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Wartość siedliskotwórcza leśnych gleb niecałkowitych
Site creating value of forest soil with lithological discontinuities
Lasota, J.
Blońska, E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
gleboznawstwo lesne
gleby lesne
gleby niecalkowite
wlasciwosci siedliskotworcze
siedliska lesne
lithological discontinuities
forest sites
soil fertility
The aim of this study was to determine the site−creating value of forest soil with lithological discontinuities. The second aim was to describe an influence of lithological discontinuities on the soil properties and forest communities. Tested soils were grouped according to the ability to create forest sites. The presence of discontinuities has influence on the development of the forest communities, floristic abundance and forest stand quality which is expressed by site index.
Sylwan; 2014, 158, 01; 10-17
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapas i struktura martwego drewna oraz jego znaczenie w akumulacji węgla na siedliskach lasu wilgotnego oraz olsu jesionowego
Stock and structure of deadwood and its importance in carbon accumulation on wet broadleaved forest and riparian alder forest sites
Blońska, E.
Lasota, J.
Piaszczyk, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
siedliska lesne
siedlisko lasu wilgotnego
siedlisko olsu jesionowego
drewno martwe
zapas drewna
struktura drewna
akumulacja wegla
decay classes
riparian alder forest
site condition
wet broadleaved forest
The main aim of study was to present the stock and structure of deadwood in different site conditions. In total. sixteen study plots were established on wet broadleaved forest (Lw) and riparianalder forest (OlJ) sites. The objective was to determine the carbon accumulation in lying dead trees. The investigation was performed in the Czarna Rózga reserve in Central Poland (50°5937N; 20°015E). All live and dead trees were measured on each plot. The species of both live and dead trees were identified as well, and the decay class of the dead trees was assessed. Additionally, samples of different species wood from lying logs in five decay classes were taken for carbon content determination. The study was carried out in the spring of 2017. The average stock of deadwood in the Czarna Rózga reserve on the wet broadleaved forest site amounted to 47 m3/ha, while on the riparian alder forest site it equaled 52 m3/ha. The high stock of deadwood can be explained by the slowdown of decay processes by humidity and anaerobic conditions. Ash was the dominant species in the deadwood pool. Regardless of the site conditions (Lw or OlJ), the stock of ash deadwood was several times higher than the stock of live trees this species. The greater carbon stock in lying dead trees was recorded in riparian alder forest.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 02; 141-149
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akumulacja węgla organicznego w glebach różnych typów siedlisk leśnych
Organic carbon accumulation in soil of different forest site types
Zwydak, M.
Błońska, E.
Lasota, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
siedliska lesne
warunki siedliskowe
gleby lesne
wegiel organiczny
akumulacja wegla
zapas wegla w glebie
soil organic matter
carbon stock in soils
forest soil properties
type of forest site
The objective of the paper was to estimate i) the carbon accumulation in soils of different forest site types as well as ii) its changes with regard to the depth of the soil profile. The investigation was carried out in the Przedbórz Forest District (central Poland) on 43 study plots, including different forest sites – fresh coniferous forest (Bśw), fresh mixed coniferous forest (BMśw), fresh mixed broadleaved forest (LMśw) and fresh broadleaved forest (Lśw). On each plot soil pits were dug and samples for laboratory analysis were collected. The following characteristics were determined in the soil samples: pH, the content of organic C and total N, particle−size distribution, the content of exchangeable Ca, Mg, Na and K, and hydrolityc acidity. The obtained results demonstrated that soils of Bśw, BMśw and LMśw sites characterized by higher carbon accumulation in surface horizon to 50 cm depth compared to the most eutrophic sites (Lśw). The rate of carbon accumu− lation in forest soils depend on the humus type which is connected with species composition of stands. Domination of Scots pine in stand affects the formation of ectohumus and leads to higher C accumulation in surface horizons on Bśw, BMśw and LMśw sites. In soils of Bśw, BMśw and LMśw sites carbon stored in the horizons to 50 cm constitutes 64−94% of the total carbon accu− mulated, while on the eutrophic sites (Lśw) this share amounts to 39−72%. The value of the total carbon stock in soils of fresh forest sites can be estimated on the basis of carbon stock in horizons to 50 cm depth.
Sylwan; 2017, 161, 01; 62-70
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Warunki glebowe świerczyny nawapiennej (Polysticho-Piceetum) w górnej części regla dolnego Tatr
Soil conditions of spruce forest on limestone (Polysticho-Piceetum) in the upper part of the lower montane zone in the Tatra Mts.
Lasota, J.
Blońska, E.
Zwydak, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
siedliska lesne
regiel dolny
swierczyna nawapienna
zespol Polysticho-Piceetum
warunki siedliskowe
warunki glebowe
gleby lesne
uziarnienie gleby
wlasciwosci fizykochemiczne
wlasciwosci sorpcyjne
forest sites
soil properties
norway spruce
The aim of this paper is to present the properties of soils and topography conditions of Norway spruce forests growing on the limestone (Polysticho−Piceetum) in the upper part of the lower montane zone. The study was conducted in the Tatra Mts. (southern Poland) on six study plots reflecting the living conditions of spruce forest on limestone. On each plot the topography conditions were described, soil pits were dug and samples for laboratory analysis were collected. The following characteristics were determined in the soil samples: pH, the content of C and N, particle size, the content of Ca, Mg, Na and K, exchangeable acidity, aluminum content and hydrolityc acidity. For each study plot the stand characteristics were measured (diameter at breast height and height). The Soil Trophic Index for mountain areas (SIGg) was calculated on the basis of <0.02 mm fraction content, the sum of exchangeable base cations, soil acidity and the total content of N and C organic in the humus−mineral horizon. Polysticho−Piceetum stands in the upper part of the lower zone between 1000 and 1200 m above sea level developed in the unique geomorphological and geological conditions. They covered very shallow weathered fragments of limestone or steep slopes with fine−grained scree of carbonate rocks. Rendzic Hyperskeletic Leptosols (Humic) and Calcaric Lithic Leptosol are soils typical for analysed spruce stands. Character of site was reflected in the SIGg values that ranged between 15 and 20. The moder−mull and tangel−mor humus type was found on the majority of the investigated plots. Low fertility of soil was confirmed by the site index of analysed stands (IVth and Vth class).
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 05; 407-415
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane wskaźniki różnorodności biologicznej na tle cech utworów glebowych w wyżynnym borze jodłowym Abietetum albae
Biodiversity indexes in relation to soil properties in upland fir forests (Abietetum albae)
Lasota, J.
Wiecheć, M.
Błońska, E.
Brożek, S.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
siedliska lesne
wyzynny jodlowy bor mieszany
roznorodnosc biologiczna
wskazniki roznorodnosci
czynniki siedliska
gleby lesne
wlasciwosci chemiczne
wlasciwosci fizyczne
forest sites
biodiversity indexes
soil properties
Abietetum albae
The aim of this study was to present the relationship between soil properties and biodiversity indexes in upland fir (Abies alba) forest associations (Abietetum albae). Our study was conducted in six areas representing the growth conditions of upland fir forests and the research plots were located in the Roztoczański and Świętokrzyski National Parks as well as Przedbórz, Radomsko, Piotrków and Janów Lubelski Forest District. On every plot, the topography was described, soil cores were examined and samples for laboratory analysis were taken. The following characteristics were determined for the soil samples: pH, C, N, Ca, Mg, Na and K content, particle size, exchangeable acidity, aluminum content and hydrolytic acidity. Additionally, enzyme activity in the soil samples (urease and dehydrogenase) was measured. In each test area, the stand characteristics were measured (diameter at breast height and height) floristic characteristics were described and the biodiversity indexes (Shannon, Simpson and Margalef indexes) were calculated. Different soil types (Gleysols, Brunic Arenosols, Gleyic Podzols and Hyperdistric Cambisols) were recorded for the investigated forest stands and the soils were categorized according to soil texture, C content, enzyme activity and different humus types (moder-mor, moder, moder-mull). The upland mixed coniferous forest sites were characterized by lower biodiversity indexes (2,6 Shannon index; 0,72 Simpson index; 4,9 Margalef index) while the upland mixed broadleaf forest sites showed higher indexes (3,3 Shannon index; 0,87 Simpson index; 9,4 Margalef index). The site index obtained for the fir stands confirmed these results.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2017, 78, 2
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Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola uziarnienia gleb w ocenie jakości siedlisk górskich
The use of particle size distribution of soils in estimating quality of mountain forest sites
Lasota, J.
Błońska, E.
Zwydak, M.
Wanic, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
gleboznawstwo lesne
siedliska lesne
siedliska gorskie
gleby lesne
uziarnienie gleby
forest soil
particle size distribution
mountain forest sites
The physical and chemical properties of soil are the basic features that are used in the assessment of mountain sites. The aim of this study was to produce a simple key for classifying forest sites in mountain areas using soil particle size distribution. 200 plots (standard typological space) were selected for examination, most of which are typical of the Carpathians – being dominated by flysch rock. A few plots were located in the Sudety and Tatra Mountains, which have a different surface geology, mostly metamorphic rock and granite. The study proved that soil properties (reaction, base saturation, content of base cations, organic carbon and nitrogen) are helpful in distinguishing and assigning soils to particular site types. The particle size distribution of forest mountain sites separated into different categories in terms of productivity. These results can be used to improve the classification of forest mountain sites.
Leśne Prace Badawcze; 2014, 75, 3; 253-262
Pojawia się w:
Leśne Prace Badawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie właściwości powierzchniowych poziomów gleb w ocenie zniekształceń siedlisk leśnych
Application of topsoil horizons properties in evaluation of forest sites degradation
Mlynarczyk, M.
Warczyk, A.
Lasota, J.
Wanic, T.
Blonska, E.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
siedliska lesne
sklad gatunkowy
warunki siedliskowe
gleby lesne
poziomy powierzchniowe gleb
poziom prochniczny gleby
wlasciwosci fizykochemiczne
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2018, 20, 2[56]
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie Siedliskowego Indeksu Glebowego dla terenów górskich (SIGg) w ocenie jakości siedlisk zamierających drzewostanów świerkowych
Application of the Soil Trophic Index for the mountain areas (SIGg) in the assessment of the quality of the dying spruce stands sites
Januszek, K.
Małek, S.
Blońska, E.
Barszcz, J.
Chilarski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
tereny gorskie
drzewostany swierkowe
zamieranie lasow
siedliska lesne
Siedliskowy Indeks Glebowy
site quality
mountain areas
norway spruce
In recent years, we face a massive dieback of Norway spruce stands in Poland. The cause of this process may lay in the way of their monocultural silviculture. The correct assessment of the habitat conditions and soil properties in particular is the basis of the proper management of these forest areas. The aim of this study was to verify application of the trophic soil index for mountain areas (SIGg) in the assessment of site conditions for spruce stands with different health condition. Three types of spruce stands were distinguished: degenerated, weakened and stable. In total, 32 study plots were established in following forest districts in southern Poland: Ustroń, Wisła, Bielsko, Węgierska Górka, Jeleśnia, Ujsoły and Lądek Zdrój. The SIGg was calculated on the basis of <0.02 mm fraction content, the sum of exchangeable base cations, soil acidity and the total content of N and organic C in the humus−mineral horizon. These attributes are useful to determine the potential productivity of the soils did not differentiate visibly the analyzed stand variants. The soil in degenerated and weakened spruce stands showed higher degree of acidity and less the content of base cations compared to soils of stable spruce stands. Mountain trophic soil index can be applied in the assessment of the forest sites potential. Although it does not enable to monitor the disturbances in the nutrients circulation, the detailed analysis of its components allows for precise assessment of the forest sites status.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 05; 419-426
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Waloryzacja siedlisk obszarów górskich na podstawie Siedliskowego Indeksu Glebowego (SIGg)
Evaluation of the mountain sites on the basis of soil trophic index (SIGg)
Brożek, S.
Lasota, J.
Blońska, E.
Wanic, T.
Zwydak, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
tereny gorskie
siedliska gorskie
siedliska lesne
Siedliskowy Indeks Glebowy
site quality
mountain soils
The correct assessment of the site conditions is the basis of the good management of forest areas. The aim of this study was to find a set of soil properties, which allow separating the diverse sites in terms of the soil productivity. We used 180 locations in the Carpathians and the Sudety Mountains for testing. The study plots were located in transects from the foothills to the top along the slopes, taking into account the variability of site conditions, geological substrate and exposition. The index was calculated on the basis of the content of <0.02 mm particles, the sum of exchangeable base cations, soil acidity and the ratio between total N content and organic C in the humus−mineral horizon. The soil trophic index for mountain areas (SIGg) that include the climatic factor was introduced. The factor is defined as the 650/altitude ratio for a given point above sea level. In the mountains, the content of <0.02 mm fraction, the sum of exchangeable base cations and soil acidity were determined in the column of 1 m² of the soil cross section and depth of 1 m (1 m³ of volume) due to the lower depth of the soil profile. The SIGg correctly separates soil of different productivity as the properties closely associated with the stable elements of the soil, expressing its production and properties, which reflect the current state of the soil environment, were used in the construction SIGg.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 08; 684-692
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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