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Characteristics of psychiatric inpatients diagnosed with mental and behavioral disorders caused by psychoactive substances (F11-19 block), with a focus on NPS and psychiatric co-morbidities
Engelgardt, Piotr
Krzyżanowski, Maciej
Piotrowski, Przemysław
Borkowska-Sztachańska, Małgorzata
Wasilewska, Agnieszka
Kowalkowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
psychoactive substances
drug users
new psychoactive substances
psychiatric comorbidity
ObjectivesThis study analyzed the prevalence of new psychoactive substance (NPS) use in the analyzed group and compared demographic features and psychoactive substance profiles between the 2 subgroups (NPS users, non-NPS users). The secondary measure was used to determine the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities in study group and to compare demographic features and psychoactive substance profiles between 2 subgroups (the F11–19 only diagnosed group and the F11–19 group with psychiatric comorbidities according to ICD-10).Material and MethodsA 12-month retrospective cross-sectional analysis of medical records compiled for adult psychiatric patients who had been admitted to the Regional Psychiatric Hospital in Olsztyn, Poland, in October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017 was conducted. After analyzing the available medical records, 157 cases were included and analyzed. Data for the study were collected in a specially designed monitoring card from discharge reports, including data from psychiatric examinations, especially anamnesis. Results: The most commonly declared psychoactive substances were amphetamine (AMF) – 54% and cannabinoids – 46%. The prevalence of NPS use in the study group was 34%. Inpatients taking NPS, as compared with non-NPS users, were younger and more often admitted to hospital through the Emergency Department. It was also found that NPS users more often took AMF or cannabinoids, and less frequently benzodiazepines (BDZ) or opioids. However, the taking of AMF, cannabinoids and BDZ was also age-dependent.ConclusionsThe prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities in the study group was 9%. Inpatients with psychiatric comorbidities were older and took BDZ significantly more often than AMF. In addition, NPS use affects different groups, including a specific group as the analyzed sample, which shows a similar NPS use profile as different groups described in the literature.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2020, 33, 2; 125-136
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontrolować czy nie, ale jeśli kontrolować, to w jaki sposób? Wyzwania związane ze zjawiskiem nowych substancji psychoaktywnych
To Control or Not, But If So, Then in What Manner? Challenges Associated with the Appearance of New Psychoactive Substances
Krajewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
substancje psychoaktywne
psychoactive substances
Definitions of drug offences must remain in agreement with the principle of nullumcrimen sine lege certa, which demands a precise definition of the subject of thesecrimes, namely illegal psychoactive substances. A basic legislative technique in thisregard is the creation of lists of controlled substances determined by annexes to theappropriate legal acts. Their advantage is precision, but the undoubted disadvantageis low elasticity. In the case of the appearance of a new psychoactive substance, itremains legal until it has been placed onto the appropriate list. This did not have muchsignificance when the market was dominated by well-known substances of natural orpolysynthetic character, and the appearance of new substances was rare. Already inthe 1970s, however, the phenomenon of purely synthetic substances began: so-calleddesigner drugs. They were often primarily created to avoid the existing system ofcontrol: sometimes small changes in the molecular chain of an illegal substance yieldeda new substance of similar psychoactive qualities that did not come under scrutiny.This phenomenon accelerated significantly in the 1990s. The phenomenon of so-callednew psychoactive substances (NPS) became a serious problem, specifically when theybegan to be offered for sale on a wider scale in special shops (so-called smart shops),or on the Internet as a legal equivalent of an illegal narcotic (so-called legal highs). Therace between legislators and chemists “inventing” more and more substances entereda new phase at that time.The answer for legislators in many countries of the world was so-called genericdefinitions, or analogue definitions, under which whole groups of substances cameunder control. However, in many countries these raise constitutional objections, due totheir partially-determined character. This is why the dominant method is still makinglists, which requires the phenomenon of ceaseless revision. Accompanying this isthe problem of evaluating the legitimacy of dispersing controls on new psychotropicsubstances that are provided for illegal narcotics. New psychoactive substances are mostoften poorly understood during the moment when a decision is being made about theirillegalisation: not much is clear about their psychoactive qualities, their potential tocause addiction (dependence potential), their acute toxicity, nor their chronic toxicity.This raises questions about the criteria used for making decisions about illegalisation:are these decisions based in reality on scientific evidence (evidence-based decisions), orare they also taken based on a precautionary principle. In the latter case, banning themis essentially of a political nature and is being done just in case.An example of a formalised procedure of risk assessment linked to new psychoactivesubstances is the European early warning system carried out under the supervision of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addition (EMCDDA). Therisk evaluation procedure begins with a technical report prepared by EMCDDA andEuropol, who must provide all scientific information on the subject of the givensubstance. A proper evaluation is performed by a broad scientific committee of theEMCDDA. In its report, the committee presents only the facts. On their basis, a finaldecision is taken by the European Commission. If they decide on the control option,member countries are obliged to add the substance to their national lists of controllednarcotics. Since the number of new psychoactive substances appearing in recent years hasrisen dramatically, this system has begun to reach the limits of its efficiency. Due tothis, even during the previous term of the European Parliament, work had begun ona new directive about the issue, the draft of which proposed abandoning the system ofdichotomous treatment of psychoactive substances as either illegal narcotics or as legalsubstances. It is to be replaced with a tripartite separation of psychoactive substancesinto those which present a low risk to health, society and safety (not subject to anylimiting measures), moderate risk (subject to bans on them entering the market, butnot controlled for research, medical or veterinary goals), and high risk (subject tocontrols designed for narcotics).The problem of new psychoactive substances, so-called legal highs, appeared inPoland on a wider scale around 2007-2008. The initial reaction of the legislature wasof a standard character and consisted of extending the lists of controlled substances.This was done in March 2009, June 2010, and April 2011. It was only in October 2010that new control mechanisms were introduced. Due to the concept of substitute drugs,“legal highs” were put under administrative controls differing from the control systemfor intoxicating agents and psychotropic substances. Eventually in July 2015, anotheramendment to legislation on the prevention of drug addiction, on the one hand,extended the list of intoxicating agents and psychotropic substances by another 114substances (consequently, the lists used in Poland now included 428 substances). Onthe other hand, it expanded new forms of control for these substances. Within thisframework, the Ministry of Health introduced a list of new psychoactive substancesin an annex to the regulations, which eases and speeds up the process of addingamendments. Sanctions associated with the illegal turnover of these substances havean administrative rather than criminal character and do not affect normal possession.Despite attempts to find an indirect way, the consequences of Polish politicstowards legal highs are quite paradoxical. Twice after extending the list of controlledsubstances (in June 2010 and July 2015), an increase appeared (a dramatic one in July2015) of poisoning attributed to legal highs. This was certainly a result of the marketreacting to illegalisation. It was due to the replacement of these newly-illegal substanceswith something often markedly more harmful.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2015, XXXVII; 5-50
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dopalacze – nowe zagrożenie zdrowia młodzieży
Smart drugs – a new threat to the adolescents’ health
Kierus, Karolina
Nawrocka, Beata
Białokoz-Kalinowska, Irena
Piotrowska-Jastrzębska, Janina Danuta
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
psychoactive substances
smart drugs
substancje psychoaktywne
Smart drugs haven’t disappeared from Polish market and from young people’s live despite of becoming illegal in 2010. Today, the Internet offers to the teenagers at east eight Polish-language e-shops with cheap handling and shipping to Poland. Composition of the smart drugs is not fully recognized, because is constant changing. In offer we can find it as drought plants (such as Spice), tablets (party pills), powders. It is selling as a collectibles, not for human consumption. Smart drugs include both synthetic chemicals and powdered seeds or drought plants known as a strong psychostimulants or hallucinogens. It imitates the effect of taking popular drugs as marijuana, opium, amphetamine or ecstasy. Like other psychostimulants can cause addiction with long-term use, or can leads to experiment with “hard drugs”. In addition to stimulating, relaxing, hallucinogenic activities, smart drugs cause many side effects from both groups of mental and serious somatic disorders, can leads to serious disturbances of consciousness, arrhythmias or respiratory distress. The clinical diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and information of the unknown substance ingestion. Due to the lack of specific antidotes, the treatment is only symptomatic and supportive virtual functions. The psychological or psychiatric consultation is often needed.
Pomimo nowelizacji Ustawy o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii dopalacze nie zniknęły całkowicie z polskiego rynku i życia młodzieży, gdyż nadal dostępne są w sprzedaży wysyłkowej. Obecnie Internet proponuje młodemu człowiekowi przynajmniej osiem polskojęzycznych stron e-sklepów, oferujących tanią wysyłkę zamówionych towarów do Polski. Skład dopalaczy nie jest w pełni poznany, gdyż podlega stałej ewolucji. Postać, pod jaką występują, to najczęściej susze roślinne (typu Spice), tabletki (party pills), proszki, sprzedawane jako produkty kolekcjonerskie, nienadające się do spożycia przez ludzi. Zażywanie ich polega na paleniu w skrętach, lufkach, fajkach wodnych, przyjmowaniu doustnym oraz w inhalacjach donosowych. Zawierają one zarówno syntetyczne substancje chemiczne, jak i susze bądź sproszkowane nasiona roślin znanych z silnych działań psychostymulujących czy halucynogennych. Efekt działania dopalaczy imituje skutki zażycia popularnych narkotyków, takich jak: marihuana, opium, amfetamina czy ecstasy. Przy długotrwałym stosowaniu dopalacze, podobnie jak inne środki psychostymulujące, mogą powodować uzależnienie, a także być wstępem do eksperymentowania z tzw. twardymi narkotykami. Oprócz działań pobudzających, relaksujących, halucynogennych czy empatogennych powodują wiele działań niepożądanych zarówno z grupy zaburzeń psychicznych, jak też istotnych zaburzeń somatycznych, prowadzących nawet do poważnych zaburzeń świadomości, zaburzeń oddychania czy napadów drgawkowych bezpośrednio zagrażających życiu. Rozpoznanie kliniczne zatrucia dopalaczami ustala się na podstawie objawów klinicznych oraz wywiadu wskazującego na zażycie nieznanej substancji. Z uwagi na brak swoistych odtrutek leczenie pozostaje jedynie objawowe, ma podtrzymywać podstawowe czynności życiowe. Wskazane jest przeprowadzenie konsultacji psychologicznej i/lub psychiatrycznej, a w uzasadnionych przypadkach skierowanie na leczenie odwykowe.
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna; 2011, 7, 4; 356-360
Pojawia się w:
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza chemiczna ścieków jako nowy sposób monitorowania stosowania narkotyków i leków w miejscu pracy
Chemical analysis of wastewater as a new way of monitoring drugs and medicines consumption at workplace
Wiergowski, Marek
Sołtyszewski, Ireneusz
Sein Anand, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
substancje psychoaktywne
używanie narkotyków
badanie w miejscu pracy
analiza ścieków
nadużywanie leków
analiza materiału biologicznego
psychoactive substances
narcotics usage
workplace drug testing
sewage analysis
medicines misuse
biological material analysis
Informacje, które można uzyskać na temat jakości i częstości stosowanych przez pracowników nielegalnych substancji psychoaktywnych lub leków używanych niezgodnie z ich przeznaczeniem, są najczęściej nieaktualne już w chwili ich opublikowania. Wynika to z intensywnego wprowadzania na czarny rynek nowych, syntetycznych narkotyków, zmiany trendów w rekreacyjnym stosowaniu leków oraz braku łatwo dostępnych i pewnych testów służących do ich szybkiej identyfikacji. Strategia wykrywania stosowania narkotyków i pozamedycznego stosowania psychoaktywnych leków w miejscu pracy powinna uwzględniać wszystkie możliwe źródła informacji. Do klasycznych źródeł informacji opisujących stosowanie substancji psychoaktywnych w miejscu pracy należą: dane statystyczne (ogólne informacje na temat trendów i wielkości zjawiska narkomanii i lekomanii gromadzone przez Komendę Główną Policji, Krajowe Biuro Do Spraw Przeciwdziałania Narkomanii oraz jednostki ratownictwa medycznego), badania ankietowe, testy psychomotoryczne oraz analizy jakościowe i ilościowe materiału biologicznego. Do nowych i obiecujących metod stosowanych w ostatnich latach na świecie należy analiza chemiczno-toksykologiczna wód powierzchniowych i ścieków. Zwiększenie zainteresowania wielu instytucji państwowych i naukowców badaniem ścieków komunalnych może w istotny sposób uzupełniać wiedzę o zjawisku narkomanii i lekomanii uzyskiwaną klasycznymi metodami. Wydaje się, że takie badanie może mieć istotne znaczenie w bieżącym monitorowaniu używania substancji psychoaktywnych i/lub leków przez wybrane subpopulacje ludzi (np. studentów, wojskowych, strażaków, policjantów itd.). Med. Pr. 2015;66(6):837–847
The available information on the quality and frequency of illegal psychoactive substances used or medicines misused by workers, are often out of date at the time of its publication. This is due to the dynamic introduction of new synthetic drugs on the black market, changes in trends in the recreational use of medicines and the lack of readily available and reliable tests for fast identification. Strategy for detection of narcotic and non-medical psychoactive drugs use at workplace should embrace all possible sources of information. Classical sources of information on the use of psychoactive substances at the workplace include: statistical data (general information on trends and magnitude of drug and medicine addiction collected by the Polish National Police, the National Bureau for Drug Prevention and emergency medical services), surveys, psychomotor tests and qualitative and quantitative analyses of biological material. Of the new and promising methods, used throughout the world in recent years, chemical-toxicological analysis of surface water and wastewater deserve special mention. An increasing interest in the study of urban waste water can significantly complement the source of knowledge about drug and medicine addiction using obtainable conventional methods. In recent years, a municipal wastewater analysis has become a new and very promising way of collecting updated information on the use of psychoactive substances and medicines. It seems that this kind of study may play an important role in the ongoing monitoring of drug and/or medicines use by selected groups of population (e.g., students, military, firemen, policemen, etc.). Med Pr 2015;66(6):837–847
Medycyna Pracy; 2015, 66, 6; 837-847
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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