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Does an early rural life influence selected health-related parameters of female university students?
Zurawiecka, M.
Klis, K.
Suderr, A.
Suliga, E.
Borowska-Struginska, B.
Teul, I.
Wronka, I.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
rural-urban disparities
heath status
Objective. The aim of the study was to define whether in a group of young women the place of residence in their childhood and adolescence, as well as moving from a rural to an urban area, have affected their biological condition. Materials and method. The data were obtained from 1,305 unmarried and childless women aged 18–25. The respondents were university students. Each person’s height, weight and waist circumference were measured, and the BMI, WHR, and WHtR indices were calculated. A survey was used to collect data on the females’ socio-economic status, their health condition and course of menstruation cycle. Results. In the whole sample, apart from WHR, there was no significant difference in anthropometric characteristics depending on the urbanization degree of the place of residence before commencing studies. In comparing the two groups of women, changing place of residence from a village to a city and from a city to another city, more differences were visible. Women of rural origin presented significantly higher values of BMI, waist circumference and WHtR than those from the city. They were also more frequently characterized by overweight and abdominal obesity. The women from other cities were characterized by underweight and too low amount of abdominal adipose tissue. Health problems were found in both groups. Students of rural origin more rarely declared changes in body weight and health condition after beginning studies. Students of urban origin were more often affected by sleeping problems and spine pains. Conclusions. The results of the study do not indicate that a change of place of residence has a stronger effect on the biological condition of rural women than their urban peers.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2019, 26, 2; 322-328
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Weight status and its determinants among Moroccan adolescents in the province of El Jadida
Sahel, K.
Aboukhalaf, A.
Eljamal, S.
Elfane, H.
Ayachi, M.E.
Belahsen, R.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
weight status
socioeconomic status
Despite the efforts of health systems, the prevalence of malnutrition reflected by weight status still poses challenges for many countries around the world. In fact, with the decrease in undernutrition, excess weight and obesity are gradually increasing in parallel with that of chronic diseases. Among school-going adolescents, however, weight status is less studied, particularly in developing countries. Objective. The objective of this research is to examine the situation and the determinants of the weight status of adolescents in the province of El Jadida in Morocco. Material and methods. The study was carried out on a sample of 463 students from the province of El Jadida of which 58.1% are boys and 41.9% girls, ages 9 and 17. Nutritional status was assessed by anthropometric measurements including height, weight and waist and hip circumference. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated to determine underweight, overweight and general obesity and waist circumference and the waist circumference to hip circumference ratio were used to determine abdominal obesity. Results. The results indicate that only 59.6% of students had normal weight status, 40.4% had abnormal BMI values corresponding to thinness in 18.8% and overweight (overweight and obesity) in 21.6%. A significant difference in the prevalence of abnormal weight status by sex and level of physical activity was found. The results of the present study reveal an abnormal weight status in a large proportion of adolescents linked in addition to the peculiarities of the puberty phase to the sedentary lifestyle in the study population. Conclusions. The results obtained revealed the coexistence of over-nutrition and undernutrition which require a prevention policy based on regular monitoring of weight status as well as on nutritional education and the promotion of physical activity for children and parents.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2022, 73, 1; 27-37
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Incidence of health problems in relation with BMI and physical activity of college students
Küchelová, Zuzana
Zusková, Klaudia
Buková, Alena
Hančov, Martina
Data publikacji:
PPHU Projack Jacek Wąsik
civilization diseases
physical activity
Steady decline in habitual physical activity in children and youth has resulted in an increase in body weight with age and a decline in functional ability. Hypokinesia in conjunction with poor diet and stress levels are prerequisites of lifestyle diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and obesity. In this partial research, being part of the VEGA research No. 1/1343/12 "Selected risk factors of obesity and exercise prevention", we looked at the incidence of health problems related to BMI and physical activity in college students. We calculated BMI based on anthropometric measurements of body height and weight. Using the questionnaire method, we collected data concerning subjectively assessed incidence of health problems and overall representation of physical activity (PA) in the lifestyle of respondents. The study group comprised 1,963 students, including 1,169 female and 794 male undergraduates from two Slovak universities. Health problems with the largest incidence were back pain, alergy, low blood pressure, headache, palpitation and respiratory diseases. Our research confirms that a greater representation of PA in students' lives positively relates to a lower BMI. The results of logistic regression confirm a significant relation between BMI and the following health problems: back pain, palpitation, high blood pressure, obesity, low blood pressure and respiratory illnesses. PA significantly corresponds with the occurence of health problems related to upper respiratory tract and high blood pressure.
Physical Activity Review; 2014, 2; 65-76
Pojawia się w:
Physical Activity Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Satysfakcja z życia w grupie młodzieży przez pryzmat zaburzeń w zakresie masy ciała
Satisfaction with life in the youth group through the prism of disorders in terms of body weight
Kochman, Dorota
Wojciechowska, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych we Włocławku
Wstęp. W ostatnich latach można zauważyć skłonność do występowania zaburzeń masy ciała, w śród dzieci i młodzieży w wieku szkolnym. Można stwierdzić że jest to zjawisko nasilające się z roku na rok. Jednym z czynników sprzyjających jest ciągłe spędzanie czasu przy komputerze czy też komórce, co prowadzi do powstawania nadmiaru masy ciała. Drugi czynnik to dążenie do doskonałości, na skutek propagowania w mediach zbyt idealnego wyglądu, przez to dzieci i młodzież doprowadzają się do niedoboru masy ciała. Obydwa te zachowania bardzo często prowadzą do poważnych zaburzeń zdrowia fizycznego, jak i psychicznego. Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest analiza zadowolenia z życia młodzieży w wieku szkolnym z zaburzeniami w zakresie masy ciała. Materiały i metody. W pracy do przeprowadzenia badania użyto kwestionariusza ankiety KIDSCREEN- 27 dla dzieci i młodych ludzi- wersja dla dzieci 8-18 lat. Bada on poziom satysfakcji z życia w 5 wymiarach: Aktywność fizyczna, samopoczucie psychiczne, rodzina i wolny czas, relacje z rówieśnikami, oraz relacje w środowisku szkolnym. W Badaniu brało udział 100 dzieci w wieku 14-18 lat. Wyniki. W wymiarze samopoczucia fizycznego, najwyższe wyniki uzyskali badani z nadwagą i otyłością. W samopoczuciu psychicznym najwyższe z otyłością i niedowagą. W niezależności i relacjach z rodzicami oraz środowisku szkolnym najwyższe wyniki badani z niedowagą. Wsparcie społeczne i koledzy najwyższe wyniki uzyskali, badani z nadwagą i otyłością. W środowisku szkolnym najwyższe wyniki uzyskali uczniowie z niedowagą. Najniższe wyniki w samopoczuciu fizycznym, samopoczuciu psychicznym i wsparciu społecznym badani z wartością prawidłową BMI. W niezależności i relacjach z rodzicami oraz środowisku szkolnym badani z otyłością uzyskali najniższe wyniki. Wnioski. Zarówno badani z niedowagą jak i nadwagą i otyłością, na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań propagują zadowolenie z życia i środowiska w którym funkcjonują.
Admission. In recent years can be seen propensity for weight disorders among school children and adolescents. It can be said that this phenomenon is intensifying from year to year. One such phenomenon is the constant spending time on the computer or mobile phone which leads to uprising excessive body weight. The second is the pursuit of excellence as a result of promoting too perfect appearance in the media through it children and adolescents lead to weight deficiency. Both of these behaviours very often cause serious physical and mental health disorders. Aim. Thesis purpose is analysis of life satisfaction of schoolchildren with disorders in terms of body weight. Material and method. In thesis to conduct the study was used survey questionnaire KIDSCREEN- 27 for children and young people- version for children’s 8-18 years old. It examines the level of satisfaction with life in five dimension: physical activity, mental well-being, family and free time, peer relationships and relations in the school environment. In the study took part 100 children in 14-18 years old. Results. In terms of physical well-being, highest scores were obtained subjects by overweight and obese. In mental well-being the highest with obesity and underweight. In independence and relationships with parents and the school environment, the highest results subjects with underweight. Social support and friends the highest results obtained, subjects with overweight and obesity. In the school environment got the highest score students with underweight. The lowest results in physical well-being, psychological well-being and social support subjects with correct BMI value. independence and relationships with parents and the school environment subjects with obesity obtained the lowest results. Conclusions. Both subjects with underweight and overweight and obesity, based on the results of the conducted research, promote satisfaction with the life and environment in which they operate.
Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu; 2020, 5, 2; 76-102
Pojawia się w:
Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relationship between the intake of energy and basic nutrients and the BMI values in group of children aged 10-12
Pysz, M.
Leszczynska, T.
Cieslik, E.
Kopec, A.
Wielgos, B.
Piatkowska, E.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
human nutrition
school child
energy intake
nutrient intake
body mass index
body mass index value
human disease
Background. According to the WHO data in January 2007, 14 million children were overweight in the countries of the European Union. The problem of childhood obesity should be considered as one of the biggest challenges facing twentyfirst century nutrition and pediatrics. Objective. The aim of this study was to show the correlation between energy, basic nutrients intake and BMI of school children aged 10-12 years, using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Material and Methods. 169 pupils (69 from Krakow and 100 from Skawina), aged 10-12, participated in these studies. The studies were approved by the Board of Education, school principals and the parents. On the basis of measurements of weight and height, body mass index (BMI) was calculated. 24 h dietary recalls were collected in the spring and autumn of 2006, for 4 selected days per week. Results. Intake of energy, total carbohydrate and fat did not met requirements, but intake of protein was too high. Proper weight, based on BMI values in the population aged 10-12, were found in 74.9% of boys and 81.2% of girls. Deficiencies in body weight occurred in 4.2% and 3.4%, overweight in 15.6% and 10.0% while obesity in 5.3% and 5.4% of respondents. Conclusions. Inverse correlation was found between the implementation of standards for energy and BMI values of children. It was observed positive correlation between the consumption of total and animal protein and BMI value.
Wprowadzenie. Według danych WHO z 2007 roku, w krajach Unii Europejskiej 14 mln dzieci ma nadwagę. Problem otyłości u dzieci należy uznać za jedno z największych wyzwań stojących przed pediatrią XXI wieku. Cel. Celem badań była próba wykazania korelacji pomiędzy pobraniem energii i podstawowych składników odżywczych a wartością BMI (Body Mas Index) dzieci szkolnych w wieku 10-12 lat, przy wykorzystaniu technik analizy statystycznej. Materiał i metody. Badania sposobu żywienia i pomiary antropometryczne przeprowadzono wiosną i jesienią 2006 roku, w dwóch losowo wybranych Szkołach Podstawowych na terenie Krakowa i Skawiny. Grupę badawczą stanowiło 169 uczniów (69 z Krakowa i 100 ze Skawiny) w wieku 10–12 lat. Na przeprowadzenie badań uzyskano zgodę Kuratorium Oświaty, dyrekcji szkół oraz zgodę opiekunów każdego z uczniów. Wyniki. Właściwą masę ciała stwierdzono u 74,9% chłopców i 81,2% dziewcząt. Niedobory masy ciała stwierdzono odpowiednio u 4,2% i 3,4%, nadwagę u 15,6 i 10,0%, a otyłość u 5,3% i 5,4% badanych. Wnioski. Stwierdzono odwrotną korelację pomiędzy realizacją normy na energię a wartościami BMI badanych dzieci. Równocześnie zaobserwowano dodatnią korelację pomiędzy wielkością spożycia białka roślinnego i zwierzęcego oraz tłuszczów ogółem a wartościami wskaźnika BMI.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2014, 65, 4
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-5 z 5

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