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Teoretyczne podstawy mediacji między ofiarą a sprawcą przestępstwa
The Theoretical Foundations of Mediation Between the Victim and Offender
Czarnecka-Dzialuk, Beata
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Mediation as a method of conflict resolution also applicable to conflict resulting from an offences is the alternative of legal solution of disputes, a technique shared by various models that promote the use in practice of consensus. This novel plocedure fot conflict resolution (which is however derived from the traditions of the oldest societies) - a consensual one, based on agreement between parties - has been developing most dynamically over the recent decades, and pervaded all branches of the law in most legal systems (H. Jung, T. Marshall). In the specific context of criminal justice, mediation does not necessarily aim at conflict resolution. For this reason, it is defined as a process, where parties to proceedings are offered the possibility to actively participate in resolving issues that result from the offence, and are assisted in so doing by an impartial third person or mediator. Mediation may take a variety of forms (direct or indirect); it may be conducted by professional or lay mediators, under auspices of the law enforcement agencies or by an independent social organization, and the parties to it may include not only the victim and the offender but also their relatives and other supporters as well as representatives of the criminal justice system. As has already been mentioned, the origins of mediation between the offender and his victim date back to the oldest past when all issues related to harm involved in acts that are today treated as offences were adjusted in the course of negotiations by those directly concerned assisted by their families and clans. The offences was seen as a conflict between the victim and the perpetrator, with due consideration to the social context. Once the function of reacting to crime was taken over by the state, the reactions initially resembled the modern rules of civil law. Later on, when crime was interpreted as violation of the order established by the ruler, penal sanctions aimed not only at compensating the victim but also at supporting the authority of the state. Although Nils Christie's picture of the state stealing the conflict is a convincing illustration of this situation, the fact should be borne in mind that the state's taking over of the function of punishing was an immense cultural achievement of its time, especially for those members of the conmunity who were too weak to vindicate their claims (B.-D. Meier). Solutions that provide for specific forms of consensus can also be found in modern legal systems. In the area of mediation between the victim and offender, the practice outpaced theory. It was inspired, among other things, by examples of "community justice'' of non-Western cultures; by the movement on behalf of victims, the progress of victimology, the diversion conception, and abolitionism; by the theory of social peace and conflict resolution and by the conception of reparatory justice. This latter conception deals with most problems posed by the other ones. It is, however, difficult to define, and its essence is difficult to explain, especially if we try to embrace threads important for all the trends on which it bases. Thus in the end, a simpler definition suggested by T. Marshall won general acceptance: "reparatory justice is an approach to crime, oriented on solving the problem, which engages perionally all parties involved in it as well as the community, in active relation to the public sector institutions. It is not a specific activity but a set of ruled that may set the direction of the bulk of actions of all institutions or groups related to crime. Reparatory justice is a process in which all parties involved in a specific offence meet to reach a joint solution of the issue of effects of crime and conclusions for the future". This definition was subsequently modified somewhat by other authors. In particular, it was accepted by an international body - the International Research Network on Reparatory Juvenile Justice in its Leuven Declaration of May 1997 concerning advisability of promoting the reparatory approach to juvenile delinquency. Reparatory justice is discussed as a specific trend, approach, philosophy or even idea; according to most authors, however, it has not yet developed into a consistent theory, although incessant efforts are made towards this aim. The term "reparatory justice'' is attributed to R. Barnett; H. Zehr's contribution is the first general model of that justice as an "alternative paradigm of justice" whose main principles are opposed to those of the traditional retributive justice. Also J. Braithwaite's idea of "reintegrating confusion'' was of importance for the development of the reparatory justice conception. It is associated e.g. with Hirschi's theory of control, Matza's neutralization theory, Luhmann's systemic theory, and also with the traditional penal law theories under which evil has to be compensated by punishment, but compensation involving suffering prohibits a better arrangement of social relartions. Instead, reparatory justice balances the harm involved in crime through action aimed at compensation and “doing good” (Ch. Pelikan, B.D. Meier). M. Wright stresses that this conception largely tallies with the common-sense ideas as to how society should react to crime, supported by appropriate actions, analysis, and studies. Mediation and other restorative reactions are sometimes shown as responses that function instead, parallel or within the traditional justice system. Much speaks, however, for integration of reparatory justice with the criminal justice system. The approach that isolates mediation altogether from criminal justice pays insufficient attention to the danger of inequality of the parties to mediation in the area of efficient execution of their conflicting interests. Thus public interest requires that the course and results of mediation proceedings be supervised. The manner in which reparatory justice may replace repressive one depends first and foremost on the seriousness of crime. It is not in all cases that a purely reparatory reaction should be recommended as sufficient. This is among the frequent arguments of critics of reparatory justice (although even its supporters accept the existence of limits to its application). Skeptics also stress that reparatory justice violates a number of generally accepted rules of procedure, especially that of equality before the law (which, however, could be disputed) and the offender’s procedural rights due to him in criminal proceedings (which is in fact a weakness of reparatory justice, but collisions might be solved by appropriate rules and standards of the reparatory process or e.g. by judicial review of negotiated solutions). The conception of reparatory justice is often explicated through opposition of the basic models of reaction to crime (although faulty in some respects, this method well illustrates the most fundamental features). Reparatory justice is sometimes called the "third path'', an alternative to the (neo-) retributive penal law and the rehabilitation model which proves ineffective, and a fully mature self-standing model (L. Walgrave, I. Aertsen). M. Wright stressed two spccial ideas that distinguish reparatory justice from the traditional criminal justice system. The first of them is that the process itself constitutes an essential element of the reaction, that it is constructive and may even have a therapeutic importance. The other idea is compensation interpreted in a much broader sense - from symbolic actions such as work to those reducing the risk of the offender relapsing into crime. The justification and legitimization of mediation in criminal cases bases not only on new theorietical conceptions. Such justification can also be found in the assumptions of the traditional justice system. This is what B.D. Meier did assuming as his point of departure the penal law system's public function, including in particular that of restoring public order that has been violated through crime, and also that of preventing repeated violations. The traditional systems have always provided for two or three different models of reaction to crime. Prevalent is punishment imposed on the person who has been found guilty. The second model involves imposition of special measures irrespective of the offender's liability (security and preventive measures). The third model, of crucial importance for legitimization of mediation in the criminal justice system, consists in renouncing formal proceedings, e.g. in view of slight social harmfulness of the act, the fact that no public interest is involved in the imposition of penalty, or reasons of general and special prevention. According to T. Marshall, justifications of reparatory justice (fulfilled i.a. through mediation) should be sought in the community nature of the offence and its effects. Explaining the theoretical foundations of mediation between the victim and the offender is a complex task because of the multitude of its sources as well as theories and conceptions quoted, and particularly because of the lack of agreement as to the essence of the usually quoted conception of reparatory justice and as to its treatment as "competitive'' with fespect to traditional justice or (for which interpretation I would like to declare) as that system's highly profitable logical supplementation, improvement and expansion. Also in Poland, the practice of actions involving mediation have outpaced the theory: for several years now, there has been quite a rapid growth in its application in practice. In both spheres, there are many problems and challenges worth taking up. At the same time, expanding the theory is of importance for the practice. Explanation of the ideas, aims and foundations of mediation and of its position with respect to traditional justice is paramount for the institution's reasonable development, evaluation and shaping towards its meeting the expectations.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2000, XXV; 9-28
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mediacja w sprawach nieletnich – wymiar wychowawczy
Urbańska, Magda
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
juvenile offender
nieletni sprawca
Jednym ze sposobów rozwiązywania konfliktów są mediacje, w trakcie których strony dążą, przy  pomocy mediatora, do osiągnięcia obopólnie korzystnego porozumienia. Mediacja znajduje swoje zastosowanie także w kontekście spraw karnych, których sprawcami są nieletni. W wyniku mediacji mogą zostać wypracowane satysfakcjonujące obie strony warunki zadośćuczynienia i naprawienia wyrządzonej szkody. Stwarza to szanse na wychowawcze oddziaływanie na młodzież łamiącą normy prawne.Cel badań: W artykule dokonano analizy literatury przedmiotu z zakresu mediacji karnych oraz aktów prawnych dotyczących mediacji w sprawach nieletnich, skupiając się na ukazaniu specyfiki mediacji z udziałem nieletnich sprawców czynów karalnych  oraz korzyściach wychowawczych związanych z prowadzeniem postępowania mediacyjnego w tego rodzaju sprawach.Stan wiedzy: Literatura przedmiotu zwraca uwagę na liczne korzyści związane z prowadzeniem mediacji w sprawach nieletnich, podkreślając zwłaszcza jej wymiar wychowawczy i pozytywny wpływ na rozwój osobowości młodego człowieka. Udział w spotkaniu mediacyjnym pozwala bowiem osiągnąć nie tylko wzajemnie satysfakcjonujące porozumienie, ale także dzięki dobrowolnym i samodzielnym decyzjom podejmowanym przez młodego sprawcę w trakcie mediacji ma on szansę na zmianę swojego postępowania w kierunku pożądanym społecznie. Podsumowanie: Mediacja jako sposób rozwiązywania sporów będących wynikiem czynu karalnego pozwala na wypracowanie porozumienia w kwestii zadośćuczynienia i naprawienia przez sprawcę wyrządzanych przez niego krzywd. Ze względu na wychowawczy potencjał mediacji warto byłoby propagować jej szersze wykorzystanie w pracy z młodzieżą, w tym z nieletnimi sprawcami czynów karalnych.
One way of resolving conflicts is through mediation, in which the parties seek a mutually beneficial agreement reached with the help of a mediator. Mediation may also be used in criminal cases involving minors as perpetrators. Mediation can lead to agreeing conditions of the compensation and redress for the harm done which are satisfactory to both parties. This creates opportunities for educating young people who violate legal standards.Research purpose: This article provides an analysis of the literature dealing with criminal mediation and legal acts concerning mediation in cases involving minor perpetrators. It focuses on showing the specifics of mediation targeted to minor law offenders and the educational benefits of mediation in such cases.State of knowledge: Professional literature concerning the subject matter draws attention to numerous benefits of mediation in cases involving minor offenders, emphasising in particular its educational aspect and its positive impact on the development of the personality of the young person. It is so because participation in a mediation meeting allows not only to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement, but also thanks to voluntary and independent decisions made by young offenders during such meetings, they have a chance to change their behaviour as desired by the society. Summary: Mediation as disputes resolution method applied to disputes arising from a criminal act makes it possible to reach an agreement concerning the compensation and redress for the harm done by the perpetrator. Due to the educational potential of mediation, its wider use in work with young people, including minor law offenders, would be worth propagating.
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny; 2021, 40, 1; 129-142
Pojawia się w:
Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mediacja w zmienionym modelu postępowania karnego. Zagadnienia wybrane
Mediation in the modified model of criminal procedure. Selected problems
Skrobotowicz, Grzegorz A.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
proces karny
criminal trial
Do polskiego systemu prawa karna mediacja wprowadzona została wraz z wejściem w życie Kodeksu postępowania karnego, czyli od dnia 1 września 1998 r. Stwierdzić zatem należy, że funkcjonuje już od ponad 17 lat. Niestety, jednak ciągle pozostaje instytucją bliżej nieznaną przeciętnemu obywatelowi. Dodatkowo, wiele osób jeżeli nawet posiada wiedzę o takiej formie ADR, to nie jest sobie w stanie wyobrazić – po pierwsze – możliwości spotkania się poza sądem z domniemanym sprawcą przestępstwa, a po wtóre – rozmowy zakończonej ewentualnym pogodzeniem się oraz określeniem sposobu naprawienia wyrządzonego zła. Mając na uwadze powyższe spostrzeżenia, uzasadnione było przybliżenie tego narzędzia sprawiedliwości naprawczej, szczególnie że mediacja karna doznała istotnych zmian legislacyjnych, które weszły w życie z dniem 1 lipcu 2015 r. Artykuł składa się z trzech części merytorycznych, które poświęcone zostały osobnym blokom tematycznym opisującym zagadnienia z zakresu mediacji karnej.
Penal mediation was introduced to the Polish legal system when the Code of Criminal Procedure entered into force on 1 September 1998. This legal instrument has been therefore available for over 17 years, however, unfortunately it still remains largely unknown to an average citizen. Furthermore, many people, even if they are familiar with this form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), cannot imagine either the opportunity to meet with the alleged perpetrator of the crime out of court, or the possible reconciliation talks resolving the dispute and finding a way to compensate for the damage caused. With above observations in mind, it is reasonable to conduct this “tool” of restorative justice, especially that the model of penal mediation was modified in 2015.The article was divided into the three parts and each part described different issue of penal mediation.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2016, 26, 1; 51-70
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instytucja mediacji w polskim prawie karnym
The institution of mediation in Polish criminal law
Silecka-Marek, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
sprawiedliwość naprawcza
postępowanie karne
sprawca przestępstwa
restorative justice
criminal proceedings
victim offender
Artykuł porusza problematykę mediacji w sprawach karnych w odniesieniu do idei sprawiedliwości naprawczej. Wskazano zalety i zagrożenia dla osoby pokrzywdzonej i sprawcyprzestępstwa wynikające z zastosowania tej alternatywnej metody rozwiązywania konfliktów. Przedstawiona została procedura postępowania mediacyjnego, aktualny stan prawny orazperspektywy upowszechnienia mediacji na różnych etapach postępowania karnego.
The article deals with the issue of mediation in criminal matters in relation to the idea of restorative justice. Advantages and threats for the victim and offender resulting from the use of this alternative method of conflict resolution are indicated. It presents the procedure of mediation proceedings, the current legal status and the prospects of popularization of mediation at different stages of criminal proceedings.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2020, 19; 127-144
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Victim-offender Mediation in Poland – The Lay Perspective
Matczak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawiedliwość naprawcza
opinia świecka
system wymiaru sprawiedliwości w sprawach karnych
restorative justice
victim-offender mediation
lay opinion
criminal justice system
Restorative justice is a complex and multi-faceted concept, the introduction of whichdoes not happen in a socio-political and economic vacuum. Every society engageswith restorative justice in its own distinctive way as it is the society – lay people – thatis always on the receiving end of restorative solutions. In this article, I draw on mydoctoral research that explores qualitatively how a small number of Polish peopleunderstand punishment and justice, and how their narratives inform the viabilityof restorative approaches to justice in Poland. In other words, I propose to considera macro-sociological perspective, and how lay people’s understanding of punishmentand justice should be seen as an avenue by which to explore certain preconditions forthe viability of restorative justice.Poland’s socialist past, change of the political regime, post-communist “accession”to the international community in the West and a high level of religiosity (among manyother factors) make Poland a fascinating object of study that can, at the same time,offer insights about restorative justice in other societies. Restorative justice, introducedin the form of victim-offender mediation, was part of the post-1989 political ambitionsto change the Polish penal landscape and join the international community in the West.There were a number of forces behind the establishment of restorative justice in Poland.Given that the concept was introduced at a time when the Polish society was dealingwith the socialist legacy and creating a new democratic reality, it was also hoped thatmediation could serve as a fast-track remedy and act as an ancillary mechanism toreduce the sudden spike in court workloads after the fall of communism. In the caseof Poland, it seems that the exceptionally limited interest in mediation and the paucityof anticipated outcomes of victim-offender mediation is the problem. In order toexplore the viability of restorative justice in the Polish context, one must thereforelook beyond the legal basis and formal logistics which have been already in place formany years.My research opens up new debates on the viability of restorative justice, and thisarticle in particular fleshes out the nature of the participants’ perceptions of victimoffendermediation. In this article, I first briefly introduce the Polish model of victimoffendermediation. I then discuss the nature of the initial responses to mediationbased on the participants’ knowledge of, support for, and any experience of, victimoffendermediation. This is followed by the discussion on how the participants’ viewson mediation were articulated in the shadow of the Polish criminal justice system.Next, I explore why the participants viewed mediation as a business-like encounterand, finally, I explore the participants’ perceptions of apology – something that cameup as one of the most interesting findings of the study.The aim of this paper is to argue that the viability of restorative justice should beapproached as a process that is influenced by broader socio-economic, political andeven linguistic factors. Although the Polish model of victim-offender mediation wasinspired by the restorative justice concept, the narratives of my lay participants suggesta number of socio-cultural obstacles to the further development of restorative justicein Poland. Despite a limited knowledge of victim-offender mediation among the studyparticipants, it is clear that support for mediation is negotiated and conditional.Although victim-offender mediation was mainly perceived not as a punishment, therole and purpose of this practice was discussed against the background of the Polishcriminal justice system. Although the relationship might be defined as “uneasy” (seeShapland et al. 2006), restorative justice, since its conception, has been interwoven withthe two. One of restorative justice’s central hopes was to establish an alternative systemof crime resolution that would eliminate the infliction of pain. However, the trajectoryof restorative justice solutions in many countries demonstrates that the functioningof a majority of them is dependent on criminal justice agencies. Given the close andinseparable relationship between the two, I argue in my research that the ways in whichlay people perceive the criminal justice institutions affect their perceptions of alternativeconflict resolutions. Then, as it emerged in my fieldwork, the study participants’ perceptionof harm suggests that mediation might be seen as an avenue to focus onthe financial side of the reparation, and as result might achieve something other thanrestorative goals. The narratives of my study participants also explore the difficultyof acknowledging apology as a genuine element of the restorative encounter. Thiscould be due to looking at apology through the lens of court apology, sociolinguistic or cultural reasons. John Braithwaite in his book Restorative Justice and ResponsiveRegulation (2002) rightly indicated that “we are still learning how to do restorativejustice well” (p. 565). Nevertheless, the question whether a perfect restorative justiceprogramme is ever possible remains open.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2018, XL; 495-522
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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