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Wyszukujesz frazę "Catholic" wg kryterium: Temat

Wojnicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church is naturally associated with migrants and its history and doctrine are inextricably linked with the migration of people. Many of the documents of the Catholic Church refer to the history of human migration. The responsibility of the Catholic Church for migrants has deep historical and theological roots. The Catholic Church sees both the positive and the negative sides of this phenomenon The pastoral care of migrants is a response to the needs of these people. It does not replace the territorial structures. They both work closely together and complement each other. The primary objective of the pastoral care of migrants is to enable migrants to integrate with the local community. An important element of these structures are religious orders of men and women. The most important thing for migrants is the Christian attitude of the local community to them. Church repeatedly stressed the importance of hospitality to migrants. Both human and Christian attitude towards migrants expresses itself in a good reception, which is the main factor in overcoming the inevitable difficulties, preventing opposites and solving various problems. This attitude helps to alleviate the problems associated with the process of social integration.
Civitas et Lex; 2017, 1(13); 49-68
Pojawia się w:
Civitas et Lex
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Istota funkcjonowania duszpasterstwa migrantów w prawie Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego
The essence of functioning of the pastoral care of migrants in Catholic Church law
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
pastoral care of migrants
the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church is a universal community. Therefore, the Catholic Church cares of people living outside their homeland. The primary objective of the structures of pastoral care of migrants is the integration of immigrants into the local community. The pastoral care of migrants should be adapted to the migrants needs, their culture and traditions. The pastoral care of migrants operates at three levels: the universal, the particular and the local. According to the Catholic Church migration is an international problem that should be resolved with the cooperation of all countries. The issue of cultural differences between migrants and local communities, should mitigate through learning of basic human rights.
Civitas et Lex; 2016, 2(10); 55-67
Pojawia się w:
Civitas et Lex
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transseksualizm z perspektywy eklezjalnej
Transsexualism from the Ecclesiastical Perspective
Wróbel SCJ, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
human sexuality
marriage consecrated life
the Catholic Church
Catholic Church teaching
ludzka płciowość
życie konsekrowane
Kościół katolicki
nauczanie Kościoła katolickiego
The article addresses the issue of transsexualism from the point of view of the fundamental aspects of the life of the ecclesial community. Although the Church has not published an extensive document concerning this topic, it has referred to this problem both directly and indirectly. Sex change has been twice referred to in the context of genderism by Pope Francis and directly with the reference to transsexualism by various dicasteries of the Holy See in several notes. On the other hand, the attitude of the Church toward the discussed problem arises indirectly from its teachings on human sexuality. In general, the Church is of the opinion that formal or surgical sex change does not alter the actual sex of a person. Further, the Author focuses on the problem of transsexualism in terms of baptism, ordination, marriage, and religious vows. From the teachings of the Church it arises that a transsexual person cannot be denied baptism before a sex change. After a sex change, baptism assumes the conversion of such a person, their acceptance of the teachings of the Church on this matter, as well as – bearing in mind social relationships based on truth – their return to their original sex in terms of their identity and sex registered at birth, as it is impossible to restore their original sex after it has been surgically reassigned. The Church is also of the opinion that a transsexual person feeling strong disapproval of his or her phenotypic and genital sex cannot enter into matrimony, be ordained, or make any religious vows. Aside from the previously emphasized decisive importance of the original sex of a transsexual person for these forms of life as well as for social and ecclesial roles, other arguments are involved, such as disapproval of one’s own sex, the inability to control one’s sex, sexual self-identification disorders and lability, narcissistic inclinations, problems with building harmonious interpersonal relationships based on truth, as well as the inability of two persons to physically unite in the moral and canonical context, where either one or both of them have undergone a surgical sex change.
Artykuł traktuje o transseksualizmie z perspektywy fundamentalnych aspektów życia wspólnoty eklezjalnej. Chociaż Kościół nie wydał na ten temat szerokiego dokumentu, to jednak odniósł się do tego problemu bezpośrednio i pośrednio. Bezpośrednio do kwestii zmiany płci w kontekście genderyzmu odniósł się dwa razy papież Franciszek, a wprost w odniesieniu do transseksualizmu różne dykasterie Stolicy Apostolskiej w kilku stanowiskach. Pośrednio stosunek Kościoła do omawianej problematyki wynika z jego nauczania na temat ludzkiej płciowości. Kościół stoi na stanowisku, iż metrykalna czy chirurgiczna zmiana płci nie zmienia faktycznej płci osoby. W dalszych analizach Autor skupił swoją uwagę na problematyce transseksualizmu rozpatrywanej z perspektywy chrztu św., święceń, małżeństwa i życia zakonnego. Z nauczania Kościoła wynika, że osobie transseksualnej przed zmianą płci nie można odmówić chrztu św. Po zmianie płci chrzest zakłada nawrócenie takiej osoby, pełne przyjęcie nauczania Kościoła w tej materii oraz, mając na uwadze relacje społeczne w prawdzie, powrót do płci pierwotnej w wymiarach podmiotowych i metrykalnych, jako że niemożliwe jest przywrócenie pierwotnej płci w przypadku chirurgicznej jej zmiany. Kościół reprezentuje też stanowisko, że osoba transseksualna intensywnie przeżywająca dezaprobatę dla swojej płci fenotypowo-genitalnej zasadniczo nie może zawrzeć związku małżeńskiego, przystąpić do święceń i do życia zakonnego. Oprócz podkreślonego już decydującego znaczenia pierwotnej płci osoby transseksualnej dla tych form życia i ról społeczno-eklezjalnych, w grę wchodzą też dalsze racje, jak między innymi, dezaprobata dla własnej płci, brak zdolności do panowania nad własną płcią, zakłócona i labilna autoidentyfikacja płciowa, skłonności narcystyczne, problemy w budowaniu harmonijnych relacji interpersonalnych opartych na prawdzie, a także niezdolność do integralnego zjednoczenia cielesnego w rozumieniu moralnym i kanonicznym dwóch osób, z których jedna lub obydwie są po chirurgicznej zmianie płci.
Family Forum; 2016, 6; 113-136
Pojawia się w:
Family Forum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bezpieczeństwo uroczystości kościelnych
Safety of liturgical ceremonies
Szela, Artur
Data publikacji:
Collegium Witelona Uczelnia Państwowa
Kościół katolicki
uroczystości kościelne
the Catholic Church
religious celebrations
Wszystkie zgromadzenia liturgiczne charakteryzują się spotkaniem dużej grupy osób w celu sprawowania kultu religijnego, który ma pogłębić wiarę, poszerzyć wiedzę religijną, wzmocnić poczucie duchowej wspólnoty wiernych. Przeważnie odbywają się one w wyznaczonych do tego miejscach: kościołach, kaplicach, domach parafialnych lub klasztorach. Jednakże niektóre święta liturgiczne obchodzone są poza świątyniami ze względu na tradycje, zwyczaje, przepisy liturgiczne lub niemożność pomieszczenia wiernych w kościołach czy sanktuariach. Do tej grupy zaliczane są między innymi: procesje, pielgrzymki do miejsc kultu, zgromadzenia przy pomnikach świętych czy kapliczkach, a także msze polowe. Przy organizacji tego typu uroczystości należy stosować, odpowiednio do sytuacji, szczególne środki ostrożności w celu zapewnienia wszystkim uczestnikom maksimum bezpieczeństwa. Organizatorzy tych zgromadzeń korzystają z własnych służb porządkowych, a także z pomocy państwowych organów i instytucji bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego, tj. Policji, Straży Pożarnej, Pogotowia Ratunkowego, które działają w oparciu o własne przepisy, ustawy i zarządzenia mające na celu zapewnienie odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa wiernych. W niniejszym artykule zawarta została ogólna charakterystyka zasad organizacji imprez masowych, specyfika funkcjonowania Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce, uregulowania prawne dotyczące organizacji uroczystości kościelnych oraz opis imprez masowych o charakterze religijnym w Polsce.
All the liturgical assemblies are characterized by a large group of people meeting in order to practice religious worship, which is to strengthen faith, broaden religious knowledge and reinforce the sense of spiritual community of believers. Mostly they are practiced in specially designated areas: churches, chapels, parish houses or monasteries. However, some liturgical ceremonies are celebrated outside the temples, because of the traditions, customs, liturgical norms or inability to have enough space for believers in churches or shrines. To this group they belong: processions, pilgrimages to places of worship, congregations by the statues of saints and shrines, as well as field masses. When organizing such celebrations there should be used, as appropriate, any special precautions to ensure maximum safety for all participants. The organizers of these gatherings use their own security forces, and with the help of civil service and institutions of internal security, ie. the police, fire brigade, ambulance services, which are based on their own rules, laws and regulations aimed at ensuring safety of the believers. This article contains general characteristic of principles of organizing mass events, the functioning of the Catholic Church in Poland, regulations concerning the organization of church ceremonies and description of the major events of a religious nature in Poland.
Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy; 2016, 1, 18
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej im. Witelona w Legnicy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Idee teologiczno-polityczne francuskiego duchowieństwa ultramontańskiego w czasie pontyfikatu Piusa IX (1846-1878)
The French clergy on the theological and on the political during the pontificate of Pius IX (1846-1878)
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Pope Pius IX
the Catholic Church
the nineteenth century
This article presents the views of the French clergy on the theological and on the political during the counter-revolutionary and traditionalist pontificate of Pius IX (1846-1878). Its aim is show the many parallels and similarities between theological thought and political thought. In the era of subsequent political revolutions and the secularization French clergy look for the defender of Church. After the collapse of the catholic monarchy, the only possible defender is the Papacy. Ultramontanism program is the concept of the recognition of the Pope for the last point of defense before the Satan's revolution. Therefore Ultramontanism is a counter-revolutionary movement. Politics and religion come together in the great synthesis of the Catholic counter-revolution. The head of this movement the ultramontanes see in the Bishop of Rome.
Historia i Świat; 2015, 4; 267-303
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Świat
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odpowiedzialność kościelnych osób prawnych za czyny pedofilskie duchownego – wyrok na miarę precedensu. Uwagi w sprawie wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 31 marca 2020 r., sygn. II CSK 124/19
Responsibility of church legal entities for the actions of a pedophile clergyman – a judgment as a precedent. Comments on the judgment of the Supreme Court of March 31, 2020, file ref. no. II CSK 124/19
Borecki, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the Catholic Church
the Supreme Court
the Holy See
he judgment of March 31, 2020, file ref. II CSK 124/19, has great social and legal significance. It is the first Supreme Court ruling concerning the civil liability of church legal entities for pedophilic acts committed by a clergyman. The Supreme Court shared the view of the Court of Appeal accepting the liability of church legal persons in the light of all the facts of the case of Art. 430 of the Civil Code (culpability in supervision). However, it convincingly distanced itself from the position of the District Court (court of first instance) that liability under Art. 429 of the Civil Code (culpability in choice) should be taken into consideration. In the justification of the judgment, the Supreme Court conducted a thorough analysis of the premises for the civil liability of church legal persons for the activities of a religious person subordinate to them. In particular, it stated that if the perpetrator acts for personal gain and the performance of the official activity enables him to cause damage, the superior cannot effectively raise the objection that the subordinate caused said damage only in the performance of the entrusted tasks. Thus, the Supreme Court upheld the interpretation of Art. 430 of the Civil Code, assuming the liability of legal persons for damage caused by a subordinate. It distinctly applied this liability to church legal entities. When appointing the adjudication panel of the Supreme Court, impartiality was preserved. On the other hand, doubts are raised regarding the Court’s neutrality in terms of world-view in some parts of its judgment justification. The judgment of March 31, 2020 must be assessed as brave and just. It has the chance to set the course of judicial decisions in matters of the liability of religious legal persons for pedophilic acts committed by clergy acting under their supervision. The justification of the judgment is understandably critical towards the perpetrator and church legal persons superior to him, and also sometimes towards the provisions of the Code of Canon Law. It should be emphasized, however, that the judgment is not an “indictment” against the Catholic Church as such, and even less so against religion.
Studia Prawa Publicznego; 2020, 3, 31; 33-52
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawa Publicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Środowisko kapłańskie na Pomorzu Zachodnim w latach 1945–1956
Sacerdotal Community in Western Pomerania in the Years 1945–1956
Cichocka, Marta
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
Regained Territories
church administration
the Catholic Church
After the Second World War, the region of Western Pomerania changed its religious face from Protestant to Catholic as a result of political decisions. As the Polish territory was moved to the west, the influence of the Roman Catholic Church also shifted. Not only secular settlers but also priests had to adjust to those exceptional circumstances. Usually treated as part of the institution they created, they have not yet been fully described as one of the groups of migrants. However, their role was crucial for the settlement and land development by believers, the Church and the Polish state. The aim of the article is to answer the questions who those clergymen were and how they dealt with this unusual challenge. In the literature on the subject, such issues as settlement processes in the Western and Northern Territories, the creation of the church administration, and relations between the state and the church have been widely described. Relations between priests and believers or relations among clergymen themselves are still less known. The documents available in the archives of state and church provenance allow to examine the priestly environment, which also underwent the stage of adaptation and integration with the foreign material and social environment. The historical and comparative method of research led to the establishment of several conclusions, including the most important one that the priests who came to Western Pomerania in the first decade after the war were not homogeneous. Their diversity concerned origin, education, customs or age, but also their attitude towards the so-called Regained Territories, their duties, church discipline or the new authority in Poland. This disintegration, often accompanied by prejudices and stereotypes, constituted the specificity of the religious life of the region and from this point of view is worth examining.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2019, 84, 2; 123-149
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Social Role of the Priest as Perceived by Polish Youth. A Sociological Analysis
Baniak, Józef
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
social role of a priest
secondary school students
university students
the Catholic Church
With this article I show the perception shared by high school and university students in Poland concerning the role of the priest in the Church and society. The basis of these findings are the results of three sociological studies that I carried out in years 1983, 1998, and 2008, realized among 976 high school students and 414 university students in Kalisz, Poland. In the given 25 year period, the perception of the role of the religious priest in the Church and the parish, as well as his social role in a democratic state, underwent major changes. Both types of roles-religious and social-recognized by the audited youth differ significantly from their definition as given by the doctrine of the Catholic Church. The youth imagine the priest in these roles in a different way than the Church and concentrate their attention on those elements that have practical significance. Indicators of these changes are included in the statistical tables.
Polish Sociological Review; 2015, 191, 3; 315-327
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ksiądz Feliks Ożga i jego zmagania z komunistycznym aparatem represji
Priest Feliks Ożga and His Struggle with the Communist Repressive Apparatus
Czwołek, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu
the Catholic Church
the Chełmno diocese
martyrdom of clergymen
military regional courts
repressive apparatus
The article presents the repressions of the communist apparatus against the clergyman of the Chełmno diocese – priest Feliks Ożga. The problems of the priest started at the end of the 1940s, when in his sermons he criticized the political system of the time. In 1951 he was sentenced for the first time for his anti-Polish activity and imprisoned for 8 months. The real problems of the priest commenced when he started to cooperate with activists of the youth independence organization of the Home Army “Orlęta.” During the attempt to arrest the priest, officers of the Security Bureau beat him up and abducted him. The Curia of the Bishop of Chełmno set up a committee, the aim of which was to explain all the circumstances of the nightly events in Konarzyny. Eventually, the Military Regional Court in Gdańsk sentenced the priest Feliks Ożga for 8 years in prison for his anti-Polish activity. After he was released from jail, the priest did not give up his activity, which entailed further repressions.
Zapiski Historyczne; 2017, 82, 2; 169-191
Pojawia się w:
Zapiski Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Katechizm za sześć centów…” Jan kardynał Puzyna wobec kwestii socjalnej
“Catechism for six cents...” Cardinal Jan Puzyna towards the social issues
Marchel, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
kwestia socjalna
Kościół Katolicki
Jan Puzyna
social issue
the Catholic Church
In the polish historiography of the nineteenth century the Catholic hierarchs are seen primarily as representatives of the conservative authorities, inhibiting the development of new forms of social life. In fact, with few exceptions, changes in the relations between social classes and within each of them, have been taking by them with a strong reserve, and even resentment. In the most expressive way it was reflected in relation to the situation of the lower social classes, that in the second half of the century, begun to occupy an important place in the arena of European civilization’s transformation. In this context, an interesting example would be for researchers activities of Jan Puzyna, prince, bishop and cardinal. The controversy, which over the years has been accumulated around his person, caused that today is identified of the most negative features of Polish Catholicism. However, while the creation of such assessments, has its justification in the essence of collective memory, it is the duty of the historian to verify it.
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2016, 16; 79-90
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doświadczenie historyczno-religijnej alienacji a współczesne relacje wewnątrz chrześcijaństwa Moskałyk Jarosław
The Experience of Historical-Religious Alienations and Modern Relationships within Christianity
Moskałyk, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the Catholic Church
Christian mission
Kościół katolicki
misja chrześcijańska
The problem of unity within the Christian and interreligious rapprochement is in its essence complex and multifaceted. The attempt to look at this issue through the experience of the alienation complex wishes to cast some light on the factors that in principle exclude the possibility of reconciliation. The phenomenon of alienation in interdenominational relations is very often overlooked, and its consequences are hastily hushed up. However, a proper assessment of the situation of alienation in mutual relations between churches or religions should be a simple gesture of courage and willingness to make a change. Yet, this is not simple, all the more so when done at someone else’s request. It is still a long way to catharsis and a sense of fellowship with others, but this is what the Catholic Church and the entire Christianity needs. A genuine attitude of openness, ecumenical openness included, is what the Christian community is called to in order to perform its specific missions in the contemporary world.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2013, 27; 211-230
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transgraniczny przepływ danych osobowych wiernych Kościoła katolickiego z Polski – na przykładzie kazusu
Chojara-Sobiecka, Małgorzata
Karsten, Kinga
Kroczek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
cross-border flow of personal data
personal data
the faithful
the Catholic Church
Kościół katolicki
The article shows the practical application of data protection regulations in the process of cross-border data transfer by church public legal entities, using a case study as an example. After the presentation of the case study data, the author of the articles makes a few remarks concerning the binding regulations and their application. At the end of the article, the general request is formulated, which orders the controllers to undertake cross-border data transfer with great caution.
Artykuł pokazuje na przykładzie kazusu praktyczne zastosowanie regulacji dotyczących ochrony danych osobowych w procesie transgranicznego przekazywania danych przez kościelne publiczne osoby prawne. Po przedstawieniu danych kazusu autor artykułu czyni kilka uwag dotyczących obowiązujących regulacji i ich zastosowania. Na końcu artykułu zostaje sformułowany ogólny wniosek, który nakazuje administratorom podejmować transgraniczne przekazywanie danych z wielką ostrożnością.
Annales Canonici; 2019, 15, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annales Canonici
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zaangażowanie Kościoła katolickiego w proces pojednania polsko-ukraińskiego w latach 1989-2012
The Commitment of the Catholic Church in the Process of the Polish Ukrainian Reconciliation in the Years 1989-2012
Kozyrska, Antonina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kościół katolicki
pojednanie polsko-ukraińskie
the Catholic Church
Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation
The difficult process of the Polish Ukrainian reconciliation is still continuing. The political transformations in and Ukraine in the years 1989-2012 had opened a research and public debate on the history of Polish-Ukrainian relations in the first half of the twentieth century. The two countries cooperate in the area of science, culture, economy, and politics more and more intensely. Mass social awareness, however, is changing slowly. The Catholic Church also indicated the need to accelerate the process of reconciliation. She has made in view of her peace mission and the need to improve mutual relations between the faithful of the Greek and Latin rites on both sides of the border. The superiors of the Roman-Catholic Church and the Greek-Catholic Church in Ukraine and in Poland have been engaged in the solution of the conflict concerning of the Lvov Eagles cemetery, have issued a series of appeals to both countries for reconciliation, have taken part in commemoration of the victims, and have performed symbolical acts of forgiveness. John Paul II supported the work of Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation. It was hoped that his pilgrimage to Ukraine in the June of 2001 would be a turning point. A sudden improvement of the situation, however, has not taken place, but in the following years many new initiatives of rapprochement appeared: common prayers, pilgrimages, meetings of the episcopate and the clergy of both countries. There are still problems, however, such as the disputes about temples, accusations of proselytism and depriving of national identity, discussions on the limitations of commitment in national and political life.
Studia Polonijne; 2013, 34; 121-144
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Main Revival Movements in the Catholic Church Before the Second Vatican Council
Białkowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
the Catholic Church
the Second Vatican Council
rebirth of Biblical studies
Liturgical Movement
Nouvelle Théologie
From the middle of the 19th century until convocation of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), several spiritual and intellectual revival movements were visible in the Catholic Church. They had one overarching objective – return to the origins (French: ressourcement). The revival of Biblical Studies, as the first of these movements, was implemented mainly at two specialist universities: the School of Practical Biblical Studies (French: École pratique d’études bibliques) of Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange OP and at the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Pontificium Institutum Biblicum) founded by Pope Saint Pius X. The Movement of Liturgical renewal, on the other hand, began at the Benedictine abbeys in Belgium, France and Germany, and was later popularised by Father Prosper Guéranger OSB, Father Lambert Beauduin OSB and Father Odo Casel OSB. Similarly as in the case of the Biblical revival, the teaching of successive Popes – and of Pius XII in particular – had a significant influence on changes in the Catholic liturgy. In contrast, the Ecumenical Movement was characterised by its bottom-up nature, and its beginnings were associated initially with Protestant missionary circles. An important contribution to this transformative movement were meetings between the Catholic and the Anglican Church, known as the Malines Conversations (French: Conversations des Malines), as well as the Una Sancta ecumenical movement developing robustly in Germany. Finally, the last crucial phenomenon – ain particular from the perspective of genesis of the Second Vatican Council – was the rise of Nouvelle Théologie, a new school of thought in Catholic theology. Its representatives include leading theologians of the 20th century: Father Henri de Lubac SJ, Father Karl Rahner SJ, Father Yves Congar OP, Father Marie-Dominique Chenu OP, as well as Father Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) and Father Hans Küng. It should be emphasised all the above Catholic renewal movements had a decisive influence on development of dominant tendencies at the Second Vatican Council, and the consequent conceptual framework used in the Council documents.
Historia i Polityka; 2018, 24 (31); 73-86
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duchowieństwo parafialne w życiu rodu Radziwiłłów nieświeskich w XVIII wieku
The Parochial Clergy in the Life of the Radziwiłł Family from Nieśwież in the Eighteenth Century
Stojek-Sawicka, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kościół katolicki
XVIII wiek
the clergy
the Radziwiłł family
the Catholic Church
The paper discusses the interrelations between the parochial clergy and one of the most potent magnate families in the eighteenth century – the family of the Radziwiłł princes from Nieśwież. In the first part the author characterises a group of the clergy with a view to its function in the structures of the Catholic Church, background, customs, moral and intellectual formation. Then she focused on the question of presentation, and discussed it under the chronological (i.e. in which periods the Radziwiłł family made most nominations for church offices) and territorial angle. In the final part she attempts to answer the question about the real role and place of the parochial clergy in the structures of the magnate court. She also sought to find any reasons that were decisive for the potent mutual relations between the parochial clergy and the family of the Radziwiłł princes from Nieśwież.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2008, 56, 2; 129-155
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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