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Organs as an exemplification of the material heritage of Montenegrin culture Part. 2: St. Nicholas’ Church and the Church of Our Lady of the Rock in Perast
Poźniak, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Diecezjalny Instytut Muzyki Kościelnej. Katedra Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Italian tradition
Balkan tradition
organ building
This article is a second part of the series of texts on organs in Montenegro, in which the organs from St Nicholas’ Church and the Church of Our Lady of the Rock in Perast will be described. The description of these instruments will include their basic presentation in the context of the organ building trends in this part of Europe. Organs as a special musical instrument are an important example of the material heritage of musical culture. Montenegro, being a predominantly Orthodox country in which instrumental and vocal-instrumental music is not performed, cannot claim a large number of organs. However, their significant proportion includes historically noteworthy instruments.
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music; 2022, 5; 54-61
Pojawia się w:
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Organs as an exemplification of Montenegro's material cultural heritage Part 1: St. Tryphon's Cathedral in Kotor – Our Lady Help of Christians' Church in Muo
Poźniak, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Diecezjalny Instytut Muzyki Kościelnej. Katedra Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Italian tradition
Balkan tradition
organ building
Montenegro became a union republic of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (1945–1992) after the Second World War and the political changes and wars in the Balkans at the turn of the 20th and 21st century. Montenegro proclaimed its independence on 3rd June 2006. As an independent state, this former republic of socialist Yugoslavia takes action to gather and scientifically describe its remarkable cultural heritage. In 2019 Cetinje Academy of Music, which is part of the University of Montenegro, decided to carry out a scientific project aimed at depicting this entire cultural heritage. Folk culture and Orthodoxy are the dominant features of this whole opus, thus it is not surprising that cultural products are mostly associated with these two cultural factors. Catholics constitute a group of about 3.5%, which amounts to a relatively small number of believers. Though they are a small community, they also left their mark on culture. One of the important factors in the Catholic worship is the pipe organ. The article is the first part of a series of texts dedicated to the organ in Montenegro, in which the organ from St. Tryphon's Cathedral in Kotor and from the parish church of Our Lady Help of Christians in Muo is described. The presentation of these instruments comprises their history and description as well as contemporary and archival photographs. The contemporary instrument in St. Tryphon’s Cathedral in Kotor is a small contemporary instrument which comes from the German organmaster’s factory Fischer + Krämer. The factory was founded in Schlatt, near Bad Krozingen, in 1970. The firm builds its instruments with mechanical key actions in wood and their pipe measurements are based on the Baden-Alsace tradition of Stieffell and also on the pattern of Andreas and Johann Andreas Silbermann. However, the history of the organ in Kotor Cathedral is relatively well documented and has been depicted by musicologists from the former Yugoslavia. The organ preserved in the church of Our Lady Help of Christians in Muo is, in its construction, an instrument belonging to the Dalmatian-Italian tradition of the organ building, which derived from Domenico Moscatelli’s factory. It was built in 1784 in Zadar and brought to Muo in 1880. The organ is a mechanical instrument containing Italian sound concept and stop naming. Its current condition is disastrous. The organ requires special care due to the fact that it reflect a substantial document of European organ building’s trends. Respect for music in its material (an instrument with a beautiful organ front) and spiritual (beauty of sounds) dimensions is required. Therefore, Boka Kotorska is not only a charming, mountainous and seaside resort, but also a place with a vital role in the contemporary account of the material heritage of Montenegrin culture.
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music; 2020, 3; 93-113
Pojawia się w:
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ponadkonfesyjny model działalności śląskich organmistrzów w XIX i w początkach XX wieku na przykładzie działalności Moritza Roberta Müllera oraz Carla Volkmanna i Ernsta Kurzera
A Supradenominational Model of Activity of Silesian Organ Builders in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries on the Example of the Activities of Moritz Robert Müller, Carl Volkmann and Ernst Kurzer
Koenig, Franciszek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
budownictwo organowe
organ builders
organ building
Śląsk od czasów reformacji w XVI w. był i pozostał terenem współistnienia wielu wyznań chrześcijańskich. W przeszłości różnice te rodziły różnego rodzaju napięcia, a nawet konflikty. Jednak w wielu wymiarach życia społecznego, gospodarczego, a także kulturowego, istniała „praktyczna ekumenia”. Jej istotą był fakt ponadkonfesyjnego działania, a więc współpraca bez względu na wyznanie. Tak było na polu budownictwa organowego, które w tradycji Dolnego i Górnego Śląska stanowi niezwykłe bogactwo kulturowe. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje przykłady takiego sposobu działania z okresu XIX i początku XX w. Spośród dolnośląskich organmistrzów został przykładowo wybrany wrocławski budowniczy Moritz Robert Müller, a spośród grona górnośląskich organmistrzów jako przykłady posłużyli dwaj współpracujący ze sobą gliwiccy organmistrzowie: Carl Volkmann oraz Ernst Kurzer. Wszyscy oni budowali organy zarówno w kościołach katolickich, jak i ewangelickich. Zastosowany przez nich model pracy pokazuje, że w ówczesnym środowisku, bardzo wyczulonym na sprawy muzyczne, nie liczyła się kwestia wyznania budowniczego, a jedynie jego kompetencje.
Since the Reformation in the 16th century, Silesia became and remained a place of coexistence of many Christian denominations. In the past, differences between particular denominations generated all sorts of tensions and even conflicts. However, in many dimensions of social, economic and cultural life, there was “practical ecumenism.” Its essence was the fact of supradenominational actions being the moment of cooperation regardless of one’s faith. That, among others, happened in the field of organ construction which contributes to an extraordinary cultural richness of the tradition of Lower and Upper Silesia. This article presents examples of this mode of operation from the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. For example, a Wrocław’s builder Moritz Robert Müller was chosen from among Lower Silesian organ makers, and from the group of Upper Silesian organ makers, two cooperating builders from Gliwice served as examples: Carl Volkmann and Ernst Kurzer. They all built organs in both Catholic and Evangelical churches. The work model they used shows that in the then environment, very sensitive to music, it was not the organ builder’s religion that mattered, but only his competence.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2019, 67, 12; 131-139
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szczegóły konstrukcyjne organów Paula Voelknera na przykładzie unikalnego katalogu firmowego z 1900 roku
Structural details of Paul Voelkner’s organs as exemplified by the unique company catalogue from the year 1900
Prasał, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Diecezjalny Instytut Muzyki Kościelnej. Katedra Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
budownictwo organowe
katalog firmowy
Paul Voelkner
organ building
company catalogue
Within the extensive collection of the State Archives in Wrocław particular attention should be drawn to the files of the Silesian Evangelical Consistory in Wrocław from the period between 1614 and 1945. This is without a doubt the largest collection of documents for the exploration of Protestantism in Silesia. In the collection which comprises more than 26,000 archived items, there are three folders dedicated to the construction and renovation of organs. After an initial, rough review of those files, the researcher’s attention is drawn to the well-preserved advertising brochure published by the Voelkner company from Duninów under the title Katalog der Kirchenorgel-Bauanstalt mit Dampfbetrieb von P.B. Voelkner, Dünnow, Kr. Stolp i. Pomm. The Voelkner company was founded in 1859 in Duninów (Dünnow) by Christian Friedrich Voelkner (1831–1905). In 1900 the company which employed 20 workers by then, was taken over by Christian Friedrich’s son, Paul. In 1906 the company’s headquarters were transferred to Bydgoszcz. The reason for this transfer was a fire that had destroyed most of the former factory buildings. The years of crisis after the first world war led to a sharp economic downturn that strongly affected the Bydgoszcz based company which in the period of heyday had employed as many as about 50 people. As a result, but also due to the fact that Bydgoszcz became a part of Poland, the company ceased its activities and was sold in favour of a big carpenter’s shop in 1920. It is estimated that the Voelkners built or rebuilt approximately 300 instruments. This activity usually concerned smaller instruments. Furthermore they specialised in the production of stylish organ prospects. The brochure described in this article is a valuable source for the history of the company. It offers a variety of information on such points as the organisation of production, the characteristics of instruments, the materials used for their construction, the details concerning the construction of the organ mechanics, the suggested conditions as well as the price of instruments. Additionally, this publication gives the reader an insight into the prevalent trends of organ building at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The brochure was printed in Wernigerode by the publisher Angerstein and does not contain any information concerning the year of issue. The analysis of its contents suggests that it was most probably made in 1900 when the company was taken over by Paul Voelkner. In the first part of the brochure constructional details of the Voelkner instruments are discussed. At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the company from Duninów was in its heyday and implemented lots of new technical developments, thus adapting their instruments to the needs of romantic organ music. Therefore, it is not surprising that cone chests and pneumatic action were applied, which made it possible for organists to achieve the “ease of play”, the fast register alteration and the rich dynamic expression that seemed so desirable at the time. The admiration for this new type of organs can clearly be felt in the brochure, together with a loss of understanding for the old instruments, especially with regard to their technical possibilities. The large companies and factories that emerged in the nineteenth century were known for their standardised production. The Voelkner company also produced organs with a multiple disposition and design solutions. Moreover, they introduced machining operations and mechanical serial production of organ parts. Pages 8–11 of the brochure quote statements and opinions concerning Voelkner organs. The users of the Voelkner instruments underlined such points as the use of good solid materials, the neat and robust design, the impeccable intonation and, most importantly, the moderate price of Voelkner’s instruments. Unfortunately the majority of the published statements do not contain any clear information about the place and construction year of the specific organs. Not even the brochure itself contains a survey of the works performed by the company, which is perhaps its greatest shortcoming. The first part of the brochure is concluded by a presentation of the types of prospects offered by the company. The central part of the brochure (pages 25–45) is a list of the 48 available disposition models for church organs, concert organs and cabinet organs including their pricing. The disposition models proposed in the brochure outline the typical trends in romantic organ sound, which aimed at imitating the sound of a symphony orchestra. The list is divided into four parts: • organs with one manual (keyboards): on offer were three organ models with 2 to 4 stops at prices ranging from 480 to 700 marks. Together with this type of instrument Voelkner offered his patented invention called Melodieführer at a price of 150 marks. That device allowed to strengthen the chord’s highest element (with one or more stops); • organs with one manual and pedal (pedal-boards): the brochure presents six dispositons ranging from 5 to 10 stops. Prices vary between 1,000 and 2,450 marks; • organs with two manuals and a pedal: the company offered this type of instrument ranging from only 3 to 41 stops at prices ranging from 800 to 11,530 marks. For instruments of this size various additional devices and technical innovations were on offer, e.g. sub and super octave couplers, fixed and free combinations, swell boxes, and crescendo rollers; organs with three manuals and a pedal: for instruments of this size the company offered, circumstances permitting, the installation of an Echowerk, i.e. a special sound section for the third manual in a double swell box installed in the attic, from where the sound would pass through a decorative slatted opening into the vault. The prices for this type of organs ranged from 8,700 to 30,000 marks, and the number of stops varied between 30 and 90. The prices indicated in the brochure did not cover the costs of constructing the organ prospect. Its price depended on the selected style of the organ case and the size of the instrument. The company offered very favourable funding terms. No advance payments were required. The price to be paid for the instrument (in cash) was not due before the technical approval procedure had been positively completed, which was carried out by an expert designated by the purchaser. The company also authorised payment by instalments at very low rates. The open question remains to what extent the company from Bydgoszcz managed to put into practice the projects presented in the brochure. Answering this question, however, requires painstaking research including a considerable number of comparative field studies. This is a task that the author leaves to researchers specialising in the history of the Voelkner company.
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music; 2018, 1; 7-27
Pojawia się w:
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Organy na Śląsku Opolskim na łamach „Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau”
The organs in Opolian Silesia as described in the periodical “Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau”
Prasał, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Diecezjalny Instytut Muzyki Kościelnej. Katedra Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
budownictwo organowe
Śląsk Opolski
województwo opolskie
„Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau”
organ building
Opolian Silesia
Opolskie Voivodeship
The article presents information about organ building in the present Opolskie Voivodeship region that was published in „Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau”, a professional periodical which appeared in the years 1880 to 1943 and which was dedicated to the construction of musical instruments. A total of 47 mentions (covering the years 1887 to 1937) have been found, concerning 38 instruments.
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music; 2021, 4; 72-83
Pojawia się w:
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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