of a transposition of the text from one cultural realm to the other. Besides the exposition of the translation meaning in the relational, dialogical aspect, its fundamental con‑ ditions are emphasized. They refer to the historical and cultural contexts, sources’ selection, and intentional operation on the primary text together with its translation understood as a specific sort of interpretation and communication.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2016, 7, 1; 165-182
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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