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O handlu ludźmi w Polsce, czyli o ewolucji zjawiska i budowie systemu jego eliminowania
On human trafficking in Poland, that is on evolution of the phenomenon and construction of the system to eliminate it
Lasocik, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
handel ludźmi
polityka kryminalna
zapobieganie przestępczości
human trafficking
organized crime
The thesis of this work is as follows: human trafficking is particularly detrimental as it harms the foundations of modern civilization. It is a phenomenon which appeared in Poland 20 years ago and is still present. What is more, one can see its significant expansion in all possible dimensions. The character of this crime is changing, less and less frequently this is a criminal activity of organized crime groups (mafia gangs), more and more frequently it is a well-organised activity of criminal groups organized ad hoc. New forms of enslavement and abuse appear while physical abuse, relatively easier to detect, plays less and less important role. The change includes also the scale of the problem, measured by the number of criminal cases or the number of reported victims, and to be clear the numbers do not decrease, they increase. The evolution spoken of here includes also such issues as origin of the victims and their sociodemographic profile (here the direction of development is also clear, the victims come from all countries and continents and they are more and more diverisified). Polish law has been changing for many years but it is hard to admit the law is fully adequate to the needs and the scale of the problem. The practice of action of many public institutions changes. Efforts to eliminate human trafficking have been made for years, without effects though. The system to eliminate human trafficking, which has been built for 15 years in Poland, has stable legal and institutional basis, yet lack of political will and decisive organization actions causes the system to lack effectiveness and flexibility necessary in a confrontation with such a dangerous phenomenon as human trafficking is. A reliable description of human trafficking is hard in any place and at any time. In such countries as Poland, it is particularly hard for several reasons. Most of all because it is a phenomenon well-hidden behind many facades of fully legal activities, it is also a rich in content, diverse, and ever changing phenomenon. It is still valid that what we know of human trafficking is merely a tip of the iceberg. We know little about it also because Poland has been a member of EU which makes it an attractive destination for foreigners who either seek their opportunities here or move to other EU countries using the freedom of movement. One of prominent features of evoulution of human trafficking in Poland is a Shift from the country of origin to transit country and to destination one. Political and economic changes of the early 1990s combined with temporary decrease in police effectiveness resulted in increase in crime. Also the serious one, organized crime. This is when human trafficking ap-peared in Poland. In the beginning, activity of criminal groups concentrated on recruitment of Polish women to sex businesses in Western Europe.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2012, XXXIV; 481-529
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The dawning of a new era in social reaction to crime: promise, potential and limitations of restorative justice
Fattah, Ezzat A.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawiedliwość naprawcza
polityka kryminalna
zapobieganie przestępczości
social reaction to crime
Despite dramatic social changes and unprecedented technological innovations penal philosophy has undergone little change. Retribution continues to be the key principle in sentencing and judges continue their hopeless struggle to make the punishment fit the crime. It is truly baffling that the CJS has remained archaic in its philosophy, its outlook and its tools and has remained insulated from whatever changes and advances that had taken place in modern society? For as yet unexplained reasons the system has resisted every attempt to modernize and change? This is probably why it is that despite the manifest advantages and benefits of R.J. over a punitive, retributive system, whose sole aim is to inflict pain and suffering on the wrong-doer, there is still reluctance to do away with the ideas of expiation and penitence in favor of reconciliation and compensation. The strong support for victims of crime, coupled with the undeniable fact that victims are the main losers in a punitive system of justice, have not yet succeeded in convincing politicians, lawmakers or the general public of the need to replace the medieval practice of punishment by a more constructive, more peaceful and less harmful means of dealing with crime and conflict. And yet, the destructive and detrimental effects of punishment are too evident to ignore. All this suggests that the time is right for a paradigm shift in society’s response to crime. There is a desperate need to move from philosophical abstraction to restorative action, from senseless retribution to meaningful restitution, from just deserts to restorative justice. But there is also a need for realism. R.J. is not a pana-cea. Although superior in every respect to retribution R.J. does have certain limitations and there are certain dangers to be avoided when moving towards the full implementation of a restorative justice system.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2012, XXXIV; 7-42
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O kontroli chuligaństwa futbolowego w Polsce ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sytuacyjnej prewencji uwag kilka
On football hooliganism control in Poland with several comments of situational prevention
Drzazga, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość stadionowa
polityka kryminalna
sytuacyjne zapobieganie przestępczości
football hooliganism control
situational prevention
The development of international measures of football hooliganism control has been proceeding along several paths and included a number of different aspects of broadly understood control over the phenomenon. One can define 4 periods differing in the football hooliganism control paradigms applied: the first period - stretching from 1960s to 1985, second - between 1985 and 1997, third - 1997 to 2000 and fourth - from 2000 up to the present day. Consider-ing the issue of situational prevention of football hooliganism, control measures could be divided into two groups, or levels. The first level was mostly concerned with 'hard' means, i.e. such based on activities that rendered breaking the law or upsetting the public order more challenging. This was done with simple techniques of isolating opposing groups of supporters from each other by police cordons, fencing out sections of stadiums, putting up barriers, or 'cages' for visiting fans. Other popular 'hard' means aimed at increasing the perpetrator's risk of being subject to negative consequences, which mostly meant intensified police presence at a stadium. The progression to level 2 control was triggered by results brought by research on crowd management techniques conducted after the 2000 European Championship. The new trend involved gradual balancing out the 'hard' and 'soft' means, the latter having the purpose of limiting provocation and excuses (promoting the atmosphere of a joyful festival at football events, avoiding 'arming' and confrontation by security personnel, employment of surveillance and emergency services, etc.). A comparison of the ways in which football hooliganism situational prevention developed with the integrated model of situational crime prevention brings an interesting insight into the effectiveness of the new situational trend, which is a method broadly employed in Western Europe to counter football hooliganism. According to R. Wortley, while the notion of opportunity reduction assumes that there already is an offender who is motivated or at least ambivalent and ready to commit a crime, the fact is that motivation to commit a crime may occur as a result of particular situational factors. Wortley defined 4 types of factors motivating a perpetrator to commit a crime, or the so-called precipitators: prompts, pressures, permissibility, and provocations. The integrated concept of situational prevention discussed in the article is a merger of the traditional methods of limiting crime opportunities, or the so-called 'hard' means, with a complementary set of techniques minimizing other situational factors proposed by R. Wortley, i.e. 'soft' means. D.B. Cornish and R.V. Clarke proposed a combination of the two approaches, which resulted in vastly broadened array of situational crime prevention techniques.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2013, XXXV; 193-212
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chuligaństwo stadionowe jako samodzielne zjawisko społeczne i przedmiot regulacji prawnych. Zarys problematyki
Stadium hooliganism as an independent social phenomenon and object of legal regulations. An introduction
Sochacka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
przestępczość stadionowa
polityka kryminalna
sytuacyjne zapobieganie przestępczości
stadium hooliganism
deviant behaviour
criminal control
The current form of the phenomenon termed stadium hooliganism differs substantially to the form characteristic of 1960-1970s, and even 1980s. This is, on one hand, a result of change in deviant behaviour of spectators, on the other hand a result of material change in what behaviours are labelled, and thus controlled, by the state. While initially hooliganism consisted in acts of violence and vandalism on stadiums and in their immediate vicinity, deviant behaviours of spectators fundamentally changed with time. Re-design of stadiums, introduction of exclusively numbered seats and tickets, spectator video surveillance, ticket sale control systems, and many other technical measures to eliminate the sense of anonymity in the football fans – along with extension of the catalogue of football-related behaviours which are criminalised – resulted in relative safety of European, and to less extent Polish, stadiums. This resulted in transfer of deviant behaviour of spectators outside stadiums. At present, two types of behaviours are commonly considered in relation to stadium hooliganism. First, all deviant behaviours of (some) spectators manifested on the stadium or in its immediate vicinity in strict temporal and spatial relation to a match. Second, all other deviant behaviours of (some) spectators manifested outside stadiums and in less and less strict temporal, emotional and spatial relation to a sport event. Until 1985 penal policy towards stadium hooliganism – on the tier of national regulations, international cooperation, legal acts by European organs and UEFA – was surprisingly uniform in perception of the phenomenon as a social problem which does not require any particular methods or measure of control and which does not require any particular legislation. 1985 was a turning point as far as legal position of the phenomenon is concerned. Accepting in Strasbourg on 19 August 1985 the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches by Council of Europe initiated an entirely new approach to the policy of prevention of the phenomenon. Since 1985, legal acts concerning stadium hooliganism have been passed both on national and international level. Stadium hooliganism was termed a serious social problem in the area of public order solution of which requires introduction and implementation of particular legal regulations and particular methods of supervision and control. Including stadium hooliganism into the category of social phenomena which carry a risk for functioning of the society as a whole, such as terrorism, delinquency of immigrants, juvenile delinquency or drug addiction is an effect of wider transformations in European penal policy which have been present since the end of 1970s. This is related to emergence of strong tendencies towards politicisation of internal security issues at the time.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2010, XXXII; 223-248
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauka a praktyka z perspektywy polityki karnej lat siedemdziesiątych i osiemdziesiątych
Theory and Practice in Poland’s Criminal Policy in the 1970s and ’80s
Pływaczewski, Emil W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
prawo karne
polityka kryminalna
nauka a praktyka
zapobieganie przestępczości
reforma prawa karnego
criminal law
criminal policy
theory and practice
crime prevention
penal law reform
Artykuł dotyczy zagadnienia polityki kryminalnej w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem okresu lat siedemdziesiątych i osiemdziesiątych. W 1969 r. Sejm uchwalił nową kodyfikację karną, w tym kodeks karny, który zastąpił kodeks karny z 1932 r. Najbardziej rozczarowującą częścią nowego kodeksu karnego były określone w nim sankcje. Ich system pozostał nadmiernie sztywny i surowy; najczęściej stosowaną karą pozostała kara pozbawienia wolności. Między innymi kodeks wprowadził wyjątkowo surowe sankcje – środki karne wobec recydywistów. Efektem tych rozwiązań prawnych, lojalnie stosowanych przez judykaturę, był znaczący wzrost populacji więziennej (w latach siedemdziesiątych wahała się ona od 90 do 130 tysięcy, tj. przeciętnie 235 na 100 tysięcy mieszkańców). W tym zakresie Polska niekorzystnie i znacząco odbiegała od większości innych krajów wschodniej Europy, nie mówiąc już o krajach zachodnich. Powstanie „Solidarności” w sierpniu 1980 r. było początkiem odchodzenia od komunizmu w sowieckim stylu. Ekspercka krytyka ustawodawstwa karnego i realizowanej na jego gruncie represyjnej polityki kryminalnej zaowocowała przygotowaniem w 1981 r. dwóch projektów nowego kodeksu karnego. Kulminacja konfliktu pomiędzy władzą a opozycją nastąpiła w grudniu 1981 r. Wówczas komunistyczny rząd kierowany przez generała Wojciecha Jaruzelskiego wydał dekret o stanie wojennym, będący uderzeniem w silny ruch opozycyjny. Cztery lata później w 1985 r. została uchwalona drakońska ustawa o szczególnej odpowiedzialności karnej. Od 1987 r. Komisja Kodyfikacyjna (jej skład został zmieniony po zawarciu porozumienia tzw. okrągłego stołu pomiędzy stroną rządową a opozycją) przygotowywała nowe projekty kodeksu karnego, kodeksu postępowania karnego i kodeksu karnego wykonawczego. Nowa kodyfikacja karna, w tym kodeks karny, uchwalona została przez Sejm 19 kwietnia 1997 r., a weszła w życie 1 września 1998 r. W konkluzji autor stwierdza, że punitywny charakter systemu sprawiedliwości karnej, odziedziczony po poprzednim ustroju, wywiera wpływ na dzisiejszą politykę kryminalną, łącznie z problemami zmniejszenia populacji więziennej.
The article addresses issues from the criminal policy Poland pursued in the 1970s and ’80s. In 1969 Sejm enacted a new criminal codification, including a Penal Code to replace the 1932 Penal Code. Te most disappointing part of the new Penal Code were the penalties. Penalisation was still kept unduly harsh and rigid, with imprisonment as the most frequently form of punishment. One of the innovations the Code adopted was a set of exceptionally stringent measures against recidivists. As the result of these amendments, which the courts duly implemented, there was a steep rise in the number of inmates held in Polish prisons. In the ’70s it fluctuated between 90 and 130 thousand, on average amounting to 235 in 100 thousand inhabitants. The figures for Poland were much higher than those for most other East European countries, let alone Western Europe. Te emergence of Solidarity in August 1980 turned out to be the beginning of the end for Soviet-style Communism. In 1981 strong criticism from experts on criminal law, who castigated Poland’s penal law and repressive criminal policy, led to the compilation of two drafts for a new penal code. In December 1981 the conflict between General Wojciech Jaruzelski’s Communist government and its (unrecognised) opposition culminated in the imposition of Martial Law, designed to crush the powerful opposition movement. Four years later, a draconian law was instituted, bringing in “special criminal liability”. Since 1987, Poland’s Codification Commission, which was re-constituted in 1989 following the Round Table Agreement concluded between the leaders of PZPR (the ruling Communist Party) and the opposition, has been working on new drafts of the penal code, the code of criminal procedure, and the code on the execution of penalties. Te new legislation, including a new penal code, was passed by Sejm in 1997, and entered into force on 1 September 1998. I conclude with a remark that the punitive character of the criminal justice system Poland inherited from the Communist system is still exerting a considerable influence on the country’s current policy on criminal justice, and is still contributing to problems with reducing the prison population.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2021, 21, 2; 115-141
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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