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Theory of Relativity of the Literary Translation: Literary Criticism Projections
Lanovik, Mar’âna Bogdanìvna (Mar’âna Lanovik)
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
writing work
literary criticism paradigm methodology
literary translation
foreign literature
literary theory
theory of literary translation comparative studies
European literature
Ukrainian research school
dzieło literackie
paradygmat literaturoznawstwa metodologia
przekład literacki
literatura piękna
teoria literatury
teoria przekładu literackiego studia porównawcze
literatura europejska
ukraińska szkoła badawcza
The research of Mariana Lanovyk deals with the Literary Criticism problems of translation. In the situation when the plurality of approaches in the Contemporary Literary Criticism can be overwhelming Ukrainian scholars have to work on the adaptation of foreign paradigms in the Ukrainian Criticism space to create solid foundation for the future studies in the fields of the Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. This research is the first attempt in Ukraine to present the integral outlook upon the problems of Literary Translation from the perspectives of the concepts and ideas of different Literary Paradigms of the 19-20th centuries beginning with the Romanticism epoch. Romanticism was chosen as the starting point because in the aesthetic concept of Romanticism there new theoretical approach to the problems of literary translation in the author – language – epoch – nation contexts was outworked. Philosophic, artistic and literary concepts of that time were developed in all modern literary paradigms. The first chapter of the book deals with the psychological and cultural approaches to the problems of the Literary Translation. The author gives short outlook of the genesis of new theoretical background in the aesthetic concept of Romanticism as the source of contemporary theories of translation and the continuation of the ideas in psycholinguistic studies of the Western Europe and in Ukraine, especially in the Potebnja’s literary criticism works. The main attention is concerned on the problem of correlation between thinking process and language, thought and image. The influence of the ideas of 19th century upon the psychoanalysis and their transformation in this paradigm is considered. The author studies the phenomena of consciousness, self consciousness and sub consciousness in the process of reading, understanding and translation as well as the peculiarities of different gender reading, interpretation and translation different elements of the writing works. The differences of literature translation in the realms of biological, linguistic, psychoanalytic and cultural paradigms are considered. The author examines the role of individual and national, historical, cultural memory in literary texts and the possible ways of their transfer. Contemporary approach to the national problem in translation studies development is connected with the key points of national images in literature texts. This idea is rooted in the spectrum of the East-West background as well as national values in the literature systems. The outlook of the multiculturalism and intercultural communication in literature is offered through the review of the artistic nature of the mythological thinking. The wide spectrum of different points of view upon the problem (E.Cassirer, K.G.Jung, E.Noimann, N.Frye) is given. The second chapter of the research deals with the translation criticism ideas in the light of the main concepts of formalism and structuralism. The possible ways of translation analysis as the dissolving problems of form transformation and constructing the literary text by means of the foreign language in foreign literature system are suggested. The concepts of R.Jakobson, J.Tynianov, J.Mukarzevsky, especially the concepts of hierarchy and dominants in literary work, inner structuring and organization of the meaning, functioning of text and its components as the whole are outlined. As the foundation of the research logic of the semiotic analyses was chosen Lotman’s dynamic model of semiotic system, that was proved with adjoining studies of the foreign scholars such as K.Levi-Strauss, J.Mukharzovsky, J.Derrida. Among the narratological questions of fiction translation are discussed such questions as voice authority and correlation of the voices in translated texts; the possibilities of study of different narrative instances of interpreter. In the third chapter the problems of the text reading, realization, interpretation are discussed. The main paradigms involved here are hermeneutics, phenomenology, receptive aesthetics, intuitivism and other irrational approaches to the text interpretation (such as game theory, metaphorology, imagology, relativism theory, discourse analyses). Among the problems of translation from the point of view of hermeneutic approach the main attention is concerned upon the stages of reception, understanding and interpretation as well as the different horizons of reading. The phenomenon of movement of horizons and connected difficulties of fusions of horizons in acts of reception, interpretation and translation are analyzed. The author tries to answer the questions about different points of view and the problem of partial reception and reproducibility; as well as the question of subjectivity in the process of translation. She gives the consideration of the ideas of Ukrainian (A.Potebnja, O.Biletsky) and foreign (F.D.Shleiermaher, V.Dilthey, M.Husserl, H.-G.Gadamer) scholars and examines the possible ways of their application to the translation studies. The thoughts of the phenomenology paradigm are based upon the ideas of E.Husserl, R.Ingarden, P.Ricouer. The main attention is drawn to the spectrum of potential of possible readings and translations of every text from the different time and space perspectives such as different epochs, individual and national experience; historical, cultural and artistic systems. In this way phenomenology of translation reveals new ideas about the text existence and its possible measures. They are connected with the problems of modeling and reflection of the world as the specific author’s vision. New tendencies of resolving of subjectivity of literary texts interpretation coursed with the post structuralism and deconstructivism tendencies are outlined in the key of the hermeneutic concept where the author’s position is dominant in the process of translation. Modern realization of the author’s perspective concept in the works of E.D.Hirsh, J.P.Sartre, U.Eco, N.Frye and others opens rational approach to the problem of resolving of ‘conflict of interpretations’ not only in the dimension of interpretative schemes of literary studies but in the system of translation studies too. On the basis of Relativism theory foundation the author tries to find both the way of synchronizing coordinate systems of original texts and its interpretations and the possible way of synchronizing the systems of interpretative paradigms in contemporary literary studies. In the conclusion the author underlines that shifts of the literary theories paradigms of the 19-20th centuries course the shifts in translation studies thinking; and together they create the common space of semiotic sphere of translation and interpretation. The question of the main importance is to consider the differences of methods of the paradigms as well as their mutual relation, influence and interaction.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 4(4); 219-224
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
[Rev.:] Mar′âna Lanovik, Teorìâ vìdnosnostì hudožn′ogo perekladu. Lìteratoroznavčì proekcìї, Redakcìjno-Vydavničij Vìddìl TNPU, Ternopìl′ 2006, 469 [3] s.
The Relativity Theory of Literary Translation: Projections of Literary Critisism [The Theory of Relativity of Literary Translation: Literary Criticism Projections]
Tytko, Marek Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Naukowa Katolików Eschaton
dzieło literackie
paradygmat literaturoznawstwa
przekład literacki
literatura piękna
teoria literatury
teoria przekładu literackiego
studia porównawcze
literatura europejska
ukraińska szkoła badawcza
writing work
literary criticism paradigm
literary translation
foreign literature
literary theory
theory of literary translation
comparative studies
European literature
Ukrainian research school
The book written by Mar′âna Lanovik in Ukrainian language entitled The Relativity Theory of Literary Translation. Projections of Literary Criticism [Teorìâ vìdnosnostì hudožn′ogo perekladu. Lìteratoroznavčì proekcìї] is certainly worthy of the reader’s attention. The author (a woman), a Ukrainian professor of literature from the University in Ternople, has prepared an extensive monographic study of the problems from the field of translatology. Prof. Lanovik, who in her research deals with Russian and Ukrainian literature, theory of literature, comparative studies and theory of literary translation, has analyzed the issues referred to in the title of her book in a very thorough and profound manner. The book consists of an introduction, three main chapters, divided into sections and subsections, and conclusions followed by a long bibliographical list of primary and secondary literature. The author discusses three fundamental issues: 1) a psychological and cultural approach to literary translation, 2) a formal and structural approach to literary translation, and 3) translation and the problems of understanding the literary work. In my opinion, the book should be translated into English.
Książka autorstwa Mar′âny Lanovik napisana w języku ukraińskim, zatytułowana Teorìâ vìdnosnostì hudožn′ogo perekladu. Lìteratoroznavčì proekcìї [Teoria względności przekładu literackiego. Projekcje literaturoznawcze] jest warta uwagi czytelnika. Autorka, ukraińska profesorka literaturoznawstwa z Uniwersytetu w Tarnopolu, przygotowała obszerne opracowanie monograficzne zagadnienia z zakresu translatologii. Uczona z Ukrainy, zajmując się literaturą rosyjską i ukraińską, teorią literatury, komparatystyką (studiami komparatystycznymi), teorią przekładu literackiego z języków obcych, w sposób wnikliwy zanalizowała tytułową problematykę. Książka składa się ze wstępu, trzech rozdziałów zasadniczych, podzielonych na podrozdziały i jeszcze mniejsze cząstki tekstu (podsekcje) oraz wniosków (konkluzji) i obszernego spisu literatury przedmiotu na końcu publikacji. Autorka dyskutuje trzy zasadnicze zagadnienia: 1) psychologiczno-kulturoznawcze (psychologiczno-kulturologiczne) podejście do przekładu literackiego, 2) formalno-strukturalne podejście do przekładu literackiego oraz 3) przekład i problemy zrozumienia dzieła literackiego (wytworu). Moim zdaniem, książka powinna być przetłumaczona na język angielski.
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education; 2013, 3(3); 149-150
Pojawia się w:
Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kundera światowy? Hrabal peryferyjny? Przekład jako forma promocji?
Světový Kundera? Lokalní Hrabal? Překlad jako forma propagace?
Global Kundera? Peripheral Hrabal? Translation as a Form of Promotion?
Soliński, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
historia literatury europejskiej
przekład literack
współczesna literatura czeska
B. Hrabal
M. Kundera
A. Benoit-Dusausoy
G. Fontaine
P. Casanova
J. Gruša
J. Škvorecký
history of European literature
literary translation
contemporary Czech literature
historie evropské literatury
literarní překlad
současná česká literatura
The paper attempts to describe selected aspects of the impact of new concepts (such as history of European literature or history of the world republic of literature) that have entered into the literary and translation discourse and that coexist with the traditional categories such as ancient literature, modern literature, national literature, world literature, synthesis of the history of literature or process of the history of literature. The “confusion of tongues” (confusio linguarum) connected with the emergence of these novel concepts has undoubtedly affected the discipline of translation studies and, in particular, the promotional aspects of translation and self-translation as well as other related phenomena. An interesting role in this discussion is also played by what I refer to as “perspective,” from which the incorporation of given works or authors into European literature or world literature is being observed. In two out of the four analyzed works, the French (Parisian) perspective prevails, characteristic of a certain stage of comparative studies that seemed to have lost significance some time ago. The two remaining works, written from the Czech perspective, are addressed to English- and German-speaking readers, respectively.
Práce je pokusem popsat některé aspekty vlivu jež v dyskursu literárnědnem (i překladatelském) maji některe nové koncepty (vedle již zavedených: literatura starověká, literatura novověká, literatura obecná, literárněhistorická synteza, literárněhistorický proces). Konkrétně jde o koncepty historie evropské literatury, historie světové literatury a zejmena světové republiky literatury. To, co vycházi z těchto konceptu (svého druhu confusio linguarum) muselo změnit široce pojatou translatologii, především pokud jde o propagační silu překladu, autopřekladu, atd. Hodno úvahy je rovněž to, co popisuji jako „hledisko”, z něhož je možno pozorovat pronikaní konkretnych děl do „literatury evropské” nebo „literatury světové”. Ve dvou ze čtyř analyzovaných prací dominuje francouzské (resp. Pařížské hledisko), které je typické pro jisté období komparatistických studii. O tomto hledisku se soudi, že je již šťastně překonáno. Dvě další prace jsou napsány z české perspektivy a obracejí se k čtenářům anglo- a německojazyčným.
W artykule podjęto próbę opisania wybranych aspektów oddziaływania nowych koncepcji (takich jak historia literatury europejskiej czy historia światowej republiki literatury), które weszły do dyskursu literackiego i przekładoznawczego i które współistnieją z tradycyjnymi kategoriami, takimi jak literatura dawna, współczesna, literatura narodowa, literatura światowa czy proces historii literatury. „Pomieszanie języków” (confusio linguarum), związane z pojawieniem się tych pojęć powieściowych, niewątpliwie wpłynęło na dziedzinę studiów translatorskich, a w szczególności na promocję przekładu i autoprzekładu oraz na inne zjawiska z tym związane. Ciekawą rolę w tej dyskusji odgrywa również to, co nazywam „perspektywą”, z której obserwuje się włączanie danych utworów lub autorów do literatury europejskiej lub światowej. W dwóch z czterech analizowanych w artykule dzieł dominuje perspektywa francuska (paryska), charakterystyczna dla pewnego etapu badań porównawczych, który, jak się zdaje, już się zakończył. Dwie pozostałe publikacje, napisane z perspektywy czeskiej, są adresowane do czytelników anglo- i niemieckojęzycznych.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2020, 10, 1; 225-241
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Les représentations et la place de la littérature française/ francophone dans les pratiques de lecture des étudiants des universités européennes
The Representations and the Place of French/Francophone Literature in the Reading Practices of European University Students
Krawczyk, Dariusz
Obszyński, Michał
Smuk, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu
French literature
Francophone literature
reading practices
teaching French as a foreign language
literary translation
cultural transfers
European universities
littérature française
littérature francophone
pratiques de lecture
enseignement FLE
traduction littéraire
transferts culturels
universités européennes
The aim of this article is to present the results of research carried out within the European perspective on Literature, Culture, Language and Certification (EpoLCLC) project, according to three main axes: contemporary reading practices and the image of French literature among contemporary readers in a sociological approach; reading strategies of foreign language texts in a psycholinguistic approach; the place of translations and the representation of the role of the literary translator among contemporary readers in the light of conceptions related to cultural transfers and the global circulation of literature. The analysis and interpretation of the data collected during the course of the project will make it possible to compare the image we have of literature and the reader in our time with a set of real practices and beliefs, as defined by the people questioned during the study. More generally, it will be a question of drawing up, again from the data collected, a portrait of the European student as a reader and of defining the place that French and Francophone literature occupies in his or her daily practices.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2023, 20; 119-131
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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