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On formation of method in political science
Chodubski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
political theory
political science
It is widely recognised, that the status of any scientific discipline is vitally determined by its methodological autonomy. These are theoretical rules on the acquirement of information about a given reality, its definitions, systematization, clarification and interpretation. It is a specific challenge with regards to political science, which stems from the subject of knowledge, the politics. This realm is known to humanity from the onset of structure-shaping and institutionalisation of social life, and since ancient times attempts at its theoretical clarification are being undertaken. It has taken an important place within philosophical thought, historical and legal analysis. This reality led to political science becoming an integrating platform for knowledge from areas of political and social philosophy, law, economy, history. This integration has made cognitive challenges superficial and as a consequence raised such questions as: is political science a scientific discipline? The unfavourable image was revealed as it was included in broad process of political education of society.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2011, 40; 66-81
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza, założenia programowe i działalność Ruchu Pierestrojki w amerykańskiej nauce o polityce
Origins, curriculum assumptions and activities of the Perestroika Movement in American political science
Kantyka, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
American political science
political theory
qualitative methods
Model of methodological and theoretical pluralism, developed after the behavioral revolution, allows different methods and purposes of approach in research of political spheres of social life. For many years, it seemed that the current consensus is not threatened, that the acceptance of the status quo is widespread. As it turned out, however, post-behavioral order and peace were hiding under the surface of old conflicts and contradictions, and generated new ones. Somewhat like 100 years ago, at the beginning of the new century, they flowed on the surface – colliding with each other – as completely different visions of policy research, based on a different meaning of objectivity and truth and the role that the gained knowledge plays in the society. In October 2000, to a dozen American political scientists and publishers of professional magazines there was sent an e-mail, signed “Mr. Perestroika”, containing harsh criticism of the system of forces existing in the American political science, under which there is a strong dominance of representatives of science-oriented mathematical modeling and quantitative methods, and representatives of other approaches are being discriminated against. This letter, commonly called the “Perestroika Manifesto”, has rapidly spread in the network, gaining a few hundred followers within a few weeks. It became the nucleus of an informal Perestroika Movement, which brought together a larger group of political scientists dissatisfied with the current model of discipline. They performed against the domination of investigator-driven assumptions of logical positivism and radical behaviorism, based on the assumption that it is possible to predict the political behavior on the basis of the theories of rationality. They also questioned focusing on discovering universal, independent of context, truths about politics, based on testing causal hypotheses with regard to the behavior of political actors and the quest to build a general theory. Th is results in their opinion that there is the marginalization of other studies aimed at clarifying and resolving specifi c issues and, on the other hand, the need of search for a more explicit link between theory and practice. Supporters of the Perestroika Movement do not reject entirely quantitative methods, only tend to criticize their absolutizing character, involving the complete discrediting of approaches which are not referring to the quantifi cation of data or treating this type of treatment only as a complementary knowledge considerations based on normative narrative. Th erefore, they generally tend to the concept of methodological triangulation, in which quantitative techniques may complement and partially be a form of verifi cation of qualitative methods in various research issues, of course, if you can combine both types of approaches. Th ey are clearly in favor of the primacy of the essence of research method. From this point of view, based on compliance with the applicable rules of methodological research, they do not have to be in this respect particularly innovative, hyper-precise or mathematicised. Th ey should, however, contain a well-constructed argumentation, allowing reliably resolve important issues. Th e result should be to restore compounds research and theoretical knowledge with the real problems of political life, moving away from the extreme containment and academic character towards the relationship of knowledge about politics of social practice.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2015, 47; 98-116
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Renesans czy rozpad politologii?– artykuł postulatywny (wstęp do dyskusji programowej)
A Renaissance or a Breakup of Political Science? – A Postulative Article (An Introduction to Programmatic Debate)
Obacz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
political science
political theory
thematic reconfiguration
theoretical political science
politologia teoretyczna
rekonfiguracja tematyczna
teoria polityki
Wobec złożonych wyzwań, z jakimi musi się obecnie mierzyć polska politologia, zachodzi paląca potrzeba poważnej debaty nad kierunkiem ewolucji politologii w Polsce, zmian na gruncie tej dyscypliny, nad jej przyszłością. Rezultatem tej debaty powinien być program działań, które wzmocnią politologię polską, pozwolą na jej dalszy owocny rozwój, a także spowodują, że rozwiane zostaną wątpliwości odnośnie do naukowego znaczenia i społecznej roli politologii. Wszystko jednak zależy od samych uczonych – od ich zaangażowania, stąd pytanie: „renesans czy rozpad politologii?” pozostaje (niestety) otwartym. Niniejszy artykuł może być postrzegany jako swoista „zachęta” do podjęcia szerszej i systematycznej debaty środowiskowej, rezultatem której mogłyby być zręby nowego politologicznego programu naukowego, który z kolei mógłby zainspirować do nowych rozwiązań organizacyjnych i nowych formuł badawczych oraz stymulowałby procesy integracyjne w obrębie tegoż środowiska. Na potrzeby takiej debaty, w artykule przedstawiono zręby autorskiej koncepcji „IKR”: Integracja – Konsolidacja – Rekonfiguracja tematyczna. Jest to propozycja celująca w naprawę relacji naukowych (zawodowych) w obrębie polskiego środowiska politologicznego i poprawę kondycji naukowej dyscypliny, jak również zawierająca pewne postulaty organizacyjne oraz związane z badaniami i dydaktyką. Na końcu opracowania znalazły się dodatkowo pewne uwagi dotyczące miejsca teorii polityki w owym ewentualnym przyszłym programie rozwoju politologii. Autor broni stanowiska, zgodnie z którym teoria polityki mogłaby pełnić rolę facylitacyjną w procesie rozwoju polskiej politologii.
In the face of complex challenges Polish political science is now struggling with, there is an urgent need for a serious debate on the evolution of political science in Poland, on changes on its ground, and on its future. The outcome of such a debate should be a program of actions, which would strengthen Polish political science, allow for its further fruitful development, as well as will dispel the doubts about scientific meaning and social role of political science. However, everything depends on the scientists themselves – on their commitment; hence the question: “a renaissance or a breakup of political science?” remains (unfortunately) open. The paper may be perceived as an incentive to perform an extensive and systematic debate within political science community, which could be an inspiration for new organizational solutions and new research formulas, as well as would stimulate integrational processes within the community of political scientists. For the purpose of such a debate, the article presents the author’s concept of “ICTR”: Integration – Consolidation – Thematic Reconfiguration. It is a proposition aiming at repairing scientific (professional) relations within Polish political science community and improving the condition of the discipline, and it includes some organizational postulates and postulates referring to research and didactics. At the end of the paper some additional comments were made concerning the role of political theory in the future program of development of political science. The author defend the thesis that political theory could serve facilitation role in the process of development of Polish political science.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2023, 4; 237-253
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kategoria post-prawdy a teoria polityki : kilka uwag o problematycznym statusie modnego konceptu
Post-truth and political theory: some remarks on a doubtful status of popular concept
Obacz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
teoria polityki
political science
political theory
Artykuł poświęcony jest kategorii post- -prawdy i jej wątpliwemu znaczeniu dla badań politologicznych w ogóle i dla teorii polityki w szczególności. W tekście przedstawiono liczne zastrzeżenia pod adresem koncepcji post-prawdy, przede wszystkim definicyjne i teoretyczne, jak również starano się wykazać, iż koncept post- -prawdy opiera się na rozumowaniu potocznym i nie spełnia kryteriów naukowości, co wyklucza post-prawdę z katalogu kategorii naukowych. Rozważania osadzono w szerszym kontekście teoriopolitycznym i właśnie na potrzeby teorii polityki wyprowadzono odpowiednie wnioski.
This article focuses on the category of post-truth and its doubtful significance for political research in general and particularly for political theory. In the paper, numerous definitional and theoretical objections toward the concept of post-truth were presented, as well as it was attempted to point out that it is based on colloquial reasoning and does not fulfil scientific criteria, which disqualify posttruth from the catalogue of scientific categories. These considerations were embedded in wide theoretical context and congruent conclusions were formulated for enhancement of polish political theory.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2019, 62; 146-161
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zombie jako wyzwanie dla refleksji teoriopolitycznej i dydaktyki nauk politycznych
Ścigaj, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
political theory
theories of international relations
threat metaphors
political metaphors
political science teaching
In recent years, zombies have made a stunning career, not only in literature and film, but also in scientificresearch. Zombies appear in scientific discourse as a reflection of fears connected with colonialism,imperialism, capitalism, consumerism, as well as metaphors for threats, like terrorism, asymmetric conflicts,epidemics and many more. It is also a useful concept for capturing ideas and theories remaining in scientificcirculation which are in fact dead. So-called “zombie-categories” reflect theories that either explain nothingor the phenomena they refer to do not exist. Taking this into account, it is hard not to use zombies in politicaltheory, especially as a useful category that enables the identification of “dead and alive” theories. Besides, zombie metaphors seem to be very promising in the political science teaching and a lot of research hasalready been undertaken in that field bringing unexpected and valuable results.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica; 2020, 25, 325; 163-183
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedmiot badań politologicznych w Polsce
The Subject of Political Science Research in Poland
Nocoń, Jarosław
Kufliński, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
research subject
political science
political theory
przedmiot badawczy
teoria polityki
Głównym zagadnieniem artykułu jest przedmiot badań politologicznych w Polsce. Autorzy starają się odtworzyć kształtowanie się owego przedmiotu na przestrzeni ostatnich kilku dekad, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem refleksji polskich teoretyków i teoretyczek polityki. Tekst został podzielony na trzy główne części. Pierwsza dotyczy czynników strukturyzujących przedmiot badań politologicznych (indywidualne zainteresowania badawcze, kształtowanie się poszczególnych paradygmatów i metateorii, moda, polityka organizacji dyscyplinarnej). Druga stanowi syntetyczną rekonstrukcję kształtowania się politologicznego przedmiotu badań. Ostatnia zaś, zawiera przegląd węzłowych problemów badawczych w interesującym autorów zakresie.
The main topic of the paper is the subject of political science research in Poland. The authors try to reconstruct the formation of this subject over the last several decades, with a special focus on the reflections of Polish political theorists and theorists. The text is divided into three main parts. The first deals with the factors structuring the subject of political science research (individual research interests, the formation of particular paradigms and metatheories, fashion, the politics of disciplinary organization). The second is a synthetic reconstruction of the formation of the political science research object. And the last, provides an overview of the knotty research problems in the field of interest to the authors.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2023, 4; 255-267
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Politics of Political Science in Poland: The Ongoing Reform of Higher Education
Warzec, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
political science
international relations
political theory
IR theory
Polish higher education
higher education politics
The 21st century can be called a "century of reforms" in the Polish system of higher education and science. Each successive ruling party was looking for an opportunity to revise the way the Polish Academia was organized. Those reforms were aimed at changing the system of evaluation of higher education institutions (and the associated system of granting public subsidies thereto). But also they were targeting the list of scientific disciplines recognized and subsidized by the government. That was possible thanks to the fact that each piece of legislation on funding the Polish system of higher education was imparting power on the Minister of Higher Education to issue an executive act. Such discretionary decisions allow for influencing the way institutional science is organized in Poland. It is also a reason why in Poland "scientific lobbying" has arisen and various research coteries have been trying to promote their subfields to the rank of "discipline" by influencing the Ministry. This paper is an attempt at summing up the 21st-century debate over the shape and legal foundations of the institutional dimension of the realm of political science. It is also an attempt to provide evidence that in Poland it is not theory that is influencing the decisions of recognizing new disciplines that are arising from the field of political science, but rather the political (and lobbying) practice as well as discretionary decisions of the Ministry are shaping the development of theory.
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2023, 9, 1; 46-59
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Political Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potencjał poznawczy łączonej teorii polityki i teorii prawa. Garść argumentów na rzecz ściślejszej współpracy politologów (teoretyków polityki) i prawników (teoretyków prawa) oraz tworzenia wspólnego programu naukowego
Cognitive Potential of a Combined Political and Legal Theory: A Handful of Arguments in Favor of Closer Cooperation between Political Scientists (Political Theorists) and Legal Scholars (Legal Theorists), and Creation of Common Scientific Program
Obacz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
political science
political theory
legal theory
teoria polityki
teoria prawa
Celami artykułu są: nakreślenie perspektyw wspólnych badań naukowych teoretyków polityki i teorii prawa, przedstawienie tez i postulatów na rzecz ściślejszej współpracy tych dwóch grup uczonych, a także zainicjowanie debaty środowiska politologiczno-prawniczego w tym zakresie. Opracowanie stanowi klarowną odpowiedź na pytanie: teoria polityki i teoria prawa – razem czy osobno? Problem wyrażony w tym pytaniu jest doniosły i domaga się szerokiej dyskusji przedstawicieli obu subdyscyplin naukowych. Rozległe tradycje wspólnej refleksji teoretycznej z jednej strony i wyzwania współczesności z drugiej dostarczają wielu argumentów za wznowieniem kooperacji badawczej.
The aims of the paper are: outlining the perspectives for common scientific research between political theorists and legal theorists; presenting theses and postulates in favor of closer cooperation of these two groups of scholars; as well as initiating a debate within political science and legal science communities in this matter. The article provides clear answer to the question: Political theory and legal theory – together or separately? The problem expressed in this question is significant and deserves extensive discussion of representatives of the two scientific subdisciplines. Broad traditions of common theoretical research, on one hand, and contemporary challenges, on the other, provide many arguments in favor of restoration of research cooperation.
Historia i Polityka; 2022, 41 (48); 9-19
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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