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Przyczyny sieroctwa rodzinnego w świetle badań ogólnopolskich
The Causes of Family Orphanhood
Janowska, Halina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sieroctwo społeczne
sieroctwo rodzinne
nieprzystosowanie społeczne
emocjonalna patologia
dzieci i młodzież
placówka opiekuńcza
social orphanage
family orphanage
social maladjustment
emotional pathology
, children and youth
guardianship facility
The study contains the results of an empirical research carried out in Poland devoted to the macro- and microsocial conditions of family orphanhood. In the first stage (1978), 97% of the population of all children’s homes, inhabited at the time of the study by 24,000 persons, were examined, and in the second stage (1980), 2.1% of this population were examined (520 persons, which made the sample representative of the country).                 The notion of family orphanhood was introduced in the study to describe the situation of children who are under care of State institutions due to the lack of care in their own families. The notion of social orphanhood is thus limited - in this formulation - to the situation when the State, in spite of negligence of basic parental duties by the parents, has not yet taken over the care of the child.                 The extent of social orphanhood in Poland is rated at approximately 10% of the population of children and young people aged 0-17. The extent of family orphanhood is rated at approximately 5 promile in the age group 4-18. The growth of family orphanhood shows the triple increase of the phenomenon during the last 20 years.                 At the time of the study, 58% of family orphans were in State; children's homes. From the point of view of the research tasks, this group of children and young persons was considered the most representative, as the principles of placing children under other forms of care (that is, for instance, foster homes, family children's homes, centres for school education and special educational institutions for socially maladjusted children and young people) are based on particular criteria of selection.                 Below a summary of the results of the study is presented. The greatest intensity of family orphanhood and crime can be found in the western and northern regions of Poland. As revealed by the statistical analysis, the intensity of these phenomena in various parts of the country is significantly correlated. Their joint source are the by-products of social changes. In the social conditions promoting the phenomenon of anomy, the group patterns of deviant behavior may reach broader social circles; the tendency to perceive that behavior as contradictory to the norms diminishes then. This tendency concerns criminal behavior to a much greater extent than the behavior from which the family orphanhood results. Thus the growth of social orphanhood measured indirectly (for instance, by the rate of care and protection cases in courts), seems to be more diagnostic as a ratio of increase of pathogenic social phenomena than as an index of reported crime. The growth of pathogenic social phenomena can be studied indirectly by means of a structure analysis of attributes of the population selected in a particular way. The structure of particular attributes of the population of institutions for children and juveniles varies significantly according to the intensity of the pathogenic social  phenomena in different parts of the country. In the voivodships where this intensity is greater, a higher percentage of children under psychiatric care or those whose parents have been deprived of their parental rights, is to be found significantly more frequently; the distributions of frequency in the separate age groups are random in the examined population. In the voivodships where the ratio of pathogenic social phenomena is lower, the most numerous age group is that of 13-15, which means that - more often than in the remaining voivodships - the important reason for sending children to institutions are their educational problems connected with puberty, and not a generally worse situation of the families which would cause sending children to institutions regardless of their age. On the microsocial scale, the main cause of family orphanhood is the disorganization of the family related to the individual and social characteristics of the parents. Taking into account the level of disorders in the social behavior and that of disturbances in emotional relations between the members of the family, 4 categories of families were distinguished in the population examined. The majority are the families disturbed both in their social functions and in emotional relations; there were as many as 78.2% of them among 5200 families. The families which, however undisturbed, were educationally inefficient for other objective reasons (financial problems, housing problems, illness, disability, death of one parent were 7.1% of the cases. There were also 8.5% of the families with only emotional relations disturbed, and 6.3% of those with only social behavior disturbed. Thus the majority, that is, as much as 84.5% of the children were brought up in criminogenic environment. 75.3% of fathers and 55% of mothers were regularly drinking excessively; alcoholism was found in 55.6% of fathers and 19.6% of mothers; 66.6% of the mothers’ friends who lived together with the family were heavy drinkers. The high percentage of drinking  mothers in those families should be noted.                 Lack of a permanent employment was found among 27.6% of fathers and 41% of mothers. Due to their alcoholism and poor professional training, a considerable part of the children's guardians found it difficult to obtain and keep a job.                 Until the time of the study, 15% of fathers and 6% of mothers had already been imprisioned; no reliable information was gathered as to their previous criminal records.                 Professional prostitution was found among 12% of mothers, while sexual promiscuity among as many as 40%.                 The instability of emotional bonds is a striking feature of the families examined. Only 1/3 of the parents are married. In 53% of the cases, the parents admittedly live together, but one of them is temporarily absent due to imprisonment or stay in a mental hospital, which are the most frequent reasons.                 73% of the families live in very difficult financial conditions, 61% have serious housing problems.                 A very poor state of health (serious chronic diseases) was found in 18% of fathers and 23% of mothers. Health and physical development of children and youths in children’s homes are distinctly worse than the average in the country. Their height in 49,3% of the cases does not reach the age norm, the respective percentage in the case of weight being 42%. A half of the children had suffered from serious diseases, as shown by 48.6% of the cases of hospitalization. In as much as 17% of the children the past or present diseases are connected with damages of the central nervous system or with functional changes which reflect on their mental functions (cerebral concussion, epilepsy, acute neuroses). 17% of the ailments and diseases are immediately related to grave neglect (untreated advanced form of tuberculosis, effects of accidents). Congenital defects are found in 5% of cases. In the group of family orphans, the types of mental deficiency and personality disorders which impede the normal social functions can be found more frequently than in the entire population of children and young people.                 Only 56% of the children came within the limits of the normal intelligence level. The symptoms of nervousness - more or less intense - were observed among as many as 90% of them. There were only 13% of the children without any disturbances of behavior (that is, inhibition, increased kinetic restlessness, timidity, emotional sensitivity, aggressiveness etc.).                 Developmental deficiencies were found in as many as 84% of the children; the most frequent were those in the sphere of the development of visual (34.5%) and auditory (22.3%) functions, the least frequent were the disturbances of speech (13.8%). Deviant behavior is more frequent among the concerned population than in the entire population of children and youths in respective age groups. The following three types of behavior proving the threat of demoralization were found: behavior connected with school maladjustment, with environmental maladjustment against the background of defective emotional relations (excluding the one based on emotional disorders of the passive type, like inhibition, timidity, etc.) and delinquent behavior or that pointing to disturbed socialization. The most frequent are the types of behavior revealing school, maladjustment (41.4%), those revealing distrubances of emotional relations (28%), and the least frequent are types of behavior of deliquent character or pointing to disturbed socialization.                 It is worthy of notice that the intensity of behavior of the first and third types markedly decreases in the children’s homes, while in the case: of the second type, that is of behavior revealing disturbances of the emotional sphere, the decrease is much less visible. In the conditions of the children’s home the emotional compensation, which is an important problem, is difficult to solve.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1982, VIII-IX; 233-270
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan kompetencji i sprawności językowej 6‑letniego chłopca z sieroctwem społecznym. Studium porównawcze
The State of Competence and Language Proficiency of a 6‑Year‑Old Boy with Social Orphanhood. Comparative Study
Małocha-Pytlak, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
language competence
language proficiency
social orphanage
maternal deprivation
kompetencja językowa
sprawność językowa
sieroctwo społeczne
deprywacja matczyna
W literaturze medycznej, psychologicznej i pedagogicznej podkreśla się, że brak zaspokajania podstawowych potrzeb psychicznych dziecka ma wpływ na jego rozwój somatyczny, powoduje zakłócenia w sferze emocjonalnej, opóźnia rozwój psychoruchowy. Kwestie te są poruszane jednak dość ogólnikowo, a wpływ sieroctwa społecznego na językowy rozwój dziecka na gruncie różnych nauk jest traktowany marginalnie – w logopedii stanowiąc swoiste novum. Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy stanu kompetencji i sprawności językowej sześcioletniego chłopca z sieroctwem społecznym w porównaniu do chłopca w tym samym wieku, wychowanego w pełnej rodzinie, bez deprywacji podstawowych potrzeb fizycznych i emocjonalnych. Dokonano analizy porównawczej – ilościowej na podstawie Testu Rozwoju Językowego oraz jakościowej – z uwzględnieniem wszystkich podsystemów języka. Zainicjowane badania są badaniami wyznaczającymi nową perspektywę w logopedii – rozważanie o języku z uwzględnieniem aspektu środowiskowego, a szczególnie wpływ sieroctwa społecznego na rozwój językowy dziecka.
In the medical, psychological, and pedagogical literature it is emphasized that the lack of satisfying the basic psychological needs of a child affects its somatic development, causes disturbances in the emotional sphere, and delays psychomotor development. In various scientific fields, the effects of social orphanhood are already a marginalized topic and only discussed in general terms regarding basic teachings – making these topics in speech therapy especially a novelty. This article deals with the level of competence and language skills of a six‑year‑old boy with social orphan compared to a boy of the same age who is raised with his nuclear family – thus not deprived of his basic physical and emotional needs. A comparative – quantitative analysis based on the Linguistic Development Test and – qualitative analysis was performed, taking into account all language subsystems. The initiated research is includes a new perspective in speech therapy – taking into account the environmental effects on language development and in particular the impact of social orphanhood on the child’s linguistic development.
Logopaedica Lodziensia; 2022, 6; 175-194
Pojawia się w:
Logopaedica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola placówki opiekuńczo-wychowawczej typu rodzinnego a relacje osób osieroconych z rodzinami i opiekunami
The role of parent-type care and educational facility and relationships of orphaned persons with families and care-takers
Porąbaniec, Małgorzata
Klimczyk, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
sieroctwo społeczne
placówka opiekuńczo-wychowawcza typu rodzinnego
social orphanage
care and upbringing institution of family type
Cel: Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza i interpretacja poznanych doświadczeń wychowanków Placówki Opiekuńczo-Wychowawczej typu Rodzinnego we Włoszczowie. Metody: Na potrzeby niniejszych badań zastosowano metodę jakościową. Posłużono się analizą narracyjną, możliwą dzięki przeprowadzeniu wywiadu częściowo ustrukturyzowanego, zawierającego określone dyspozycje zagadnień. Zgromadzone treści były niezbędne w stworzeniu i przedstawieniu studium indywidualnych przypadków. Wyniki: Dzięki zastosowanym metodom badawczym poznano sytuację, problemy, a także plany na przyszłość młodzieży, która od wielu lat przebywa w placówce opiekuńczo-wychowawczej. Rozważono również wybrane aspekty dotyczące relacji osób osieroconych z ich opiekunami. Badania, wraz z odwołaniem do literatury tematu, pozwoliły zgłębić przyczyny i skutki sieroctwa społecznego Wnioski: Niemożność realizowania przez rodzinę przypisanych jej funkcji powoduje, iż zobligowane zostają do tego określone placówki, czego przykładem może być Placówka Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcza typu Rodzinnego we Włoszczowie. Wychowankowie tego miejsca wkraczają w etap dorosłości z bagażem licznych trudnych doświadczeń, co może utrudniać ich funkcjonowanie w dorosłym życiu. Dzieciństwo i okres wczesnej młodości spędzone w placówce opiekuńczo-wychowawczej sprzyja wytworzeniu silnych relacji wychowanków z ich opiekunami. Należy jednak podkreślić, że opisywana placówka nie stanowi alternatywy dla rodziny naturalnej, co jest nie tyle nieosiągalne, co nieprawidłowe z punktu widzenia roli, jaka spoczywa na istnieniu poszczególnych form pieczy zastępczej.
Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze and interpret the experiences of the pupils of the Family Care Facility in Włoszczowa. Methods: For the purposes of this study, a qualitative method has been used. A narrative analysis was used, which was possible thanks to a partially structured interview, containing specific dispositions of issues. The collected content was necessary for the creation and presentation of a case study. Results: Thanks to the applied research methods, the situation, problems and future plans of young people who have been staying in a care and educational institutions for many years are well known. Selected aspects of orphans’; relationships with their carers were also considered. The research, together with reference to the literature on the subject, allowed us to explore the causes and effects of social orphanage. Conclusions: The inability of the family to perform the functions assigned to it results in the fact that certain institutions are obliged to do so, as exemplified by the Family-type Care and Educational Centre in Włoszczowa. The pupils of this facility enter the stage of adulthood with a lot of difficult experiences, which may hinder their functioning in adult life. Childhood and the period of early youth spent in a care and educational institutions is conducive to the creation of strong relations between the children and their caregivers. It should be stressed, however, that the described organisation is not an alternative to a natural family, which is not so much unattainable, but incorrect from the point of view of the role that rests on the existence of individual forms of foster care.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2018, XVII, (1/2018); 211-224
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
piecza zastępcza
rodzina zastępcza
rodzinny dom dziecka
wspieranie rodziny
opieka i wychowanie
sieroctwo społeczne
foster care
foster family
family orphanage
family support
care and education
social orphanhood
Zainteresowanie problematyką rodzicielstwa zastępczego spełnianego wobec dzieci dotkniętych sieroctwem społecznym pozostaje ciągle aktualne ze względu na dążenie instytucji zaangażowanych w pomoc do zapewnienia im optymalnych warunków rozwoju i wsparcia w przygotowaniu do samo-dzielnego życia. Piecza zastępcza jest sprawowana nad dziećmi, których rodzice naturalni nie są w stanie realizować wobec nich funkcji opiekuńczo-wychowawczych. Osoby decydujące się na prowadzenie rodzinnej pieczy zastępczej powinny być odpowiednio przygotowane do wypełnienia tej misji. Ważna jest zatem profesjonalizacja pieczy zastępczej. Bezspornie, właściwe odbieranie procesu uspołecznienia może odbywać się tylko w stabilnym środowisku wychowawczym. Ze względu na to, że rodziny te z założenia mają zastąpić czasowo rodziców biologicznych w prowadzeniu procesu wychowawczego w stosunku do dzieci, zastępczy rodzice muszą dodatkowo podejmować działania kompensujące braki w kształtowaniu dziecka przez rodzinę generacyjną. W artykule autorka zawarła wyjaśnienie pojęcia opieka i wychowanie oraz zaprezentowała spektrum zadań jakie zostały powierzone rodzinom zastępczym i rodzinnemu domowi dziecka. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań podjęła próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie w jaki sposób i jak jest prowadzona opieka i wychowanie przez poszczególne formy rodzinnej pieczy zastępczej w powiecie ostrowieckim oraz od czego zależy jakość sprawowanej pieczy nad dzieckiem w pozarodzinnym środowisku wychowawczym. Rozwój rodzinnej pieczy zastępczej nie pozostaje bez znaczenia dla zmniejszania skutków sieroctwa społecznego, dlatego poszukiwanie nowych rozwiązań powinno opierać się na interdyscyplinarnych badaniach prowadzonych w tym zakresie.
The interest in problems involving foster care of children who are social orphaned is still actual because of the aspiration of different institutions involved in assistance by obtaining of the optimal development conditions and support in preparation to an independent life. Foster care is exercised over children whose biological parents are not able to carry out the care and educational functions. People, who decide to take up the foster care mission should be properly prepared to do it. It is extremely important to make the foster care professional. Absolutely, the appropriate socialization can only take place in a stabile educational environment. Because of the fact that, those families should only temporary substitute biological parents in the process of binging up the children, the foster parents are also obligated to take up the compensatory activities in their education. In the article the author presented the explanation of the words ‘care’ and ‘upbringing’ as well as a range of works , that have to be done by the foster families and family orphanages. Based on research, she tried to answer the question how different forms of foster care educate and look after the children in the district of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and what it is dependent on. The development of the foster care is not without importance for reduction of the effects of the social orphanhood. That is why, looking for new solutions should be based on interdisciplinary research.
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne; 2016, 8(2)/2016; 520-545
Pojawia się w:
Acta Scientifica Academiae Ostroviensis. Sectio A, Nauki Humanistyczne, Społeczne i Techniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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