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Kodeks karny skarbowy a reżim odpowiedzialności administracyjnej
Tax penal code and administrative responsibility
Sepioło-Jankowska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne
kodeks karny skarbowy
kodeks karny
tax penal code
administrative responsibility
penal code
Celem badawczym artykułu jest ustalenie, czy model odpowiedzialności karnej skarbowej jest koniecznym uzupełnieniem dla odpowiedzialności administracyjnej oraz czy w ogóle sankcja prawno-finansowa musi zostać wzmocniona poprzez oddziaływanie będące wynikiem zaktualizowania się innych sankcji, np. sankcji karnych bądź karno-skarbowych. Ustawodawca, podejmując decyzję o zabezpieczeniu interesów finansowych sankcją karną skarbową, zdecydował się bowiem na wprowadzenie odpowiedzialności karnej w stosunku do dóbr, które podlegają już pewnej ochronie prawnej. Prawo karne skarbowe stanowi zatem kolejny szczebel sankcjonowania naruszeń prawa finansowego, które już pierwotnie wyposażone jest w instrumenty umożliwiające zrealizowanie określonych obowiązków nawet wbrew woli ich adresata, stwarzając przy tym możliwość wymierzenia dotkliwych sankcji ekonomicznych. W doktrynie prawa karnego skarbowego oraz w prawie administracyjnym trudno znaleźć powody do negowania takiego stanu rzeczy. Wręcz przeciwnie, na gruncie tej ostatniej uważa się, że odpowiedzialność administracyjna oparta jest na całkowicie innych zasadach, realizowana jest przez zupełnie inne organy i w całkiem innym trybie, dlatego też podatnik narażony na sankcję podatkową może dodatkowo ponosić także odpowiedzialność karną skarbową
The research objective of the article is to determine, whether the model of criminal and fiscal liability is an essential complement of the administrative liability and if legal and financial sanctions should be enhanced by the impact of the update of other sanctions i.e. criminal sanctions or criminal and fiscal sanctions. The legislator, to protect monetary interests by a criminal sanction, decided to introduce the criminal liability regarding legal interests, which already have legal protection. The fiscal law is an additional form to remedy the infringement of financial law, which has some instruments to penalize some actions, even against the recipient's will, creating the possibility of imposing grievous economic sanctions. In the criminal and fiscal law's doctrine and in administrative law's doctrine also, there is no reason to deny such a state of affairs. It is said, that administrative liability is based on different rules, implemented with another authorities and procedure, therefore taxpayer exposed to tax sanction, can also be subject to fiscal and penal liability.
Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego; 2020, 1; 8-12
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wprowadzenie do problematyki szpiegostwa we francuskim kodeksie karnym
Introduction to the issue of espionage in the French Penal Code
Mariański, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
French law
penal code
prawo francuskie
kodeks karny
The subject of the analysis in this article are the legal regulations contained in the French Penal code in the scope relating to the crime of espionage. As part of this study, which is only an initial stage and offers an impulse for further extended research in this matter, the author, apart from issues related to the crime of espionage, also presents the systematics and specificity of the French Penal code that can significantly improve understanding of the nature of the analyzed regulations. The importance of conducting comparative research in this area also results from the geopolitical situation that occurred after the Russian Federation launched its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, which has significantly increased the scale of threats to the security of European countries. The description and characteristics of legal regulations regarding the crime of espionage in French law, together with the latest French language literature on the subject, as an element of research on broadly understood state security, may be the first stage and an incentive to conduct further comparative research in this subject matter. This publication may also be an interesting auxiliary material for a broader assessment, as part of separate studies, of the state of Polish regulations in this area.
Przedmiotem analizy w ramach niniejszego artykułu są regulacje prawne zawarte we francuskim kodeksie karnym w zakresie odnoszącym się do przestępstwa szpiegostwa. W ramach niniejszego opracowania, które stanowi jedynie wstępny etap i impuls dla dalszych, poszerzonych badań w tej materii, autor poza zagadnieniami dotyczącymi przestępstwa szpiegostwa przedstawia również systematykę i specyfikę francuskiego kodeksu karnego, co w sposób znaczny wpływa na lepsze zrozumienie charakteru analizowanych regulacji. Waga prowadzenia badań porównawczych w tym zakresie wynika również z sytuacji geopolitycznej, jaka nastąpiła po rozpoczęciu w 2022 roku przez Federację rosyjską inwazji na Ukrainę, która znacznie zwiększyła skalę zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa państw europejskich. Opis i charakterystyka aktualnych regulacji prawnych w zakresie przestępstwa szpiegostwa we Francji, wraz z uwzględnieniem najnowszej francuskojęzycznej literatury przedmiotu, jako element badań nad szeroko rozumianym bezpieczeństwem państwa, mogą być pierwszym etapem i impulsem dla dalszych badań o charakterze porównawczym w tej materii. Niniejsza publikacja może stanowić również interesujący materiał pomocniczy dla szerszej oceny, w ramach odrębnych opracowań, stanu polskich regulacji w tym zakresie.
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne; 2023, 21, 2; 197-209
Pojawia się w:
Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ustawowe ujęcie przestępstwa rozboju w prawie czeskim i słowackim w porównaniu do rozwiązań przyjętych w polskim kodeksie karnym
Radecki, Wojciech
Zientara, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
penal code
kodeks karny
This article introduces readers to the regulation of the act of robbery in the Czech and Slovak penal codes. The solutions adopted in the Czech Republic and Slovakia have been presented by comparing them to the regulation of the act of robbery contained in the Polish Penal Code. The perormed analysis showed that there are significant differences between the regulation of the act of robbery in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the solutions adopted in the Polish Penal Code. For example, the qualifying types of robbery were presented differently. Moreover, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia the act of robbery takes place already at the moment of conducting violence to seize property, while in Poland it takes place at a later stage – with the actual seizure of someone else’s property. What is already a robbery under Czech and Slovak law, is only an attempt according to the Polish Penal Code. The article also compares severity of penalties for robbery in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and presents the options for liability of collective entities for robbery in these three countries.
Studia Iuridica; 2021, 89; 287-316
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O polityce karnej z perspektywy retrospektywnej
On Criminal Policy in Retrospection
Pływaczewski, Emil W.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
polityka karna
kodeks karny
analiza retrospektywna
criminal policy
penal code
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 617-628
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Penalizacja i jej ograniczenia
Penalization and its limitations
Gardocki, Lech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
kodeks karny
penal law
penal code
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1985, XII; 11-16
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Granice nieletniości w polskim prawie karnym
The Statutory Age-Limits of Juvenile Delinquenta in Polish Penal Law
Rdzanek-Piwowar, Grażyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieletni przestępcy
polskie prawo karne
kodeks karny
juvenile delinquents
polish penal law
penal code
The entering into force on 13 May l983 of the Act on the treatment of juveniles of 26 October 1982 ended the period of over fifty years of validity of provisions of the penal code of 1932 (Chapter XI) and code of criminal procedure of 1928 (Chapter II of Book XI) which regulated the principles of responsibility of juvenile perpetrators of “acts prohibited under penalty”. Authors of the pre-war legislation, at the first stage of its preparation in particular, intended to make it specific and educational in nature through omission in the treatment of juveniles of the elements of responsibility and punishment. The finally adopted solution was a compromise: responsibility of juveniles have been related to age, discernment, and type of measures applied. With respect to undiscerning juvenile perpetrators of acts prohibited under penalty under the age of 13, and also to those aged 13–17, only educational  measures could be applied (admonition; supervision by the parents, former guardians, or a probation officer; placement in an educational institution) Juveniles aged 13–17 who discerned the meaning of their act were to be placed in a correction al institution; educational measures were to be applied in their cases if the circumstances, the juvenile’s personality or his living conditions made such placement inexpedient. Thus the legislation concerning juveniles remained part of the system of penal law in spite of the special features it started to acquire. That was also the direction, after the war in particular, of interpretation of the legal provisions. As a result, the measures applied to juveniles were given an explicitly educational character. This was done through the relation of those imeasures  to the perpetrator’s personality and not to the act, and through abolition of the institution of discernment. Since discernment. Since mid–1950s, the juvenile courts followed instructions which  changed the legal status of a juvenile. The age limit of penal responsibility of juveniles was set initially at ten and then at 13 years; younger children were not to be brought before the courts unless the case concerned guardianship. Many changes in the post-war provisions were also introduced by means of statutes. They concerned organization and functioning of the system of treatment of juveniles  (strengthening of the role of judge, introduction of the so-called family courts, increased number of probation officers). This way, a socially desirable continuation of the legal tradition was secured by means of reforms which were evolutionary and dictated by the current needs, and without liquidation of the existing structures, tested in the practice of many decades. The new statute adopted many of those changes more or less directly. Setting the upper age limit of juveniles, the post-war penal code of 1969 preserved the principle according to which criminal responsibility is conditioned upon the offender’s age of at least 17 (Art. 9). At the same time, though, Art. 9 made it possible to apply to offenders aged 17 the measures normally designed for juveniles, and to sentence juveniles aged 16 guilty of the most serious crimes to the ordinary but extraordinarily mitigated penalties. The final shape of the Act on the treatment of juveniles of 26 October 1982 was influenced both by the intent to preserve the developed and tested solutions, and by the discussion that preceded its introduction when optional conceptions of the treatment of juveniles were submitted. The following stages of the thirty-two years’ period of legislative works can be distinguished: – the years 1950–1956; long works on a new penal code were in progress and attempts were made at aggravating the responsibility of juveniles through the introduction of penalties (according to a draft of 1950, penalties were to be imposed on juveniles starting from the age of 12); – the years 1956–1960; in 1956, it was decided to work on a separate statute on juvenil and not within the preparation of a new penal code; a special team of the Codification Commission failed to agree upon a draft of the statute; – the years 1961–65;  no legislative works were formally in progres but two different conceptions were discussed: of inclusion of prevention in the act (which would thus apply to the socially maladjusted juveniles as well) and of introduction of social courts; – the years 1966–1971; attempts were made at partly realizing those conceptions in a succession of draft statutes; – the years 1972–76; the works were conducted by the Ministry of Education which tried to include the problems of prevention of juvenile delinquency and treatment of juveniles in a broader statute called the young generation code; – the years 1977–82 when the works on a statute were again taken over by the Ministry of Justice and a succession of versions of the draft were prepared. The Act of 26 October 1982 on the treatment of juveniles changed the scope of the notion of “juvenile”. According to the statutory definition, juveniles are: 1) persons with respect to whom provisions of  the act apply in the sphere of prevention and control of demoralization; the upper age limit in this category is 18 years, and the lower limit is not specified; 2) persons with respect to whom provisions of the statute apply in the sphere of proceedings in cases of punishable acts; such proceedings can be instituted towards persons who have been aged over 13 but under 17 while committing a punishable act; 3) persons with respect to whom provisions of the statute apply in connection with the carrying out of educational or corrective measures; the upper age limit of this category is 21 years. Tlerefore, the statute goes beyond the sphere traditionally reserved for penal law. The aim at making the statute educational in nature is manifested above all by the principle that the commission by a juvenile of a punishable act is not the only condition of the institution of proceedings in the case of that juvenile. The statute sanctions the need for intervention in the early stage of social maladjustment not only in cases where that maladjustment manifests itself in a punishable act. If a juvenile does commit an act of this  kind, his offence is not examined in the categories of guilt and responsibility. This is manifested by the abolition of the criteria of discernment, by the term “punishable act” used to designate an  offence committed by a juvenile, and by the absence of the term “responsibility of juveniles” in the name and provisions of the statute discussed. The statute bases on the assumption of education; its basic notion is demoralization. In its first meaning in which it has been used by the legislator, “demoralization'” is treated as a prerequisite of initiation of proceedings. Were the educational assumptions adopted to the full, commission of a punishable act could and should be treated as one of the symptoms of demoralization, not different in any way from the other symptoms. Assumed in the statute, however, is a special treatment of the juveniles with respecr to whom provisions of the statute apply in the sphere of prevention of demoralization, and in the sphere of control of demoralization. With respect to the latter, provisions of  the statute on  proceedings in cases of punishable acts apply, and with respect to the former – provisions on civil proceedings. The differentiation introduced by the statute (which is not consistent for that matter) results from a specific compromise: a combination of the ideas of prevention and  education with the approach typical of penal law where the legal response is conditioned upon the gravity of the act.  A conflict of the tendencies which clash nowadays all over the world – to preserve the model of treatment of juveniles within the institutions of penal law on the one hand, and to give the statute an educational character on the other  hand – can be noticed in other provisions of the statute discussed as well. In the classical system, the age limits of juveniles were clear and had just as clearly defined functions – they marked out the age of the so-called conditional criminal responsibility, provided discernment could be ascertained. Today, the upper limit of the age of juveniles is usually also the limit of full criminal responsibility, although many legislations provide for an exceptional possibility of imposition of penalties upon the oldest juveniles who commit a crime or a serious offence. The problem of the lower limit is more entangled , the modern legislations adopting several age limits here which results usually from the need to determine different scopes of intervention of the legal provisions in the sphere of juvenile law. Therefore, what still remains an important issue  is for the juvenile law to define an age limit below which provisions of penal law never apply, not even as auxiliaries.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1993, XIX; 191-231
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Janik, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój w Warszawie
kodeks karny
przestępstwa przeciwko mieniu
zabór rzeczy
penal code
crimes against property
W artykule omówiono treść i zakres pojęcia włamania. Artykuł został wzbogacony, omówieniem przestępstwa włamania na przykładzie wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej.
The article discusses the content and scope of the concept of burglary. The article has been enriched, discussing burglary on the example of selected EU countries
International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS); 2017, 1(1); 51-77
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS)
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwa uprowadzenia lub zatrzymania małoletniego lub osoby nieporadnej (art. 188 K.K.)
Abductons or Detention of Minor or a Helpless Person (Art. 188 of the Polish Penal Code)
Kołakowska-Przełomiec, Helena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
osoba nieporadna
kodeks karny
detention of minor
helpless person
penal code
The present article contains a detailed description and results of analysis of cases of abduction and detention sentenced in Poland in 1979. The total of these cases was 9.       Abduction or detention, specified in Art. 188 of the Polish Penal Code, belongs to the group of offences against the family.      Art. 188 of the Penal Code provides, that "whoever contrary to the will of the person appointed to take care or to supervise, abducts or detains a minor or a person who is helpless by reason of this mental or physical condition, shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for from 6 months to 5 years”.        Theoretical studies and commentaries to the Penal Code stress the fact that the subject of legal protection in Art. 188 of the Penal Code is the institution of care and supervision. Art. 188 is turned against lawless one-sided alterations in the relation, directly determined or adjudicated by court, of care or supervision of a person specified in this Article. It is also indicated that this Article aims at protecting the child from the lawlessness of this quarrelling parents or other persons. It is also characteristic that the commentaries stress the fact that the motives from which the perpetrator acted are unessential as regards the existence of an offence specified in Art. 188.      A small number of persons sentenced for abduction or detention does not mean that offences of this kind are of little social significance. The real extent of this phenomenon is much greater than indicated by the small number of sentenced persons. As the common knowledge shows, the cases of lawless taking away of the children by quarrelling parents or relatives are frequent. Thus it could have been expected that the cases of abduction or detention which had been investigated by court as offences might be particularly drastic of nature. Yet the analysis of all cases failed to confirm this supposition. Among the 9 cases, there were 4 cases of "abdcution" and 5 cases of "detention'' of minors. None of the cases concerned a helpless person. In as few as 2 cases the minors were strangers unrelated to the perpetrator. In four cases, the minors were sons of the perpetrators, in one  case the minor was the perpetrator's  daughter, in one case – granddaughter;  also in one case, the minor was the perpetrator’s cousion. Among the perpetrators of „abduction" or  „detention” there were six men and three women.       The analysis of all criminal cases specified in Art. 188 reveals two sides of this type of offence: a) the aspect of family, care, and education, b) the criminal aspect.  However, these two sides are not closely connected with one another.       The cases of "abduction and detention" as represented in the paper reveal the background on which it comes to various forms of behaviour of parents towards children and towards each other. In the majority of cases,  an intervention of guardianship authorities in the life of parents and children has already taken place and various provisions have been made. However, they failed to eliminate the existing conflicts, what is more,  they increased them. The further execution of these decisions lacks additional supervision which would ensure a free contact with the child for the parent with whom the child does, not reside permanently, and, on the other hand, which would limit the lawlessness of mothers who do not allow the fathers to contact the children they care for. Therefore, in the examined cases we  deal with "abduction'' or "detention'' of a child by his father who is faced with difficulties on the mother's  part when he wants to see his child. The analysed cases are not drastic in character as regards  the conduct of perpetrators and the circumstances of their offence. On the other hand,  they are generally most drastic as regards legal proceedings  in such cases  and sentences. The examined fathers, mother, grandmother, and cousin are treated as offenders: persecuted, charged, tried, and sentenced for acts which, even if they disturbed the institution of care, could be treated as family and care cases. Generally it seems that the criminal character of the analysed cases is independent and separate, so to say, from the entire aspect of family, care, and education of these cases. It may be assumed that this situation is to a certain degree conditioned by the dogmatic and formalistic approach in the proceedings and sentencing in these  cases, which is  based on the formulation found in commentaries, that the perpetrator’s  motives are unrelevant to the existence of the offence, and that the subject of legal protection in Art. 188 is the institution of care and supervision, not the interest of the abducted person.       In the final part of the present paper it is stressed that while protecting the institution of care, one should still take into consideration first of all the interest of the child for whom this institution is to function. It is also in the child's interest that his parents and close relations do not become criminals because of him. The cases of „abduction and detention of a minor” should be examined as cases of family and care, penal law proceedings instituted only in cases of actual abduction of a minor, first of all that committed by strangers.
      The present article contains a detailed description and results of analysis of cases of abduction and detention sentenced in Poland in 1979. The total of these cases was 9.       Abduction or detention, specified in Art. 188 of the Polish Penal Code, belongs to the group of offences against the family.      Art. 188 of the Penal Code provides, that "whoever contrary to the will of the person appointed to take care or to supervise, abducts or detains a minor or a person who is helpless by reason of this mental or physical condition, shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for from 6 months to 5 years”.        Theoretical studies and commentaries to the Penal Code stress the fact that the subject of legal protection in Art. 188 of the Penal Code is the institution of care and supervision. Art. 188 is turned against lawless one-sided alterations in the relation, directly determined or adjudicated by court, of care or supervision of a person specified in this Article. It is also indicated that this Article aims at protecting the child from the lawlessness of this quarrelling parents or other persons. It is also characteristic that the commentaries stress the fact that the motives from which the perpetrator acted are unessential as regards the existence of an offence specified in Art. 188.      A small number of persons sentenced for abduction or detention does not mean that offences of this kind are of little social significance. The real extent of this phenomenon is much greater than indicated by the small number of sentenced persons. As the common knowledge shows, the cases of lawless taking away of the children by quarrelling parents or relatives are frequent. Thus it could have been expected that the cases of abduction or detention which had been investigated by court as offences might be particularly drastic of nature. Yet the analysis of all cases failed to confirm this supposition. Among the 9 cases, there were 4 cases of "abdcution" and 5 cases of "detention'' of minors. None of the cases concerned a helpless person. In as few as 2 cases the minors were strangers unrelated to the perpetrator. In four cases, the minors were sons of the perpetrators, in one  case the minor was the perpetrator's  daughter, in one case – granddaughter;  also in one case, the minor was the perpetrator’s cousion. Among the perpetrators of „abduction" or  „detention” there were six men and three women.       The analysis of all criminal cases specified in Art. 188 reveals two sides of this type of offence: a) the aspect of family, care, and education, b) the criminal aspect.  However, these two sides are not closely connected with one another.       The cases of "abduction and detention" as represented in the paper reveal the background on which it comes to various forms of behaviour of parents towards children and towards each other. In the majority of cases,  an intervention of guardianship authorities in the life of parents and children has already taken place and various provisions have been made. However, they failed to eliminate the existing conflicts, what is more,  they increased them. The further execution of these decisions lacks additional supervision which would ensure a free contact with the child for the parent with whom the child does, not reside permanently, and, on the other hand, which would limit the lawlessness of mothers who do not allow the fathers to contact the children they care for. Therefore, in the examined cases we  deal with "abduction'' or "detention'' of a child by his father who is faced with difficulties on the mother's  part when he wants to see his child. The analysed cases are not drastic in character as regards  the conduct of perpetrators and the circumstances of their offence. On the other hand,  they are generally most drastic as regards legal proceedings  in such cases  and sentences. The examined fathers, mother, grandmother, and cousin are treated as offenders: persecuted, charged, tried, and sentenced for acts which, even if they disturbed the institution of care, could be treated as family and care cases. Generally it seems that the criminal character of the analysed cases is independent and separate, so to say, from the entire aspect of family, care, and education of these cases. It may be assumed that this situation is to a certain degree conditioned by the dogmatic and formalistic approach in the proceedings and sentencing in these  cases, which is  based on the formulation found in commentaries, that the perpetrator’s  motives are unrelevant to the existence of the offence, and that the subject of legal protection in Art. 188 is the institution of care and supervision, not the interest of the abducted person.       In the final part of the present paper it is stressed that while protecting the institution of care, one should still take into consideration first of all the interest of the child for whom this institution is to function. It is also in the child's interest that his parents and close relations do not become criminals because of him. The cases of „abduction and detention of a minor” should be examined as cases of family and care, penal law proceedings instituted only in cases of actual abduction of a minor, first of all that committed by strangers.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1984, XI; 227-244
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Payment cards as the target of criminals’ activities in the area of credit fraud
Karty płatnicze jako cel działań przestępczych w obszarze oszustw kredytowych
Gutbier, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Mazowiecka Uczelnia Publiczna w Płocku
karty płatnicze
obrót gospodarczy
przestępstwa gospodarcze
oszustwo kredytowe
kodeks karny
payment cards
economic turnover
economic crimes
credit fraud
penal code
Celem publikacji jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy sprawcy przestępstw gospodarczych dotyczących kart płatniczych odpowiadać mogą także jako oszuści kredytowi, tj. na podstawie art. 297 § 1 lub § 2 k.k. Omówione zostały karty płatnicze, ich rodzaje kart, dane statystyczne dotyczące wydawania kart i realizowanych transakcji płatniczych. Następnie przedstawiono charakterystykę teoretyczną przestępstwa oszustwa kredytowego godzącego w obrót gospodarczy oraz problemy na jakie trafiają organy ścigania. Na końcu przedstawiono argumenty potwierdzające tezę.
The aim of the publication is an attempt to answer the question whether the perpetrators of economic crimes related to payment cards may also be liable as credit fraudsters, i.e. based on art. 297 § 1 or § 2 of Polish Penal Code Payment cards, card types, statistical data on issuing cards and payment transactions have been discussed. Next, the theoretical description of the crime of credit fraud affecting the economic turnover and problems encountered by law enforcement agencies were presented. Finally, the arguments to confirm the thesis were presented.
Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego; 2019, 11; 35-49
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona tajemnicy państwowej w Federacji Rosyjskiej. Wybrane regulacje karne i administracyjne
The protection of State Secrets in the Russian Federation. Selected penal and administrative regulations
Wądołowski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
służba specjalna
kodeks karny
informacje niejawne
poświadczenie bezpieczeństwa
secret service
penal code
classified information
background investigation
security clearance
W związku z brakiem piśmiennictwa poświęconego prawodawstwu, które dotyczyłoby ochrony informacji niejawnych w Federacji Rosyjskiej (dalej: FR), należy uznać za niezbędne chociażby ogólne omówienie systemu ochrony tajemnic państwowych w Rosji. Przedstawienie instytucji prawnych naszego wschodniego sąsiada jest też pretekstem do próby przeprowadzenia analizy porównawczej rozwoju systemu ochrony tajemnic publicznoprawnych w  Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej (dalej: RP). Należy nadmienić, że w Polsce odrodzonej w 1918 r. kodeks karny był początkowo tożsamy z kodeksem rosyjskim, co było spowodowane przyjęciem tzw. kodeksu Nikołaja Tagancewa z 1903 r. Po II wojnie światowej kilkudziesięcioletnie pozostawanie Polski w  strefie wpływów politycznych Związku Radzieckiego przyczyniło się do unifikacji formalnie odrębnych systemów prawnych. Dotyczyło to szczególnie sfery tajemnicy odnoszącej się do potencjalnych działań militarnych w  ramach ówczesnego Układu Warszawskiego oraz podtrzymywania socjalistycznego ustroju państwa. Zmiany polityczne w RP po 1990 r. były podstawą ewoluowania systemu prawnego w kierunku demokratycznego państwa prawa, czego wyrazem było przyjęcie Konstytucji RP w 1997 r.1 Wstąpienie Polski do NATO (1999 r.) i do Unii Europejskiej (2004 r.) determinowało dostosowanie systemu ochrony informacji niejawnych do standardów obowiązujących w  państwach członkowskich tych organizacji, z  jednoczesnym uwzględnieniem konstytucyjnego prawa obywateli do informacji publicznej. Tak określona tematyka badawcza implikuje hipotezę, że aktualne systemy ochrony tajemnicy państwowej w  Rosji oraz informacji niejawnych w Polsce wykazują istotne różnice.
The article discusses the administrative regulations regarding the disclosure of secret and top-secret information in the Russian Federation. Moreover, it presents the effective penal code provisions directed against the disclosure of state secrets in Russia and the interpretation of these provisions. The author does not limit himself only to Russian constitutional, administrative and criminal regulations but gives examples of Polish corresponding laws. Additionally, in connection with the fact that criminal law provisions often contain non-specific references to other legislation, the article presents administrative acts of the protection system of public secrets. On the basis of the formulated conclusions, it was recognised that the Polish legislation lacks an individual provision penalising the fact of obtaining secret or top-secret information as a result of committing a separate unlawful act. It can be the basis to formulate postulates de lege ferenda. It should be noted that the article does not exhaust the topic, but only indicates selected issues of the protection system of state secrets in Russia. Initiated study can be used to carry out in-depth comparative research on this topic in the future.
Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego; 2021, 13, 24; 63-90
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona informacji niejawnych w USA. Wybrane regulacje karne i administracyjne
Protection of classified information in the USA. Selected penal and administrative regulations
Wądołowski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
kodeks karny
ujawnienie tajemnicy
informacje niejawne
poświadczenie bezpieczeństwa
postępowanie sprawdzające
penal code
classified information
verifying screening
security clearance
security background investigation
W artykule omówiono regulacje administracyjne związane z organizacją systemu ochrony informacji niejawnych, a także przedstawiono przepisy karne dotyczące ujawniania informacji niejawnych obowiązujące w USA wraz z ich interpretacją. Omówiono również przepisy administracyjne regulujące procedurę realizacji postępowań sprawdzających wobec urzędników administracji publicznej w celu wydania poświadczenia bezpieczeństwa umożliwiającego dostęp do informacji niejawnych. Ponadto wskazano przesłanki klasyfikacji informacji i obejmowania ich ochroną adekwatnej klauzuli niejawności. Na podstawie analizy przepisów USA między innymi sformułowano wniosek, że polskie ustawodawstwo nie obejmuje kontratypu, który uwalniałby od odpowiedzialności karnej depozytariuszy tajemnic przekazujących informacje niejawne (bez uzyskiwania zgody określonych prawem organów) w celu ścigania sprawców przestępstw. Powyższe może być podstawą legislacyjnego postulatu de lege ferenda, przy uwzględnieniu adekwatnych regulacji prawnych USA. Należy zaznaczyć, że artykuł nie wyczerpuje poruszanego tematu, a jedynie wskazuje wybrane zagadnienia ochrony informacji niejawnych USA. Może to zostać wykorzystane do przeprowadzenia w przyszłości pogłębionych badań komparatystycznych dotyczących przedmiotowego zagadnienia.
The article discusses the administrative regulations regarding the classified information protection system in the USA. Moreover, it presents the effective penal code provisions directed against the disclosure of classified information in the USA and their interpretations. What is more, the paper presents the administrative provisions regulating the procedure for carrying out security background investigation of public administration officials in order to issue a security clearance which grants them access to classified information. Further, the reasons for the classification of information and its protection with an adequate classification clause are explained. On the basis of the analysis of US regulations, a conclusion is drawn that Polish legislation does not include a justification for depositaries of secrets who disclose classified information (without obtaining the affirmation from the authorities specified by law) to prosecute the perpetrators of crimes. This could be the basis to formulate postulates de lege ferenda. It should be noted that the article does not exhaust the topic, but only indicates selected issues of the protection system of classified information in the USA. Initiated study can be used to carry out in-depth comparative research in this field in the future.
Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego; 2021, 13, 25; 146-182
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kradzież tożsamości w sieci w ujęciu normatywno-opisowym
Internet based Identity Theft in terms of normative-descriptive approach
Gorazdowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim
Kodeks karny
dane osobowe
dobra osobiste
tożsamość człowieka
czyn zabroniony
odpowiedzialność karna
penal code
theft, personal
human identity
criminal liability
Identity Theft covers most of unlawful, instrumental misappropriation or use the identity of a living, dead or fictitious people in order to gain financial or personal or violation of other goods protected by law. Criminal liability for identity theft speak important arguments as the right to privacy, family, home and correspondence, safety and security of legal transactions, the preventive nature of threats. Defining identity theft based on the traditional model of deception proved to be of little use, hence the applicable regulations introduced a new regulation of the offense under article 190 a paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code. In Polish law, identity theft is treated as a separate offense. The legislator foresaw the punishment to three years' imprisonment for the perpetrator who pretending to be another person, uses her image or her other personal information in order to inflict its damage to property or personal. On each of the users responsibility to protect the identity on the network, and it depends on us whether we can meet all threats. Reality will show whether the current phenomenon of criminalization of identity theft in the criminal law is sufficient, or whether further changes are needed.
Studia Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa; 2017, 2; 89-102
Pojawia się w:
Studia Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwa korupcyjne a legalna korupcja – aspekty ekonomiczne i prawne
Corruption-involving criminal acts and legal corruption – economic and legal aspects
Walczak, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
przestępstwa korupcyjne
legalna korupcja
nienależne korzyści
system władzy
wartości konstytucyjne
Sąd Najwyższy
kodeks karny
sprawiedliwość społeczna
corruption crimes
legal corruption
undue benefits
system of power
constitutional values
supreme court
penal code
social justice
W artykule przedstawiono rozważania i analizy dotyczące uwarunkowań i przesłanek mających znaczenie dla procesów identyfikacji oraz oceny wybranych decyzji i wzorców postępowania, które umożliwiają dokonanie podziału na czyny karalne i legalne praktyki korupcyjne. Na wstępie poddano analizie rozumienie pojęcia k o r u p cja na gruncie ustawy o CBA i zwrócono szczególną uwagę na istotne zwroty oraz sformułowania opisujące określone czyny. W dalszej części pracy zostały wyszczególnione i omówione charakterystyczne cechy korupcji. W tym miejscu podkreślono znaczenie tego zjawiska dla systemu władzy i funkcjonowania tzw. układów zamkniętych. Następnie podjęto próbę wskazania przesłanek podziału na karalne i legalne formy praktyk korupcyjnych, z uwzględnieniem decyzji w sprawach kadrowych i gospodarczych odnośnie do przepisów kodeksu karnego, a ponadto z punktu widzenia możliwości dowodowego wykorzystania materiałów pochodzących z kontroli operacyjnej. W podsumowaniu zaakcentowano, że ostateczne i wiążące rozstrzygnięcia w zakresie oceny określonych działań jako karalne bądź legalne formy korupcji należą do władzy sądowniczej.
The article presents considerations and analyzes on the subject of conditions and prerequisites relevant to the identification processes, as well as the assessment of selected decisions, behavior patterns that enable dividing into criminal and legal corrupt practices. At the beginning, the concept of corruption under the Act on theCentral Anticorruption Bureau was analyzed, paying special attention to important phrases and formulations describing specific acts. In the further part of the work, the characteristic features of corruption were presented and discussed. At this point was emphasized the importance of corruption for the system of power and the functioning so-called closed systems. Then was made an attempt to indicate the premises for the division into punishable and legal forms of corrupt practices, taking into account personnel decisions and regarding economic matters in reference to articles of the penal code, and also from the point of view the possibility of using materials from operational control. The summary stresses the fact that final and binding decisions as concerns the assessment of certain actions as illegal or legal forms of corruption belong to the judiciary (court power).
Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego; 2019, 11, 21; 44-81
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Corruption-involving criminal acts and legal corruption – economic and legal aspects
Przestępstwa korupcyjne a legalna korupcja – aspekty ekonomiczne i prawne
Walczak, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
corruption crimes
legal corruption
undue benefits
system of power
constitutional values
supreme court
penal code
social justice
przestępstwa korupcyjne
legalna korupcja
nienależne korzyści
system władzy
wartości konstytucyjne
Sąd Najwyższy
kodeks karny
sprawiedliwość społeczna
The article presents considerations and analyzes on the subject of conditions and prerequisites relevant to the identification processes, as well as the assessment of selected decisions, behavior patterns that enable dividing into criminal and legal corrupt practices. At the beginning, the concept of corruption under the Act on the Central Anticorruption Bureau was analyzed, paying special attention to important phrases and formulations describing specific acts. In the further part of the work, the characteristic features of corruption were presented and discussed. At this point was emphasized the importance of corruption for the system of power and the functioning so-called closed systems. Then was made an attempt to indicate the premises for the division into punishable and legal forms of corrupt practices, taking into account personnel decisions and regarding economic matters in reference to articles of the penal code, and also from the point of view the possibility of using materials from operational control. The summary stresses the fact that final and binding decisions as concerns the assessment of certain actions as illegal or legal forms of corruption belong to the judiciary (court power).
W artykule przedstawiono rozważania i analizy dotyczące uwarunkowań i przesłanek mających znaczenie dla procesów identyfikacji oraz oceny wybranych decyzji i wzorców postępowania, które umożliwiają dokonanie podziału na czyny karalne i legalne praktyki korupcyjne. Na wstępie poddano analizie rozumienie pojęcia k o r u p c j a na gruncie ustawy o CBA i zwrócono szczególną uwagę na istotne zwroty oraz sformułowania opisujące określone czyny. W dalszej części pracy zostały wyszczególnione i omówione charakterystyczne cechy korupcji. W tym miejscu podkreślono znaczenie tego zjawiska dla systemu władzy i funkcjonowania tzw. układów zamkniętych. Następnie podjęto próbę wskazania przesłanek podziału na karalne i legalne formy praktyk korupcyjnych, z uwzględnieniem decyzji w sprawach kadrowych i gospodarczych odnośnie do przepisów kodeksu karnego, a ponadto z punktu widzenia możliwości dowodowego wykorzystania materiałów pochodzących z kontroli operacyjnej. W podsumowaniu zaakcentowano, że ostateczne i wiążące rozstrzygnięcia w zakresie oceny określonych działań jako karalne bądź legalne formy korupcji należą do władzy sądowniczej.
Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego; 2019, 11, 21; 334-362
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Merytoryczne przesłanki orzekania kar i innych środków wobec wielokrotnych recydywistów
Penalties and other measures applied towards multiple recidivists
Janiszewski, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
wielokrotny recydywista
kodeks karny
środki karne
polityka karna
wymiar kary
kara pozbawienia wolności
badania empiryczne
statystyki sądowe
multiple recidivists
penal code
penal measures
criminal policy
case law
empirical research
court statistics
The aims of the present study have been: 1) to ascertain the actual conditions of the courts' decisions applying penalties and other measures towards multiple recidivists; 2) to determine the present penal policy towards this category of convicted persons; 3) to compare this policy with the assumptions included in the Penal Code in force. Punishment imposed upon multiple recidivists is regulated by the provisions of Art. 60, para. 2 and 3 Art. 61 of the Penal Code. Their formulation is as follows: on a perpetrator sentenced twice in the conditions specified in para. 1 (special basic recidivism), who has served altogether at leat one year of deprivation of liberty and in the period of 5 years after the serving of the last penalty commits again an intentional offence with the purpose of obtaining a material benefit or of a hooligan character, similar to at least one of the previously committed offencęs, the court shall impose a penalty within the limits of from three times the lowest sanction, but not less than 2 years, up to the highest statutory sanction increased by one half, and if the highest statutory sanction is not higher than 3 years: up to 5 years deprivation of liberty. The increase of the lowest statutory sanction provided in para. 1 or 2 shall not apply, when the offence is a serious offence; in this case the court shall consider the commission of the offence in the conditions specified in para 1 or 2 as a circumstance increasing the penalty. In particularly justified cases when even the lowest penalty imposed on the basis of Art. 60. paras 1 or 2 would be incommeasurably Severe by reason of the motives for the action of the perpetrator, his traits and personal conditions as well as his way of life before the commission and his behaviour after the perpetration of the offence, the court when imposing the penalty may refrain from applying the rules specified in Art. 60. paras 1 or 2; in these cases the court shall take into consideration the commission of the offence in the conditions specified in Art. 60, para 1or 2 as circumstances influencing increasing the penalty. With regard to a perpetrator sentenced in the conditions specified in Art. 60, para. 2 he court shall adjudge protective supervision; if adjudging this supervision is not sufficient to prevent recidivism, the court shall adjudge .the commitment of the sentenced person to a social readaptation centre. (Art. 62, para. 2). The present work has been based on the author's own research and to a minimum extent only on the analysis of the national statistical data. The point of departure for the study of the actual conditions of the courts decisions were the conditions specified in the Penal Code now in force. The conditions specified in Art. 61 of the Penal Code and related to the offender only have been assumed to form the ratio legis of special recidivism in the Polish penal legislation. If, however, when aplying this provision, the courts prefer the conditions related to the most recent act of the offender, this mignt be an indication of their different attitude towards the aim of punishment in the case of the discussed category of offenders. The existence of such divergences between the conditions of application of Art 61 of the Penal Code as included in the law on the one hand, and those applied by the courts on the other hand  has been one of the hypotheses verified in the present study.  The study has been based on the examination of court records. All the accessible records of criminal cases (230) have been included in it, in which Sentences were passed with regard to multiple recidivists (under Art 60. para. 2  and Art. 61 in connection with Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code) in the District Court of the city of Poznań in the years 1975-1981. The question arised whether this could be treated as an equivalent to a random sample of the national population of convicted multiple recidivists. As shown by a comparison of distributions in question are highly convergent. A questionnaire to investigate the ourt records consisted of 41 questions concerning the convicted recidivist, his previous offences and criminal record, his last offence and the content of the last sentence. The impact of a number of variables on the application of Art. 61 of the Penal Code, on the length  of the prison sentence and on the decision of commitment to a social readaptation centre has been analysed in succession. Conclusions from the study are as follows: 1. In the application of Art.61 of the Penal Code ,the predominating part is played by the conditions connected with the degree of socil danger of the act and with its legal label. The conditions connected with the person of the perpetrator seem to have a much smaller effect. The reason of this state of affairs may be seeked in the fact that the court is obligated by Art. 60, para.2 of the Penal Code to impose long-term penalties of deprivation or liberty regardless of the degree of social danger (seriousness) of the offence which may be trivial in particular cases. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at that in these cases the courts apply Art. 61 of the Penal Code so as to impose a lower or more lenient penalty in order to make it commeasurable with the offence. The following conditions have been found to exert the greatest influence on the length of sentences to deprivation of liberty under Art. 60, para. 2: firstly, the legal appraisal of the offence and the related content of the instructions for meting out punishment specified in Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code, and secondly, the degree of social danger of the offence. The character of the offence and the appraisal of its social danger influence the sentence too, including the type of penalty, when Art. 61 of the Penal Code is applied by the court. This is probably a further result of following the same conditions already when deciding on the application of Art. 61 of the Penal Code. When adjudging the commitment of convicted persons to a social readaptation centre, the courst were guided by the conditions connected with intense symptoms of demoralization of these persons and with a previous application of various penal measures towards them; thus the conditions were formally the same as those to be found in the Penal Code. At the same time, conditions connected with the recently committed offence were left out of account here. One should be particularly careful when interpreting the findings in this case aS the decisions in question may be conditioned by the courts' various attitudes towards the practical functioning of the centers, and by different purposes of their adjudgement in definite cases. The length of the perod for which commitment to a social readaptation centre was adjudged has appeared to increase with the length of the sentence to deprivation of libety. Admittedly, outright conclusions as to the need for amendments of the provisions of the Penal Code in its part concerning recidivists do not follow immediately from the findings of the present study. These findings have. however, demonstrated the degree to which the instructions for meting out, punishment specified in Art. 60, para. 2 of the Penal Code sever the relation between the offence and punishment, as  well as the fact that the corrective function of punishment imposed upon multiple recidivists - officially assumed by the legislator-has a fictious character in practice. In consequence, Art. 61 of the Penal Code is used in discord with its purpose; it is applied to adjust the adjudicated punishment to the seriousness of the offence committed.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1986, XIII; 109-139
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 15

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