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„Dyptyk starości”: zarys refleksji nad dwoistością postrzegania i przedstawiania człowieka starego na przestrzeni wieków
“Diptych of Old Age”: An Outline of Reflection on the Duality of Perception and Imaging an Old Man Over the Centuries
Zakowicz, Ilona
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Instytut Socjologii
duality of old age
history of old age
old age
dwoistość starości
historia starości
W każdej epoce dostrzec można odmienny stosunek człowieka wobec przemijania, starzenia się i śmierci, wyrazem którego są zróżnicowane postawy i wyobrażenia na temat tego, co nieuniknione. Celem artykułu jest uzasadnienie tezy mówiącej o tym, że od czasów najdawniejszych dyskurs dotyczący późnej dorosłości oscyluje między swoiście rozumianym „kryzysem i renesansem starości”. Teza główna oparta jest o założenie, że rysem charakterystycznym starości jest wpisana w nią dwoistość, z powodu której od czasów prehistorycznych po współczesne wymyka się ona pełnemu poznaniu. Do zweryfikowania hipotez wykorzystane zostały wnioski z badań własnych, przeprowadzonych w ramach dysertacji doktorskiej, oraz wnioski z analizy literatury przedmiotu. W niniejszym artykule autorka przygląda się zagadnieniu dwoistości postaw wobec starzenia się i starości od czasów prehistorycznych do współczesnych. Najobszerniejszą część artykułu stanowi opis sytuacji osób starszych w czasach prehistorycznych i starożytności. Taki zabieg pozwolił bowiem, z jednej strony, uwypuklić fakt, że wiele z ówczesnych postaw i sposobów postrzegania starości, pomimo upływu lat, przetrwało do czasów współczesnych; z drugiej natomiast, zweryfikować potoczne przekonanie, że w starożytności, w przeciwieństwie do współczesności, osoba starsza cieszyła się szacunkiem i uznaniem.
In each epoch, one can distinct a different attitude of man towards transience, ageing and death, manifested in different mindsets and ideas about what is inevitable. The purpose of this article is to justify the thesis that since the earliest times, the discourse on late adulthood oscillates between a specifically understood “crisis and the renaissance of old age”. The main thesis is based on the premise that the characteristic feature of old age is the ambivalence, due to which, from prehistoric to modern times, it eludes full cognition. To verify the hypotheses, conclusions of own research carried out for the doctoral dissertation and conclusions from the analysis of the literature of the subject were used. In this article, the author looks at the duality of attitudes towards ageing and old age from prehistoric to modern times. The most comprehensive part of the article refers to the position of the elderly in prehistoric and ancient times. On the one hand, this overview has highlighted the fact that many of the old attitudes and perceptions of old age built over the years have survived to the present day, but, on the other hand, to verify the common belief that in ancient times, in contrast to modern times, the older person was respected and appreciated. The hypotheses contained in this article are not in the nature of decisive judgments, some of them require further in-depth research, but they are a kind of encouragement and an invitation to think together about the phenomenon of old age.
Konteksty Społeczne; 2017, 5, 1; 106-121
Pojawia się w:
Konteksty Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of retirement age changes on the old-age pension take up in Poland after 1990
Wpływ zmian wieku emerytalnego na podejmowanie decyzji o przejściu na emeryturę w Polsce po 1990 roku
Chłoń-Domińczak, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych
life expectancy
old-age pension
retirement age
retirement behaviour
wiek emerytalny
zachowanie emerytalne
oczekiwana długość życia
The article presents an analysis of the retirement behaviour in Poland in the past 30 years within the context of evolution of the legal retirement age and access to early retirement benefits. It shows that any change in the law, particularly those that widen access to pensions, such as introducing early retirement opportunities or lowering the retirement age itself, lead to an increased take up of pension benefits. The majority of employees claim their pensions at the earliest age that they accrue pension rights, or no more than a couple of years afterwards. This behaviour has not changed over the course of the past 30 years, despite significant changes in a pension system that has moved from the defined benefit to the defined contribution principle, and which has increased the incentives to postpone retirement decisions. People above the age of 50 still want to retire as soon as possible. A shift towards a defined contribution system, combined with a lower retirement age, particularly for women, leads to a declining ratio between pensions and wages. Raising the retirement age and equalising it between sexes seems to be necessary to compensate for increasing live expectancy and to ensure the adequacy of pensions and for the reduction of the gender pension gap over the coming decades.
Artykuł przedstawia analizę zachowań emerytalnych w Polsce w ciągu ostatnich 30 lat w kontekście ewolucji ustawowego wieku emerytalnego i dostępu do świadczeń z tytułu wcześniejszej emerytury. Tekst dowodzi, że wszelkie zmiany w prawie, zwłaszcza te, które rozszerzają dostęp do emerytur, takie jak wprowadzenie możliwości wcześniejszego przejścia na emeryturę lub obniżenie samego wieku emerytalnego, prowadzą do zwiększonego wykorzystania świadczeń emerytalnych. Większość pracowników występuje o emerytury jak najwcześniej, czyli w wieku, w którym nabywają uprawnienia emerytalne, ewentualnie najwyżej kilka lat później. Zachowanie to nie zmieniło się w ciągu ostatnich 30 lat pomimo istotnych zmian w systemie emerytalnym: z systemu zdefiniowanego świadczenia w system zdefiniowanej składki, motywując do odkładania decyzji emerytalnych. Osoby w wieku powyżej 50 lat nadal chcą jak najszybciej przejść na emeryturę. Przejście w kierunku systemu określonych składek w połączeniu z niższym wiekiem emerytalnym, szczególnie w przypadku kobiet, prowadzi do malejącej stopy zastąpienia między emeryturą a ostatnią płacą. Podnoszenie wieku emerytalnego i wyrównywanie go między płciami wydaje się konieczne, aby zrekompensować wzrost oczekiwanej długości życia, zapewnić adekwatność emerytur oraz zmniejszyć różnicę ich wysokości między kobietami a mężczyznami w nadchodzących dziesięcioleciach.
Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka; 2019, 3; 41-65
Pojawia się w:
Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Starość znana i nieznana – wybrane refleksje nad współczesną starością
Old age known and unknown – chosen reflections on contemporary old age
Dubas, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
niedostatek wiedzy o starości
wartość starości
inadequate knowledge about old age
the value of old age
W tekście autorka podejmuje refleksje nad stanem wiedzy naukowej i społecznej świadomości na temat procesu starzenia się i starości. Szczególnie zwraca uwagę na te zagadnienia, które ukazywane są w sposób niepełny i które powinny być przedmiotem dalszych badań i analiz naukowych. Zalicza do nich fragmentaryczną wiedzę o cielesności, psychiczności i duchowości człowieka starszego, trudne tematy egzystencjalne, doświadczenie śmierci i osamotnienia, zagadnienia wymagające „weryfikacji”, np. kult młodości i zewnętrzności, potrzeby osób starszych, opieka i pomoc w starości, rola rodziny, odniesienie do rozwoju i aktywności, zmiany i pośpiechu, przewidywalność i przygotowanie do starości, a także tzw. gerontologiczne tabu: zaprzeczanie starości i duchowości, odsuwanie kwestii przemijania i transcendencji, towarzyszenie w drodze człowiekowi starszemu. Ukazuje potrzebę traktowania starości jako wartości.
In the text the authoress has reflections on the state of scientific knowledge and social awareness of the topic of ageing process and old age. She particularly pays attention to the issues which are shown in an incomplete way and which should be the subject of further scientific studies and analyses. They include fragmentary knowledge of corporeality, mentality and spirituality of an elderly person, difficult existential topics, among them the experience of death and loneliness, issues requiring “verification”, e.g. the cult of youth and outsideness, the needs of the elderly, care and help in old age, the role of a family, the attitude to development and activity, change and hurry, predictability and preparing for old age and also the so called gerontological taboo: denying old age and spirituality, pushing away the question of passing and transcendentalism, accompanying an elderly person in their journey. She shows the need of treating old age as value.
Rocznik Andragogiczny; 2013, R. 2013; 135-152
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Andragogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwa oblicza starości. Na podstawie analizy utworów Ernesta Hemingwaya Stary człowiek i morze i Stary człowiek przy moście
Two Aspects of the Old Age on the Basis of an Analysis of Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea and The Old Man at the Bridge
Goljanek, Małgorzata Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Ernest Hemingway
old age
The article discusses the problem of the old age. It shows two aspects of it that are presented in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea and The Old Man at the Bridge. Through the attitudes of the works' protagonists the complexity and heterogeneity of that phenomenon are proven. The article tries to show that the old age, like any other stage of human life, not only takes something away, but also gives new values. Old people do not constitute a homogeneous group; each individual experiences the old age in the way that is typical of himself or herself only. The old people from the works by Ernest Hemingway are a perfect example. They prove that there is a certain category of people who experience `the third age' not only in a cheerful and dignified way, but also as a period that gives them new possibilities of development and activity. On the other hand they are proof of the fact that one can assume a different attitude towards the old age – one of passive resignation, sometimes changing into the state of desperate escape connected with confining oneself to one's own world. The characterization of the old age and of getting old based on the literature of the subject made it possible to define these two notions from the point of view of biology, psychology and philosophy. The attitudes of an old man have become the key problem here; the attitudes towards life, death, the world, people, and especially towards one's own senility. Defining its specificity allows drawing a full image of the old age. A literary analysis of the two aspects of the old age in Ernest Hemingway's stories proves the thesis that there are as many old ages as people who are getting old. The stories are a source of knowledge concerning the old age and getting old, problems and joys of this stage of life. They also have an educational function. The protagonists of the works are ready to share their wisdom and experience, they are authorities, `the guards of the collective memory', `guides to the life of young people' and people who form and maintain the bonds between generations. Ernest Hemingway's stories The Old Man and the Sea and The Old Man at the Bridge are also an inspiration for undertaking the work of self-education for the old age. Each man prepares his own way of experiencing the old age during all of his life as senility grows together with us and its quality depends on our ability to understand its meaning and value.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2003, 31, 2; 115-143
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Maturam frugem flore manente ferens: pochwała starości w poezjach Auzoniusza
Maturam frugem flore manente ferens: Ausonius’ praise of old age
Krynicka, Tatiana
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
old age
Decimus Ausonius Magnus (ca 310-394) was a rhetorician, a teacher, a tutor of young Gratian and a highly-ranked, influential official, as well as one of the most famous poets of the late Roman Empire. In his poems, he frequently described the small world he belonged to, the daily routine of his own, of his relatives, professional colleagues and friends. As the poet reached his old age, he made it a subject of his poetry. Ausonius considers old age to be a blessing, a time which permits a wise, generous person to gather fruit of his good deeds and fulfilled duties, to watch children and grandchildren grow and achieve successes, to share one’s wisdom with younger persons. Ausonius shows his grandfather and his grandmother, his aunts, but first of all his father, Ausonius senior, as the examples of happy old persons, loving and loved, respected and needed by the people who surrounded them. He notices that old persons can be joyful, healthy and beautiful. Writing about old age, he mentions illness only once, while expressing his joy of having recovered and being able to send greetings to the grandson who celebrates his birthday. In spite of his age, Ausonius still loves his wife Sabina, who died many years before, the same way as he loved her when he was a young husband. He is deeply attached to Bissula, the charming German girl captured and given to him by the Emperor Valentinian I probably circa 368. Besides, he really enjoys spending time with his friends and with the Muses. In his epigrams, most of which don’t have personal, but rather literary character, the poet translates, quotes, paraphrases and imitates Greek and Latin epigrams which deal with the theme of old age. Although in Ausonius’ poems exists an obvious resemblance to their models, he grants himself much freedom in his remouldings. Not only he alters circumstantial details, expands or abbreviates the original, bur also uses them as mere starting points of his reflexion. It becomes more important for him to ponder over quickly passing youth or over a lover’s feelings towards a woman who rejected him when she was young, but whom he still admires, than to play a literary game. Ausonius never parodies nor even portrays women trying to attire men in their old age, even though he may mock old men pretending to look younger than they are. Neither he complains about pains and sorrows of old age. In all that, he remains a true Roman and a true gentleman.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 169-183
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Arystoteles o starości
Aristotle on old age
Majeran, Roman
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
old age
The article discusses Aristotle’s views of old age, which has usually been opposed to Plato’s high esteem thereof. The passage on which this opinion is based is Rhetorics II, 1389b 13 - 1390a 23 which highlights many defects of the ethical character regarded as typical of old age: meanness, mediocrity, diffidence, selfishness. However, this harsh judgment has to be attenuated by considering the context in which Aristotle’s discussion is placed, his objective was description of typical negative features of an audience consisting of old men rather than a balanced and objective discussion and judgment. Aristotle, nevertheless, thinks of the old age and youth as two negative extremes which he opposes to the positive ripeness and perfect balance of mature age. He tends to regard old men as unfit for responsible political tasks and reserves for them the rather symbolic religious functions. In biological terms, he stresses the fact that old age is the time of progressive decadence leading to increasing debility and death. Thus, unlike Plato, who thought of senility as the time of severing the links attaching the soul to the body favorable to the soul’s liberation, Aristotle’s philosophy provided him with no premises for any „praise of old age”.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 105-118
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Starość w Listach św. Hieronima
The old age in the Jerome’s Letters
Ożóg, Monika
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
old age
In late antiquity, the Christian thinkers were not too much interested in the old age from the theoretical point of view. What made the old age for the classical thinkers a fault was – for the Christians – a life purpose since it highlighted the primacy of spirit. Jerome – an excellent expert on classic literature – many times touches upon the issue of the old age in his writings; however, he writes about it in the Christian vein, not in the light of the classical criteria.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 327-338
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Autobiograficzna refleksja Prudencjusza nad własnym życiem u progu starości
The autobiographical reflection of Prudentius over the own life within a period of the old age
Kołosowski, Tadeusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
old age
The author analyses the beginning of the poetic work of Prudentius (Praefatio) in whom the poet does the self-examination over his own previous life. The poet runs short his own past: the childhood, the beginning of rhetorical studies , errors of the youth, the lawyer’s career , finally the development of the public career. This are quick scenes from following stages of his life. The poet considers, how to live the period of the old age. One ought to talk with himself, to perform the dialogue with the own soul. The old age is the time which man should think about God. The poet wants to laud God with his own word, with her own poetry. Prudentius expresses the conviction that his poesy, lauds God with the day and by night, praises apostles and martyrs, fights with the idolatry and heresies and explains Catholic faith. Such poetry will assure him the salvation.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 321-326
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spokój czy smutek? Koncepcja starości w pismach Marka Tulliusza Cycerona
Peace or sorrow? The conception of old age as discussed in the writings of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Kowalski, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
old age
One of the great authorities in the antiquity who wrote about old age was Marcus Tullius Cicero, the author of „Cato Maior De senectute [Cato the Elder on Old Age]”. The famous orator wrote this work in 44 BCE and dedicated it to his friend Atticus. The author himself was almost 62 years old at that time, and Atticus 65. Cicero wrote the work in a dialogue form, setting the action in 150 BCE, the speakers being Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder, who in this case presented the views of Cicero, Publius Cornelius Scipio the Younger and Gaius Laelius Sapiens. Cicero followed the example of a Greek treatise on old age, probably written by a third-century BCE Peripatetic philosopher, Aristo of Ceos. The concept of the presentation of the treatise is based on comparison of two different views on old age. In one, sorrow and anxiety are visible. Through Cato’s words, Cicero names four reasons why people regard old age as an unhappy period of life: a). it moves us away from active life; b). it weakens physical strength, c). it deprives us of all sensual pleasures, d). it is close to death. The other view, represented by Cato, disproves the objections against old age, recommending calmness, activity, and moderation. Interestingly enough, apart from philosophical or medical arguments, Cicero also refers to political, religious, social and cultural aspects. The apologia for old age presented by Cicero was not always reflected in the reality. Roman sources, especially legal documents, inform about attempted suicide or euthanasia by the elderly. The fundamental reason was the condition of health and physical pain as well as mental illnesses, but the direct motive associated with old age was taedium vitae – weariness of life.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 119-131
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kino trzeciego wieku – filmy o jesieni życia w procesie przygotowania do starości
Cinema of the third age – films about golden agers in the process of adaptation towards old age
Konieczna, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
aktywność kulturalna
adaptacja do starości
old age
cultural activity
adaptation towards old age
The main aim of this article is recognition and description of the role of films concerning the issue of old age in the process of adaptation to it. The article contains a presentation of selected films, showing different ways of presenting golden agers on the screen. The author tries to substantiate a thesis that films about old age help seniors adapt to old age. She suggests that an active participation in culture is an important part of the process towards the old age education. Therefore an active participation in film culture improves the quality of life of the elderly. It also contributes to personal development, raises self-esteem and enables to preserve intellectual sterngths. The author discusses present tendencies in promoting film culture and gives examples for local cinemas and art-houses as places of education, socialization and integration into the seniors community
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów; 2015, 16; 249-263
Pojawia się w:
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kiedy w starożytności rozpoczynała się starość?
When did the old age begin in ancient times?
Jurkiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
ancient times
old age
When does man begin to be old: when he is sixty, sixty-five and perhaps seventy? Nothing is more uncertain than the beginning of the old age. Is man`s age the matter of his heart, brain, mood, or chronological time? In the ancient world, there was no clear understanding regarding the beginning of the old age. We have different classifications of the stages of human life, but there was no specified year, which would mark the old age. It was a year between 46 and 60 years of age. Today the age of 46 is not the beginning of the old age. In the ancient world, life was much shorter, so it is not surprising that 46 years old was regarded as the beginning of old age. There were two trends in ancient Greece and Rome. One represented by Plato and Cicero: older people are wise, experienced, worthy of reverence and respect. The second trend represented by Aristotle: older people are quarrelsome, greedy, cowardly. The life of old people was different. The rich lived very well, but in general the old age in ancient times was a difficult time.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 185-197
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Patrząc na starość, gdy Bóg się uśmecha...
Looking at Old Age, When God is Smiling
Zych, Adam Alfred
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Instytut Socjologii
old age
starzenie się
Celem szkicu jest analiza zjawiska dwoistości starości. Autor ukazuje najważniejsze blaski i cienie tego okresu życia, odwołując się do badań własnych i porównując je z badaniami przeprowadzonymi przez Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej.
The aim of the paper is to describe the phenomenon of duality of old age. The author shows the most important lights and shadows of this period of life. He refers to his own studies and compares them with the research carried out by the Centre for Public Opinion Research.
Konteksty Społeczne; 2017, 5, 1; 78-83
Pojawia się w:
Konteksty Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Starość darem losu, życiowym zadaniem i wyzwaniem dla przyszłości
Old Age is a Gift of Fate, Task in Life and Challenge for the Future
Boniecki, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Instytut Socjologii
old age
starzenie się
Artykuł jest osobistą refleksją nad starością. Na podstawie własnych wspomnień autor (rocznik 1934) określa podstawowe zadania życiowe starości jako ważnego okresu życia, prognozując bardzo ważne wyzwania procesu starzenia się dla przyszłości.
The article is a personal reflection on old age. On the basis of his own memories author (born in 1934) sets the basic life tasks of old age as an important period of life, forecasting very important challenges of ageing for the future.
Konteksty Społeczne; 2017, 5, 1; 8-11
Pojawia się w:
Konteksty Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Senior w kulturze – kultura dla seniora. O kulturowym wzbogacaniu człowieka starszego
Senior in culture – culture for senior. Cultural enrichment of elderly people
Konieczna, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
wzbogacanie kulturowe
adaptacja do starości
cultural enrichment
old age
adaptation towards old age
Wraz ze wzrostem średniej długości życia, coraz więcej uwagi poświęca się refleksjom na temat znaczenia i celów życia w okresie późnej dorosłości. Rozważania zawarte w artykule dotyczą problemu adaptacji do starości i uznania jej za wartość egzystencjalną i kulturową. Autorka przedstawia kulturowe wizerunki starości i wzory budowania międzypokoleniowych więzi oraz ukazuje modele starości prezentowane przez twórców kultury (poetów, pisarzy, filmowców). Zgodnie z przyjętym założeniem wiele starszych osób pragnie utrzymywać i rozwijać swą aktywność, co umożliwia im udział w rozmaitych programach artystycznych i kulturalnych. Korzystanie z oferty kulturalnej poprawia jakość życia starszych osób i pozwala zapobiec samotności i izolacji społecznej oraz ułatwia adaptację do starości.
As life expectancy increases, more attention is being given to the meaning and purpose of later life. This article focuses on the process of adaptation towards old age and recognition of old age as existential and cultural value. The author presents the images of old age in the culture and patterns of building intergenerational bonds. She discusses models of aging presented by artists (poets, writers, filmmakers). The author tries to substantiate a thesis that most older adults want to stimulate their minds and creativity; participating in arts and cultural programs is one way to do this. The participation of the elderly persons in cultural offer improves their quality of life, reduces feelings of loneliness and social isolation and helps to adapt to old age.
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów; 2016, 17; 199-212
Pojawia się w:
Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestrzenna konwergencja indeksu starości w Polsce
Spatial Convergence of the Index of the Old Age in Poland
Podogrodzka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
struktura wieku ludności
starzenie się
structure of the age of the population
old age
In the assessment of the degree of the old age a lot of measures are being exploited. Question, to what extent conducted analyses cause similar conclusions. Analysis is regarding the index of the old age, but counted at different age limits older, for 1991–2011 years according to provinces. They examined, whether measures being characterized by a similar level of these values form groups of provinces clenched spatially areas; whether the part of western Poland is characterized by a lower degree of the progress of this process than for her the eastern part, or the spatial image of the old age underwent the change over time, or a spatial convergence of this process, or a different way of counting the student record book are appearing is leading old ages to similar conclusions.
W ocenie stopnia starości demograficznej wykorzystuje się wiele miar. Pytanie, na ile prowadzone analizy prowadzą do podobnych wniosków. Analiza dotyczy indeksu starości, ale liczonego przy różnych granicach wieku starszego, dla lat 1991–2011 według województw. Zbadano, czy grupy województw charakteryzujące się podobnym poziomem wartości tych miar tworzą zwarte przestrzennie obszary; czy część Polski zachodniej charakteryzuje się mniejszym stopniem zaawansowania tego procesu aniżeli jej część wschodnia, czy przestrzenny obraz starości ulegał zmianie w czasie, czy występuje przestrzenna konwergencja tego procesu, czy różny sposób liczenia indeksu starości prowadzi do podobnych wniosków.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2016, 4, 324
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
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Biblioteka Nauki

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